Signs of drunkenness. The main signs of intoxication

Signs of alcohol intoxication

The first signs of alcohol intoxication- the appearance of shine in the eyes, some redness of the face, increased production of sebaceous and sweat glands, slowing of the pulse. The intoxicated person feels warm and pleasantly relaxed, and his appetite increases. There is a feeling of general mental and physical satisfaction (so-called euphoria): a rise in mood, a decrease in mental and motor activity, the brightness of sensory impressions.

After some time (10-30 minutes), the pupils dilate, pulse and blood pressure level out. Mental and motor activity increases as the dose of alcohol increases against the background of a decrease in the quality of functions - movements are sweeping and poorly coordinated, speech is excessively loud, often blurred, facial expressions are impaired, concentration of attention is difficult. There is a reassessment of one’s qualitative capabilities, criticism of one’s own words and actions disappears. Instincts are disinhibited and hidden personality traits and experiences that are controlled in a sober state (jealousy, vanity, resentment, etc.) appear.

In case of moderate intoxication a state of stunning and narrowing of consciousness, motor retardation, incoordination occurs, drowsiness, lethargy develop and deep sleep occurs. Upon awakening, the symptoms of a hangover are pronounced - lethargy, weakness, lack or loss of appetite, a feeling of heaviness in the head, deterioration in mood, dissatisfaction with oneself and others, irritability. Mental and physical performance is reduced - comprehension and concentration are difficult, coordination of movements is impaired, the pace of mental processes is slowed down.

At severe intoxication orientation in the surrounding space is lost, speech slows down and is punctuated by pauses, the connection between experiences, emotional and facial expressiveness is lost. In most cases, vomiting occurs as a protective reaction of the body. As poisoning increases, the disturbance of consciousness intensifies, breathing slows down, the tone of the cardiovascular system decreases, immobility appears, and stupor turns into a coma. Death can occur as a result of paralysis of the respiratory or vascular centers, as well as the development of alcoholic coma. The symptoms of a hangover after heavy alcohol intoxication are more pronounced. A person does not remember what happened to him while intoxicated. Sleep disturbance may occur within a few days; taking sleeping pills can cause serious complications.

In some cases, the so-called morbid intoxication, occurring with severe disturbances of consciousness, delusions and hallucinations. It is dangerous both for others and for the life of the intoxicated person.

Remember that drinking alcohol is harmful to your health!

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Main signs of drunkenness

Psychosis in such cases can manifest itself either from intoxication of the body or due to liver pathologies. Quite often it is alcoholism that leads to the development of endogenous psychoses. On late stages A person may develop dementia along with changes in heart rate.

Alcohol intoxication is manifested by neurological, somatic, and mental disorders.

The complexity of their occurrence depends on:

Older people, teenagers and children get drunk most quickly from alcohol. Tolerance and intoxication of the body depend on genetic predisposition. For example, residents of the north have a small amount of special enzymes in their blood that contribute to the rapid breakdown of alcohol. For such people, drinking large doses of alcohol is very dangerous. Their pulse immediately quickens and their heartbeat becomes strong.

In medicine, there are three main degrees of intoxication.

Each has its own characteristics and manifestations:

Lung. This is the initial stage, during which a person awakens a feeling of pleasure and comfort. Excessive talkativeness and free communication are also noticed. With intoxication of this degree, changes external features person. Facial expressions become animated, and gestures become free, but not precise. This state is visible only to others. At the same time, the person himself does not notice this. At the mild stage, facial hyperemia occurs and tachycardia is observed. In most cases, a huge appetite appears and sexual activity increases. After five hours after drinking alcohol, a person begins to feel sleepy and becomes very tired.

Average. This degree is characterized, first of all, by the manifestation of neurological stigmas. At this stage, the signs of alcohol intoxication are slightly different.

A person begins to experience:

  • unclear speech;
  • unsure gait;
  • some staggering is shown;
  • ataxia.

In some cases, vomiting and nausea appear at this stage. In place of euphoria comes dysphoria, in which aggression and anger are observed. As for excitement, it is replaced by sound sleep. After waking up, a person feels lethargic and has a severe headache. The memory of the previous day, after waking up, becomes fuzzy.

Heavy. Symptoms at this stage are varied, but the main one is depression of consciousness. At this stage, a person cannot stand on his own feet, amia occurs. Severe vomiting begins, which can lead to aspiration of vomit. In some cases, fecal and urinary incontinence occurs. Body temperature changes, the skin becomes cold. The speech of a drunk is incomprehensible, more like muttering. Next, the person falls into deep sleep. It is impossible to wake him up even with ammonia. Sleep gradually turns into coma. In this case, the pupils stop responding to light, breathing becomes difficult, and the pulse is faintly audible. Due to severe intoxication, a person develops amnesia. He does not remember all past events. General weakness of the body lasts throughout the whole day. During this period, appetite disappears.

At each stage, the signs of alcohol intoxication are different. As for its concentration in the blood, at the mild stage its amount reaches from 20 to 100 mmol/l, the average ranges from 100 to 250, and the severe stage – 250 and above.

The severe degree is the most dangerous for both the patient and those around him.

At this stage, a person experiences the following symptoms:

  • cyanosis;
  • significant slowing of breathing;
  • The pressure rises and is subsequently replaced by collapse.

The complexity and depth of the patient’s coma also carries with it certain consequences. For some time, pain is completely absent and tendon reflexes disappear.

There are cases of seizures. The patient's pupils often change; at first they become narrowed, and then sharply dilate.

Intoxication groups

There are only two main groups of alcohol use disorder, which are divided into subtypes.

Acute intoxication is a condition that occurs after drinking alcohol. It is divided into simple alcohol intoxication, modified forms of simple intoxication and chronic alcoholism. The latter type in medicine is also called pathological intoxication.

Simple intoxication. This subtype is defined in medicine as a psychological syndrome. Its complexity and course depend on the amount of alcohol consumed, the characteristics of the body and the time of day.

Although simple intoxication is considered a psychological syndrome, in case of a legal violation this does not relieve a person from punishment.

The duration of any type of intoxication depends on the person’s gender, age and racial characteristics, but the main thing is, after all, the dose of alcohol.

Modified forms. Intoxication of the body and its degree depends on the physical and mental state of the human body. This could be: recent illnesses or various injuries.

There are several options for modified forms:

  1. Dysphoric intoxication. The peculiarity of this condition is that at the very beginning of drinking alcohol, instead of an elevated mood, a person experiences depression and dissatisfaction. In some cases, aggression and conflict may arise. From the outside, such symptoms may indicate a severe form of the disease. In fact, brain failure may contribute to such manifestations.
  2. Paranoid. In this case, the drinker has a great desire to humiliate the other person or deceive.
  3. Hebephrenic features of altered form. This is manifested by onomatopoeia, antics, and violence. All symptoms are observed in those who suffer from a latent schizophrenic process. A similar manifestation also occurs in adolescents and children.
  4. Hysterical traits. People in this case are prone to hysterical manifestations. The main goal is to draw attention to yourself. In some cases, such a desire leads to suicide.

Pathological or chronic. It represents not only intoxication of the body, but also an idiosyncrasy to alcohol. This indicator may appear in case of overwork, psychogenic behavior, and so on.

Chronic intoxication has slightly different symptoms than normal intoxication. The person completely lacks coordination of movement and static, no facial deviations are observed.

Pathological intoxication has two main forms: epileptoid and paranoid. The first is determined by excessive and sharp excitability, anger and malice. Complete amnesia is also observed. Paranoid entails hallucinations and screams, which are assessed as threats.

Intoxication in teenagers

There are many assumptions regarding the causes of alcoholism in adolescents. According to many experts, the main thing is family feasts and the attitude towards alcohol itself. From a very young age, teenagers perceive alcoholic drinks as an integral part of the holiday.

In children, intoxication occurs only in atypical forms. If compared with adults, this species is much less common in older adults than in adolescents. The main symptoms are: headaches, periodic vomiting and nausea.

Teenagers tolerate the simple sight of intoxication with high spirits and are easily distracted from difficult situations which, when sober, lead to depression and frustration. Compared to adults, children have very high activity and the presence of vegetative reactions. After drinking alcohol, all young people strive to get into crowded places, in front of their neighbors or acquaintances. They are also drawn to meet their peers. In most cases, this ends in fights and robberies.

