Finally spring statuses. Spring, like a woman, is beautiful: a selection of statuses and aphorisms

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Cool statuses about spring mood

The best spring statuses

Spring is a time when even trousers cannot hide your high spirits.

What does spring do to us? Even flying snow looks like dandelions...

Guys! Spring has not yet arrived and it is unclear when it will really come. Share how you make your mood spring? :)

When spring reigns all around, everything bad disappears!

Spring – frivolity, openness, tenderness, emotionality, in a word, childhood!

Spring! Spring! Spring! Spring! Spring!–my heart screamed with joy!

Spring! Yes, spring has come, a time of change and freedom. Close your eyes with your hands, relax and feel... Do you hear?!... This is the wind of change... Yes, you may not believe it, but right now and not a minute later, I promised myself to change. Yes, it will be difficult, but I have not been afraid of difficulties for a long time, winter has already hardened me. Spring has come... She will help me become a little better... It's time to change!

Spring... Just five letters, but so much joy and hope!

Spring won't change anything. Change and change everything around yourself.

It snowed for two days! Everything on the street is white and shining bright sun! Spring! Fine!

May all days, like the dawn, be forever clear! And let the state of spring live in your heart!

It became warmer to breathe, the wind became gentler. Spring is coming! Inspiration in everything!

Uh-uh! Spring... I began to understand and, very often, listen to the songs of Akula, Sveta, Maxim! My informal friends laugh at me.))) (unromantic bastards)

I love spring for the slush, the dirt, the smell... The smell of spring... Associations go straight to love, but it’s not there... So it will be next spring... You only have to wait a year...

Sometimes something doesn’t go well, it turns out badly, and at the same time you feel something good. You will remember the good things and understand: this is spring.

Welcoming spring without a smile and good mood is the same as saying goodbye to the army without tears and vodka!

Spring! I want something... Either variety to the point of ugliness... or ugliness for the sake of variety!)))

Spring! All feelings woke up, except the desire to work!

Spring is a time of tenderness, joy and love. Time for flowers, bright handbags, short skirts. Time for kisses, crazy actions, romance. The time that makes our hearts beat faster. And all this is completely independent of age!

Spring is not determined by the column in the thermometer... Spring is determined by the color of the sky. But this is for those who raise their eyes to the Sun.

Finally, the long-awaited spring has arrived, its smell is in the air, it’s wonderful and no matter what, you just want to live... And this is the most important thing, everything else will work out.

Can you at least smile in the spring? Look at the sun. Look at the trees, at the birds, at the grass... Like this. Right. Do as they do.

When the sun is shining around, nature is wild, and birds are singing, there is no desire to think about the future. I want happiness here and now! Spring...)))

And again my favorite spring. She is already so close that sometimes, when I go out onto the balcony, I smell a fleeting smell of happiness. Spring. Finally these damn snowy roads will turn into my favorite asphalt. I'm waiting for you, spring!

Spring... There are fireworks in my head. In trousers - a good mood.

You can feel spring, it’s so warm outside, the sun is shining, the birds are singing...))) Get off your butt and take a walk outside!)))

Stop whining! Smile! Life is Beautiful! Spring is outside!

Spring! The buds swell, the arms open. People start to drive, they blow their minds, hormones play. In addition, there is dirt all around, everything is melting, the puddles are impassable. Spring- This is wonderful!

Someone clearly mixed the champagne into spring.

Spring... the air is completely different... You breathe in and feel something special, as if something has changed, around you, in you... and lightly... Great! Simply divine!

Appearing on the World Wide Web statuses about spring lift the spirits of all users, informing them that the warm season of flowering and love is just around the corner. Nature wakes up after a long stay in hibernation, awakening the creative imagination of romantics.

In spring, people feel a special surge of strength thanks to bright colors, delicate aromas and unique sounds of nature. It is at this time that the long-awaited school holidays begin for students, providing an opportunity for young talents to demonstrate their creative talent in virtual world, not limited to banal school topics.

As a rule, they exhibit their short but succinct works of authorship in in social networks in the status in the form of statements, quotes, aphorisms and phrases, attracting the attention of friends, acquaintances and other users. This opportunity also exists on the site, while other participants can not only read and enjoy them, but also express their opinions, as well as vote for the best spring statuses. There is an opportunity to choose best quotes about spring for a certain period of time, for example, a week or a month.

Spring time is multifaceted, so phrases about spring cover various directions. First of all, this concerns romantic feelings that arise under the influence of the incredible spring freshness and beauty of awakening wildlife. Placing such a phrase in your status makes it much easier to express the state of your soul. For shy people, this option of disclosing their feelings towards another person will be ideal.

