Yaroslav famous people with the name. Mentality and health

Names: origin and forms

Yaroslav- (from Old Slavonic) ardent, glory, glorifying Yarila - the sun god.

Derivatives: Yaroslavka, Slava, Slavunya, Slavusya, Rosya.

Directory of Russian names

Bright Glory(from Slavic).

Brightly individual, talented, ambitious. Throughout his life he gets to know himself. Passionate, addicted. Yaroslav is a cabin boy of romance and risk. Plays with fire, arouses interest. Has difficulty containing his pride. Loves either the first, or the last, or one...

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Yaroslav- glorifying Yarila or strong and glorious, or bright glory (Old Slavic).
Truly a princely name, currently not very common.
Zodiac name. Lion.
Planet: Sun.
Name color: alt.
Talisman stone: amber.
Auspicious plant: oak, nettle.
Patron name: pheasant.
Happy day: Sunday.
Happy time of year: summer.
Main features: individuality, ambition.




As a child, Yarik is a capricious, stubborn, unbalanced child. He often quarrels with children, tries to impose his own rules of the game, and gets offended when they don’t listen to him. Outwardly he looks like his mother, but in character he is closer to his father. The child is quick-tempered and may commit rash acts. Parents need to win his trust, otherwise he will “withdraw into himself” and it will be difficult to achieve anything from him. His mood often changes, he is picky about his friends, sometimes he becomes delighted with one of them, sometimes he becomes too disappointed in him, even to the point of a quarrel. Yarik begins to read and write very early, loves fairy tales, later adventures, science fiction, war stories, and dreams of becoming a military man himself. He is very proud, but kind by nature, susceptible to influence, and grows up the way his parents raise him.

Adult Yaroslav is also highly dependent on his environment. He can hardly restrain his pride, he faces life’s adversities with steadfastness, mobilizes, and does not allow them to break him. Strives to adapt to the most harsh conditions life and be content with little.

Yaroslav is deeply interested in the secrets of the universe, space, philosophy, psychology, he is a subtle and impressionable nature. Often he becomes a priest or seriously, with the help of science, goes into these problems. Yaroslav can also be a teacher, engineer, musician, writer, worker, but always thinking about life, why he exists, what he must do.

In any business, Yaroslav is talented, but modest, and achieves success in life with difficulty. He is a sophisticated, diplomatic person, always correct, loves children, flowers, loves animals, keeps a dog in his house, not necessarily a purebred one, and takes care of it himself. He is very sensitive, acutely experiences grievances and failures, and does not hesitate to seek consolation from friends and loved ones. But if you deeply touch his emotional strings, he can be vindictive, deal harshly with the offender, and humiliate him. No one even expects that Yaroslav can show such a side of himself. This proves that Yaroslav is a complex and ambiguous nature.

Yaroslav sexy strong man, capable of subjugating a woman. The initiative always belongs to him. He gets excited when a woman in his arms is weak and submissive.

Yaroslav's first marriage is most often unsuccessful. But he usually loves his first wife. Compares others to her, which does not make subsequent marriages happy. Only after ten years of his second or third marriage does he begin to especially appreciate the one with whom he lives and who loves him. Yaroslav is quite happy with Anna, Larisa, Svetlana, and Elizaveta.

Surname: Yaroslavich, Yaroslavovich, Yaroslavna, Yaroslavovna.


Yaroslav Vladimirovich (982-1054) - Grand Duke Kiev and all Rus', son of St. Vladimir and the Polotsk princess Rogneda, who gave him good education, assigning Greek, Bulgarian, Varangian and Latin teachers to him.

Being the eldest son of the Grand Duke, Yaroslav was the legal heir to the throne, but he was taken by force by Svyatopolk with the unflattering nickname the Accursed, who killed princes Boris and Gleb, as well as Svyatoslav, the prince of the Drevlyans.

Yaroslav, former prince in Novgorod, invited the Varangians, together with them and the Novgorodians came to Kyiv and on the Alta River, in the very place where Prince Boris died, defeated his stepbrother in 1019.

