Standards for obtaining a maroon beret. What kind of insignia is the maroon beret, what does it give and who wears it

Maroon beret- uniform headdress of military personnel and unit employees special purpose internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

  • It is a source of exceptional pride for a special forces soldier.
  • The right to wear a maroon beret has the right to military personnel and employees of special forces units who have sufficient professional, physical and moral qualities and have successfully passed qualification tests. In addition, the maroon beret can be awarded for courage and courage shown in the performance of official duty, as well as for special merits in the development of special forces units and units.

In addition to military personnel, employees of the following civilian departments are allowed to take qualification tests: Ministry of Internal Affairs, Federal Drug Control Service, Federal Penitentiary Service.


  • For the first time, as a uniform headdress of the special forces of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, the maroon beret was adopted in 1978 in the 9th special purpose training company (URSN) of the 3rd battalion of the 2nd regiment OMSDON (Dzerzhinsky Division). The maroon color of the beret matched the color of the shoulder straps of the internal troops. Chief of Combat Training of Internal Troops, Lieutenant General Sidorov Alexander Georgievich- supported and approved this idea and, on his instructions, the first 25 berets made of maroon fabric were ordered from one of the factories. The first to receive the maroon beret is Sergeant Georgy Stolbusenko.


  • Berets were worn during demonstration exercises by a small group of military personnel, as well as by officers and sergeants on public holidays.
  • This year, the father of one of the URSN servicemen made a gift - 113 berets, sewn from maroon cloth (the company's regular strength). For six months, maroon berets were put on with the tacit consent of senior commanders, finding any reason for this.
  • The founders of the new tradition were company commander Sergei Lysyuk and his deputy for special training Viktor Putilov. The idea of ​​establishing an exam for the right to wear a maroon beret in his unit was prompted by the book “Team Alpha” by Miklos Szabó, a former US Special Forces soldier, which described the process of selecting, recruiting and training Green Berets.

In American special forces, nothing was ever given for nothing; everything had to be earned. The right to wear the Green Beret was earned through grueling trials, through blood and sweat.

Miklos Szabo, "Alpha Team"

Striving for continuous improvement of the training process for special forces soldiers and their professional growth, Sergei Lysyuk and Viktor Putilov compiled an exam program, the passing of which automatically nominated the person who passed it to the elite of the special forces.

IN initial period qualification tests had to be carried out illegally, under the guise of complex control classes. The wearing of a maroon beret by the select few did not find understanding among the command, which believed that this insignia should be worn by all military personnel of special forces units, regardless of their level of training.

  • May 31 - Commander of the Internal Troops Anatoly Sergeevich Kulikov approved the Regulations “On qualification tests of military personnel for the right to wear a maroon beret.” Only special forces units of internal troops can wear a maroon beret.
  • August 22 - Order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs dated No. 326 “On measures to comply with the rules of wearing the established uniform by employees of internal affairs bodies and military personnel of the internal troops,” according to which it was prohibited to wear maroon berets to employees of internal affairs bodies and military personnel of the internal troops, except for special forces units of the internal troops .
  • Various special forces units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - riot police, special forces (OMSN), special forces departments of the GUIN (when they were still in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) - began to pass on the maroon beret in their units. The conditions of delivery in these units differed from those accepted in the special forces of the internal troops - the tests were carried out in accordance with the tasks assigned to this unit.
  • Some police special forces units began to issue a maroon beret as regular uniform
  • In the linear units of the internal troops, commanders, without any reason, began to issue a maroon beret to outsiders - mainly to sponsors helping military units.
  • A number of commanders are beginning to use surrender as a way to increase personal authority, a way to reward military personnel whom, for some reason, the commander considered necessary to encourage. In addition, some commanders conducted tests with violations.
  • May 8 - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 531 “On military uniforms, insignia of military personnel and departmental insignia”, according to which:

Officers and warrant officers of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation(with the exception of officers and warrant officers of naval units and aviation, as well as special motorized military units internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation) wear: a khaki woolen cap; wool cap with maroon piping

This decree destroyed the existing system of traditions and previous regulations on the appropriation and wearing of a maroon beret.

  • The order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs “On the procedure for passing qualification tests for the right to wear a maroon beret” streamlined the process of passing and eliminated all speculation around the highest symbol of special forces.

Innovations: conducting qualification tests - centrally, in one place (in order to track the level of training of test participants); preliminary tests have been introduced - the selection of the most worthy military personnel who already have experience in participating in such events.

  • September - first qualification tests according to the new regulations


I. Purpose of testing:
1. Identify military personnel with the highest individual training for actions to neutralize armed criminals, free hostages and perform other tasks in critical situations and emergency circumstances.
2. Creating an incentive to cultivate high moral qualities in military personnel.

II. Contract servicemen and conscripted servicemen (who have served at least six months in special forces units) and who have demonstrated solid knowledge and skills in all combat training subjects of this course (with an overall rating of no less than “good”) and who have a positive performance record are allowed to take the tests . In this course, the core subjects are special fire, special physical and tactical training of internal troops.

1. Admission to testing is carried out by the chairman of the Council of Maroon Berets on the basis of a report from the unit commander and successful completion preliminary tests for subjects.

- running 3 thousand meters;
- pull-up (according to NFP-87);
- 4x10 test (push-ups, squatting, lying down, abdominal exercise, jumping from a squatting position) is carried out in seven repetitions.

Testing is carried out 2-3 days before qualification tests.

2. The main tests are carried out in one day and include a forced march of at least 10 km, followed by overcoming obstacles in the SPP extreme conditions, a test of training in storming high-rise buildings, acrobatics and hand-to-hand combat.

