Girls born in February: names, name days, character. Beautiful and unusual names for girls born in the year of the rooster

Our names are unique identifiers of character and personality, and also act as individual business card. You should carefully choose a name for your newborn baby, because he will have to live with it all his life. Before what to name a child in 2017 try to find out detailed description name, its main features, and most importantly, think about whether you like it.

Choosing a name is always an exciting event and every parent treats such an important step with special trepidation. Some mothers already know exactly what they will name their baby even before he is born, while others spend 12 months studying mountains of information before finally deciding on a name for the little man.

But there are also parents to whom the name “comes” immediately after they look into the eyes of their child. Surprisingly, this is true! Hundreds of mothers admit that at such moments something literally whispers a sweet and pleasant name into their ear.

Today there are a huge number of names, and it can sometimes be very difficult to decide on just one. However, try not to give free rein to your emotions and avoid quarreling with loved ones. Remember that it is not the name that makes the person, but the person who makes the name.

Select by date of birth

Many parents prefer to name their child after his birthday, or rather, a name that corresponds to this day. It is worth noting that this method is not entirely correct, because in the naming calendar there are quite funny and ridiculous names, which can then ruin the baby’s whole life.

If you decide to name your child the name that falls at the time of his birth, then turn to the sacred calendar of names, in which you will find beautiful, and most importantly, bright names. By naming a child after a saint, you will “give” him a powerful guardian angel for life.

You can name your child in 2017 based on the season in which he was born. For winter children it is worth choosing melodic and beautiful names, because they will be able to “soften” a little the severity and firmness of character of such children.

Spring babies are most often advised to be called hardy and tough names, because children born during this period often show uncertainty and weakness in some matters.

Babies born in summer period always active, smiling and friendly. They always achieve their goals. Any names that parents like are suitable for them.

In autumn, balanced, intelligent and strong personalities. They need to be given a name that is equally courageous and beautiful. Some parents use the law defining Harmony. Using it you can calculate the most suitable name for your child.

Name after celebrities

Children have long been named after famous personalities in history, hoping that they will repeat the fate of their predecessors and lead the same interesting and memorable lives. There were cases when children were named after Alexander Pushkin, Zagmund Freud, Leo Tolstoy and others prominent figures. The subconscious of parents, even before the birth of the baby, wishes him only happiness, so they try in every possible way to help him reach heights.

And the right name, in their opinion, is the main detail in the implementation of this plan. In 2017, the fashion of naming children after celebrities is once again intensifying. However, we must all remember that we are responsible for our own destiny and, alas, we will not be able to repeat someone else’s.

According to the church calendar

The Orthodox religion allows you to name a child in honor of the saint on whose day he was born. These special days are marked in and allow you to “make friends” of the baby with your patron in advance. A guardian angel will always help in a difficult situation, help you out of trouble and push you on the right path. Motivated by these facts, parents try to choose a sweet-sounding name prescribed for each day of the year. But you need to give a name according to the calendar correctly:

  • Firstly, a child should be baptized on the eighth day after his birth. During this sacrament, the desired name is chosen.
  • Secondly, if you could not decide on a name before the eighth day, I advise the church to move the christening to the fortieth day.
  • Thirdly, even if you don’t like the proposed list of names, you can look a few days before and choose the right one.

However, some mothers like the same name all their lives, so you shouldn’t renounce your desires.

By zodiac sign

There is a certain list of names that are suitable different signs zodiac If you trust horoscopes and try to constantly check them, then this method of choosing a name will be ideal for you. A correctly chosen name will allow your child to grow up healthy, happy and self-confident.

Favorable names for a child in the year of the Rooster

Children born in the year of the Fire Rooster will be distinguished by their practicality, balance and strong-willed character. All names can be divided into several categories, which will help parents quickly decide on one and only one and name their newborn boy or girl.


  • For girls: Natalia, Kira, Victoria.
  • For boys: Arkady, Artem, Arthur, Nikita, Mark, Konstantin, Yakov, Timur, Victor.

These names will help strengthen such important character traits as energy and determination.

Having received one of these names, your child will certainly achieve heights in life, will delight you with his successes in any area and will give you many positive moments.

Balanced and energetic

  • For girls: Diana, Irina, Ekaterina, Tamara, Nina, Karina, Veronica.
  • For boys: Pavel, Plato, Robert, Vadim, Daniil, Eduard.

Such names can harmoniously connect with your child’s personality, thereby ensuring him a long and happy destiny. In addition, the year of the Fire Rooster will strengthen such qualities as determination and drive, which are important in our lives.

The only point that parents should remember when naming a baby with a similar name is that over time he can show authority and selfishness. However, if you do not go beyond reasonable limits, raise your child correctly and instill in him the main values ​​in life, then you should not be afraid of bad consequences.

Emotional lungs

  • For girls: Valeria, Lyudmila, Olga, Svetlana, Polina, Alina, Elina, Lilia.
  • For boys: Leonid, Oleg, Valery, Rodion, Ivan, Vasily.

The main feature that you will give to your child by giving him a similar name is confidence in own strength and the desire to finish what you start. These character traits will help the child stand firmly on the ground, achieve heights and receive good dividends. It is especially pleasant to be with such a name for people of a creative environment.

Their talents will be revealed to the fullest, and, perhaps, some of them will be glorified. The stars advise parents to beware of two traits that can become negative - jealousy and gambling. Show more attention to your child, have serious conversations with him and then these threads of character will not “come out” to the surface.

