The initial period of World War 2. Events of World War II

Second world war considered the largest in human history. It began and ended on September 2, 1945. During this time, sixty-two countries took part in it, representing eighty percent of the planet's population. Three continents and four oceans felt the impact of hostilities, and atomic weapons were also used. It was the most terrible war. It started quickly and took many people from this world. We will talk about this and much more today.

Prerequisites for the war

Many historians consider the main prerequisite for the outbreak of World War II to be the outcome of the first armed conflict in the world. The peace treaty that ended the First World War put the countries that were defeated in it in a powerless position. Germany lost a lot of its lands, it had to stop developing its weapons system and military industry, abandon the armed forces. In addition, it had to pay compensation to the affected countries. All this depressed the German government, and a thirst arose to take revenge. Dissatisfaction in the country with the low standard of living made it possible for A. Hitler to come to power.

Policy of reconciliation

What happened on September 1, 1939, we already know. But shortly before this, the USSR, which appeared during the First World War, worried many European politicians, since they in every possible way prevented the spread of socialism in the world. Therefore, the second reason for the start of the war was opposition to the popularization of communism. This gave impetus to the development of fascism in many countries. England and France, which had initially restricted Germany, subsequently lifted all restrictions and ignored the many violations by the German state of the Treaty of Versailles. There was no reaction to the fact that Germany annexed Austria, increasing its military power. The Munich Treaty also approved the annexation of part of Czechoslovakia to Germany. All this was done in order to direct the country's aggression towards the USSR. Europe's politicians began to worry when Germany expanded its annexation without asking anyone. But it was too late, because the plan for a new military conflict was drawn up and began to be implemented.

Role of Italy

Together with Germany, Italy also began to pursue an aggressive foreign policy. In 1935, she invaded Ethiopia, to which the world community reacted negatively. However, fascist Italy a year later annexed all Ethiopian territories and proclaimed itself an empire. The deterioration of relations with Western countries contributed to its rapprochement with Germany. Mussolini allows Hitler to take over Austria. In 1936, the Third Reich and Japan entered into an agreement to jointly fight communism. A year later, Italy joined them.

Collapse of the Versailles-Washington system

The outbreaks of World War II formed gradually, so the outbreak of hostilities could have been prevented. Let's consider the main stages of the collapse of the Versailles-Washington system:

  1. In 1931, Japan occupied Northeast China.
  2. In 1935, Hitler began to deploy the Wehrmacht in Germany, violating the terms of the Treaty of Versailles.
  3. In 1937, Japan conquered all of China.
  4. 1938 - Germany captured Austria and part of Czechoslovakia.
  5. 1939 - Hitler captured all of Czechoslovakia. In August, Germany and the USSR signed a non-aggression treaty and division of spheres of influence in the world.
  6. September 1, 1939 - German attack on Poland.

Armed intervention in Poland

Germany has set itself the task of expanding space to the East. At the same time, Poland must be captured as soon as possible. In August, the USSR and Germany signed a non-aggression pact against each other. In the same month, Germans dressed in Polish uniforms attacked a radio station in Gleiwitz. German and Slovak troops advance on Poland. England, France and other countries that were allied with Poland declare war on the Nazis. At half past five in the morning, German dive bombers made their first flight to the control points of Tczew. The first Polish plane was shot down. At four hours and forty-five minutes in the morning, a German battleship opened fire on the Polish fortifications located on Westerplatte. Mussolini put forward a proposal for a peaceful resolution of the conflict, but Hitler refused, citing the incident in Gleiwitz.

In the USSR, military mobilization was introduced. In a short period of time, the army reached five million people.

Fascist strategy

Poland and Germany have long had claims against each other regarding territories. The main clashes began near the city of Danzig, which the Nazis had long claimed. But Poland did not meet the Germans halfway. This did not upset the latter, since they had long ago had the Weiss plan ready to capture Poland. 1 September 1939 Poland should have become part of Germany. A plan was developed to quickly seize its territory and destroy all infrastructure. To achieve the goal, Hitler planned to use aviation, infantry and tank troops. The Weiss plan was designed down to the smallest detail. Hitler hoped that England and France would not begin military operations, but considered the possibility of opening a second front, sending troops to the borders with the Netherlands, France and Belgium.

Preparedness for military conflict

Attack on Poland September 1, 1939 year was obvious, as was the outcome of the fascist operation. The German army was much larger than the Polish one, as was its technical equipment. In addition, the Nazis organized a rapid mobilization, about which Poland knew nothing. The Polish government concentrated all its forces along the entire border, which contributed to the weakening of the troops before the powerful attack of the Nazis. The Nazi offensive went according to plan. The Polish troops turned out to be weak in front of the enemy, especially in front of his tank formations. In addition, the President of Poland left the capital. The government followed four days later. The Anglo-French troops did not take any action to help the Poles. Only two days later they, along with New Zealand and Australia, declared war on Hitler. A few days later they were joined by Nepal, Canada, the Union of South Africa and Newfoundland. On September 3, at sea, a Nazi submarine attacked an English liner without warning. During the war, Hitler hoped to the last that Poland's allies would not enter into an armed conflict, everything would happen the same as with Munich. Adolf Hitler was shocked when Britain gave him an ultimatum, demanding the withdrawal of troops from Poland.


Nazi Germany made several diplomatic steps in order to expand the circle of states that were involved in the division of Polish territory. Ribbentrop proposed that Hungary annex part of Polish Ukraine, but Budapest avoided these questions. Germany offered Lithuania to conquer the Vilnius region, but the latter declared neutrality for the year. From the first days of the war, the leader of the OUN was in Berlin, to whom the German side promised the formation of the so-called independent Ukraine in southeastern Poland. A little later, he was informed about the possibility of forming a Western Ukrainian state on the border with Soviet Russia.