At all stages of the test, the unit’s order appoints the senior officer from among the unit commanders, their deputies, or headquarters officers of the special forces unit.

Before committing a forced march, subjects line up on the parade ground.
The unit commander provides instructions and gives the order to march.

A. When performing a forced march, the following introductory questions are decided:
- sudden “attack” by the enemy;
- attack from the air;
- overcoming a water obstacle (required);
- area of ​​agent contamination;
- overcoming rubble, swampy areas and other natural obstacles;

- evacuation of the wounded from the battlefield;

- execution physical exercise, flexion and extension of the arms in a lying position.

The control time for conducting a forced march is set by the unit commander depending on the time of year, weather conditions and terrain. The time for a forced march should not exceed two hours.
Military personnel who failed to meet given time, are not allowed for further testing.
During a forced march, it is possible psychological tests provocative in nature to identify psychologically unstable subjects.

B. A special obstacle course is overcome on the move after completing the march.

During stages A and B, the subjects are accompanied by instructors with “maroon berets”, based on 5 subjects, 1 instructor, who monitor the subjects’ compliance with the established standards, and, if necessary, evacuate the injured and unconscious to a mobile medical station.

Instructors are strictly prohibited from assisting subjects in marching and overcoming obstacles, as well as from interfering in the testing process or issuing any commands or orders.

Along the entire route, 5-7 checkpoints are determined, at which subjects who are more than 50 meters behind the general group are removed from the march.
Charges prepared for detonation at the fire control point must be suspended on poles to enhance the strength of the sound and prevent the throwing of stones and other objects on the ground.
The area where charges are located along the checkpoint is marked with red tape and signs “Explosive, passage prohibited!”

Smoke is produced by RDG-2B and RDG-2Ch products of low intensity, so that obstacles and control marks are visible to avoid trainees running into the charges!!!

After passing the OSP, in order to check the condition of the weapon during the forced march and overcoming obstacles, one blank shot is fired from a service weapon in the order indicated below.

The subjects who completed the march and passed the SPP are lined up in one line. The commander announces the list, the serviceman breaks down, places a blank cartridge from the magazine into the chamber of the machine gun and fires upward; if the weapon fails, the subject is not allowed to undergo further testing.

IN. Testing speed shooting skills against a background of fatigue.
Trainees immediately after checking the functionality of the weapon move to the firing line to perform 1 SUUS from a machine gun. The commander must think through and organize the shooting in such a way that the shooter spends no more than 20 seconds.

G. Testing skills in storming high-rise buildings using special descent equipment is carried out on a five-story building.
The initial position of the person being tested is one step from the window in the room on the 5th floor. On command, the person being tested attaches the SSU carbine to the halyard and begins the descent. In the window opening on the 4th floor, a machine gun fires five blank cartridges. In the window opening on the 3rd floor he prepares an imitation grenade, on the 2nd floor he kicks out a mock-up window frame and throws a grenade. After this he descends to the ground. The duration of this exercise is 45 seconds.
Those who do not meet this deadline will not be allowed to participate in subsequent tests.

- kip-up from a supine position;

- a kick to the silhouette followed by a somersault;

- forward somersault from an acrobatic springboard or swing bridge.

The exercises should be performed one after another without stopping.

E. Performing 1, 2, 3, 4 sets of special exercises.
The complex is considered completed if the subject clearly, without failures, in strict sequence, with high quality individual blocks and strikes were performed by the entire complex.

AND. Training matches (have special meaning).

The fight is fought for 12 minutes without a break with a change of 4 partners, one of whom is the checker (a serviceman who already has a maroon beret).
A serviceman who survives without being knocked out and is active for 12 minutes is considered to have passed the test. The assessment of “pass” and “fail” is given by the inspector (who conducts sparring with the subjects) and the members of the commission who control the fights of the subjects.

The subject is allowed to provide medical care on the site for no more than 1 minute during the battle.

One examiner checks three subjects in turn.

In the case of a passive duel between subjects, they are “broken” for one minute, and the duel with each of them is conducted by inspectors who will participate in the tests of the next subjects. If the subjects continue to show passivity, the “breaking” is repeated.

The biggest mistake, which is practiced and present in all special forces units, is replacing the inspector with a “fresh” one, and this is where the beating of test subjects who are tired from the workload comes from. In the history of qualification tests, there have been cases when inspectors were deprived of their maroon berets because they were unable to complete the inspection within 12 minutes.

Chasing the number of maroon berets in a unit does not lead to any good!!!

The doctor's decision during testing is the most important thing.


When testing for the right to wear a maroon beret in a unit, a certification commission is created, which is issued by order for the unit. At each stage, members of the qualification commission evaluate the subject, recording the results of the exercises performed in the protocol. All stages are graded “pass” or “fail”. In case of “failure”, the subject is not allowed to undergo further testing. During the test, comments may be made to the subject, which are recorded in the protocol. If there are 3 comments, the serviceman is also removed from further testing.
A serviceman who has passed all tests with a “pass” rating is considered to have received the right to wear a maroon beret.

Award ceremony

  • The presentation of the maroon beret is carried out during the general formation of the military unit (participants of examination tests) in a solemn atmosphere. A serviceman who has successfully passed all the tests receives the beret, kisses it, kneels on his right knee, puts it on his head, turns to the line, puts his hand to the headdress and loudly says: “I serve the Russian Federation and special forces!” (formerly “I serve the Fatherland and special forces!”)
  • From this moment on, the serviceman has the right to wear a maroon beret with everyday and dress uniform clothes. In the column of the military ID “Special notes”, as a rule, a corresponding entry is made and sealed with the official seal of the unit. Later, a certificate with an identification number is issued, confirming the right to wear a maroon beret.