Powerful and assertive

  • For girls: Zhanna, Inga, Lyubov, Margarita, Ulyana, Tatyana, Nelly, Yana, Elena, Daria, Albina, Galina, Marina.
  • For boys: Matvey, Yulian, Peter, Ivan, Dmitry, Ilya, Valentin, Gennady, Yuri, Andrey, Vladimir.

Astrologers advise to be careful with these names and choose them only in case of strong attachment. They all have one thing in common general feature- immoderation. And unrestrained people can do unpleasant things and cause a lot of trouble for loved ones. Often such individuals rush from one extreme to another, they are overly energetic and, at times, explosive.

Of course, this does not mean that children with such names will be hooligans and slobs. Parents will just have to make more efforts to raise them and stock up on a huge amount of patience.


  • For girls: Elizaveta, Alisa, Anastasia, Larisa, Olesya, Oksana, Sofia, Faina, Zoya, Christina, Ksenia, Raisa.
  • For boys: Bogdan, Arseny, Alexey, Grigory, Gleb, Mikhail, Fedor, Felix, Timofey, Evgeny, Vladislav, Denis, Zakhar, Igor, Maxim, Taras, Stepan, Sergey, Ruslan, Igor.

Children given reactive names will exhibit motor skills throughout. They are different stormy character. They can be jealous, scream, show pride, selfishness. But at the same time, they will go ahead towards their goal, overcoming various obstacles and even strong blows fate is not able to lead them astray.

Such names should be treated with caution, but there is no need to completely disown them. Parents must understand that they will have to “work” tirelessly with each child, because only by making Herculean efforts can they raise a good person.

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Popularity rating of male names

The rating we bring to your attention is based on the official statistical reporting civil registry offices of several regions of the Russian Federation with a predominant Russian population and the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Minsk for 2010-2016 (data for 2017 are currently available only for certain regions, ).

All names are divided into five conditional groups: the most popular (1-30th place), popular (31-60th place), less popular (61-85th place), rare and very rare names. This classification is practically convenient and visual. Quantitative data are brought to a single denominator - per 10,000 newborns. To better “feel” the numbers, let us point out that approximately 65,000 girls are born in Moscow every year, and almost 12,000 of them are born in the entire Voronezh region per year.

(most popular names)

frequency 100 - 700

per 10,000 newborns

(popular names)

frequency 20 - 100

per 10,000 newborns

(less popular)

frequency 7 - 20

per 10,000 newborns

1. Sofia + Sophia

2. Anastasia

3. Daria + Darina

4. Maria

5. Anna

6. Victoria

7. Polina

8. Elizabeth

9. Ekaterina

10. Ksenia

11. Valeria

12. Varvara

13. Alexandra

14. Veronica

15. Arina

16. Alice

17. Alina

18. Milana + Milena*

19. Margarita

20. Diana*

21. Ulyana

22. Alena

23. Angelina + Angelica

24. Christina

25. Julia

26. Kira

27. Eva

28. Karina*

29. Vasilisa + Vasilina

30. Olga

31. Tatiana

32. Irina

33. Taisiya

34. Evgenia

35. Yana + Yanina

36. Faith

37. Marina

38. Elena

39. Hope

40. Svetlana

41. Zlata

42. Olesya + Alesya

43. Natalia + Natalia

44. Evelina

45. Lily

46. ​​Elina

47. Violetta + Viola

48. Nellie

49. Miroslava*

50. Love

51. Albina*

52. Vladislava*

53. Camilla*

54. Marianna + Maryana

55. Nika

56. Yaroslava*

57. Valentina

58. Emilia

60. Elvira*

61. Snezhana

62. Vlada*

63. Caroline*

64. Lydia

65. Vitalina + Vitalia*

66. Nina

67. Yesenia*

68. Oksana

69. Adeline + Ada*

70. Lada*

71. Amelia + Amalia*

72. Eleanor*

73. Antonina

74. Lyudmila

75. Galina

76. Tamara

77. Alla

78. Zhanna

79. Inna

80. Leah

81. Seraphim

82. Anfisa

83. Evangelina

84. Agata + Agafya + Agafia

85. Larisa

These 30 names account for

75% of all newborn girls

These 30 names account for

14-15% of all newborn girls

These 25 names account for

3% of all newborn girls

85 most popular Russian female names

in alphabetical order:

Agata + Agafya + Agafia (84). Agata and Agafya together occupy 84th place in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 7 out of 10,000), with only 1-2 Agafyas accounting for 5-6 Agafyas; Agathia - even more rare name(less than 1 in 10,000 female births)

Adelina + Ada + Adelia + Adele + Adelaide (69)*. The name Adeline is in 69th place in the popularity ranking (about 13 per 10,0000 newborn girls); the names Ada, Adelia, Adele and Adelaide are much less common - each no more than 1-4 per 10,000

Alexandra, Alexandrina, Alexa (13). Alexandra is one of the most popular names in Russia, she ranks 13th in the popularity ranking (approximately 245 per 10,000 newborn girls); the name Alexandrina is rare, no more than 2-4 girls per 10,000 births receive it; Alexa is even rarer - 1-2 per 10,000

Alena (22) . Alena ranks 22nd in the ranking of popular names (approximately 132 out of 10,000). Just in case, we note that Alena’s godname is Elena

Alina (17). Alina is one of the most popular names in Russia, taking 17th place in the popularity ranking (approximately 190 per 10,000 newborn girls). Initially, the name Alina in Russian appeared as a diminutive (shortened) form of the church names Akilina and Angelina, but later it became a completely independent personal name.