Almost all forms and types of intoxication in children are somewhat different from those in adults. As for paranoid intoxication, children in such cases suddenly develop delusional thoughts and interpretations.

There are several types of accentuation, and each has its own influence on the attitude towards alcohol. Cycloids, hyperthymics and mentally unstable children are very prone to drinking, especially among friends. If the opportunity arises to drink alcohol, then this type of young man prefers only the maximum dose. They combine all this with entertainment and communication.

Cycloids often try to avoid drinking, but only in the subdepressive phase. For them, alcohol does not cause euphoria as it does for the majority, but deep depression.

Also, emotionally labile people do not prefer drinking. They may consume a certain amount solely under the influence of friends of the same age. As a result, they get a euphoric state, but often it turns into vomiting and nausea. Exist different cases. In some, despondency is transformed into euphoria, which brings pleasure from the feast.

Dysphoric intoxication with elements of anger is inherent in the epileptoid type of people. Fighting and aggression towards others is also noticed. This type of drunkenness can occasionally be found in adolescents of the latent type.

Epileptoids are distinguished by the fact that after the very first symptoms of intoxication, they have an uncontrollable desire to drink a variety of alcoholic beverages until the body shuts down. Palimpsests can be found quite often in such animals.

Schizoids are one of the special people. When intoxicated, they never experience a feeling of euphoria. In this case, the atypical type of intoxication also does not appear. Even from the smallest amount of drink, they become sociable and try as much as possible to talk about their problems and preferences for something.

When consuming small doses, the teenager’s body reacts in its own way. Having taken up to 20 g of alcohol, intoxication can occur only if a person has low alcohol processing due to liver disease or sunbathing.

Alcoholism is one of the most complex diseases in both children and adults. It negatively affects all internal organs. If the disease is not treated in time, it can lead to the most unpredictable consequences.

Both the pupils and a person’s pulse can show the degree of intoxication. Symptoms at all its stages have their differences, but identifying them is not so difficult.

What is alcohol intoxication

A combination of neurological, autonomic, mental disorders conditions that occur to a person after drinking alcohol are called alcohol intoxication. The degree of influence that alcohol consumption has on physical state and the behavior of an individual depends on a number of factors: age, physiological characteristics, state of the body. A number of behavioral or clinical signs can determine the degree of intoxication.


Medical science defines three stages of alcohol intoxication and their symptoms. They depend on the amount of alcohol consumed and are assigned to certain percentages of the concentration of ethanol breakdown products in the blood. Each stage has its own clinical and behavioral signs. There are mild, moderate and severe stages. From stage to stage, behavioral disorders intensify, well-being worsens, the adequacy of perception is disrupted, and the drunk person loses control over himself and his actions.

Clinical signs of intoxication

The symptoms of alcohol intoxication at each stage differ from each other. As the concentration of alcohol in the blood increases, the mental state of the drunk person changes, his ability to concentrate, control his emotions and his body. There are the following stages of intoxication:

  • Light (ethanol concentration 0.5-1.5%). It is characterized by a surge of strength, a rise in mood, and the onset of mild euphoria. The person is sociable and emotionally excited. However, even with such small doses, concentration disturbances are observed, which can lead to serious negative consequences when performing complex work, operating transport or machinery.
  • Moderate severity (1.5-2.5%). As intoxication increases, irritability, anger appear, and manifestations of aggression are possible. This effect is called dysphoric inebriation. Coordination of movements changes, and movement disorders are possible. Mental excitement gives way to lethargy and drowsiness. This stage ends with falling into deep sleep.
  • Heavy (2.5-3%). A neurological disorder characterized by difficulty orienting oneself in space and time. Disturbances in the activity of the vestibular apparatus begin, consciousness is depressed (later this manifests itself in the form of amnesia), the pulse slows down, and respiratory disorders occur. The person may fall into an unconscious state.
  • External signs

    As the degree of intoxication increases, the symptoms become more pronounced external signs drunk man You can recognize an individual who has consumed alcohol not only by the smell of alcohol. The state of the drunk is characterized by mental arousal, expressed in non-standard behavior. Motor activity, as a rule, increases, while the ability to coordinate movements worsens with each subsequent serving of alcohol. Each sign changes as the ethanol concentration increases.

    Change in pupils

    After the first doses of alcohol, the effect of “shiny eyes” appears. As the concentration of ethanol increases, the pupils dilate, because the speed of reaction to light decreases, and convergence is disrupted - the ability of the pupil to narrow and focus in a certain direction of gaze. In a severe stage of intoxication - in an alcoholic coma - anisocoria is possible (the pupils of the right and left eyes become different sizes).

    Signs of excitement

    At different stages, emotional and motor arousal manifests itself in different ways. At first, the excitement is pleasant, expressed as an increase in sociability and motor activity. As the concentration of ethanol increases, coordination of movements is disrupted, and emotional manifestations also get out of control. At a severe stage, pathological intoxication may occur, accompanied by paranoid or hysterical psychosis.

    Coordination disorder

    The ability to control your body becomes progressively worse from mild to severe stages. Coordination disorder is characterized by the inability to walk or stand straight, movements of the arms and legs become spontaneous, and the functioning of the vestibular apparatus is disrupted. In severe cases of intoxication, a person falls into a semi-conscious or unconscious state and loses the ability to move.

    Disorder of consciousness

    From a mild to a severe stage, a person who has consumed alcohol loses the ability to control the movements of his body and ceases to adequately recognize and evaluate what is happening to him. There is a reassessment of one’s own capabilities, which, with atypical intoxication, is replaced by a deterioration in mood, the adequacy of self-perception and perception of the surrounding reality is disrupted. In severe stages, there is a complete loss of control over one’s thoughts, which may be accompanied by hallucinations and delusions.

    Behavioral disorders

    Signs of inappropriate behavior when drinking alcohol can manifest themselves individually. When a person becomes aggressive, they may begin to provoke conflicts or fights. Moderate and severe conditions are characterized by behavior that is radically different from behavior when sober. Physically weak men demonstrate manifestations of strength, cowardly men show recklessness and courage, timid men show determination. An individual who has taken alcohol can, in a state of passion, perform actions dictated by desires and needs suppressed by a sober consciousness.

    Residual signs

    A residual sign of drunkenness is intoxication of the body, which occurs and worsens as the breakdown products of ethanol are removed from the body. Headaches, nausea and vomiting, dry mouth, dehydration, dizziness, severe weakness, pain in bones, muscles, aching joints and other symptoms of ethyl alcohol poisoning can last from 2 to 20 hours, depending on the condition of the body and the amount of alcohol consumed.

    Intoxication in teenagers

    There are no specific signs of alcohol intoxication in adolescents; all the symptoms are strong and make themselves felt by the difficulties and problems that a young man or girl experiences in society. Due to the lack of habit of alcoholic beverages, autonomic disorders and coordination disorders are more pronounced. Alcohol withdrawal is also more severe. In case of regular use, dependence on a chemical and emotional level forms quickly, within a year and a half.

    Signs of intoxication for the act

    In cases where a drunk person is in public places, when he violates the order or commits illegal actions, an examination of alcohol intoxication is required. After medical examination an act is drawn up that serves as an official document and contains information about the detected concentrations of ethanol and the following external signs:

    • smell of alcohol on the breath;
    • instability of posture;
    • speech disorders;
    • change in complexion;
    • behavior inappropriate to the situation.

    Signs of mild alcohol intoxication.

    An individual who is in this state feels warmth throughout the body, his pulse increases, and hyperemia is observed. skin, appetite increases. External signs of alcohol intoxication also an improvement in mood, a person perceives others kindly, there is no aggression, even negative and painful experiences are no longer perceived sharply and do not lead to disorders. Often in this state people are prone to loud and laudatory speeches, dancing and fun.

    In a state of mild intoxication, the quality of work noticeably decreases, errors appear, and attention wanders. An individual who is in a state of such a degree of alcoholic intoxication seems to be dexterous and smart, but from the outside there is inhibited behavior.

