Sample topics for conversations on environmental topics with schoolchildren. Development of a class lesson on the topic “how can I personally help nature”

Teacher : Seytimova Yu.M.
Class : 2 "A"
Conversation : “How can I personally help nature”
Purpose of the conversation : To develop in children knowledge about the various types of activities of schoolchildren to protect nature, to arouse a desire for this activity, to show joy in the work done, to give instructions for carrying out some activities to protect nature.
Equipment : Exhibition of children's drawings on the theme: “We have one earth”; photo stand « Amazing places our region”, crafts made from natural materials; memo “What you should be able to do” young friend nature."

Progress of the conversation

- Guys, today we will talk to you about what ecology is, about environmental problems, about how these problems can be solved, and about how each of you, personally, can help solve one of these problems.

- You've probably heard the word “ecology”. What do you think ecology is? (Children answer).

- Everything that surrounds us is nature: the sky, forest, river, sun, trees, flowers, grass, birds, animals, insects, people, all this is nature.

- Everything that exists in nature must exist together, side by side and in harmony. Thus, trees cannot live without sun, water, and without birds, which find and eat worms in the bark of trees. Animals also cannot live without water, solar heat and light, without the grass they eat, without trees that protect them from heat and rain. All living beings in nature depend on each other.

- So, ECOLOGY is a science that studies the relationships between plants, animals, humans and their connection with inanimate nature: sun, water, air. Ecology also studies how humans influence nature.

- How can a person influence nature? (He can influence well, i.e. help nature.It can influence badly, i.e. harm nature, spoil, destroy it).

- Give examples of how people help nature. (A person plants trees, cares for plants and animals, feeds birds).

How can a person harm nature? (A person can cut down trees, destroy animals, throw out garbage, pollute the air with smoke, car exhaust fumes).

- This is precisely why environmental problems arise. When a person cuts down trees, it is not only the trees themselves that die; birds and insects die, squirrels that lived in the trees die, the streams that flow at the foot of the trees dry up. Thus, an environmental problem arises: how to preserve forests and their inhabitants?

- A person heats houses: he burns coal, wood, smoke comes out, factory and factory chimneys smoke, car exhaust pipes emit gases. Some of these gases are very poisonous. Trees die from them, animals and people get sick. Another environmental problem arises: how to keep the air clean?

- We, people, pollute and destroy nature, and almost every schoolchild, knowing it or not, also pollutes nature.

- How do we pollute nature? (People throw away plastic bags and plastic bottles into the street, into a ditch, into the bushes).

- Is it possible to do this? Of course not. Why?

    First of all, it's just ugly

    And secondly, it destroys nature.

- Early spring we see how young shoots emerge from the soil. He is alive, he dances, dances, breathes air. And if we throw this living sprout plastic bags or bottles.

- What will happen to the sprout? (He will die. He will not have enough air to breathe).

- In the same way, seedlings, flowers, and insects can die from lack of air. You know that in the summer at their dachas people make greenhouses and greenhouses, covering the frames with plastic films. Greenhouses are warm and plants grow quickly.

- Every morning, housewives open the doors of the greenhouses. If the housewife forgets to do this, then the plants in greenhouses and greenhouses may suffocate from lack of air and excessive heat. Also, all living things die under scattered bags and bottles.

- You've probably noticed in the puddlesoil stains.

- Where are they from? (Cars spill gasoline, kerosene, and technical oil into puddles and ditches).

- And it happens that gasoline, kerosene, technical oil, oil end up in the waters of rivers, seas and oceans. Why are these rainbow oil stains harmful? (Children's answers).

The fact is that gasoline, kerosene or oil do not allow air to pass through, and living creatures living in water will have nothing to breathe, they will suffocate. In addition, water with a layer of gasoline can even burn. Regular, clean water is it burning? No. And such water burns. This is precisely why you should not spill gasoline, kerosene, oil or petroleum, because worms living in puddles and frogs living in ditches can die.

- Tell me, do you like candy, chocolate, and chewing gum?

- Where do you throw away the candy wrappers? Have you ever drunk lemonade from jars? Where did you put the jar?

- Many schoolchildren throw candy wrappers, bottles, and jars directly onto the street, into bushes, ditches, and under trees. Some people think that nothing bad will happen if I throw an empty bottle into the groove while no one is looking.

- Are these guys right? No, these guys are wrong. You can't do that. In the fall, candy wrappers and bottles are invisible in the foliage, but in the spring...

- Remember how dirty it is outside in the spring.

- The leaves of the trees rot, the paper turns slightly yellow, but nothing happens to the jars and bottles.

- Let's take a dry leaf, try to crumble it, we get a light, imperceptible dust, which will immediately be blown away by the wind.

- Now let's try to crumble a piece of paper. It only crumpled, but did not turn into dust.

- And nothing happened to the bottle at all.

If we try to wet a piece of wood, paper and a bottle. What happens?

- The piece of paper gets wet and tears easily; a piece of plain paper does not tear so easily. The film, glass and jar are just wet, and we won’t be able to tear or break them.

- It’s the same in nature - only thin paper will quickly rot and disappear, but it will take years for plastic film or a bottle to rot and disappear.

- So, paper decomposes in 3 - 4 years, an iron can decomposes and rusts in 6 - 10 years, plastic film will decompose in 60 - 100 years, and glass will lie in the ground for 600 years.