Many aphorisms about spring directly related to natural phenomena observed during the transition period cold winter in warm spring. Only at this time can you see the snow melting and hear the sound of spring drops. It is especially pleasant to look at the birds welcoming the arrival of spring with excellent singing. The appearance of the first green grass and the first buds on the trees also leaves no one indifferent. Fresh air, clear sky, bright sunshine and even spring rain or downpour will help cope with any depression or bad mood, bringing joy and fun into life.

A special place in creative activity are occupied by sayings about spring related to flowers. As you know, it is the first spring flowers that have pristine beauty and amazing aroma. Despite the fact that spring pleases with a huge variety flowering plants, the statuses are dominated by snowdrop flowers, which are a symbol of purity, tenderness and love. No less relevant for statuses are tulips, mimosas and other flowers. Therefore, each user can choose a flower status for themselves in accordance with their taste preferences and, of course, symbolism.

Thanks to romantic and cheerful statuses, any user will have a truly spring mood, which will allow them to recharge with the necessary energy and endlessly enjoy life, forgetting about everyday problems.

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Beautiful statuses about spring

Beautiful spring statuses

Woman and spring are symbols of the birth of life. So let your men give you as much warmth and light as spring gives us!

The Creator must have created spring and hope on the same day. Burn Williams

The Lord, sending spring, tells us: “Try again!” Robert Orben

Live with peace. Come spring, and the flowers bloom themselves. Chinese proverb

It's spring again! Here comes the sun again! Here comes the earth again! Here comes happiness again! Life goes on!

There are many joys in the world that you don’t have to pay for: the smile of a cute passer-by, the laughter of a child, the hug of your loved one, the coming of spring. You don't need a lot of money to be happy. Moreover, the one who is happy is always rich.

For me it's spring - it is something magical, something beautiful, amazing. She stupefies the head and mind from the first breath, from the first sight.

Draw me spring...

Spring... vanilla, raspberry thoughts... a slight smell of coolness... and love... spring love...

Warm and gentle spring has arrived! Be just as gentle with your soul mates, and for those who have not yet met their soul mate, I wish you to meet her, love her, and give her flowers! Be happy everyone!

Spring - It's like being 18 years old. It seems that everything beautiful is yet to come...

Spring has come again and rays of warmth trustingly look out my window... M. Krug

Spring doesn't come alone– she is always in the company of Faith, Hope and Love! I wish everyone this Spring to find what they lacked for complete Happiness!

Woman and spring are symbols of the birth of life. So let your men today give you as much warmth and light as spring gives us!

Well, here we are, waiting for Spring! With the first drops!

The beauty of spring is experienced only in winter, and, sitting by the stove, you compose the best May songs.

I don’t know where else in this world there is such a spring.

Spring is beautiful with its colors, for some reason it is in spring that you want to change everything in life.

There is a lot we don’t like in our life, but how many times has there been spring in it!

Guess the melody of spring in the ringing notes of morning cocktails.

Live with peace. Come spring, and the flowers bloom themselves.

Start fresh this spring– forget everything old and just be happy!

When your soul is sick, you need to heal it with medicine from the warm spring breeze, gentle smiles, the aroma of beautiful flowers and, of course, love...

This section contains best statuses in contact and for classmates, the most beautiful short ones with meaning about spring. in spring human soul, frozen in the cold and dreary winter, rushes towards the sun and love. Our selection spring statuses will add spring mood to your page.

“The music of spring sounds in the soul!”

I don’t know where else in this world there is such a spring.

“May all sorrows and hardships go away with the melting snow... your spring!”

Let feelings of love and happiness bloom in your life as magnificently and beautifully as snowdrops in spring

With the beginning of spring, I wish you enchanting good mood, and family happiness!

You must always move forward, remembering that spring always comes after winter.

Our love is like spring: always fresh, always tender, always desired.

Winter in the eyes, spring in the blood, summer in the soul and autumn in memories.

Women in the spring are like snowdrops - the snow has not all melted yet, but they have already bloomed!

Meeting the love of your life in spring - what could be more romantic and beautiful?

In the spring it is so difficult to concentrate on one thing...

Spring: guys are blooming, girls are blooming - beauty!

Spring! The mood is super hugging... smiling

Spring is walking across our country and brings us the chirping of birds and the warmth of the sun.

Spring is a real rebirth, a piece of immortality.