In the summer of 1939, when the OUN was preparing for military action in Poland, a unit of Galicians called the VVN was formed in Slovakia. It was part of a German-Slovak unit that attacked from the territory of Slovakia. Hitler wanted to create states on the border with the USSR that would be subordinate to the Third Reich: Ukraine, the so-called Polish pseudo-state and Lithuania. Ribbentrop pointed out that it was necessary to destroy the Poles and Jews with the help of the VVN. At the end of September Ukrainian nationalists raised uprisings, during which military and civilians were killed. At this time, actions were taken in Germany against the USSR. Ribbentrop invites Hitler to discuss the issue of the entry of Russian troops into the lands of Poland to occupy that part that is included in the circle of interests of the USSR, according to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Moscow refused such a proposal, indicating that the time had not yet come. Molotov indicated that the intervention of the Soviet Union could be a reaction to the advance of the Nazis, to protect Ukrainians and Belarusians from the Nazis.

The Union was officially notified that the outbreak had begun in Europe. war, September 1, 1939. The border troops were ordered to strengthen the security of the Soviet-Polish border, military mobilization was introduced, the number of vehicles, horses, tractors, etc. in the army was increased. Ribbentrop calls on the Union to completely defeat Poland within two or three weeks. Molotov argued that the USSR did not want to take part in the war, ensuring its security. Stalin said that in the world there is a war going on between two camps (rich and poor) for the redivision of the world. But the Union will watch from the sidelines as they weaken each other well. He claimed that the communists were against the war. But in the meantime, the SIC directive stated that the Union could not defend fascist Poland. A little later, the Soviet press indicated that the German-Polish war was becoming threatening, so reserves were being called up. Was created large number army groups. On September 17, the Red Army advanced to Poland. Polish troops offered no resistance. The division of Poland between the Union and Germany ended on September 28. Western Belarus and Western Ukraine, which later merged with the Ukrainian SSR and BSSR.

The mood for war with Germany, which had existed in the Union since 1935, lost its meaning, but mobilization continued. About two hundred thousand conscripts continued to serve, according to the new law on military duty that was created September 1, 1939 (event what happened on this day is familiar to us).

Poland's reaction

Having learned about the crossing of the Polish border by the Soviet army, the Polish command sent an ambassador with the question of how the Soviet army crossed their border. He was presented with a fait accompli, although the Polish government believed that the Red Army was introduced to limit the zone of Nazi occupation. It was ordered to retreat to Romania and Hungary and not to conduct military operations.

Germany's reaction

For the management of the German armed forces, the advance of the Soviet army into Poland came as a surprise. An emergency meeting was convened to discuss options for further actions by the Nazis. At the same time, armed clashes with the Red Army were considered inappropriate.

France and England

When September 1, 1939 World War II began with the invasion of Poland, England and France remained on the sidelines. After the USSR invaded Poland, these two states did not focus on Soviet intervention in the Polish-German war. They tried to find out what position the Union took in this conflict. There were rumors in these countries that the Red Army in Poland was opposing German troops. In mid-September, the British government decided that England would defend Poland only from Germany, so the USSR did not send a protest, thereby recognizing the Soviet action in Poland.

Withdrawal of German troops

On September 20, Hitler gave the order to withdraw troops to the west. He demanded an immediate end to the fighting. But this order did not take into account the fact that there were a large number of wounded, prisoners and equipment on Polish territory. It was planned to leave the wounded in place, providing them with medical personnel. All trophies that could not be evacuated were left to the Russian soldiers. The Germans left military equipment in place for further removal. Damaged tanks made using new technologies were ordered to be destroyed so that it would not be possible to identify them.

Negotiations between Germany and the USSR were scheduled for September 27-28. Stalin made a proposal to transfer Lithuania to the Union in exchange for part of the Warsaw and Lublin voivodeships. Stalin was afraid of the division of the Polish population, so he left the entire ethnic territory of the country to Germany, as well as part of the Augustow forests. Hitler approved this version of the division of Poland. On September 29, the Treaty of Friendship and Border between the Soviet Union and Germany was signed. Thus, the basis of peace in Europe for a long time was created. The elimination of the impending war between Germany, England and France ensured the interests of many nations.

Anglo-French reaction

England was satisfied with this course of events. She informed the Union that she wanted Poland to be smaller, so the question of returning the territories captured by the USSR to it could not arise. France and England informed the Polish President not to declare war on the Soviet Union. Churchill said that Russian troops needed to enter Poland in order to ensure security against the threat from the Nazis.

Results of the operation

Poland ceased to exist as a state. As a result of its division, the USSR received a territory of about two hundred thousand square kilometers, which is half the area of ​​the country, and a population of thirteen million people. The territory of the Vilnius region passed to Lithuania. Germany received the entire ethnic territory of Poland. Some lands went to Slovakia. The lands that did not join Germany became part of the General Government, which was ruled by the Nazis. Krakow became its capital. The Third Reich lost about twenty thousand people, thirty thousand people were wounded. The Polish army lost sixty-six thousand people, two hundred thousand were wounded, and seven hundred thousand were captured. The Slovak army lost eighteen people, forty-six people were wounded.

Year 1939... September 1 - beginning of World War II. Poland was the first to take the blow, as a result of which it was divided between the Soviet Union and Germany. In the territories that became part of the USSR, Soviet power was established and industry was nationalized. Repressions and deportations of representatives of the bourgeoisie, rich peasants, intelligentsia, and so on were carried out. In the territories that became part of Germany, a so-called racial policy was carried out; the population was divided according to rights, depending on their nationality. At the same time, Gypsies and Jews were destroyed. In the General Government there was more aggression against the Polish and Jewish population. No one suspected then that this was just the beginning of the war, that it would take six long years and end with the defeat of Nazi Germany. Most of the world's population took part in military conflict.