Deprivation of the right to wear

For actions that discredit the rank of a serviceman of a Special Forces unit, the serviceman may be deprived of the right to wear a maroon beret. Discrediting the rank of a military member of a special forces unit is:

  • Manifestation of cowardice and cowardice during hostilities;
  • Miscalculations and unreasonable actions that resulted in the death of comrades, failure of a combat mission and other grave consequences;
  • Decrease in the level of your physical and special training;
  • Using special techniques hand-to-hand combat outside a combat situation and for selfish purposes;
  • Allowing hazing;
  • Gross violations of general military regulations and criminal legislation;
  • Systematic violation of military discipline.

The decision to deprive the right to wear a maroon beret is made by the Council of Maroon Berets of a military unit at the request of the unit commander.

  • “Councils of Maroon Berets” have been created in detachments and special forces units of the internal troops. They contain the most trained and experienced “krapovikov”, who enjoy unquestioned authority among their colleagues. It is by decision of the council that one or another candidate is allowed to take qualification tests for the right to wear a maroon beret.
  • "Council of Maroon Berets Internal troops" - formed by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. The chairman is Colonel Igor Medvedev, Colonel Mikhail Illarionov has been appointed deputy. It included a number of other senior officers, as well as chairmen of the “Councils of Maroon Berets” of military units. It was this collegial body, after holding a meeting in the city of Smolensk in 2008, that developed a proposal to hold two stages of the competition.


The maroon beret does not give its owner any privileges over other military personnel (no increase in salary, no promotion, or any other special treatment).

  • According to tradition, the so-called “krapoviki” wear berets tilted to the left - in contrast to the Airborne Forces and Marines, who wear their hats tilted to the right. This emphasizes that the maroon beret is not simple element uniform, which is issued to any soldier, and the owner of a maroon beret has earned the right to wear it by passing all the tests. Units of the Airborne Forces and Marine Corps participating in military parades wear berets tilted to the left - for the uniformity of the uniform of all participants (there is an opinion that this is done so that the flag-shaped band, which is usually attached to the left, is visible from the stands, and in parades on the right) - but only for the duration of the parade.
  • It is believed that the maroon beret (like the uniform) should not be decorated with various flags and other “badges”, the use of which is widespread in other branches and types of troops. This is not accepted in special forces units.
  • No matter how worn the beret is, it is not replaced with a new one - it is believed that prestige lies in keeping the beret (like the uniform) as faded as possible.
  • After the deadline has been reduced military service up to one year, only contract soldiers are allowed to take the exam for the right to wear a maroon beret.

A hare walks through the forest and sees a wolf.
The wolf is all battered and bruised,
in bruises.
- Gray, what is wrong with you?!
- Yes... I'm behind Little Red Riding Hood
- Oh, brother, you are in vain. She recently
I passed it on for a maroon beret...

(Russian joke)

Each special forces unit has its own symbol. U Russian special forces this symbol is maroon beret. Not everyone is allowed to wear a beret, but only those fighters who have proven the right to wear it with their skills, moral and physical indicators. Maroon beret also goes to those servicemen from units who participated in hostilities and received such serious injuries that they are not able to pass the test for wearing a beret.

Purpose of testing

The tests have two main purposes. The first is to determine the best military personnel: those who have the most high level individual training, are better able than others to neutralize armed criminals, free hostages and perform other tasks associated with a risk to life and health and arising in critical situations. The second goal is to create an incentive.

The maroon beret is an excellent incentive for the physical and professional development of other fighters, training their strong-willed qualities.

Not everyone has the right to take the test either. Those military personnel who have served at least six months in a special forces unit (by conscription or contract) are allowed to take the exam. The fighter must have grades in all subjects of combat training not lower than “good” (the fighter must demonstrate excellent knowledge and skills in these subjects), positive characteristic according to service. The main subjects when passing the test are special physical, special fire and tactical training of explosives ( Internal Troops— approx. ed.).

Preliminary test

Before the main qualifying tests, fighters undergo preliminary tests, 2-3 days before the main exam.

To begin with, a final check is carried out on the program of special forces units. Overall rating should be no lower than “good”, and grades for some subjects, such as special physical, special fire and tactical training of internal troops – no lower than “excellent”. After successfully passing these tests, the subject receives admission to the main tests for the maroon beret from the chairman of the Council of Maroon Berets. The chairman grants admission to testing based on test scores and the report of the subject’s commander.

Preliminary tests include:

  • at 3000 meters
  • Pull-ups
  • Test 4x10, consisting of push-ups from the floor, squatting, lying down, abdominal exercise, jumping out of the squatting position. Repeated seven times.

Main test

The main exam is a set of exercises that is carried out over one day. The test includes:

  • Forced march of at least 10 kilometers
  • Subsequent overcoming of an obstacle course in extreme conditions
  • Assault on high-rise buildings
  • Acrobatics
  • Hand to hand combat

Tests for wearing a maroon beret can be carried out at least once every six months. When passing the test for the right to wear a maroon beret by military personnel of the support and maintenance units of a special purpose military unit, they are not subject to a high-altitude training test, but are checked for compliance with the standards for their specialty. Once all tests are passed, a mobile medical unit is deployed.

When passing the tests, military personnel are equipped as follows. For the first four stages, starting with the forced march and ending with testing the skill of storming buildings, the person being tested must be wearing body armor, a protective helmet and a service weapon. For acrobatic testing - field uniform and sneakers. For training fights - a protective vest, a motorcycle open helmet and boxing gloves.

