Biography of Ani Lorak, personal life, husband. Ani Lorak - biography, personal life, photo, husband, children, news

Ani Lorak (Karolina Kuek) is open and frank in all areas of her life. Even her stage name is a transformed personal name of the singer, only written backwards, and not something made up purely for the sake of euphony. It was first uttered in 1996 in an episode of the program “ Morning star».


Caroline was born on September 27, 1978 in the Chernivtsi region city of Kitsman. Everyday difficulties did not affect the character of the perky girl, who was raised together with two older brothers only by her mother; her father left them before her daughter was born.

With mom and brothers

The modest income of her mother, who worked several jobs, did not give her the opportunity to feed her children and arrange a good home. Therefore, soon after moving to Chernivtsi, Caroline’s mother made the difficult decision to send them to the Sadgorsk boarding school.

The girl spent most of her time in the institution until the 7th grade. But unlike many other boarding school children, she and her brothers were at home on weekends, periodically met with their father and received gifts of toys and candy from him. Returning to school, Caroline always shared sweets with the other children. Another source of Caroline’s sweet “income” was performances at concerts and matinees, where she was constantly invited to sing.

The girl first felt recognition of her talent at the age of four, when local residents walking nearby gathered around her, singing to the accompaniment of a portable transistor. Not stingy with applause after each song, they unwittingly helped the “star” decide on his choice life path. Caroline decided to sing not only for her own pleasure, but also for the joy of her listeners.

The first significant step towards the big stage took place in 1992, when Caroline was helped to get to the Chernivtsi festival of young talents. There were many participants, but she was able to win. “Primrose” brought her not only her first recognition on a regional scale, but also gave her an acquaintance with Yuri Thales.

A professional producer highly appreciated the potential of the festival winner and even signed a contract with her.

Ani Lorak won the super final of the television competition “Morning Star”, won the “Tavria Games”, received two international awards, earned the title of Honorary Artist of Israel and performed at many small concerts.

Competition "Morning Star"

After receiving the honorary title, the singer’s enthusiasm only increased. In 1999, Carolina became an Honored Artist of Ukraine. Today, her collection includes more than one “Golden Gramophone”, dozens of awards, awards as one of the most stylish singers of our time and, of course, her own albums in Ukrainian, Russian and English. The singer also often has to pose for magazines, including nude ones.

At Eurovision 2008

Performance in Jurmala

"Golden Gramophone"

Personal life

Yuri Thales became for Carolina not only a mentor in the profession, but also the first great love. The first 4 years of their relationship were filled only with a passion for art. Yuri and Carolina became a de facto family in 1996.

Naturally, work came first in this union, so little time was allocated for real romance. It is possible that it was the lack of attention as a woman that caused the breakup in 2004. Although later in his interviews Yuri veiledly hinted at the same problem, but in relation to himself.

Living under the gaze of the paparazzi is not the sweetest thing in the world. I glanced a little at how tomorrow your more than close relationship will be trumpeted in all the media. This is what happened with football player Sergei Rebrov. There are no photographs of them together, but the media wrote a lot about their relationship.

Passion benefited the career of the lover - new songs appeared, imbued with special energy. It’s enough to listen to “Dream about me” and understand that this is not just a talented work.

Alas, a little later a new confession “Rozkazhi” was born, which became another hit for fans of the singer’s talent. But, in essence, it was a recognition that disappointment in the chosen one is a very painful and offensive thing.

Ani Lorak and her husband Murat Nalchadzhioglu

Resentment towards men was simply transformed into Ani’s everyday experience, but Murat Nalchadzhioglu, the man with whom she decided to officially link her destiny, was able to change this. A handsome, stately Turk lit a spark in her heart from the first meeting, which was not distinguished by romantic circumstances.

There was even a version in the media about a somewhat ambiguous joke made by Murat to the new hotel guest when their paths crossed. Or is it all due to an inaccurate translation of a phrase in a foreign language?

Anya was halfway on a work trip, and he held one of the management positions at the hotel where the singer was staying. For the next four years, these two met periodically, constantly kept in touch and systematically fought off the advice of relatives and friends who predicted the fragility of the nascent relationship. On August 15, 2009, Murat and Carolina officially got married in Kyiv, organizing a festive event on this occasion in Turkey.