Humanity constantly experiences armed conflicts varying degrees complexity. The 20th century was no exception. In our article we will talk about the “darkest” stage in the history of this century: World War II 1939-1945.


The preconditions for this military conflict began to take shape long before the main events: back in 1919, when the Treaty of Versailles was concluded, which consolidated the results of the First World War.

Let us list the key reasons that led to the new war:

  • Germany's lack of ability to fulfill some of the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles in full (payments to affected countries) and unwillingness to put up with military restrictions;
  • Change of power in Germany: Nationalists, led by Adolf Hitler, skillfully exploited the discontent of the German population and the fears of world leaders about communist Russia. Their domestic policy was aimed at establishing a dictatorship and promoting the superiority of the Aryan race;
  • External aggression by Germany, Italy, Japan, against which the major powers did not take active action, fearing open confrontation.

Rice. 1. Adolf Hitler.

Initial period

The Germans received military support from Slovakia.

Hitler did not accept the offer to resolve the conflict peacefully. 03.09 Great Britain and France announced the beginning of war with Germany.

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The USSR, which at that time was an ally of Germany, announced on September 16 that it had taken control of the western territories of Belarus and Ukraine, which were part of Poland.

06.10 Polish army surrendered completely, and Hitler offered the British and French peace negotiations, which did not take place due to Germany’s refusal to withdraw troops from Polish territory.

Rice. 2. Invasion of Poland 1939.

The first period of the war (09.1939-06.1941) includes:

  • Naval battles of the British and Germans in Atlantic Ocean in favor of the latter (there were no active clashes between them on land);
  • War of the USSR with Finland (11.1939-03.1940): victory of the Russian army, a peace treaty was concluded;
  • Germany's seizure of Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium (04-05.1940);
  • Italian occupation of the south of France, German seizure of the rest of the territory: a German-French truce was concluded, most of France remains occupied;
  • The inclusion of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Bessarabia, Northern Bukovina into the USSR without military action (08.1940);
  • England's refusal to make peace with Germany: as a result of air battles (07-10.1940), the British managed to defend the country;
  • Battles of the Italians with the British and representatives of the French liberation movement for African lands (06.1940-04.1941): the advantage is on the side of the latter;
  • Victory of Greece over the Italian invaders (11.1940, second attempt in March 1941);
  • German capture of Yugoslavia, joint German-Spanish invasion of Greece (04.1941);
  • German occupation of Crete (05.1941);
  • Japanese capture of southeast China (1939-1941).

During the war years, the composition of the participants in the two opposing alliances changed, but the main ones were:

  • Anti-Hitler coalition: Great Britain, France, USSR, USA, Netherlands, China, Greece, Norway, Belgium, Denmark, Brazil, Mexico;
  • Axis countries (Nazi bloc): Germany, Italy, Japan, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania.

France and England went to war because of alliance agreements with Poland. In 1941, Germany attacked the USSR, Japan attacked the USA, thereby changing the balance of power of the warring parties.

Main events

Starting from the second period (06.1941-11.1942), the course of military operations is reflected in the chronological table:



Germany attacked the USSR. Beginning of the Great Patriotic War

The Germans captured Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Moldova, Belarus, part of Ukraine (Kyiv failed), Smolensk.

Anglo-French troops liberate Lebanon, Syria, Ethiopia

August-September 1941

Anglo-Soviet troops occupy Iran

October 1941

Crimea (without Sevastopol), Kharkov, Donbass, Taganrog captured

December 1941

The Germans are losing the battle for Moscow.

Japan attacks America military base Pearl Harbor, takes over Hong Kong

January-May 1942

Japan is taking over Southeast Asia. German-Italian troops are pushing back the British in Libya. Anglo-African troops capture Madagascar. Defeat of Soviet troops near Kharkov

The American fleet defeated the Japanese in the Battle of Midway Islands

Sevastopol is lost. The Battle of Stalingrad began (until February 1943). Rostov captured

August-October 1942

The British liberate Egypt and part of Libya. The Germans captured Krasnodar, but lost to Soviet troops in the foothills of the Caucasus, near Novorossiysk. Variable success in the battles for Rzhev

November 1942

The British occupied western part Tunisia, the Germans - eastern. Beginning of the third stage of the war (11.1942-06.1944)

November-December 1942

The second battle of Rzhev was lost by Soviet troops

Americans defeat Japanese in the Battle of Guadalcanal

February 1943

Soviet victory at Stalingrad

February-May 1943

The British defeated German-Italian troops in Tunisia

July-August 1943

Defeat of the Germans in the Battle of Kursk. Victory of the Allied forces in Sicily. British and American aircraft bomb Germany

November 1943

Allied forces occupy Japanese island Tarawa

August-December 1943

A series of victories of Soviet troops in battles on the banks of the Dnieper. Left Bank Ukraine liberated

The Anglo-American army captured southern Italy and liberated Rome

The Germans retreated from Right Bank Ukraine

April-May 1944

Crimea liberated

Allied landings in Normandy. The beginning of the fourth stage of the war (06.1944-05.1945). The Americans occupied the Mariana Islands

June-August 1944

Belarus, southern France, Paris recaptured

August-September 1944

Soviet troops recaptured Finland, Romania, Bulgaria

October 1944

The Japanese lost the naval battle of Leyte to the Americans.