Forced march

Before the forced march, all candidates, lined up on the parade ground, are briefed by the unit commander, after which the command to complete the forced march will follow.

The forced march is not easy in itself; in addition, subjects are often provoked during its passage in order to identify those who are mentally unstable. In addition to this, the commander can give various introductory notes:

  • Sudden enemy fire
  • Air attack
  • Overcoming
  • Overcoming a water obstacle (the only mandatory introductory one) or a swampy area
  • Overcoming an area contaminated with toxic substances
  • Evacuation of the wounded from the battlefield
  • Doing or other physical exercise

The forced march is carried out for a time set by the unit commander. The time is determined depending on weather conditions, terrain and time of year, but no more than two hours. Those fighters who did not meet the set time, further tests are not passed: the exam is considered failed. Along the entire route, checkpoints are established, in the amount of 5-7 pieces. At these points, the time of passing the test is monitored and those fighters who are more than 50 meters behind the main group are removed from the march.

Special obstacle course

Immediately after completing the forced march, without preparation, candidates for the maroon beret proceed to the obstacle course. This process and the implementation of established standards are certainly monitored by instructors who have already received a maroon beret. Number of instructors: one for every five subjects. In addition, the instructors' task is to evacuate injured or stunned candidates from the obstacle course and escort them to the medical center.

Instructors are prohibited from giving any advice or generally providing assistance to subjects who are undergoing a forced march or obstacle course; interfere with the test and disturb the subjects; change the test program.

The obstacle course is equipped with charges suspended on poles: this increases the strength of the sound. The area equipped with such charges is marked with red tape, and entry into its territory is prohibited.

The obstacle course is also filled with low-intensity smoke from RDG-2B and RDG-2Ch products. The smoke is still very dense, although it makes it possible to see obstacles and control marks so that the subjects do not go astray.

During the forced march and obstacle course, candidates must take care of their weapons: this is also checked. After the second test, each fighter, called from the list, leaves the ranks and fires upward with a blank cartridge. If no shot is fired, then the special forces soldier is not allowed to undergo further testing.

Those who successfully pass the weapons test advance to the next stage - the speed shooting test. After the first two stages, the body is already quite tired, which is also taken into account. The soldiers go to the firing line to conduct shooting. Everyone should do it in no more than 20 seconds.

Storming high-rise buildings and acrobatics

Then the fighters proceed to storm the high-rise buildings. A special five-story building is designed for this, which candidates storm with the help of descent equipment. The process of passing is as follows: one step from the window of the fifth floor, the fighter, on the orders of the commander, connects the safety carbine to his halyard and goes down. At the fourth floor window he should fire a burst of five blank cartridges. Having reached the third floor window opening, the fighter must prepare a grenade to throw. Having reached the second floor, the fighter must kick out the model of the window frame and throw a grenade into the opening. After this, the subject descends to the ground.

The special forces soldier must perform all these actions in 45 seconds, no more. Otherwise, the fighter is not allowed to undergo further testing.

The fifth stage, following the storming of the building, involves performing acrobatic exercises: lifting up from a supine position, kicking the silhouette, followed by a somersault and a forward somersault from an acrobatic springboard or swing bridge. Then the fighter goes through 1, 2, 3, 4 sets of special exercises. They must be completed clearly, without failures or errors, in order to be allowed further.

Hand to hand combat

Most important stage exam. A fighter has four fights of three minutes each without stopping, changing partners. One of them is necessarily the owner of a maroon beret. The test is counted for those fighters who survived all 12 minutes without a knockout and themselves actively worked during the entire time. The final grade is determined by the certification commission and the inspector who participated in the sparring with the candidate. History remembers cases when inspectors were deprived of the right to wear a maroon beret due to the fact that they were unable to conduct a training battle with the subjects.

The subject has the right to medical assistance lasting no more than one minute right on the court, at any time during the fight. The physician may, by his or her decision, remove the subject from the test for health reasons.

Test performance assessment

The testing is monitored by a specially created commission, whose members record the results of the exercises in the protocols. This is either a “pass” or a “fail”. If a candidate receives at least one “failure”, then he is no longer allowed to proceed to further stages of the exam. In addition, during the exam the commission may give comments to the fighter. Comments are also recorded in the protocol, and if there are three, the fighter is removed from the exam.

Presentation of a maroon beret

When all stages have been successfully completed, the serviceman is presented with a maroon beret in a solemn atmosphere during the formation of the unit. The fighter who has received such an honor turns to face the formation, kneels on his right knee, kisses the beret and puts it on his head. After this, he moves his hand to the headdress and loudly pronounces the phrase:

“I serve Russia! And Special Forces!

After this, a special act is drawn up and an order is issued in part. From now on, based on the order, a serviceman has the right to wear a maroon beret with his dress and casual uniforms. In addition, in the soldier’s military ID, in the “Special Notes” column, an entry is made, sealed with the official seal of the unit, about the right to wear a maroon beret.

The maroon beret can be awarded by decision of the maroon beret council and without passing the test in the following cases:

  • If, while performing a combat mission, a serviceman is wounded, injured or concussed, which does not allow him to undergo testing
  • For special services in the development of units and units of the Special Forces
  • For courage and courage shown during the performance of a combat mission

Deprivation of the right to wear a maroon beret

Losing a beret is much easier than getting one

You can lose the right to wear a beret if you commit offenses that disgrace high rank special forces soldier. The offenses are:

  • Cowardice and cowardice, their manifestation during hostilities;
  • Unreasonable actions that resulted in the death of a comrade were thwarted combat mission or there were other serious consequences;
  • Negligence and decreased level of special and physical training;
  • Allowing hazing;
  • Violation of legislation and general military regulations;
  • Systematic violation of military discipline;
  • The use of combat skills acquired in special forces units outside a combat situation for personal gain.

