How to cut a pineapple for a holiday table. Slicing pineapple for the holiday table: beautiful ideas with photos

Many people have heard that each new year has its own animal. It came to our culture from China. The Eastern calendar will help you learn more about the symbol of 2017.

The Eastern calendar has its own characteristics. Firstly, in the east people do not celebrate the New Year on January 1st. The date of the celebration is constantly changing. Secondly, in accordance with ancient traditions, the celebration is not limited, like ours, to one day. Thirdly, each year has its own patron animal, and it is accompanied by a color that embodies one of the five elements.

Date of New Year celebration in China

In China and many others eastern countries celebrate the New Year in a certain period, choosing a date using lunar calendar. First you need to remember one thing important date- day winter solstice. It falls on December 21st every year. This date corresponds to the longest night in the northern hemisphere of the Earth and the shortest day. To determine the date of the New Year according to the eastern calendar, you need to find out when the second New Moon will be after December 21. This day will be the New Year.

Synchronization of the regular calendar and the lunar calendar in the east has been the norm since time immemorial. This time 2017 in China will begin on January 28th. As mentioned above, everything will not be limited to one day. The New Year in the east is celebrated for 15 days, ending with the Lantern Festival. During this period, the whole family gets together, even if someone works on the other side of the world. This is a big event, and not just an opportunity to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the day.

Plans for next year by people are built based on which animal will be the patron. In China and neighboring countries, this is of great importance.

2017 - Year of the Rooster

There are only 12 animals in the eastern calendar: pig, dog, rooster, snake, horse, rat, monkey, bull, sheep, tiger, rabbit, dragon. In addition, there are five elements that determine the color of the animal: metal - White color, fire - red, wood - green, earth - yellow, water - blue.

One animal of each specific color occurs once every 60 years. This time we are waiting for the year of the Fire Rooster. The Red Rooster is a symbol of pride and high self-esteem. People who know their worth will be very successful in 2017. Fire best emphasizes the character of this animal, because it loves attention and always wants to draw it to itself.

  • The animals go in the following order: rat-ox-tiger-rabbit-dragon-snake-horse-sheep-monkey-rooster-dog-pig.
  • The color or element is also determined in order: yellow-white-blue-green-red. Each color changes every two years, rather than every year. That is why the Fire Red Monkey was replaced by the Red Rooster. Next year, for example, will be the year of the Yellow Earth Dog.

What awaits us in 2017 of the Fire Rooster

Chinese sages It is said that in 2017 the Rooster will be incredibly positive for weddings. You simply won’t find a better year than this, especially since it’s over leap year. Now you can go wild, choosing a date for the celebration. The numbers won't have special significance, because the Rooster wants to see changes in the life of every person. The more of these changes there are, the better it will be. Anyone who strives for consistency will be disappointed at this time, because the patron of 2017 does not tolerate boredom. If you don't want changes to happen on their own, control them yourself.

Look for new hobbies, ways to earn money and your love. New friendship or the relationship will be incredibly strong. 2017 will protect you from problems, giving you good luck in business, but do not forget that any coin has two sides.

Usually people at such times are deprived of any self-discipline. Few people retain the ability and desire to put themselves in the shoes of others. If you are one of those who maintain humanity and diplomacy in relations with everyone, then incredible luck in business will smile on you, but its fruits will be visible only in the second half of the year. Chinese sages warn anyone who wants to snatch a thicker piece of the pie - troubles await you, which will be successfully disguised as success.

In the year of the Fire Rooster, people love to command and lead, but they should not make this the main goal of life. To those who occupy leadership positions, this year will bring good luck, but if you don’t care about your subordinates, you may lose respect. Know how to make concessions and reward the most loyal people with pleasant gifts.

Red color in Eastern philosophy is the color of victory over evil spirits. Beliefs say that this color scares away evil spirits, freeing homes from negativity. Even in Feng Shui, the color red signifies strength and attracts chi energy. The two-year period of fire ends at the end of 2017, so it should also be devoted to spiritual cleansing, prayers, and reconciliation with enemies. In China, hostility is normal, but if you get into conflicts with loved ones and do not admit your mistakes or forgive the mistakes of others, then you will be greatly disappointed. Eastern peoples have believed this for more than three thousand years.