September-November 1944

The Baltic states, part of Belgium, were liberated. Active bombing of Germany resumed

The northeast of France has been liberated, the western border of Germany has been broken through. Soviet troops liberated Hungary

February-March 1945

West Germany was captured, the crossing of the Rhine began. The Soviet army liberates East Prussia, northern Poland

April 1945

The USSR launches an attack on Berlin. Anglo-Canadian-American troops defeated the Germans in the Ruhr region and met the Soviet army on the Elbe. Italy's last defense broken

Allied troops captured the north and south of Germany, liberated Denmark and Austria; Americans crossed the Alps and joined the Allies in northern Italy

Germany surrendered

The liberation forces of Yugoslavia defeated the remnants of the German army in northern Slovenia

May-September 1945

Fifth final stage of the war

Indonesia and Indochina recaptured from Japan

August-September 1945

Soviet-Japanese War: The Kwantung Army of Japan is defeated. USA resets atomic bombs to Japanese cities (August 6, 9)

Japan surrendered. End of the war

Rice. 3. Japan's surrender in 1945.


Let us summarize the main results of World War II:

  • The war affected 62 countries to varying degrees. About 70 million people died. Tens of thousands of settlements were destroyed, of which 1,700 were in Russia alone;
  • Germany and its allies were defeated: the seizure of countries and the spread of the Nazi regime stopped;
  • World leaders have changed; they became the USSR and the USA. England and France have lost their former greatness;
  • The borders of states have changed, new independent countries have emerged;
  • War criminals convicted in Germany and Japan;
  • The United Nations was created (10/24/1945);
  • Has grown up military power the main winning countries.

Historians consider serious armed resistance of the USSR against Germany (Great Patriotic War 1941-1945), American supplies of military equipment (Lend-Lease), and the acquisition of air superiority by the aviation of the Western allies (England, France) as an important contribution to the victory over fascism.

What have we learned?

From the article we learned briefly about the Second World War. This information will help you easily answer questions about when World War II began (1939), who were the main participants in the hostilities, in what year it ended (1945) and with what result.

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The Second World War began as a war between the bourgeois-democratic and fascist-militarist blocs.

First stage war dates back to September 1, 1939 – June 21, 1941, at the beginning of which the German army occupied part of Poland until September 17. England and France carried out virtually no military operations until May 10, 1940, so the period was called “ strange war" These countries declared war on Germany on September 3, without providing real assistance to Poland. From September 3 to 10, Australia, New Zealand, India, and Canada entered the war against Germany. The United States declared neutrality, Japan declared non-intervention in the European war.

From August 1940 to May 1941, the German command organized systematic air raids on England. Italy in 1940 attacked the colonial possessions of England and France in Africa.

The policy of the USSR at the first stage of the war did not receive a single assessment.

Second stage war ( June 22, 1941 – November 1942) - characterized by the entry of the USSR into the war, the retreat of the Red Army and its first victory (the battle for Moscow), as well as the beginning of the intensive formation of the anti-Hitler coalition. On January 1, 1942, in Washington, 27 states signed the United Nations Declaration.

Third stage war ( mid-November 1942 – end of 1943.) marked a radical change in its course. In 1943, the allied relations of the countries of the anti-fascist bloc strengthened. At the Tehran Conference (November 28 – December 1, 1943), a decision was made to open a Second Front in May 1944 and a Declaration on Joint Actions against Germany was adopted.

Fourth stage war ( from the end of 1943 to May 9, 1945) - the complete expulsion of the occupiers from Soviet soil and the liberation of the peoples of Europe from fascist slavery. On June 6, 1944, the Second Front was opened, the liberation of countries began Western Europe.

At the Yalta Conference in February 1945, the issue of creating the UN was discussed (04/25/45).

The result of joint efforts was the complete and unconditional surrender of Germany on May 8, 1945.

Final, fifth stage The war took place in the Far East and Southeast Asia (from May 9 to September 2, 1945). By the summer of 1945, allied forces and national resistance forces liberated all the lands captured by Japan. The Americans carried out the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. On September 2, 1945, Japan signed an act of surrender.

39. Partisan and underground movement in Belarus.

On June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany treacherously attacked the USSR. The BSSR was one of the first Soviet republics to take the blow of the Wehrmacht troops.

From the first days, the population of the republic began to fight against the invaders. The Communist Party of Belarus played a decisive role in the fight against the enemy. Under her leadership, it was created wide network underground party and Komsomol organizations, partisan formations were created and launched their activities, and the underground struggle intensified.

The Minsk, Gomel, Pinsk regional and Gomel city underground committees were among the first to operate. Already on the 5th day of the war in the Pinsk region, V.Z. The cake is formed partisan detachment. By July 25, 1941, more than 100 detachments and resistance groups had been formed on the territory of Belarus. In the Vitebsk direction, the troops of the Kalinin Front reached the border of Belarus, where partisan detachments entered into direct interaction with them. Together, a 40-kilometer gap was created on the front line - the famous Vitebsk (Surazh) “gate”, which existed from February to September 1942. They played an important role in the formation and development partisan movement in Belarus. Since the spring of 1942, a new type of partisan formations appeared - brigades. By mid-1942, the partisan movement had acquired such proportions that it became necessary to create a single coordination center. On September 9, 1942, the Belarusian Headquarters of the Partisan Movement (BSHPD) was created. During the fight against the enemy at the end of 1943, the partisans managed to liberate and control about 60% of the occupied territory of Belarus. Partisan zones were created here. Some of them united into partisan regions. The partisans established constant control over the movement of trains on the most important railway lines. The so-called " rail war“- an action of partisans for the massive destruction of railways in order to disrupt German military transport. The partisans destroyed entire enemy garrisons. The Nazis were forced to send not only their front-line reserves to fight them, but also to remove combat units from their positions. In fact, the partisans controlled more than 60% of the territory of the republic.

