Parents' Saturdays Parents' Saturday

So, the parent's day after Easter is called Radonitsa. Many people think that it is Saturday, but in fact, according to church calendar, it's always Tuesday. Parental after Easter in 2018, what date, you ask? We answer that this is Parents Tuesday, it falls on April 17 and is called Radunitsa.

When going to the cemetery on the second Tuesday after Easter, you need to take Easter food and other paraphernalia with you. At the beginning of St. Thomas' Week, on Red Hill Day (April 15, 2017), you can additionally color eggs and bake Easter cakes, which will be taken with you to the cemetery. The thing is that Radonitsa is Easter and on this day we should celebrate such a bright and significant event with them.

Joy to Radunitsa

For a person living in modern world, the name of this holiday can be jarring. Indeed, no one says “Radunitsa” like that anymore, and what does this word even mean? This may seem strange to you, of course, but the name of the holiday Radunitsa comes from the word “joy”. Since on this day we celebrate Easter with our departed relatives, we should rejoice on this day.

To rejoice, you just need to remember once again the meaning of Easter itself, if you have already forgotten it since the recent Easter Sunday. Jesus Christ was resurrected and with this event he conquered death. Life has defeated death, which means that death simply does not exist, there is only immortal life. This is what all the deceased now live by, so Radunitsa is a holiday, an opportunity to celebrate the victory of life over death with deceased relatives and loved ones.

Interesting! Some sources claim that the name of this holiday also comes from the word “clan”. Because on parental days it is the representatives of the human race who are remembered, thanks to whom the believer himself lives in this world. These days you can cook.

Radonitsa on Saint Thomas Week

Parental Day after Easter (in 2018 too) is always celebrated on Tuesday of St. Thomas Week. The Week of Thomas (the same apostle of Jesus Christ who was nicknamed the unbeliever) begins on April 15 on Krasnaya Gorka. This is always the second Sunday after Easter. Then, throughout the week until next Sunday, the holiday week continues.

And it is within the framework of this week that the day of the year is highlighted - - when it is possible and necessary to remember the departed after Easter. Moreover, you need to go to the cemetery with Easter cakes, colored eggs and even Easter cottage cheese. If possible, part of the food should be given to the poor and those asking from the church.

Other parenting days after Easter

We already know for sure that Parents Tuesday after Easter in 2018 falls on April 17th. On this day, we, our deceased relatives and friends, celebrate Easter itself and the victory of life over death. But what other days during the year (after Easter) will there be parenting days?

Calendar parenting days after Easter for 2018:
9th May. This day is dedicated to the remembrance of deceased soldiers and, of course, is directly related to Victory Day.
We should also celebrate May 26th. This Saturday is also called Trinity Saturday, because it falls exactly one day before big holiday Trinity (Pentecost). In the spring-summer period, this day is the main memorial day for Orthodox believers. It is important to go to church and pray for deceased relatives, and then go to the cemetery to visit them.
September 11 will be celebrated as a parent's day associated with the holidays of Intercession. On this day, they remember John the Baptist, who was an ardent fighter against the sins of people. It is important to observe a one-day fast on this day, because believers mourn the violent death of St. John the Baptist.
The last parent's day of the year will be November 3. It is called Dmitrievskaya Saturday. On this day they remember Dmitry Donskoy and the soldiers who died in battles under the leadership of this man.

The canons of the Christian faith prescribe commemoration of deceased relatives and friends in church. Commemorations among Orthodox believers take place on parental Saturdays, which are Orthodox Christianity there are 7, of which 2 are called Ecumenical, when prayers take place for all the dead on earth. The only day of special commemoration that does not occur on Saturday, but on the 9th day after the bright holiday of Easter - on Tuesday, is Radonitsa (Radunitsa). Radonitsa 2019 will be celebrated on the 7th May, and you can look at the remaining dates on which parental Saturdays fall in 2019 in the Orthodox calendar 2019.

History of the holiday and its name

The historical roots of the holiday go back to paganism. There are several assumptions why this parent's day is called Radonitsa. One of them is based on old legend that this name comes from the names pagan gods who were the guardians dead souls. Memorial days in those days they called it Radavanitsa, Triznami or Naviy day.

Before the adoption of Christianity in Rus', it was customary for our ancestors to organize week-long feasts on burial mounds in the spring. There they lit fires, sang, danced and ate. The pagans believed that this is how they honor, treat and please the souls of their ancestors who come from the heavenly kingdom to earth these days. After all, if they are met poorly, the eternally deceased may become angry and send hunger and disease to the earth. It was believed that the souls of the departed should be met with joy, so the spring commemoration began to be called “Radonitsa”.

