Thackeray William Makepeace Doctor Roszgi and his young friends. Thackeray William Makepeace Doctor Rozzgi and his young friends Formula for an effective problem

The Central Bank once again raised the rate, but forgot to explain how this will help improve the economic situation in the country. And this is not only a problem for the Central Bank: in order to combat the crisis more effectively, citizens must understand what exactly the government is doing for their well-being.

The ability to explain one's actions has always been a weak feature of the Russian state. It seems like they did everything wisely, but either forgot to explain, or decided that everything was already clear, or didn’t consider it necessary at all. There are many examples of this - starting from the monetization of benefits, continuing with the war of 08/08/08 and ending with the current healthcare reform in Moscow.

It’s up to the United States to explain its actions to both its own people and its allies. Only later it turns out that they lied outright, but by that time Saddam had already been hanged, and all the secrets had been extorted, and in essence there was no longer an independent Iraq.

Some cultural and progressive officials sometimes try to explain their movements, but it would be better if they remained silent - the fecal-anal allusions of Medinsky and Kapkov confirm that the joke about the laundry and the Ministry of Culture is eternal, but they do not add respect to them in society at all. And it’s also somehow not very pleasant to hear a statement about one hundred rubles per dollar after the New Year from an official.

But both Kapkov’s sad forecast and the initiatives of State Duma deputies - either about redenomination or generally about replacing the ruble with a new currency - arise for one simple reason. The agency, which should regularly speak on this topic, is silent or issues comments so incomprehensible to the majority of Russians that it would be better to remain silent too.

Silence of the Central Bank

There can be no doubt about the professionalism and vast experience of the head of the Central Bank, Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina. She has been in the government since 1994, worked at the Center for Strategic Research, developed Putin’s economic program for the 2004 elections, and headed the Ministry of Economic Development.

But there is one point in her biography - “she doesn’t like to communicate with journalists.” And as a result, the actions of the Central Bank, inexplicable for citizens without an economic education, cause bewilderment at best, and panic at worst.

A professional economist does not need to explain why an increase in the Central Bank’s key rate should reduce inflation - loan rates rise, demand decreases, and prices rise more slowly.

The average person remembers that the refinancing rate was high during years of high inflation, and only after inflation slowed down was the rate reduced. The key rate and the refinancing rate are different things, but again, who understands this except specialists?

According to Nabiullina, a high rate is a means of combating inflationary expectations, but not a single explanation of this, made in human language, could be found either on the Central Bank website or in the official comments of the head of the Bank of Russia.

It turns out that from an economic point of view everything was done correctly (probably). But the lack of a clear explanation leads to exactly the opposite results - the ruble continues to fall, bread rises in price, and panic intensifies.

Comments by economists who do not share the position of the Central Bank also do not add peace of mind to either citizens or the ruble.

Vain words

The most consistent opponent of Elvira Nabiullina's economic policy is presidential adviser Sergei Glazyev. Speaking on Thursday at the business forum “Russia. New strategy,” he, in particular, said: “The Central Bank is acting inadequately: instead of lowering the interest rate, and this is a necessary condition for replacing external loans with internal ones, it raises the rate and actually cuts off the real sector from sources of loans and aggravates the effect of its policies economic sanctions." According to Glazyev, the Central Bank is leading the country to disaster. At the same time, he especially noted that this is a private opinion, and not the official position of the presidential assistant.

The director of the Institute of Globalization Problems, Mikhail Delyagin, expressed himself even more harshly at the same forum: “Nabiullina is the most expensive woman in the history of the Russian Federation; this year alone she cost us 90 billion dollars and will cost us more. But the most expensive person in the history of the Russian Federation is still Mr. Kudrin. In 2008-2009, it was he who controlled our financial policy, it was his plans that included a smooth devaluation, which was elevated to a first creation, costing a quarter of a trillion dollars.”

But the root cause of Bastrykin’s statement is, again, Nabiullina, who did not react in any way to the instruction made in the president’s message to deal with currency speculators. When bankers are silent, prosecutors begin to speak.

And Bastrykin spoke primarily about the fight against insider information, the use of which in the United States, by the way, can lead to a very long prison sentence. But they heard him say “they’ll put everyone in prison.”