- Therefore, if you throw out all this garbage today, then in 2 years the paper will only rot. When you graduate from school, the iron can will rust and fall apart. When you grow old and become ancient grandparents, only then will the plastic bag disappear in the ground, and the broken glass or bottle will lie in the ground for a long time. for many years after you and only then will they turn into sand.

- If we take a plastic bag and try to burn a piece of it. And if we hold a white cloth over the smoke from this fire, we will see that it is smoked. Which one bad smell! This means that when burned, harmful substances are released. This soot and soot settle on trees, making it difficult for green leaves to breathe, entering the lungs of animals and people, leading to severe poisoning and illness.

- What to do with the garbage anyway?
- It turns out that each type of garbage needs special processing.

- You can give food waste to cats and dogs; they often run around hungry and will be very grateful to you.

- Paper must be collected and returned to waste paper.

- For what? Again, double benefit. The most important thing is that notebooks, books, and newspapers will again be made from waste paper in factories and factories. 15 textbooks are made from one tree. By recycling 60 kg of paper, you will save a tree!

- Bottles must be taken to glass collection points. You will receive money for this, and the workers will take the bottles to the factory, wash them and sell drinks in them again.

- Metal cans are scrapped and new metal is smelted from them.

- But if you still have any garbage left after your vacation, do not throw it into the ditch, collect it and take it with you and throw it in a trash container in the city.

- Garbage from containers is taken to dumpsters, to specially equipped places, where it will be processed, buried and will no longer cause enormous harm to the environment. Scientists are working to create systems for recycling and recycling waste. Ordinary people they are being helped.

- In large modern cities experiments are being carried out. In the courtyards, in specially designated places, there are not garbage containers, but multi-colored bins. For each type of garbage there is a bin of a certain color. Yellow - for food waste, green - for broken glass etc. Such tanks are taken not to landfills, but to processing plants.


- Guys, what new did you learn from our conversation today?
- What did you understand?
- What will you do?
- And, who knows, maybe the notebook in your hands is made from a pack of old newspapers.

Thus, when throwing away garbage, we make two huge mistakes. We harm health, nature and its beauty. We are losing more and more more resources, but they are not limitless on earth.

So let's take care of nature! And let everyone start with themselves!

There are two ways to submit useful information, instill good habits, give children the skills to do something: talk with kids about pressing topics and set a personal example. If we talk about ecology, then the education of a responsible citizen begins precisely with our personal example and well-constructed, filled emotional examples conversations

We are in kindergarten We “talk” with children all the time, but we don’t limit ourselves to moralizing, but try to make the conversation interesting, instructive and productive. It is clear that garbage is not the only topic of conversation within environmental education. Below I will give a list sample topics for all ages.

It is worth saying that the conversation itself is rarely used as independent method, but it is a mandatory component of any educational moment in a preschool educational institution. Thus, we distinguish between introductory conversations that organize children to perform one or another type of activity, accompanying conversations during a process or activity, and final or clarifying conversations. In addition, a distinction is made between cognitive and ethical conversations.

Therefore, the list of topics about ecologists from the card index, which I will give below, can be used not only as part of thematic classes on environmental education, month or week of ecology, but also during walks, when we observe nature, during organizational issues and on occasion, if an incident occurred that could be resolved through conversation, for example, a child picked flowers or broke a branch of a tree.

I will also add regarding conversation as the main, in my opinion, method of the educational process, that it is important to understand the power that the human word has. It wounds and heals, lifts you from your knees and kills. Remember that children absorb literally every statement you make and clearly understand the difference between what you say and how you act. real life. If you throw cigarette butts and pieces of paper on the sidewalk, there’s no point in moralizing about ethical issues...

List of topics for conversations within environmental education

So, I give a list of topics, and remember that it is suitable for any age, but, of course, information content must strictly correspond to the age of the child. What is clear preparatory group It will be absolutely incomprehensible to kids. Next, I will roughly describe what a card from an ecology card index looks like. And, of course, I’ll give you a tip on a good thematic guide: “Conversations based on pictures “Ecology lessons.” Demonstration material. (16 pictures + 8 diagrams)".

Topics of conversation on ecology:

  • People are friends of nature;
  • You need to be able to feel sorry;
  • Amazing all around;
  • Forest: love, protect and not be afraid;

  • Secrets of plants;
  • Birds and animals in winter;
  • Pharmacy in the meadow;
  • Do animals have houses?
  • How can we help nature;
  • All living things are under our protection;
  • Insects are part of nature;
  • Garbage is a disease of the planet;
  • Don't pollute nature!
  • Kindness must be learned;
  • Our home is nature;
  • Our helpers are birds;
  • Nature in art;
  • Fire: friend or foe?

As you noticed, the names of the topics are universal; they are suitable for classes in ecology and in the second younger group, and 1st grade will also find something to talk about.

How to design environmental conversation cards

Let’s take the topic: “Don’t pollute nature!” V senior group. We write down the topic on a card, then write down the goals of the conversation:

  • Emphasize the problem of human pollution of nature;
  • Explain how people pollute the environment: garbage, landfills, water and air pollution;
  • Ensure that preschoolers understand the relevance of the problem;
  • Together with children, determine ways to solve the problem of environmental pollution.