    Signs of moderate alcohol intoxication.

    This degree of intoxication is characterized by pronounced neurological stigmas, dysartation (slurred speech), unsteady gait, staggering are observed, ataxia is visible, in some cases nausea and vomiting appear. Instead of goodwill, aggression and anger arise, attention is practically absent, but orientation is preserved. Characteristic signs of alcohol intoxication at this stage there is a reassessment of one’s behavior and thoughts, in this state a person can express grievances and reproaches, lethargy or drowsiness appears, and the instinct of self-preservation practically disappears.

    Most often, in this state, a person falls asleep, and after waking up he feels weakness, thirst, headaches, depressed mood, decreased appetite and even memory loss. If a person is periodically in a state of moderate intoxication and his body is resistant to large volumes of alcohol, then in some cases this can be considered as one of the symptoms of alcoholism.

    Signs of severe alcohol intoxication.

    This is the most dangerous degree for health. this degree - amymia, severe vomiting, fecal and urinary incontinence, sometimes cyanotic limbs may appear. It is almost impossible to awaken a person from sleep in this state; it resembles a coma, while the pupils do not react to light, breathing becomes difficult, and the pulse is practically not palpable. After awakening and sobering up, a person has no memories, asthenia is observed, and there is no appetite.

    Other external signs of alcohol intoxication are observed in the pathological, epileptoid or paranoid form.

    Signs of a pathological form of intoxication.

    The main symptoms of this form: clouding of consciousness, psychosis, mental and physical fatigue, sometimes prostration and indifference may appear. Wherein external signs of alcohol intoxication practically invisible unless you communicate with a person. The movements are automated, but in rare cases a person may perform strange and antisocial actions; there may be motor disturbances, a feeling of fear, and incomprehensible statements similar to delirium. It is this form of alcohol intoxication that is considered common cause crimes and fights.

    Signs of the epileptoid form of intoxication.

    A person in this form of intoxication differs from others by sudden movements, aggressive and unreasonable behavior, which is accompanied by outbursts of rage. Clinical signs of intoxication, by which the epileptoid form can be determined, are inhibited and scant speech or its complete absence, fragmentary hallucinations and delusions, possible silent agitation.

    Signs of a paranoid form of intoxication.

    The main symptom of this form is hallucinations and delusions, a person is sure that there are many dangers around him, he is afraid of death, he thinks that someone wants to kill him, sometimes it seems that a whole conspiracy is being hatched. In this state, a person ceases to recognize acquaintances, faces are replaced, he is afraid of everyone and tries to run away and hide. From the outside, it seems that someone in a state of intoxication acts purposefully. All speech is built on individual phrases and expressions, create logical chains and construct them correctly complex sentences does not work. This state ends with deep sleep, after which signs of alcohol intoxication are observed.

    Doctors, when examining a person who is intoxicated, can immediately make a diagnosis, which more often sounds like alcohol intoxication or alcoholic coma. To verify a mild degree of alcohol intoxication, you need to do the Mokhov-Shinkarenko reaction or carry out the Rapoport reaction. It is much more difficult to determine the degree of alcohol intoxication; it is not always possible to determine pathologies.

    What is alcohol intoxication?

    This condition is characterized by the fact that alcohol causes acute intoxication on the body of the drinker. This syndrome manifests itself in a detailed and acute form and is possible only after drinking alcohol. Poisoning with vodka, wine or cognac leads to a special condition that is temporary and accompanied by a violation of the physiological and psychological functions of the body. Symptoms of these disorders are manifested in the behavior of the drinker and his reactions.

    The breakdown products of alcohol compounds are toxic substances that have negative impact on the entire human body in general and on the central nervous system in particular. The drinker enters a state in which it is very difficult for him to control himself, although there are no external factors influencing him. For everyone who drinks alcohol, this condition is different and depends on individual tolerance, as well as on the amount of alcohol consumed.

    Due to the different effects of alcoholic beverages on the body, alcohol poisoning occurs different types. This includes simple alcohol poisoning and its more modified forms. In more complex forms, alcohol causes an irritable state, the drinker becomes gloomy, he strives for conflict with others. In many cases, a type of poisoning called dysphoric is characteristic of experienced drunkards, but there are exceptions. Doctors tend to attribute this manifestation of intoxication to certain brain diseases.

    In some cases, being intoxicated can cause excessive suspicion. A drunk person begins to perceive the behavior and actions of others as attempts to insult him or an attempt to deceive him. Such behavior may be accompanied by aggression on his part and refers to a paranoid state of alcohol intoxication. At the same time, a completely different picture may be observed in adolescents. A fragile body under the influence of alcohol displays behavior that is more reminiscent of antics or rowdy behavior with inexplicable violence. But such behavior is also possible in schizophrenia. People with great ambitions, which manifest themselves in the desire to constantly be the center of attention or who want to impress, under the influence of alcoholic beverages experience a hysterical appearance of intoxication. They try to make an impression, stage some kind of demonstrative scenes for the public, accompanying them with suicidal attempts.

    Sometimes, due to a combination of circumstances, a person may exhibit a type of intoxication that is called pathological. While in this state, the tipsy subject does not look like an ordinary drunkard. He maintains coordination of his movements, does not sway from side to side, and does not slur his tongue when speaking. This condition can occur if, before drinking alcohol, a person has not slept for a certain period of time, is overtired, or has cerebral insufficiency. This type of intoxication manifests itself in 2 forms - epileptoid and paranoid.

    In the first case, there is complete disorientation, as well as agitation with malice. Instead of malice and anger, fear may be present, and inexplicable and very strong aggression can be observed. In the second case, the drunk person suffers from severe hallucinations, which are accompanied by threatening remarks. This type intoxication can arise unexpectedly and disappear just as quickly, turning into deep sleep. In the first case, asking and shaming the guilty sufferer with his behavior is pointless - he will not remember anything. But those who suffer from the paranoid form have very colorful memories.

    Symptoms of intoxication

    A drunk person is in a completely different state than a sober one.

    He experiences complex changes both in his psyche, which is manifested in his behavior, and in his entire body.

    Its vegetative-vascular regulation changes. All these changes are pathological in nature, and none of these manifestations relate to the normal state - from impaired coordination of movements and a persistent alcoholic odor from the mouth to hallucinations, poisoning, etc.

    One of the external signs of intoxication, indicating that a tipsy person is in front of you, is the presence of euphoria. It occurs after the first small doses of alcohol. If this ends the consumption of flammable liquid, then this condition goes away within a few hours. In this state, there is increased vivacity of speech, many psychological blockages cease to operate, the person becomes more free in his behavior and actions, but does not go beyond the bounds of decency. He is in complete control of himself, but his behavior is characterized by some expressiveness, and his self-esteem increases while he is in this state.

    However, this is true for relatively healthy people. Those who suffer from alcoholism can easily fall into a state of dysphoric intoxication. They get into this state without euphoria. The drinker, instead of experiencing a feeling of happiness or positive emotions, immediately becomes gloomy and irritated, tries to conflict and behaves aggressively. As noted above, the degree of intoxication depends on the individual reaction of the body to alcoholic beverages, and in addition, on the amount of alcohol consumed. For this reason, signs of intoxication differ, depending on the degree of poisoning. They can be light, medium or severe. In special cases, doctors note alcoholic coma.

    Mild degree of intoxication

    At this degree, a person already has some external signs of intoxication. If everything is in order with health, then it can be, as described above, euphoria. In this state it is very difficult to concentrate, it is easy to be distracted by a minor extraneous irritant. This can be observed among people who have taken 2-3 glasses of alcohol and who, during a conversation, often lose the essence of the conversation, forgetting what they wanted to say a minute ago. The drinker's reaction slows down immediately. It is for this reason that it is forbidden to drive a car even while slightly intoxicated. Instead of a euphoric state, isolation and hot temper may be observed.

    Symptoms of poisoning with a small dose of alcohol are also present in the vegetative-vascular system. Some areas of the body become overflowing with blood, which immediately becomes noticeable on the skin or mucous membrane. In this condition, increased sweating may occur, and tachycardia may occur, in which the number of heart beats per minute reaches 90 beats or more. This does not mean that there are problems in the heart. Tachycardia is not a disease, but only indicates some problem in the body, in this case manifesting itself as a symptom of poisoning. This means that you need to pay attention to circulatory system increased attention and therefore reduce the amount of alcohol consumed or give it up. Such signs of poisoning should not be missed.