The most important jewel of this marriage is the angel Sofia, adored by mom and dad, born on June 9, 2011.

Ani Lorak's discharge from the maternity hospital

Ani Lorak and Philip Kirkorov

Philip Kirkorov was asked to become the girl’s godfather. Philip coped with the honorary duty during the ceremony perfectly.

With dad at baptism

And since then he has been actively involved in the life of his goddaughter, which is quite simple. After all, Philip and Caroline are family friends, organize joint name day celebrations, and visit each other with their children on creative tours.

Kirkorov's son's 3rd birthday

Sofia's birthday 4 years old

Sofia is 5 years old

This is what the friendship that began while working at Eurovision 2008 led to, when Kirkorov lent his shoulder to Carolina, who participated in the competition with his song.

In this video, Ani Lorak talks about latest events from my life:

Due to the current political situation between Russia and Ukraine, the singer spends most of her time working in Russia (currently working on the Ani Lorak DIVA show), participating in charity events for children, and releasing new videos.

DIVA show

Singer in once again confirmed that her work is close not only to the souls of her compatriots, but also to people abroad. Her solo performances were enthusiastically received in Australia.

With my husband

With husband and daughter

With mom

Ani Lorak divorced

Over time, information about the novels of Murat Nalchadzhioglu began to appear regularly in the press. While Lorak worked in Russia, her husband was often seen in Kyiv nightclubs with other girls.

In the summer of 2018, video and photographic evidence of Murat’s betrayal appeared in the media. The couple openly showed their feelings in one of the karaoke bars in Kyiv:

The girl was quickly identified; she turned out to be Yana Belova - socialite and businesswoman.

During all this time, Ani Lorak never commented on her husband’s infidelity. On February 1, 2019, they officially divorced. The meeting was closed, but it is known that neither Lorak nor Murat were present at it. They have not yet filed a claim for division of property and custody of their daughter. On at the moment Sofia lives with her mother in Moscow.

Today Ani Lorak is known in the CIS countries and abroad as a singer and Eurovision participant. But fans of the woman’s creativity are also interested in Ani Lorak’s husband. Everyone is interested to know what kind of family Ani Lorak has, how many children there are. The girl does not hide her personal life and family at all. News about Ani Lorak’s husband, children, and family regularly appears in the media. Let's try to sort out the star's personal life in chronological order!

Ani Lorak's first husband

When the girl was not yet an incredible star, she met Yuri Thales. Initially, he was simply a mentor for her in creative endeavors. Afterwards, creativity allowed the couple to create love. The couple had very long relationship, which ended in family. The wedding took place in 1996.

Ani Lorak lived with her first husband until 2004. At this time, both Yuri and Ani had to work a lot. Many argue that it was precisely because of the active construction of a career that the family broke up. This was later confirmed by Yuri himself. In an interview, he stated that his work did not allow him to pay enough attention to his wife.

Afterwards, it was no longer Ani Lorak’s family that was discussed, but her novels. Many media outlets attributed the girl to an affair with the famous football player Sergei Rebrov. Moreover, it is impossible to find joint photographs on the Internet of a possible couple at that time.

The star has released many songs dedicated to “special” love, which gives an understanding of what kind of experience Lorak has behind her. The composition “Dream about me” gained wide popularity. The girl’s next hit was the song “Rozkazhi”. But her message was sadder - associated with disappointment in love and a man.

Ani Lorak and Murat Nalchadzhioglu

Despite all the worries, later Ani Lorak appeared new man. It was Murat Nalchadzhioglu. From that moment on, the girl’s personal life and family began to be discussed incredibly heatedly. Everyone was surprised by Ani's choice - Murat turned out to be a wealthy and stately resident of Turkey. But Ani Lorak’s husband’s biography is completely non-media and not involved in the world of show business, which the star herself has never hidden.

Later, the potential husband of Ani Lorak, Murat Nalchadzhioglu, began to be discussed in the media - or, to be more precise, the couple’s acquaintance. As it turned out, the star came to Turkey for work reasons. Murat worked in the management of the hotel where the singer stayed. But the relationship did not start right away. Subsequently, over the course of four years, Ani met with Murat more than once. Although many close people said that nothing would come of this “unusual” connection. However, in August 2009, Murat and Ani became officially married. The painting took place in Kyiv, and the festive ceremony itself took place in the husband’s homeland.

