Combat knives vs. Civilian knives manufactured by JSC "Melita-K"

Many aspiring nymphomaniacs are in the process of forming own collection knife owners repeatedly think about the legality of storing and carrying their cutting tools. After all, no one wants to at some point face serious troubles in the form of representatives law enforcement agencies and their claims against you regarding the storage (carrying) of products prohibited from free circulation.

Before 2003 Gun law in Russian Federation was quite strict, and for carrying an unregistered hunting knife you could get a very real sentence (up to two years in prison). What if meticulous investigators found that you had blanks of knives, shurikens or throwing knives, then they could also be charged with manufacturing weapons (Article 222, Part 4 of the Criminal Code of Russia). It’s scary to think: you could be imprisoned for a pocket knife with a switchblade 50–70 mm long or for possessing throwing knives. At the same time, huge kitchen knives, axes, pitchforks, crowbars (according to crime statistics, these are the tools that most often become instruments of crime) are sold and used completely freely. Everyone suffered: connoisseurs of antique blade products, athletes, collectors of modern knives, circus workers, and so on.

Fortunately, in 2003 it was adopted new Law on weapons, which relieved the “knife tension” in the country and made it possible for ordinary citizens to purchase many bladed products that were previously prohibited. The same hunting knives today are sold absolutely freely; to purchase them you do not need a hunting license or special permission.

Citizens of the Russian Federation are allowed to freely purchase, store, carry and use knives for a number of “peaceful” purposes. The only exceptions are combat and military knives, daggers, sabers, and so on, the possession of which requires special permission. Remember: illegal carrying of such products is subject to administrative liability (fine from 500 to 2000 rubles and confiscation).

Knives allowed for free circulation are regulated by GOSTs:

  • “Special sports and tourist knives”;
  • “Cutting and skinning knives”;
  • “Decorative and souvenir bladed items that are similar in appearance to weapons (cold and throwing)”;
  • « Hunting knives and daggers. General technical specifications»;
  • "Survival Knives"
  • “Hunting cleavers, tourist machetes, cutting tools, tools for restoration and rescue work.”
  • According to GOSTs, the characteristics of blade products are determined, which relate to household knives, tourist, sports, cutting and skinning models. Also, when determining the category of a knife, they are guided by “Cold weapons. Terms and definitions".

Having carefully studied the specified GOSTs, a number of signs and design features blade products, the presence of at least one of which allows you to determine the legality of the knife.

1. Knives whose blades are not intended for stabbing (no edge) are not prohibited. The tip of the knife can be rounded or replaced with any tool: a screwdriver, a chisel, or the like. The plane of the tool must be at least 3 mm. Such products include, for example, a diving knife from.

2. Permitted knives include products with an edge raised above the spine line by more than 5 mm (with a blade length of up to 180 mm) or by more than 10 mm (with a blade length of over 180 mm). A striking example such a knife is a model from .

3. Knives with a concave spine are allowed for free circulation (more than 5 mm for a blade length of up to 180 mm and more than 10 mm for a blade length of more than 180 mm). Such knives include the model from.

4. Knives with a hook for ripping skins are located on the spine (the hook should be located no further than 1/3 of the blade from the tip) are allowed for free sale. An example of such a product is a knife from the company.

5. It is allowed to carry, store and use rocker-shaped knives in which the height of the arc from a line drawn from the tip to the top point of the tip of the handle exceeds 15 mm. An example of such a model is from.

6. You can freely purchase and use knives with blades up to 90 mm. There are a lot of such products, for example - from.

7. Knives in which the cutting edge and butt meet at an angle of more than 70 degrees are not prohibited. These knives include a machete from the company.

8. Knives are allowed for free sale if the cutting edge is not sharpened. An example of such a model would be from . Despite menacing name and a developed guard, such a product is not classified as a weapon and is distributed freely.

