Russian folk tales about autumn for preschoolers. Queen Autumn and her favorite shoes

Little Dasha loves to listen to fairy tales. In the evening before going to bed, he always asks his parents or grandparents to tell a fairy tale, not just one, but two, three, or even four... until he himself has heard enough fairy tales and falls asleep together with Dasha.

And who is this sleeper? Don't you know? This is an invisible spirit who yawns, induces sleep, loves to listen to fairy tales, eat printed gingerbread cookies and drink warm milk. If a sleeper takes offense at someone, then the person cannot fall asleep for a long time. Here you need to make peace with him, talk kindly, treat him to something tasty, and maybe tell him a fairy tale. Then the nap will certainly help the person fall asleep and, in addition, he himself will tell a fairy tale in his sleep. He is a great storyteller and knows so many fairy tales that a person could never know them all. And anyone who wants to know all the fairy tales will never wake up, because he will have to listen to fairy tales all the time. Only the dreamer himself doesn’t want to tell stories all the time, he has other worries.

Grandma, tell me a story,” Dasha now asks.
- Which one should I tell you? Is it about autumn? Now is the time to listen to fairy tales about autumn; leaf fall is in full swing.
“Tell me about autumn,” Dasha agrees.
- Well, listen.


Autumn walks through gardens, meadows, and forests, painting leaves here and there, looking into the quiet pond, and admiring the work. There are always colors with her: yellow and red, and a little blue. Autumn disturbs them and gives them orange and purple colors. The autumn palette is luxurious, there are many shades.

As autumn colors the leaves, he will immediately ask them about it:
- The color green is old-fashioned,
yellow color is in fashion today.
Do you like the new color?

But autumn always hears the same answer for many years:
- No.

And then, in frustration, autumn tears them from the branches, asks the wind to quickly rush them away, she can’t bear to look at them.
And autumn will cry with long rains:
- I tried very hard day and night,
I didn’t spare the colors, I didn’t spare the effort...
Who else would love these leaves so much?..

And her snowy friend hurries to console the inconsolable one.

Only fairy tales contain a lot of fiction. Autumn doesn’t care about our stories. She does her job properly, preparing the land for winter. Man conventionally divided planet Earth into two hemispheres: northern and southern. Our country Russia is located in the northern hemisphere of the Earth, and, for example, Australia is in southern hemisphere. When we have autumn, spring comes in the southern hemisphere. And when it is winter in the northern hemisphere, it is summer in the southern hemisphere. It is interesting that on Earth there are autumn, winter, spring, and summer at the same time, i.e. all seasons.

Grandma, where is autumn’s home?
- Lightning and thunder know this.
You ask them and wait for an answer.
And if you don't wait,
you'll get by like that.
And when you grow up,
You’ll find your own clues.

Let's go to sleep. It's time for sleep. Good night.

Drawing from the Internet

Autumn is the most exciting, magical time of the year; it is an unusual, beautiful fairy tale that nature itself generously gives us. Many famous figures cultures, writers and poets, artists tirelessly praised autumn in their creations. A fairy tale on the theme “Autumn” should develop children’s emotional-aesthetic responsiveness and imaginative memory.

Genre of epic works

According to the definition, a fairy tale is a special work in literature or folklore, the content of which is entirely based on fiction. There are two types of fairy tales:

There is no objection to the statement that a folk tale historically unambiguously precedes the author's literary tale.


Autumn, coming into its own, immediately immerses us in a real fairy tale. All vegetation boldly changes the color of its decoration, changing into brighter, more colorful outfits: spreading maples glow with crimson, yellow aspens gently tremble in the wind, a fire of scarlet rowan blazes. Time for miracles...

This is how any fairy tale about autumn can begin, of which there are a great many, both by famous writers and those of popular origin. Absolutely anyone can compose them, even children of preschool and primary school age.