Children of Ani Lorak

After two years of marriage, in the summer, there was an addition to Ani Lorak’s family. Daughter Sofia was born. This news was also discussed in the media for the reason that godfather The girls became Philip Kirkorov himself. Moreover godparenthood did not become just a formality for the star. On the contrary, Philip and the Lorak family friendly relations and many joint holiday events.

It’s unlikely that Ani Lorak could have imagined in 2008, when she participated in Eurovision, that literally one year later there would be a lot of articles in the media on the topic of what Lorak’s new family, children, husband But it was thanks to Eurovision that Lorak began a friendly relationship with Kirkorov.

Ani Lorak now

Today Lorak works in Russia. Since conflict situation with Ukraine does not allow the singer to conduct full-fledged creative activities on the territory of the two countries. Lorak regularly releases new video works. She has been spotted more than once at various major charity events.

Lorak can boast of its success abroad. A large number of fans of the girl’s work were found in Australia, where she is considered a star and a sought-after singer.

The Ukrainian singer won the hearts of a huge number of men and women, not only with her appearance, but also with her strong and melodic voice. Lorak will celebrate her anniversary in September 2018; she will turn 40 years old.

She looks simply flawless for her age. Her height of 163 cm and weight of 52 kg allows her to demonstrate to her many fans what kind of body women at her age can have. Biography, personal life, children, husband and photos of singer Ani Lorak were main theme for discussions among fans, journalists and simply lovers of her work.


Karolina Miroslavovna Kuek is the real name of Ani Lorak. Born on September 27, 1978 in the city of Kitsman, in the Bukovina region. Despite the early separation of her parents, her mother kept her father’s surname and chose the name based on her liking for the heroine of her favorite TV show. Due to lack of money and poverty, Lorak’s mother had to spend a lot of time at work.

IN early age Ani ends up in the Sadgori boarding school. During her studies, she took part in numerous vocal competitions. In 1992, a young girl won the Primrose festival. Yuri Falyosa saw the girl’s talent and became her first producer. She signed her first contract with him.

Ani Lorak in childhood and youth


“Morning Star”, one of the most popular Russian television programs, has made changes to the singer Ani Lorak’s biography and personal life. Pay attention! It was this program that created the stage name by reading her name backwards.

Lorak's career grew rapidly. In 1995, her first album was recorded, and already at the beginning of 1996 a CD was released by an English company. This year was a victory for her. She won the Big Apple Music 1996 Competition.

Boundless talent and desire allowed her to record such albums as:

  • "Shady Lady"
  • "Ships";
  • "Caroline";
  • "Without you";
  • "Don't give up";
  • "Autumn Love";
  • "The New Ex."

Ani Lorak on the set of the video “Ships”

These albums include the 7 most popular songs that we all love so much:

  • Shady Lady;
  • Sun;
  • At first sight;
  • For you;
  • Bring back my love;
  • Take it;
  • Mirrors.

Ani Lorak and Valery Meladze on stage

Each composition gives us the opportunity to return to past memories. I have no doubt that every girl has at least one favorite song that she associates with a certain part of her life.

Personal life

Attention! Yuri Falyosa was the first de facto husband from 1996 to 2004. In 2009, Turkish businessman Murat Nalchadzhioglu became Ani Lorak's husband.

Looking through the biography, personal life of Ani Lorak, her husband and photos of children, many try to find in them even more fascinating facts from life. Their luxurious wedding took place in her husband’s homeland, Turkey. Two years later, the couple decided to expand the family with children. In 2011, their daughter Sofia was born.

It is interesting that the couple chose the Bulgarian singer Philip Kirkorov as godfathers, and Verkhovna Rada deputy Irina Berezhnaya became godfather. The christening took place on April 7, 2012 in Kyiv.

Ani Lorak with Murat Nalchadzhioglu

Husband and children

Everyone is interested in knowing the biography, personal life of Ani Lorak, photos of children, husband and how old they are strong marriage. Who is Murat Nalchadzhioglu? What does their now five-year-old princess look like? Murat Nalchadzhioglu is a businessman from Turkey whom Ani met on vacation in sunny Antalya. Murat was one of the owners of the hotel where the singer stayed.