According to another version, the name comes from the words “clan” and “kinship”, since deceased relatives were commemorated on this day. Most researchers are inclined to believe that “Radonitsa” means joy and connect this with the fact that on the Sunday that came after Easter, according to church scriptures, the Savior descended into hell and won victory over death. Therefore, “Radonitsa” carries within itself the joy caused by faith in the resurrection and eternal life.

The Orthodox Christian Church, taking the essence of spring commemoration as a basis, gave it its own content and characteristics. The date of the celebration of “Radonitsa” was established based on the fact that in churches in weekdays, following the second Sunday after Easter, the singing of the lithium for the dead, which had not been held since Maundy Thursday itself, was resumed. Therefore, the commemoration of the dead falls on Tuesday or in some populated areas- on Monday.

Traditions and rituals of Radonitsa: history and modernity

Visiting the graves of relatives is the main tradition of Radonitsa. In the old days, on Radonitsa, as in our days, Easter food and Easter eggs were brought to the graves. If now Easter Egg they simply put it on the grave, then earlier it was customary to bury it under the cross or, breaking it on the cross, cleanse it and beggars for “remembrance of the soul.” This ritual was called “Christening with relatives.” Then it was customary to have large meals with alcohol at the grave, after which some even fell asleep near the graves. Nowadays, the church does not encourage drinking alcoholic beverages at graves.

In some areas it was not customary to go to the cemetery. It was believed that on this day the deceased come to the houses of their relatives. In order to welcome them well, a bathhouse was heated in the morning, in which clean linen was laid for them for the whole day and night. At this time, everyone was forbidden to enter the bathhouse. When morning came, all household members went there and looked for traces indicating the arrival of the deceased. It was possible to wash in the bathhouse only after finishing Radonitsa.

In the traditions of Radonitsa, it was obligatory to place water and pieces of bread on the windowsill. In the evening, a memorial dinner was held, where there were always three extra plates on the table: for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the deceased. It was customary to distribute the food remaining after the festive meal to the poor and homeless. After dinner, young people gathered on the street and had fun festivities.

Most ancient tradition Radonitsa is considered a rite of making rain. Now this tradition is forgotten, but earlier our great-great-grandmothers said that on the day of Radonitsa the sky should send at least a few drops of rain to the earth. Therefore, the children were forced to look at the sky and shout at the top of their voices: “Pour rain on the woman’s rye, on the grandfather’s wheat.” Having caused rain, one had to wash oneself with water from heaven for good luck. If thunder was heard in Radonitsa, the girls rushed to wash themselves with rainwater in order to preserve their youth longer. To do this, heavenly water had to be passed through a silver or gold ring.

Children living separately from their parents should visit their father and mother on this day, otherwise Radonitsa will not be joyful for them, but sad, and if the parents get angry, they may unknowingly bring some kind of misfortune upon their careless children.

The church advises starting Radonitsa 2019 with a visit to the temple, where you should pray for relatives who left the earth and order a memorial service. A service is held in the church on this day, and any parishioner can ask the priest for prayer for the deceased a loved one. In Radonitsa it is customary to make donations for the church, bring there Easter dishes and food, distribute alms to those in need. It is believed that our good deeds bring joy to deceased relatives. Only after visiting church should you go to the cemetery.

How to behave at the cemetery in Radonitsa

The church does not allow visiting the cemetery on Easter, but this should be done on Radonitsa. It is also not welcomed by Orthodoxy when food is left on a grave. The Church considers this tradition a pagan rite. There is no need to place a glass of vodka with bread on the grave, which has become an undeclared tradition these days. Such commemorations are unacceptable for Orthodox Christians and are considered a sin. You can only drink alcohol at festive dinner or dinner at home, but under no circumstances get carried away with it. Family celebration should take place without obvious fun, but also without tears and bitter sadness.

It is recommended that you distribute the food that you were going to leave at the grave to those in need. The Church claims that this way you give the deceased person the opportunity to help people after death, and only a lit light should remain on the grave church candle. According to Orthodox canons, when you come to a cemetery, you need to clean up there and remember your relatives, what they were like during life, remember them kind words and pray for them.