1.​ Introductory conversation about the existence of a pollution problem environment. Questions for children and expected answers:

— How do people pollute nature? (Garbage, exhaust gases, industrial waste);

— Where does household waste go from apartments and houses? (They take the garbage cars to the landfill);

— What happens to the garbage at the landfill? (Rots, decomposes, emits terrible odors, gathers hordes of rodents, its number is growing);

— How to reduce garbage dumps? (Buy less unnecessary things, sort garbage, recycle paper, glass, food waste put in compost);

— What can be made from waste paper and glass? ( New paper, glass products);

— What other types of waste are there? (Metal, construction, plastic);

- What can be done with them? (Recycle and reuse);

- What do you children throw in the trash can? (Candy wrappers, broken and old toys);

— How to reduce the amount of waste? (Donate unnecessary toys to charity, try to fix broken ones and reuse them, sort other garbage);

— Why do we need waste processing plants? (To recycle and reduce waste).

2. Demonstration of slides about products made from recycled materials.

- What can be made from ordinary garbage? (Paper products, glass, old unnecessary things can be used to make new toys, interior items, crafts and even entire houses);

3. Outdoor game “Who can collect the pieces of paper faster” and “Sorting the garbage.”

4. Drawing on the theme “Garbage and nature.”

5. Closing conversation

- What did we talk about today? (About environmental pollution, waste recycling, recycled products);

- What conclusion can be drawn? (You need to take care of nature, do not litter and try to reduce the amount of waste, give a second life to unnecessary things).

What else should I add?

Using the same principle, you need to think through questions and answers on all topics. Within the framework of the article, I do not see the point in writing “cheat sheets” on each topic. This is actually not difficult, the main thing is to know what to talk about with your children. If you really don’t have time, you can buy ready-made cards.

Ethical conversations on ecology with primary schoolchildren

Environmental education as “a continuous process of training, education and personal development, aimed at forming a system of scientific and practical knowledge and skills, value orientations, behavior and activities that ensure a responsible attitude towards the surrounding socio-natural environment and health” is becoming a new priority direction in pedagogical theory and practice.

Subjects ethical conversations in ecology can be very different: “Nature asks for protection”, “Guardian of the green friend”, “Learn to be sorry”, “The Earth is ours” common house”, “We learn from nature”, “What the birds sing about”, “Commandments of young conservationists”, etc. Obviously, preparing for a bright conversation on environmental topics, rich in facts and examples, will take a lot of time from the teacher. Therefore, we offer the content of several small conversations with students under common name"Visiting nature."

You came to visit nature

There are some good words: “You came to visit nature, do not do anything that you would consider indecent to do while visiting.” How to understand these words? What meaning do you guys put into this statement?

So, you have come to visit nature. Why?

To hear the forest birds singing?

To see how a tight bell bud opens?

To discover a new mystery of nature, which is so generous with riddles.

To admire her beauty.

To enjoy the fresh, fragrant air.

Pick in a basket forest berries, nuts, mushrooms.

You never know why you came to visit nature! But don’t forget: you are a guest! You are in someone else's house, which has many of its own residents and rules. Do them! What are these rules?

Let's start from the very beginning: you are going to visit the forest. You are standing at the edge of the forest, now you look around and choose the direction where to go? Maybe in that corner over there, behind which the trunks of white birch trees can be seen. It must be very bright and cozy there! The decision has been made and you (alone or with your friends) begin your movement towards the chosen corner directly - along forest grasses and low forest shrubs... But - stop! What did you do wrong, wrong. This is not how guests behave!

Did you guys notice a mistake made? No? Is everything correct? So I have to walk through the forest where I want and where I want?

Then listen to another saying that may help you correct your mistake: “One person leaves a trail in the forest, a hundred people leave a path, and thousands leave a desert.” Now do you understand what kind of mistake this guest of nature made? Yes, the layer of soil in the forest is very thin and can be easily damaged and compacted. And at the same time damage the roots of trees and shrubs, which suffer greatly from such guests. In his book “Us and Them,” naturalist writer M. Ivin writes:

“Scientists had to think about how to protect forests from disorderly human invasion. After all, some forests are threatened with death not even by the hand, but by the foot of a person.

Which important rule Can human behavior in nature be formulated based on the example discussed? Let's write it down in our memo for friends of nature: “Don’t trample forest clearings and corners in vain, move along the paths!”

Situation: rest in the forest

You walked through the forest for a long time and got hungry. You have sandwiches, a pot. There is a small stream babbling nearby. It would be nice to have lunch!

The forest spread the clearing like a green tablecloth. The forest received you as a guest...

Look what's left after guests relax in a forest clearing! (You can get acquainted with such a polluted clearing during a walk in the forest; you can use an illustration on the theme of such a recreation in nature.)

There are pieces of paper, empty tin cans, and pieces of bread lying on the grass.

A site burnt out from a fire gapes like a black clearing.

Nearby is a mountain of dried spruce branches, which were plucked from a nearby spruce tree to make it soft and comfortable to sit on.

The fire from the fire burned the roots and branches of a nearby tree.

This is how a guest of nature had a rest! He himself had a rest, but how much harm he brought to the forest and its inhabitants! How many mistakes I made!

He soiled the clearing like a slob!

He burned a huge clearing under a fire, destroyed the grass, insects on them and in the soil, and disfigured the forest clearing!

Damaged the fir trees.

What else? Look at what kind of “memory” the resting forest guest left about his hike. What did he do? And he made an inscription with a knife on the white-trunked bark: “Vova was here.” And drops of sap flowed down the bark of the wounded birch tree like tears.

After such fun, the forest guest quickly left the crippled clearing. Why?

Maybe you felt ashamed?

Or maybe he was afraid that other people would see him and punish him?

Or because the forest clearing has become uncomfortable and ugly?

And if you had to rest in a forest clearing, or on the banks of a river or lake, in a meadow, how would you organize your bivouac? Your vacation?

