Better vk 30.01 p. Computer service expert

Review of the German Tier VI medium tank VK 30.01 (D)

In today's series of reviews tanks World of Tanks I suggest you consider combat characteristics German medium tank tier 6 VK 30.01 (D). This tank was introduced into the game relatively recently, in update 0.8.5, there is still very little information on it, so let's look at all its qualities.

VK 30.01 (D) is a medium tank, its distinctive feature is good review, excellent dynamics for a Tier 6 tank, a classic accurate German gun and weak armor. What distinguishes it from most other German tanks is that it has a classic layout, that is, the transmission and engine are located at the rear and side by side, and not longitudinally (the transmission is in the front, the engine is in the rear - according to game mechanics, the engine and transmission are one and because of this layout German tanks often burn when hit by NLD), which makes it not as burning as most other creations of the gloomy German genius.

Dynamics and speed

Speed ​​and dynamic characteristics are one of strengths this tank. Maximum speed is 56 km/h, and the chassis turning speed is 38 degrees per second. The maximum speed is slightly higher than that of its main competitor - the T-34-85, but the turning speed of the chassis is at the same level. However, thanks to the 700 hp engine. With. and weighing 33 tons, the ratio of the number of horses per ton is higher than that of the T-34-85, which makes it more dynamic, that is, it allows it to gain speed faster. At the same time, the tank weighs only one ton more, which makes it possible to sometimes use a ram against some other medium tanks of the 6th level.

However, the turret traverse speed of the VK 30.01 (D) is lower than that of the T-34-85, so when equal conditions chances of twisting the enemy Soviet tank still more.


The armor of the tank leaves much to be desired, but we must remember that almost all tanks have it like this and as compensation we have good speed and dynamics. The characteristics of the armor can also be compared with the Soviet T-34-85; the German in question has a similar thickness and has the same rational angles of inclination. However, the VK 30.01 (D) has a greater thickness of armor in the front of the hull (60 mm), but less in the sides (40 mm). In the stern, the German tank also has a greater thickness of armor (50 mm versus 40 for the T-34-85), but this does not matter, since almost all tanks penetrate into the stern anyway.

The situation with the turret's armor is worse; it does not have rational angles of inclination or screens and the thickness of the armor is 80 mm in the forehead and 45 mm in the sides and rear. For comparison: the T-34-85’s turret is a ricochet turret, and its armor thickness is almost 2 times greater. That is, the enemy has a chance to inflict damage on us directly to the forehead of the turret, simultaneously damaging the gun and crew members.

Thus, weak points The tank consists of the sides, stern and turret.


We are armed with a classic, accurate German gun. We will not consider the pre-top gun, but the top gun is an example German quality. The T-34-85 nervously smokes on the side with its 85 mm barrel. Yes, the caliber of the VK 30.01 (D) gun is 75 mm, which is 10 mm less... And this is the only indicator in which it is inferior to the Soviet ST gun. In all other parameters, it is significantly superior to the Soviet one: 2 times more ammunition (120 shells), armor penetration and damage with the basic projectile are several units lower, but penetration by armor-piercing sub-caliber projectiles is much higher (damage to AP/BP/HE is 135/135/175, and penetration 150/194/38), while in one minute the German ST fires 3 more shots, which makes its DPM higher than that of its competitor.

Not to mention the accuracy German gun- This distinguishing feature all German tanks. This particular tank's gun - the 7.5 cm KwK L70 - is accurate, fast-firing and has not the worst penetration rate with a basic shell and excellent armor-piercing sub-caliber.

In addition, the VK 30.01 (D) has good gun depression angles due to the forward position of the turret, which does not allow it to fire from the opposite slope of a hill, but does not create problems on hilly terrain.

Communication range and visibility

The tank has a visibility of 370 meters and a communication range of 710 meters. If the visibility is not great (but still greater than the average of your classmates), then the communication range is simply excellent; the radio station allows you to transmit intelligence data to almost the entire map. That is, even if you are left alone, you will somehow be able to count on the support of allied artillery.