Signs for Radonitsa

  • When there is a new moon on Radonitsa, you should expect a rich harvest.
  • The more alms and treats you give at the funeral, the more they will give in the next world.
  • If a person forgets to remember his parents on Radonitsa, then he will not be remembered after death and will not be treated in the kingdom of heaven.
  • The first person who came to the cemetery on the day of Radonitsa will receive special favor from the deceased.
  • Pregnant women are not allowed to come to the cemetery in Radonitsa.
  • If you disturb the earth on this day: dig, sow or plant - there will be a bad harvest.
  • When it rains on Radonitsa before lunch, and a strong wind blows during the day and evening, the deceased relatives worry why they are not coming to the cemetery. If It is raining without wind - to a generous harvest.

Fortune telling on Radonitsa

In the old days, on Radonitsa, unmarried friends got together and told fortunes. Special fortune telling unique to Radunitsa is unknown, but fortune telling was used on other Christmastides:

  • learning fate from a book. They guessed the page number and the line on which the answer was read, predicting fate;
  • fortune telling with a wreath. The girls wove a wreath from birch branches and let it float down the river. Wherever the wreath goes, wait for the groom from there; if the wreath sinks, wait for death;
  • fortune telling on a birch branch. To do this, the girl picked a twig from a birch tree and put it under her pillow before going to bed. The man she dreams about this night will become her betrothed;
  • prophetic dream. In the old days, they firmly believed that on Radonitsa the souls of the dead visited the earth and tried to resort to their help in order to see a prophetic dream. For this purpose, people went to the cemetery in the evening and asked relatives near their grave to send a prophetic dream at night.

Executing correctly Orthodox canons celebration of Radonitsa, Parents' Day 2017 will be a holiday for you, where you will feel an invisible spiritual connection with loved ones who left our land. Let us remind you that Radonitsa is not the only day when memorial days are established in 2017. Give your deceased relatives a few days a year on Parents' Saturdays 2017 to remember them with a kind word, light a candle in church and pray for their souls.

Radonitsa in 2019 falls on May 7.
Visiting the graves of loved ones is the main tradition of memorial days.
In Radonitsa it is customary to make donations and give alms.
Dates for parental Saturdays can be found in the Orthodox calendar 2019.

What time will the Closing Ceremony of the Universiade 2019 begin, where to watch:

Beginning of the Closing Ceremony of the Universiade 2019 - 20:00 local time, or 16:00 Moscow time .

IN live the show will show Federal TV channel "Match!" . The live television broadcast starts at 15:55 Moscow time.

A live broadcast will also be available on the channel "Match! Country".

You can start a live online broadcast of the event on the Internet on the Sportbox portal.

International Women's Day on March 8 is a UN observance, and the organization includes 193 states. Memorable dates, announced by the General Assembly, are designed to encourage UN members to show increased interest in these events. However, on this moment not all member states of the United Nations have approved the celebration women's day in their territories on the specified date.

Below is a list of countries that celebrate International Women's Day. Countries are grouped into groups: in a number of states the holiday is an official non-working day (day off) for all citizens, on March 8th only women rest, and there are states where they work on March 8th.

In which countries is the holiday March 8 a day off (for everyone):

* In Russia- March 8 is one of the most favorite holidays, when men congratulate all women without exception.

* In Ukraine- International Women's Day continues to remain an additional holiday, despite regular proposals to exclude the event from the list of non-working days and replace it, for example, with Shevchenko Day, which will be celebrated on March 9.
* In Abkhazia.
* In Azerbaijan.
* In Algeria.
* In Angola.
* In Armenia.
* In Afghanistan.
* In Belarus.
* To Burkina Faso.
* In Vietnam.
* In Guinea-Bissau.
* In Georgia.
* In Zambia.
* In Kazakhstan.
* In Cambodia.
* In Kenya.
* In Kyrgyzstan.
* In Cuba.
* In Laos.
* In Latvia.
* In Madagascar.
* In Moldova.
* In Mongolia.
* In Nepal.
* In Tajikistan- since 2009, the holiday was renamed Mother's Day.
* In Turkmenistan.
* In Uganda.
* In Uzbekistan.
* In Eritrea.
* In South Ossetia.

Countries where March 8 is a women's-only day off:

There are countries where only women are exempt from work on International Women's Day. This rule approved:

* In China.
* In Madagascar.

Which countries celebrate March 8, but it is a working day:

In some countries, International Women's Day is widely celebrated, but is a working day. This:

* Austria.
* Bulgaria.
* Bosnia and Herzegovina.
* Germany- in Berlin, since 2019, March 8 is a day off, in the country as a whole it is a working day.
* Denmark.
* Italy.
* Cameroon.
* Romania.
* Croatia.
* Chile.
* Switzerland.