Spring is the light of the sun and the blue of the sky, a fresh wind, a time of plans and assumptions.

Spring is a time of change. It’s the same in our lives – the soul warms up in the spring and seems to bloom!

And I have Spring in my soul!!! I want to live, rejoice and believe in the best.

“Love in the heart, spring in the soul and on the street, a smile on the face and in the eyes!

“Let life bring happiness to people - there is spring in my soul of love.” A.A. Block

"Avitaminosis! The body lacks L, U, B, V, I..."

“..spring... vanilla, raspberry thoughts... a slight smell of coolness... and love... spring love...”

“All life flowed according to spring laws. Now you can’t escape love anywhere.”

“Spring has come, and with it love... the mind is on vacation!”

Ah, spring, what a romantic time! Everyone is happy, smiling and love reigns all around!

Spring - dream, smile, enjoy every moment!

Spring is an artist, painting the world around us with bright, rich colors!

Spring walks confidently through forests and fields, bringing with it the joy of warmth and the hope of love.

Spring walks across the planet, giving us love, joy and hope.

In spring, the days get longer - let's communicate more!

In spring, the eyes burn brighter, the heart beats faster.

We wish everyone good luck family well-being, prosperity in the house and spring mood!

I look out the window, and there is happiness... warmth, sun and long-awaited spring..

And the sun begins to sing in her hair, illuminating hundreds of desperate eyes.

Well, spring has come and statuses about spring have appeared on the Internet!

Plans made in the spring look like this: love, love, love...

Try to become the most important reason to live in someone’s spring...

Spring has come, shining with magic, it can be compared to a deity.

May spring live in your heart no matter what is outside the window now!

Let the melting snow take away all your bad luck, and let the sunny spring ray give you victories on the path of life!

This spring, start everything new - forget everything old and just be happy!

For most people, spring is favorite time of the year. In spring, nature is renewed, having been reborn, it is reborn again. Soon everything around will be painted in bright and green colors. Statuses about spring are beautiful, short and meaningful, they will help you maintain your spring mood.

If you find them cumbersome or want to quickly and briefly express your attitude towards spring, we have prepared a selection of statuses about spring. As soon as spring comes, statuses about spring appear in the statuses of thousands of people across all networks and ICQ. Be a little more original, put funny statuses about spring, selecting them in this section of our website. This will not only inform those who are not aware that spring has arrived, but will also lift their spirits.

And in Chernobyl it’s spring now, the grass is turning blue, the birds are barking.

Sometimes something doesn’t go well, it turns out badly, and at the same time you feel something good. You will remember the good things and understand: this is spring.

Vasna - two-story cats appeared on the streets.

A sign of spring - if your palm itches, a love line may be forming on it.

Spring is the time to fall in love, summer is the time to love, autumn is the time to break up, winter is the time to suffer.

Spring - good time of the year! You can go crazy for good reason!

Spring is a time when even trousers cannot hide your high spirits.

Spring has come: the boys are swelling, the girls are blooming.

Spring has come, fall in love or something...

Spring came. Half the office is reading “how to seduce a girl,” and the other half of the office is reading “how to seduce a guy.”

Spring has come... the birds are singing... the cats are screaming... and damn it, I’m in contact as always!

Spring is just around the corner...who the hell should I fall in love with?!

Spring is walking across the planet, and we are again sitting on the Internet.

Spring! The birds that flew away are returning.

Spring! Time for amazing discounts on winter swimwear.

Spring! Haven't you fallen in love yet???? Then I'm coming to you!

Spring! Oh, just not to fall in love...

Spring, spring, streams all around, dogs playing all around. And like the fruit of dog games, there are dog poops everywhere.

Spring, rooks, love, drops - never mind, we have a snowstorm!

Spring, a sea of ​​fascination without much meaning... spring has driven us all crazy...

Spring, come in, what if it’s not dear?

Spring. Avitaminosis! Urgently need a dose of EBC vitamins!!!

Spring. I have goosebumps in my stomach: either love or diarrhea.

Spring. The shit has started...

Spring. The first scales appear from under the beds... starvation diets begin...

Spring. ByZZiTiFFFFCHEG. Friends, don't sleep, PARTY!!!

Spring... And during the spring rains you can see hordes of worms hurrying to meet each other. Without bouquets, without Brocard bags - only with what is in the eyes.

In spring, even a boot whispers something tender in your ear.

In the spring, somehow I especially want communication and adultery.

In spring, men are not concerned about the beauty of women’s legs, but about their presence!

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