Day of Belarusian Science: life sets goals for science, science illuminates the path of life... - presentation. The most significant and interesting achievements of Belarusians

December 17, 2009 A unique Center for DNA biotechnology was opened at the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The new structure will make it possible to more effectively implement the achievements of genetics and gene economics in healthcare, agriculture, sports and security environment in Belarus.

November 22, 2010 Scientists from the Joint Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus have developed a supercomputer “SKIF-GRID” based on 12-core AMD Opteron processors and graphics accelerators. This is the most productive configuration in the family Belarusian models supercomputers "SKIF" of the "SKIF-GRID" cluster. The operating efficiency indicator (COP) of the cluster was increased to 82.15%.

December 13, 2010 The B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus has developed a device for non-contact express optical diagnostics of cancer tumors. The use of new products in medicine will help reduce not only the time, but also the economic costs of diagnosing oncological diseases. The innovation can be used to monitor and localize cancer tumors directly during surgical operations.

September 26, 2011 Employees of the B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus have developed new generation lasers. It's about O the newest direction in modern laser physics. These are truly new laser emitters in terms of size, weight, and energy saving. The scope of application of new products is quite wide - from medicine to industry. They are safer for the eyes compared to traditional ones. New developments by Belarusian physicists are already in high demand abroad.

July 22, 2012 The working orbit of the spacecraft is km. The device, along with four other satellites, was launched into orbit by a Soyuz-FG launch vehicle launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The Belarusian spacecraft is maneuverable and can quickly adjust in orbit in order to film at the desired angle. The target equipment on the satellite is Belarusian, it was manufactured by Peleng OJSC, the leading design and engineering enterprise of Belarus in the field of optical-electronic instrument making. The weight of the satellite is more than 400 kg, the resolution in the panchromatic range is about two meters. The device will work in tandem with the Russian satellite Kanopus-V.

2012 At the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, specialists began creating a modern testing ground for transgenic plants. Here they will grow and conduct the first tests of transgenic varieties of agricultural plants, including potatoes.

January 23, 2013 Employees of the Institute of Physics organic chemistry NAS have developed a series of original drugs based on amino acids and their modified derivatives. They have created and introduced into production new technologies for the production of drugs with various therapeutic effects, including the drug for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases “Asparkam”, the radioprotective drug “Taurine”, the immunocorrector “Leucine”, the anti-alcohol drugs “Teturam” and “Glian”. Antitumor, antianemic, and antinarcotic drugs are under development.

Alexander Vladimirovich Kilchevsky (b., Gorki, Mogilev region), scientist in the field of biotechnology. Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (2003), Corresponding Member of the Academy of Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus (), Doctor biological sciences(1994), professor (1995). Excellent student in education of the Republic of Belarus. Honorary Professor of the University of Warmia and Mazury (Poland) (1999), Olsztyn Agricultural and Technical Academy (Poland). Graduated from the Belarusian State Academy of Agricultural Sciences (1977). Since 1978 assistant, since 1984 senior lecturer, since 1987 associate professor, since 1988 head of department of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy. In Director of the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Since 2014 - Chief Scientific Secretary of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Kilchevsky A.V. - a famous scientist in the field of biotechnology, genetics and plant breeding. He created the country's first department of biotechnology, the largest biotechnology center in Belarus, and organized large-scale production of healthy planting material. He made a great contribution to the development of plant biotechnology. In the field of genomics, he carried out research on DNA certification and DNA marking of tomato, pepper, sugar beet and potato genotypes. Methods for marker-assisted selection and genetic certification of these crops have been developed. In the area cell engineering he studied the genetics of callusogenesis and regeneration in in vitro culture, identified patterns of canalization of variability in in vitro culture, which is important for the development of cell selection technologies. He developed methods for newspaper selection of tomato for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Improved methods of clonal micropropagation of potatoes, high blueberries, lilies. National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Currently, the Institute of Physics works in the following main areas: laser physics, development and creation of new laser sources and systems for various purposes, nonlinear and quantum optics, laser spectroscopy, nonlinear dynamics complex systems physics of quantum-dimensional structures, transfer of optical radiation and optics of scattering media, optical methods of research and diagnostics of natural objects and biological media physics elementary particles and nuclear reactions