Such a decision can only be made by the council of maroon berets and at the request of the commander of the unit in which the soldier serves.

Deputy commander of the 3rd separate brigade special forces internal troops for combat training, Lieutenant Colonel Andrei Yesis is in the thick of things at all “speckled” marathons. Conducts training sessions for candidates for berets in the Volov region, resolves organizational issues, gives recommendations to subjects, conducts forced marches, controls the completion of stages, and, together with other authoritative “krapoviks,” makes decisions final decision based on the results of the performances of applicants for the right to wear the iconic headdress for explosives and riot police soldiers.

Lieutenant Colonel Andrey Yesis

In an interview with Spetsnaz magazine, Lieutenant Colonel Yesis, in particular, spoke about some of the nuances of preparing for qualification tests, which, as is known, are held in the internal troops twice a year - in spring and autumn.

“We have an established system of work to prepare for the test. It’s easier to prepare people in the general stream. But the tests are never the same. I myself took it three times and each time I entered the stages as if in a new way,” admitted the deputy commander of military unit 3214. “Always There are certain distinctive points. Let’s say that spring is one specific type of training, and autumn is completely different. Why is it more difficult to prepare fighters after winter for spring training? Because people are not robots, in winter the body kind of goes into hibernation and “gets fired up”? tests at the peak of their fitness are much more difficult than in the warm season. I would not say that those taking the beret in the spring are less prepared, but their level of general physical fitness is definitely lower in the fall - after all, candidates who did not become owners of the maroon beret in April. or May, strive for a dream, move forward. In the summer, potential candidates actively participate in competitions, for example, in hand-to-hand combat, in military-tactical competitions of various levels. There is a preparatory process, then its logical conclusion - training camps in preparation for qualification tests. So, frankly speaking, in the fall the candidates for berets are well prepared.”

Andrei Yesis also noted that there are no trifles in special forces exams. And, despite the support of colleagues from the platoon, company, and experienced “krapovikov”, no one will overcome the stages for the applicant.

“In general, I support that holders of a maroon beret should approach the applicants less during the test. Because it turns out to be biased: some have a friend-comrade who runs next to them and encourages them, while others do not. The test taker must work and advance independently Everywhere by himself, by himself! After all, then he has to be a “krapovik”, to defend the honor and dignity of the beret,” this is the opinion of one of the most authoritative representatives of the Krapovo brotherhood of Belarus.

Andrei Viktorovich also told Spetsnaz readers what mistakes candidates for berets should avoid. Full text read conversations with the deputy commander of the 3rd separate special forces brigade in the recently released news item

The maroon beret is a uniform headdress of units and special forces units of internal troops in a number of countries in the territory of former USSR- Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine, and earlier - the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.

It is a source of pride and a sign of the exceptional valor of a special forces soldier.
The right to wear a maroon beret is granted to military personnel (military soldiers) of special forces units (SPN) who have sufficient professional, physical and moral qualities and have successfully passed qualification tests. In addition, a maroon beret can be awarded for courage and bravery shown in the performance of military duty during military operations and special operations, as well as for special services in the development of special purpose units and units.

For the first time, as a uniform headdress of the special forces of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, the maroon beret was adopted in 1978 in the 9th special purpose training company (URSN) of the 3rd battalion of the 2nd regiment OMSDON (Dzerzhinsky Division). The maroon color of the beret matched the color of the shoulder straps. internal troops. The head of combat training of the internal troops, Lieutenant General Sidorov Alexander Georgievich, supported and approved this idea and, on his instructions, the first 25 berets made of maroon fabric were ordered from one of the factories.

Alexander Georgievich Sidorov

1979 — 1987
Berets were worn during demonstration exercises by a small group of military personnel, as well as by officers and sergeants on public holidays.

This year, the father of one of the URSN servicemen made a gift - 113 berets, sewn from maroon cloth (the company's regular strength). For six months, maroon berets were put on with the tacit consent of senior commanders, finding any reason for this.
The founders of the new tradition were company commander Sergei Lysyuk and his deputy for special training Viktor Putilov.

Sergei Ivanovich Lysyuk

The idea of ​​establishing an exam for the right to wear a maroon beret in his unit was prompted by the book “Alpha Team” by Miklos Szabó, a former US Special Forces soldier, which described the process of selecting, recruiting and training Green Berets.
In American special forces, nothing was ever given for nothing; everything had to be earned. The right to wear the Green Beret was earned through grueling trials, blood and sweat.
— Miklos Szabó, Alpha Team
Striving for continuous improvement of the training process for special forces soldiers and their professional growth, Sergei Lysyuk and Viktor Putilov compiled an exam program, the passing of which automatically nominated the person who passed it to the elite of the special forces.

In the initial period, qualification tests had to be carried out illegally, under the guise of complex control classes. The wearing of a maroon beret by the select few did not find understanding among the command, which believed that this insignia should be worn by all military personnel of special forces units, regardless of their level of training.
May 31 - the then commander of the internal troops, A.S. Kulikov, approved the Regulations “On qualification tests of military personnel for the right to wear a maroon beret.” Only special forces units of internal troops can wear a maroon beret.