And one more thing: having realized the wrong behavior of a vacationing guest in the forest and his action towards a wounded birch tree, could you correct the situation in the forest clearing? How?

Situation: noise in the forest

You love listening to music and took a camp radio or tape recorder with you. You are walking through a forest or a meadow, and music is thundering next to you. How good! Is it good? Why?

Noise, loud music, screams in the forest scare birds and animals. And - fish. And - insects. Don't believe me? Turn off the receiver and check - before your appearance, the meadow was ringing with the melodies of a green grasshopper violinist. And now? Everything was quiet, hidden, hidden.

If you want to see a lot of interesting things in nature and hear the singing of birds, the buzzing of insects, the squeaking of a wood mouse - hide, don’t make noise, listen to the rustles and sounds. You are visiting nature and remember this!

Write down one more rule of behavior in your memo: do not make noise in nature, try to move and relax without noise.

Situation: nest

Have you noticed that a gray crow constantly flies after you from tree to tree? Didn't notice? But - in vain! It seems to you that you are walking through the forest silently. But for forest animals your appearance is a whole event. Dozens of wary eyes are watching you.

You noticed a nest in the bushes. What will you do?

Will you bend down to see if there are any eggs or chicks in it? Or just for the sake of interest, how is a nest-hut made and woven? Yes, of course, you touched no one, you didn’t offend anyone. But he unwittingly did a disservice to the owners of the nest! Which one?

Haven't you noticed that the crow doesn't take his eyes off you? So maybe she didn’t see the nest, but now? The nest is camouflaged, the path to it is open to crows, martens, ferrets and other predators who, having discovered traces of a person, follow them in the hope of profiting from something.

    Have you guys ever found a nest?

    How did you behave when you saw him?

    Is it necessary to look for the nest if you see that the bird has fluttered and is clearly trying to lead you aside?

    How will you now behave in a “meeting with a nest” situation?

Remember! In the forest, in the meadow, on the lake, you need to be very careful, try not to harm those who crawl, run, swim and fly!

Situation: chick on the trail

You are walking through the forest and suddenly you see a healthy, cute chick sitting. He sits quietly, waiting to be fed. And the parents are already close, returning with food. But then your hands grab the baby tightly! Maybe you wanted to bring home a living toy? And maybe, out of your ignorance, you took pity on the defenseless cub, who did not need your help at all?

And now a new tenant has appeared in your house. He was surrounded with care and affection. And the chick begins to crow, refuses to eat, and instead of the expected joy at home, anxiety appears for the sick animal, despair from the inability to help.

In vain, oh, how in vain you interfered in the fragile life of a chick! Why in vain?

Draw the necessary conclusions for yourself and remember, guys: under no circumstances should you take chicks from your home and from your parents! Perhaps you come across a sick, wounded chick - then, as a last resort, you can take it to go out, treat it and release it!

Situation: forest animals

in spring and early summer There are a lot of young animals in the forest: small fluffy bunnies, little hedgehogs, little gray bunnies like toys...

You failed the test and brought the animal home. Maybe a baby squirrel or a bunny, or maybe a tiny hedgehog. What's waiting for him at your house? The same as a chick - after all, you know nothing about its lifestyle, about its food. They usually feed an animal at home with food that is not the same as it eats in nature, and then they wonder why this animal, despite caring for it, suddenly dies?

Who gave you the right to control the fate of a forest animal?

This is what the girl writes:

In August we found a hedgehog and brought it home. We fed him grass and flowers. And he just died...

They weren't found, they were kidnapped! After all, how can you find an animal in its own home, in nature, where no one has lost it and it itself is not lost either. Field, forest, meadow are home animal to which it has adapted.

Remember: you cannot steal animals from nature! Only those who do not love and understand nature can drag home everything that comes to hand. The seizure of animals, even babies, is a real theft natural resources. It is enough to admire the animal in nature and bring with you a lot of impressions from the meeting, which will not be forgotten for a long time!

Situation: anthill

You came to the village for the summer holidays. Next to it is a forest. My grandfather and I went to the forest to pick berries and mushrooms. You ran ahead of your grandfather.

    Oh, what a tall pile! – you were surprised and stuck a stick into it. A lot of ants were running around the stick.

Grandfather came up and carefully took out the stick.

    “Great trouble has come to the forest,” he said.

    Where's the trouble? From whom?

    Over there, with the ants. The little people lived and lived, working from morning to evening, collecting needles, removing harmful caterpillars from the trees. Well, the enemy came and destroyed what had been done with great labor.

    Where is the enemy? – you didn’t understand.

    The enemy? Yes, here he is, nearby...

You started looking around, but you still didn’t see the enemy. Who is he?

How and from whom should you protect ants in an anthill?

Did you know that there are fewer and fewer anthills in our forests? Anthills are destroyed during logging, they are ruined by idle people who are ready to take advantage of the ant fuss, destroy ants and various healers, catching them to prepare formic alcohol, and people who prepare “ant eggs” for feeding songbirds and fish in aquariums. They destroy anthills and forest animals: wild boars, bears...

Ants play an important role in the life of nature. They need to be protected and protected. How? How do you guys understand this rule?

Follow the rule of individual behavior: do not destroy or disturb the ants yourself!

Do not allow other people to destroy anthills.

Hang posters and slogans in the forest, telling them what benefits ants bring to the forest, and explaining what harm the destruction of anthills brings to forests.

Exercise: draw a poster “Ants are friends of the forest”, cover it with transparent film and hang it in the forest, next to the anthill.