Pyotr Aleksandrovich Vityaz (b., village of Pervomaiskaya, Berezovsky district, Brest region), scientist in the field of development of new materials, technologies and mechanical engineering. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1994; corresponding member since 1989), Doctor of Technical Sciences (1983), professor (1986). Honored Scientist of the BSSR (1991). Graduated from the Belarusian Forestry Institute named after S.M. Kirov (1960). Since 1961, senior engineer, chief engineer, senior researcher, head of the sector of the laboratory of powder metallurgy of the Belarusian State University Polytechnic Institute, since 1970, senior lecturer at the Belarusian Polytechnic Institute and at the same time head of the department physical and chemical Research Institute of Powder Metallurgy. Since 1977, Deputy Director of the Research Institute of Powder Metallurgy of the Belarusian Polytechnic Institute, since 1980, First Deputy general director Belarusian Republican Scientific and Production Association of Powder Metallurgy and at the same time the head of the branch of the department of the Belarusian Polytechnic Institute, since 1992 the director of the Research Institute of Powder Metallurgy of the Belarusian State Scientific and Production Concern of Powder Metallurgy and at the same time the head of the branch of the department of powder metallurgy and materials technology of the Belarusian State Polytechnic Academy. Since 1997, Vice-President, since 2002, First Vice-President of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, since 2004, First Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Since January 2012, Chief of Staff of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Place of birth: Talka village, Pukhovichi district, Minsk region. Belarusian physical chemist. Doctor of Chemical Sciences (1999), professor (2009). Graduated from Belarusian state university(1965). Since 1965 – at the Institute of General and inorganic chemistry, since 1981 – at the Institute of Physical-Organic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, since 1995 – head of the laboratory, since 1999 – head of the department (information for 2012). Proceedings on physical chemistry, medicines based on amino acids.

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st degree (March 14, 2005) for outstanding services in the development of domestic science and active participation in legislative activities Born on March 15, 1930, Vitebsk, Belarusian SSR, Soviet and Russian physicist, the only living Russian Nobel Prize winner in physics living in Russia (2000 prize for the development of semiconductor heterostructures and the creation of fast opto- and microelectronic components).

The organization of production based on intellectual labor is a new and, undoubtedly, the most promising step in the economic development of Belarus.

The country's highest scientific organization is the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. For lately its structure has been noticeably transformed: new types of organizations have been created (scientific and practical centers and associations), approaches and methods for managing innovation have been improved. Today, the topics of fundamental and applied research at the Academy are shaped only by the priorities of economics. At the same time, scientists provide their customers with a full range of services: from scientific ideas to specific development work and organization of production.

Not last place Science and technology centers occupy the innovation infrastructure. They increase the efficiency of interaction between science and production in agriculture, metallurgy, mechanical engineering and other industries.

State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus - body public administration, which implements the function of regulation and management in the areas of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities. In addition, the committee is the guarantor of the protection of intellectual property rights. But the main task of the committee is the creation of innovative enterprises that will produce export-oriented innovative products with high added value.

Achievements of Belarusian scientists

In June 2012, Belarus became a space power. A Belarusian Earth remote sensing satellite was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The spacecraft (BKA) was launched into space in a cluster of five devices - together with the Russian Kanopus-V and MKA-FKI (Zond-PP), the German TET-1 and the Canadian ADS-1B.

The Belarusian spacecraft provides full coverage of the territory of Belarus with space imagery. Its weight is about 400 kg, the resolution in the panchromatic range is about 2 m. The UAV has high dynamic characteristics, which means that it is maneuverable and can quickly adjust in orbit to shoot at the desired angle.

Thanks to the launch of the satellite, Belarus can create an independent system for remote sensing of the Earth, which will allow it to refuse the services of other states in obtaining and processing space information.

Supercomputer "SKIF-GRID"

Scientists from the Joint Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus have developed a supercomputer “SKIF-GRID” based on 12-core AMD Opteron processors and graphics accelerators. This is the most productive configuration in the family of Belarusian SKIF supercomputer models. Peak performance, excluding GPU acceleration, is 8 Teraflops.

New generation lasers

Employees of the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus have developed new generation lasers. The scope of application is wide: from medicine to industry. Unlike traditional ones, such lasers are much safer for the eyes. In addition, they are much smaller and more functional. It is expected that in the future, devices and technologies using them will facilitate the work of specialists in various industries national economy. In parallel with this, new developments of Belarusian physicists are already in demand abroad.

Medical advances

Employees of the Institute of Physical-Organic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences have developed a series of original preparations based on amino acids and their modified derivatives. These are drugs of various therapeutic effects, including the drug for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases “Asparkam”, the radioprotective drug “Taurine”, the immunocorrector “Leucine”, the anti-alcohol drugs “Teturam” and “Glian”. Antitumor, antianemic, antidrug and other agents are under development. By 2015, the share of domestic medicines in the domestic market of Belarus in value terms will increase to 50%.

A unique Center for DNA Biotechnology has opened at the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The new structure will make it possible to more effectively implement the achievements of genetics and genomics in healthcare, agriculture, sports and environmental protection in Belarus. The institute's specialists have begun creating a modern testing ground for transgenic plants. Transgenic varieties of agricultural plants will be grown here and their first tests will be carried out.