He fell in love with her at first sight, Ani did not keep him waiting long and soon returned his feelings. After the end of her vacation, Lorak flew away, but she and Murat constantly talked on the phone. A year later she returned to Turkey, where she filmed a video and settled in the same hotel. After this meeting, their real romance began.

Many people are interested in the question - “How old is Murat”? The husband is only a year older than his beloved. He was born on June 12, 1977. Murat started earning money very early to help his mother after the death of his father.

Wedding of Anya and Murat

After the wedding in Turkey, Murat moved to his wife’s homeland and began to rapidly develop in the restaurant business. He also manages several clubs and has no plans to stop. The biggest achievement for the couple was the birth of their daughter Sofia. Ani Lorak and Murat no longer hide photos of their charming baby.

Now on the pages of Instgrama, parents with pride and great delight for their “child” post funny pictures of their daughter. Dad's eastern roots and mom's charming smile combined perfectly in this charming baby. Five-year-old Sonya is not intimidated by cameras and poses well. Therefore, there is a high probability that the daughter will follow in the footsteps of the star mother.

Ani Lorak with her husband and daughter

Bullying in Ukraine

Loud statements were made against the Ukrainian singer. Many claimed that she had betrayed her homeland and was openly touring Russia with concerts. Singer Anastasia Prikhodko spoke sharply not only towards Ani Lorak, but also her fans. Despite the betrayal of Ukraine, they continue to applaud her creativity.

“The harassment that is happening now is part of the political game,” the singer believes.

Ani Lorak

By clarifying their relationship, politicians are setting people up for negativity. But Ani Lorak’s songs and creativity will always serve Ukraine. “I made my choice to bring love to people through music. This has always been and will be my choice: to serve people with my creativity,” says Ani.

Politicians are trying to use different situations from Ani Lorak’s personal life, biography and photos, but this will remain only on their conscience. She will always remain with her people. The singer believes that we are all “connected” by family and historical ties.

“Soon these terrible days will end, and all people will forget about the suffering caused during cruel games"! – says Ani Lorak.

Ani Lorak

Ani Lorak now

Ani Lorak demonstrates her creativity on world stages. She performs in:

  • England;
  • France;
  • Germany;
  • Hungary;
  • Poland;
  • Turkey.

Ani Lorak sings on stage

Her immediate plans are to conquer the European and world public. Undoubtedly, the wide profile of her music and charming voice will help her achieve this goal.

In the last video, which they recorded together with the famous producer Alan Badoev, the singer had to change her image. Ani Lorak has turned into a femme fatale.

She “tried on” 5 bright images:

  1. Bright red lips;
  2. Red boots;
  3. Transparent dress;
  4. Short jacket;
  5. Black lacquer coat.

Ani Lorak

It's interesting what viewers criticized new clip- “New Ex.” Viewers noticed that it was very similar to Tina Karol’s video for the song “I Will Not Stop” and accused the singer of plagiarism. Did Alan Badoev really “borrow” someone else’s idea and thereby frame Lorak?!

After intense filming of the video and New Year's concert the singer decided to relax with her husband and daughter. Lorak shared a photo from the heat of Mexico on Instagram. On the beach, the singer showed off her black bikini, which clearly showed off her flat tummy.

Ani Lorak on vacation in Mexico

Lorak is sunbathing and preparing for the upcoming concerts and the main event of the year in the “Diva” show. Let's hope that the rested and tanned Ani Lorak will continue to delight the audience's eyes not only with her gorgeous photos, but also new creative discoveries.


People's Artist of Ukraine, Ani Lorak, was born in the city of Kitsman, September 27, 1978. She was the second child in the family. For a long time, Ani Lorak’s parents could not come up with a name for their daughter; they eventually settled on the name Olga, but at the request of her grandmother, who was Polish, they named her Caroline. Real name Ani Lorak - Kuek. Karolina Kuek's father works as a local journalist, despite the fact that he graduated from a music school as a conductor. Mom was a radio announcer.