Avoid loneliness in 2017, because the Red Rooster does not tolerate despondency. Don't let circumstances get the better of you this year. Always be cheerful, because sadness and depression will only make things worse. This once again proves that only thoughts determine our destiny. Every person has a choice of how to see the world. The Rooster's job is to remind us that fate is not something that cannot be changed. Destiny is built only by ours inner world, which is reflected in everything that happens around us.

So, a surprisingly positive and dynamic year awaits us, which will definitely make you remember it for the rest of your life. The Eastern calendar warns everyone against problems, advising them not to lose composure and hope for the best. This will be the year of love, advancement career ladder and bright emotions. May it become fateful for you and guide your life the right direction. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

According to the ancient eastern horoscope, every year has its own patron, who influences various areas life. 2017 is a difficult year, since its patron is the Fire Rooster - a bright and obstinate bird.

If you know the features of this year, you can live all twelve months safely and avoid various problems and difficulties. Many people are interested in when Chinese New Year. It must be said that the Rooster will not come into force on January 1, but only on January 28, 2017.

The character of this animal is complex: on the one hand, it is very bright, sophisticated, and loves to be the center of attention. But on the other hand, there is egocentrism and self-absorption in him, which sometimes prevents him from “hearing” others.

He is ardent and passionate, and no matter who, representatives of the opposite sex love him. Moreover, he knows for sure that family happiness– this is value.

In addition to taking into account the character of the animal, it is important to pay attention to its element and, of course, color. Red is the color of passion, strength, love and at the same time rage, power and uncontrollable, impulsive emotions. It is not difficult to guess that the Year of the Rooster will be very contradictory and unstable, especially in terms of emotions.

The energy of fire is the energy of aspirations, achievements, serious breakthroughs and movement forward. So it's the year of the Rooster fiery color will be active, serious and promising, especially for those who are not afraid to move forward and pursue their dreams.

Spheres of life and symbol of the year

So, let's try to understand in detail what the symbol of 2017 will bring to each of us - a bright and arrogant scarlet rooster.

The Rooster loves money, and what he definitely cannot be imagined without is luxury. But this year works in a special way: the less you think about money and try to earn it by any means, the easier it will appear in your pocket. Just enjoy life, and money energy will find you.

2017 is an ideal year for learning, to learn something new and useful. Therefore, if you feel an inner need for training, then feel free to go into battle! All the knowledge gained in the year of the red rooster will be useful to you in practice literally right away.

This year is also perfect for all careerists. If you want to get a high position and a salary increase, then you should prove yourself this year. Be active, proactive, truly noticeable, and then not only luck will smile on you, but also a new position.

You can talk about love endlessly, because it is the brightest and strong feeling on earth, and it will be the main one in the year of this animal. Get ready for love adventures, new acquaintances, flirting and romance. And couples who have been together for a long time will again feel passion for each other.

This year will be comfortable for those who take care of their health. Those who have chronic diseases, be aware that they may escalate, so you should organize preventive actions so that the disease does not take you by surprise.

2017 and its symbol - the fiery Rooster - favors all travelers. But it’s better not to travel as a “savage” this year, since the Rooster patronizes those who do not spare their finances and are ready to make their trip a holiday.

Eastern horoscope signs

It is also important to dwell in detail on what he will tell Eastern horoscope about the influence of the Rooster on other signs. After all, you can expect anything from this bird, so let’s find out what surprise the Rooster has prepared for each of the symbols.

For those born in the year of the Rat, this year will be quite calm and stable. Nothing supernatural will happen, and any troubles in society will not affect them.

Those who, according to the horoscope, were born in the year of the Ox will feel a surge of strength and energy that they so lacked in 2016. They can safely take on new things and projects, as well as complete everything that they did not have enough energy and time for.