The visibility of the tank is standard for a level 6 ST, the tank glows well in the bushes at close range, but from dense thickets or from the forest you can play a great sniper, the tank will not be illuminated. One way or another, camouflage can be increased by the skills of the crew, if necessary.


Close range combat is not good choice for this tank. The rate of fire and dynamics, of course, allow you to spin a lone enemy, but the whole problem lies in the weak armor of the VK 30.02 (D). It would not be difficult for a competent enemy to remove our track or damage the engine, and then disassemble it without any problems. For this reason, it is better to try to avoid close encounters.

At medium distances the tank already feels much more confident - an accurate weapon allows you to target vulnerabilities enemy. However, like any ST, VK30.01 (D) is recommended to use all kinds of buildings or objects and terrain folds for cover, since weak armor allows the enemy to cause damage by simply shooting at our silhouette. Excellent dynamic performance allows you to roll out, cause damage and roll, then roll out on the other side and also cause damage. You should shoot at an enemy who is distracted by your ally without rolling; a rapid-fire weapon allows you to very quickly knock out health points from him. If there are no shelters on the ground, then you should definitely place the tank at an angle to the enemy, and under no circumstances stop to shoot. The dispersion of the gun is small, so you should move back and forth and rotate your body to shoot at the enemy, then there is a possibility that the enemy’s shell will ricochet off your armor.

At long distances the tank generally feels great. VK 30.01 (D) allows you to conduct the tactics of a “sniper from the bushes”, this is facilitated by not the worst visibility, and, most importantly, an accurate, rapid-fire weapon.

The optimal combat plan for this tank is as follows:

  • at the beginning of the battle we look for a suitable hill with bushes and stand there, the dynamics of the tank allow us to do this quite quickly
  • We wait until the allied fireflies make the initial light. We spend some time shooting from the bushes according to someone else's light
  • when the allies begin to intensively press the flank, we rush to their aid, but try to stay behind
  • if the flank is crushed, we break through to the enemy base and destroy the artillery
  • depending on the situation, we stand up to capture or go to finish off the remaining enemies

Sometimes the situation requires returning to your base and knocking down the capture; if there is only one enemy there, we boldly rush into the base and try to wrap it up; if 2 or more opponents are trying to capture the base, you should approach carefully, illuminate them from the nearest bushes and shoot them down from the bushes as well capture If you are discovered, we look for cover, without ceasing to shoot.

In certain situations, it makes sense to immediately go for a breakthrough, but this is risky and usually ineffective, since the tank’s armor is still rather weak.


The crew of the VK 30.02 (D) consists of five people: commander, driver, radio operator, gunner and loader. Despite the fact that many recommend that everyone first learn repairs, I, based on the sniper tactics given above, recommend that everyone except the commander first learn camouflage, and the commander “sixth sense.” I advise many STs to do this, but especially for this tank, because greatest benefit You can bring it to the team by dealing damage from the bushes so that the enemy doesn’t even notice you. The driver mechanic needs to learn smooth movement in order to reduce dispersion when firing on the move, the gunner needs to smoothly rotate the turret for the same purposes, the radio operator needs to learn radio interception to increase the communication range, and the loader needs to learn non-contact ammunition racks to prevent its detonation. The sequence of learning skills is as follows:

  • Commander: sixth sense, repair, camouflage
  • Driver mechanic: camouflage, repairs, smooth ride
  • Gunner: camouflage, repairs, smooth turret rotation
  • Radio operator: camouflage, repairs, radio interception
  • Loader: camouflage, repair, non-contact ammunition rack.

Equipment and gear

The VK 30.01 (D) is equipped with a “universal” set of equipment that fits almost all tanks: a gun rammer to increase the DPM, aiming drives for faster aiming and improved ventilation to enhance all parameters of the tank as a whole. Instead of reinforced aiming drives for ambush tactics, you can install coated optics, but then the tank will not be as versatile.

We take with us a standard set of equipment into battle: a first aid kit, a repair kit and a fire extinguisher. Since the tank doesn't burn as often as most German tanks, the fire extinguisher can be replaced with chocolate to boost the tank's performance a little more.