Belarusian and Russian scientists were the first to obtain human lactoferrin from the milk of transgenic goats. It has unique anti-cancer, antibacterial and anti-allergenic properties. Many countries around the world have already mastered technologies for obtaining lactoferrin from cow's milk. But the technique created by scientists from Belarus and Russia has significant advantages over foreign ones. One liter of milk from transgenic goats contains about six grams of lactoferrin, which is one of the highest levels in the world. By 2015, Belarusian scientists expect to implement two important projects at once: to build a special farm and an experimental processing module, where it will be possible to isolate protein and produce products with lactoferrin.

Know-how of Belarusian scientists

Scientists from Belarus have grown a red emerald - no one has ever succeeded in doing this. Unusual gem was first grown at the Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Materials Science. In nature, red emerald is extremely rare, and it is mined only in one place on Earth - in the Waho-Waho Mountains, located in Utah, USA. The artificial analogue is in no way inferior in beauty, composition and quality to nuggets, but costs almost 100 times less.

The Materials Science Research and Production Center has been producing synthetic emeralds and rubies for several years now, occupying, according to experts, a worthy niche in the global jewelry market. About 6 million carats of precious stones are “mined” there annually.

DAY OF BELARUSIAN SCIENCE Life sets goals for science, science illuminates the path of life...

Science Day in the USSR was celebrated on the third Sunday of April, since in 1918, between April 18 and 25, Lenin drew up a “Sketch of a plan for scientific technical work", which was the actual recognition of science by the Soviets. Many scientific teams still celebrate Science Day “in the old style.” At the end of 1993, a holiday called “Belarusian Science Day” was officially established in the Republic of Belarus. Science Day in Belarus is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of January. Day Russian science, for example, is celebrated on February 8th. This holiday is dedicated to the founding date of the Russian Academy of Sciences ( Russian Academy Sciences), established by order of Peter I by Decree of the Government Senate of January 28 (February 8, new style) 1724. Every great success science has its source in the great audacity of imagination. John Dewey

Science is a treasure, and learned man will never disappear. Arbiter Guy Petronius International Science Day (World Science Day For Peace And Development) was officially proclaimed by UNESCO in 2001, and since then has been celebrated annually on November 10. International Day of Science and Humanism, also known as Darwin Day, is celebrated on the birthday of the founder of the theory of evolution, biologist Charles Darwin - February 12. Back in 1882 (the year of Charles Darwin’s death), fans of the scientist decided to celebrate this day. In 1909, the holiday became very widespread.

Brilliant ideas come to those who earn them through hard work. V.I. Vernadsky Science in Belarus has deep historical origins. First scientific ideas date back to the 7th-8th centuries, when the tribes inhabiting the territory of our country began to develop crafts: foundry, blacksmithing, pottery, and weaving. The development of these crafts was impossible without certain physical and physico-chemical knowledge.

A scientist is not one who gives the right answers, but one who asks the right questions. Claude Lévi-Strauss The further development of science, as well as writing, literature and culture, was facilitated by the spread of Christianity (X-XII centuries). Libraries were created in monasteries and churches, writing was carried out, and books were copied. Prominent representatives of the enlightenment of that time were E. Polotskaya and K. Turovsky. With the spread of the humanistic and reform movement (XVI-XVII centuries), education gradually acquired a secular character, with more attention paid to natural sciences. By the XIII-XIV centuries. refers to the creation on the territory of Belarus of its own system of measures - the so-called Polotsk system of measures.

The one who knows science is inferior to the one who finds pleasure in it. Confucius (Kun Tzu) In the VIII-XIX centuries. scientific research were especially active in the field of astronomy, chemistry, geography, biology, history and ethnography, and are associated with the names of famous Belarusian scientists, including: Ignat Domeyko Martin Poczobut-Odlanitsky Joachim Hreptovich Kazimir Narbut

IN early XIX century, with the development of machine production, the need arose to solve complex technical problems. An organic combination of science and technology began. Belarusian scientists of this time were actively working: The process of scientific discoveries is, in essence, a continuous escape from miracles. Albert Einstein

All ideas in science are born out of a dramatic conflict between reality and our attempts to understand it. Albert Einstein

Domestic scientific research acquired a wide scale in the BSSR after its formation in 1919. In 1929, the Belarusian Academy of Sciences was created on the basis of the Institute of Belarusian Culture. In the pre-war years, Belarusian scientists carried out research in the field of geology, geography, botany, zoology, biochemistry, medicine, physico-mathematical, philosophical, economic and other sciences. Since the 50s, physical, mathematical and technical sciences have developed rapidly, new institutes have been created, academic scientific centers in regional cities x. Sciences and arts are the glory of the people; they increase his happiness. Helvetius

