Emin Agalarov built a palace with glass walls on the shores of the Caspian Sea for his sons. Emin Agalarov: biography and personal life Modest people achieve nothing

Emin Agalarov - bright Star, which has rapidly risen on the horizon of modern show business. It’s hard not to love his songs, it’s hard not to remember his image. A languid voice, attractive appearance, sparkles in his eyes - fans go crazy about him. What do we know about Emin’s biography? We tried to find the most reliable and Interesting Facts from the life of a popular singer, which we will gladly share with our readers.

Emin Agalarov, biography: childhood

In the sunny capital of Azerbaijan, the city of Baku, on a winter day - December 12, 1979, Emin Agalarov was born. His parents, mother Irina and father Aras, had known each other since school and, after graduating from university, immediately sealed their relationship by marriage.

Emin was 4 when his parents left their hometown and moved to live in Moscow. But when the boy was old enough to enter school, he was sent to Switzerland for private education. When difficult times came in the 90s, Emin’s father and mother were also forced to leave Moscow and move to the United States; this was required by the family business. At the age of 15, after Emin graduated from a private Swiss school, he moved to his parents in the USA, where he successfully entered New York University to study business management.

What Emin Agalarov looked like as a child, photo:

Already during his studies, the guy’s skills as a businessman, which he inherited from his father, awakened. Emin opened his first online store, and soon Emin’s first real clothing store appeared in New Jersey. Then there were a couple of shoe boutiques on Madison Avenue and in New York itself.

In 2001, Emin left the states and returned to Russia. It was during this period that he received the position of commercial director of Crocus City Mall. The businessman also has several brand boutiques, owns the UBOAT watch brand and is the owner of the Crocus City Hall Concert Hall.

Emin has been drawn to music since childhood. Even as a 10-year-old boy, he admired the work of Elvis Presley. His first performance took place in New Jersey as part of the Mic Night project. Emin was 18 years old at the time. It was during that period that the future artist realized that between amateur creativity and professional activity there is a huge difference. And he set out to overcome it at all costs.

In 2006, the first album of the singer Still was released, which Alagarov released under the name Emin. From then to this day, Emin has created 6 albums, four of which were released in Russia, and two are international releases, the singer did them in collaboration with producer Brian Rowling.

Emin's English-language songs often became popular hits and occupied leading positions on the European charts. In 2011, Agalarov was nominated for a Grammy Award, and in 2012, the singer performed at Eurovision as a special guest. In Russia in 2014, Emin received the well-deserved Golden Gramophone award for the song “I live better than anyone else.”

Now Emin is working on promoting his latest albums and organizing concert tours throughout Russia.

Personal life of Emin Agalarov: wife, children

Since childhood, Emin has become accustomed to everything luxurious, rich and beautiful. It is not surprising that his chosen one was the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan, Leyla Aliyeva. The couple met by chance in 2005, on ski resort in Switzerland. There was immediate sympathy between them, and soon a serious relationship began.

Rumor has it that Leila’s high-ranking father did not at first favor his daughter’s newly made friend. But the girl in love did not listen to anyone and continued her relationship with Emin. A year later, the couple announced their engagement.

Photo of Emin Agalarovas by his wife Leila:

In 2006, Leila became the official wife of Emin Agalarov. Even before him, the girl was accustomed to the high life and already at the age of 20 became the owner of large foreign real estate. She also owns a significant stake in the Azerbaijan Aviation Company and a stake in a mobile communications company.

Considering Emin’s wealth and all of Leila’s possessions, it is not difficult to imagine the scale of their wedding. The newlyweds continued their celebrations for several days, first in Azerbaijan and then in Moscow. Outside observers agree that the couple are very suitable for each other. Both have excellent foreign education, both are smart, successful in business and good-looking.

When Emin Agalarov’s wife, Leila, two years after the wedding gave birth to her wife with two twin sons, she began to spend most of her time with the children in London. Although Emin himself was more in Moscow at that time. It was then that the couple was bombarded with rumors about a supposedly imminent or already completed divorce. But the family denied these rumors. Today the couple are happily married and live together.