You should also take 10-15 armor-piercing sabot shells into battle, since you often need to inflict damage on a heavily armored enemy. The rest are ordinary armor-piercing ones.

In general, the tank turned out to be quite specific: having excellent dynamics and good gun, it has virtually no armor. This is its main difficulty: the player, feeling that the tank shoots well and reloads quickly, forgets about caution and drives out into a crowd of opponents, as a result of which he quickly goes to the hangar. In no case should you do this; perhaps in some cases the breakthrough will be successful, but in 9 out of 10 battles this will lead to a clear loss. A tank requires a certain skill, patience, coordinated actions and maximum caution. It most likely cannot be called interesting and fun, since at the sixth level there are more interesting specimens, however, this tank allows you to open the next one in the VK 30.02 (D) branch, without forcing the player to experience any discomfort or difficulty when playing on it .

If you have comments, additions or suggestions, please leave them in the comments to the article

Thank you and good luck in the random!

Researched at PZ 4 for 26,235 experience.

Order of studying modules

  • First, let's examine the engine. It must be said that with the stock engine the tank moves at the speed of a KV-4 (which is very, very slow). With the second engine, the tank acquires normal mobility for an ST.
  • Now we research and buy chassis
  • Now the tower. It adds 100 HP and is pretty well armored
  • Now let's move on to the guns. 7.5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/48 - Stock gun, unremarkable. Not bad for level 6. 10.5 cm Kw.K. L/28 high explosive. But with a high explosive at level 6?.. 7.5 cm KwK L70 is the best of all installed on this tank. Loses 8.8 cm Kw.K. 36 L/56 in alpha (one-time) damage, but surpasses it in accuracy, reload speed and penetration. Personally, I ride with this gun
  • Walkie-talkies should have been explored a long time ago
  • for 45,100 experience.


Use in combat

The tank is bad in stock. Very bad. The speed is at the level of the slowest TTs, the gun does not penetrate anyone and, in addition, has low damage. The VK has weak armor and a square shape like all German tanks, so it gets through often and dies quickly. With further upgrades and installation of new modules, the tank receives an accurate penetrating gun and a speed of 60 km per hour. Although our tank is quite large, it is quite difficult to hit it at such speed.
The best tactics would be to support your allies and bypass enemies on the flanks and from the rear. Speed ​​will allow us to apply fast strikes and go back. Flattery is not worth asking because of weak armor. You can also use sniper tactics; an accurate gun will help us with this, allowing us to target weak points opponents.

One of the advantages of the VK is the strong frontal armor of the turret, in particular the gun mantlet. From all this comes the tactics of playing from the tower.
Also, the VK, like all German tanks, suffers on poor soils, so it would not be superfluous to upgrade tank crews with the appropriate skills, for example, mech-water - the king of off-road conditions.

Equipment and gear

Our strongest point is the weapon, so it’s worth putting rammer. You can also put stereo tube And reinforced aiming drives.

Standard equipment: first aid kit, repair kit and fire extinguisher.

Crew skills

You should definitely download repair, as indeed with any tank. VK is German, so its cross-country ability is not anything good, because of this it is advisable to pump fur-water off-road king And virtuoso, smooth running. VK has good accuracy, so you can download eagle eye, disguise And radio interception.


35-37 armor-piercing, 10 gold and 5 landmines.

That's all about this tank. I hope you liked my guide.

