A sociable person - who he is and what it means. Communication skills

Man, today perhaps everyone knows. But not everyone can skillfully manage it. Psychologists distinguish two types of character: introvert and extrovert. The first is immersed in his own experiences, the second is characterized by a sociable character. It is easier for him to establish friendly and business relationships, he is open and focused on the outside world.

Both types are quite flexible. And over time, for example, an introvert can develop the qualities of an extrovert. Everything will depend on personal aspirations, readiness and circumstances. However, it is worth noting that sociable does not mean sociable. So, let’s understand the concept and find out how to develop communication skills. What are the advantages of this quality and how can you determine its degree in yourself?

Sociable person - who is this?

If for you the words “outgoing” and “sociable” are synonyms, then let’s hasten to understand these concepts. A sociable person is, as a rule, an open person who easily makes contact and does not know how to hide his emotions inside. For such a person, it does not matter with whom and when he speaks, he enjoys the process of communication itself.

What does communicative mean? This is the person with an asterisk. The person with is quite flexible. He knows how to adapt his communication to different types and But this has nothing to do with hypocrisy and flattery. It’s just that this type of character knows to whom and with what spices to serve an informational dish.

If an unusual situation arises, sociable people will be able to find the right words. Successful Influence reinforced by the fact that they are charming, self-confident and able to quickly adapt to new conditions. Often such qualities contribute to the acquisition of high authority and leadership positions in the team.

Benefits of Communication

Of course, there are many advantages to be found in such flexibility of communication:

  • Firstly, a person can realize himself in almost any field social activities. A sociable person is willingly hired vacant positions because he is able to quickly and confidently negotiate with demanding and unyielding people.
  • Naturally, achieving success is undeniable not only in your career, but also in your creativity and personal life.
  • A pleasant bonus can also be finding harmony of the soul with the outside world, getting rid of complexes, fears and isolation.
  • Easy resolution or even prevention of conflicts. Establishing strong business and friendly relationships.

Understanding the range of privileges and pleasures that can be obtained from such a quality in oneself, a completely reasonable question arises: is it possible to learn sociability? The answer is definitely positive!

Today at open access there are many books from competent authors in the category “How to communicate with people correctly?” Psychology has long formulated universal tips that will help almost every person reveal themselves. You just have to want it. But before you get down to business, you need to check yourself. There is a special sociability test for this purpose. Let's see how communicative we are.

Sociability test

To conduct this little study, you need to imagine the following situations:

  • You have been assigned to give a detailed report at a meeting or a report at a conference. You are upset?
  • There was a conflict between your colleagues. The boss asks you to look into it. Are you afraid of ruining your relationship with your colleagues?
  • There is a discussion of some problem or subject. Someone expresses his opinion, but it is incorrect. Will you argue with the previous speaker, proving the truth?
  • A responsible business meeting is coming up. Are you nervous?
  • A stranger on the street asks you where the nearest bakery is. Does this annoy you?

At this point, the sociability test is considered passed. Let's move on to the results. Counting them is very simple. If you answered yes to most of the questions, you should seriously think about how to develop your communication skills. And if the answer “yes” is present in all points, then this is not even a property, but a problem of your character. Working in a team is simply unbearable for you. Relationships with colleagues are also difficult.

A negative answer to these questions is an indicator of communication skills. The more there are, the higher its level. In any society, such a person is comfortable and almost any life situation can be solved easily.

There is a solution

If a person has communicative qualities, he simply needs to maintain and improve them. In case of absence, the situation should be assessed correctly. There are cases when the acquisition of such skills is not required. A person is comfortable following his own path without delving into the subtleties successful communication. However, for those who are determined to change themselves, there is a solution. We suggest getting acquainted with key tips from psychologists on how to develop communication skills.

It all starts from childhood

It is known that the most significant period in a person’s life is childhood. This is a serene time, devoid of serious responsibility, when the formation of the main character traits is influenced not by internal beliefs, but external factors. Children's sociability is determined by how quickly they find friends, how easily and naturally they join in new team(at school, creative clubs, etc.). The task of parents in this case is to be attentive to the child, support, and good advice. Therefore, when wondering how to develop a child’s communication skills, you just need to create harmonious conditions in the home and focus on comprehensive education.

We don’t shy away from communication

As for adults with formed inner world and views, then the strategy for developing communication skills is defined here more subtly and step by step. You should start with simple, relaxed communication. And not just with a specific person, but with several acquaintances. To do this, you can use virtual communication, which is becoming increasingly popular today. But better than a real, live one.