Among those who created domestic science, thanks to scientific achievements which a new concept “Belarusian scientific school” appeared in the world scientific community - the names of Belarusian scientists: K.V. Gorev A.R. Zhebrak V.F. Kuprevich A.S. Evening T.N. Godnev N.D. Nesterovich P.F. Rokitsky A.N. Sevchenko F.I. Fedorov B.I. Stepanov True science knows neither likes nor dislikes: its only goal is truth. William Grove

“Is the Academy useful as, so to speak, a temple of science, as a source of pure knowledge? ... Further development science, increasingly connecting itself with the needs of production, will probably give rise to some kind of organizational forms.” . These words of the great scientist D.I. Mendeleev have not lost their relevance since the distant 1882. What are the latest scientific results that Belarusian science can report on today? (we will give examples of just a few of them)

From the developments that found practical application, we can note the creation at the Institute of Physics. B.I. Stepanov experimental samples of eye-safe lasers that are not inferior to the world's best analogues, which makes the developments promising for widespread implementation. The institute announced the creation of diode-pumped solid-state lasers. Compared to gas and other solid-state lasers, they are characterized by higher efficiency and compactness. The most promising areas of their application are transport, environmental protection and medicine. Belarusian science for recent years reached great success in the field of lasers. What latest scientific results can Belarusian science report today?

In the Scientific and Production Center for Materials Science, previously unknown phenomena have been discovered that make it possible to slow down and accelerate the processes of proliferation (proliferation of tissue of an animal or plant organism through the formation of new cells) of cancer cells, affecting them with nanoparticles based on the fullerene complex, which can be used for early diagnosis and suppression of the development of malignant tumors. What latest scientific results can Belarusian science report today? An unusual gemstone called “red emerald” was first grown by scientists from the Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Materials Science. It is extremely rare in nature. Its artificial analogue is in no way inferior in beauty, composition and quality to nuggets, but the price is almost 100 times cheaper

The Institute of Metal Technology of the National Academy of Sciences has developed cast iron compositions that have made it possible to increase the wear resistance of parts by 30-40%. What latest scientific results can Belarusian science report today? The Center for LED and Optoelectronic Technologies has developed world-class LED lamps for streets and housing and communal services. The research and production republican subsidiary UE "Polimag" presented technology and equipment for ultra-fine finishing of surfaces in a magnetic field. This complex allows for controlled correction of the shape of the surface of parts of optics, laser technology and electronics.

What latest scientific results can Belarusian science report today? The attention of specialists will be drawn to the joint development of fiber-optic industrial endoscopes by scientists from the Belarusian-Russian University from Mogilev. They are intended for technical diagnostics of hard-to-reach places on machines and units. Their feature is the efficiency and reliability of diagnosis with high contrast of the resulting image. Scientists at the Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer have created a theory of evaporative cooling of micron droplets of solutions at reduced pressure in aerosol reactors, on the basis of which proposals have been developed for using this effect to produce nanoparticles of metal oxides inside droplets in an aerosol reactor. The developers of new technologies are the Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer named after A.V. Lykov and the Scientific and Practical Center for Animal Husbandry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The first institution is responsible for the development of a unique atomic force microscope and microbioreactor, which make it possible to increase the scanning area and study cells in vitro.

The Scientific and Practical Center for Animal Husbandry has developed a technology for obtaining medicines and food products based on human lactoferrin, which will serve as the basis for organizing modern bioproduction of highly effective and biologically stable medicines and food additives. Through the joint efforts of scientists, transgenic animals (goats) were obtained, into whose offspring a human gene construct was introduced. This became a sensation in the scientific world, since not a single scientific team in any country has come so close to the possibility of relatively cheap industrial production of human lactoferrin - natural antibiotic, which has a strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. What latest scientific results can Belarusian science report today?

In the course of a joint study by specialists from the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, the Joint Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, as well as the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, a computer design of a new potential therapeutic agent was carried out. Researchers synthesized it and proved that it can effectively block the replication of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The scientific and technological park of BNTU "Polytechnic" demonstrates an ultrasonic installation for the destruction of blood clots. According to experts, such a device will make a big breakthrough in the treatment of atherosclerosis. What latest scientific results can Belarusian science report today?

In 2011, the head of the laboratory of porous media at the Lykov Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Leonard Vasiliev was awarded a gold medal named after the physicist George Grover. The time will come when science will outstrip imagination. Jules Verne This award was established by the permanent scientific Committee for the organization and conduct of International conferences on heat pipes to reward scientists who have made significant contributions to the development of the science of two-phase heat transfer devices and the technology of their manufacture.

Representatives of academic and university branch science have made a lot of efforts to ensure that the Republic of Belarus develops at an accelerated pace and takes its rightful place among the leading countries of the world. Today, the successes and achievements of Belarusian scientists in various fields of fundamental and applied science are recognized by the world community, and in a number of areas they are a serious vanguard of scientific and technological progress. Happy holiday to all scientists and those passionate about science!