For anyone, but for the Tiger, this year will be a year of real struggle. It will awaken in him ancient power a real warrior, so he will be able to cope with any obstacles and difficulties, will move forward, and nothing will stand in his way.

A troublesome year filled with bustle awaits rabbits. Moreover, everyone around will fuss, and the Rabbits will simply remain in meditation and be amazed at the vanity of existence.

Who will be able to shine this year and show themselves in all their glory? Of course, the Dragon! He will be able to show everyone around him what he is really worth, and the fiery color of the Rooster will help him with this, highlighting all his advantages favorably.

All those who, according to the horoscope, were born in the year of the Snake are advised not to plan anything serious this year. Also refrain from quarrels and conflicts, try to learn how to get along with everyone mutual language. It is these qualities that will help you successfully cope with all the features of the Year of the Rooster.

Horses, as he says chinese horoscope, will pass through this year beautifully and gracefully. They will be able to prove to themselves and others that they are independent, responsible and know how to keep their word.

For those born in the year of the Goat or Sheep, given year will bring one continuous holiday. Almost all year they will be in an upbeat and blissful mood, they will want holidays and emotions. It must be said that Goats and Sheep will have many reasons to celebrate this year.

As the Chinese horoscope says, those born in the year of the Monkey will not be disappointed in 2017. A lot of new acquaintances, entertainment, changes and transformation await them. And perhaps one of the Monkeys will even change their place of residence.

This year will be wonderful and successful for the Rooster. Everywhere and in everything he will have a green light, he will be able to start what he has long dreamed of and strived for. In general, the year will be successful, active and memorable - just like the scarlet color of its plumage.

For whom will 2017 be as good? Of course, for the dog. The main thing that representatives of this sign need to remember is that no little things in life should distract them from the main goal.

All those who, according to the horoscope, appeared in the year of the Pig, this year will need to work hard to get a star from the sky. But if you try, you will succeed, and you will know what recognition is.

How to meet?

It’s also worth saying just a few words about how to celebrate 2017.

  • Astrologers recommend celebrating the Year of the Rooster with family and friends. It is better that the atmosphere is homely, calm and cozy.
  • Required with special attention and approach the decor with sensitivity - both the table and the Christmas tree. The best color to use is scarlet; the Rooster also loves gold.
  • For an outfit, it is better to use any shades of red, and gold items are suitable for decoration. The length, style and other features of the holiday suit do not matter - the main thing is that you feel luxurious in it.
  • It is better not to serve poultry or eggs on the table, as this may offend the symbol of the year, but you don’t have to limit yourself to fish and seafood. And which festive table no fruit? There must be an abundance of fruits on the table that have red, orange and yellow colors.

Remember that the fiery colored Rooster can bring good luck to almost everyone, so be prepared to receive your gifts from this vibrant symbol.

Already on January 28, 2017, the Fire Monkey will transfer its rights to control the Fire Rooster, and given the fact that the next year will have to live under fire sign, you and I can hardly count on a quiet life. So what will the upcoming 2017 Year of the Rooster be like, what should the signs expect from it? eastern calendar, what it will be like, whether it will bring good news, what to prepare for - this is what we will tell you about in this article...

Let’s say right away that you and I need to prepare ourselves in advance in a serious and responsible manner, in no case take rash and risky steps, or enter into conflicts, because the Rooster is a known provocateur and bully, and situations in which it will be possible to get into “trouble” there will be plenty on your head, so be careful, vigilant and reasonable, behave wisely, do not make hasty decisions!

About the owner of the year Rooster...

The lives of people born in the year of the Fire Rooster are always filled with bright colors and all sorts of events. The main task of parents in raising their child, like the Rooster himself, is to cope with emerging problems and life challenges, to correctly calculate their strength in mastering new goals and opportunities.

Both men and women born in the year of the Rooster are quite eloquent and fully possess the gift of persuasion. These people can achieve success in almost any professional field, reaching unprecedented heights in any profession, especially in creative and financial areas. site/node/4690

Men and women born under this sign of the eastern calendar strive to get the maximum benefit in almost everything, they always try to get the highest paid and most honorable job, they make every effort to do this, often even to the detriment of the people around them and their work colleagues.