Alla (77) . Alla is at the bottom of the ranking of popular names - in 77th place (this corresponds to approximately 10 girls out of 10,000 births)

Albina (51)* . Albina ranks 51st in the popularity ranking (approximately 30 per 10,000 newborn girls). The name is completely European, not Muslim, however, it is very popular in Tatar families and in the North Caucasus

Amelia + Amalia (71)*. The names Amelia and Amalia together occupy 71st place in the ranking (about 12 per 10,000, with the number of Amelia and Amalia almost the same). For baptism the church name Emilia (Emilia) is usually used.

Anastasia (2) . Anastasia is one of the most popular names in Russia, taking 2nd place in the popularity ranking (about 550 per 10,000); a passport form of a name like Nastasya is much less common (1-2 per 10,000)

Angelina + Angelica (23). In total, the names Angelina, Angelica, Angela and Angela occupy a high 23rd place in the popularity ranking (approximately 130 per 10,000 newborn girls). But it should be noted that of these four names the name Angelina is the most popular: for every 70-80 Angelinas there are only ten Angelicas, three Angelas and one Angela

Anna (5) . Anna is one of the most popular names in Russia, taking 5th place in the popularity ranking (approximately 400 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Antonina (73) . Antonina ranks 73rd in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 12 per 10,000 newborn girls). As for such name forms as Antonia and Antonida, they are very rare (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn girls)

Anfisa (82). The name Anfisa ranks 82nd in the ranking (approximately 8 girls out of 10,000 births)

Arina (15) . Arina is one of the most popular names in Russia, she ranks 15th in the popularity ranking (approximately 230 per 10,000 newborn girls). Godname is Irina

Valentina (57) . Valentina is a fairly popular name, 57th in the ranking of female names (about 22 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Valeria (11) . Valeria is a very popular name, 11th place in today's ranking of the popularity of female names (approximately 260 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Varvara (12) . Varvara is a very popular name, it ranks 12th in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 256 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Vasilisa + Vasilina (29). Vasilisa and Vasilina together are in 29th place in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 100 per 10,000 newborn girls, of which 70-80 Vasilis and 20-30 Vasilina)

Faith (36) . Vera is a fairly popular name, 36th in the ranking (about 67 out of 10,000 newborn girls receive this name)

Veronica (14) . Veronica is a very popular name, it ranks 14th in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 233 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Victoria (6) . Victoria is one of the most popular names today, ranking 6th in the ranking (approximately 384 per 10,000). // Until 2011, Nika was used as a godname for Victoria (since both of these names have the same meaning - “victory”). But in 2011 Russian Orthodox Church included in her calendar the name of the very famous Catholic holy martyr of the 4th century Victoria of Corduvia (she lived in the city of Cordoba, Spain), after which it became possible to baptize all Victorias with the name Victoria without resorting to substitute names

Violetta + Viola (47). Violetta - 47th place in the popularity rating (approximately 35 per 10,000 newborn girls); the name Viola is rare, no more than 1-2 per 10,000 newborn girls

Vitalina + Vitalia (65)*. Vitalina and Vitalia together are in 65th place - 17 per 10,000 (of which Vitalin is approximately 14 per 10,000 newborn girls, and Vitaly is approximately 3 per 10,000) // The names Vitalina and Vitaly are obvious analogues of the male name Vitaly. The name Valentina is usually used as a godfather (based on general meaning names and sound similarities)

Vlada (62)* . Vlad's name ranks 62nd (19 out of 10,000). See also Vladislav.

Vladislava (52)*. Vladislava and Vlada are quite popular names. Vladislava ranks 52nd in the ranking of female names (29 per 10,000 newborn girls), Vlada ranks 62nd (19 per 10,000). As for Vlasta, this is a very rare name among us (less than 1 in 10,000)

Galina (75) . Galina ranks 75th in the popularity rating of female names (approximately 11 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Daria + Darina + Daria (3). The name Daria, together with its other forms (Darina and Daria) are at the very top of the popularity rating of female names - in 3rd place (quantitatively this is about 520 per 10,000 newborn girls, of which Daria accounts for 85-90%, Darina 10- 12%, for Daria 1-2%)

Diana (20)*. Diana is a very popular name, and ranks 20th in the ranking (approximately 150 per 10,000 newborn girls). There is no name in the calendar; they are baptized in honor of the holy martyr Princess Artemia of Rome (the Greek goddess Diana corresponded to the Roman goddess Artemis)

Eva (27) . Quite a popular name. Ranked 27th in the ranking of female names (107 per 10,000)

Evangelina (83) . The name ranks 83rd (approximately 7 per 10,000 female births). For baptism, the name Angelina is used (based on general meaning names)

Evgenia (34) . The name ranks 34th in the popularity ranking (78 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Ekaterina, Katerina (9). Ekaterina is a very popular name, it ranks 9th in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 340 per 10,000 newborn girls); the name Katerina is not ranked, only 2-3 girls out of 10,000 receive it

Elena (38) . Elena is a fairly popular name, 38th in the ranking of female names (about 62 out of 10,000 newborn girls receive this name)

Elizabeth (8) . Elizabeth is one of the most popular names, 8th in the ranking of female names, approximately 350 out of 10,000 newborn girls receive this name; one form of the name Elizabeth is Isabella (no more than 5-6 girls out of 10,000)

Yesenia (67)* . Yesenia - 67th place in the popularity ranking (approximately 16 per 10,000 newborn girls) // apparently the name comes from the name of the palm tree (Jessenia); suitable godnames are Tamara - based on the meaning of the name, and Ksenia - based on consonance