Prepared by: dfk33

VK 30.01 P is good from all sides. All that remains is to learn how to play it effectively. To always get good results, you need to not only use its excellent damage. Equally important is to make the most of the excellent speed of this German medium tank. After watching this film, you will learn how to correctly and timely change positions in battle, as well as fight alone against large group opponents. Surely this will allow you to avoid mistakes in your battles and quickly learn how to play on VK 30.01 (P) or on VK 30.01 R. Many thanks to the player gus9i, who posted the battle on wotreplays, thanks to which our lesson turned out to be especially beautiful. Link to replay - Funny sayings, tips, interesting voice acting, important secrets of victory. Good fight commentary wot game(World of Tanks). Funny sayings, tips, interesting voice acting, important secrets of victory. A good commentary on the battle in the game wot (World of Tanks). This lesson is suitable for both beginners and experienced players, because it's never too late to learn. And learning and having fun at the same time is generally great. I'm always glad to see your likes, comments and motivated criticism of the video and my game! I'm waiting for you on my channel, subscribe and we will do it with you best videos according to our favorite game World of Tanks. Music used (only those works are listed, the indication of which in the video description is required at the request of You Tube): The composition "Cortosis - Scoring Action" belongs to the performer Kevin MacLeod. License: Creative Commons Attribution (). Original version: Executor: The composition "Failing Defense" belongs to the performer Kevin MacLeod. License: Creative Commons Attribution ( Original version: Executor: The composition "Dangerous" belongs to the performer Kevin MacLeod. License: Creative Commons Attribution ( Original version: Executor: The composition "Crusade - Video Classica" belongs to the performer Kevin MacLeod. License: Creative Commons Attribution ( Original version: Executor: The composition "First Call" belongs to the performer Kevin MacLeod. License: Creative Commons Attribution ( Original version: Executor: The composition "Hyperfun" belongs to the performer Kevin MacLeod. License: Creative Commons Attribution ( Original version: Executor: Don't know VK 30.01 P how to play? Haven’t learned VK 30.01 (P) how to play, VK 30.01 P how to play, VK 30.01 how to play? VK 30.01 P guide, VK 30.01 (P) guide, VK 30.01 P guide, VK 30.01 P review, VK 30.01 P review, VK 30.01 (P) review, VK 30.01 P review, VK 30.01 review, VK 30.01 P equipment and VK 30.01 ( P) equipment - that's what awaits you. But you won’t see VK 30.01 P stock, VK 30.01 (P) stock, and VK 30.01 P jov, VK 30.01 (P) jov in this video. But you will see VK 30.01 P master, VK 30.01 (P) master, VK 30.01 P master, VK 30.01 P wot! But you will see VK 30.01 P wot!

Hi all. Today I will tell you about my notes on the Vk30.01P tank.


The tank is in stock

I have owned it since 08/1/15

About modules

During all this time I managed to pump up the chassis. There are plans to upgrade the 8.8 cm Kwk 36L/56 gun.

Upgrade plan

  • 1) Chassis - yes
  • 2) Top gun - Yes
  • 3) Tower-Yes
  • 4) Gun 7.5 cm Kwk 42L/70 - Yes
  • 5) Tower-Yes
  • 6) Engine

About the tank

  • Now I'm in stock. Tank on at the moment headache. Like all stock tanks, it has a bunch of shortcomings. Let's start with the fact that you feel constantly disadvantaged. After all, most often it throws me to level 8. On this level I can’t provide adequate resistance, so I’m going with my allies and trying to help at least a little. Sometimes this happens by the way. There was a fight when I calmly killed an AMX CDC with two splashes. He stood sideways to me. Therefore, it was not difficult to break through it. The rest of the tanks are in trouble. Most often I caught enemy “fireflies” and quickly dealt with them. With the advent of the "bulldogs" the life of our tank did not get much worse. After all, our armor is something between foil and cardboard + square shapes. In general, it’s better for us not to butt heads with the “buddog” at close range.
  • On city maps, diamond tactics and playing from the side often work, especially in Khimki. At our level, we can still bend and even destroy weak enemy equipment. We're not very maneuverable, but that's it for now.
  • I asked my friends for their opinion about the tank. For the most part, it is unfortunately negative precisely because of the tank’s shortcomings
  • The tank, if you look at it this way, is undersized, it has the habits of a Tiger, in terms of size, but does not have a normal weapon

Our pros and cons

Excellent speed

Tower front armor

Tower location

  • -Armor (3 splashes and we’re in the hangar)
  • -No armor tilt
  • -It is not possible to penetrate level 8 tanks (to which we are often thrown)
  • -Dimensions and maneuverability