The Rooster treats the daily routine, as well as submission, with reluctance and hostility. The life of this person will never be boring, monotonous and ordinary. With him you will live a rich life, full of bright adventures, unexpected turns, although sometimes dangerous and unpleasant.

The Rooster's childhood and youth, as well as his mature years, are oversaturated with events, full of all sorts of necessary and far-fetched problems, but in old age he calms down, it is cloudless and joyful for him. site/node/4690

People born this year are charming and pleasant to talk to, especially women. To create a family in to a greater extent ready for mature age, although most often they tie the knot in early youth.

They are friendly and easy to talk to, but you just shouldn’t trust them. Not everyone succeeds in getting along with the Rooster “under the same roof,” because these people greatly value and protect their freedom and are unlikely to tolerate being commanded or interfered with in their lives.

If you ask yourself what the upcoming 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster will be like, you can assume the following - drastic changes are expected during this period public life all over our planet. The struggle for leadership will continue; conflicts started earlier are unlikely to end - the Rooster will not allow it. Let's hope that you and I will be able to avoid trouble, cope with ourselves and our problems, and not make unnecessary mistakes.

What will 2017 be like for the eastern calendar signs?

Born in the year of the Rat- forecast for 2017 (born in 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008...) - For people of this sign of the eastern calendar, everything should go pretty well, and the changes happening around in society will have little impact on this person.

Born in the year of the Ox- forecast for 2017 (born in 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009...) - This person will regain confidence in his abilities, which means he can take on new things - everything will work out for you. Do not trust the “first people you meet”, evenly calculate your strengths and capabilities. site/node/4690

Born in the year of the Tiger- forecast for 2017 (born in 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010...) - For him, the coming year is a difficult period of problems, struggle, rebellion and disappointment. The Tiger will achieve little, although he will make a lot of efforts to achieve success.

Born in the year of the Rabbit/Cat- forecast for 2017 (born in 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999...) - For these people, not much is expected good period in their lives. They will be irritated by the surrounding useless fuss and endless far-fetched problems, which, nevertheless, will have to be solved.

Born in the year of the Dragon- forecast for 2017 (born in 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000...) - The Dragon is lucky, he will have another opportunity to shine this year, in which the Rooster will help him... But will he himself want to proving yourself is a big question.

Born in the year of the Snake- forecast for 2017 (born in 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001...) - For representatives of this sign of the eastern calendar it is simply a harsh and dangerous year. The rooster can peck at you, bombard you with problems, and drive you to despair.

Born in the year of the Horse- forecast for 2017 (born in 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002...) - Everything is fine with these people, the created margin of safety will allow them to live peacefully for the year. If the Rooster begins to harm this person, he risks being trampled by the Horse.

Born in the year of the Goat/Sheep- forecast for 2017 (born in 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003...) - All coming year will pass on a positive note, these people will strive for a bohemian, measured life, refusing to make extra efforts to ensure their well-being.

Born in the year of the Monkey- forecast for 2017 (born in 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004...) - Although her year has just ended, everything will become less funny, it's time for everyday life. Although the reign of the Rooster will entertain the Monkey and will not let her get bored.

Born in the year of the Rooster- forecast for 2017 (born in 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005...) - A wonderful year for the Rooster and no wonder! After all, everything around sparkles, he is the center of attention, everything works out for him. However, you should not expect that everything will work out on its own - you will have to work if you hope for success. site/node/4690

Born in the year of the Dog- forecast for 2017 (born in 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006...) - For representatives of this sign of the eastern calendar, a year of experiences, overcoming obstacles and struggle for better life. Set yourself up for the positive and don’t be distracted by little things from your goal.

Born in the year of the Boar/Pig- forecast for 2017 (born in 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007...) - Hard work will definitely bear fruit. Life will be successful for representatives of the eastern calendar in the person of the Boar/Pig if they do not harm themselves with their rash steps. Don't be distracted by unimportant things, focus on the main thing.