Zhanna (78) . The name Zhanna is in 78th place in the popularity rating (about 8 per 10,000). The church name of John is used as a godfather

Zlata (41) . Zlata - 41st place in the popularity ranking (approximately 55 per 10,000 newborn girls) // The patron saint is the Great Martyr Zlata (Chris) Moglenskaya

Inna (79) . The name is at the bottom of the ranking, in 79th place (frequency is approximately 8 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Irina (32) . Irina is in 32nd place (approximately 90 out of 10,000); the names Irena and Irene are rare in Russia (approximately 1 in 10,000)

Camilla (53)* . Camilla - 53rd place in the popularity ranking (approximately 27 per 10,000 newborn girls); the name is “international”, it can be found not only in Russian families, but also among Muslims North Caucasus, Volga region, Central Asia(Camila, Kamila, Camilla) // The church name Eugene is quite suitable as a godname, since the meaning of both names is almost the same: Camilla - “a girl of impeccable behavior, from a respectable family” (Latin)

Karina (28)*. The name Karina occupies 28th place in the popularity ranking (approximately 106 out of 10,000) // For baptism, it is advisable to use the name Ekaterina. In Poland, Germany and Scandinavian countries, the name Karina (Karina, Karine, Karin and Karen) is considered an independent personal name, formed from the name Katarina (Katrina, Katherine)

Carolina (63)* . Carolina is a borrowed European name, not used very often in Russia: 63rd place in the popularity ranking (about 18 per 10,000 newborn girls) // good godnames are Vasilisa and Vassa(according to its meaning - “queen, royal, queen”)

Kira (26) . Kira is one of the top thirty names - 26th place in the ranking (approximately 114 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Christina (24). Christina is one of the top thirty names - 24th place in the ranking (approximately 122 per 10,000 newborn girls); a form of the name like Christina is more rare (no more than 3-6 per 10,000) // godname Christina

Ksenia (10) . Ksenia is one of the most popular names, it ranks 10th in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 290 per 10,000 newborn girls) // Other forms of the name Ksenia are Oksana (frequency approximately 15 per 10,000), Aksinya and Aksiniya (frequency of which varies from 1 to 4 per 10,000)

Lada (70)*. Lada - 70th place in the popularity rating (approximately 12 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Larisa (85). Larisa - 85th place in the popularity rating (approximately 7 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Lydia (64) . Lydia - 64th place in the popularity ranking (approximately 17 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Lily (45) . Lily - 45th place in the popularity ranking (approximately 37 per 10,000 newborn girls) // For baptism, it is advisable to use the church name Susanna (based on the meaning, meaning of the name)

Leah (80) . Leah - 80th place in the popularity rating (approximately 7-8 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Love (50) . Love - 50th place in the popularity ranking (approximately 31 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Lyudmila (74) . Lyudmila - 74th place in the popularity rating (approximately 11 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Maya (59)* . Maya - 59th place in the popularity ranking (approximately 21 per 10,000 newborn girls) // It is difficult to say which godname for Maya will be the best, we can only note that in English-speaking world the name May (Maya) is considered to be derived from the names Maria and Margarita (a diminutive form that has become an independent personal name)

Margarita (19) . Margarita is one of the most popular names, it ranks 19th in the popularity ranking (approximately 160 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Marianna + Maryana (54). Marianna, together with Maryana, occupy 54th place in the popularity rating (approximately 24 per 10,000 newborn girls, with Maryan and Marianne approximately equally divided)

Marina (37) . Marina - 37th place in the popularity rating (approximately 63 per 10,000)

Maria (4) . Maria is a very popular name, ranking 4th in the popularity ranking (approximately 518 per 10,000 newborn girls); the name Marya is significantly inferior in popularity (only 3-4 per 10,000)

Milana + Milena (18)*. Milana, together with Milena, occupy a high 18th place in the ranking of female names (almost 180 per 10,000 newborn girls, of which approximately 140 are Milana and 40 Milena) // Don’t be confused Slavic names Milana and Milena with the church name of Greek origin Melania (Melania)! // it is best to baptize Milana and Milena in honor of the Holy Princess Mi litsa of Serbia or the Holy Princess Lyudmila of Czech)

Miroslava (49)* . Miroslava - 49th place in the popularity rating (approximately 31 per 10,000 newborn girls); Miloslava is a rare name (3-4 per 10,000) // Mi litsa is best suited as a godname for Miloslava, and Maria (by sound) or Salomi I (by meaning) for Miroslava

Hope (39) . Nadezhda - 39th place in the popularity rating (approximately 57 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Natalia + Natalia (43). Natalia, together with Natalia, ranks 43rd in the popularity rating (approximately 49 per 10,000 newborn girls); according to statistics from the registry office, the name Natalya is given 7-10 times more often than Natalia

Nellie (48) . Nellie - in 48th place in the ranking (34 out of 10,000) // the name Nellie is one of the forms of the name Elena

Nika (55) . Nika ranks 55th in the popularity rating (approximately 23 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Nina (66) . Nina - 66th place in the popularity rating (approximately 16 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Oksana (68) . Oksana - 68th place in the ranking (approximately 15 per 10,000) // the name Oksana is one of the forms of the name Ksenia