Compiled by Pustozvonova Tatyana Alekseevna

Information hour “Achievements of Belarusian science” (9th grade)

Teacher: Pustozvonova T.A.

Goals: to cultivate patriotism and citizenship, a sense of pride in the achievements of the human mind and in the achievements of domestic science and people.

Leading: (slide) Good afternoon The program “News of Belarusian Science” is on air.

At the end of 1993, a holiday called “Belarusian Science Day” was officially established in the Republic of Belarus. Science Day in Belarus is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of January, which means that on this Sunday, January 26, we will be able to congratulate people who work for the benefit of Belarusian science.

Our correspondent will tell you how Belarusian science developed...

Correspondent 1 . (slide) Science in Belarus has deep historical origins. The first scientific ideas date back to the 7th-8th centuries, when the tribes inhabiting the territory of our country began to develop crafts: foundry, blacksmithing, pottery, and weaving. The development of these crafts was impossible without certain physical and physico-chemical knowledge.

(slide) The further development of science, as well as writing, literature and culture, was facilitated by the spread of Christianity (X-XII centuries). Libraries were created in monasteries and churches, chronicles were kept, and books were copied. Prominent representatives of the enlightenment of that time were E. Polotskaya and K. Turovsky. With the spread of the humanistic and reform movement (XVI-XVII centuries), education gradually acquired a secular character, with more attention paid to natural sciences. By the XIII-XIV centuries. refers to the creation on the territory of Belarus of its own system of measures - the so-called Polotsk system of measures.

(slide) In the VIII-XIX centuries. scientific research was especially active in the field of astronomy, chemistry, geography, biology, history and ethnography, and is associated with the names of famous Belarusian scientists, including: Ignat Domeyko, Martin Poczobut-Odlanitsky, Joachim Hreptowicz, Kazimir Narbut.

(slide) At the beginning of the 19th century, with the development of machine production, the need arose to solve complex technical problems. An organic combination of science and technology began. Belarusian scientists of this time are actively working.

Domestic scientific research acquired a wide scale in the BSSR after its formation in 1919. (slide) In 1929, the Belarusian Academy of Sciences was created on the basis of the Institute of Belarusian Culture. In the pre-war years, Belarusian scientists carried out research in the field of geology, geography, botany, zoology, biochemistry, medicine, physico-mathematical, philosophical, economic and other sciences. Since the 50s, physical, mathematical and technical sciences have developed rapidly, new institutes have been created, and academic research centers have been organized in regional cities.

Presenter: (slide) The highest state scientific organization of Belarus is the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, which was founded in October 1928 and inaugurated on January 1, 1929.

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is the leading research center in Belarus, uniting highly qualified scientists of various specialties and dozens of research, scientific and production, design and implementation organizations. The National Academy of Sciences employs over 18.0 thousand researchers, technicians, support and service personnel. Among them are about 5870 researchers, 482 doctors of science and 1822 candidates of science, 247 professors and 506 associate professors.

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is in charge of its scientific organizations: scientific and practical centers in main areas scientific activity, institutes, as well as centers and other organizations with the rights of institutes.

(slide) From January 17 to January 25, 2014, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is holding “Days” open doors\". As part of the festive events dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the Day of Belarusian Science. From January 17 to 25, everyone can visit for free: the Museum of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the exhibition of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus \"Achievements of domestic science - production\", get acquainted with the unique exhibits of the archaeological exhibition of the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the Museum of Ancient Belarusian Culture of the Center for Research of Belarusian Culture, Language and literature.

(slide) In order to create favorable conditions to increase the competitiveness of sectors of the economy of the Republic of Belarus based on new and high technologies, to improve conditions for development modern technologies and increasing their exports, attracting domestic and foreign investments in this area in Belarus, the High Technology Park (HTP) was created in 2005.

Leading: And now our correspondents…… and…. They will talk about the achievements of Belarusian science in recent years.

correspondent 2 (slide)

— Employees of the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus have developed new generation lasers. The scope of application of the new laser is quite wide - from medicine to industry. In addition, the device is safer for the eyes compared to traditional ones. This opens up new possibilities for their use in ranging. Lasers are much smaller and more functional than their predecessors. In the future, devices and technologies using them will facilitate the work of specialists in various sectors of the national economy.

correspondent 3(slide)

— The Institute of Metal Technology of the National Academy of Sciences has developed cast iron compositions that have made it possible to increase the wear resistance of parts by 30-40%.

correspondent 2 (slide)— The attention of specialists will be drawn to the joint development of fiber-optic industrial endoscopes by scientists from the Belarusian-Russian University from Mogilev. They are intended for technical diagnostics of hard-to-reach places on machines and units. Their feature is the efficiency and reliability of diagnosis with high contrast of the resulting image.

correspondent 3(slide)