So what does the coming 2017 have in store for us, what will it be like, what to expect from it and what to count on? Numerous astrologers, among whom there are quite authoritative specialists, are confident that the coming year of the Fire Rooster can become almost significant, truly fateful not only for individual signs of the eastern calendar, but even for countries and nationalities.

Quite significant changes await us, among which there will be a large number of strange, thoughtless acts and actions that will lead to unpredictable events and consequences, often negative ones.

And why should we expect anything else, if the fickle patron of 2017, the Rooster, has a rather difficult character, an eccentric disposition, inflated ambitions, and so on. You and I have only one thing left to do - to behave wisely and carefully during this period, not to take ill-considered steps, not to take unnecessary risks, not to succumb to provocations and not to look for conflicts ourselves. Good luck in the Year of the Fire Rooster!

Pineapple - inhabitant tropical zone Earth. This plant belongs to the bromeliad genus and is actually a perennial herb. For us residents northern latitudes, it’s hard to believe that the grass can produce such large, heavy cone fruits. Their weight is 1-2 kilograms, but can reach 10-15 kilograms. By the way, the pineapple was given the name “Indian cone” by the navigator Christopher Columbus.

For residents of the tropics, pineapple regular product food, like carrots or potatoes for us. It is eaten fresh, made into jams, compotes, and used as a side dish. It contains many useful natural vitamins, acids, and microelements. Bromelain breaks down and removes excess fat deposits from the body. This property is widely used in weight loss medications.

Once upon a time in Russia, only bourgeois could “chew” pineapple, according to the famous poet Vladimir Mayakovsky. This product was very expensive, it was even considered a sign of “luxury” and was served only at the festive table or on special occasions. special occasions. No wonder, because he had to be transported to Russia “far away.”

With the development of air transport and the advent of economic globalization, the fruit has now become available to every family. This is no longer a “curiosity.” It is eaten on weekdays and on holidays, as a regular food product. In supermarkets, on the shelves there are many cans of canned pineapple, cut into cubes or circles. This is very convenient, the fruit is immediately ready to eat. You can put the cubes in a salad, or serve them as a dessert or as an addition to ice cream.

Many beneficial features“live” pineapple simply disappear without a trace when canned. It is much better to eat it in its natural form. fresh- “from the bush.” It won’t work “from the bush” at all, given the delivery from the tropics, but it’s still an order of magnitude better than from a can. Looking at the unapproachable, prickly view fresh fruit The question arises - how to peel a pineapple? The thought of this may scare you and discourage you from fiddling with it, but the result will pay off your efforts a hundredfold. Let's try to learn how to handle a “live” pineapple.

Preparation for processing

Looking at a pineapple for the first time, it is difficult to imagine that it is a sweet, tasty fruit. Its rough, dense scaly shell, also covered with hairs, and the green “tuft” at the top of the bumps do not let us understand what is inside it? Is it really something edible? Let's try to find out what's hiding inside this brown scaly monster.

There are some rules, following which you can quickly, accurately, without much effort, cut and prepare the pineapple for serving. Always rinse the fruit thoroughly under running water so that no tropical living creatures hiding in the scales spoil your holiday of meeting with exotic plant. Then you need to dry the pineapple, cut off the bottom and top with the green “tuft”.

How to clean properly

Typically, methods are used to serve pineapple on the table without peeling. But if you want to remove the peel completely, then the “barrel” method is best. Follow this procedure:

  • rinse the fruit under running water
  • dry
  • cut off the bottom and top

  • Place it firmly on a cutting board, bottom down. sharp knife successively cut off the peel in a thin layer. There is no need to cut off thick layers to completely expose the fruit, otherwise all the pulp may go to waste and you will not enjoy this yummy. Leave a layer with “eyes”
  • remove the “eyes” with a simple knife or a vegetable peeler, which has a special tooth for removing eyes on potatoes
  • cut the resulting barrel crosswise, you will get 4 parts
  • remove the core
  • cut the pulp into pieces of arbitrary size as you like

Beautiful spiral patterns

How to cut a pineapple? You can simply cut it into pieces of arbitrary shape, you can cut it into cubes, but if you first use the “barrel” method up to point 5, and then not just remove the eyes, but do it beautifully in a spiral with grooves, then you will get beautiful spiral patterns on the pulp. After removing the eyes, we also cut the fruit into 4 parts, remove the core, then the pieces turn out more picturesque than in the “barrel” method.