Situation: bouquet of flowers

When it comes to bouquets, we admit right away: we are not at all against forest and meadow flowers standing in a jar on the windowsill, or in a vase on the table. But you need moderation and taste in collecting them. How do you understand this? Measure and taste?

Of course, it’s impossible to list the flowers that summer bestows on us. And they all ask to be included in the bouquet. And if you collect everything that comes your way, you will get a huge multi-colored broom, which will soon wither and you will throw it away. So you can pick very little into a bouquet - two or three pieces of chamomile (popovnik), cornflower, cotton grass...

When to collect a bouquet of forest and meadow flowers? At the beginning of the walk? Or on the way home when you return from a walk? Why?

What flowers can be collected - the largest and brightest or those that are beginning to bloom? Why do you think?

Yes, large blooming flowers will soon wither, but those that have begun to bloom, placed in water, will perk up and bloom. But remember: there are fewer and fewer beautiful flowers left in our fields and meadows, in the forests due to their thoughtless collection: forest and meadow flowers picked into bouquets quickly wither and die. Therefore, try to admire them in nature instead of tearing them and then throwing them away in armfuls on the way home. Plants listed in the Red Book require special protection. Their collection is prohibited.

These are: lady's slipper, oak anemone, gentian pulmonalis, marsh sedum, broad-leaved bell, peach-leaved bell, snow-white water lily, yellow capsule, lily of the valley, bifolia, common larkspur, high larkspur, bulbous corydalis, imbricated fennel, fuchs orchis and many other species .

Exercise: collect “portraits” of protected plants, postcards, photographs, drawings and make a stand “Let’s Protect flowering plants! Hang it where teachers and parents advise.

Make sure that your friends, acquaintances, younger brothers and the sisters did not collect rare beautiful flowering plants in the forest and meadow. Take care and protect them!

Situation: basket of berries

The forest generously treats people. Townspeople and rural residents rush to the forest as soon as forest fruits and berries begin to ripen. Many people rush to collect unripe pale pink lingonberries and cranberries, to collect which some pickers use scoops and scrapers that collect not only the berries, but sometimes the entire plant; Often berry pickers collect berries along with bushes and branches of strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries.

Is it because they stoop so low to the ground that they are afraid of being torn off at the very roots? It is painful to see how a young picker carries home a sad souvenir - a withered bouquet of strawberry branches or blueberry branches. But blueberries, for example, begin to bear fruit only in the second decade! Wasn’t it too early, due to your misunderstanding, that you ended the life of a useful forest berry - after all, it can bear fruit for up to two hundred years?!

How to pick berries without damaging the plant? Let's think about this together.

You need to pick berries carefully, do not trample them and do not move from place to place unnecessarily.

You need to pick berries with your hands, not with a scoop.

Take only ripe berries; unripe and green berries are tasteless and will have to be thrown away. But if you don’t take them, the plant will give a second harvest in a few days and will delight new berry pickers.

Under no circumstances should you uproot a plant!

You never need to pick every single berry - you need to leave some for animals and birds, who also look for food in nature.

Situation: mushroom basket

August in the forest is the month of mushrooms. And will you ever meet a man without a basket in the August forest? What if something happens? Don't leave it!

Why leave it? You can and should take it! But how to take it?

Remember how you pick mushrooms? What rules do you follow? Is it possible to tear moss and throw it aside when picking mushrooms? forest floor? Why?

That’s right, mycelium (threads in the ground), if exposed to the rays of the sun, can dry out and die.

How to pick mushrooms correctly?

Do not pick, but cut off the stem of the mushroom with a knife or carefully turn it out of the ground so as not to damage the mycelium.

What about unfamiliar mushrooms?

Of course, it’s better not to take them! Why? Yes, because among them there may be poisonous mushrooms. But remember: if mushrooms are poisonous to humans, then it is not at all necessary that they are poisonous to animals - they can be useful for them: squirrels, moose, wild boars, deer. So you shouldn’t kick the handsome fly agaric. Let him decorate the forest and heal animals from diseases.

So we have discussed several commandments of behavior in nature. Of course, this is only a small part of the rules of behavior in the natural environment. But these rules will also help preserve the diversity of flowering herbs, and the purity of forests and meadows, and “our little brothers,” and the green outfit of the planet, and the voices of birds, and the ringing chirping of a green grasshopper in the meadow...

The cause of many unseemly acts in nature is ignorance. Therefore, your first task is to study the life of the inhabitants of nature; find out why it is necessary to act in nature one way and not another; try to follow the necessary instructions and prohibitions during rest, picking berries, mushrooms, nuts, medicinal plants.

Nature is the common home of plants, fungi, animals and humans, and we need to think about how this house will always prosper and grow rich.

Environmental conversation "Garbage is a global problem."

Relevance of the topic: Planet Earth is our common home, every person living in it must treat it with care and respect, preserving all its values ​​and wealth.
Description of material: This year I was faced with the task of telling the children about the ecology of our region. I bring to your attention several conversations about ecology, designed for children in grades 5-7; this material can also be useful for teachers, educators and parents.
Recommendations: The conversation is accompanied by a presentation (multimedia support), which allows you to more fully understand the degree of danger from pollution of our Home-Earth. The conversation begins with a showing of an excerpt from the cartoon "Walli", followed by a performance problematic issue. You can play out the question or ask the children to ask it, or ask the teacher (this depends on the class).
Target: To develop in children knowledge about various types of household pollution. To arouse the desire of schoolchildren to protect nature, to give instructions for carrying out some activities to protect nature.
-study the scale of the problem;
-analyze modern methods waste disposal;
-find rational ways to dispose of waste.