9. It is legally permitted to carry, store and use knives whose handle does not provide reliable grip during a stabbing blow. Such products primarily include knives with handles shorter than 70 mm (for example, a knife from).

10. Knives that have a difference between maximum width handle in the middle part and the minimum width in the pommel area does not exceed 8 mm. Such products include a knife from the company.

11. Knives equipped with a limiter(s) or a finger recess, the size of which (if the limiter is double-sided, then the size is calculated in total) does not exceed 5 mm, are not subject to any prohibitions. An example of such a knife is the Outdoorsman Lite model from.

12. Knives that have more than one finger groove or limiter, the size (depth) of which does not exceed 4 mm, are not included in the category of prohibited knives. These knives include a product from.

13. Also, the category of knives prohibited for free circulation does not include models whose design or materials do not provide sufficient strength to the blade or the entire structure of the knife. These products include knives with blades whose cutting edge hardness is less than .

14. “Deactivated” combat and military knives, bayonets, and daggers (products with sawed blades) are not prohibited from distribution.

15. Knives with blades made of silumin, plastic, aluminum and other materials that do not allow the product to be classified as a weapon are allowed to be freely carried, used, and stored.

16. Knives with weak sealing of the blade tang into the handle (the tang is inserted into the handle and filled with sealing wax) are not subject to restrictions. Such products are not allowed combat use knife (do not provide adequate strength).

Knives permitted for free sale may have a one-and-a-half sharpening (on one side, the cutting edge is sharpened along the entire length of the blade, on the other, up to 2/3 of the spine). Additional tools can be placed on the butt of knives allowed for free sale: a saw, a sling cutter, an opener, and so on.

Each knife sold in specialized stores or on specialized Internet sites must have a corresponding document - a certificate (also known as an information sheet) confirming its legality and classification (household, sports, survival knife, and so on). Such information sheets are issued by accredited testing laboratories after carrying out the appropriate tests.

It seems like a simple question, but let's turn to the letter of the law and visualize it.

Signs of edged weapons. Parameters and characteristics of knives that are not edged weapons (in accordance with GOSTs).
The requirements below should apply to knives manufactured both industrially and homemade, both Russian and foreign. However, a lot depends on the expert conducting the examination; as you know, the law can be interpreted very differently, and the expert is also a person, he has superiors to whom he must obey, a wife who must be fed, and personal hostility (or vice versa, affection ) cannot be excluded.

In accordance with GOSTs, knives that meet the following requirements (at least one) are not considered weapons:

Knives whose blades are not adapted for stabbing are not weapons:

1. Knives without a tip. The tip can be replaced with any tool (screwdriver, chisel more than 3 mm wide), or rounded.

The edge of the knife blade is deliberately blunted and has a plane more than 3 mm wide.

This the only sign classifying these products as household items. (you must remember that when sharpening the edge of the blade, the parameters of the product change and these knives can easily turn into edged weapons with all the ensuing consequences).

2. Knives with an edge located above the spine line by more than 5 mm.

Diagram of a knife corresponding to feature No. 2

Approximate diagram of a knife corresponding to feature No. 2. It should be noted that knives that meet this characteristic have no restrictions on the length of the blade and the presence of finger stops.

This Tanto style knife has a blade length of 188 mm and a tip located more than 5 mm above the butt line.

The knife has a blade length of 210 mm and the tip is located above the butt line by more than 5 mm.

3. Knives with a maximum deflection of the blade spine of more than 5 mm for a blade length of up to 180 mm and more than 10 mm for a blade length of more than 180 mm.

Diagram of a knife corresponding to feature No. 3

4. Knives with a spine concave by more than 5 mm, with a length of up to 180 mm.

5. Knives with a concave angle of more than 10mm. butt, with a blade length of more than 180mm.

Diagram of a knife corresponding to feature No. 6

The knife, at a distance of 1/3 of the blade's length from the tip, has a sharpened hook designed for ripping skins, cutting nets, cutting slings, and whatever your imagination dictates.