    Already at this level of alcohol intoxication, some people experience staggering while walking, and performing small movements is difficult. For example, inserting a key into a lock or threading a needle. If you try to look in the other direction while walking, this will cause you to move away from the direction of movement. On top of that, the smell from the mouth clearly indicates what exactly was ingested into the body. And in the body itself, urine and blood, corresponding chemical reactions to the incoming alcohol will occur, although tests for the presence of ethyl alcohol may show a negative result.

    Average degree of intoxication

    If it was not possible to limit yourself to small doses of alcoholic beverages, a medium degree of intoxication occurs. In this case, chemical tests for the presence of ethyl alcohol in the blood will confidently show a positive result without any hesitation. In addition, there will be a sharp, specific odor from the oral cavity. In this condition, all the same symptoms and signs of poisoning appear as in mild cases, only more so. strong form. A person’s behavior will no longer be so harmless; perhaps he will even violate public rules of behavior, as well as norms enshrined in administrative and criminal codes.

    Depending on the body and mental state of the drinker, he can be in either a euphoric or an excited state. Aggression and dysphoria may occur. The reality happening around will be perceived distortedly. In a conversation there is often fragmentation of statements, and a consistent presentation of thoughts is very difficult. Intoxication of the body with alcohol will respond with a disorder of the autonomic-vascular system. Hyperemia and tachycardia will manifest themselves in to a greater extent. The skin may turn pale, breathing may become faster, and the number of heart muscle contractions may exceed 100 beats per minute. The pupils dilate very strongly, slowing their response to light stimuli.

    With moderate degrees of poisoning, persistent disturbances in motor coordination appear. It is difficult for such a person to stand in one place; he sways both at rest and when moving. At the same time, the pain sensitivity threshold decreases. For example, in this state a person often hurts or burns his hand, but does not feel pain, which is fully felt only as he sobers up.

    Severe alcohol poisoning and alcoholic coma

    A severe degree of intoxication occurs when a large amount of alcohol is drunk. Signs of intoxication in this form indicate the inability of a drunk person to communicate with the people around him. He is completely disoriented in space, his reaction is characterized by severe inhibition, he does not understand the meaning of the questions asked to him, and he himself speaks unrelated and incomprehensible statements that have no semantic load. He has very severe tachycardia, low blood pressure, excessive sweating and involuntary urination.
    In most cases, such a person cannot stand or move independently and requires outside help. Blood taken for analysis will show the presence of alcohol in the blood of more than 3 ppm, and a strong odor from the oral cavity will serve as a good basis for conducting such a chemical test.

    In an alcoholic coma, a person will be in an unconscious state, which completely excludes any possibility of communication with others. His mental activity shows no signs. A chemical blood test will show a blood alcohol content of more than 4 ppm.

    IN cardiovascular system and the system of autonomic regulation, serious disturbances will be observed, which are manifested by respiratory distress, involuntary urination, etc.

    Offense Act: Why is drunkenness punished?

    The act of alcohol intoxication (a sample document will be presented below in the text of the article) is the first real problem that the drinker will have to face. When drawing up a document against an official at the workplace, the drunkard faces dismissal or at least disciplinary action. Drunk driving is also punishable by law - it results in deprivation for the offender driver's license, a huge fine, and in some cases - administrative arrest.

    When driving a vehicle, a drunk driver loses the ability to react to the road adequately and immediately, which creates a danger for himself and other road users. A person who has all the main signs of alcohol intoxication is also unable to perform his usual work, control his actions and bear responsibility for them, and therefore deserves the application of appropriate educational measures in relation to himself.

    Protocol on employee intoxication as a reason for dismissal

    Even if a person has become a victim of biased accusations against him, the first thing he should do is to become familiar with the procedure for legal relations arising between him and a superior person (representative government agency) in case of being at the workplace or driving a car while intoxicated.

    The head of the institution has the right to draw up a report on the employee being in a state of alcoholic intoxication and dismiss the “negligent” employee in cases where the culprit was discovered while drinking alcoholic beverages:

    • at work;
    • in the territory adjacent to the company;
    • at the branches of the enterprise.

    In what cases is the execution of an act not a reason for dismissal?

    When registering an employee being intoxicated, the time of the incident plays a big role. As a rule, an employee who is “tipsy” and noticed outside of his work shift does not face dismissal; in most cases, the matter ends with a warning from management.
    An act for performing official duties while drunk is also not drawn up if:

    • employees of the enterprise carry out their activities overtime;
    • the employee drank alcohol before working hours and was not allowed to perform work duties;
    • the person who has drunk is a minor employee of the enterprise - the manager has the right to dismiss the violator, subject to obtaining permission from state inspection by work;
    • a drunk employee is a pregnant woman, the mother of a child under 3 or 6 years old, the mother of a disabled person or raising a child as a single mother.

    At first glance, the situation is absolutely paradoxical, and instead of receiving legal punishment for violations, such people will be able to avoid dismissal even if they regularly drink alcohol at work. Citizens who do not fall into the above categories will have to answer to the fullest extent of the law for the offense committed.

    The main signs of intoxication

    As soon as the administration of the institution becomes aware of the fact of a violation on the part of an employee, a protocol is drawn up, which also contains signs of alcohol intoxication. They are of fundamental importance for the act and bringing the perpetrator to justice.
    Obvious manifestations of a person’s intoxication include:

    • alcohol odor from the mouth;
    • unsteadiness and instability of movements, postures, gait;
    • changes in speech;
    • facial redness;
    • inappropriate behavior.

    How to correctly draw up a report of drunkenness?

    If there are all or several signs of alcohol intoxication (for the act, attention is most often focused on the presence of “fumes” when breathing and speaking of the drunk), the employee is sent for a medical examination of the fact of intoxication. In addition, for the preparation of the protocol, it is equally important:

    • indication of the exact name of the document and organization;
    • clarification of the time and place of the incident;
    • violator data
    • information about witnesses, at least two;
    • explanations of the offender or recording the fact of refusal to provide explanations.

    Consequences in the workplace

    The signs of alcohol intoxication for the act should be described in detail, with all possible details. This is especially important if a drunk employee refuses to undergo a medical examination procedure. In this case, the testimony of witnesses and the description of signs of alcohol intoxication for the act will play a decisive role.

    To begin the dismissal procedure, an order is issued, the basis for which must be a medical report. At the same time, signs of alcohol intoxication for the act (the sample document has a standard form) and the consideration of the case by a special commission do not play a determining role.
    The medical report indicates the employee's blood alcohol level. If, according to the results of the inspection, it significantly exceeds the norm, the outcome of the case is clear - dismissal with the corresponding entry being made in the work book.

    How are drivers punished for drunk driving?

    If the person guilty of drunkenness at work faces dismissal, then the law provides for more severe punishment for violating road users. The Code of Administrative Offenses states that if you drive a car while intoxicated, traffic police officers will be forced to fine the driver 30,000 rubles and deprive him of his driver’s license for up to 2 years. If a repeated offense is committed, the amount of the monetary penalty increases to 50,000, and the period of deprivation of the right to drive increases to 3 years.

    In addition, it is worth paying attention to the procedure for measuring blood alcohol levels. In our country, up to 0.3 ppm is considered the norm. External signs of alcohol intoxication for an act drawn up by traffic police officers are the same manifestations described above. In their absence, employees law enforcement do not have the right to force people to undergo an examination procedure.

    Blood alcohol content and signs of intoxication: what's the difference?

    By the way, if the driver is confident in his innocence, but the inspector still continues to insist on his accusations, the best decision would be to agree to conduct an examination on the spot.
    The fact is that the only evidence that a person is clearly drunk can only be excess normal level ethyl alcohol content in the blood. You need to pay attention to the following points:

    • The smell of alcohol, or what is popularly called “fumes,” can remain for 24 hours after drinking strong drinks. However, this does not always mean that a person is drunk.
    • Upon admission medicines containing alcohol, the driver may also smell like alcohol. If their use is not prohibited for persons driving a car, there is nothing to worry about.