Today, Emin Agalarov has strong family, raises two sons, develops his family enterprise Crocus International and continues his musical creativity. We will wait for new successes and beautiful songs from singer Emin, and we wish him good luck in all areas of life.

He furnished the house with everything necessary. The palace accommodated: a garage, a swimming pool, a jacuzzi, a cinema hall, a billiard room, a hammam, a sauna, a gym, several living rooms, 13 bedrooms, dining rooms, and terraces overlooking the river. The interior of the house is calm; Emin initially wanted a classic, strict style. He categorically did not like the bright and catchy design.

It turns out that Emin is also a collector, he has a large number of rare records and discs. All this greatness came to him after the death of his grandfather. He was happy to show various things that were important to him. The presenters noticed that in every room there were photographs of his children.

The singer says that he does not always live in this house. The house is more for having a great time with his children. But why such huge house? The composer has a ready answer:

"I dreamed of big family, wanted me to have 10 children, and they would not feel crowded in this house. So far I have 3 children, but I won’t stop there.” Emin has an apartment in the city, where he spends most of his time.

After showing the house, Emin also suggested taking a look at the garage. There were many beautiful cars there, everyone would envy such luxury. Ferrari, Hummer, Range Rover, Cadillac, Lamborghini, Rolls Royce, golf cart, motorcycle. It’s interesting, but all the cars, except Lamdorgini, were black, and this is not surprising, because Emin loves black.


In addition to the house, the singer also has an apartment in Moscow, New York and Baku. He is often asked where he prefers to live. Without hesitation, he answers. I'm happy where my children are. If they are in an apartment in Moscow today, then this is my home today; if they are in New York, then that means there. Emin was given an apartment in Moscow by his father 20 years ago. It is located in a prestigious area on top floor. Standing on the balcony, Emin admires the local city landscapes, with the Krasnaya Presnya district visible in the distance. The interior of the apartment is chic, all rooms are decorated in light colors. Emin has his own studio in his apartment, where he works and prepares for concerts.

In the video you can see his house.

Would you like to live in a palace?

    Emin Agalarov is a singer, author and composer, known to fans as Emin, the heir to one of the richest people in Russia Araz Agalarov, co-owner of the mega-concern Crocus Group, a talented entrepreneur and the father of two sons.

    We can say with confidence that this man was able to competently manage the benefits provided to him. However, his life path is not at all replete with beaten paths: through thorns to the stars - these are the words that can be used to describe his story.

    early years

    The love story of Araz Agalarov and Irina Grill can easily be called a classic - they were classmates at school, and after graduating from university (he was a polytechnic, she was a pedagogical university) they tied the knot. In the city of Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, on December 12, 1979, their first-born Emin Aras-oglu was born. A little later, a daughter, Sheila, appeared in the family.

    The Agalarov couple lived quite modestly, but always tried to provide their children with everything they needed - from parental warmth to material goods. Emin himself has strictly adhered to this position since he had children.

    In 1983, the Agalarov family moved to another capital - Moscow, choosing to live in a not very quiet area - Chertanovo. Here Amin began going to the district secondary school, where he fell into a disadvantaged company. Sensing something was wrong in time, the father, based on his life experience, decided to protect his son from bad influence and sent him to study in Switzerland.

    Emin – Forget you (2015)

    A closed private boarding school with its strictest discipline presupposed the development of strength of character. Until his 15th birthday, the boy grew up according to army regulations. But even in this environment, his innate businessman streak did not allow him to sleep peacefully. He organized card tournaments for money with his classmates, thus earning money for small personal needs.

    Business and Crocus Group

    The period of the “dashing 90s” found Emin in the USA. Here he began to be frantically drawn to business. In parallel with his studies in college, majoring in “Business Management in the Financial Industry,” he tried himself in various fields trade: online store with watches and nesting dolls, consulting customers of an electronics store, selling shoes. Later, being already wealthy and successful person, Emin noted that this experience gave him the opportunity to realize the true value of money and became the impetus for his business career.