Be able to explain

The crisis will intensify - alas, there are no prerequisites for improving the situation in the economy in the near future. The crisis will pass, as all crises have passed. But citizens’ perception of the crisis can and should be softened.

There are facts: the lack of clear comments about what is happening on the part of the monetary authorities is increasing the panic. Divergent comments and public showdowns by representatives of different departments are intensifying the panic. Intervention in the economy by security forces (even in words) increases panic.

To solve these problems, not much needs to be done - first, find Nabiullina a good speechwriter who can explain the actions of the Central Bank even to a schoolchild. If the head of the Bank of Russia herself is not ready to communicate at this level, it is necessary to hire a press secretary. By the way, does anyone know the name of the current press secretary of the Central Bank?

Any decision that may have an impact on the foreign exchange market must be clearly and clearly explained.

And, of course, any attempts at insider information should be followed by a real deadline with wide coverage of the process in the media.

When the United States was experiencing the Great Depression in the 1930s, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt addressed citizens weekly, explaining what was happening in the country.

In 2011, Vladimir Putin spoke approvingly of Roosevelt’s broadcasts: “The main goal is nationwide psychotherapy to instill confidence in the country’s citizens in the future.”

Now is the time for psychotherapy. Of course, Putin himself has many other things to do, so perhaps it is not he who can address the citizens personally. But in any case, this should not be some new television commentator (the current ones are already doing a good job), but a direct participant in public administration who is trusted and who knows how decisions are made at the highest level.

If the actions of the government, the Central Bank and other authorities remain incomprehensible to the overwhelming majority of citizens, then sooner or later they will believe the one who gives the simplest explanation of what is happening. And this explanation is unlikely to be pleasant.

Life is about tasks. They are everywhere: big and small, important and not important, urgent and not so urgent.

My wife asks me to book tickets for the New Year, I ask my subordinate to prepare documents for the transaction. If I don’t book tickets today, tomorrow they will cost more. The employee does not prepare the documents on time - the deal will be canceled and the company will lose money.

The success of a project or company depends on the results of completing tasks. Hence the first problem of any business is the execution of tasks.

The manager wants his subordinates to complete tasks clearly and on time. If a task is not completed or completed but incorrectly, the employee is to blame. The task execution machine malfunctioned. The car needs to be replaced. This is the psychology of a leader. And I thought so until I realized that the reason for the unclear execution of tasks was not the employees.

They are not robots, but smart, thinking, creative and responsible people. I chose them for the team myself. The problem is with me: I, like many managers, do not pay enough attention to setting goals.

Formula for an effective problem

The formula for an effective task that employees take on with joy and zeal consists of six simple rules.

1. Identify the problem

Behind every task of a leader there is pain.

If I ask a subordinate to do something, it means that I need it for some reason. But managers do not consider it necessary to explain this to their subordinates. As a result, the employee thinks that the boss just wants to burden the subordinate with routine tasks.

Related article: Rules for setting goals

For example, I ask a manager to analyze a lead report. The main job of a manager is working with the client. Analysis distracts from the main work. The manager stupidly collects data and makes a report anyhow, just to quickly get rid of a routine and unimportant task.

A correctly posed task is a problem that the employee must solve in the best possible way and creatively. This is not an order or a direct instruction.

By solving problems, rather than stupidly following orders, an employee develops. He comes up with unconventional ideas that help the company move forward.

2. Describe the meaning of the problem on a business scale

If an employee does not understand why exactly he is preparing the same analysis, he will do it poorly. Explain what will happen to the result of the work after.

Marketing specialists will work with the analysis of the report. Based on the collected data, they will adjust the product’s advertising campaign, which will attract new customers. Conversion will increase, the company will grow.

This way the employee will feel the importance of the task for business development.

3. Formulate the essence and conditions of the problem

Describe the result you want to get. If necessary, conditions and restrictions. Give your manager clear time frames.

Count the number of leads for the last three months. I need to understand whether conversion has actually decreased. If yes, then at what point? Make a list of possible reasons.

4. Explain deadlines

Managers often set a deadline for a task, but do not explain why this particular date is important. As a result, for the employee the deadline is only day X, by which routine work must be completed.