    Alcohol testing: examination for drivers

    A traffic police officer has the right to draw up a report on the driver’s state of intoxication only after receiving the results of an on-site examination. The procedure is carried out in the following order:

    • In the presence of witnesses, the person accused of driving while intoxicated is removed from the car.
    • To record the results and record the research, a special technical device is used, the type and number of which is included in the federal register of approved types of measuring instruments. Before carrying out the examination, the driver has every right to demand that the inspector provide permitting documentation for the device.
    • Afterwards, the traffic police officer demonstrates to the person being examined and the witnesses the integrity of the meter’s mark and the readiness of the device for the procedure, introduces the procedure for conducting the examination, regulated by the relevant regulatory legal act Ministry of Internal Affairs.
    • The presence or absence of a critical blood alcohol content is determined based on the readings of the device that examined the exhaled air. The use of modern breathalyzers allows an error of around 0.1 ppm.

    Features of bringing the offender to justice

    When confirming the driver's drunken state, the inspector draws up an inspection report, which is signed by all participants in the process. If the guilty person disagrees with the results of the inspection, a corresponding entry is made in the document, and the offender himself is sent to undergo a mandatory medical examination. The conclusion of the examination, which took place within the walls of a specialized institution, is the main documentary evidence of signs of alcohol intoxication of the driver and the basis for bringing him to legal responsibility.

    Without waiting for the results of the relevant checks, a traffic police inspector who suspects a driver of intoxication has the right to order the evacuation of his car to an impound lot. It is not uncommon for law enforcement officers to charge a driver who drinks alcohol in a parked car. By the way, a driver can be called a person who controls a vehicle, and not just who is inside it.

    A citizen fired from a job or deprived of a driver's license due to drunkenness has the right to appeal the relevant decision in court. Case law knows many examples where those accused of drunkenness managed to prove their innocence, after which they were resumed in their previous position at the same workplace. In some cases, employees sought compensation for moral damages.

    Basic degrees of intoxication

    Three main degrees of alcohol intoxication have been identified, and their characteristic features:


    Is the initial stage. Clinical signs of this degree of intoxication are a feeling of pleasure and lightness. Excessive sociability appears, and boundaries are erased during a conversation. A person’s facial expressions change and become more animated. The movements change, they become more free, but not precise. In this state, the person himself cannot notice the manifested changes in his behavior; they are visible only to others. In addition, the pulse quickens and the skin of the face turns red. In a state of intoxication, uncontrollable thirst manifests itself and there is sexual desire. After five hours you feel tired and want to sleep.


    For this degree, the determining factor is the presence of neurological stigmas. The middle stage can be determined by the appearance of incoherent speech. The gait of a drunk person changes, it becomes more uncertain, the legs become tangled, and there is staggering. This degree also includes partial or complete loss of balance and loss of coordination. A clear sign this is vomiting and nausea. And with the euphoria inherent in mild intoxication comes aggression and uncontrollable anger. Significant experiences are revealed: jealousy, resentment. Excitability is not characteristic of this stage, because it is replaced by sound sleep. However, awakening is accompanied by lethargy, apathy and headache. In some cases, memories of the previous evening are erased.


    This stage can be identified by a depressed state. Other clinical symptoms of alcohol intoxication are the inability to stand on one's feet without assistance. There is also no opportunity to show and express one’s emotions and thoughts through facial expressions. A severe degree is accompanied by profuse vomiting; there are cases when fecal and urine incontinence occurs during alcohol intoxication. Body temperature drops, skin becomes cold. Speech is incoherent and incomprehensible to others. This is followed by deep sleep, from which it is impossible to awaken a person, even with the help of ammonia. From a state of sleep he goes into a coma, the pupils do not react to light, breathing becomes difficult, the pulse is barely palpable. The consequences of an alcoholic coma are the absence of pain and the disappearance of tendon reflexes. A person develops amnesia; he cannot remember the events that happened to him. Appetite disappears during this period, and a feeling of weakness appears throughout the body, which lasts about one day.

    Forms of intoxication

    In medicine, there is another classification of alcohol disorder based on human behavior. It includes the following types:

    • Depressive – characterized by an obsession with committing suicide. Only a specialist can cope with this condition.
    • Hysterical – more common in women. Behavior in this form becomes defiant, accompanied by hysteria and an attempt to conflict.
    • Hebephrenic - this type is characterized by behavior that is not typical for an adult, closer to that of a child. However, if you point this out to a drunk person, he becomes aggressive.
    • Dysphoric – accompanied by inexplicable panic and fear, as well as unreasonable melancholy.

    Intoxication in teenagers

    No specific symptoms of intoxication were identified in adolescents, but they are more pronounced in them. In this state, all the problems that young people face in society are revealed. Due to the fact that the body is not sufficiently adapted to ethanol, severe autonomic disturbances are detected and movements become more diffuse and imprecise.

    The most dangerous consequence Alcohol intoxication is death for teenagers. In other cases, liver failure, hepatitis, acute pancreatitis, hallucinations, central nervous system damage, and mental disorders may develop.

    Pathologies of intoxication

    In medicine, there are also some types of pathological intoxication related to persons with diseases such as schizophrenia and other mental disorders. For people with such syndromes it will be enough small quantity alcohol to fall into transient psychosis. It is almost impossible to distinguish a person in this state from a sober one. All that can be seen is inappropriate phrases said during a conversation, as well as a loss of interest in others and in oneself. Since appearance does not in any way indicate a person is in a state of pathological intoxication, it is worth paying attention to actions. Most often they are shocking, because... done in a state of passion. It is under such conditions that crimes are most often committed.

    Pathological intoxication is divided into two forms:

    • Epileptoid, when a person moves from a state of prostration to excitement. The main signs will be: aggression, anger, inappropriate and incomprehensible actions. Speech becomes noticeably sharper, but poorer. The patient is fully conscious and does not suffer from hallucinations.
    • Paranoid, this intoxication is characterized by paranoia. A person in this state begins to feel as if he is in danger. This form is distinguished by the fact that patients experience uncontrollable horror. Hallucinations appear, for example, a person sees a threat in strangers.

    Then comes restless sleep, upon awakening amnesia is discovered.

    Reasons for punishment for drunkenness, drawing up an act

    People who are drunk often drive a vehicle or go to work. In the fight against violators, a document is drawn up - an act of alcohol intoxication.

    If an official arrives at his workplace drunk, he may be subject to disciplinary action or dismissal. The law also regulates being under the influence of alcohol while driving a car. For an offense, the driver may lose his driver's license or pay a large fine. It happens that a drunkard can be punished with administrative arrest. This is due to the fact that after consumption strong drinks, the motorist loses the ability to concentrate on driving, and poses a danger to others and himself.

    While performing official duties, the employee also cannot fully perform the functions assigned to him and bear responsibility for the actions taken.

    Employee drunkenness as a reason for dismissal

    A report of intoxication is drawn up if an employee is caught drinking alcoholic beverages:

    • At work;
    • On the territory related to the organization;
    • On other sites owned by the company.

    An official should know that if he is in drunk in not work time or performs overtime work, drawing up an act will not serve as a reason for dismissal. The manager has the right to make a remark.

    Women in position, mothers raising children from 3 to 6 years old or disabled people, as well as single mothers, can also avoid punishment for drinking alcohol.

    Before drawing up the protocol, identify general signs alcohol intoxication according to the law, which are subsequently entered into the document. These include:

    • Smell of alcohol from the mouth;
    • The worker cannot maintain his balance;
    • Atypical behavior;
    • Speech becomes confused;
    • Facial redness.

    If at least one of the symptoms is present, most often it is fumes, the employee is sent for a medical examination, which will confirm the presence of ethanol in the blood. In a hospital, the procedure is carried out on the basis of an order from the Ministry of Health.

    To correctly draw up the act, it should indicate:

    • Full name of the organization;
    • Date and time of the detected violation;
    • Violator details.
    • Testimony of at least two witnesses;
    • Explanatory note from the employee.
    • A complete description of the signs of intoxication.
    • Indicate in detail what happened, pay special attention to eyewitness testimony, especially if the employee refuses a medical examination.