Imagination is in each of us. Only in some it sleeps and is ready to wake up, while in others it has fallen into a prolonged state. But everything can be corrected. You just need to sincerely believe in the personal possession of a creative streak and give it a little push, after which it will wake up and begin to generate fabulous ideas, surpassing itself every time.

Imagination is the ability to create plots and images, to find the unusual in the ordinary, to give life to the unreal and inanimate. But it needs nourishment, after which a fairy tale will begin to form. This recharge can come from various life situations, such as seasons (in our case, autumn), changes in surrounding nature, achievements, successes, problems, failures and failures.

Talking to a young child can help spark their imagination. Answering leading questions, he himself will answer you how and what should happen in the fairy tale. Writing fairy tales with children is very educational activity, because they have the most vivid, lively and colorful imagination. Imagine, bring the inanimate to life. Let the road run away from under your feet, says the door, the closet rejoices at your arrival and asks you to scratch its back. Special attention It’s worth paying attention to the name. It should be short, succinct and intriguing, for example: “Autumn is on the doorstep”, “The Tale of an Autumn Miracle”, etc.


The source of inspiration can be found in music, paintings, images of famous fairy tales and the world of cinema. And unity with Mother Nature can awaken ideas even in the head, which is completely clogged with vanity and worldly worries. To get in the right frame of mind and get a certain charge of inspiration, you can listen to “Autumn Song” by P.I. Tchaikovsky or the declaration of the wonderful work by V. Bortsova “The Tale of Autumn-Goldilocks”. It wouldn’t hurt to look at reproductions of paintings by I.S. Ostroukhova " Golden autumn" and I. I. Levitan "Golden Autumn".

As an example, you can read the works of the following authors: Iris Review “Children's Tale of Autumn”, Larisa Zubanenko “Tale of Autumn”, Tatyana Shchukina “Hedgehog and Autumn”, Ekaterina Karagodina “Tale of Autumn”, Dmitriev Vasily “Tale of Autumn and Its Three daughters." They will help you decide in advance what your autumn tale should be.

Honest and kind

When starting to write or choose a story to read, it is worth remembering that in fairy tales, evil forces always triumph over good, intelligence surpasses stupidity, and main character for their good deeds necessarily receives rewards and recognition from others. But there is no need to delve into overt moralizing.

Brave and courageous

There is no denying the fact that the majority are not only infinitely kind, but also brave. Using this image will give both the writer and the listeners confidence in own strength, will help you overcome your fears and complexes by identifying with the main character. Any children's fairy tale about autumn can provide fertile ground for confidence.

"Savory" details

Naturally, if there is an evil/villain in the story, then of course he must be punished, but you should try to skip the bloody details (like chopping off a head or ripping open a belly, as in “Little Red Riding Hood”). Children do not have enough life experience, so their imagination, when coping with the information received, can draw frightening pictures, which is clearly not good for them.

When and what to tell

Even the most short story about autumn will definitely excite the imagination of little lovers of magical stories and will cause a stormy emotional outburst and response.

After reading a fairy tale or story, listeners can experience all the events and turns of the story for quite a long time. Therefore, it is better to tell adventure-filled stories at active times of the day, and before going to bed, you should give preference to a calm fairy tale, which will definitely end happily, although it will not be without moralizing. Such a fairy tale about autumn will not leave any unresolved questions in the child’s head about the events that took place, thereby promoting sound and restful sleep. Dream about your world, about yourself, let your wishes come true in the created fairy tale. But be careful, because wishes tend to come true, so think positively!

Now it’s AUTUMN, and today we’ll talk about autumn tales for children .

We honor the classics - 19th and 20th centuries

I. S. Turgenev « Autumn day in a birch grove in the selection (excerpt from the story “Date” from the series “Notes of a Hunter”). By the way, many of the stories in Notes of a Hunter also take place in the fall. In the Ozone In the Labyrinth Short stories about autumn by different authors, who are already all classics in the side: I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov « Autumn" story, V. G. Korolenko « Late autumn",I. A. Bunin « Antonov apples", K. G. Paustovsky « Dictionary native nature", "My house", "What kind of rains there are."