— The Scientific and Practical Center for Animal Husbandry has developed a technology for producing medicines and food products based on human lactoferrin, which will serve as the basis for organizing modern bioproduction of highly effective and biologically stable medicines and food additives. Through the joint efforts of scientists, transgenic animals (goats) were obtained, into whose offspring a human gene construct was introduced. This became a sensation in the scientific world, since no scientific team in any country has come so close to the possibility of relatively cheap industrial production of human lactoferrin. Lactoferrin is a protein found in human breast milk. For its antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal properties, it is called a natural antibiotic, which has a strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. In laboratory conditions, scientists study the properties of the resulting protein. Lactoferrin can enhance the effect of antibiotics and allow them to be taken in smaller doses, as well as replenish iron deficiency.

It may be possible to create drugs to treat some gynecological diseases, hepatitis B, sepsis.

correspondent 2(slide)

— The Scientific and Technological Center of BNTU has developed an ultrasonic device for destroying blood clots. According to experts, such a device will make a big breakthrough in the treatment of atherosclerosis.

correspondent 3(slide)

— The B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus has developed a device for non-contact express optical diagnostics of cancer tumors. The operation of the new device is based on the use of a method for recording the glow of tissue under the influence of laser irradiation.

“Human tissue contains molecules that, when exposed to a laser, glow well in the ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared regions of the spectrum,” explained the developers of the device. “The development of cancer tumors leads to changes in the parameters of this glow, and the characteristics of the disease are studied from them. The use of new products in medicine will help reduce not only the time, but also the economic costs of diagnosing oncological diseases. The innovation can be used in monitoring and localizing cancer tumors directly during surgical operations.

correspondent 2(slide)

A unique Center for DNA Biotechnology has opened at the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The new structure will make it possible to more effectively implement the achievements of genetics and genomics in healthcare, agriculture, sports and environmental protection in Belarus. Specialists from the same institute have begun creating a modern testing site for transgenic plants. Here they will grow and conduct the first tests of transgenic varieties of agricultural plants, including potatoes.

Leading: Thank you... for the interesting information. We continue our news release.

In June 2012, Belarus became a space power. We have a correspondent of the Belarus 1 channel in touch with news from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

(slide) Video “Belarusian satellite...”

Leading: We have a correspondent from the STV channel in touch with the news.

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Leading: Our correspondent visited the Energopromis exhibition. Let's listen to her report.

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Leading: Our guest is a correspondent from the ONT channel with a report on achievements in mechanical engineering.

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Leading: Which girl doesn't dream of emeralds? Emeralds are grown in Belarus and are as beautiful as natural ones. We have a correspondent from the STV channel in touch.

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Leading: (slide) In our city there is a Republican unitary enterprise“Brest Regional Agricultural Experimental Station, which was created in 1956. Our correspondent visited this enterprise. He has the floor.

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Correspondent 4(slide)

The organizational structure of the experimental station includes 5 research and production departments, specialized in groups of agricultural crops, as well as auxiliary departments (accounting, mechanical park). The departments of potato growing and fruit growing have 2 micropropagation laboratories. (slide)

We visited the bio-chemical laboratory of the experimental station and got acquainted with some of the equipment. For example, the Soxterm device uses petroleum ether to determine the amount of nitrogen and fat in seeds and feed.

(slide) And with the help of this device you can carry out an express analysis of the quality of grain in the fields or mixed feed, which works without chemicals. In 30 seconds you can determine the moisture content, protein, fat, and fiber content of the grain.

The main activities of the department of seed production and varietal agricultural technology of grain and leguminous crops are:

– production of original and elite seed material the best varieties grains, cereals and leguminous crops.

— conducting scientific research on the development of methods for cultivating grain, cereals and leguminous crops in relation to the soil and climatic conditions of the south-west of Belarus.

— participation in the selection of millet, lupine and other crops (together with the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Agriculture”).

In recent years, varieties have been created with the author's participation of department employees winter wheat Veda and Gorodnichanka, winter triticale Zhytsen, angustifolia lupine Michal, grain pea Facet, Ritchie bean, Western millet, chumiz Zolushka.

(slide) In this department we had the opportunity to get acquainted with a device that is used for counting seeds.

(slide) The Potato Growing Department is engaged in the production of original potato seed material and research work on potatoes. The department operates a laboratory for microclonal propagation of potatoes with a production volume of up to 100 thousand healthy test-tube plants annually. From test tubes, seedlings are planted in greenhouses and elite potato seeds are obtained. Potato seed material of 11 varieties of reproduction “nursery source material” is offered for sale: Lileya, Uladar, Molly, Dina, Skarb, Zhivitsa, Zhuravinka, Mag, Vesnyanka, Atlant, Zdabytak.

Leading: Sergei Chizhik, deputy chairman of the presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, gives an assessment of Belarusian science. Let's give him the floor.