    Dismissal is carried out on the basis of an order indicating the conclusion of a medical examination. It must indicate the amount of ethanol in the employee’s blood. If its level exceeds the norm, this will serve as grounds for dismissal and an entry about this will be made in the work book.

    Drunk driving

    The law provides for more severe penalties for drivers who violate traffic rules, unlike for officials.

    The Code of Administrative Offenses states that for driving while intoxicated, a motorist is subject to a fine of 30,000 thousand rubles. Traffic police officers are also required to deprive him of his driver’s license for up to two years. Repeated violation entails a fine of 50,000 thousand rubles, and withdrawal of rights for three years. In some cases, the offender may be detained for 10-15 days by court decision.

    According to the law, blood should not contain more than 0.3 ppm of alcohol.

    The signs of driver intoxication are the same as for grounds for dismissal. If there are no symptoms, the inspector does not have the right to force a medical examination. But at the same time, if he insists that the person driving the vehicle is drunk, he can undergo an inspection on the spot. To check, an examination is carried out using a breathalyzer. All data on the examination is included in the protocol.

    Motorists should know:

    1. If there is a smell of fumes, and he drank the day before, this does not mean that he is drunk.
    2. There are medications that contain alcohol and leave an odor behind; this is also not a reason.

    If clinical signs are noted by the inspector, but the breathalyzer shows a negative result, then a sample of the biological object is taken to determine the substance that caused intoxication.

    The problem of alcohol addiction in our country does not lose its acute relevance. The reasons for the widespread nature of this addiction include the availability of alcohol, the unwiseness of consuming alcoholic beverages, and the mentality of Russians. Those who drink alcohol constantly have to face difficulties at work and in ordinary social life.

    The procedure for examining a person for the degree of intoxication is outlined in the legislation of the Russian Federation. And this resolution, in particular, the signs of alcohol intoxication for the act, should be known to everyone. To protect yourself from illegal actions of law enforcement officials and shortcomings of inspections, noticing possible errors and errors in time.

    You need to know the rules for conducting a sobriety test and drawing up a report

    A drinker at work will sooner or later have to deal with drawing up an official document. After completing this paper in the service, the drinker is threatened with loss of work or (as a minimum punishment) disciplinary action. A drunk person who is caught driving a vehicle will also have to face problems.

    According to the law, persons who were driving while drunk face punishment ranging from a large fine to administrative arrest. The penalties in this case are tougher, since a person driving a car while drunk creates a threat to the lives of other road users and pedestrians.

    Alcohol and dismissal

    A person who is intoxicated loses the ability to control himself and take responsibility for his actions. Which is what deserves the administration to apply various educational measures. The protocol drawn up in this case can play a decisive role in punishment and become the basis for dismissing a person.

    But it happens that a person becomes a victim of unverified accusations and biased assessments. Therefore, each person should know the exact order of the legal relationship that exists between him and the person holding a managerial position.

    Degrees of intoxication

    The first thing you should know is that the act (protocol) itself, indicating that a person is drunk at work, is drawn up exclusively in cases where the employee was seen drinking alcohol in the following places:

    1. At various branches of the company.
    2. Directly at your workplace.
    3. On the territory that belongs to the working area.

    But you should also know that not in all cases the execution of the relevant act serves as the reason for further dismissal. In this case, the determining factor is the time when the employee was noticed drunk or drinking alcohol. If this happened outside of working hours, then the maximum that could threaten the violator is a warning from management.

    In some cases, a report documenting that an employee is drunk at work is not drawn up. These are the following situations:

    1. If the employee was at work after hours.
    2. When an employee took a dose of alcohol before starting work and was allowed to work.
    3. The drinker turned out to be a pregnant employee or the mother of a young child (under 6 years old), the mother of a disabled child or someone who has single status.
    4. A minor employee of the organization is intoxicated. In this case, he can be fired only with permission from the State Labor Inspectorate (STI).

    A certain paradoxical situation arises. After all, instead of receiving a well-deserved punishment, these categories of citizens calmly avoid censure. But the rest of the employees in the same case have to answer to the fullest extent of the law.

    How is the fact of intoxication established by law?

    Verification by representatives of the authorities and the law of the fact of detection of intoxication is carried out in strict accordance with the procedure established by law. It is carried out by adhering to the following points:

    1. External symptoms of intoxication.
    2. Analysis of the air exhaled by a person.
    3. Testing blood for the presence of alcohol.
    4. Urine sample to detect residues of alcohol metabolites.

    How does alcohol intoxication manifest?

    The initial examination is carried out directly on duty or when the driver is stopped. Police officers or representatives of administrative management check and record the person’s external symptoms of alcohol intoxication.

    Visual cues

    All visible symptoms, the detection of which will indicate intoxication, are prescribed in the current Code of Administrative Offenses. All external signs of alcohol intoxication, clearly indicated in the law, are as follows:

    • unsteadiness and instability of gait and posture;
    • a distinct alcoholic odor from a person;
    • inappropriate behavior that does not correspond to the situation;
    • difficulties with speech functions (meaningless, incomprehensible speech);
    • dilated pupils of the eyes (this sign is also evidence of drug intoxication);
    • change in skin color (ethanol increases venous blood flow, as a result of which the skin turns sharply red).

    Air vapor research

    After an analysis of the external symptoms of intoxication has been carried out, the next step is to measure the concentration of alcohol vapors in the air exhaled by a person. A special device is used - a breathalyzer.

    What can serve as confirmation of intoxication in a person?

    The maximum permissible norm for the volume of ethyl alcohol in air masses during exhalation is also prescribed in the Law of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. It is 0.16 mg/l.

    If exceeded this level a person is considered drunk, which in certain situations leads to administrative fines, withdrawal of rights or service problems, up to and including dismissal under the article. If a driver is detained, traffic police officers confiscate the car, and the owner of the car is sent to a narcologist for a medical examination.

    But in this case, a visit to the doctor is not always carried out. But only in the following situations:

    • when a drunk driver (by external signs) refuses to voluntarily take a breathalyzer test;
    • the driver claims that he is sober and categorically disagrees with the final data of the device after measuring the air.

    Before escorting a violator to a narcologist, traffic police officers are required to issue a referral protocol for a medical check. The official document states the following points:

    • information about the witnesses present;
    • time of the breathalyzer test;
    • external symptoms indicating intoxication;
    • complete information about the device used.

    Table of ppm used to determine the degree of intoxication

    Also attached to the protocol official document, which records all instrument readings obtained during the test. And only then the traffic police officer accompanies the offender to a narcologist for a medical examination.

    How is the medical examination carried out?

    A medical examination carried out by a narcologist is regulated by officially established instructions with the obligatory completion of a certificate in form 307/u-05 (“Medical examination report to detect intoxication”). In this document, the narcologist fills in all the information about the person being tested and notes the identified external signs of the presence of ethanol in the body, in particular:

    • features and nuances of speech;
    • visual appearance of the skin;
    • description of the offender's behavior;
    • whether there is a smell of alcohol from the person;
    • type of pupils (dilated, normal, constricted).

    When drawing up an official conclusion act, it is unacceptable to use the usual colloquial speech. All characteristics and descriptions must have clear wording, not deviate from those outlined in the legislation, and have clear, legible official definitions.

    Before carrying out direct clinical tests, a repeated measurement of a person’s exhaled air is taken using devices that have the appropriate certificate. The evidence received is entered into an official act.

    Then the biomaterial is collected from the offender and a medical examination takes place. What kind of research will be organized is determined by the narcologist himself. The main goal of this procedure is to identify ethanol and confirm the fact of drunkenness.

    External signs of intoxication depending on the stage

    Based on the results of the inspection, an official conclusion is drawn. This paper is also drawn up in accordance with all established rules and should not be described by the physician in any form. There are only two final conclusions:

    1. The state of intoxication has been established.
    2. The state of intoxication has not been established.

    In the case where external signs of intoxication are evident, and the measurement of exhaled air does not show intoxication, a repeat measurement is carried out after 15-20 minutes. This can happen if a person has recently taken alcohol and the alcohol has not yet been absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and has not reached the bronchopulmonary system.