A collection of short stories was published in 2015 I. S. Sokolova-Mikitova "Autumn in the Forest" ( September has arrived, Cranes are flying away, Elk, Wood grouse on the pebbles, White hare, Hedgehog, Squirrels, Bears, Lynx, Evening in the forest, Wolves)

And one more book I.S. Sokolova-Mikitova : fairy tale "Leaffall"With wonderful, kind drawings E. I. Charushina.

N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky « Autumn Prose Poem ".

Story I. A. Bunina " Antonov apples" together with other works of the author is in the collection "Dark Alleys"

Stories K. G. Paustovsky about autumn " Badger nose» , « Farewell to summer" and several others can be read in the book " Disheveled sparrow."

A story about autumn V. Sukhomlinsky « I want to have my say" is in a wonderful collection "Flower of the Sun".

K. D. Ushinsky In the collection " Stories and fairy tales" except the story "Autumn" many works by the author.

M. M. Prishvin « Poetic miniatures about autumn "

N. I. Sladkov Collection “Forest hiding places”

September (Autumn is on the threshold, On the great path, Spider, Time, Birds, Squirrel fly agaric, Winged shadow, Owl that was forgotten, Sly dandelion, Friends and comrades, Forest rustles),

October (Sewing, Scary Invisible Man, Pheasant Bouquet, Trees Creak, The Mystery of the Birdhouse, Old Acquaintance, Magpie Train, Autumn Christmas Tree, Stubborn Finch, Forest Rustle, Magic Shelf),

November (Why is November piebald? Resort “Icicle”, Powder, Wagtail letters, Desperate hare, Tit stock, Starlings have arrived, Forest rustles).

Autumn underwater

G. A. Skrebitsky « Autumn "(A story from the book “Four Artists”), and another story "Nosy"

G. Ya. Snegirev Story "Blueberry jam" and many other wonderful stories are in the book "Cunning Chipmunk. Stories and short stories"

and in the collection G. Ya. Snegireva "First Sun" there is a story “How animals and birds prepare for winter.”

Fairy talesV. G. Suteeva « Apple", "Bag of Apples" can be found in almost any collection, for example, in « Funny tales and history."

V. V. Bianki « Autumn ", "Forest Newspaper. Fairy tales and stories"

D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak « Gray neck"

N. M. Gribachev « Red leaves"(from the series about Koska the Hare) in the collection "Tales of our forest".

Yuri Koval " All year round» (collection with beautiful illustrations and CD)

« The Tale of How Autumn Came" in the collection “Wormwood Tales”.

Collections for schoolchildren – Stories about autumn(E. Yu. Shim “Fives”, V. V. Bianki “September”, I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov “Forest in Autumn”, V. V. Zankov “Why do tree leaves change color and fall in autumn?”)

Tatiana Domarenok – selection "Fairy tales and stories for children - Autumn", including: Autumn, Golden autumn in the schoolyard, and others (Borovichok. Last days of the passing summer, Poor Clubfoot, Golden Butterflies of Autumn, Girl Autumn, Golden Bouquet, Grandmother's Tales, Dimkina goldfish, How letters and numbers are prepared for school, World Map, Wizard Primer. for younger schoolchildren, Little Ostrich, first grader).

Natalya Abramtseva Autumn Tale.

Efim Vladimirov Fairy Autumn.

LANA RA Witches and falling leaves, fairy tale.

Oksana Ivanenko Good night!

Sergey KozlovTales related to autumn can be read in books, for example the edition “Hedgehog in the Fog. Tales of the present" edition 2015 publishing house Time of the Masters, in the series Best for Children. Artist Bodyakova Galina

Or you can read tales about autumn by Sergei Kozlov on Ezhin portal or numerous other sites in the series *Autumn Song of Grass* (The Last Sun, Russula, Chanterelle, Beauty, Autumn Ships, How to Shade Silence, In native forest, pine cone, Bird, Freestyle autumn wind, We will come and breathe) and * Autumn tales * (How to catch a cloud, Autumn tale, How the Donkey dreamed bad dream, Trusting Hedgehog).