Rings or circles

A very simple, “lady’s” way of cutting pineapple - into rings or circles. Follow these instructions:

  • rinse and dry the fruit
  • cut the pineapple into rings of arbitrary thickness as you wish
  • Cut off the peel in a thin layer from each ring
  • remove the eyes with a small knife or vegetable peeler
  • if you remove the inedible core, you will get rings, if not, you will get circles

This method is convenient to use when you want to eat only part of the pineapple. The rest can be put in the refrigerator until next time. This way you will earn the reputation of not only a good cook, but also an economical housewife.


In Thailand, pineapple dishes are often served, such as rice and chicken with chopped pieces of fruit, directly from the halved peeled pineapple. It's very picturesque, delicious and doesn't require washing up. In this method, the fruit is simply cut in half lengthwise, the pulp is removed with a sharp knife, and the ingredients of the dish are placed in the resulting container. It could be something meat salad with pineapple, fruit and pineapple pieces, or a composition of your choice. These can be called not even boats, but pineapple boats.

Real “Thai boats” look a little different. To make them, you need to do the following:

  • rinse and dry the pineapple
  • cut it lengthwise into 4 pieces without peeling it

  • cut out the inedible core
  • Carefully cut out the flesh from each pineapple quarter, leaving a thin layer of skin with eyes.
  • cut the pulp into slices about one centimeter thick
  • move the pieces in a checkerboard pattern, leaving them on the peel

Beauty is ready!

Such unusual elegant boats will decorate the festive table and your culinary talent will definitely receive many praises and compliments.

Fruit box

An undoubted masterpiece of culinary skill (with minimal effort) and a wonderful treat for children and adults - a box of fruits. Pineapple with peel is cut lengthwise or crosswise, as you prefer.

Remove the pulp with a sharp knife and place the fruits that you have in stock into the resulting basket. These can be pieces of banana, kiwi, peach, plum, apple, pear, watermelon, grapes and of course pineapple.

It will look delicious and beautiful if you pour some sweet syrup on top and serve it at the end of the meal as a tropical dessert. No one will miss this deliciousness!

Special knife for cutting and removing pulp

There is a way to peel a pineapple that is completely “for lazy people.” Buy a special knife, it’s called a pineapple slicer and you will forget about the problems with cutting and cleaning. The knife is designed in such a way that it simply removes the inedible core and cuts the fruit into even, equal-sized rings. Have you ever wondered where the straight rings in jars from the store come from? Only with such a knife can they be made.

Using a knife to cut pineapple is very simple:

  • rinse and dry the pineapple
  • cut off top part with leaves
  • insert the knife into the top of the fruit
  • slowly twist the knife into the pulp, like a corkscrew into a bottle
  • get the result - an empty peel with an inedible core sticking out and pineapple rings strung on a knife.

You can remove the rings and chop them even finer if you like. Of course, you need to “get used to” this knife. It may not be possible to cut it correctly the first time - remove the skin exactly without damaging it. But now you don’t have to cut out the “eyes” one by one or in a spiral, peel the peel, calculating the thickness of the layer, and you will always get a good result.

Now you have learned how to properly peel a pineapple at home, how to beautifully cut it and serve it for a holiday table or just for a regular lunch or dinner as a salad, side dish or dessert. How to surprise guests with an unusual basket or Thai pineapple boat. All you have to do is buy this one exotic fruit and try to do all this with your own hands in practice and please your loved ones.