Another brother of Yaroslav, Mstislav, came to fight for the Kiev throne. It was not for nothing that they called him Daring, Mstislav won the battle. However, he did not take advantage of his happiness, but proposed dividing Russia into two parts along the Dnieper: all the lands lying on the left side of the river belonged to Mstislav, and on the right - to Yaroslav. Ten years later, Mstislav fell ill and died, after him there were no heirs left, and Yaroslav became the sovereign of Russia alone.

Yaroslav was big statesman, diplomat, city planner and military leader. Under the very walls of Kyiv in 1036 he fought with the Pechenegs. The battle lasted the whole day, and Yaroslav won the happiest victory for the Fatherland, forever freeing Russia from constant brutal raids.

At the site of the battle, Yaroslav founded a stone cathedral, dedicated, like main church Constantinople, Hagia Sophia. In the mid-forties, a majestic building arose, with strict, perfect proportions, with striped red and white walls and thirteen domes. Illuminated by the rising or setting sun, they were visible far beyond the city limits.

Strictness appearance combined with the dazzling luxury of interior decoration. Contemporaries compared St. Sophia with the temple of King Solomon, glorified in the Bible.

Yaroslav significantly expanded Kyiv and surrounded it with a fortress wall. The main entrance was the Golden Gate, three-span, fortified, they looked like a real fortification. The name “golden” is also associated with the gates of Constantinople, whose magnificent structures Yaroslav looked up to in his construction.

Yaroslav organized the first library in Rus', ordered the translation of sacred books from Greek to Slavic language, opened schools in Kyiv and Novgorod, persuaded his subjects to send their children there, summoned artists from Byzantium to decorate churches and palaces. Yaroslav collected all the laws by which his ancestors ruled the Russian land, and ordered them to be written - this was the first book of laws - “Russian Truth”. On the initiative of Yaroslav, nicknamed "The Wise", a chronicle collection began to be created.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

The name Yaroslav is one of the most ancient names in Slavic history. It is widespread not only in our country, but also in many other countries of the world where there are Slavs, and has not lost its popularity for many centuries in a row. This is largely due to his noble origin. This name will probably retain its popularity for a long time. Next, we will try to find out in more detail about the origin of this name and its characteristics.

Yaroslava is a name of Slavic origin, and it has not only a feminine name form, but also a masculine one - Yaroslav. It is also double-rooted. The first root is “yar” and the second is “slav”. The designation of the first root is "strong", "hot" or "vigorous". But full interpretation The name can be defined as “strong”, “bright”, “endowed with vitality”. There are also other versions of the interpretation of the name, but they are not so common.

Yaroslava celebrates name days several times a year:

  • March 14;
  • August 23;
  • November 9.

The important point here is that name day and angel day are not celebrated on the same date. Angel Day here exists only for male names.

What does it mean for a girl

What the name Yaroslav means for a girl is not difficult to determine. Little Yara is a very active girl. She has a lot of vital energy. She is never alone, since childhood she has wanted to be in fun company. When Yaroslava is surrounded by many people, she feels safe, and as a child she even falls asleep quite calmly to the sound of conversations and the sound of music. Yara is also a very inquisitive girl. She wants to know everything and about everything. This quality manifests itself not only in childhood, but also in adulthood.

Yaroslava has many friends. She loves to make new acquaintances and quickly finds common language with people. Distinctive feature Her character is that she loves to give gifts. Her loved ones are never deprived of attention. Moreover, she makes gifts not only on holidays, but also on ordinary days. She becomes happy in her soul if someone is having fun. Sometimes she can show some stubbornness, but she will definitely listen to any comments and try to improve.

At school, the girl is distinguished by her diligence. She likes to get only good grades and therefore always completes homework and works in class. Moreover, he manages to help his classmates. She is also a great girl at home. She is always happy to help her mother clean the apartment or wash the dishes. She is a very diligent and hardworking girl. Since childhood, Yaroslava has loved animals, and often there is a real zoo in her room. In adulthood, this love can be transferred to the profession, and Yara will become a veterinarian.

