Cool spring statuses: spring is coming. Cool and funny statuses about spring

Spring. The mood is dreamy, hugging, and also smiling, dancing and dress-shopping...


Yep, spring. I went to the store to buy some bread.


Finally spring has come, the grass is turning green, I fell from your pine tree, this is the certificate.


Spring is coming. Birds do THIS. Bees do THIS. And even butterflies do THIS!!! Forget it - people can't fly!


La-la-la, spring has come. The birds have flown in, the girls have gone crazy!


Spring... Skirts and nights are becoming shorter!!!


I opened the window, jumped out of bed, and from above - a slap, a piece of shit! The rooks, the assholes, have arrived, and you'll make a fool of yourself - SPRING!


Spring is coming and we can’t sleep, can’t sleep, can’t sleep...


The time was shifted in April, so they came up with a clever idea: before he got up in bed, but now he gets up in the subway.


Spring has come - a vacation for the mind.


With warmth! With hopes! With mimosas! Happy spring holiday! Let your eyes shine like stars and let them forever be in love!


Spring is a time when even trousers cannot hide your high spirits.


Spring has come. And with her morning prayer love salad and low-fat cottage cheese as you love yourself.


The mood is cool, spring! I’m walking without hiding my smile... It’s Sunday for me today and I don’t give a damn that everyone else is on Wednesday!


Spring has come: the boys are swelling, the girls are blooming.


They say that in the spring all insects wake up from winter hibernation... So don’t be surprised that I’m such a freak in the spring, it’s my cockroaches that woke up in my head.


Spring new super diet, click on the red cross, take your ass off the computer and go for a walk, and it also cures cellulite!


It’s spring outside, summer in my soul, I want warmth and ultraviolet light, on the seashore, with a glass of alcohol.


Spring... Increased male attention... Scientists say: “GENES are to blame!” O-O-O!... And I think so... that the culprits are: Genes, Petya, Sasha, Seryozha...


Guys, be careful!!! Spring has come!!! Blues have hormones too!!!


It was spring, and the ladies smelled like freshly picked plums. The men gasped in admiration... Still preferring beer.


Spring has come! And I got into it again!


Spring. If you want to lose weight in the spring, tape your mouth shut. DO NOT EAT SCOTCHET!!!


I love thunderstorms at the beginning of May, when the first thunder of spring seems to crash from behind the barn, and you’ll come to your senses later!


Join the movement - “get your ass off the chair - spring has come!”


I will welcome spring only when I lose weight - judging by the weight loss schedule, it will be somewhere closer to October.


Spring in April. The other day it snowed, then the sun came out, then hid, and there was a feeling that spring was having a difficult birth.


Spring... The soul is looking for romance, but the butt demands adventure!


Spring... Hold me...!


Spring greets us with slight warming... So light that its presence is not even noticeable...


When spring gets to my head, it's hard to cure!


Spring has come, the birds are singing and the “tower” is being demolished out of habit... It’s being carried somewhere up, well, my ass, now... Hold on!


Sun, I know you're hiding behind the clouds. Hide and seek is over, come out!


I slipped three times during the winter: twice in March and once in April.


Shorter skirt, higher heels! Spring has come to our city - hello to you, guys!


Spring... Trees dress, women undress.


And spring depression turns... Depression turns... Into an elegant spring binge!


My parents are again trying unsuccessfully to treat me for the spring...


Spring inside me real woman constantly asking to go out. How to keep her?


Spring is when not only alarms but also cats scream outside at night.


I have a strange reaction to SPRING - everyone wants chocolate and cry, but I want barbecue and a drink!


Spring, the bear growls. He wakes up and realizes that he has chewed off his finger...


That's it, spring... soon it will blow my mind away...


Spring is a time to go crazy... for good reason.


Better Indian summer maybe it's just Indian spring.


No appetite or sleep? - Apparently spring has come! Are you hungry and sleepy? - that means the session is back!


To the start.. Attention.. MARCH!!!


Spring... Everything is blooming: flowers, hair, hands.


Spring has come... two-story cats have appeared...


Women are waiting not so much for spring as for spring men.