It should be noted that S. Kozlov has a lot of fairy tales where his heroes (Hedgehog and his friends) admire autumn. These tales are often used by adults. Thus, at a meeting with readers at the Central Children's Library in Slantsy, “ Autumn bouquet feelings” the “autumn” tales of S. G. Kozlov from the book “Hedgehog in the Fog” were heard. In October 2000, it was a reading and discussion of S. Kozlov’s fairy tales “Autumn Tale” and “Beauty”, and in 2002 - small fairy tales “The Last Sun” and “The Fox”. The kids were able to look into the world in order to be delighted and surprised by its beauty, to experience the happiness of recognizing their land.” And how interesting the children responded! Selection.

Lyudmila Krischenko Red Tale.

Marta Bystrova Brownie Tales. Autumn.

Vasily Morozov A new autumn is coming.

Olga Borina Tea with Autumn.

Ksenia Remizova Tale about the Day of the Beginning of Leaf Fall.

Padmini S. Marina Popova Leaf fall.

Nina Pavlova Autumn mushrooms.

Author's autumn tales in the blogosphere

Freelance journalist for Highway Legend of Autumn

Irishenka Lazur


A yellowed leaf flew in the air for a long time. The wind tore him from the old poplar tree, whirled him around, dropped him onto a children's carousel, and then dipped him into a cold puddle.

— In spring, people admire when the buds turn green. In the summer they like to relax in the cool shade, but in the fall they crush us under their feet,” the yellowed leaf said sadly.

- But I’m so beautiful! But no one, no one notices this! - so thought a leaf freezing in a dirty puddle.

Boots, shoes, boots flashed. One boot stepped painfully on a leaf. The leaf groaned pitifully, but, alas, no one heard it.

And then there was a glimpse of red children's shoes.

“Now this boy will step on me,” the leaf thought sadly.

But the boy picked up the piece of paper and put it in his palm. He pulled out an empty box from his pocket, picked up a twig from the ground, and put a leaf on it. The result was a sailboat. The boy lowered the sailboat into a puddle.

Now the puddle did not seem so cold and dirty to the leaf. It didn't hurt him at all when the twig pricked him. The wind rose, it overturned the sailboat, but the boy picked it up and lowered it into a puddle.

It seemed to the leaf that this was not a puddle, but big river. And he is not a small fragile leaf, but a real white sailboat. He was so happy, almost the same as when he was a child, when he was a bud on a tree. He is needed! That's what was most important to him!

How the Christmas tree stayed green

One day I decided in autumn: “How long can I paint the leaves and trees alone? I need to look for helpers. There is a lot of work in forests and parks. Shrubs and trees need to be dressed in autumn attire.”

-Who should I invite? - thought autumn. - Maybe a squirrel? They jump high, reaching the treetops. You can also have hares - they run fast and decorate all the grass.

Autumn clapped her hands, magic words said: “Bunny, jumping bunny, appear on the lawn.”

And before autumn a little hare appeared. Jumps on its hind legs, ears tremble.

“Don’t be afraid, little bunny,” says autumn to the bunny. “I need helpers to decorate the forest with autumn colors.” Invite the entire hare forest team with you.

The hare nodded his autumn ears and ran to call his friends for help.

Autumn clapped her hands and said the magic words:

- Squirrel, squirrel, appear

A squirrel appeared before autumn, holding a hazelnut in its paws.

“Help yourself, mistress autumn,” says the squirrel, “with a delicious hazelnut.”

Autumn took a hazelnut, took a bite and said:

- Indeed, your nut is delicious, squirrel. I need helpers to decorate the forest with autumn colors.

The squirrel called her friends and said:

- My forest friends,

Squirrels are nimble and mischievous!