As already mentioned, from childhood the girl infects everyone with her energy. She is very sociable and always strives to make as many friends as possible. People around her love to spend time with her, because in the company of this girl it is impossible not to get positive emotions. But Yara herself does not tolerate loneliness. She is always ready to go with friends to the cinema, park, cafe, but just not to spend the evening alone. In addition, she loves to travel and often goes on various adventures. This adds emotion to her already busy life.

If the life of this young lady becomes monotonous, then she begins to have fun herself. Usually such pranks are remembered not only by her, but also by everyone around her.

One of best qualities Her character is that she always admits her mistakes, although she has such traits as stubbornness and self-confidence, but not in this case. She listens to those around her and tries to become better, to improve. Childhood innocence will never leave her character. Even as an adult woman, she will not give up watching her favorite cartoon or going to the zoo, because, as already mentioned, she has great love to animals, which grows with her.

Yara knows how to handle money. She doesn’t buy anything extra, and this girl always has something put aside in her piggy bank. All her purchases are thought out and calculated in advance. This does not mean that the girl is greedy or petty, no, rather, she is simply very neat and thrifty. She easily wins over others and has an excellent sense of humor. Such people are often called the “life of the party.”

The girl spends a lot of time in a team. This is her second family. People will never refuse to take a walk with her or sit in a cafe. They like her energy, enthusiasm, boundless optimism. A real blow for a girl would be a quarrel with her friends. She experiences such events hard and takes a long time to “depart.”

Problems at work also leave a lasting imprint on her soul. But any defeats only strengthen character. Yara doesn't stop. If something doesn't work out, she tries again and again. In her character there is a complete rejection of lies, betrayal or deception. This begins in childhood and accompanies the girl until old age.

Health Importance

As a child, she very rarely gets sick and has excellent immunity.. But with age, health can deteriorate noticeably. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract may occur. This suggests that you need to monitor your diet and healthy image life. There is still a risk of catching something infectious disease, which is also not the most pleasant. To avoid this, it is better to eat more vitamins to strengthen your immune system. And also avoid hypothermia.

Love and marriage

Family for Yaroslava is the meaning of her whole life. Since childhood, she has dreamed of getting married and having children. In her family, Yara feels protected and supported; here she really feels comfortable and warm. Since childhood, her grandmother and mother have instilled in her the qualities of a good housewife, teaching her how to run a household, so she turns out to be a good housewife. She is ready to sacrifice a lot to have strong family, where love and harmony always reign.

A serious issue in a relationship is choosing a partner. He must be reliable, independent, be alone for life. Yara's marriage is always only for love. She condemns those women who marry for convenience. She will never betray her husband and expects complete reciprocity from him.

Her husband must have the following character traits:

  • prudence;
  • maturity;
  • strong financial position.

She becomes everything to her family. She always helps her loved ones, even selects clothes for her husband and child, and always successfully, which speaks of the girl’s impeccable taste. And also has good relationship with my husband's parents, which is very rare. Her natural charisma and ability to find a common language with others helps her in this.


The girl is endowed with many talents, so any activity will be within her power. She is good with computers and can become a programmer. More will come out of Yaroslava good teacher or a doctor. The girl has been very capable since childhood and easily learns any science. Yara has a mathematical mindset, which can also leave its mark on her choice of profession. This will be a good accountant or banking employee.

Yaroslava is a creative person, which can come in handy if she wants to become a journalist, actress, translator, or maybe a stylist. Even her childhood hobbies can later become her lifelong occupation. Now we're talking about about sports.

Talismans of Yaroslava

  • Patronizing planet - the Sun.
  • Most suitable sign zodiac - Leo.
  • The animal that will bring good luck is the pheasant.
  • A lucky color is scarlet.
  • Stone-amulet - amber.

Attention, TODAY only!

"What's in your name?" - Everyone has heard this phrase more than once and probably wondered: does it matter what you were called when? Moreover, many are racking their brains, thinking about what to name their child so that he grows up happy and his future turns out well. Today we will talk about those named after Yaroslav, we will reveal the meaning of this name and how it affects character and destiny.