    While developing his personality through the work of an ordinary salesman, Emin became more and more involved in his father’s business and in 2012, upon returning to Moscow, the Agalarov tandem of father and son began working at full capacity.

    Now their development company Crocus Group, founded in 1989, specializes in the construction and operation of exhibition and trade facilities under the leadership of first vice-president Emin Agalarov and owner Araz Agalarov. The Agalarov holding company owns several residential complexes, the grandiose trade and exhibition complex Crocus City, and even the Myakinino metro station.

    Musical career of Emin Agalarov

    Combining the features of a pragmatist and creative personality, Emin is also trying himself in the musical path. Just imagine how eclectic his musical taste is: from infancy, brought up on melodic romances performed by his grandmother, in a more conscious age he took Elvis Presley, the “king of rock and roll”, as his ideal star.

    One of Emin’s first performing “tests” took place at the age of 18 on the American show “Open Mic Night”. Then there were performances in bars, seemingly “for themselves.” However, even then, having felt a strong rush of adrenaline from going on stage, the one who in just a few years will gather a large horde of fans on solo concerts, decided that he was not going to give up what he loved.

    Emin - On the edge

    With a busy work schedule, it would seem that there is no time left for hobbies and relaxation. However, Emin’s perseverance and hard work marked 2006 with the release of his first album entitled “Still”. Next, a whole series of discs will be released: “Incredible”, “Obsession”, “Devotion”.

    2012 became a landmark year for the star performing under the pseudonym Emin - this included a nomination for “Discovery of the Year” at the international Grammy Awards and a performance at Eurovision as a guest star from home country.

    The same year - the release of the solo album “After The Thunder” with the feasible participation of producer Brian Rowling and collaboration on the same stage with pop diva Jennifer Lopez.

    2013 – significant performance at the Miss Universe competition. This already productive period ended with a very important event for fans of his work - the release of the first Russian-language album “On the Edge” with 14 tracks in the track list.

    2014 has just come into its own, and this worker has already presented his second album in Russian to the audience. “Frankly” included several duets with masters of the domestic pop scene: Grigory Leps, Stas Mikhailov, Soso Pavliashvili and Ani Lorak considered it an honor to record with a talent that was gaining popularity.

    Emin and Ani Lorak – I can’t say

    In the same year, the sensational hit “I Live Better than Everyone” won the Golden Gramophone. But Emin had no time to rest on his laurels - he went on tour around major cities Russia. In 2015, the result of the singer’s creative research was two more discs – “8 in the Fall” and “More Amor”.

    European and Russian chat rooms quite often open their first steps to the hits of the singer Emin, and tickets for his concerts sell out in innumerable quantities. It’s hard not to notice such a bright star, stubbornly burning at any cost, in the firmament of show business. But at the beginning creative path critics did not favor Emin at all. “Just sing, sing for your own pleasure,” the artist seemed to justify himself then.

    Personal life of Emin Agalarov

    In his interviews, Emin has repeatedly confessed that he can like absolutely any girl, but this does not mean that it will be easy for her to get along with him. After all, by his own admission, he is not at all as sweet as he seems at first glance. A wealthy handsome man, a dream and ideal for many representatives of the fair half of humanity, and he chose a wife that corresponds to his status. Neither more nor less - the daughter of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.

    "Sea of ​​Revelations": exclusive interview Emina Agalarova

    Leyla Aliyeva, an Azerbaijani beauty, captivated Emin so deeply that the plan to win her heart, in his opinion, had to strictly follow the traditions of her people. Emin asked her father's permission before simply starting to court the girl.

    In 2006, after some time of the candy-bouquet period, the couple legalized their relationship. It was decided to celebrate this event not with one, but with two magnificent weddings- in Baku and Moscow. Emin and Leila were congratulated on their marriage by many significant personalities, including Vladimir Putin and George Bush.

    Two years later, the happy couple became at least twice as happy. After all, two charming twin babies were born at once - Mikail and Ali. After this event, some discord began in Emin’s family, and the reason for this was the coldness in the relationship with his wife, which was followed by travel: he to Moscow, she and the children to London.