Need to be first

Another question is how to develop communication skills if you have no friends and nothing to talk about with your neighbors and colleagues. Yes, this happens too. It's time to make new acquaintances and search common interests. Don't be afraid to come up first and start a conversation. You can open the conversation with a question about how to find a house or street or become interested in some object that belongs to the interlocutor. Don't despair if your first attempts are unsuccessful. In this case, practice is key.

If there are plenty of friends and acquaintances, and you have not mastered the skill of communication, take the initiative. Let's say you see someone you know in a large department store. Don't hide or run away from him to another department. Circumstances brought you together for a reason. Take advantage of this opportunity. Go forward boldly. At the same time, show maximum friendliness and charm. From the classic questions “how are you?” and “how are you?” You can proceed to search for the desired product or discuss service.

Let's have fun

Who is a sociable person? As already mentioned, this is a master of communication. He not only knows how to find contact with any people, but also enjoys this process. That is, openly and naturally, he can involve the conversation participants in interesting topic, find out the opposite point of view, adequately evaluate it and at the same time give the impression of a wise and competent interlocutor. This method should be taken into account. After all, there are often situations when a person obviously knows what kind of conversation awaits him and is already setting himself up in a negative mood. For example, a friend or girlfriend promises to come visit and while away the evening. Their favorite topics are football or shopping. Don't despair that the evening is lost. Try to intercept the right of the leader of the conversation. From the first notes, literally set your motive, involve your interlocutor in a topic that interests you and combine business with pleasure.

A pinch of artistry

Psychologists distinguish two types of communication skills: verbal and nonverbal. In addition to accurate words and phrases, a good sense of humor, you need to control your facial expressions and gestures. This gives richness and flavor to communication. When telling a story, it is very important not just to tell a dry narrative, but also to decorate it by transforming it into a certain image, changes in facial expression and voice. After this, you can be sure that soon everyone will admit: “This person is the soul of the company.”

Allow yourself to be a little artist. Free your inner impulses. Just feel the measure in your emotions. Don't replay! To better understand how to develop communication skills and in which direction to move, you can watch several humorous monologues. And then try to reproduce them and show them in front of the mirror. This practice will have a positive effect not only on the quality of communication, but also on your mood.

Let's stay positive

What does "communicative" mean? Perhaps a permanent synonym for this word can be “optimistic.” Sociable people rarely become discouraged. Even if they face serious difficulties in life, they know how to find positive aspects in them and joke a little. Smiling and moving forward is the main rule of sociable people. After all, a friendly face attracts much more more people than a sad expression.

If you think like a pessimist, then it's time to switch to a positive wave. Of course, it is impossible to always be a strong and unbending optimist. But you need to learn to see something hopeful and promising in a negative pile of problems. You will say that this is a rare gift, and it is not subject to everyone? Whatever the case! The main thing is to observe yourself every day and work to remove obstacles along the way. And you won’t notice how people will be drawn to you, and the quality of communication will become more productive and enjoyable.


So, we found out what human sociability is and how it is useful in life. This is the art of communication, which anyone can master if desired and with the right guidelines. Do not forget that communication skills are influenced by experience and level of intellectual preparation. But all this comes with time. In the meantime, it's time to take the first steps towards success.

    Sociable, contact; easy, sociable, friendly, compatible, cooperative. Ant. closed, shy Dictionary of Russian synonyms. sociable see sociable Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide... Synonym dictionary

    - [late lat. communicabilis connectable, communicating] inclined, capable of communication, communication (COMMUNICATION), establishing contacts and connections, easily establishing them, sociable. Dictionary foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006. communicative... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    communicable- oh, oh. communicable adj. communiquer. Inclined, capable of communication, establishing contacts and connections, easily establishing them. SIS 1985. Communication skills and, g. Sex is not a luxury, but a way of communication. G. Malkin Maxims. // LG... ...

    Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language Adj. One that easily comes into contact becomes one of the links of communication [communication II] in communicating with people and with which others want to communicate. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary

    Russian language Efremova

    communicable Sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable,... ... Forms of words - Able communicator; briefly linen shape, linen...

    communicable Russian spelling dictionary - cr.f. communication/belen, communication/linen, linen, flax; communication/whiter...

    communicable Spelling dictionary of the Russian language - ‘at ease in the company of other people’ Syn: sociable, sociable Ant: reserved, shy…

    communicable Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary - oh, oh; flax, flax Sociable, one who easily comes into contact with other people and with whom it is easy to communicate. Synonyms: contact/ktny (colloquial) Antonyms: non-communication/white Related words: communication/white Etymology: From French… …