The underground also entered the fight against the enemy. Sabotage activities at the large railway junction "Orsha" were launched by the former head of the locomotive depot of this junction, K.S. Zaslonov. At the end of 1941, there were about 50 underground organizations and groups in Minsk. The underground organized the publication of the newspaper Zvyazda. During the occupation, patriots conducted more than 1,500 military operations in the city.

The civilian population of the occupied territory fought against the invaders. Civilians provided assistance to the partisans. They replenished the ranks of the people's avengers, provided them with clothing, food and medicine, cared for the wounded, collected weapons and ammunition, built defensive structures and airfields, and served as messengers, scouts and guides. These were the so-called hidden partisan reserves. Essentially, the entire Belarusian people were the reserve of the partisan front.

During 3 years of selfless struggle behind enemy lines, the patriots inflicted great damage on them in equipment and manpower. The nationwide movement of resistance to the invaders confirmed the just nature of the Great Patriotic War.

The Second World War is rightfully the largest human tragedy that happened in the 20th century. In terms of human casualties, it confidently occupies a leading position in the history of all armed conflicts that have ever occurred on our planet. The memory of those terrible events will live forever and be passed on from one generation to another, since this must not be forgotten so as not to repeat the mistake. past years again and never experience something like this again.

Periods of World War II

Officially, World War II began with the German invasion of Poland. This fateful event occurred on September 1, 1939. It was then that France and Great Britain declared war on the Germans.

Also, during the first period of the world armed confrontation, fascist troops landed on the territory of Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. In mid-1940, without much resistance, all these states fell to the might of the German war machine. France tried to defend its freedom, but it also turned out to be powerless in the fight against well-trained and organized German military units.

June 10, 1940 Italy openly supports Hitler. And through the joint efforts of these two countries, in April of the following year the territory of Yugoslavia and Greece was captured. The fascist coalition also launched a military operation in North Africa.

The second period of the Second World War (the date of its beginning became one of the most terrible and bloody in the history of our country) dates back to the moment the USSR entered the war. On June 22, 1941, Germany invaded the territory of the Soviet Union without declaring war, and the effect of surprise was felt for a long time. For a long period, the Red Army was forced to retreat and surrender new territories to the Nazis.

On July 12, 1941, the USSR concluded an agreement with England on joint actions against Germany, and already on September 2, military-economic cooperation began with the United States. September 24 Soviet Union successfully joined the Atlantic Charter, the purpose of which was to organize arms supplies.

The third period of World War II (1939-1945) begins from the moment when the Nazi offensive in the USSR foundered and they lost the global strategic initiative. This happened after a grandiose Battle of Stalingrad, when a large German group numbering 330 thousand soldiers and officers found themselves in a tight ring of Soviet troops. The years 1942 and 1943 were turning points in World War II.

And at the final fourth stage of the bloodthirsty Second World War fighting were carried out outside the territory of the Soviet Union. It was then that German troops gradually retreated to the west, leaving major cities and fortified points, since they were no longer able to hold them. This period ended with the final defeat fascist Germany and her signing of the final surrender.

How did the war affect the distribution of forces on the world stage?

During the Second World War, many events occurred in the world that led to fundamental changes in political sphere most states. For example, the bloody actions of Germany became a kind of punishment for it. In the post-war years, the country was divided into two separate republics - the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic.

Poverty flourished in the country, and therefore unrest was a kind of norm for it. The events of World War II were a direct consequence of such a sad fate of Germany, which lost all its powerful industrial potential. Therefore we needed for many years, which will stabilize the German economy and ensure its steady annual growth.

Berlin itself was divided into spheres of influence between the countries included in the anti-Hitler coalition. The eastern part was occupied by the Soviet military, and the western part was dominated by the security forces of France, Great Britain and the USA.

The USSR played a key role in World War II. Much has already been said about the unprecedented feats that Soviet soldiers performed in an effort to protect their land from the Nazis. Perhaps it was precisely thanks to these desperate actions that it was possible to stop the Germans, whose first serious defeat was the battle of Moscow.

A great merit of the Soviet Union should be considered the fact that Hitler suffered a collapse on its territory precisely at a time when the military power of his troops was at its maximum level! Before this, no one could match the strength of the German army, so everyone resignedly yielded under its pressure.

The myth of Germany's invincibility was finally dispelled only after Battle of Kursk, famous throughout the world. Soviet soldiers, driving desperate tank battles on the approaches to Kursk, they proved that in terms of technical equipment they are absolutely not inferior to the enemy. Having suffered colossal losses, both in tanks and in manpower, the Germans for the first time felt how dangerous and destructive the actions of the opposing side could be for them.

There may be quite a few reasons that tipped the scales in this bloody confrontation to the side of the Soviet Union. However, military historians identify the following main ones:

  1. The cohesion of society to achieve victory, thanks to the fact that every Soviet citizen (in some cases even children) made the maximum effort at the front or in the rear that was required of him. This ultimately brought the sweet moment of triumph over fascism closer.
  2. Build a country. Taking into account the fact that the people radiated complete confidence in the authorities and did not oppose it, all forces, without exception, were devoted to the fight against the occupier.
  3. Role communist party. Those people who were communists were always ready to take on the most dangerous tasks and jobs, without sparing their health and without worrying about the safety of their own lives.
  4. Military art. Thanks to the coordinated work of the senior command staff and military units, the Soviet side managed to constantly disrupt all the strategic goals of the Wehrmacht. Each operation organized by the command of the USSR army was distinguished by creativity and ingenuity. It is also difficult to do without inspiration in this matter, so commanders before any offensive operations tried to raise the morale of the soldiers.