    Emin tried to spend every weekend with his family, but time took its toll. No longer wanting to imitate an outwardly prosperous family life, On May 30, 2015, Emin and Leila published a confession about their separation in three languages ​​on their pages on social networks. “We remain friends” was the final verdict of this couple.

    Nothing really changed in the lives of Emin’s sons after their parents’ separation. Just like Araz and Irina once did, Emin and Leila set the well-being of their children as the goal of their lives. Moreover, even after the breakup, Emin enjoys communicating with Leila’s adopted daughter, Amina Aliyeva.

    Emin Agalarov is hard not to notice in the firmament of show business. This bright young man won hundreds of women's hearts thanks to his attractive appearance and pleasant voice. However, a musical career is not his only path. He successfully combines this activity with an even more promising one financially, namely the post of head of the Crocus Group company, and it is no coincidence, because the management of the company passed to Emin from his father. How does this active young man manage to do everything?

    Childhood, biography of Emin Agalarov

    Emin Oras-ogly Agalarov was born on December 12, 1979 in the capital of Azerbaijan, the city of Baku. His father’s name is Aras, and his mother’s name is Irina. His parents went to school together and after graduating from universities they united their hearts. When Emin was 4 years old, his family moved to Moscow, and the boy himself was sent to Switzerland to study at a private school. IN troubled times In the 90s, namely in 1994, my parents also moved from Russia to the USA, as required by my father’s business. Now Emin’s father, who is the owner and president of Crocus Group, is considered one of the richest people in Russia. Emin himself, having moved from Switzerland, stayed with his parents in the states until 2001, where he graduated from college with a degree in Business Management in the Financial Sector.

    That's where he started his musical career. His debut performance took place when the young man was 18 years old. Since childhood, Emin adored Elvis Presley’s compositions and literally listened to them. For some time, Emin performed in cafes and restaurants, and released his first album only in 2006, already in Russia.

    Living in the states, Emin combined study and work. There he began to lead small business, and also helped his father in his company. Years later, in 2012, he became vice president at Crocus Group. In running the business of entertainment establishments, Emin pays special attention to the introduction of new and modern solutions in holding events, as well as changing the concept of organizing leisure and recreation. His empire includes shopping and entertainment centers, a yacht club, a business center, restaurants and a concert complex, where he often gives his own concerts. Emin's business activities are successfully combined with musical career and even leaves time for several hobbies.

    Emina's musical career

    The young man performs under the creative pseudonym Emin. During his musical career, Agalarov released 6 albums, 4 of which he recorded in Russia, and 2 more were the fruit of collaboration with such a world-famous producer as Brian Rowling. Emin's songs often become hits. Since the singer mainly releases singles on English language, this opens the doors for him to the European charts, where he often occupies the top positions. However, the singer recorded several compositions in Russian.

    Personal life of Emin Agalarov

    2006 became a landmark year for Emin. He not only released his first album, entitled “Still,” but also walked down the aisle. His chosen one was not just anyone, but the daughter of the president of his native Azerbaijan Leyla Aliyeva. The presidents of the Russian Federation and the United States even congratulated him on his marriage, and it was decided to hold the celebration itself twice - in Baku and Moscow.

    After 2 years, his wife gave him two wonderful twin sons - Mikail and Ali. The family decided to live in different countries. Leila and her sons live in London, and Emin conducts his business in Moscow, but flies to his family every weekend.

    However, on May 30, 2015, Leyla Aliyeva reported on her Instagram that the marriage, which had long become a pure formality, ended in an official divorce.

    Emin Agalarov with children:

    Emin Agalarov is shining example a man who, although he got a good start from his father, was able to increase all the acquired knowledge and assets, and also win the hearts of millions of fans.