    Popular dictionary of the Russian language encyclopedic Dictionary


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Learn to listen. Surfing on the radio wave, Moskvina, Marina Lvovna. A travel diary of a writer-radio journalist with practical advice for those who are mastering this craft. Marina Moskvina hosted the author’s program “In the Company of Marina Moskvina!” for ten years. on the channel…

Natalia Erofeevskaya When describing personal qualities in a resume, it is customary to indicate standard features. Communication skills are found in every second questionnaire

. At the same time, some people do not understand what a skill is or simply do not possess it. An employer just needs to ask a few questions to understand whether you have good communication skills. How important is this trait for professional growth and communication with friends? What is human communication skills? — we give a definition and consider the signs, find out whether it is an advantage or a disadvantage.

What does a sociable person mean? This concept is based on the answer to a question. Communication skills are the ability to find mutual language with people , regardless of status and degree of acquaintance. The skill is valued at work, as such a person is sent to important negotiations. A sociable personality also manifests itself in company. This kind of person stands out interesting communication

, gestures, the ability to choose the topic of conversation, stories are retold to them in an interesting, lively and vivid way - this is what means sociable (communicative) in simple words. What does a sociable person mean? Unlike the outgoing personality, communicative people are not just good storytellers who are fun to chat with during your lunch break. He is educated and well-spoken. He doesn’t just talk, but also pursues a specific goal: to calm down a dissatisfied client, persuade a partner to make a deal, and reduce the time it takes to receive documents. A sociable person knows.

how to negotiate and achieve results How to understand whether your interlocutor is a communicative person or not? Sometimes even a few minutes are enough for this - such a person gets real pleasure from communication. He easily chooses words, is self-confident, charismatic in his own way, and easily finds topics for conversation, regardless of who he is communicating with.- this could be a sociable girl or a gray-haired old man: a conversation with both will be not only pleasant, but most often useful, since truly communicative people are far from empty chatter.

First of all, this is someone who enjoys communication. A sociable person does not care who he communicates with; he is interested in the process itself. Sociable people are characterized by flexibility in contacts, the ability and ability not to get confused when communicating in different situations, self confidence, they easily adapt to new conditions, know how to successfully negotiate, and strive for initiative and leadership in a team.

Sociability and communication skills: what is the difference?

More often, both of these words are used as synonyms without a second thought: sociable (communicative) person - able to communicate, “easy” in conversation, knowing what to say and what to ask. In fact, if you dig deeper into word formation, there is a very fundamental difference:

"communicable" is always used in relation to a person and is his positive characteristic- this is the individual’s ability to establish contacts, sociability, pleasant and easy conversation;
"communicative"- has a slightly different meaning of the word than the one in which it is usually used, and means “relating to the transmission of information using language.” Used in relation to skills, skills, games, exercises, even dancing and music.

There are two types of communication:

Written. The skills of a person who masters this skill are reduced to composing letters, filling out official documents. At the same time, he does not make spelling mistakes and expresses his thoughts clearly and to the point. Written communication skills are required quality for secretaries, management positions.
Oral. The secret of a successful interlocutor is... A sociable person possesses this skill perfectly. Plus he knows how to turn the conversation in the right direction and persuade the interlocutor to his point of view. The conversation takes place in a calm tone; raised notes and pressure on the opponent are unacceptable.

A sociable person has a sense of tact, subtle humor, and the ability to dress in accordance with the situation. He carefully watches the interlocutor, reads gestures. Does not get into arguments and does not allow resentment, anger or irritation to take over.

Advantages and disadvantages of communication skills

People with communication skills are gladly hired and promoted. career ladder. But it is worth understanding that communication skills border on other skills: leadership and initiative. Not all managers are ready for such active employee behavior. Therefore, conflicts are possible, including dismissal. However, communication has many more advantages. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of communication skills. Among the positive aspects:

Ability to communicate. The concept does not include empty chatter, but listening to a person, maintaining a conversation. People meet with similar interests. A sociable person finds common ground by developing common interests. Thus, he wins over the interlocutor so that he can then easily win him over to his side.
Calm. Despite his activity and agility, a sociable person has equanimity. From him, fussiness, fear of participating in negotiations. People are attracted to the calm, friendliness and openness that comes from a communicative personality.
Attentiveness. Such a person will be the first to respond to a greeting, smooth out the conflict, and sum up the meeting. There will be no awkward pauses or useless negotiations with him. After communicating with a sociable person, you are left with the feeling that you were talking with a good friend.