August 22 - Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated No. 326 “On measures to comply with the rules of wearing the established uniform by employees of internal affairs bodies and military personnel of the internal troops,” according to which the wearing of maroon berets was prohibited for everyone except special forces units of the Internal Troops.
since 1996

Gradual devaluation and disrespect for the maroon beret in some units:
Various units of the Special Forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - riot police, special forces (OMSN), special forces departments of the GUIN (when they were still in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) - began to pass on the maroon beret in their units. The conditions of delivery in these units differed from those accepted in the special forces of the internal troops - the tests were easier, some stages were completely absent.
Some police special forces units began to issue a maroon beret as regular uniform
In the linear units of the Internal Troops, commanders, without any reason, began to issue a maroon beret to outsiders - mainly to sponsors helping military units.
A number of commanders are beginning to use surrender as a way to increase personal authority, a way to reward military personnel whom, for some reason, the commander considered necessary to encourage. In addition, some commanders conducted tests with violations.

May 8 - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 531 “On military uniforms, insignia of military personnel and departmental insignia”, according to which:

Military personnel of the special forces units of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation wear: a woolen beret of maroon color; vest with speckled stripes.

This decree ignored the principles, traditions and orders of the Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops, which in one way or another touched on this topic.

The order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for passing qualification tests for the right to wear a maroon beret” streamlined the process of passing and eliminated all speculation around the highest symbol of special forces.
Innovations: conducting qualification tests - centrally, in 1 place (in order to track the level of training of test participants); preliminary tests have been introduced - the selection of the most worthy military personnel who already have experience in participating in such events.
September - first qualification tests according to the new Regulations

The purpose of the tests is to identify military personnel with the highest individual preparation for actions to neutralize armed criminals, free hostages and perform other tasks in critical situations and under emergency circumstances;
Creating an incentive to cultivate high moral qualities in military personnel.


The preliminary stage of testing is the final test for the period of training under the program of special forces units. The overall assessment for the test should be no lower than “good”, and for special fire, special physical and tactical training of internal troops - “excellent”. Testing includes - running 3 thousand meters; pull-up (according to NFP-87); Cooper test (not to be confused with a 12-minute run) - 4x10 (push-ups, squatting, lying down, abdominal exercise, jumping from a squatting position) is carried out in seven repetitions. Testing is carried out 1-2 days before qualification tests.


The main tests are carried out in one day and include a forced march of at least 10 km, followed by overcoming obstacles in extreme conditions, testing training in storming high-rise buildings, acrobatics and hand-to-hand combat.

SPP - special obstacle course

12 kilometers of cross-country cross-country followed by a 100-meter sprint. At a distance, you need to overcome water obstacles and cross the “infected” area with a gas mask on.

There are special obstacle courses such as minefields, smoke-filled areas, and fires. From time to time you have to crawl or move in dashes under small fire.

Throughout the distance there is a special “psychological treatment” group that puts pressure on participants in order to identify mentally unstable people. Then - pull-ups and acrobatics.

Passing a special obstacle course - overcome on the move after completing the march. After passing the OSP (fire-assault line), in order to check the condition of the weapon during the forced march and overcoming obstacles, one blank shot is fired from a service weapon.

Testing speed shooting skills against a background of fatigue. Trainees immediately after checking the functionality of the weapon move to the firing line to perform 1 Special training exercise of firing a SUUS from a machine gun. The exercise time is 20 s.
Testing skills in storming high-rise buildings using special descent equipment is carried out on a five-story building. The exercise time at this stage is 45 seconds. Those who do not meet this deadline will not be allowed to participate in subsequent tests.

Performing acrobatic exercises: kipping from a supine position; kicking a silhouette followed by a somersault; forward somersault from an acrobatic springboard or swing bridge.

Training matches (of special importance) - the fight is conducted for 12 minutes without a break with a change of three partners, one of whom is the same examinee, the others are military personnel who already have a maroon beret. In the case of a passive duel between subjects, they are “broken” for one minute, and the duel with each of them is conducted by inspectors who will participate in the tests of the next subjects. If the subjects continue to show passivity, the “breaking” is repeated.

Note: the subject is allowed to provide medical assistance on the site for no more than 1 minute. during the battle.

If there are 3 comments, the serviceman is removed from further testing.
It is impossible for all participants to pass the test. Only 20-30% of all those taking part reach the 2nd and 3rd tests. The challenge will vary and become more difficult, lasting until this number is reached, a 12-kilometer cross-country race may develop into a 15-kilometer race, and so on.
Instructors are strictly prohibited from assisting subjects in marching and overcoming obstacles, as well as from interfering in the testing process or issuing any commands or orders to help the participant.

The doctor's decision during testing is the most important thing.

Award ceremony

The presentation of the maroon beret is carried out during the general formation of the military unit (participants of the examination tests) in a solemn atmosphere. A serviceman who has successfully passed all the tests receives the beret, kneels on his right knee, kisses it, puts it on his head, turns to the line, puts his hand to the headdress and loudly says: “I serve the Russian Federation and special forces!” (formerly “I serve the Fatherland and special forces!”)

From this moment on, the serviceman has the right to wear a maroon beret with his everyday and dress uniform. In the column of the military ID “Special notes”, as a rule, a corresponding entry is made and sealed with the official seal of the unit. Later, a certificate with an identification number is issued, confirming the right to wear a maroon beret.

Deprivation of the right to wear

For actions discrediting the rank of military commander. special forces units, a serviceman may be deprived of the right to wear a maroon beret. Discrediting the rank of a military member of a special forces unit is:
Manifestation of elements of cowardice and cowardice during combat operations;
Miscalculations and unreasonable actions that resulted in the death of comrades, failure of a combat mission and other grave consequences;
Reduced level of physical and special training;
The use of special hand-to-hand combat techniques outside of a combat situation and for personal gain;
Allowing hazing;
Gross violations of general military regulations and criminal legislation;
Systematic violation of military discipline.
The decision to deprive the right to wear a maroon beret is made by the Council of Maroon Berets of a military unit at the request of the unit commander.