Help our autumn,

Paint the forest with bright colors.

And the squirrels answer:

- Give us brushes and paints,

You, hares, help us.

And the squirrels and hares became autumn forest color and say:

- Yellow, red petal,

He is beautiful and bright

A gift for our autumn!

The squirrels turned out to have the most beautiful leaves: bright, orange-red.

There are trees decorated with squirrels, talking among themselves:

“We are so beautiful, bright, and the Christmas tree remains green as it was.” Probably the squirrels didn't have enough paint for it.

Since then, the Christmas tree in the forest has always been green: in spring, summer, winter, and autumn. They even came up with a riddle about the Christmas tree: “In winter and summer, the same color.”

And autumn looked at the Christmas tree and said:

- May you always be green, fluffy and fragrant!

Fluffy Christmas tree,

Green, fragrant!

Go around half the world,

You won't find a better Christmas tree!

Writing fairy tales with your mother is a type of creativity that was very common in the families of the intelligentsia in the nineteenth century. Home magazines and newspapers were even published back then. Now this type of speech creativity is almost forgotten. Let's try to revive it and see what comes of it?

Surely, all the adults, walking with the baby in the fall, answered his endless “whys” - why the leaves are falling and spinning, why the fog, why the aspen leaves are trembling, why the birds fly away and hundreds of other different whys. Of course, you spent time with him. Surely your baby can already name the signs of autumn and knows how autumn differs from other seasons. And today, based on your child’s existing knowledge and experience, we will compose with him his first author’s fairy tale about nature - autumn fairy tale. He will be a real writer and artist in it!

And this autumn song about autumn in pictures will help you and your baby plunge into the autumn fairytale mood!

We write a fairy tale with children. A tale about the adventures of an autumn leaf.

Secret 1: how to teach how to build a fairy tale storyline.

I would like to invite you to compose a fairy tale with your children about the adventures of an autumn leaf. Why this particular topic? First of all, children always like adventure. Secondly, by composing this fairy tale, the child will remember the signs of autumn and learn to use his existing knowledge about autumn in a new creative situation. And this means that he will learn to be not a consumer, but a creator!

If you do not first discuss the plot of the fairy tale with your child, he will forget the words, stammer, get confused, and the fairy tale will not work out. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss, even before writing, what your fairy tale will be about.

Ask your child:

  • “Our hero is a leaf - will it be a leaf from which tree - young or old? Maple or rowan? A tree from the forest or a tree on the river bank? Or a tree in our yard? Will he have a name? »
  • “Where does our fairy tale begin?”
  • “What happens to the leaf in a fairy tale? Maybe he will go on a journey with migratory birds? Or will he meet a silvery web on his way and start talking to the spider? Or maybe he will sit on a branch and float along the river, and along the way he will get acquainted with mountain ash, birch and other trees that he has not seen before. Or maybe a leaf will land on a stump and see how different insects hide in the cracks of the stump before winter, and make friends with them. Or will the wind blow him into a squirrel hollow and make friends with the squirrel?”
  • “How will it all end?”

Such simple planning of a fairy tale will help the child build a plot. And then the process of composing and telling a fairy tale will be easy and enjoyable for the baby! You can even sketch the invented plot with schematic pictures if it turns out to be long enough.

Come up with a title for the fairy tale that will make it clear what it says. You can show the covers of children's books and read their titles as an example, remember the names of your child's favorite fairy tales and cartoons.

Secret 2: how to teach a child to tell his own fairy tale?

After creative planning - coming up with the plot of a fairy tale, start telling the fairy tale with your child.

If the child is still small (3-4 years old), then start the phrase, and the baby will finish it. It will look something like this: “Once upon a time there was... who? (child is a “leaf”). And he lived on... (the child finishes). It has arrived... A strong wind blew. One day the wind... The leaf got scared... He asked... Rowan answered... And he flew....” etc.