You should not consider a sociable person as a sweet, kind person. In the right situation he is capable of showing aggression, and this manifests itself in the form of evil or witty jokes. True, he rarely resorts to backup weapons when he needs to authoritarianly declare his decision.

Development of communication skills

This skill saves you in many situations and helps you prove yourself as a valuable employee, but how can you develop sociability, develop and improve your communication skills at work? Communication skills are not given by nature. It is impossible to turn from a gloomy person who does not like communication, who avoids meeting with familiar people, into a pleasant interlocutor in one day. To develop communication skills, follow these recommendations:

Don't avoid communication. If you see a classmate or former colleague in transport, then come up first. Talk to him, remember how you studied and worked together, ask what he is doing today. Feel free to approach strangers and ask for directions. This is the first step towards developing sociability.
Don't be boring. When preparing for a meeting with a friend or partner, many people predict in advance how the conversation will flow. They imagine that they will have to talk about topics that are not interesting. Don’t become boring; how the meeting goes depends on you. Come to good mood, start a conversation first, turn the conversation in the direction you want.
Connect optimism. People are drawn to those who express goodwill, are smiling and friendly. It’s unlikely that you want to communicate with a person who has a sad face and slumped shoulders. helps to win people over and inspire trust.

Avoid formality. Vary your speech. In addition to the banal phrases “how are you”, “what’s new”, tell us about yourself. The interlocutor is interested in knowing what you live and do. Of course, it doesn't have to be an hour long speech. Focus on brevity and clarity - this will solve many communication problems. However, overly dry answers and phrases will make your interlocutor think that you are not interested in the conversation.
Books for developing communication skills(sociability) will also be useful. Replaying in my head those described in specialized literature situations and modeling them on your own environment, it is quite possible from a beech about whom they say in front and behind the back “what an uncommunicative!” to turn into, well, not “your boyfriend,” but at least a pleasant interlocutor.


Many people would like to be sociable and sociable, but, alas, not everyone has it - partly this is the same quality of personality as temperament and character. But if desired or even necessary, even the most unsociable and gloomy person can develop the ability to communicate and disposition towards the interlocutor. Communication skills are a quality that helps you out at work and helps you move up the career ladder. IN pure form the skill is rare and much of a person’s ability to communicate in society depends on his life experience, the process of becoming a person, and even childhood memories and impressions.

Communication skills have negative traits: since a person is influenced by external circumstances and character traits, often the so-called “ability to communicate” results in obsession or empty talk. To reach the golden mean and “remove” the label of a non-communicative girl (or boy), you have to work on yourself, and then this quality necessary for gaining confidence will bring pleasure not only to you, but also to your interlocutors.

31 March 2014, 14:34

The concepts of “communication”, “communication”, “communicative competence”, “communicative skill”, “ communication skills", V Lately often found among employers' requirements for applicants for available vacancies.

People who have the ability to build correctly and effectively communications, managers are pleased to take them into their teams. Why? Because for sociable people They are characterized by flexibility in contacts, the ability and ability not to get confused when communicating in different situations, they easily adapt to new conditions, are able to successfully negotiate, and strive for initiative and leadership in a team.

What does the concept of human sociability include?

Ability to quickly establish contact with strangers;

Communication that makes you want to continue the conversation;

Ability to persuade;

Ability to speak publicly;

Need for communication;

Well delivered speech;

Argumentation of your point of view and the ability to defend your interests;

Finding a compromise;

Decision making skills;

Orientation in a problem situation.

Sociable person. Formula

1. Plus interest

For developed person communication becomes a necessity communication skills- the key to success. But a common flaw in communication is a lack of consideration for others. We are busy with our own affairs, focused on our own own opinion, and for others we no longer have enough time. And if we meet other people and share interests with them, we often talk about our problems and “pull the blanket over ourselves” in all respects.

People don’t know how to communicate because they don’t know how to ask themselves the question: “What is valuable, interesting, priority for someone else?” Communication is interesting only when interests intersect. Curiosity, attention, good memory, subtle observation in relation to your interlocutor - guarantee success in communication.

Indispensable for communication, for sociable A person also has a sufficiently developed self-esteem, which allows him to convince his interlocutor that he is right.

2. Minus anxiety

Despite the fact that sociable person very playful and active, he is extremely calm. The fear centers are supposedly inactive, there is no excitement. Sometimes it seems that such a person is calm to the point of carelessness. But this carelessness actually turns out to be wisdom: it turns out that nothing happened and there is no need to worry. Peace of mind attracts people. Wherein people's sociability characterized by openness, goodwill, ease of communication, some trustfulness, and an excellent ability to switch attention.