7. Knives in which the amount of deflection of the butt and the upper part of the handle of the knife, which has the shape of an arc in the form of a “rocker”, upward from the conventional straight line connecting the tip of the blade and the upper end of the handle, exceeds 15 mm.

Diagram of a knife corresponding to feature No. 7

8. Knives with a blade shorter than 90mm.

A set of two daggers with a blade length of 80 mm each.

9. Knives in which the blade and spine, or the main one and the one made on the spine, converge at an angle of more than 70 degrees.

10. Knives are thicker than 5-6mm.

11. Knives without a sharpened blade(the descents are displayed, but the RC is missing).

Knives with a handle that does not provide a reliable hold when pricking:

The absence of stops (limiters for fingers) on this dagger makes its handle dangerous in the event of a stabbing blow; this is the only sign classifying this product as a household item, etc. If you add stops to its design, the dagger becomes a 100% melee weapon, you can even “don’t go to a fortune teller..” (fans of improvements need to remember this point).

12. Knives with handles shorter than 70mm.

This butcher knife has a handle length of 40 mm. It also corresponds to feature No. 8 since it has a blade 70 mm long.

13. Knives with a barrel-shaped handle, in which the difference between the maximum diameter in the middle part of the barrel-shaped handle and the minimum diameter in the pommel area does not exceed 8 mm.

Diagram of a knife corresponding to feature No. 13

The dagger has a border between the maximum diameter in the middle part of the barrel-shaped handle and the minimum diameter in the pommel area of ​​no more than 8 mm.

14. Knives with a single (one-sided, or two-sided in total) limiter or a single finger groove less than 5 mm.

15. Knives that have more than one notch or limiter, their size should be less than 4 mm.

In a knife for diving and extreme tourism, the heel of the blade, which acts as a limiter, is deliberately narrowed and has a thickness of 3.5 mm, while thickening of the blade towards the tip is allowed (the thickness of the butt of the knife is 4.0+ mm).

Knives that do not provide the required strength of the blade or the entire structure:

16. Knives with blades whose hardness is less than 25HRC.

The hardness of this blade exact copy bayonet does not exceed 25HRC.

17. Knives with a developed stop or finger groove, with a blade length of up to 150 mm and a thickness of less than 2.5 mm.

This feature includes a huge number of knives, including those of excellent quality. All knives with a straight blade (up to 150 mm), a pronounced edge (the angle of convergence of the blade and spine is less than 70 degrees), developed finger stops or finger grooves and are freely sold in the Russian Federation, have a spine thickness of less than 2.5 mm (usually 2.2 -2.4), otherwise it is no longer possible to sell freely, while the hardness of the blade has no restrictions. Such knives are considered as supposedly “not providing the necessary strength of the blade or the entire structure,” all this is very relative; a knife with a spine thickness of 2.2 mm is able to help out its owner in almost any situation.

And in conclusion I would like to say the following: A man armed with a dagger is less dangerous than a man armed with an idea. Remember this)) Peace and goodness to everyone!

The specificity of production in our country (and not only in ours) is that a huge number of successful design and technological solutions, belong to the sphere of weapons. Knives have not escaped this trend, or rather - combat knives. Unfortunately, the legislation of the Russian Federation does not allow ordinary citizens to own and use the most the best models knives produced by Melita-K CJSC, since they are military edged weapons. But there is a way out of every situation. There are GOST standards that define the difference between civilian knives and combat knives. The company's technical service has brought the most popular models of combat knives into a form that allows them to be certified as civilian ones.

The most common option is the absence of a protective cross (also called a “guard”), which serves to prevent the hand from slipping onto the cutting edge during a piercing blow. In this way, we have made such popular products available to anyone who wants to purchase them. models of knives such as “Vityaz”, “Gyurza”, “Cobra”, “NR-09”, “Caiman”, “Shaitan”.