Related article: Where to look for performers to delegate work

The analysis is needed by Monday. In three weeks we begin a large-scale advertising campaign. Marketers will need time to adjust sites.

You explained to the employee the reason why the task must be completed within a certain time frame. He understands that the work of other people depends on the completion of a task, and takes a more responsible approach to solving the problem.

5. Motivate

The worker receives a salary. Managers often think that this is enough motivation. But that's not true. Employees do not always understand why this or that task fell on their shoulders. Explain your choice to the manager.

A marketer can analyze the data. But I would like you to do it. You know your clients better and gather more complete information.

The subordinate feels special, a hero, a superman and is eager to fight with enthusiasm.

6. Put the task in writing

If you set the task correctly, but did it orally, and the employee wrote it down in a notebook under dictation, something will definitely be lost. After you have discussed the task orally, create a written summary.

Forming a habit

Knowing how to set a task so that it is completed is half the battle. We must constantly apply knowledge in practice. This is impossible without automation. You'll have enough for a week or two. Then urgent matters will appear and you will not describe the task in detail. Once - no big deal. But where one time is a hack, a second and third will always appear. Soon you will spit on this disastrous business, and again turn into a distributor of orders for robots.

Something must constantly remind you of the correct setting of tasks so that the scheme becomes a habit. Megaplan helps me. Task setting form - automatic reminder.

The name of the task is always the desired action. What should your employee do? The answer to the question is the correct formulation of the problem.

Notes from Mr. M. A. Titmarsh

Doctor and his establishment

I do not consider it necessary to explain the reasons for which I became a junior teacher and teacher of English and French, flower appliqué and playing the piccolo flute at the “Academy” of Dr. Rozzga. Good people can believe me: it was not for nothing that I exchanged my apartment near London and pleasant, intelligent society for the department of an assistant teacher in this old school. I assure you, the meager teacher's bread, getting up every morning at five o'clock, walks with the younger boys (who played tricks on me without ever being imbued with due respect for me as their formidable and omnipotent mentor), Miss Roszga's rudeness, the sullen insolence of Jack Roszga and the patronizing address of the old doctor himself - all this is very little pleasant. Their arrogance, their ill-fated dinners, really, often got to my throat. Well, whatever - my score with their school is over. Hopefully they have now found a more capable junior teacher. Jack Roszgi (Reverend J. Roszgi, a fellow of St. Nitus's College, Oxford) entered into a partnership with his father, Dr. Roszgi, and himself teaches some subjects at the school. I cannot say for certain what his knowledge of Greek is, but in Latin, in any case, I understand better than him. I have never seen a second such pompous fool (and what is he bragging about! - that his cousin Miss Raby lives with them), a second such brainless, self-satisfied turkey in my life. It always seems that the white neckerchief is about to strangle him. And because of this starchy shelter, he tried to look at me and Prince, the second teacher, as some kind of lackeys. He was of almost no use at school - all day long he wrote pious letters to parents on behalf of the management and composed tedious sermons that he delivered to the children. The person on whom the school truly rests is Prince, also an Oxford graduate, modest, proud and learned; stuffed to the brim with Greek grammar and other useless wisdom; amazingly kind with little students and merciless towards fools and braggarts; revered by everyone for his honesty, learning, courage (there was a case when, in a general fight on the pier, he hit one big guy so hard that schoolchildren and boatmen just gaped) and for the hidden strength that everyone feels in him. Jack Roszgi was afraid to look him in the eyes. Old Miss 3. didn't dare to put on airs with him. Miss Rose gave him the deepest curtsy. And Miss Raby directly said that she was afraid of him. Good old Prince! How often in the evenings, having sent our pets to bed, we used to sit with him in the doctor’s carriage house and, putting off the teacher’s worries and canes until tomorrow, peacefully smoked among the harness hanging on the walls.