In which countries is March 8 NOT celebrated?

* In Brazil, the majority of whose residents have not even heard of the “international” holiday of March 8th. The main event of the end of February - beginning of March for Brazilians and Brazilian women is not Women's Day at all, but the largest in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records, the Brazilian Festival, also called the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro. In honor of the festival, Brazilians rest for several days in a row, from Friday until noon on Catholic Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent (which for Catholics has a flexible date and begins 40 days before Catholic Easter).

* In the USA, the holiday is not an official holiday. In 1994, an attempt by activists to get the celebration approved by Congress failed.

* In the Czech Republic (Czech Republic) - most of the country's population views the holiday as a relic of the communist past and main symbol old regime.

Traditions and customs of Maslenitsa:

The essence of the Maslenitsa holiday in the Christian understanding is as follows:

Forgiveness of offenders, restoration of good relations with loved ones, sincere and friendly communication with loved ones and relatives, as well as charity- that’s what’s important this Cheese Week.

You can no longer eat on Maslenitsa meat dishes, and this is also the first step to fasting. But pancakes are baked and eaten with great pleasure. They are baked unleavened and leavened, with eggs and milk, served with caviar, sour cream, butter or honey.

In general, during Maslenitsa week you should have fun and attend festive events (skating, skiing, snow tubing, slides, horseback riding). Also, you need to devote time to your family - have fun with your family and friends: go somewhere together, the “young” should visit their parents, and the parents, in turn, should come to visit their children.

Date of Maslenitsa (Orthodox and pagan):

In church tradition Maslenitsa is celebrated for 7 days (weeks) from Monday to Sunday, before the main event. Orthodox fasting, which is why the event is also called “Maslenitsa Week”.

The timing of Maslenitsa week depends on the beginning of Lent, which marks Easter, and shifts every year in accordance with the Orthodox church calendar.

So, in 2019, Orthodox Maslenitsa takes place from March 4, 2019 to March 10, 2019, and in 2020 - from February 24, 2020 to March 1, 2020.

Regarding the pagan date of Maslenitsa, then d jealous Slavs celebrated the holiday according to the solar calendar - at the moment of the onset of astronomical spring, which occurs in . The Old Russian celebration lasted for 14 days: it began a week before the Day spring equinox, and ended a week later.

Description of Maslenitsa celebration:

The tradition of celebrating Maslenitsa with a cheerful festivities has still been preserved.

In the majority Russian cities events called "Wide Maslenitsa" . In the capital of Russia, Moscow, the central platform for festive festivities is traditionally Vasilyevsky Spusk on Red Square. They also conduct abroad "Russian Maslenitsa" to popularize Russian traditions.
It is customary, especially on the last Sunday, when workers and students can relax, to organize mass holidays as in the old days, with songs, games, farewells and the burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa. In Maslenitsa towns there are stages for performances, places for selling food (pancakes are a must), and souvenir products, attractions for children. Masquerades with mummers and carnival processions are held.

What are the days of Maslenitsa week, what are they called (name and description):

Each day of Maslenitsa has its own name and has its own traditions. Below is the name and description for each day.

Monday - Meeting. Since the first day is a working day, in the evening father-in-law and mother-in-law come to visit daughter-in-law's parents. The first pancakes are being baked, which can be given to the poor to commemorate the dead. On Monday, a straw effigy is dressed up and displayed on a hill at the site of the festivities. Stylized dances and games are held fist fights"wall to wall" The “first pancake” is baked and solemnly eaten to commemorate the soul.

Tuesday - Flirting. The second day is traditionally the day of the young. Youth festivities, skiing from the mountains ("pokatushki"), matchmaking are signs of this day. It should be noted that the church prohibits weddings on Maslenitsa, as well as during Lent. Therefore, on Maslenitsa Tuesday, they woo the bride to have a wedding after Easter on Krasnaya Gorka.

Wednesday - Lakomka. On the third day the son-in-law comes to my mother-in-law for pancakes.

On Thursday - Razguly, Razgulay. On the fourth day festivities are becoming widespread. Wide Maslenitsa- this is the name of the days from Thursday to the end of the week, and the day itself generous treats They call it "Running Four".

Friday - Mother-in-law's party. On the fifth day Maslenitsa week mother-in-law with friends or relatives comes to visit her son-in-law for pancakes. Of course, her daughter should bake the pancakes, and her son-in-law should show hospitality. In addition to the mother-in-law, all relatives are invited to visit.