Interesting facts about World War II

Historians are now arguing among themselves who can really be called the side that achieved greatest success in a famous bloody confrontation. Many Western analysts are trying to downplay the role of the Soviet Union in the global victory over Nazism. They support their arguments with the following facts:

  • numerous losses of Soviet people;
  • superiority in the military strength of the USSR over the military potential of Germany;
  • severe frosts that led to the mass death of German soldiers.

Of course, facts are stubborn things, and it is useless to argue with them. But here you need to connect the logic. The mass death of Soviet citizens during World War II occurred because people were exhausted by starvation and abuse in concentration camps. In many cases, the Nazis deliberately killed large numbers of civilians, fearing they would organize riots and uprisings.

There was superiority in military strength, but only local. The fact is that in the first years of the confrontation, the Soviet Union was significantly inferior to Germany in the technical equipment of weapons.

During World War II, the Germans constantly improved their military equipment and purposefully developed a strategy for the upcoming war with the Soviet Union, which they considered the highest priority for them. The leadership of the Communist Party, on the contrary, considered a possible confrontation with Germany as something unlikely. This erroneous opinion was largely facilitated by the non-aggression pact signed by Ribbentrop and Molotov.

As for the frosts during the Second World War, there is a mixed opinion here too. To a certain extent low temperature air contributed to a decrease in the general functional state of the German army, but also soviet soldiers were also in similar conditions. Therefore, the chances in this aspect were completely equalized, and this factor could not play a dominant role in the USSR’s victory over Germany.

The most influential commanders of that era

The history of World War II is very unusual and multifaceted, so it should be considered in many contexts at once. One of them is the importance of the individual in the success of the entire military operation.

The charisma of this or that high military leader greatly contributed to maintaining high morale within military units. It was also very important to draw up the correct offensive strategy or conduct any defensive actions that would hold back the enemy at a certain point.

In this regard, it is extremely important to highlight the commanders of the Second World War who actively contributed to proper organization its divisions:

  1. Georgy Zhukov - Marshal of the Soviet Union. He led the most important military battles, showing enviable tactical flexibility in the formation of his military units. Even at the most critical moments, he always maintained restraint and purposefully implemented global strategic plans into life. He led the operation to capture Berlin and accepted the final surrender of Germany.
  2. Konstantin Rokossovsky is also Marshal of the Soviet Union. He commanded the Don Front, which completed the final defeat of the Stalingrad group of fascists. Also, Konstantin Konstantinovich made a significant contribution to the success of the Kursk battle. The fact is that Rokossovsky somehow incredibly managed to convince Stalin that best strategy The line of conduct before the battle is to provoke the Germans into active action.
  3. Alexander Vasilevsky, Marshal of the Soviet Union, was the Chief of the General Staff, a position he held since 1942. He led the assault on Koeningsberg after General Chernyakhovsky was killed.
  4. Montgomery Bernard Lowe - British Field Marshal. After the crushing defeat of France, Montgomery facilitated the evacuation of Allied forces. Since 1942, he became the commander of British troops operating in North Africa, which ultimately led to a radical change in this sector of the front.
  5. Eisenhower - US Army General. Under his leadership, Operation Torch was carried out, which involved the landing of armed forces of a military coalition in North Africa.

Main types of weapons

The weapons of World War II at the present time already seem obsolete and unsuitable for practical use. Now it is an excellent exhibit for a military museum. However, during the Second World War, these weapons were in great demand to eliminate enemy forces.

Most often, tanks, combat aircraft, and guns were used during combat battles. Among the infantrymen this was used small arms, like machine guns, pistols, shotguns.

Types of military aircraft and their role

Among the aircraft that the Nazis widely used to carry out their combat missions, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Bombers: Junkers-87, Dornier-217, Henkel-111.
  2. Fighters: Messerschmitt-110 and Henschel-126.

But the Soviet Union as opposed to the German air force supplied fighters Mig-1, I-16, Yak-9, La-5, Pe-3 and many others. The bombers used were U-2, DB-A, Yak-4, Su-4, Er-2, Pe-8.

The most famous Soviet attack aircraft are the Il-2 and Su-6.

The role of aircraft in World War II cannot be underestimated, since they were an excellent means for eliminating large enemy groups, as well as for destroying any strategically important objects through direct bombing.

The best tanks in the war

World War II tanks were the main ground weapon for offensive battles. It was with their assistance that large cities were conquered, and enemy troops were pressed in all directions. Repelling a well-organized attack was quite a difficult task, requiring considerable skill and courage.

The following types of tanks were recognized as the best at that time:

  1. Kv-1. Its weight is 45 tons. The car is sheathed around with steel, the thickness of which is 75 millimeters. Anti-tank guns it was difficult to penetrate such a “monster” even at close range. However, among its main disadvantages is the tendency to breakage.
  2. T-34. It includes wide tracks and armor 76 millimeters thick. Was considered the best tank of that era, the characteristics of which no other similar machine could compare with.
  3. H1 "Tiger". The main “pride” of this unit is the 88-mm cannon, which was created on the basis of the “anti-aircraft gun”.
  4. V "Panther". Weighed 44 tons and developed maximum speed up to 60 kilometers per hour. This tank was equipped with a 75 mm cannon, thanks to which the projectile fired from this gun could cope with virtually any armor.
  5. Is-2. Given heavy tank was equipped with 122 howitzers. A projectile fired from it could turn any building into complete ruins. The DShK machine gun also functioned here to destroy enemy infantry.


To understand the full scale of the tragedy that befell humanity in the 20th century from the devastating effects of World War II, it is enough to look only at the statistics of those killed in this bloodbath. In total, during the war years, irretrievable losses among the population of the USSR amounted to 42 million people, and total losses - more than 53 million.