Council of Maroon Berets

“Councils of Maroon Berets” have been created in detachments and special forces units of the internal troops. They contain the most trained and experienced “krapovikov”, who enjoy unquestioned authority among their colleagues. It is by decision of the council that one or another candidate is allowed to take qualification tests for the right to wear a maroon beret.
“Council of Maroon Berets of the Internal Troops” was formed by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The chairman is Colonel Igor Medvedev, the deputy is Colonel Mikhail Illarionov. It included a number of other senior officers, as well as chairmen of the “Councils of Maroon Berets” of military units. It was this collegial body, after holding a meeting in Smolensk in 2008, that developed a proposal to hold two stages of the competition.

Interesting facts
The maroon beret does not give its owner any privileges over other military personnel (no increase in salary, no promotion, or any other special treatment).
According to tradition, “Krapoviki”, like other military personnel of Special Forces units, wear berets with a slope to the left side - in contrast to the military personnel. Airborne Forces and Marine Corps who wear their hats on the right side. This emphasizes that the maroon beret is not a simple element of uniform that is issued to any soldier, and the owner of the maroon beret has earned the right to wear it by passing all the tests. (Units of the Airborne Forces and Marine Corps participating in military parades wear berets tilted to the left - for greater uniformity of all participants / there is an opinion that this is done so that from the stands the band in the form of a flag, which is usually attached to the left, is visible from the stands, and on parades on the right / - but only for the duration of the parade).
It is believed that the maroon beret (like the uniform) should not be decorated with various flags and other “badges”, the use of which is widespread in other branches and types of troops. This is not accepted in special forces units.
No matter how worn the beret is, it is not replaced with a new one - the “coolness” is that the beret (like the uniform) should be as faded as possible.

No one, except the owner of a beret or another “speckled beret,” even through negligence, can touch a maroon beret. This offense is severely punished.
These customs emphasize that the blood-colored beret is a value in itself - which, coupled with informal nature traditions provide prestige to the owners.

Other countries

Traditions of the special forces of the Internal Troops in the majority post-Soviet states not only preserved their high status, but also developed into a real cult. Presentation of a maroon beret based on the results of qualification tests the best fighters occurs in the special forces of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Ukraine. Russia is considered the “trend setter” here, where the “Lysyuk rules”, officially approved on May 31, 1993 by order of the commander of the Russian explosives, are still strictly observed. A. S. Kulikova.

Anatoly Sergeevich Kulikov
IN different countries tests for the right to wear a maroon beret are carried out in accordance with local conditions and traditions. The order of the tests may vary, but the meaning of the tests is the same for all - the fighter must undergo a series of physical and psychological stresses to the limit of human strength. Common to all countries is a forced march with full gear. In 2010, 500 applicants competed for the right to wear a maroon beret, of which 15 people successfully completed the tests.


on conducting qualification tests

for the right to wear a maroon beret by veterans

Special Forces.




The maroon beret is a symbol of valor and professionalism and is worn by military personnel and veterans of the SSN who have earned the right to wear it, have passed qualification tests or have been seriously wounded and mutilated in battle and are not allowed to participate in qualification tests.

Qualification tests for the right to wear a maroon beret were developed in 1986. Tests are being carried out across all troops to this day. During this period, the delivery method has undergone minor changes. Since 2009, admission to qualifying tests for the right to wear a maroon beret has been discontinued for military personnel of the START military units serving under conscription. In this regard, veteran organizations of “maroon berets” received many applications from former military personnel about the desire to have the opportunity to participate in qualification tests for the right to wear a maroon beret. In this regard, consultations were held with the Regional Council of Maroon Berets of Special Forces Veterans. A conference of the Moscow Regional Council of Maroon Berets of Special Forces Veterans was held with the agenda “On conducting qualification tests for the right to wear a maroon beret among special forces veterans.” At the conference, the wishes of ROSKBVSSN were taken into account and by unanimous vote, qualification tests for the right to wear a maroon beret among SSN veterans were organized and carried out by the Moscow Regional Council of Maroon Berets on the basis of the Non-Governmental Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education Training center"Knight".

Note: The qualification tests should not be viewed as a formal event for long-time veterans. There will be no concessions to anyone during the testing. The test will be adequate to the qualification tests conducted at the Vityaz Center. And any of the current maroon berets have doubts about the authenticity of the tests, we ask you to confirm your right to wear a maroon beret by taking part in our qualification tests.

The procedure for conducting qualification tests for the right to wear a maroon beret among veterans of special forces, admission to participation in qualification tests for the right to wear maroon berets is carried out by the chairman of the Council of Maroon Berets based on the report of the senior group of instructors based on the test results.


Pull-up on the bar: 15 times

3000 meter run: 12,30

Complex strength exercise.

1 exercise. Flexion and extension of the arms while lying down.

Exercise 2. From the “stand-squat” position, take the “stand-lying” position and return to the “stand-squat” position.

Exercise 3. From a “crouching” position on one knee, hands behind your head, jump up, lifting the soles of your shoes off the ground and sit down on the other knee.

Exercise 4 Lying on your back, lift your legs straight with your toes touching your shoes behind your head.

Each exercise is performed 10 times. It is necessary to repeat 5 complete cycles.

Complex acrobatic exercise.

1 element. Kip-up from a supine position.

2 element. A silhouette kick followed by a somersault.