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Leading: The broadcast time is coming to an end. The school television announcer..., freelance correspondents... worked with you. Thank you for your attention.

Science Day in the USSR was celebrated on the third Sunday of April, since in 1918, between April 18 and 25, Lenin drew up a “Sketch of a plan for scientific and technical work,” which was the actual recognition of science by the Soviets. Many scientific teams still celebrate Science Day “in the old style.” At the end of 1993, a holiday called “Belarusian Science Day” was officially established in the Republic of Belarus. Science Day in Belarus is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of January. At the end of 1993, a holiday called “Belarusian Science Day” was officially established in the Republic of Belarus. Science Day in Belarus is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of January. Russian Science Day, for example, is celebrated on February 8th. This holiday is dedicated to the founding date of the RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences), established by order of Peter I by Decree of the government Senate of January 28 (February 8, new style) 1724. Every great success of science has its source in the great audacity of the imagination. John Dewey John Dewey

Science is a treasure, and a scientist will never be lost. Arbiter Guy Petronius International Science Day (World Science Day For Peace And Development) was officially proclaimed by UNESCO in 2001, and since then has been celebrated annually on November 10. International Science Day (World Science Day For Peace And Development) was officially proclaimed by UNESCO in 2001, and since then has been celebrated annually on November 10. International Day of Science and Humanism, also known as Darwin Day, is celebrated on the birthday of the founder of the theory of evolution, biologist Charles Darwin - February 12. Back in 1882 (the year of Charles Darwin’s death), fans of the scientist decided to celebrate this day. In 1909, the holiday became very widespread.

Brilliant ideas come to those who earn them through hard work. V.I. Vernadsky Science in Belarus has deep historical origins. The first scientific ideas date back to the 7th-8th centuries, when the tribes inhabiting the territory of our country began to develop crafts: foundry, blacksmithing, pottery, and weaving. The development of these crafts was impossible without certain physical and physico-chemical knowledge.

A scientist is not one who gives the right answers, but one who asks the right questions. Claude Lévi-Strauss The further development of science, as well as writing, literature and culture, was facilitated by the spread of Christianity (X-XII centuries). Libraries were created in monasteries and churches, chronicles were kept, and books were copied. Prominent representatives of the enlightenment of that time were E. Polotskaya and K. Turovsky. With the spread of the humanistic and reform movement (XVI-XVII centuries), education gradually acquired a secular character, with more attention paid to natural sciences. By the XIII-XIV centuries. refers to the creation on the territory of Belarus of its own system of measures - the so-called Polotsk system of measures.

The one who knows science is inferior to the one who finds pleasure in it. Confucius (Kun Tzu) In the VIII-XIX centuries. scientific research was especially active in the field of astronomy, chemistry, geography, biology, history and ethnography, and is associated with the names of famous Belarusian scientists, including: Ignat Domeyko Martin Poczobut-Odlanitsky Joachim Hreptovich Kazimir Narbut

At the beginning of the 19th century, with the development of machine production, the need arose to solve complex technical problems. An organic combination of science and technology began. Belarusian scientists of this time were actively working: The process of scientific discoveries is, in essence, a continuous escape from miracles. Albert Einstein

Domestic scientific research acquired a wide scale in the BSSR after its formation in 1919. In 1929, the Belarusian Academy of Sciences was created on the basis of the Institute of Belarusian Culture. In the pre-war years, Belarusian scientists carried out research in the field of geology, geography, botany, zoology, biochemistry, medicine, physico-mathematical, philosophical, economic and other sciences. Since the 50s, physical, mathematical and technical sciences have developed rapidly, new institutes have been created, and academic research centers have been organized in regional cities. Science and art are the glory of the people; they increase his happiness. Helvetius

Among those who created domestic science, thanks to whose scientific achievements a new concept “Belarusian scientific school” appeared in the world scientific community, are the names of Belarusian scientists: K.V. Gorev A.R. Zhebrak V.F. Kuprevich A.S. Evening T.N. Godnev N.D. Nesterovich P.F. Rokitsky A.N. Sevchenko F.I. Fedorov B.I. Stepanov True science knows neither likes nor dislikes: its only goal is truth. William Grove

“Is the Academy useful as, so to speak, a temple of science, as a source of pure knowledge? ... The further development of science, which is increasingly connecting itself with the needs of production, will probably bring to life some organizational forms".. These words of the great scientist D.I. Mendeleev have not lost their relevance since the distant 1882. What are the latest scientific results that Belarusian science can report on today? (we will give examples of just a few of them)

Among the developments that have found practical application, we can note the creation at the Institute of Physics. B.I. Stepanov experimental samples of eye-safe lasers that are not inferior to the world's best analogues, which makes the developments promising for widespread implementation. The institute announced the creation of diode-pumped solid-state lasers. Compared to gas and other solid-state lasers, they are characterized by higher efficiency and compactness. The most promising areas of their application are transport, environmental protection and medicine. Belarusian science has achieved great success in the field of lasers in recent years. The institute announced the creation of diode-pumped solid-state lasers. Compared to gas and other solid-state lasers, they are characterized by higher efficiency and compactness. The most promising areas of their application are transport, environmental protection and medicine. Belarusian science has achieved great success in the field of lasers in recent years. What latest scientific results can Belarusian science report today?