Thanks to what dad had music education, he was able to develop his daughter’s interest in music. Since childhood, Carolina Kuek began to take part in all sorts of concerts, first at school and then at a more serious level. It must be said that Carolina developed and progressed very quickly - at the age of 14 she became the winner of the Chernivtsi festival “Primrose”. Thanks to this victory, Karolina was noticed - producer Yuri Falesoy signed a contract with Karolina Kuek. This was the first professional contract in Caroline's life. Just three years later, Carolina Kuek became famous thanks to the Morning Star-95 program. It was because of this program that Carolina came up with her pseudonym “Ani Lorak”. It happened like this: while submitting an application for the competition, Carolina Kuek encountered a problem - one of the participants had already submitted an application under the name Carolina. Therefore, I had to come up with a pseudonym for myself. For a long time, Caroline could not come up with something worthwhile; in a fit of despair, she simply wrote her name backwards, “Ani Lorak,” and it turned out to be just what she needed. Already under a new pseudonym, Ani Lorak took second place at the Chervona Ruta festival, which was held in Crimea. And at the end of this year (1995), Ani Lorak completed recording her album “I Want to Fly,” which, unfortunately, was released in a circulation of 6,000, but not a single copy was released in the CIS. In 1996, Ani Lorak took part and won the Big Apple Music 1996 Competition, which was held in New York. In December 1997, Ani Lorak released the album “I'll Be Back.”

In 1999, Ani Lorak was awarded the title of People's Artist of Ukraine. She became the youngest person to be awarded this title, and it is not surprising, because she was barely 19 years old.

In 2000, Ani Lorak began collaborating with Igor Krutoy, as a result of which the song “Mirrors” appeared. In 2001, Ani Lorak released the disc “Where You Are...”. A year later, Carolina is recognized as the best singer in Ukraine. 2004 was no less successful for Ani Lorak than previous years - her album “Ani Lorak” received the status of “golden album”, the song “Three Loud Words” was recognized as the best song of the year, and Ani Lorak as the best singer of the year. In 2005, Carolina Kuek released the album “Smile”, the song of the same name from which she wanted to perform at Eurovision, but the group “Grinjoly” with its political song “Since we are rich..” prevented Ani Lorak from entering the competition. Thank God fate gave Caroline another chance. In 2008, Ani Lorak took second place at Eurovision, after Dima Bilan.

Ani Lorak is a singer, composer and lyricist. Her performance at Eurovision 2008 with the song “Shady Lady” brought her well-known fame, after which Ani took 2nd place. And this is not surprising, because her voice has a range of 4.5 octaves. Hard work and perseverance from childhood helped her win the status of the Diva of our show business.

Singer Ani Lorak in 2018

During her life, Ani Lorak had to endure boarding school, but for this fate rewarded her with a fruitful career.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Ani Lorak originates in a provincial Ukrainian city, then it was still the Ukrainian SSR. Carolina Kuek (real name of the artist) was born on September 27, 1978 in Kitsman, in the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine. The difficult childhood of the future star of television screens, podiums and respected concert venues was predetermined before her birth: her mother and father separated when Caroline had not yet been born. As a result, the girl born was overtaken by complete poverty.

The singer’s mother broke up with her father, but Caroline received her father’s surname, which she had to give up in the spotlight. After the birth of the child, the family lived poorly; Caroline was not the only child. At the age of six, her mother decided to send Ani to Sadgorsk boarding school No. 4 (Chernivtsi, Ukraine). Caroline lived there with her brother until the 7th grade; her mother was unable to feed the children, even though she worked around the clock.

Young girl wanted to become a popular singer from the age of four, but the conditions in which she was born dictated their own rules to fate. Once in a boarding school, Lorak did not give up her dream, the girl took music lessons, participated in many local competitions - one of these turned out to be Carolina’s lucky ticket to the first echelon of Ukrainian show business.


A lucky ticket for Ani Lorak was the victory in the singing competition “Primrose” in 1992 - at this Chernivtsi festival she met producer Yuri Falyosa, who saw talent and a promising singer in the girl. The victory secured the young artist’s first professional contract. For several years, Ani Lorak, under the strict guidance of Thalesa, learned the basics of show business, this lasted until 1995.

Ani Lorak's real name is Carolina Kuek. Initially, the young singer performed under her real name, but on the threshold of big show business she had to give it up and take a pseudonym. Producer Yuri Falyosa insisted on this: in the competition in which Ani Lorak claimed to win, there was already a participant from the Russian Federation with the name Carolina - the girl quickly had to look for a way out of the situation, then the producer read Caroline’s name backwards. For the first time the name Ani Lorak was presented general public in March 1995.