Saturday - Sister-in-law's gatherings. On the sixth day husband's sisters come to visit(You can also invite the rest of your husband’s relatives). It is considered good form not only to feed guests abundantly and tasty, but also to give gifts to sisters-in-law.

Sunday - Farewell, Forgiveness Sunday . On the last (seventh) day, before Lent, one should repent and show mercy. All relatives and friends ask each other for forgiveness. Carnival processions are organized in places of public celebrations. The Maslenitsa effigy is solemnly burned, thus turning into beautiful spring. As darkness falls, festive fireworks are set off.

In churches, also on Sunday, at the evening service, the rite of forgiveness is performed, when the priest asks for forgiveness from church servants and parishioners. All believers, in turn, ask for forgiveness and bow to each other. In response to a request for forgiveness they say “God will forgive.”

What happens after the celebration of Maslenitsa:

And at the end of the Maslenitsa holiday, Orthodox believers begin one of the most important fasts. We all remember the saying: " Maslenitsa is not all for the cat - there will be Lent too".

The Orthodox calendar is an obligatory and integral part of the life of believers. By looking into it, you can find out the dates of Lent and holidays, as well as plan your schedule for the next year - working days, weekends, planting days, fasting days and memorial days.

Parents' Saturdays in 2017 have clearly established dates. If you don’t have time to go to church and light a candle, then you should definitely go to the graves of the departed.

Deliver flowers, clean up and pay respects. There are not many parent's Saturdays throughout the year, but they allow us to stop in the daily bustle and remember, at least for a minute, about those people who were and remain very dear to us. It is important to have the whole meaning of Lent in your heart and limit yourself to weaknesses.

Parenting days are called special days, in which it is customary to remember deceased people.

Dimitrievskaya Parents' Saturday is the last in 2017 - there are none in December.

In the Orthodox calendar, as well as in the secular calendar, there are a number of dates on which special events. These include holidays, fasts, days of special remembrance of the dead and other significant events that should be familiar to every believer.

Our article will help you find out what Orthodox holidays and fasts await us in December 2017.

Important Orthodox holidays in December 2017

December 4, 2017 (Mon) - Introduction to the temple Holy Mother of God It is believed that it was from this day that the spiritual life of the future Mother of Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary, began. She was just a child when her parents sent their child to the temple so that she could study there and live according to divine laws. The parents of young Maria were elderly people and before the birth of their beloved daughter they dreamed of having a child. But for a long time they couldn't do it. Then the Lord helped a kind couple who loved each other and God with all their hearts to get what they wanted. In return, the parents of the Virgin Mary promised to give their child to the service of God.

December 19, 2017 (Tue) - Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Even people of science do not deny the existence of this person. Saint Nicholas is a prominent and one of the most beloved figures of the Orthodox Church. During his lifetime, this man gained fame as a kind and compassionate Christian, who helped many disadvantaged people and those deprived of loved ones and relatives find their happiness.

In many Slavic countries, this day is considered magical: children believe that on St. Nicholas Day they can receive a sweet gift from a kind old man. Calendar church holidays as of December 2017

December 1 – 31, 2017 – Nativity Fast. It began in November and will last until January 6, 2018. The Nativity fast is called that because it lasts until the Nativity of Christ. This is one of the most revered and important periods of the entire church year.

During Lent, believers abstain from eating certain types of food, often of animal origin, and renounce all earthly entertainment activities, devoting themselves to prayers and purification

Fasting allows you to improve your mind and body, take a fresh look at yourself and the people around you, and gain strength of spirit and character. Due to the fact that fasting lasts throughout December, there will be no one-day fasts this month.

What date is Parents' Day celebrated in 2017? Parents' Day, or Radonitsa, accepted among the Slavic peoples, is spring holiday commemoration of the dead, rooted in the pre-Christian era. Russian Orthodox Church supported this folk custom, adding it to the list of Christian Orthodox holidays. According to the liturgical regulations, it is celebrated on the 9th day after Easter, that is, on Tuesday of St. Thomas Week. This is the first weekday after Easter Week. However, if any holiday falls on this day, then Radonitsa is moved to Wednesday. Thus, in order to calculate what date Radonitsa will be celebrated in 2017, you should count 9 days from the date of Easter celebration. Orthodox Easter in 2017 it is celebrated on April 16, therefore Radonitsa falls on April 25.