    If a repeated test does not show the presence of alcohol, but there are obvious external signs of intoxication, biomaterial (blood or urine) is collected. Based on the results of these checks, an official conclusion is made about the presence of drunkenness. But sometimes the stages of alcohol intoxication and their signs can give ambiguous results if you rely only on a blood test.

    Therefore, one cannot make a conclusion about a person’s condition based on the indicators of analysis alone. The final result is made based on two measurements (urine and blood):

    It is the totality of these indicators and the description of all external, visible signs and becomes the basis for determining a person’s intoxication/sobriety. At the same time, the absence of one of the necessary indicators indicates a gross violation of the rules for conducting a medical examination. In this case, a person can calmly challenge the findings in court.

    All violators, and especially drivers, should know that they do not have the right to refuse to undergo a medical examination. In this case, such a refusal entails the withdrawal of rights and the imposition of an administrative fine on the violator.

    If all checks are completed according to the completed referral and you do not agree with the results obtained, the person can undergo a re-examination at an independent clinic (but no more than 4-5 hours later).

    This procedure will be paid, but it will become a fundamental fact for confirming a person’s innocence in court. It is also necessary to understand that it is the presence of external signs of intoxication that serves as a reason for traffic police officers and management representatives (if the case occurs at work) to send a person for a medical examination. And you cannot refuse it.

    You cannot refuse to undergo any of the examination methods (blood sampling, urine sampling, breathalyzer testing). In this case, this will be regarded as a refusal to undergo a medical examination, and the person himself will be subject to administrative punishment.

    Drinking alcohol leads to behavioral disorders, mental and autonomic reactions. Understanding what the external and clinical signs of alcohol intoxication are, what the main stages of this condition are, can help you act correctly in a situation of inadequate manifestations of a drunk person. When drawing up a medical examination report, symptoms of intoxication are noted without fail.

    What is alcohol intoxication

    The set of neurological, autonomic, and mental disorders that occur to a person after drinking alcohol is called alcohol intoxication. The degree of influence that consumed alcohol has on the physical condition and behavior of an individual depends on a number of factors: age, physiological characteristics, and state of the body. A number of behavioral or clinical signs can determine the degree of intoxication.


    Medical science defines three stages of alcohol intoxication and their symptoms. They depend on the amount of alcohol consumed and are assigned to certain percentages of the concentration of ethanol breakdown products in the blood. Each stage has its own clinical and behavioral signs. There are mild, moderate and severe stages. From stage to stage, behavioral disorders intensify, well-being worsens, the adequacy of perception is disrupted, and the drunk person loses control over himself and his actions.

    Clinical signs of intoxication

    The symptoms of alcohol intoxication at each stage differ from each other. As the concentration of alcohol in the blood increases, the mental state of the drunk person changes, his ability to concentrate, control his emotions and his body. There are the following stages of intoxication:

    1. Light (ethanol concentration 0.5-1.5%). It is characterized by a surge of strength, a rise in mood, and the onset of mild euphoria. The person is sociable and emotionally excited. However, even with such small doses, a disturbance in concentration is observed, which can lead to serious negative consequences when performing complex work, operating vehicles or operating machinery.
    2. Moderate severity (1.5-2.5%). As intoxication increases, irritability, anger appear, and manifestations of aggression are possible. This effect is called dysphoric inebriation. Coordination of movements changes, and movement disorders are possible. Mental excitement gives way to lethargy and drowsiness. This stage ends with falling into deep sleep.
    3. Heavy (2.5-3%). A neurological disorder characterized by difficulty orienting oneself in space and time. Disturbances in the activity of the vestibular apparatus begin, consciousness is depressed (later this manifests itself in the form of amnesia), the pulse slows down, and respiratory disorders occur. The person may fall into an unconscious state.

    External signs

    As the degree of intoxication increases, the external signs of a drunken person become more and more apparent. You can recognize an individual who has consumed alcohol not only by the smell of alcohol. The state of the drunk is characterized by mental arousal, expressed in non-standard behavior. Motor activity, as a rule, increases, while the ability to coordinate movements worsens with each subsequent serving of alcohol. Each sign changes as the ethanol concentration increases.

    Change in pupils

    After the first doses of alcohol, the effect of “shiny eyes” appears. As the concentration of ethanol increases, the pupils dilate, because the speed of reaction to light decreases, and convergence is disrupted - the ability of the pupil to narrow and focus in a certain direction of gaze. In a severe stage of intoxication - in an alcoholic coma - anisocoria is possible (the pupils of the right and left eyes become different sizes).

    Signs of excitement

    At different stages, emotional and motor arousal manifests itself in different ways. At first, the excitement is pleasant, expressed as an increase in sociability and motor activity. As the concentration of ethanol increases, coordination of movements is disrupted, and emotional manifestations also get out of control. At a severe stage, pathological intoxication may occur, accompanied by paranoid or hysterical psychosis.

    Coordination disorder

    The ability to control your body becomes progressively worse from mild to severe stages. Coordination disorder is characterized by the inability to walk or stand straight, movements of the arms and legs become spontaneous, and the functioning of the vestibular apparatus is disrupted. In severe cases of intoxication, a person falls into a semi-conscious or unconscious state and loses the ability to move.

    Disorder of consciousness

    From a mild to a severe stage, a person who has consumed alcohol loses the ability to control the movements of his body and ceases to adequately recognize and evaluate what is happening to him. There is a reassessment of one’s own capabilities, which, with atypical intoxication, is replaced by a deterioration in mood, the adequacy of self-perception and perception of the surrounding reality is disrupted. In severe stages, there is a complete loss of control over one’s thoughts, which may be accompanied by hallucinations and delusions.

    Behavioral disorders

    Signs of inappropriate behavior when drinking alcohol can manifest themselves individually. When a person becomes aggressive, they may begin to provoke conflicts or fights. Moderate and severe conditions are characterized by behavior that is radically different from behavior when sober. Physically weak men demonstrate manifestations of strength, cowardly men show recklessness and courage, timid men show determination. An individual who has taken alcohol can, in a state of passion, perform actions dictated by desires and needs suppressed by a sober consciousness.

    Residual signs

    A residual sign of drunkenness is intoxication of the body, which occurs and worsens as the breakdown products of ethanol are removed from the body. Headaches, nausea and vomiting, dry mouth, dehydration, dizziness, severe weakness, pain in bones, muscles, aching joints and other symptoms of ethyl alcohol poisoning can last from 2 to 20 hours, depending on the condition of the body and the amount of alcohol consumed.

    If your worker appears in the office or at his place of work drunk, you should immediately draw up a report (using a sample) about the employee being intoxicated.

    Based of this document you need to send a colleague for a medical examination, after which, having all the grounds, the employer, if he decides, will fire the person who showed up to work in a drunken state.

    How to spot a drunk at work

    Signs that a colleague is intoxicated are as follows:

    • incoherent speech;
    • facial redness;
    • the smell of alcohol;
    • not an even gait.

    In this case, the employer needs to draw up an examination form, according to which the employee’s violation of the company’s charter and labor legislation will be recorded. And it will serve as a reason for removal from work.

    Punishment for going to work while drunk

    According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an entrepreneur can impose a fine on the offender, and has every reason to dismiss an employee.

    A drunkard can be fired if:

    • if a person came to work drunk and the manager drew up an act to remove the employee from work while intoxicated;
    • sufficiently compelling reason for exclusion from labor activity the appearance of an employee drunk on the company’s premises will serve as a consequence;
    • an act was drawn up indicating that the employee was in poor condition at the site where the employee was sent on instructions from the company;
    • if a person, while intoxicated, is absent from work for more than 4 hours.

    A drunk employee can harm himself and others, as well as cause material damage to the company and a blow to its image. There have been numerous examples of drunken people not performing their duties and jeopardizing the entire production process.

    The procedure for drawing up a document for a drunk

    A sample act should be kept in the company's HR department. It is necessary to draw up a protocol after the fact, if available at the workplace.

    The first step is for the offender's colleague or immediate supervisor to report the violation to the company official who manages such processes. Next, the authorized employee issues a decree, in the form established by the company, to convene an internal investigation commission against the violator.