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Cool statuses: spring is coming

The best spring statuses

Spring is approaching... The first scales appear from under the beds.

There is a month and a half left until spring. Whoever bought the fur coat is already furious.

Spring is coming soon! Soon streams will flow through the streets... children have snot... men are drooling...)))

Deffchenki! Spring is coming! Are we losing weight? Or do we remain beautiful?

There are probably only 28 days in February so that spring can come as soon as possible...

Spring is coming. Birds do it. Bees do this. And even butterflies do it! But you - forget it! People can't fly!

Now Spring has called! Drunk, happy... I ask her: -Where are you? She: -Yes, I’m coming, I’m coming!

Tomorrow everyone’s status will say that spring has come, because no one knows about it...

Is it really spring tomorrow?

Soon the birds will return from the south, tanned with photos and souvenirs.

Spring is coming! Way to spring!)))

Don't rush spring - let it last! Otherwise, once or twice it’s autumn... let spring prolong the pleasure!

Spring is coming, spring is coming. Soon these nights of restless sleep... Spring again, love again... Blood will sparkle in our veins again...

Tomorrow is spring... first on my monthly to-do list.– FALL IN LOVE. =))

Spring was calling: “I’ll be there soon!”

I'm with good newsOne Monday left until spring!

February. Next stop- spring.

What time is it? ...Five minutes to spring...

February is always full of hope. February– It's almost spring! And in spring absolutely anything is possible.

I can’t even believe that in just a couple of days it’s spring and we’ve survived this cold winter.

More like spring. Sneakers, leather jackets, no tights, no hats, no down jackets. There's a month left to live.

Spring... It's getting warmer, even warmer, hotter, already hot... The season of mini-bikinis, ice cream and mojitos is coming soon...

Wife: -Darling, spring is coming, it’s time to get rid of the trash. Husband is scared: -I won’t leave!

22-00 I’m sitting in the kitchen enjoying some tea, my wife runs in and goes to the refrigerator. I picked up two hands and ran. I followed her: “Spring is coming!” She came back and put everything back.

All that remains is to survive February and dissolve into spring.

As spring approaches, there is general hysteria about extra pounds, stuck tightly since the New Year, is starting to gain momentum!

Just a little bit left, and spring will come! We will put on heels, let our hair down, smile and be happy to all these evil goats because of whom we suffered this winter!

You’re sitting in front of the computer now, chewing something... And tomorrow, by the way,- SPRING!

Y’all: “frost, cold”! Spring is coming! Don't believe me? Ask our dwarf rabbit. Since early morning he had been kicking the cage so hard that he had to let it out. The big-eared one rushed around the apartment for an hour, stirring up toys, gnawing legs by the bed... He was apparently looking for the rabbit!)))

How do people become addicted? It's simple! Just like you! Just like me! We are together the whole Country! We are together with you the whole World! Well, spring is coming soon...)))

Hooray! New Yearhas arrived! No, first I always wait for December 21stday winter solstice, because from December 22 a day is added... Even if it’s for a fraction of a second, it’s added! Then I wait for the New Year... And from January 2nd you can safely say: “Hurray! Spring is coming! And every day find confirmation of this: in the lengthening day, in loving glances, in the brightness of the sun, in the chirping of birds... So that: “Hurray, people! Spring is coming!

After a long winter hibernation, after cold days and endless frosts, the warm season comes, when flowers bloom, green leaves appear on the trees, and people become more open and friendly. This month promises us many wonderful moments, joyful meetings, love and the development of new relationships. Many consider this time of year the most romantic and devote songs and poems to it. We, in turn, offer you a new website on which we have collected a huge number of different statuses about spring. Please your friends with such sayings to remind them of the approach of such a wonderful time of year, which will bring many changes to our lives. All these statuses were created with all my heart, so they cannot leave anyone indifferent.


Spring is like a woman, she says - I’m already on my way, but she’s sitting in a robe, with a wet head and painting her nails!

Spring has come. Half the office is reading “how to seduce a girl,” and the other half of the office is reading “how to seduce a guy.”