What does it mean and where does it come from?

According to historians, this name has purely Slavic roots and comes from two ancient Slavic words: “Yar” (“strong”, “fiery”, “decisive”) and “Slav” (“glorify”, “Slavs”).
At the same time, in the Old Slavonic dictionary there is the word “Yar”, which symbolizes abundance, fertility, and “Yaro”, which means “very”.

That is why Yaroslava means:

  • bright;
  • passionate;
  • strong;
  • divine;
  • solar;
  • full of vitality.

Important! Some scholars suggest that the root “yar” only in relation to a woman means “light”» , « bright."

Some historians believe that Yaroslava is the female version of the male Yaroslav, but at the same time they do not exclude a connection with God Yaril - “Glorifying Yaril.”

Angel Day

Yaroslav's name day church calendar does not note, since this name is not included in the calendar. Therefore, with a child, parents will be advised to choose a different name.
It should be remembered that Angel Day and name day are not one holiday. Angel Yara's Day falls on the name day of the male version of this.

Did you know? Believers believe that if you baptize a child with a name different from the worldly one, they will not be able to damage him.

Short and diminutive form

Yaroslava sounds beautiful, majestic and proud, but there are also diminutive options:

  • Glory;
  • Yaska;
  • Yarka;
  • Yasonka;
  • Slavochka;
  • Warbler;
  • Yarochka;
  • Yasyunya;
  • Yaroslavka;
  • Yaroslavochka;
  • Yarishka;
  • Yasyunya.

Sometimes these people are called Yasochka, Rosya, Slavtsya, Yarilka and Yarina - these are more exotic options.

Name in different languages ​​of the world

On foreign languages this name is almost unchanged and sounds something like this:

  • German, Esperanto, French, Italian, Norwegian - Jaroslava;
  • Greek - Γιαροσλάβα (Giarosláva);
  • English - Yaroslava;
  • Chinese - 雅羅斯拉夫 (Yǎ luó sīlāfū);
  • Japanese - ヤロスラフ (Yarosurafu);
  • Armenian - Յարոսլավ (Yaroslava);
  • Ukrainian, Belarusian - Yaroslav.

Character Traits, Temperament and Behavior

In life, Yaroslav fully justifies the origin of her name: she is active and sociable person, easily gets along with people and attracts with his ease, affability and friendliness. She is independent, loves the attention of others, and is in the thick of things.
It is worth noting that although there is some assertiveness in her character, she often admits that she is wrong. And the owner carries such traits as honesty and justice throughout his life.

Yassi love to make people feel good. For example, they can give a gift or prepare a pleasant surprise just like that, for no reason.

The Yars are sympathetic and good-natured people, ready to help at any time, putting aside their own affairs. It is this trait that loved ones value and love.

Study, professions and career

Independence, diligence and flexible character allow Yaroslavs to achieve considerable success in their studies and careers. Thanks to their perseverance, perseverance and desire to finish what they started, such women become:

  • accountants;
  • programmers;
  • journalists;
  • teachers;
  • engineers;
  • choreographers;
  • flight attendants;
  • translators.

Health and hobbies

As a child, Yasi likes to attend various clubs. Those where you can free yourself from excess energy and compete are in great demand: dancing or extreme species sports

Among Yarochka's hobbies are animals, books and watching cartoons (and this love does not fade with age).

Important! Yaroslavs should carefully select their diet and try not to freeze.

Yaroslavs are distinguished by good physical fitness and, thanks physical activity, keep for a long time. However, the bronchi and intestines are weak organs of such women.

Love relationships and family

In a relationship, Yara devotes herself entirely to her lover. However, this is only if she is sure of reciprocal feelings.
When such a woman is possessed by a truly bright feeling, she becomes a loving, responsive, faithful and caring wife.

Such girls are in no hurry to get married. They look closely at their lover so as not to experience disappointment later. Yasya wants to see everything in her companion positive traits that she knows.