Progress of the conversation.

The cartoon should be stopped at 2 minutes and the question asked: “What did you see in this passage?”
Sample answers from children:
- mountains of garbage,
- empty planet
-a robot that collects trash...
Teacher's question: "Why is the planet empty, what happened? What is the reason?"
Sample answers from children:
- people flew away because they littered the planet and could not live on it.
Now look under your desks (note the sidewalk...or any other example..., is there a job for Valli there?
Our village arose in 1921, on the banks of the river. Several houses were built. The first inhabitants saw around beautiful forest, fertile meadows, carpets of fields. The village grew. And what do we see now? What caused this to happen? ( Children's answers)
Today we will talk to you about garbage, we will try to figure out how dangerous our household waste.
Show presentation.

Garbage is a global problem.

2 slide. Each inhabitant of our planet produces an average of about 1 ton of garbage per year.
3 slide.
Causes of garbage:

. growth in disposable production;
An example for clarity: disposable tableware, which is used on hikes, picnics, etc.
. increasing the amount of packaging;
An example for clarity: a box of chocolates. To get to a handful of candies, we first remove the film, then open the lid of the box, then remove the paper, and take out the candies from the individual packages. As a result, there are only 6-12 pieces of candy, and a full bucket of garbage!
. raising the standard of living, allowing usable things to be replaced with new ones.
An example for clarity: almost every day we are offered new phones from the TV screen, and we have a desire to buy new thing, Although old phone- correct and functional. Where do we put the old phone after purchasing a new one?
4 slide. Solid household waste (MSW, household waste) - items or goods that have lost their consumer properties, the largest part consumer waste
Solid waste: paper, glass, food waste, plastics, fabrics, metal objects. In addition to all this, large-sized solid waste (garbage - old furniture, out of order household appliances, car tires etc.)
5 slide. Conventionally, all generated waste can be divided into 4 categories. (description on slide)
Inert - Possessing low chemical activity; difficult to enter into chemical reactions.
Waste is also divided according to the degree of danger to the environment. The classification is progressive from class 5 to class 1.
Class 1: Extremely hazardous waste. The threat is very high; at this level, the ecological system is irreversibly damaged and there is no recovery period.
Class 2: Highly hazardous waste. The threat to the environment is high. Restoring the ecological balance is possible in 30 years.
Class 3: Moderately hazardous waste. The ecological system is disrupted. Restoration of the ecological system is possible no less than 10 years after the reduction or elimination of the harmful source.
Class 4: Low hazardous waste. There is an environmental impact. Ecological restoration for at least 3 years.
5th grade: Practically not dangerous. There is no impact on the environment.
6 slide. Construction and household waste

Construction waste. This type of waste is generated during construction and installation work for various purposes, in particular the construction of large facilities, road works, as well as during dismantling and demolition of premises. Most often, such waste includes frozen lump-shaped mortars, crushed stone, broken bricks, fittings, wood waste, scrap metal and others. This waste is classified as hazard class 3-4.
Household waste.

Household waste is generated during human life, usually in institutions, residential complexes, private sectors, municipal institutions, and so on. TO this species Garbage usually includes food waste, plastic, paper, furniture, glass, clothing and other household waste. This kind of garbage has a hazard class of 4-5.
Slide 7 Industrial wasteIndustrial waste.

This various kinds waste that is generated as a result of production work and technological processes. Garbage has a hazard class of 2-3.
In addition to waste generated as a result of the activities of the population and enterprises, wastewater also includes water, the formation of which was the result of the fallout of various atmospheric precipitation on the territory of industrial facilities and populated areas.
Various organic matter, contained in wastewater, when released into water bodies, begin to rot and cause a deterioration in the sanitary condition of both the water bodies themselves and the surrounding air, and also become sources of the spread of pathogenic bacteria.
Therefore, the most important issues of environmental protection are wastewater disposal and cleaning waste water to prevent harm to public health and ecological situation settlements.
8 slide. Chemical compounds and rubber

Chemical - pollutants are harmful chemical compounds. Hazard class 1.
9slide. Packaging materials (plastic bags, plastic bottles, aluminum cans)
10 slide. Three ways of recycling have been invented (description on slide)
Exercise "My Briefcase"
(individually, in groups, as a whole class)
Children take things and objects out of their briefcases and sort them, laying out separately objects made of wood (paper), metals, fabric, glass, plastics. Under the guidance of the teacher, they record data in a table, writing out the contents of the portfolio in the appropriate columns. Further discussion: are there many products and what material are they made of? How long will these things last? How quickly will they end up in landfill? Is there anything that can be done to prevent them from becoming trash?

11 slide. Landfills are the most anti-ecological way of recycling waste.