Spring has opened its crazy arms again, skirts and dresses are flashing again, lovers of all ages are holding hands, and are you ready to tear yourself away from the computer?

Spring: figure skating in the morning, kayaking in the evening...

Cool status about spring: It’s better to go see a man in spring: the body is weakened, but the hormone is playing...

Spring has come... my husband started walking! Every day in bars, in taverns, in restaurants... He's looking for me! =)

How should we feel about this spring? Understand and forgive. She's still a woman!

Spring is being sought. Special features: the sun is bright, the weather is warm, the trees are blooming, the grass is green. Whoever finds it will be rewarded!

It’s a shame to live in Russia in the spring, spring is bitchy and capricious, the snow has melted, and it became clear how terribly crap the Fatherland is...

Spring has come... The first knees appear from under skirts and arms begin to unfurl...

Oh, Spring! Huge puddles on the roads! And very fast minibuses... Come on! Douse me! Cover me completely!

Soon, soon it will all begin! The world will wake up from winter! We will wake up and shake ourselves, in the midst of the spring chaos... we'll clap our eyes, stamp our feet... we'll rummage through chests... well, hold on, guys!

March has arrived! The streams are ringing! The sun splashes in the puddles... And wherever you look, men appear...

The first sign of the onset of Spring is that girls' skirts are becoming shorter and shorter...

Cool status about spring: There are fireworks in my head. In pants - high spirits.

Spring has come - two-story cats have appeared on the streets!

Judging by the weather, the clocks were set back 2 months.

Frost and sun - a wonderful day!!! Blue sky, frost on your face... You would be appropriate in January... But, damn it, not in March... not at the end!!!

It's definitely spring! The creeps started coming out: today I saw a lizard, a snake, and... my ex...

Spring is coming! I really want to fall in love, but my husband is against it...

The snow has fallen… can immediately see spring has come.

Spring is like a woman. “I just spend a lot of time putting on makeup, choosing a nice outfit.” And when he comes, his presence will make at least one person a little happier.

First day of spring! I'm ready for it! And you? If you're not ready, we'll wait for the eighth! :)))

Spring... The soul is looking for romance, but the butt demands adventure!

Now the main thing is that March doesn’t forget that it’s spring, dammit...

I can just feel the buds, I’ll bloom this spring!

Cool status about spring: Spring wake up! - Winter is getting bolder!

Looking at the current weather, one thought comes to mind: This spring, winter has been especially successful.

Almost spring!!! A meter of snow is getting in the way...

The snow is spinning...flying...flying...He doesn't care that April is coming...

It's spring, and this is the time of year when you can go crazy for good reason.

Spring is just around the corner... who the hell should I fall in love with?!

I think there are only 28 days in February specifically so that spring comes as soon as possible.

Because of weather conditions, cats moved March to April...

I so want to feel spring when it bursts into my open window with a welcoming noise. And he practically drags me out into the street by the throat.

Spring has come... The first scales appear from under the beds...

Spring! Dilemmas and doubts, I can’t decide whether to eat a kilo of cookies with tea, or drink some cognac...

Appearing on the World Wide Web statuses about spring lift the spirits of all users, informing them that the warm season of flowering and love is just around the corner. Nature wakes up after a long stay in hibernation, awakening the creative imagination of romantics.

In spring, people feel a special surge of strength thanks to bright colors, delicate aromas and unique sounds of nature. It is at this time that the long-awaited school holidays begin for students, providing an opportunity for young talents to demonstrate their creative talent in virtual world, not limited to banal school topics.

As a rule, they post their short but succinct works of authorship on social networks in the form of statements, quotes, aphorisms and phrases, attracting the attention of friends, acquaintances and other users. This opportunity also exists on the site, while other participants can not only read and enjoy them, but also express their opinions, as well as vote for the best spring statuses. There is an opportunity to choose best quotes about spring for a certain period of time, for example, a week or a month.

Spring time is multifaceted, so phrases about spring cover various directions. First of all, this concerns romantic feelings that arise under the influence of the incredible spring freshness and beauty of awakening wildlife. Placing such a phrase in your status makes it much easier to express the state of your soul. For shy people, this option of disclosing their feelings towards another person will be ideal.