Immediately after marriage, it is advisable for such women to live with their parents (but not with their mother-in-law - the Yaroslavs cannot stand comments) so that they can teach them how to run a household. Even if she is not a very dexterous cook, in the future she is able to surpass even the most experienced chefs.

Yaroslava is a faithful wife, but, despite the gentle sound of her shortened name, she will not forgive betrayal. Is divorce imminent? and the spouse must take this into account. At the same time, the woman will endure the breakup quite steadfastly.

Yasya is brought up in strictness, often punished, without even realizing that words are more effective than physical actions.
Such girls are indifferent to sexual life. And only after birth does her libido grow and sex becomes more interesting.

Important! Sex is not the main thing in Yaroslava’s life, so the partner should devote more time to foreplay.

Ideal compatibility will be achieved with men bearing names such as: Dmitry, Maxim, Kirill, Gleb, Stepan, Eduard, Ivan, Ruslan, Vadim, Nikolay, Valentin, Georgy, Arkady, Daniil, David. Relationships with Igor, Semyon, Denis, Alexey will not be easy.

Meanings of letters in the name and numerology

In numerology, this name corresponds to the number “5”, which means an independent and freedom-loving person. Such people rarely listen to other people's opinions and advice, making mistakes and gaining their own experience.

Breaking it down letter by letter, you can get an interesting and contradictory personality:

  • I am responsible for self-esteem, a rich inner world.
  • P - the ability to achieve the essence, the potential for craft.
  • O - inner wealth, wonderful intuition.
  • C - desire for security.
  • L - creative abilities, ability to appreciate art.
  • A is a symbol of beginning, the desire for improvement.
  • B - optimism, cheerfulness, honesty.

Did you know? There is a version that the name Yaroslav came from the city of the same name - this is what its inhabitants were called.

Name Astrology

Yaroslavs are unusual personalities who correspond to the following astrological indicators:

  • Zodiac sign - Libra, Taurus;
  • stone - turquoise, azurite, quartz;
  • metal - gold;
  • plant - basil, orchid;
  • tree - oak;
  • animal - deer;
  • color - fiery red, scarlet;
  • planet (or rather, star) - the Sun.

Name in history: famous and successful people

Women with this name have taken their rightful place in history. The most famous personalities:

  • Yaroslava Vyacheslavovna Shvedova is a Russian professional tennis player who also represents Kazakhstan in competitions. Among the achievements is victory in 2 Grand Slam tournaments in doubles.

  • Yaroslava Iosifovna Stetsko is a political, anti-Soviet activist from Ukraine. Founded the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists.

  • Yaroslava Aleksandrovna Pulinovich - Russian playwright (plays, film scripts). Among famous works- “Yolki-5”, “Cloud of Happiness”, “Elsa’s Land”.

  • Jaroslava Mozerova - Czech politician. The first woman in political history Czech Republic, which has put forward its candidacy for the post of President.

We tried to provide maximum information about the name Yaroslav. We hope that now you will be able to better understand the character of your friends. But it is also worth considering that not everything in a person depends on the name, because he develops many character traits himself.

The name has been an integral part of any person since childhood, so it is very important to know what it means. The history of the origin of a name can play an important role in a child’s life. In this article we will talk about what the name Yaroslav means.


Only princes were called so in Kievan Rus. The meaning of the name Yaroslav is connected precisely with this. Between the 11th and 13th centuries, many Slavic lands had rulers with this name. For example, the Prince of Novgorod, and later the Grand Duke Yaroslav the Second (Theodore) Vsevolodovich (1190-1246), about whom the chronicles say that he laid down his soul for the Russian land. In the handwritten calendar, this man is canonized. In addition, he is the father of St. Alexander Nevsky.

Also known Chernigov prince Yaroslav Svyatoslavovich, who died in 1129. Other famous rulers with the same name also won good fame among the people for their deeds. After the baptism of Rus' and until the second half of the 18th century, princely names were used extremely rarely for everyday use. Only during the so-called Russian Renaissance did our compatriots begin to turn to their history and remember the name Yaroslav. Despite the fact that from ancient times it was baptismal, until 1917 it was used to name children mainly in the south-west of Russia, as well as among the Western Slavs: Slovaks, Czechs, Poles. Today is princely ancient name regained its former popularity.