When purchasing pineapple in a store, please pay attention to the following signs:

  • Pleasant, delicate, fresh aroma
  • Healthy appearance and the “vigorous” appearance of the leaves at the top. They should be elastic and intact
  • Choose pineapple average size. Too small can be sour, too large can be stale.
  • The peel should be elastic
  • Tap the pineapple. If the sound is dull, then the fruit may be empty inside. The sound of the choice is similar to the choice of watermelon

Enjoy your pineapple meal!

In our area, this exotic fruit is most often found in canned. Therefore, not many people know how to correctly select fresh ripe fruit and cut it. We suggest you consider tips on how to buy and how to cut beautiful pineapple.

How to choose the right ripe pineapple

To purchase a ripe and aromatic fruit, you must first of all pay attention to the color of its spines. They should be dark brown. To the touch, the base of the fruit should be quite soft and elastic, without brown areas. Otherwise, the fruit may be spoiled. But the most important thing is the smell. A ripe, ripened pineapple smells almost nothing.

So, after choosing a pineapple, you need to know what to do with it next. In order to enjoy the unique and extraordinary taste of this fresh fruit and use it to prepare a wide variety of dishes, you need to be able to peel it properly and then cut it beautifully.

Peeling a pineapple

Before slicing a pineapple beautifully, you need to do proper cleaning selected fruit. First of all, it must be placed on its side on a special cutting board. Next, cut off its top with leaves and stem and the bottom part by about a centimeter. This is done with the help of The pulp located in this place is quite hard, so it is better to simply throw it away.

So, it turned out to be a kind of barrel or cylinder. Now the pineapple is placed vertically and the peel is cut off from its sides in strips. At the same time, you need to try to make the cut layer as thin as possible. Now the cylinder is left without a peel, but it is covered with eyes from thorns, which are quite hard and not suitable for food. They are carefully cut out. All that remains is to get rid of its core.

Cutting out the core

How the core is removed determines the appearance of the pineapple pieces later. There are several ways to get rid of it:

  1. The core is removed without cutting the pineapple. After this, the fruit can be cut into rings 1 cm thick.
  2. First, the pineapple is cut into circles, and then the core is removed from each of them. The results are quite beautiful rings.
  3. The pineapple is cut in half and the core is removed from each half separately. Due to this, half rings with the letter C are obtained.
  4. The fruit is cut into 4 parts and the core is removed from each. This method is good for those who will then cut the pineapple into small pieces for further processing.

Now you need to decide how to cut the pineapple beautifully. There are several enough simple ways, due to which this exotic fruit can maintain its attractiveness.

How to beautifully cut pineapple into dishes

If you need to cut a fruit for later adding it to various salads or any other dishes, then you can use the simplest cutting method. First, unscrew the top of the pineapple. If the fruit is ripe, it will come off easily when you turn it. Next, the pineapple is cut into two halves, then the resulting parts are also cut in half. It can be cut into more than six pieces, depending on the size of the fruit and how small it should be in the prepared dish. The resulting slices are peeled and cut into cubes. Now they can be added to the dish.

Slicing pineapple for serving

How to cut a pineapple beautifully for the table? First of all, so that it is convenient to eat it. We suggest considering several simple options for slicing this wonderful fruit.

Pineapple basket

How to cut a beautiful pineapple into a basket? You don't need to get rid of the turntable to do this. It will serve, so to speak, as a compositional addition. First of all, cut the fruit lengthwise into two parts. Next, the pulp is cut out very carefully. You must try not to damage his skin.

The end result should be pineapple pulp and a whole half-plate of pineapple. The pulp is cut into pieces, the size of which should be such that they can be conveniently placed in the mouth without biting off. They are then placed on a pineapple peel plate and served. To make it more convenient to eat, you can serve skewers along with the fruit.

Melon principle

This is another very attractive way to cut a beautiful pineapple. It is often used in southeastern countries. The fruit is cut like a regular melon, after which the pieces are moved one at a time in relation to each other.

It should be remembered that the most delicious parts of the pineapple are located precisely under the peel, so it is very important to know how to properly peel and how to beautifully cut a pineapple. The photos above demonstrate the various techniques described in the article.