    The commission is obliged to identify signs of an inappropriate state in a drunk person and draw up a report of being drunk at the workplace. The protocol requires confirmation of the violation by witnesses and, according to the document, the violator must give an explanation of his misconduct in writing.

    A person accused of drunkenness may refuse to give an explanation; then it should be indicated in the form that the offender did not write an explanatory note. The drinker will be asked to undergo a medical examination to identify signs of TC violation.

    If a medical report shows that the employee’s blood contains alcohol, then the employer can fire him and even if the latter goes to court, the law will be on the side of the company. The opposite is also true; the employee may refuse to undergo the examination.

    Test result

    A medical examination records several results:

    1. the employee had been drinking, but no signs of intoxication were found;
    2. the employee is intoxicated;
    3. observed;
    4. the type is not related to alcohol (for example: drugs);
    5. the person is sober;
    6. the person is sober, but his health is at a critical level.

    There have been many recorded cases where, due to the lack of hard evidence, employers lost lawsuits to dismissed employees. Therefore, it is important to persuade a person to undergo tests and correctly draw up a report on the employee being drunk at the workplace with all the necessary testimony of witnesses.

    Alcoholism is a disease caused by both psychological and physical dependence person from alcoholic beverages. Often, a person is pushed onto the path of addiction by reasons such as social insecurity, the negative example of relatives and friends, the inability to relieve stress in healthy ways, or simple lack of self-confidence. Depending on the characteristics of the drinker’s body and the amount of drink, a person may show various signs of intoxication.

    However, in any case, excessive libation will lead the drinker to the state of an unconscious animal, when only health care in the form of rescue infusions (droppers).

    Important: alcoholism also depends on the strength nervous system the patient may occur both with subsequent psychoses and disorders of consciousness, and without them. But in any of the cases, uncontrolled and prolonged use of ethanol in large quantities will lead the patient to degradation and dementia. And the reason for this is the worn-out and incapacitated liver under the influence of alcohol.

    Alcohol intoxication: definition and severity depending on the characteristics of the body

    Alcohol intoxication is a disorder of the nervous system under the influence of ethanol. It can manifest itself both mentally and somatically, neurologically. That is, ethanol affects either all body systems at once, or weaker ones. At the same time, the severity of the manifestations of an alcoholic “high” depends on the quantity, quality and type of drink. In addition, the severity of intoxication at the same doses and quality of alcohol may depend on a person’s sensitivity to ethanol, and on the physical component of the drinker’s body.

    The absorption of ethanol into the blood begins immediately after alcohol enters the stomach. At the same time, absorption can be slightly delayed if you eat high-quality and fatty foods. If you drink on an empty stomach, which alcoholics do at stages 2-3 of the disease, then the absorption of alcohol will be higher and faster.

    Important: it is worth knowing that sensitivity to ethanol increases significantly if a person is physically tired, prone to chronic lack of sleep, or is on the verge of nervous exhaustion. In addition, sensitivity to ethanol increases during periods of fasting, dieting, or exhaustion. Prolonged overheating or hypothermia can also provoke sudden intoxication of the drinker.

    Note that women, older people, children and adolescents are more sensitive to alcoholic beverages than the adult male population. At the same time, the body’s resistance to alcoholic drinks due to the presence of a large number of enzymes that can break down alcohol in the blood and neutralize it.

    Important: people of the Far North have a genetically low level of such enzymes, which means that the slightest dose of alcohol can put them in a coma. That is, such people have complete intolerance to alcohol. Similar cases occur among residents of other regions of Russia, but they are rare.

    Stages of alcohol intoxication and their signs

    Signs of alcohol intoxication may appear depending on its stage. Thus, professional narcologists distinguish three stages of alcohol intoxication with symptoms and signs inherent in each of them.

    Mild degree of intoxication

    The amount of ethanol in the blood in this case ranges from 20 to 100 mmol/l. A drunk person is slightly more excitable. The eyes shine, movements become more impetuous and slightly blurred. The person experiences some euphoria, relaxation and elation. Communication among friends and acquaintances becomes more lively and witty. It seems to a person that he is capable of moving mountains, and strives to prove it to everyone. With a slight degree of intoxication, attention becomes distracted, which is where blunders in work occur. And if a person notices his mistakes, it causes laughter. In addition, a mild degree of intoxication is characterized by rapid heartbeat and redness of the facial skin as a result of a rush of blood. There is an increased appetite and sexual desire. It is noteworthy that a decline in excitement (talkativeness, euphoria and relaxation) occurs after 2-5 hours, if you do not take more alcohol. In this case, the person falls into a drowsy state and goes to sleep. As a rule, there are no memory loss after such intoxication. And the person does not suffer from headaches or hangover.

    Average degree of intoxication

    Here, a person already has pronounced neurological disorders of the central nervous system (CNS), since the amount of ethanol in the blood is from 100 to 250 mmol/l. In this case, the person experiences an unsteady gait and impaired coordination of movements. Speech becomes incoherent, and if you want to perform a finger test, as a rule, an unclear hit occurs. Also, with an average degree of intoxication, a physically weak person may experience vomiting or nausea, which indicates that the body is rejecting alcohol. With moderate intoxication, the mood can change from good-natured to aggressive or embittered. It is worth noting that it is becoming increasingly difficult to attract the attention of such a person in a company, but at the same time the drinker is still oriented in space. As a rule, after waking up, a person who has brought himself to a moderate degree of alcohol intoxication will experience all the delights of toxic poisoning - headache, nausea, chills, dizziness. Occasional memory loss is also possible.

    Severe stage of alcohol intoxication

    When the blood alcohol concentration is from 250 to 400 mmol/l and above, a severe stage of intoxication occurs. In a person who has drunk a large number of alcoholic drinks, ataxia is observed (inability to stand on one’s own feet). In addition, the drinker experiences depression of consciousness. That is, the person is as if stunned and is not present in the environment. This condition may be characterized by unintelligible muttering or sharp shouting. In addition, a person in a severe stage of intoxication may exhibit the following signs:

    • Severe vomiting;
    • Urinary and possibly fecal incontinence;
    • Decreased body temperature, especially in the extremities;
    • It is impossible to bring a sick (drunk) patient back to consciousness even with the help of ammonia. After awakening, a person does not remember more of what happened to him.

    Important: in this condition, it is possible to fall into a coma due to excessive toxic effects on the liver. Especially if the drunk person drank such a dose of alcohol for the first time. They (such people), as a rule, need to be sent to a medical facility for emergency care.

    Pathologies of intoxication

    Doctors also distinguish between certain types of pathological intoxication that are characteristic of persons with various forms of psychosis (schizophrenia, etc.). In pathological intoxication, a person may only need a small enough dose of alcohol for his body to fall into transient psychosis. At the same time, the person outwardly remains almost similar to the sober people around. Such a drinker is betrayed by ridiculous, inappropriately thrown phrases, a state of prostration in relation to himself and those around him. At the same time, you can notice a person who is in a twilight state under the influence of pathological alcoholic intoxication only if he commits some unusual act that shocks society. People in this state are characterized by fears and a state of passion. Often it is in this state that all crimes are committed.

    Epileptoid intoxication

    If pathological intoxication transforms in a person into the so-called epileptoid form, then the state of detachment is replaced by severe excitability. Here the external signs of alcohol intoxication will look different. Their main manifestations will be aggression, anger, actions that are not justified by anything and are incomprehensible to others. At the same time, a person’s speech can be sharp, but at the same time completely meager. It is noteworthy that at this stage of intoxication a person does not have hallucinations. He is fully conscious.

    Paranoid intoxication

    In this case, the pathology is expressed by the fact that the drinker is in a state of paranoia. He sees danger and threat everywhere. Often such a person can be recognized by his state of uncontrollable horror. At the same time, the drinker may falsely recognize the person around him as the person who threatens him. As a rule, with the paranoid pathology of intoxication, anxious sleep occurs, followed by amnesia.

    Important: in Russia there are on average about 10 million alcohol dependent people who put their lives and health at enormous risk. This figure is 7% of the total population of the country. Every year their number is growing compared to 1999.