3. Plus feedback

You have only just looked at him, and he already perceives your gaze as an old acquaintance. You just extend your hand, and he already knows what the handshake will be like. Sociable person dexterous, inventive, witty, reactions are accurate.

4. Plus or minus selfishness

Healthy egoism has never bothered anyone. Selfishness present in moderation will allow a person to stand up for himself, maintain his own personal space, and help keep his distance from obsessive people.

5. Plus artistry

Sociability of people characterizes them as representatives of society, who are characterized by a wealth of gestures and intonations. Sociable person consummate storyteller, imitator. He has a taste for detail, for juicy details, the excitement of a child, he wants to live a varied life, which is why it is so easy for such a person to transform into different social roles, to easily adapt. These people know how to please.

6. Plus or minus aggressiveness

Aggressiveness sociable person shows rarely, “but accurately.” A master of peaceful solutions and compromises, he can, if absolutely necessary, use a painful technique - decisively and powerfully. This reserve capacity creates a subtext of strength that is so necessary in human relations, especially when we're talking about about work and business communication, and she also attracts no less than her charm. This is demonstrated in different ways: sometimes as convincing confidence, sometimes as playful malice, sometimes as imperiousness and even authoritarianism.

The ability of people to communicate is contained in the concept of sociability.

Communication skills

In our lexicon, words borrowed from different languages, among them is the concept of “communication skills”. What does this term actually represent? It is borrowed from Latin language. Communication means “connectable, communicating, connection,” that is, the ability to contact others.

The process of developing communication skills

From birth, every person is endowed with certain abilities. One of the main skills that enable a person to interact comfortably in society is communication skills. What should a person do to find a common language with people? After all, you don’t need to be a polyglot to do this; you don’t need to read an incredible amount of literature. Still, this ability is associated not only with the moral and ethical qualities of the individual, but also with a physiological component and is partly inherent in everyone from the moment of birth. Depending on different psychological characteristics, people interact with each other differently.

Since from the moment of birth a person is in society, an important aspect of his life is communication. Communication skills develop from the first days of life with the help of the immediate environment. In the family, following the example of the behavior of their parents, the child learns to interact. Next, they are connected to this process kindergarten, school, friends, work, etc.

When filling out a form when applying for a job or describing a person’s character, it has become relevant in the description personal characteristics indicate such qualities as responsibility, communication skills. Especially in the field of service and sales, where you have to communicate a lot with customers. What does the definition of “communication skills” mean from the employer’s point of view?

From a business perspective, this character trait should be results-oriented. That is, you need to use your communication skills to interest a certain counterparty, establish strong partnerships with him or conclude a profitable contract. The concept of “communication skills” - what does such a definition mean for ordinary person? The simplest and most understandable explanation is that this word means the ability to communicate.

Communication problems

For some, the process of interacting with others is easy, while for others it is difficult to establish contacts. There are a sufficient number of reasons why one person feels at ease and at ease in unfamiliar company, while another avoids communication in every possible way. Sometimes he is quite timid by nature or simply does not know the topic of conversation, so he prefers to remain silent. For others, simple bad manners may hinder their communication.

Types of communications

The main purpose of communication is to convey information.

Depending on the characteristics, the following types of communication skills can be distinguished:

  • Dominant. This superior type puts constant pressure on the interlocutor. This is expressed not only by a loud voice, but also by constant interrupting, a harsh manner of communication, and entering the personal space of the interlocutor. The advantage of this type is excellent oratory skills and the ability to quickly react and make decisions in different situations.
  • The introvert is the opposite of the dominant. This type of communication is characterized by: embarrassment, a quiet voice, excessive compliance.
  • The mobile type easily and quickly joins and leaves the conversation. Sometimes he can finish a sentence if it seems to him that the interlocutor is formulating his thought very slowly.
  • For a rigid type, the communication process is complicated by the fact that he needs time to get ready for a conversation. Such interlocutors formulate their thoughts with pedantic precision.

Characteristics of communication skills

A sociable person is characterized by the following qualities:

How to develop communication skills

Development of communication skills is enough important process, in which you need to remember the following:

Communication helps you find various topics to talk with anyone, anywhere, in any company.

In this article, we analyzed the qualities of communication skills, its main characteristics, types, identified communication problems, etc.

This concept can be characterized using various methods and ways of approaching learning. The development of communication skills is important, because it is what contributes to a person’s advancement to the pinnacle of success.