By setting the beginnings of phrases, you help your child build connections between sentences and parts of the text. Such co-creation is very useful for a child, because in it the child accumulates a kind of “dictionary” of connectives and fairy-tale words (once upon a time, suddenly, one day, asked, said, answered, surprised, began, and they began, etc.). Often writing fairy tales with your mother and “absorbing” this experience, after a while a turning point will occur: you will suddenly notice that the baby has begun to actively use fairy-tale words and connectives in his speech, in his writings without your help, he easily constructs the text and does not stutters between sentences, he has smooth, rich, expressive speech! This is exactly the result we are striving for!

If the child is 5-6 years old , then your help will depend on the level speech development baby and him individual characteristics. Some children do not need help, others need to be given the beginnings of phrases as at 3-4 years old, for others a prompt question is enough: “What happened next? Who did he meet? What did you say?

The technique of dictating a fairy tale to an adult.

I highly recommend recording the resulting fairy tale from your child’s dictation. This technique of “dictation” by a child to an adult develops speech in a way that no other technique can develop it. And the point here is that the baby is put in a situation where he has to dictate, which means he has to think through his speech and every word he says! With this technique we are preparing the transition from oral to written speech! When a child dictates, he constructs sentences that he would not be able to construct in another situation! That is, dictation of text is like a “bar” for growth for a baby!

If the baby repeats the same word many times, then you can correct it: “Listen, how we did it. The leaf said: “Hello,” Rowan said: “Hello.” The leaf said: “Who are you?” And the rowan said: “I am the rowan. Who are you? You and I repeat the same word “said” all the time. Let's try to replace it. How can you say it differently? (together with the baby, choose the words - whispered, said, exclaimed, answered, asked, was surprised).” By using the technique of your child dictating your fairy tale, you will not only enrich your child’s vocabulary and develop coherent speech, but also make a significant contribution to successful preparation child for schooling.

Secret 4. How to make a homemade book with a children's fairy tale?

I always put children's fairy tales into homemade books. I fold the album sheet in half. It turns out to be a “book” of 4 pages. The first page is the cover. A child draws it. On the cover we sign the name of our fairy tale. We make sure to choose a title that makes it clear what the fairy tale is about. The next three pages are the fairy tale itself: its beginning (second page), middle (third page) and end (fourth page). I write the text at the bottom of the page from dictation. And the child draws pictures.

The child quickly forgets his actions, especially his words. Speech is generally a phenomenon that cannot be touched, stroked or felt in any way. Such books show the child the visual result of his speech, his efforts and arouse great interest among all children. After all, this result is beautiful, you can show it to a friend, dad, grandma, stroke it, touch it!

I'll be honest, I haven't seen one small child, who would refuse to compose a fairy tale and publish his own book based on it, in which he would be both an artist and a writer. Moreover, even the most active and hyperactive preschoolers are ready to engage in this exciting activity for hours!

Secret 5. Approximate themes of autumn fairy tales for kids.

If you liked writing fairy tales about nature, then here sample topics autumn stories that my children and I loved. Maybe you will like them too and inspire creativity: “The Adventures of Autumn Rain”, “What the Rowan Whispered”, “Why is Oak Green in Autumn?”, “How the Squirrel Prepared for Winter”, “A Pleasant Dream of an Autumn Tree”, “What do the trees in the forest say in autumn?”, “What did the autumn wind tell me yesterday?”

Lessons for children on storytelling with examples of exercises, speech games and tasks you will find in the article

I invite you to dialogue:

Your baby it worked out interesting tale ? Send it to “Native Path”, and we will be happy to publish it indicating your last name, first name and baby’s name.

Have you been writing fairy tales with your child for a long time? Write about it in the comments. What topics do you like to write fairy tales about? Your ideas will inspire other families to follow your example!

Happy story-making everyone!

Here’s a wonderful autumn fairy tale that one of the site’s readers composed based on this article - look at what a beautiful autumn book they made at home with their baby:


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