Olesya + Alesya (42) . The names Olesya and Alesya are jointly in 42nd place in the ranking (about 53 per 10,000, but Alesya is significantly inferior to Olesya in popularity: for every 5-10 Olesya there is one Alesya) // It is believed that Olesya and Alesya are derivative forms of the name Alexander , which have become independent personal names. Olesya, it’s more likely Ukrainian name, and the name Alesya has a more Russian (and Belarusian) character. The name Olga is sometimes used as a godname for Alesya and Olesya

Olga (30) . This name closes the top thirty most popular names, 30th in the ranking (approximately 94 per 10,000 newborn girls); variants Elga and Helga are rare, there are only isolated cases of their registration

Polina (7) . Polina is one of the most popular names today, ranked 7th in the ranking (approximately 380 per 10,000)

Svetlana (40) . Svetlana - 40th place in the popularity rating (approximately 56 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Seraphim (81) . The name Seraphim is in 81st place in the popularity ranking of female names (frequency is approximately 8 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Snezhana (61) . Snezhana - 61st place in the popularity ranking (approximately 20 per 10,000 newborn girls) // godname - Khionia

Sofia + Sophia (1) . Sophia, together with Sofia, are in first place in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 630 per 10,000 newborn girls); According to statistics from the registry office, the name Sophia is given a little more often than the name Sofia (by 15-20%). Not only in Russia, but throughout the world this name is the most popular these days. For example, in 2013-2014 in the USA, the name Sophia was in 3rd place among newborn girls (as well as Sofia - in 12th place and Sophie - in 91st place); in Poland Zofia - in 1st place, in Austria Sophie - in 3rd place, in Germany Sofia / Sophia - in 4th place, in the Czech Republic Sofie - in 6th place, etc.

Taisiya (33) . Taisiya - 33rd place in the ranking of female names (approximately 81 per 10,000 newborn girls); name forms such as Taisya and Taisa are less popular (1-2 per 10,000)

Tamara (76) . Tamara - 76th place in the ranking of female names (approximately 11 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Tatiana (31) . Tatiana - 31st place in the ranking of female names (approximately 91 per 10,000 newborn girls) // baptized with the church name Tatiana

Ulyana (21) . Ulyana ranks 21st in the popularity ranking (approximately 147 per 10,000 newborn girls) // godname - Juliana

Evelina (44) . Evelina is in 44th place in the ranking (approximately 48 per 10,000 newborn girls) // Evelina is one of the forms of the name Eva

Eleanor (72)* . Eleanor ranks 72nd in the popularity ranking (approximately 12 per 10,000 newborn girls) // baptized Elena or Leonilla

Elina (46). Elina is in 46th place (about 36 out of 10,000 newborn girls // this is one of the forms of the name Elena

Elvira (60) . Elvira - 60th place in the ranking (about 20 per 10,000 newborn girls) // baptized Elena or Leonilla

Emilia (58) . Emilia ranks 58th in popularity rankings (approximately 21 per 10,000 female births); the second form of the name Emma is more rare (2-5 per 10,000) // baptized with the church name Emilia

Julia (25). Julia takes 25th place in the popularity rating (approximately 122 per 10,000 newborn girls) // baptized with the church name Julia

Yana + Yanina (35) . Yana, together with Yanina, occupy 35th place in the ranking (68 out of 10,000, of which Yana is 62-63, and Yanina 5-6) // baptized with the church name of John

Yaroslava (56)*. Yaroslava ranks 56th in the popularity ranking (approximately 22 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Rare names.

These are quite “live” names (Russian and borrowed), which are registered by civil registry offices on a regular basis with a frequency of 1 to 6 per 10,000 newborn girls.

Here are some examples: Augusta + Augustina, Aurora*, Agapia, Aglaya, Agnia + Agnessa, Agrippina, Adriana*, Aksinia + Aksinya, Alevtina, Alexandrina, Alexa, Anisia + Anisya, Ariadna, Ariana + Arianna*, Arsenia*, Artemis, Artemia, Asya, Bella*, Bogdana, Bozena, Vanessa, Vladlena*, Glafira, Dana, Dominica + Domnika, Evdokia, Eusevia, Euphrosyne + Euphrosyne, Zhdana*, Zarina*, Zinaida, Zlatoslava*, Zoya, Ivanna, Ivetta, Isabella, Ilaria, Ilona , Inga*, Inessa, Joanna, Iolanta, Irma, Iya, Kaleria, Capitolina, Katerina, Claudia, Lina, Lolita*, Louise, Lukerya, Magdalena, Martha, Maryam + Mariam*, Matryona + Matrona, Melania + Melania, Melissa, Miloslava*, Ninel, Nonna, Olivia*, Pelageya, Praskovya, Rada*, Raisa, Regina*, Renata*, Rimma, Rosa + Rosalia, Ruslana*, Sabina*, Sabrina*, Simona*, Stella + Estella, Stanislava*, Stefania + Stepanida, Susanna*, Ustina + Ustinya, Faina, Christina, Elga, Elsa, Emma, ​​Juliana (Julianna), Yunia, Juno, Justina.

Very rare names.

In the old days, they were quite common in Russia, but today they have practically fallen out of use, and in the registry office there are only isolated cases of their registration over several years (the frequency of such names is less than 1 per 10,000 newborn girls).

Here are just a few of them: Avdotya, Agrafena, Anatolia, Antonida, Apollinaria, Athanasius, Vassa, Virinea, Glyceria, Dorothea, Eudoxia, Eupraxia, Euphemia, Zinovia, Iraida, Isidora, Lucia, Malania, Muse, Olympias, Salome, Sebastian, Thekla, Fedosya, Theodora, Theoktista, Feofaniya, Kharitina.