Stock gun

Our weapon is not bad for our level

  • Average damage 110/110/175
  • Breakthrough 110/158/38

But the accuracy is quite poor. It’s annoying when at a crucial moment a shell flies God knows where

Gun 8.8 cm Kw.k. 36L/56

A top weapon, it pleases with stable damage of 220 HP, sometimes it reaches 280. And for weakly armored targets it’s all 350 HP. But with little armor penetration, from my point of view. We are not able to penetrate some tanks. Then you have to track down the hatches or put them on the harp. Thanks to the small spread, we only occasionally mow. And the gun is simply lovely, unlike the 7.5 cm Kw.K. 42L/70. The 7.5 gun is larger than a hole puncher with less spread and reload time

Gun 7.5 cm Kw.K. 42L/70.

"Hole puncher" with a fairly short reload time and a small spread. Also, armor penetration is 18mm greater than that of the top-end one. But the damage is 135. I didn’t like the gun with its aiming time of 2.3 seconds, it’s not always possible to shoot accurately and over long distances. The weapon is more suitable for close combat and medium distances. This weapon cannot boast of sniper characteristics.

Gun 10.5 cm Kw.K. L/28

Land mine. With very little penetration of 64 and high damage of 350. Using this weapon I fought 10 battles. I’ll say right away the purpose of this weapon is to shoot down the enemy’s tracks, sometimes shooting at the sides at medium and close range. Sometimes we deal with art with a one-shot. This weapon is fading into the background for us.

Which weapon should I choose?

Now the choice is between Penetration and Damage. My choice fell on the 8.8 cm Kw.k gun. 36L/56. I consider it top-end and convenient enough to conduct active offensive and defensive operations. A tank with this gun gives heat to the T-150, which tries to play off the harp and ISam, piercing them into the lower armor plate or on the “cheeks”. I do not exclude the possibility of using a “hole punch”, but for me it is more convenient to use this tool.

I'm being tossed around

I specifically noticed what levels it throws me to

  • Out of 10 fights:
  • 6 fights to level 8
  • 4 battles to level 6

We are at the top

Unified tactics

Information will be available in the near future

About modules

I talked about the guns above. Now I’ll tell you about the other modules of this tank

Driving properties

  • Engine 2x Porsche Typ 100/1-600hp (already available)
  • Engine 2x Porsche Typ 100/3-720hp (everything would be fine, but I’m too lazy to pump it)
  • Chassis VK 30.01 (P) verstärkteketten - turning speed 28 deg/s


VK 30.01 (P) Krupp Turm - fairly armored turret - 100/82/82.

  • Turret rotation speed 28 g/s
  • overview 370m


  • FuG 12-Top radio station. 710m communication range. It is recommended to upgrade
  • FuG 7 is a radio station that I currently have, 415 m communication range, so far I’m satisfied

Chronology of events

08/15/15 - pumped up the chassis and turret

08/16/15 - pumped up the guns

08/17/15 - bleed the engine

What kind of blog is this?

I decided to try to write a dynamic guide in the form of notes. What is this??

Dynamic guide - gradually developing blog. Notes that convey the author's knowledge.

In a tank unit, these notes will provide quite a lot of in-depth information about a given vehicle, and all this is performed as a test of the vehicle.

If you like it, I can continue to supplement the database with similar blogs and update them.

I'm waiting for your opinion.