Yaroslav the Wise

However, the most famous owner of this name in Rus' was Yaroslav the First Vladimirovich, popularly nicknamed the Wise. His parents were representatives of the most noble families in Europe: Holy Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (Baptist) and Princess Rogneda of Polotsk. Chronicles testify that Yaroslav the Wise was lame on one leg, but was distinguished by a brilliant mind and exceptional courage on the battlefield. He contributed in every possible way to the spread of Christianity in home country, development of education and training of Russian priests. The meaning of the name Yaroslav has absorbed the good fame of this prince. He spared no expense on church splendor. This great man devoted all his efforts to raising the culture of his country to a new qualitative level.

Name day

Initially in orthodox calendar the name Yaroslav came about thanks to Prince Konstantin (Yaroslav) Svyatoslavovich of Murom. He was canonized as a great miracle worker. His memory is honored on June 3 (May 21).

The Day of Remembrance of Yaroslav the Wise is March 5th. He was canonized in 2005 with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II.


The meaning of the name Yaroslav for a boy reveals its owner as a complex, stubborn and energetic person. Since childhood, he has been distinguished among his peers by his active and independent disposition. IN school years Yarik will outrage teachers with his behavior. Parents will have to explain that the boy is naturally very independent and does not like to listen to other people's opinions. The meaning of the name Yaroslav gives its bearer a sociable and courageous character. A boy can quickly become part of any company. He is able to lead and lead a team, loves compliments and can be incredibly vain. Parents should make sure that their son’s strength and energy are channeled into peaceful channels.


The meaning of the name Yaroslav for a boy makes it bearer an excellent leader. However, this person's selfishness and self-confidence can irritate his subordinates. Yaroslav is able to get out of any situation, he knows how to quickly react to circumstances and act quite harshly. Entrepreneurial activity will become a native element for the owner of this name. Yarik will make every possible effort to make his life successful and comfortable. He will definitely succeed, because he is steadily moving towards his goal, while solving very difficult problems. The meaning of the name Yaroslav constantly pushes its bearer to new achievements, which creates a great reputation for him.

Personal relationships

IN family relationships a person named Yaroslav shows honesty. His children and wife always come first. At the same time, a man marries only when he is completely confident in the choice of his companion. This must be an extraordinary woman who will always support you in difficult times. Yaroslav is a wonderful husband, and his family is strong and happy.

A man's friendships are less harmonious. Not everyone can find common interests with Yaroslav. He can be arrogant and proud and does not hide it. Communication should not be forced on such a person. It’s also not worth quarreling with the owner of this name, because he can become very vindictive and vindictive. However, in general, Yaroslav is honest and knows how to make correct and fair decisions. When communicating with him, you should not react painfully to his ironic statements. In fact, he is much friendlier than he wants to appear.


Yaroslav is a keen athlete. He can perform well in martial arts. Thanks to his ability to concentrate and make lightning-fast decisions, he will win more than one glorious victory. Yaroslav is in good health. Since childhood, he has been very resilient and loves physical labor. However, over time, a man may develop problems with cardiovascular and digestive systems. In general, Yaroslav has good prospects: he will live for many years, while maintaining his vigor and positive attitude.


The meaning of the name Yaroslav suggests that its owner will have a strong alliance with Galina, Iya, Dina, Larisa, Clara, Renata, Tomila.

Yarik will have less harmonious relationships with Agnessa, Alevtina, Alla, Albina, Antonina, Vasilisa, Daria, Eva, Evgenia, Elena, Elizaveta, Inna, Zhanna, Lina, Louise, Margarita, Marina, Natalya, Rimma, Julia, Elvira.

Yaroslav is a name for a boy who is able to loudly declare himself. Having matured, he will be able to find use for his tough character and leadership qualities. Among the Yaroslavs there are many commanders, leaders and famous public figures. By naming your child this way, you will doom him to universal recognition and unconditional success.