It has been known since ancient times that a name influences the fate of its bearer. It determines character, and already at naming it endows a person with qualities that may appear in the future. This article will help parents who are expecting a girl in 2017 decide on a name.

Names for girls by month for 2017

In order not to get lost in the diversity and huge number of names, it will be more convenient to divide them by month. Moreover, parents often turn to the Orthodox calendar when naming, in which the birthdays of canonized righteous people are entered in precisely this way. Naming a baby after a saint means giving your daughter a personal guardian angel from the moment she is born and for the rest of her life.


So, according to the names for girls according to the calendar, a newborn in January 2017 can be called:

  • Ulyana, Anastasia, Eva, Evgenia, Emilia, Tatyana, Nina, Yulia, Alisa, Varvara, Efrosinya or Natalya.

Research in the field of astrology claims that babies who celebrate their birthday in the first month of the year will have a strong, strong-willed character in the future. To soften excessive authority and firmness, it is better to choose a name for a girl born in January 2017 with a soft consonant. Leadership, determination, and self-confidence are inherent in January ladies. And the task of parents is not to ruin these valuable and necessary sprouts for life.


Choosing a name for a girl born in February 2017 is very simple. You just need to turn to the Orthodox calendar. This month there are name days for the following saints:

  • Louise, Vasilisa, Karina, Anastasia, Agata, Olga, Ksenia, Maria, Ekaterina, Alexandra, Irina, Vera and Bella.

The character of princesses born in the month of snowstorms and blizzards is quite selfish. Girls have extraordinary courage and determination, just like those born in January. But there is a small nuance here - February people are afraid of difficulties. Another quality that this month gives girls is straightforwardness.


The month is rich in tender spring names:

  • Marianna, Camilla, Elizaveta, Kira, Victoria, Daria, Elena, Nadezhda, Capitolina, Matryona, Alena, Olesya, Vasilisa, Berta, Cornelia and Christina.

The same “spring” March girls and character - vulnerable and receptive. They react painfully to critical remarks and have difficulty withstanding failures. They are sensitive and indecisive, but still quite ambitious and stubborn.


Girls born in April can be called by the following names:

  • Maria, Daria, Svetlana, Polina, Taisiya, Lydia, Alla, Miroslava, Susanna, Tamara and Larisa.

April makes those born in it materialists. Self-confidence is an integral quality of April girls. And as a result, success awaits them in all areas of life in the future. But they are also characterized by laziness, which they will constantly have to fight to achieve the desired success.


Names of this month:

  • Violetta, Valeria, Glafira, Carolina, Arina, Faina, Irina and Yulia.

Girls whose birthday was in May have an unyielding and changeable character. They are sharp-tongued, demanding, and power-hungry. They do not have inflexible principles and priorities.


In the first month of summer, girls can be called as follows:

  • Efrosinya, Alena, Diana, Vera, Julia, Valeria, Alice, Marfa, Angelica and Pelageya.

June girls are talented. They are also soft, non-conflicting and practical. They very often reach the top in their careers because they approach any task responsibly, developing their skills to the highest level.


The following names are suitable for girls born in mid-summer:

  • Rimma, Zinaida, Inna, Yana, Agrippina, Angelina, Evdokia, Valentina and Veronica.

By nature they are independent, selfish, proud, but generous. Leadership is in their blood. good friends, unless, of course, you notice that they even look down on their friends.


This month the name days are celebrated by:

  • Anfisa, Margarita, Iraida, Maria, Sofia, Yulia and Anna.

These girls are energetic and very emotional. August gave them good qualities: wisdom, self-confidence. They are the ones who smile even when everything is going wrong. The only negative is excessive gullibility.


The beginning of autumn is favorable to such names:

  • Elizaveta, Karina, Lyudmila, Ksenia, Vera, Irina.

September gives birth to practical, selfish, secretive people who trust only those closest to them.


It is better to give October babies the following names:

  • Arina, Tatyana, Polina, Nadezhda, Zinaida, Elizaveta.

By nature, they are changeable, hot-tempered, emotional, creative people.


Best names for November:

  • Anastasia, Feodosia, Yaroslava, Agafya, Kapitolina, Elena, Nina, Claudia.

Those born in November have serious tenacity and determination. These are the qualities that, together with self-confidence, are needed to achieve success in life. But it is precisely this very confidence that they lack. And another obstacle to achieving what you want is internal fears. But parents can easily cope with this if they wish.


Names for December girls:

  • Yana, Yulia, Sofia, Lilia, Angelina, Zoya, Olesya and Victoria.

In December, sensible and calm girls are born. And they are also responsible. And they are practical. Open only with loved ones.

Rare names for girls in 2017

There are some names that have not been used for a long time. But they can make a far from modest contribution to the formation of positive human qualities. Among the long-forgotten, but very good female names, there were the following:

  • "royal" Augusta;
  • "immaculate" Agnes;
  • “blooming” Virinea;
  • “sweet” Glyceria;
  • “given by God” Dositheus;
  • “happy” Eupraxia;
  • “cheerful” Ilaria;
  • “kind” Kaleria;
  • “fair” Ustinya;
  • “God’s creation” by Feklist;
  • Juno is the goddess of love and marriage.

And perhaps future parents will find the most frequently used lately girls names.

Top Popular Girl Names in 2017

The most common modern female names:

  • Milana - sweetheart;
  • Arina - peace-loving;
  • Anastasia - resurrector;
  • Kira - mistress;
  • Sofia is wise.