3 element. Forward somersault from an acrobatic springboard or swing bridge.


According to boxing rules, the fight formula is 2 rounds of 3 minutes to determine the candidate’s level of training.

A set of special hand-to-hand combat exercises: (1-2-3)

Qualification tests for the right to wear the Maroon Beret:

Stage 1. A forced march of 10 km over rough terrain, overcoming four water obstacles and climbing to a height of 30 - 45 degrees.

During the march, the following introductory questions are decided:

Throwing out from under enemy artillery fire

Carrying the wounded

Sudden preparation for battle

Crawling across terrain under intense enemy fire

Actions on the command “Grenade”; "Flash";

Performing special physical exercises:


Flexion and extension of the arms while lying down;

Performing somersaults.

Along the entire route, 8 checkpoints will be organized, at which a mobile medical station will be located to provide medical assistance to subjects if necessary. Candidates who fall behind the main group by 50 m or more are removed from the test.

Throughout the entire route, the group of subjects is accompanied by a team of instructors at the rate of 1 instructor for 5 subjects, with the task of monitoring the actions of the subjects on the march, and, if necessary, evacuating the subjects to the nearest checkpoint.

Dress code and equipment: Military uniform, body armor of the 5th protection class, protective helmets of the 2nd protection class, MMG Kalashnikov assault rifles.

Stage 2. Overcoming a special obstacle course (SOP) right off the march.

After completing the march without providing rest, a calculation is carried out in fours, and the subjects are sent to overcome the SPP; lanes are provided selectively in the following order:

Overcoming a concrete fence;

Enter the bus through the front left window, exit through the back door;

Climbing along an inclined board to the white line, moving while holding the fence, descending through a pipe;

Overcoming obstacles from car tires to the white line;

Overcoming the Swedish regiment;

Overcoming the “bus” obstacle along the ramp;

Overcoming a vertical maze;

Overcoming 1 section of the cable slide;

Crawling under the 2nd section of the rope slide;

Overcoming a destroyed flight of stairs;

Overcoming the labyrinth in the barn on the 1st floor;

Climbing onto the household complex. buildings. Moving along the roofs, jumping to the auxiliary platform and to the ground.

Stage 3. Special fire training.

Performing 1 SUUS from a machine gun immediately after overcoming a roadblock against the background of fatigue. The exercise is performed from behind cover, the shooting position is at the choice of the shooter.

Formation on the parade ground. Time 10 minutes to prepare for the next stage.

Stage 4. Checking actions to storm a high-rise object.

Within these 10 minutes after overcoming a special obstacle course, the subjects change into dry clothing and put on special descent equipment. Receive training pistols (pistols limited damage, firing cartridges with rubber bullets), models hand grenades. At the command of the instructor, who is senior at this stage, the subjects line up near the simulator tower simulating a high-altitude object. Those who do not meet the specified time (10 minutes) are not allowed to take further tests.

Procedure for performing the exercise:

The subjects, at the command “Get ready to perform the exercise,” go up to the 4th floor of the tower, attach the halyard to the carbine, step over the fence and report readiness (the pistol is loaded with three cartridges of limited destruction, the cartridge is chambered, the trigger is deactivated, the pistol is put in a holster, a dummy grenade attached to the trigger equipment (it is prohibited to attach the grenade to the ring with the pin.) The releasing instructor, having checked the correct fit and fastening of the trigger equipment, gives the command “Forward”, the subject goes down to the 4th floor, takes out a pistol, and goes down to the top edge of the 3rd floor window. , fires at the targets with three shots and puts the pistol in the holster, takes a dummy grenade in his hand, goes down to the top edge of the 2nd floor window, throws a grenade through the window, goes down to the top edge of the 1st floor window, lands, disconnects the halyard, runs 5 meters and crosses the control line. The time to complete this exercise is 30 seconds. Test subjects who fail to complete this exercise are not allowed to participate in further tests.

Stage 5. Special physical training.

The stage consists of three disciplines:

Acrobatic exercises

Performing sets of special exercises in hand-to-hand combat

Training matches

Time to prepare for the stage is 10 minutes.

Acrobatic exercises.

At the command “Get ready,” the subject lies down in the initial position, lying on his back; at the command “Forward,” he lifts himself up into a standing position. Makes a run-up, jumps out with a kick with both legs on the silhouette (image on the wall) followed by a somersault flight, gets to his feet, runs up and performs a somersault using a flip board, after the somersault he is allowed to perform one somersault.

Performing sets of special exercises in hand-to-hand combat.

1;2;3 – technique of arms and legs

4 – use of a machine gun in hand-to-hand combat.

The complexes are described in Appendix No. 1.

Training matches.

The fight lasts for 12 minutes without a break. A candidate who has survived the fights without being knocked down and is still active is considered to have passed the test. The testing instructor spars with each of the three subjects in turn, and the candidates spar with each other. In the case of passive fights between subjects, they are “broken” for one minute and the fights with each of them are conducted by inspectors, who must participate in the tests of the next subjects. If the subjects still show passivity, the “splitting” of pairs is repeated.

The hosts are assigned at the rate of two instructors for three subjects and change every 4 minutes 30 seconds. But at the same time, the fights are conducted correctly, without rudeness and beatings.

Test subjects who show passivity or show low volitional and technical qualities in combat are disqualified.

Decision-making by the qualification commission on candidates who have passed the tests.

After the test is completed, a certification commission meets and verifies the results. checklists and makes decisions on candidates who have passed the tests.

Presentation of maroon berets.

Candidates who successfully pass the qualification tests are presented with maroon berets in a solemn atmosphere before the formation.