In a typical landfill, toxic infiltration water flows out of it, and methane enters the atmosphere, which contributes to increased greenhouse effect(today methane “takes over” 20% of the climate warming effect)
In a notebook b:
1. Toxic substances penetrate into groundwater, are scattered by the winds throughout the surrounding area and thereby cause damage to the environment.
2.As a result of rotting processes without air access, various gases are formed
3. Fires regularly occur in landfills, releasing soot, phenol and other toxic substances into the atmosphere.
12 slide. When constructing a waste site, the following are taken into account:
- rose, winds in the landfill area;
-distance from settlements, water protection and environmental zones;
- soil water permeability;
-the area of ​​the territory allocated for the landfill (the area must be sufficient to receive waste for a long time);
- location convenient for transport access
Slide 13 As an option for a landfill, a landfill for storing solid waste is proposed - this is a “bathtub” with a bottom and sides made of clay and polyethylene film, in which compacted layers of solid waste are covered with layers of soil. The volume of waste is growing so quickly that within a few years any landfill is full and a new one needs to be built.
Does our village's landfill meet all the requirements? Why?
Slide 14 Unauthorized dumps(Where can these landfills be seen in the village? Near it?)
1. Disfigures the landscape.
2.Creates a threat to human health:
- breeding rodents are carriers of infectious diseases;
- toxicological hazard from the release of methane and sulfur dioxide.
3. The released biogas creates an explosion and fire hazard.
4. Soil contamination and groundwater compounds of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, nickel.
Slide 15 Construction waste the ravines fill up and I We.
-Firstly, such landfills are drained to prevent water from the landfill from penetrating into underground aquifers.
-Secondly, they are ventilated to prevent the formation of flammable and toxic gases.
-Thirdly, garbage is poured into the landfill so that its surface is flat.
16 side. Waste incineration.

- harmful or toxic chemical compounds are released in large quantities.
-not all garbage burns
-garbage contains a lot of moisture and difficult-to-combustible materials
Slide 17: There are waste incineration plants: 1 ton of garbage can produce 400 kWh (energy - hot steam). However, even with the most advanced combustion technology, these plants pollute the atmosphere. Although an environmentally friendly waste incineration plant was built in Vienna.

The building with golden spherical domes, a tall chimney tower and colorful walls houses the Spittelau incineration plant (the creation of Hundertwasser), which has become an organic element of the city landscape, an example of high environmental standards and a popular tourist attraction. The Spittelau incinerator is a rare combination of practicality and beauty. The plant can dispose of 265,000 tons of waste annually. He generates electricity for his needs independently. In addition, it supplies heat to 60,000 Viennese apartments. Mirrored golden balls crowning factory chimneys are not just a catchy architectural decor, but effective filters that remove heavy metals, acids and sulfur dioxide from smoke. These devices were very expensive for the treasury (the cost of the project almost doubled because of them), but the author of the project himself insisted on their installation. Now there are no unpleasant odors in the vicinity of the plant.
Slide 18: Recycling the most resource-saving way.

But there are a number of problems here:
-The first problem: the garbage needs to be sorted. Recycling requires investment to make waste treatment plants economically profitable.
-The second problem: delivery of waste to the recycling site.
-Third problem: garbage cannot be used as a raw material for the production of high-quality products. Although it is profitable to recycle solid waste, there is always a demand for secondary raw materials - paper, glass, plastic, aluminum, non-ferrous metals, etc.
Slide 19 Besides
1.Industrial waste must not be disposed of together with household waste.,
-pesticides, mercury and its compounds – waste from the chemical industry;
-radioactive waste generated at nuclear power plants;
-arsenic and its compounds - waste from metallurgical industries and thermal power plants;
lead compounds – waste from the oil refining and paint industries, etc.
20 slide. 2.Household waste - which after its use becomes special waste.
-unused medications;
-remains chemicals plant protection (pesticides);
-residues of paints, varnishes and adhesives;
-remains of cosmetics (eye shadow, nail polish, nail polish remover);
-remaining funds household chemicals(cleaning products, deodorants, stain removers, aerosols, furniture care products);
-mercury thermometers.
21 slides.The disposal (disposal) of special waste is regulated by strict rules and regulations:
-Combustion in special installations,
-Placement at special training grounds
-Storage on the ground surface in a waterproof platform up to 3 m thick.
22 slide. Recycling of solid waste in Russia is no more than 2%; one of the reasons is the insufficient ecological culture of the population. After all, it’s easier for us to throw garbage into a common container than to sort it. And the dirtiest garbage is food waste. They decompose and contaminate the other, making it more difficult to sort through.
22 slide. Natural decomposition of waste:
-papers - from 2 to 10 years,
- tin can - 90 years,
-cigarette filter - 100 years, plastic bag- 200 years, plastics - 500 years,
-glass - 1000 years.
24slide. As we have already said, the most environmentally friendly way to get rid of garbage is to recycling. Your options (children give examples of recycling waste)
-The Dutch are building an island out of garbage in the Pacific Ocean
-Build houses from bottles (glass)
-Build fences, create sculptures
Slide 25-27: Recycling of waste (examples on the slide)
Exercise "Useful trash"
Find trash in pictures or in your things that can be recycled.
Game "Garbage sorting."
(in groups)
Children in groups sort garbage into fractions, deciding for themselves which fractions to highlight. It is possible to replace "real" garbage with cards. Discussion of the results of the work.

28 slide. Active environmental pollution has led to global environmental problem– destruction of the human environment.
Slide 29 Let's come up with rules that we will follow so that our planet remains clean.
1.Throw garbage only into containers;
2. Take a shopping bag with you when going shopping;
3.Try to buy detergents that do not contain phosphates;
4.Do not throw garbage into sinks and toilets;
5.As organic fertilizers use compost and manure;
6.If possible, buy drinks in glass bottles;
7. Try to avoid buying disposable items.
30 slide.
-Is scientific and technological progress justified? After all, while improving our living conditions, it inevitably leads to disaster for the natural environment.
-Increasing anthropogenic pressure may ultimately lead to the extinction of humanity as a biological species.
-And one of the reasons for this is garbage...
Exercise "Alternative"
(in groups or as a whole class)
We need to offer alternatives to various things that very quickly become garbage. How can they be made differently so that there is less waste?
-plastic bag for milk, kefir
- disposable tableware
- plastic lemonade bottle
- batteries
-other, from what the children themselves named during the conversation.