Naming a child is a sacred act. After all, it determines future life baby. Although in to a greater extent it's important what necessary qualities his parents will raise him. And yet: the main criteria when choosing should be not only the month of birth, the meaning of the name, its rarity or popularity, but also the consonance with the patronymic and surname. And, of course, common sense.

Useful articles:

Every parent should understand that when choosing a name for their child, they partially determine their fate. Sometimes children are named after their favorite performer or one of their relatives, sometimes they choose the most fashionable name.

It is believed that the nickname carries a certain energy and affects the character and habits of a person. For example, you decide, born in January. It is best to refer to the church calendar. For many centuries, people have believed that by naming their child in honor of one of the great martyrs or saints, they give him his own Guardian Angel.

What are there in church calendar?

Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker - name day January 4

Nastya is choleric, active and quite difficult to get along with, as she is subject to frequent mood swings. Now she can laugh merrily, but in a couple of minutes she will completely withdraw into herself and become sad.

As a rule, girls born in January and given the name Anastasia are not capable of extreme situations act decisively. At the same time, they grasp any information on the fly and have excellent memory. However, they prefer to remember only what really interests them.

Venerable Martyr Eugenia - name day January 6 and 18

If you have not yet decided what to name a girl born in January, then you should think about the name Zhenya. It has Greek roots and is translated as “noble”.

Little Evgenia is very calm and loves to embroider or knit. She easily gets along with her peers, but prefers to be alone. Teachers and classmates appreciate Zhenya for her curiosity and willingness to always help.

Having matured, such a girl becomes very hospitable and friendly. What she values ​​most in men is restraint and courtesy.

Martyr Claudia - name day January 6

Sociable and hardworking child. Not all names of girls born in January suggest the presence of clear intelligence. Claudia knows how to think concretely, independently find a way out of any situation and remember the information received.

However, such a girl is often too nervous and irritable, and will not tolerate being forced to obey someone.

Adult Claudia is a faithful and caring wife. She simply doesn’t know how to play with someone’s feelings and flirt.

Most often, Claudius choose the profession of a flight attendant, pediatrician or nurse.

Anfisa - name day January 8

We continue to consider the names of girls born in January. Some of them are of Greek origin. The name Anfisa translated from this language means “blooming”.

Little Anfisa is a calm and slightly shy child. Usually she is more drawn to her father. However, with age, this girl acquires character traits such as stubbornness and determination.

She tries to choose a profession that does not require her to put in a lot of effort. For example, she could become a librarian or a salesperson.

Anfisa is slightly arrogant and proud. Therefore, she tries to choose a man as a life partner who can be subjugated to her will.

Maria - name days on January 8, 12 and 31

Some parents, when deciding what to name a girl born in January, are inclined to names of Hebrew origin. That is why they choose the name Mary, which is translated from this language as “rejecting.”

Masha is a kind and sociable child with a slightly carefree and cheerful disposition. The main traits of her character are mercy and justice. You can always rely on this girl in a difficult situation.

Her character is difficult - Maria rarely compromises and is often offended.

Antonina - name day 9, 22 and 30 January

From Greek this name is translated as “acquiring in return.” Tonya is trusting and responsive, she will always support her friends not only with words, but also with deeds. If you don’t know what to name a girl born in January, but want the child to be kind and cheerful, then this name will do.

Antonina is easily carried away and is able to ignite those around her with her ideas. If she grows in full family Where a friendly atmosphere reigns, Tonya literally blossoms. She is a little sentimental and can easily fall under the influence of others. In addition, this girl has extraordinary intuition.

Dominica - name day January 10

Dominica shows her independent character even as a child. And this is not surprising, because from Latin her name is translated as “mistress.” Some names of girls born in January leave their mark on the child's personality. Dominika does not like group games too much; she is brave and stubborn.

At first it is difficult for the girl to get used to the school environment, but over time she gets used to it and makes progress. Dominica has an excellent memory, this child remembers easily large number poems.

This girl can become an excellent journalist, doctor, teacher or tour guide.

Anna - name day January 11

In Hebrew, this name means "grace." Anna is a fair and uncompromising girl. She is not susceptible nervous breakdowns and performs his duties conscientiously.

Anya is a real Russian woman. She is loyal, loving, affectionate and kind. She will make a wonderful wife and mother. The girl is used to relying only on her own strengths; she does not listen to anyone’s advice and is not influenced by other people.

We can talk a lot about Anna, but let’s find out what else there are church names girls born in January.

Varvara - name day January 11

Smiling, cheerful and kind girl. Since childhood, Varya has shown an ability for drawing, dancing and music. This child is living proof that it is worth choosing church names for girls. In January, according to the calendar, there are many of them, and some, like the name Varvara, give their owners such character traits as perseverance, hard work and modesty.

Most often, Varya chooses the profession of a salesperson, accountant, librarian or nurse.

A girl falls in love easily, but will never take the first step. At the same time, she makes a good housewife - she appreciates home comfort and prefers to spend time with his family.

Natalya - name day January 11

Natasha is a hardworking girl, but at the same time stubborn and proud. Outwardly, she seems meek and a little frivolous, but in fact she is touchy and hot-tempered. Since childhood, this child has been distinguished by vindictiveness, but rarely takes revenge on his offenders.

Natalya is a born leader. She loves to be the center of attention and demands to be constantly praised. Such a girl can achieve great success in medicine, painting or music. Often involved in business.