Pagan roots of Radonitsa

In the divine pantheon of the ancient Slavs, Radunitsa were the deities who patronized the dead and guardians of their souls. Therefore, it is logical to assume that the etymological roots of the name of the holiday are connected with the word “clan”. However, with the adoption of Christianity the word acquired new meaning: they began to associate it with the roots “glad”, “joy”.

IN Ancient Rus' in early spring a ritual was held to honor ancestors. On the burial mounds, feasts, songs and dances, games and festivities were held, sacrifices were made in honor of Radunits, and also to appease the souls of the ancestors, so that they would send a rich harvest and prosperity in the coming year. This custom is so ingrained among the people that Christian church was forced to adopt it. According to the testimony of John Chrysostom, already in the 4th century Christians, as a church ritual, performed the Radonitsky rites on the graves of their loved ones

Orthodox Radonitsa

Everyone celebrates Radonitsa Slavic peoples. Only at different nations it is called differently. In most Russian regions, the day of remembrance of the dead is called Radonitsa or Radovnitsa, in Belarus - Navy Day or Radovantsy, in Ukraine - Mogilki or Grobki, in Moldova - Parents' Day. Moldovans, just like everyone else Orthodox world, Parents' Day in 2017 will be celebrated on April 25. And in Belarus, Radonitsa has been elevated to the status of a public holiday and is a day off.

Despite its essence associated with the commemoration of the dead, Radonitsa in Rus' has always been happy holiday. And this largely depends on the special place it occupies in the calendar of church holidays: immediately after Bright Easter Week, which is the happiest period for every Christian. For believers, this is, as it were, an indication from above that death, thanks to the resurrection of Christ, has been defeated, and there is no need to grieve for those who have passed away, for they have received eternal life.

How Radonitsa is celebrated today

Radonitsa has retained most of its features pagan rite, to which, however, Orthodoxy gave a special meaning. After the Liturgy, people go to the cemetery, taking with them painted eggs, food, wine or vodka, thus symbolizing sharing the joy of the resurrection of Jesus Christ with deceased relatives. After the funeral meal is celebrated right at the cemetery, everything that remains is distributed to the poor.

The Church recommends another way of commemorating deceased relatives. Those who have passed on to another world most of all need not the food and drink that we bring to the grave, but our prayers. Therefore, the Church advises that when you come to the cemetery on this day, light a candle and perform a lithium - a prayer for the deceased. To do this, you can invite a priest, but you can perform a short version of the prayer service yourself. Then clean up the grave: symbolically, this action means preparation for the resurrection of the soul. Therefore, as you prepare to celebrate Radonitsa in 2017, remember that the cemetery is for Orthodox man- a sacred place, and prefer humble prayer to abundant gluttony.

How Radonitsa was celebrated in Rus'

After mass, the whole family went to the cemetery. They brought a lot of all kinds of dishes: colored eggs, porridge, flat cakes and pancakes. For this day, eggs were painted not red, but yellow or green, and special dry pies were baked. And, of course, they brought vodka as much as they could, depending on their income. The invited priest served a prayer service and left, and the family began the funeral meal. First, eggs were rolled around the grave, after which the owner buried one egg in the ground, thus symbolizing the Easter greeting to the deceased. Then they stretched towels on the grave, laid out food and began to eat and drink. Beggars also came and were always served vodka and food. Exhausted from the rich meal, some even fell asleep right there in the cemetery. Others continued talking, smoking and having a good time. Then they returned home. In the evening, the youth organized festivities, danced in circles, played burners, sang and danced. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying: “They plow on Radunitsa before lunch, cry after lunch, and jump in the evening.”

Radonitsky signs and customs

The Russian people have always been attentive to natural phenomena, and each holiday had its own signs and customs. Special attention was paid to the weather on Radonitsa:

  • If on this day there was warm weather, they said: “The parents breathed in warmth.”
  • On this day, if you sow or plant something in the ground, you will lose the entire harvest.
  • Rain on Radonitsa - for a harvest year.

Among the Radonitsky rites, rain was important special place. There was a custom of calling out to the rain. From the very morning, the children watched the sky and, seeing a cloud, began to shout: “Water it, rain, on the woman’s rye, on the grandfather’s wheat, on the girl’s flax, water it with a bucket.” If it started to rain at that moment, all the people turned their faces and washed themselves with rainwater. It was believed that it brings happiness and good luck. And young girls, to preserve their beauty, washed themselves with rainwater poured through silver and gold rings.