Ani Lorak in her youth

In the same year, the producer “attached” the singer to the popular television program “Morning Star”, where Lorak received her first fame on a national scale. Then Ani Lorak was called the “discovery of the year” - the girl received the first creative award"Golden Firebird" at the Tavria Games. 1995 was a real breakthrough for the star - the girl’s career and fees skyrocketed, the artist earned the interest of journalists and the loyal love of fans, whose army increased with each passing year. public speaking.

Ani Lorak in the project "Morning Star"

In the breakthrough year of 1995, Lorak completed work on recording her first studio album, “I Want to Fly,” which was released in 6,000 copies, but never reached Ukraine from the English company “Holy Music.” Since 1996, Ani Lorak became the winner of the New York “Big Apple Music 1996 Competition” - it is obvious that Thalesa chose the most correct path for Carolina. Year after year, the girl proved her right to a place in Ukrainian show business with victories in creative competitions around the world and tours that took place to constant sell-outs.

There were countless competitions in which the artist took part under the leadership of Thalesa. Each of them brought even greater popularity and popular recognition - everything the girl dreamed of, she already had. Carolina did what she loved and worked hard; later this work was widely appreciated by the public - Ani Lorak also felt her first career peaks in the late 90s.

In 1999, the vocalist was awarded the title of the youngest Honored Artist of Ukraine, and in 2004 she became a UN Goodwill Ambassador.

Ani Lorak went to Eurovision 2008 from Ukraine, from where she brought second place for the country to Kyiv. In European music competition Lorak presented the song “Shady Lady”, which was released as a separate single - Europe appreciated Ukrainian singer according to dignity.

Ani Lorak at Eurovision

Ani Lorak became the owner of five gold and two platinum discs based on sales and rotation on radio and television channels. The discs “Tam de ti e...” (“Where you are...”, 2001), “Dream about me” (“Dream about me,” 2003), “Ani Lorak” (2000) became gold. , “Rozkazhi” (“Tell”, 2006), “Smile” (2005).

The status of platinum discs went to the albums “15” and “Sun”. Ani Lorak’s last studio album was “Did you love...”, released in 2016, but it will not be the last in the singer’s career - Ani Lorak continues to sing now.

In addition to her vocal abilities, Ani Lorak was also noticed for her amazing charisma - the girl became a model for leading clothing designers. In Ukraine, Ani Lorak is the official advertising face of the cosmetic brand Oriflame, the cosmetics company Schwarzkopf & Henkel and the travel company TurTess Travel. Ani Lorak’s restaurant “Angel lounge” opened in Kyiv in 2006.

Problems at home began in 2009, when Ani Lorak took part in the “With Ukraine in the Heart” tour in support. Ukrainians remembered the singer for her “mistake,” but the last straw in their patience was Ani Lorak’s active touring activities in Russia when the war in Donbass began.

Grigory Leps and Ani Lorak - "Mirrors"

Ukrainian nationalists Ani Lorak’s concerts were disrupted, and scandalous statements about the popular singer appeared in the Ukrainian media. According to these data, they are against the position that Ani Lorak demonstrates with her performances in Russia. In addition, the artist did not hide her friendship with the Russian king of pop, creative collaboration with stars Russian stage , .

Some Ukrainian artists stood up for the singer, noting that they “don’t understand her bullying.” Political party“Svoboda” arranged a “corridor of shame” for Ani Lorak in front of the “Ukraine” palace, where the girl was trying to get to a concert. stated in social networks that Lorak is “actively provoking society.”

Ani Lorak - "corridor of shame"

At one moment the pride of the country, the most bright star Ukrainian stage Ani Lorak has transformed. It’s a shame and unfair when politics interferes in the sphere of creativity.

Not paying attention to criticism, Ani Lorak continues to tour with concert programs in Russia and the Baltic states. Art remains higher for the singer political views and ambitions. But in Ukraine, Carolina is still refraining from touring for safety reasons.

Personal life

Ani Lorak’s personal life is not hidden in a haze of uncertainty, as some artists prefer to do. From 1996 to 2004, Carolina lived with producer Yuri Falyosa, but their marriage was not officially concluded.