Hello everyone, today's guide will be dedicated to the German TT5 VK 30.01 (H)

I rode this tank for a long time and only before it was rebalanced (when it was still an ST), so everything that will be written below will be based only on the theory I read about this tank

This “henschel” is researched for 13,600 experience and costs 410,000 silver. After it, you can go along the German TT branch at the end with E100 (by researching and purchasing VK 36.01 H (27,000 experience, 935,000 silver)) and along the German ST branch at the end with E50M (by researching and purchasing VK 30.02 M (27,350 experience, 915,000 silver) )

On September 9, 1938, Henschel received permission to continue development of a new medium tank as a continuation of the DW project. Work on further development DW - VK3001(H) has started. Two similar prototypes were created: light (32 tons) VK3001(H) and heavy (40 tons) VK3601(H). Only 4 VK3001(H) prototypes were produced, two in March 1941 and the other two in October 1941. Initially it was planned to arm the VK3001(H) 75mm. L/24 or 105mm gun. L/28, but in reality, no turret was ever installed on any prototype. Both projects were implemented into completed prototypes. But their further development was stopped due to the start of development of the VK4501(H)-Tiger I. The turrets manufactured for both projects were never installed on the prototypes, instead they were used in the fortifications - Panzerstellung. In March 1941, two VK3001(H) were ready and were converted into self-propelled guns, armed with 128mm. guns Pak 40 L/61 - Selbstfahrlafette 12.8cm. The other two prototypes, which were completed in October 1941, remained at the Henschel plant and were used as restoration, training and test vehicles. VK3001(H) and VK3601(H) became the basis for the subsequent development - Tiger from Henschel.

The rotation speed of the stock chassis is 20 °/sec - I forgot to write it in the picture

There is no point in installing reinforced aiming drives, because aiming is already fast, but to increase the already best review from TT5 will be very useful

The tank burns head-on, so if you have a lot of silver or gold, you can buy an automatic fire extinguisher (-10% chance of arson), if not, at least a regular one

The ammunition load is 45 shells, which are divided into AP (armor-piercing) and BP (sub-caliber), unfortunately there are no land mines.

We have very good penetration (157), so there is almost no need for gold. Golda is very useful for heavily armored targets, shooting down a grapple (because there are no land mines, and with golda the probability of being shot down increases) or to make it calmer when you are left alone and are fighting

The first 5 cm Kw.K gun. 39 L/60 was to be investigated with

1st perk:

Like most heavy tanks, repairs should be pumped out first, and the commander should have a light bulb: it will be useful to know when we have been exposed, especially when there is only one left

2nd perk:

We are completing repairs for the commander

For the gunner - smooth turret rotation: the most useful perk for this tank

Fur-water - cleanliness and order: if we ride with a regular fire extinguisher, then this perk is required (-25% to the chance of an engine fire), but if with a gold one, then it will burn even less often

For the radio operator - radio interception: even greater visibility (360+3%=371 meters; with optics: 396+3%=408 meters; with optics and ventilation: 406+3%=418 meters)

For the loader - desperate: the last useful perk for this tank, and even then at low levels this perk is of little use

3rd perk:

The commander has an eagle eye: again, we increase the visibility (360+2%=367 meters; with optics and radio interception: 408+2%=416 meters; with optics, ventilation and radio interception: 418+2%=426 meters)

For the gunner - sniper: +3% chance of causing critical damage; not a very useful perk at all, but there is nothing to choose from

Mech-vodu is the king of off-roads: +10% to cross-country ability on soft ground and +2.5 to cross-country ability on medium soil; in short: there will be more maneuverability

For the radio operator, the useful perks have run out, you can take fire extinguishing (what if they set it on fire 2 times)

The loader also ran out of useful perks, so you can take fire extinguishing

Overall: not very maneuverable, not well armored (compared to others) with an excellent gun heavy tank, characteristic of the Germans of those levels.

If you hit the top, then the actions can be as follows: we fight with enemies at close (possibly medium) distance, but we try not to receive shells (due to weak armor). If the allies are advancing in some direction, then naturally we go with them and help, but again carefully.

At the bottom of the list it will be quite comfortable (due to the excellent weapon), at close range we try not to attack, if possible we exclusively cover (breakthrough is enough for most 7 levels, but if you can’t break through someone, then gold will help - penetration is guaranteed there). When allies rush, we don’t go with them, again we cover from a medium distance (100-200 meters)

Unfortunately, I can’t say much about combat use. The guide is over, bye everyone!

Just now I noticed that some pictures didn’t fit in full size, I had to reduce the size, and because of this the quality has noticeably deteriorated