The Scientific and Production Center for Materials Science has discovered previously unknown phenomena that make it possible to slow down and accelerate the processes of proliferation (proliferation of tissue of an animal or plant organism through the formation of new cells) of cancer cells, influencing them with nanoparticles based on a fullerene complex, which can be used for early diagnosis and suppression of development malignant tumors. What latest scientific results can Belarusian science report today? An unusual gemstone called red emerald was first grown by scientists from the Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Materials Science. It is extremely rare in nature. Its artificial analogue is in no way inferior in beauty, composition and quality to nuggets, but the price is almost 100 times cheaper

The Institute of Metal Technology of the National Academy of Sciences has developed cast iron compositions that have made it possible to increase the wear resistance of parts by %. What latest scientific results can Belarusian science report today? The Center for LED and Optoelectronic Technologies has developed world-class LED lamps for streets and housing and communal services. The research and production republican subsidiary UE "Polimag" presented technology and equipment for ultra-fine finishing of surfaces in a magnetic field. This complex allows for controlled correction of the shape of the surface of parts of optics, laser technology and electronics.

What latest scientific results can Belarusian science report today? The attention of specialists will be drawn to the joint development of fiber-optic industrial endoscopes by scientists from the Belarusian-Russian University from Mogilev. They are intended for technical diagnostics of hard-to-reach places on machines and units. Their feature is the efficiency and reliability of diagnosis with high contrast of the resulting image. Scientists at the Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer have created a theory of evaporative cooling of micron droplets of solutions at reduced pressure in aerosol reactors, on the basis of which proposals have been developed for using this effect to produce nanoparticles of metal oxides inside droplets in an aerosol reactor. The developers of new technologies are the Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer named after A.V. Lykov and the Scientific and Practical Center for Animal Husbandry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The first institution is responsible for the development of a unique atomic force microscope and micro bioreactor, which make it possible to increase the scanning area and study cells in vitro.

The Scientific and Practical Center for Animal Husbandry has developed a technology for producing medicines and food products based on human lactoferrin, which will serve as the basis for organizing modern bio-production of highly effective and biologically stable medicines and food additives. The Scientific and Practical Center for Animal Husbandry has developed a technology for producing medicines and food products based on human lactoferrin, which will serve as the basis for organizing modern bio-production of highly effective and biologically stable medicines and food additives. Through the joint efforts of scientists, transgenic animals (goats) were obtained, into whose offspring a human gene construct was introduced. This became a sensation in the scientific world, since no scientific team in any country has come so close to the possibility of a relatively cheap industrial production of human lactoferrin, a natural antibiotic with a strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Through the joint efforts of scientists, transgenic animals (goats) were obtained, into whose offspring a human gene construct was introduced. This became a sensation in the scientific world, since no scientific team in any country has come so close to the possibility of a relatively cheap industrial production of human lactoferrin, a natural antibiotic with a strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. What latest scientific results can Belarusian science report today?

In the course of a joint study by specialists from the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, the Joint Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, as well as the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, a computer design of a new potential therapeutic agent was carried out. Researchers synthesized it and proved that it can effectively block the replication of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The scientific and technological park of BNTU "Polytechnic" demonstrates an ultrasonic installation for the destruction of blood clots. According to experts, such a device will make a big breakthrough in the treatment of atherosclerosis. What latest scientific results can Belarusian science report today?

In 2011, the head of the laboratory of porous media at the Lykov Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Leonard Vasiliev was awarded a gold medal named after the physicist George Grover. The time will come when science will outstrip imagination. Jules Verne This award was established by the permanent scientific Committee for the organization and holding of International Conferences on Heat Pipes to reward scientists who have made significant contributions to the development of the science of two-phase heat transfer devices and the technology of their manufacture.

Representatives of academic and university branch science have made a lot of efforts to ensure that the Republic of Belarus develops at an accelerated pace and takes its rightful place among the leading countries of the world. Today, the successes and achievements of Belarusian scientists in various fields of fundamental and applied science are recognized by the world community, and in a number of areas they are a serious avant-garde scientific and technical progress. Today, the successes and achievements of Belarusian scientists in various fields of fundamental and applied science are recognized by the world community, and in a number of areas they are a serious vanguard of scientific and technological progress. Happy holiday to all scientists and those passionate about science!