    Read about other most wonderful and handsome male musicians

    We can say with confidence that this man was able to competently manage the benefits provided to him. However, his life path is by no means replete with beaten paths: through thorns to the stars - these are the words that can be used to describe his story.

    early years

    The love story of Araz Agalarov and Irina Grill can easily be called a classic - they were classmates at school, and after graduating from university (he was a polytechnic, she was a pedagogical university) they tied the knot. In the city of Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, on December 12, 1979, their first-born Emin Aras-oglu was born. A little later, a daughter, Sheila, appeared in the family.

    The Agalarov couple lived quite modestly, but always tried to provide their children with everything they needed - from parental warmth to material goods. Emin himself has strictly adhered to this position since he had children.

    In 1983, the Agalarov family moved to another capital - Moscow, choosing to live in a not very quiet area - Chertanovo. Here Amin began going to the district secondary school, where he fell into a disadvantaged company. Sensing something was wrong in time, the father, based on his life experience, decided to protect his son from bad influence and sent him to study in Switzerland.
    A closed private boarding school with its strictest discipline presupposed the development of strength of character. Until his 15th birthday, the boy grew up according to army regulations. But even in this environment, his innate businessman streak did not allow him to sleep peacefully. He organized card tournaments for money with his classmates, thus earning money for small personal needs.

    Business and Crocus Group

    The period of the “dashing 90s” found Emin in the USA. Here he began to be frantically drawn to business. In parallel with his studies in college, majoring in “Business Management in the Financial Industry,” he tried himself in various areas of trade: an online store with watches and nesting dolls, consulting customers in an electronics store, selling shoes. Later, already a wealthy and successful man, Emin noted that this experience gave him the opportunity to realize the true value of money and became the impetus for his business career.

    While developing his personality through the work of an ordinary salesman, Emin became more and more involved in his father’s business and in 2012, upon returning to Moscow, the Agalarov tandem of father and son began working at full capacity.

    Now their development company Crocus Group, founded in 1989, specializes in the construction and operation of exhibition and trade facilities under the leadership of first vice-president Emin Agalarov and owner Araz Agalarov. The Agalarov holding company owns several residential complexes, the grandiose trade and exhibition complex Crocus City, and even the Myakinino metro station.

    Musical career of Emin Agalarov

    Combining the traits of a pragmatist and a creative personality, Emin also tries himself in the musical path. Just imagine how eclectic his musical taste is: from infancy, brought up on melodic romances performed by his grandmother, in a more conscious age he took Elvis Presley, the “King of Rock and Roll”, as his ideal star.

    One of Emin’s first performing “tests” took place at the age of 18 on the American show “Open Mic Night”. Then there were performances in bars, seemingly “for themselves.” However, even then, having felt a strong rush of adrenaline from going on stage, the one who in just a few years would gather a large horde of fans at solo concerts, decided that he was not going to retreat from what he loved.
    With a busy work schedule, it would seem that there is no time left for hobbies and relaxation. However, Emin’s perseverance and hard work marked 2006 with the release of his first album entitled “Still”. Next, a whole series of discs will be released: “Incredible”, “Obsession”, “Devotion”.
    2012 was a landmark year for the star, performing under the pseudonym Emin, with a nomination for “Discovery of the Year” at the international Grammy Awards and a performance at Eurovision as a guest star from his native country. The same year - the release of the solo album “After The Thunder” with the feasible participation of producer Brian Rowling and collaboration on the same platform with pop diva Jennifer Lopez.

    2013 - significant performance at the Miss Universe competition. This already productive period ended with a very important event for fans of his work - the release of the first Russian-language album “On the Edge” with 14 tracks in the track list.
    2014 has just come into its own, and this worker has already presented his second album in Russian to the audience. “Frankly” includes several duets with masters of the domestic pop scene: Grigory Leps, Stas Mikhailov, Soso Pavliashvili and Ani Lorak considered it an honor to record with the increasingly popular talent.