Combat knife "Vityaz"

Combat knife "Gyurza"

Combat knife "Cobra"

Tourist knife "Vityaz"

Tourist knife "Gyurza"

Tourist knife "Cobra"

Combat knife "NR-09"

Combat knife "Caiman"

Combat knife "Shaitan"

Tourist knife "NR-09"

Touring knife "Caiman"

Tourist knife "Shaitan"

Almost every knife has its own creation story. The author of the “Shaitan” knife is the head of the special response department, Dmitry Krasnov, who tragically died in October 2004. Similar dagger-type knives with a serrated sharpening section on the cutting edge exist in other countries (for example, the famous MARK-2).

Gerber Mark II

In its combat form, the Shaitan knife has two modifications - all-metal and with a handle made of printed leather or thermoplastic elastomer. The society of veterans of the Vympel group chose a civilian modification of this knife with a leather handle as their award knife. Now there are many copies of this knife-dagger on sale under the same name “Shaitan”, with slightly modified forms that have nothing to do with Melita-K CJSC.

Another way to turn a combat bladed weapon into a civilian knife is to cut off the tip of its blade, turning it into something like a chisel.

Thus, the “Katran-2” and “Katran-3” knives were turned into civilian knives. "Katran-3" was developed by special order of the 45th Guards Separate Airborne Reconnaissance Regiment and its first name was "Katran-45".

All modifications of the Katran knife have a serrated sharpening in the root part of the main blade (for cutting slings, rope ropes, etc.) and a hook for cutting nets. The handle of all modifications of the knife has a double-sided, anatomically comfortable guard and a metal pommel with a hole for a lanyard. All metal parts have anti-reflective treatment or black chrome camouflage finish. "Cartan-3" is distinguished by a metal saw on the butt of the blade. "Katran-2" has a chopping sharpening on the butt.

One of the most popular knives created by Melita-K CJSC is Smersh-5. Both modifications, civilian and combat, have a protective crosspiece, but the thickness of the blade of a civilian knife in the butt is less than 2.5 mm, which allows it to be certified as civilian. The knife is essentially modern solution scout knife model 1940 "NR-40". Unfortunately, due to the popularity of the knife, many copies or simply replicas of it are sold, made in China, often with the same name and the inscription “Made in Russia”. It is almost impossible to deal with counterfeits from the Middle Kingdom, so the buyer is advised to be careful.

The blade has the same thickness (2.4 mm at the butt) with a finger rest. new development JSC "Melita-K" - knife "Grif". The combat prototype of this knife, the Permyak knife, was made by order of the FSB Department of the city of Perm, according to their own sketches.

Combat knife "Permyak" Touring knife "Grif"

The first versions of the Smersh series knife - from Smersh-1 to Smersh-4 - are essentially classic Finnish knives. Various lengths and different thicknesses (everyone chooses depending on their preferences and the tasks that the knife should solve), but with all the variety, this type of knife remains popular for many years. This model has much in common with the legendary Finnish M-95 or Sissipuukko knife from Peltonen, which is used by Swedish and Finnish special forces. The civilian version of the Irbis knife is an attempt to add penetrating properties during a piercing blow to the advantages of the Finnish knife due to one-and-a-half sharpening, and the serrated sharpening section on the blade makes it possible to cut thick ropes without any problems.

Tourist knife "Smersh-2"

Tourist knife "Smersh-3"

Tourist knife "Smersh-4"

To manufacture its knives, Melita-K CJSC uses steel grade 70Х16МФС, developed and produced to special order (patent RU236957C1). The metal parts usually have an anti-reflective treatment, but a black chrome camouflage finish or an all-black blade is possible. The sheath is made of high-quality genuine leather, with plastic inserts inside. The inserts protect the sheath from accidental cutting by the cutting edge, and the blade from exposure to the skin, especially when the sheath gets wet, when the blade adjacent to the moisture-soaked skin is exposed to corrosion. With proper care, a knife produced by Melita-K CJSC will serve you faithfully for many years.