Unfortunately, it is physically impossible to calculate the exact number of those who lost their lives due to the destructive actions during the Second World War. Scientists are trying to recreate the integrity of those events based on the facts, to compile lists of the dead and missing as accurately as possible, but this is a very painstaking task, and the implementation of this idea is almost unrealistic.

Features of this world conflict

The essence of World War II was to establish dominance over the entire planet. In any case, the German side adhered to precisely this principle, unleashing active military operations on the territories of other countries.

It was this fundamentally absurd ideology, which Hitler so propagated in his speeches to the public, that became the main reason that in the post-war years Germany lagged far behind in its development and was economically extremely weak.

No world conflict has ever been the key to improving the lives of mankind. Therefore, the Second World War (1945 is the year it ended) except death and grief brought nothing good to people in globally didn't give it.


Strengths of the parties

World War II(September 1, 1939 - September 2, 1945) - the war of two world military-political coalitions, which became biggest war in the history of mankind. 61 states out of 73 existing at that time participated in it (80% of the population globe). The fighting took place on the territory of three continents and in the waters of four oceans.

Naval warfare in World War II


The number of countries involved varied throughout the war. Some of them were actively involved in military operations, others helped their allies with food supplies, and many participated in the war only in name.

The anti-Hitler coalition included: the USSR, British Empire, USA, Poland, France and other countries.

On the other hand, the Axis countries and their allies participated in the war: Germany, Italy, Japan, Finland, Romania, Bulgaria and other countries.

Prerequisites for the war

The preconditions for the war stem from the so-called Versailles-Washington system - the balance of power that emerged after the First World War. The main winners (France, Great Britain, USA) were unable to make the new world order sustainable. Moreover, Britain and France were counting on a new war to strengthen their positions as colonial powers and weaken their competitors (Germany and Japan). Germany was limited in participation in international affairs, the creation of a full-fledged army and is subject to indemnity. With the decline in living standards in Germany, political forces with revanchist ideas, led by A. Hitler, came to power.

The German battleship Schleswig-Holstein fires at Polish positions

1939 campaign

Capture of Poland

World War II began on September 1, 1939 with a surprise German attack on Poland. The Polish naval forces did not have large surface ships, were not ready for war with Germany and were quickly defeated. Three Polish destroyers left for England before the start of the war, German aircraft sank a destroyer and a minelayer Gryf .

The beginning of the struggle at sea

Actions on communications in the Atlantic Ocean

IN initial period During the war, the German command hoped to solve the problem of fighting on sea communications, using surface raiders as the main striking force. Submarines and aircraft were assigned a supporting role. They had to force the British to carry out transportation in convoys, which would facilitate the actions of surface raiders. The British intended as the main method of protecting shipping from submarines use the convoy method, and as the main method of fighting surface raiders, use the experience of the First World War to use a long-range blockade. To this end, at the beginning of the war, the British established sea patrols in the English Channel and in the Shetland Islands - Norway region. But these actions were ineffective - surface raiders, and even more so German submarines, actively operated on communications - the allies and neutral countries lost 221 merchant ships with a total tonnage of 755 thousand tons by the end of the year.

German merchant ships had instructions about the start of the war and tried to reach the ports of Germany or countries friendly to it, about 40 ships were sunk by their crews, and only 19 ships fell into enemy hands at the beginning of the war.

Actions in the North Sea

With the outbreak of war, a large-scale production began minefields in the North Sea, which constrained active operations in it until the end of the war. Both sides mined the approaches to their coasts with wide protective belts of dozens of minefields. German destroyers also laid minefields off the coast of England.

German submarine raid U-47 at Scapa Flow, during which she sank an English battleship HMS Royal Oak showed the weakness of the entire anti-submarine defense of the English fleet.

Capture of Norway and Denmark

1940 campaign

Occupation of Denmark and Norway

In April - May 1940, German troops carried out Operation Weserubung, during which they captured Denmark and Norway. With the support and cover of large aviation forces, 1 battleship, 6 cruisers, 14 destroyers and other ships, a total of up to 10 thousand people were landed in Oslo, Kristiansand, Stavanger, Bergen, Trondheim and Narvik. The operation was unexpected for the British, who got involved belatedly. The British fleet destroyed German destroyers in Battles 10 and 13 in Narvik. On May 24, the Allied command ordered the evacuation of Northern Norway, which was carried out from June 4 to 8. During the evacuation on June 9, German battleships sank the aircraft carrier HMS Glorious and 2 destroyers. In total, during the operation the Germans lost a heavy cruiser, 2 light cruisers, 10 destroyers, 8 submarines and other ships, the Allies lost an aircraft carrier, a cruiser, 7 destroyers, 6 submarines.

Actions in the Mediterranean. 1940-1941

Actions in the Mediterranean

Military operations in the Mediterranean theater began after Italy declared war on England and France on June 10, 1940. The combat operations of the Italian fleet began with the laying of minefields in the Strait of Tunisia and on the approaches to their bases, with the deployment of submarines, as well as with air raids on Malta.

The first major naval battle between the Italian Navy and the British Navy was the Battle of Punta Stilo (in English sources also known as the Battle of Calabria. The collision took place on July 9, 1940, off the southeastern tip of the Apennine Peninsula. As a result of the battle, neither side suffered casualties did not suffer. But Italy had 1 battleship, 1 heavy cruiser and 1 destroyer damaged, and the British had 1 light cruiser and 2 destroyers.