    In the same year, the sensational hit “I Live Better than Everyone” won the Golden Gramophone. But Emin had no time to rest on his laurels - he went on tour to major Russian cities. In 2015, the result of the singer’s creative research was two more discs - “8 in the Fall” and “More Amor”.
    European and Russian chat rooms quite often open their first steps to the hits of the singer Emin, and tickets for his concerts sell out in innumerable quantities. It’s hard not to notice such a bright star, stubbornly burning at any cost, in the firmament of show business. But at the beginning of his creative career, critics did not favor Emin at all. “Just sing, sing for your own pleasure,” the artist seemed to justify himself then.

    Personal life of Emin Agalarov

    In his interviews, Emin has repeatedly confessed that he can like absolutely any girl, but this does not mean that it will be easy for her to get along with him. After all, by his own admission, he is not at all as sweet as he seems at first glance. A wealthy handsome man, a dream and ideal for many representatives of the fair half of humanity, and he chose a wife that corresponds to his status. Neither more nor less - the daughter of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.
    eila Aliyeva, an Azerbaijani beauty, captivated Emin so deeply that the plan to win her heart, in his opinion, had to strictly follow the traditions of her people. Emin asked her father's permission before simply starting to court the girl.

    In 2006, after some time of the candy-bouquet period, the couple legalized their relationship. It was decided to celebrate this event with not one, but two magnificent weddings - in Baku and Moscow. Emin and Leila were congratulated on their marriage by many significant personalities, including Vladimir Putin and George Bush.
    Two years later, the happy couple became at least twice as happy. After all, two charming twin babies were born at once - Mikail and Ali. After this event, some discord began in Emin’s family, and the reason for this was the coldness in the relationship with his wife, which was followed by travel: he to Moscow, she and the children to London.

    Emin tried to spend every weekend with his family, but time took its toll. No longer wanting to imitate an outwardly prosperous family life, on May 30, 2015, Emin and Leila published a confession about their separation in three languages ​​on their social media pages. “We remain friends” was the final verdict of this couple.

    Nothing really changed in the lives of Emin’s sons after their parents’ separation. Just like Araz and Irina once did, Emin and Leila set the well-being of their children as the goal of their lives. Moreover, even after the breakup, Emin enjoys communicating with Leila’s adopted daughter, Amina Aliyeva.

    In December 2016, Emin came out with 29-year-old Alena Gavrilova. Their romance began in July of the same year. The girl is a model and has the title “Miss Mordovia 2004”. Alena has a son, Rustam, from her previous marriage to businessman Ruslan Tariko.

    Presumably on July 14, 2018, the lovers got married, after which they went on their honeymoon to Baku.

    Emin Agalarov now

    Emin's achievements for anyone an ordinary person may seem unrealistic. But the purposeful handsome man is not going to stop - the more you have, the more you want.

    It is not enough to describe Emin Agalarov’s subordinate projects in just words; here you need to feel all the power and strength invested in these enterprises. It is in charge of the Crocus City Mall shopping complex and the huge multi-level concert hall Crocus City Hall; the only chain of shopping and entertainment complexes “Vegas” in the Russian capital; many fashionable restaurant establishments, one of which was opened in collaboration with Max Fadeev, the Sea Breeze Resort development project on the shores of the Caspian Sea, in Nardaran, where little Emin often spent his carefree summers.
    Music - what Emin lives and breathes - merges so organically with his business career that fans have the opportunity to enjoy the new work of their idol almost non-stop.

    New songs, albums, videos - the galaxy of his creative achievements cannot be counted, if only because they continue to be replenished day by day, as if by magic.

    Time, tell me: what is destined for me?
    What is my essence: to fly like a bird or to fall to the bottom?
    The wings in my soul call me to seek my happiness in the distance.
    I am for love that hurts my heart - I am ready to give everything!

    Fate spins me around like the wind, like an autumn leaf.
    I played with her, fell, but always rose up again.
    I will say to enemies and troubles with a smile: “I am happy in reality,
    There are just wings in my soul, my soul. “That’s how I live!”
    I live like this, so what if my whole life is dry wine?
    The stronger I am, the better the taste. I'm not afraid of anything anymore.
    This is how I live, my path is sinful - but I can’t turn back time.
    As long as love is in my soul, I live the best life!