Final discussion.
Our civilization is sometimes called a civilization of waste. Never before in the history of mankind have landfills grown so rapidly! If the garbage of earthlings is piled up in one place in one year, then a real mountain will be formed, like Mont Blanc. What can you and I do so that at least Valli doesn’t have to work in our village?

Conversation on ecology

Conversation script

“Take care of your native nature!”

Love and respect for nature and all living things should be instilled in children from the very beginning. early childhood. Both parents and teachers should do this. The teacher can hold a conversation with the children “Nature in poetry and music” and prepare with them a literary and musical composition “Take care of your native nature! ”

We present to our readers the development of such a composition. Let the guys hang posters with statements on the walls of the hall in advance outstanding people about nature:

· “I don’t know anything more beautiful than our land.” (K.G. Paustovsky)

· “Man cannot help but be fascinated by nature. He is connected with her by a thousand unbreakable threads, he is her son” (I.S. Turgenev)

· “Happiness is being with nature, seeing it, talking to it.” (L.N. Tolstoy)

· “A person who understands nature is nobler, purer.” (L.M. Leonov)

· “A person must arrange the earth as carefully as he is used to organizing his dwelling, his home.” (A.M. Gorky)

· “Man must decorate the earth.” (M.A. Sholokhov)

Schoolchildren can set up stands “Poets about Russian Nature”, “Artist about Russian Nature”, organize a competition for the best drawing about nature, prepare an exhibition of their drawings and crafts made from natural materials.

At the appointed time, schoolchildren gather in the hall. The presenter and several guys come on stage.

Host: Look around: how beautiful, amazing world We are surrounded by forests, fields, rivers, seas, oceans, mountains, sky, sun, animals, birds. This is nature! Our life is inseparable from it. Nature feeds, waters, and clothes us. She is generous and selfless.

The writer K. G. Paustovsky has the following words: “And if I sometimes want to live to be one hundred and twenty years old, it is only because one life is not enough to fully experience all the charm and all the healing power of our Russian nature. Love for native nature- one of the most important signs of love for one’s country.”

Our Russian nature, full of poetry and charm, touches and excites every person who loves his Motherland, has beneficial influence on his soul.

The beauty of simple and unartificial Russian nature is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for poets, artists and composers. Many poems, paintings, and musical works were born thanks to her.

The song “Our Land” sounds (lyrics by A. Prishelets, music by D. Kabelevsky);

Now a birch tree, now a rowan tree,

Willow bush over the river,

Extremely beloved, forever beloved,

Where else can you find one like this?

From the seas to the high mountains,

In the middle of our native latitudes

Everyone is running, the roads are running

And they call forward.

The valleys are filled with sunshine,

And wherever you look -

Native land, forever beloved,

Everything is blooming like a spring garden!

Student: And how many secrets every inconspicuous blade of grass, every flower contains!

Are you passing by a flower?

Lean in and look at the miracle

Which you could not see anywhere before.

He can do things that no one on earth can do.

For example, he takes a speck of soft black earth,

Then he takes a drop of rain,

And a blue patch of air,

And a ray of sunshine.

Everything will be mixed later (but where!?)

(Where are the rows of test tubes, flasks, and spirit lamps?)

And from the same black land

It is sometimes red, sometimes blue, sometimes lilac, sometimes gold!

V.A. Soloukhin

Guys, don’t pick armfuls of flowers in vain. Let them bloom in those short moments that nature has given them, make us happy.

A student reads a poem:

All the rye is all around, like a living steppe,

No castles, no seas, no mountains...

Thank you, dear side,

For your giving space.

N.A. Nekrasov

Student :

The Motherland gave you in full

Everything she can give only to her son.

She gave the dawn and her father's threshold.

And they gave star roads for thousands of years.

Viburnum flowers in the fields, the purity of the spring

It survived in battles, carried through centuries,

I gave you wild flowers,

Endless shining world.

The song “Where does the Motherland begin? ” (lyrics by M. Matusovsky, music by A. Pakhmutova).

Leading. Nature, which gives us everything for life, requires us to be diligent, careful attitude to yourself. All of us currently living are responsible for our nature to our descendants. However, sometimes both adults and children behave carelessly and wastefully towards her. A thoughtless, mismanagement of nature brings great troubles.

The singer of nature, writer M.M. Prishvin addressed the schoolchildren with the following words: “Dear children! We are the masters of our nature, for us it is a storehouse of the sun with great treasures of life. And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland. In our country there is a struggle for landscaping the yard, where many trees and flowers are planted, and for greening the streets.

Nature is good in its own way at all times of the year. But the artist Autumn decorates the world of plants with special, magical colors.

Scientists of different nationalities note with alarm that the animal and flora our planet is becoming poorer, some rivers are becoming polluted, and this leads to the death of all living things in them. Many species of animals and plants have already disappeared on Earth. Therefore, scientists have compiled the Red Books. They list species of plants and animals that are on the verge of extinction. Scientists actively participated in the preparation of the law of nature. These laws should be known not only by adults, but also by children, especially those who have not yet understood that by harming nature, they harm themselves, people, and their native country.”

Student: Man has taken from nature for too long and did not think that its riches and generosity are not eternal, that they must be taken wisely, spent carefully, and that someday they may dry up.

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