Many aphorisms about spring directly related to natural phenomena observed during the transition period cold winter in warm spring. Only at this time can you see the snow melting and hear the sound of spring drops. It is especially pleasant to look at the birds welcoming the arrival of spring with excellent singing. The appearance of the first green grass and the first buds on the trees also leaves no one indifferent. Fresh air, clear sky, bright sunshine and even spring rain or downpour will help cope with any depression or bad mood, bringing joy and fun into life.

A special place in creative activity are occupied by sayings about spring related to flowers. As you know, it is the first spring flowers that have pristine beauty and amazing aroma. Despite the fact that spring pleases with a huge variety flowering plants, the statuses are dominated by snowdrop flowers, which are a symbol of purity, tenderness and love. No less relevant for statuses are tulips, mimosas and other flowers. Therefore, each user can choose a flower status for themselves in accordance with their taste preferences and, of course, symbolism.

Thanks to the romantic and funny statuses any user will have a truly spring mood, which will allow you to recharge with the necessary energy and enjoy life limitlessly, forgetting about everyday problems.

We have collected best statuses about spring. Post them on your own page on social network and they will give you and your friends a romantic spring mood. And by setting cool statuses about spring in the form of succinct and ambiguous aphorisms, you will remind your friends of awakening spring nature. What is spring associated with? With blooming lilies of the valley, spring drops and the arrival of rooks, melting snow and the passage of the much-awaited spring. Cool statuses about spring are memories of first love, warmth and sun, its bright rays and the most romantic events.

Here you will find different statuses about spring, cool, funny and not so much, but still spring is another long-awaited step towards summer. And whatever one may say, we are all looking forward to it!

It is in the spring that guys play accordions, and girls bare their knees. It is in spring that the planet begins to be reborn, buds begin to swell on the trees, and the first flowers emerge from the ground. Overall a total positive!

V-E-S-N-A-A-A!!! Streams will soon flow... The children have snot..... The men have drooling...

People, help spring defeat winter - eat snow!

It’s like spring, the reptiles started to come out, today I saw a snake, a lizard, my ex...

Spring! Oh, just not to fall in love...

It’s spring outside, summer in my soul, I want warmth and ultraviolet light, on the seashore, with a glass of alcohol.

Spring... I am happy that I have a world in which I feel at home - this is the world of your loving eyes.

It's spring again, flowers again, dreams come true again...

We will walk down the street, point our fingers at passers-by and laugh. We are fools. And it's spring here. We can.

Spring... Everything is blooming: flowers, hair, hands.

Spring is just outside the door... Who the hell should I fall in love with?!

Spring has come, goodbye hats, the head needs styling! Out with the scarves, in with the boobs! Bye - studies, hello - whiskey!

Maybe it's spring... Maybe I've already wasted the summer...

Open the window, jump out of bed, and a splash from above - a piece of shit. The asshole rooks have arrived, but what the hell can you do - SPRING!!

Spring - good time of the year! You can go crazy for good reason!

Spring. The first scales appear from under the beds.... Starvation diets are coming...

SPRING has come to winter!

Spring is like a drug. It draws you in quickly, it’s impossible to throw it away and every time you want it more and more...

I think spring is a little like me. Everyone calls her with the question: “Where are you?”, and she: “Well, I’m on my way, I’m on my way,” and VK herself is still sitting and painting her nails..)

Spring is walking across the planet, and we are again sitting on the Internet...

Spring is like a girl, it appears first... and then it comes)

For some, spring is the time of love, but for others it is time to replant a flower in a new pot.

Spring is such a time of year that even pants can’t hide your high spirits!

In spring, men are not concerned about the beauty of women’s legs, but about their presence!

Smile at mom in the morning, drink a cup of coffee, get dressed, turn on the spring in your headphones and go where it’s nice

Spring has arrived! Can you hear the tramp of her slender feet? Open your heart to her, otherwise she will burst through the window and drag you out into the street by your throat.

If you lubricate the roof of your house with condensed milk in the fall, then in the spring it will be much more pleasant to suck on the icicles