With age, Natasha turns into a wonderful housewife. She cooks well, loves to receive guests, takes care of her husband and children and does not quarrel with her mother-in-law.

Martyr Irina - name day January 12 and 16

Decisive and independent nature. A real daddy's favorite, who, instead of fiddling with pies in the kitchen, will happily run to help him repair the car. Ira loves sports and reads a lot. In literature, he prefers science fiction novels and detective stories.

This girl cannot be called sentimental, often she is even a little rude. But at the same time, Irina has such a character trait as sociability. She's not hard to find common language with a complete stranger.

Adult Ira is a devoted, but very jealous wife. She can only cheat on her husband if he underestimates her. However, Irina values ​​​​stability very much and is unlikely to decide on a divorce.

Venerable Apollinaria (Polina) - name day January 18

Since childhood, this child has become accustomed to considering himself smarter than those around him. Polina is a hot-tempered and narcissistic girl. It is these character traits that allow her to never lose confidence in her abilities. She listens to other people's opinions, but does not take anything for granted, and therefore practically does not succumb to the influence of others.

Polina will not tolerate lies, hypocrisy or hypocrisy. A wonderful, clean housewife who will not waste money. She takes care of her children, develops them both physically and mentally.

Martyr Tatiana (Tatiana) - name day January 18 and 25

Even in at a young age Tanya is distinguished by her emotionality, integrity and ability to stand up for herself. She is sociable and tries to become a leader among her peers. One of this girl's weaknesses is dancing.

With age, Tatyana becomes domineering and stubborn. She does not like to be contradicted and always defends her position. A little girl grows into an artistic and self-centered woman who prefers the company of men. She often tries to control her husband, pulls the children back, and may even shout at him.

However, over time, Tanya becomes more tolerant of others, thanks to this she family life getting better. She is very jealous, but skillfully hides her feelings.

Other names

Of course, these are not all the names that are listed on the church calendar in January. What other girl names are there?

On January 11, the balanced and thoughtful Evdokia celebrates her name day. January 21 - calm and timid Vasilisa. January 27 - serious, decisive Agnia and persistent, hardworking Nina. January 28 - impressionable and friendly Elena. And on January 31 - emotional and talented Ksenia.

Names according to horoscope

Often parents choose a name for their girl depending on her zodiac sign. In January, Capricorns and Aquarius are born.

Capricorns are disciplined, prudent, intelligent and ambitious people. This zodiac sign symbolizes perseverance and courage. The following names are most suitable for Capricorn girls: Emma, ​​Eleanor, Sofya, Rimma, Olga, Nina, Natalya, Maria, Ksenia, Christina, Kira, Irina, Zinaida, Daria, Vera and Arina.

Aquarians are idealistic, highly intelligent and independent people. An Aquarius girl will be an interesting and bright personality with unique character and extraordinary sincerity. The following names are suitable for her: Julia, Elvira, Snezhana, Svetlana, Olga, Natalya, Lolita, Liya, Lydia, Larisa, Galina, Violetta, Varvara, Valeria, Anna, Angelina and Alina.

We hope that this article helped you answer the question of what to name a girl born in January. Give your child a Guardian Angel and perhaps he will protect him from life's adversities. And you, as parents, will help him in everything.

For all parents, the birth of their long-awaited baby is a huge event, for which they usually prepare long before the child is born. Choosing a name for a newborn is not an easy task for a modern parent. In the old days, choosing a name for a child was not difficult, because this was done by a church book called Saints or Months, containing more than 1,700 names (mostly male), from which parents were asked to choose a name for their offspring, based on certain rules (see. orthodox calendar names for January 2017 below).

How to choose a name for a child according to the Saints

1. The name is chosen depending on the date of birth. The clergy have a book that lists names for boys and girls. These are the names of saints and great martyrs, after whom it is customary to name their children, so that they inherit his patronage from the saint (see January 2017).

2. It is customary to name a child on the eighth day from birth. This tradition has different interpretation, one of which is that in ancient times there was no such powerful medicine as is now available to us, and many children born weak could simply not survive the first week - the most crucial by the standards of that time.
3. If you were unable to choose a name from those proposed on the eighth day, then you can choose it on the fortieth day after the day the child is born - on the day when it is customary to baptize infants.
4. If you still couldn’t choose from the names listed, then you can revise some names, looking a few days ahead - this practice is not forbidden by the church.

Female and male names in January 2017 according to the church calendar

What to name a child in January 2017

Names for boys, name meanings:
Timothy (“who worships God”), Ilya (“the fortress of the Lord”), Vladimir (“who rules the world”), Ivan (“the mercy of God”), Ignatius (“the unknown”), Vasily (“the king”), Naum (“the comforter "), Makar ("happy"), Leo ("king of beasts"), Dmitry ("related to Demeter"), Efim ("compassionate"), Joseph ("multiplying"), Emelyan ("sweet-voiced"), Anatoly ( "ascending"), Mikhail (" equal to God"), Nicholas ("conqueror of nations"), Nikanor ("who saw the victory"), Thaddeus ("gift of God"), Erast ("beloved"), Eugene ("noble").

Names for girls, name meanings:
Anisia (“executive”), Irina/Arina (“peace”), Augusta (“sacred”), Vasilisa (“queen”), Maria (“bitter”).

Before you name your child after someone, read his biography. Through a name, a connection is formed between the bearer of the name and the one after whom this bearer was named. Many character traits and even life events can be repeated.
You should name your child wisely, choosing a first name that matches your middle name and last name. Choose a name that will sound harmonious.

Also see: January 2017.