In 2009, Ani Lorak officially married the co-owner of Turtess Travel. The young people met in Turkey in 2005. Ani Lorak’s husband is a Turkish citizen, but a year after meeting the singer he moved to live in Kyiv.

In 2011, Lorak and Nalchadzhioglu had a daughter, Sofia, who traditionally took her father’s surname. In the spring of 2012, Sofia was baptized in Kyiv, and Philip Kirkorov became the godfather of her daughter Ani Lorak. In an interview, the artist noted that the Russian pop singer occupied the niche in her soul that her older brother Sergei occupied in childhood. The young man protected his younger sister, and when Caroline was 9 years old, he died in Afghanistan.

Ani Lorak regularly devotes time to training. The girl began to pay attention to sports after pregnancy, during which she gained 15 kg. The singer considers the ideal weight for her height of 162 cm to be 48 kg.

Ani Lorak quickly returned to shape after giving birth

Rumors about Ani Lorak's plastic surgery do not stop on the Internet. The public comments on the artist’s photo from "Instagram", in which the singer’s lips look plumper than in her youth. But consultants assure that this form is just a makeup trick, and not beauty injections. The artist herself does not comment on rumors about plastic surgery. Carolina is confident in her beauty and is not afraid to appear in photographs without makeup.

In July 2018, Ani Lorak’s husband was in the company of a Ukrainian businesswoman. The man showed the girl unambiguous signs of attention while his wife performed at a festival in Baku. For a long time the couple did not comment on reports of the imminent dissolution of the marriage, however, in January 2019, Lorak and Nalchadzhioglu finally got married.

Ani Lorak now

In February 2018, Ani Lorak presented a world-class show DIVA, directed by Oleg Bodnarchuk. The show premiered on February 16 in Minsk, on February 25 in St. Petersburg, and on March 3, the sold-out show took place at Moscow's Olimpiysky Sports Complex, where it created a sensation.

Even at Eurovision, Ani Lorak was called a diva by her friend and mentor Philip Kirkorov. The singer's concert program corresponds to the status of a stage star in terms of vocals, staging, and stage effects. Ani Lorak dedicated this show to all women, each of whom, in her opinion, deserves such high rank. Among the images used by the singer on stage is Mother Teresa.

Ani Lorak - "New Ex"

For Ani Lorak herself, this show became a real test. The singer is present every minute on stage for three hours, performing complex balancing act during her vocal numbers. The performance was directed by Oleg Bodnarchuk, the author of the artist’s previous concert program “Carolina”. For the Diva show, a moving robot platform, 500 kinetic suspensions to create tricks in the air, 19 elevators that create the illusion of a moving floor, and 240 stage costumes were used. The premiere in Moscow took place at the Olimpiysky sports complex to a full house; there was no free space in the hall for 15 thousand people.

Ani Lorak - "Crazy"

Among latest works singers – hits performed in duets with popular singers. These are the songs “I Can’t Say”, “Say Goodbye”, recorded together with, and the hit “Soprano”, which Ani Lorak performed together with. At the end of spring, the premiere of Ani Lorak’s video “Crazy” took place, the video of which collected 7 million views on YouTube hosting in two months.

Today the singer has 2 grand shows: “Carolina” (2013) and “DIVA” (2018), 16 albums, a biographical video film, more than 50 video clips, as well as large number"gold" and "platinum" discs. During my creative activity Ani Lorak has won many awards and prizes: “Best Singer”, “Person of the Year”, “The Most beautiful woman", "Fashion singer", "Song of the Year", "Best Concert Show", "Golden Gramophone", MUZTV, RU.TV, ZHARA, Major League, BraVo, EMA and others.

The singer performed at the world's most famous concert venues. Today, show business diva Ani Lorak successfully performs on stages in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, America, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Turkey, UAE, Spain, Malta, Italy, and the Baltic states.


  • 1996 – “I want to fly”
  • 1998 – “I’ll be back”
  • 2001 – “There, children ...”
  • 2004 – “Ani Lorak”
  • 2006 – “Tell me”
  • 2007 – “15”
  • 2009 – “Sun”
  • 2013 – “Light up your heart”
  • 2016 – “Did you love...”