After Jack Roszgi received his coveted degree from Oxford, which was not without difficulty, the local educational institution, which was previously called the Roszgi School, Dr. Roszgi's Academy, and so on, suddenly turned into Rodwell -Regis Archbishop Wigsby College." The old sign with gold letters on a blue background was taken down and used to repair the pigsty. Jack Roszgi ordered the decoration of the large assembly hall in the Gothic style, with statues, erected his own bell tower and placed a bust of Archbishop Wigsby in the middle of the school yard. Six students of the graduating class were dressed in robes and square caps, which, of course, made an impression when these youths walked around the city, but caused hostility and ridicule from the guys on the dock. Rozzgi Jr.’s passion for academic order and vestments was so great that he was ready to dress me up in a professor’s robe with red cords and downs, but I resolutely refused - I think that a teacher of penmanship in no way suits all these paraphernalia.

By the way, I completely forgot to mention Rozzgi Sr., Dr. Rozzgi himself. What can I say about him? Well, firstly, he has a very loud rustling robe with white lapels at the neck, an important appearance and a deafening voice; and how dignified he is when he talks with the parents of his students - he receives them in an office completely lined with books in luxurious bindings, and this has a strong effect, especially on the ladies, convincing them that, they say, the Whig doctor is so doctor! But just think, please, he doesn’t read books and never even opens them, except those in which he pawns his white collars, and except for Dugdale’s “Monasticon”, which in appearance seems like a thick tome, but in reality is a cellar where It contains macaroons, port wine and a decanter of brandy. Dr. Rozzgi understands the classics only with the help of a printed translation key, which the boys simply call a “cheat sheet,” and when he teaches a lesson, they play all sorts of dirty tricks on him. Older jokers knock on his office and ask for help with analyzing a difficult passage from Herodotus or Thucydides; he says to come in a little later, while he looks at the text, and he rushes to seek salvation from Mr. Prince or in his “cheat sheets.”

The rods are entirely under the control of Rozzga Sr., since he considers his son to be too enthusiastic. He also has thick, menacing eyebrows, and he can scream in an eerie voice. But his menacing behavior does not frighten anyone. This is just a lion's skin, or, in other words, a blank shot.

Little Mordant once drew a portrait of him with long ears, like those of a well-known domestic animal, for which caricature his own ears deservedly suffered. Doctor Rozzgi caught him in the act, fell into a terrible rage and at first even threatened to flog him. But that day, a basket of game from Mordant’s dad arrived at the most opportune time as a gift for the doctor, causing Doctor Rozzgi to soften and simply burn the portrait with the ears. However, I have another sketch of the work of the same young prankster in my desk, sealed, and the frontispiece of this book is drawn from it.

First fighter

My old age is not far off, and in my life and in my travels I have seen many great people. Saw Louis Philippe leaving the Tuileries Palace; and His Majesty the King of Prussia, when he and the Reich Minister in Cologne blessed each other for a knightly feat under my very nose; and Admiral Sir Charles Napier (once, in an omnibus); and the Duke of Wellington; and the immortal Goethe in Weimar; and the late all-good Pope Gregory XVI; and another twenty great people of this world - one of those, looking at whom one cannot help but experience respectful and enthusiastic shock. I enjoy this thrill of fear - a tribute from the humble in spirit to the Great Man.

So, I also happened to see generals prancing at the head of their crimson battalions; and bishops, smoothly marching under the arches of cathedrals, lowering their eyes and pressing the bishop's beret to their hearts with fat white fingers; and university rectors on days of highest visits; and Dr. Rozzga in all his glory, when, on graduation day, he, as the head of the school, listens to speeches addressed to him - an unforgettable sight; great people. I was not fortunate enough, it is true, to see the late Mr. Thomas Cribb, but I doubtless would have regarded him with the same reverence which I feel every day when I see George Champion, First Boy of Dr. Roszga's school.

When, asking him an arithmetic problem, I just imagine that it costs him nothing to beat me, bend Prince and the third teacher to death with a blow to the stomach, and throw Dr. Rozzgi himself out of the window, then I cannot help but admire this noble , the generous young man who sits so calmly and peacefully and puzzles over the columns or picks the text of a Greek tragedy. He could, if he wanted, take hold of the pillars and bring the school down on our heads. He could have locked the doors and killed us all, like Antar, Ibla’s lover. But he leaves us alive. He will not beat anyone without reason, then woe to the tyrant or scoundrel!