French fleet at Mers-el-Kebir

Surrender of France

On June 22, France capitulated. Despite the terms of surrender, the Vichy government did not intend to give up the fleet to Germany. Distrusting the French, the British government launched Operation Catapult to capture French ships located in different bases. In Porsmouth and Plymouth, 2 battleships, 2 destroyers, 5 submarines were captured; ships in Alexandria and Martinique were disarmed. In Mers el-Kebir and Dakar, where the French resisted, the British sank the battleship Bretagne and damaged three more battleships. From the captured ships, the Free French fleet was organized; in the meantime, the Vichy government broke off relations with Great Britain.

Actions in the Atlantic in 1940-1941.

After the surrender of the Netherlands on May 14, German ground forces pinned the Allied forces to the sea. From May 26 to June 4, 1940, during Operation Dynamo, 338 thousand Allied troops were evacuated from the French coast in the Dunkirk area to Britain. The Allied fleet suffered big losses from German aviation - about 300 ships and vessels were killed.

In 1940, German boats ceased to operate under the rules of prize law and switched to unrestricted submarine warfare. After the capture of Norway and the western regions of France, the system of basing German boats expanded. After Italy entered the war, 27 Italian boats began to be based in Bordeaux. The Germans gradually moved from the actions of single boats to the actions of groups of boats with curtains blocking the ocean area.

German auxiliary cruisers successfully operated on ocean communications - by the end of 1940, 6 cruisers captured and destroyed 54 ships with a displacement of 366,644 tons.

1941 campaign

Actions in the Mediterranean in 1941

Actions in the Mediterranean

In May 1941, German troops captured about. Crete. The British Navy, which was waiting for enemy ships near the island, lost 3 cruisers, 6 destroyers, and more than 20 other ships and transports from German air attacks; 3 battleships, an aircraft carrier, 6 cruisers, and 7 destroyers were damaged.

Active actions on Japanese communications put the Japanese economy in a difficult situation, the implementation of the shipbuilding program was disrupted, and the transportation of strategic raw materials and troops was complicated. In addition to submarines, surface forces of the US Navy, and primarily TF-58 (TF-38), also actively participated in the battle on communications. In terms of the number of Japanese transports sunk, aircraft carrier forces ranked second after submarines. Only in the period 10 - 16 October, aircraft carrier groups of the 38th formation, having attacked naval bases, ports and airfields in the Taiwan region, Philippines, destroyed about 600 aircraft on the ground and in the air, sank 34 transports and several auxiliary ships.

Landing in France

Landing in France

On June 6, 1944, Operation Overlord (Normandy landing operation) began. Under the cover of massive air strikes and naval artillery fire, an amphibious landing of 156 thousand people was carried out. The operation was supported by a fleet of 6 thousand military and landing ships and transport ships.

The German navy offered almost no resistance to the landing. The Allies suffered the main losses from mines - 43 ships were blown up by them. During the second half of 1944, in the landing area off the coast of England and in the English Channel, 60 Allied transports were lost as a result of the actions of German submarines, torpedo boats, and mines.

German submarine sinks transport

Actions in the Atlantic Ocean

German troops began to retreat under pressure from the landing Allied troops. As a result, the German Navy lost bases on Atlantic coast. On September 18, Allied units entered Brest, and on September 25, troops occupied Boulogne. Also in September, the Belgian ports of Ostend and Antwerp were liberated. By the end of the year, fighting in the ocean had ceased.

In 1944, the Allies were able to ensure almost complete security of communications. To protect communications, they at that time had 118 escort aircraft carriers, 1,400 destroyers, frigates and sloops, and about 3,000 other patrol ships. Coastal PLO aviation consisted of 1,700 aircraft and 520 flying boats. The total losses in allied and neutral tonnage in the Atlantic as a result of submarine operations in the second half of 1944 amounted to only 58 ships with a total tonnage of 270 thousand gross tons. The Germans lost 98 boats at sea alone during this period.


Signing of the Japanese surrender

Actions in the Pacific

Possessing an overwhelming superiority in forces, the American armed forces In intense battles in 1945, they broke the stubborn resistance of Japanese troops and captured the islands of Iwo Jima and Okinawa. For landing operations, the United States attracted huge forces, so the fleet off the coast of Okinawa consisted of 1,600 ships. During all the days of fighting off Okinawa, 368 Allied ships were damaged, and another 36 (including 15 landing ships and 12 destroyers) were sunk. The Japanese had 16 ships sunk, including the battleship Yamato.

In 1945, American air raids on Japanese bases and coastal installations became systematic, with attacks carried out by both shore-based naval aviation and strategic aviation and carrier strike formations. In March - July 1945 American aviation as a result of massive attacks, all large Japanese surface ships were sunk or damaged.

On August 8, the USSR declared war on Japan. From August 12 to August 20, 1945, the Pacific Fleet carried out a series of landings that captured the ports of Korea. On August 18, the Kuril landing operation was launched, during which Soviet troops occupied the Kuril Islands.

September 2, 1945 aboard the battleship USS Missouri The act of surrender of Japan was signed, ending World War II.

Results of the war

The Second World War had a huge impact on the destinies of mankind. 72 states (80% of the world's population) took part in it; military operations were carried out on the territory of 40 states. The total human losses reached 60-65 million people, of which 27 million people were killed at the fronts.

The war ended with the victory of the anti-Hitler coalition. As a result of the war, the role of Western Europe in global politics weakened. The USSR and the USA became the main powers in the world. Great Britain and France, despite the victory, were significantly weakened. The war showed the inability of them and other Western European countries to maintain huge colonial empires. Europe was divided into two camps: Western capitalist and Eastern socialist. Relations between the two blocs deteriorated sharply. A couple of years after the end of the war, the Cold War began.

History of world wars. - M: Tsentrpoligraf, 2011. - 384 p. -