Brazil. Geography, description and characteristics of the country

Brazil is the best large state on the territory of South America. It occupies almost half of the entire continent. The capital is Brasilia. This is a very picturesque country that has rich history. Its geographical location provides it with many benefits - both political and economic.

Bordering countries

Speaking about the geographical location of Brazil, it is necessary first of all to mention those countries that neighboring it. The northern borders lie next to countries such as Guiana, Venezuela, and Suriname. In the northwest, the country neighbors Colombia. The western border lies next to Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina, the southern - with Uruguay. On the eastern, southeastern and northeastern sides, Brazil is washed by waters Atlantic Ocean. The only two states on the entire South American continent that do not border Brazil are Chile and Ecuador. The country ranks fifth in size in the world. In this regard, Brazil is second only to Russia, the USA, China, and Canada.

One of the main features of Brazil's geographical location is that the equator line runs through the north of the country. About 93% of the entire territory of Brazil is located in the Southern Hemisphere, and 92% of the land is in the subtropical climate zone. The total length of all land borders of the country is about 16 thousand km. And from the eastern part, about 7.7 thousand km have access to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. This location determines the fact that, compared to other countries of the South American continent, Brazil lies closer to the countries of Africa. The total area of ​​the country is 8.5 million square meters. km.


In the north of Brazil is the Amazon Plain, which is a vast valley of one of the most big rivers total globe. Gradually it turns into the hilly terrain of the Guiana Plateau. These hilly plains are surrounded along the border of the state by the inaccessible cliffs of the Serra Imera, Serra Parima, and also the Serra Pacaraima. Almost the entire remaining territory of the country is occupied by the flat Brazilian Plateau. It rises to the southern and northeastern parts, and then drops steeply to the shores of the Atlantic Lowland. The country does not have the powerful mountain ranges that are characteristic of the western territories of South America.


Brazil is located simultaneously in three climatic zones. This is the equatorial, subtropical, and also tropical zone. Very typical for the country hot climate. The average temperature ranges from +16-29 o C. Only in the territories of the high eastern plains its range is +12-14 o C. Western Territory The country is characterized by a humid equatorial climate. The Amazon River basin receives more than 2 meters of rainfall annually.


Brazil is sometimes called the "land of great opportunity" for the amount of wealth it possesses. There are many natural resources here. Among Brazil's mineral resources one can find almost all industrially important substances. This includes zinc, manganese, bauxite, industrial diamonds, and oil. The country is known on the world market as one of the best suppliers of rare metals. Their deposits are located mainly on the plateaus of Mantiqueira and Borborema.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Brazil's Location

The geographical location of the country has a number of pros and cons. The main advantage is the huge territory, which is rich in a wide variety of natural resources. Wet equatorial forests occupy about two thirds total area Brazil. They are known to be called the “lungs of the Earth” for the huge volume of oxygen they produce. But these forests are currently being deforested at an accelerated rate. The pursuit of profit can lead to the most disastrous consequences both for the country and for the population of the entire globe.

Other advantages of Brazil's geographical location are its water and agro-climatic beneficial resources, as well as its mineral resources. It is here that the longest river on the entire planet flows - the Amazon. The country actively produces oil, ores, and potassium salts.

The main disadvantage is the inaccessibility of some territories of the state. Due to this, the population in Brazil is unevenly distributed. Most of the cities are located along the Atlantic coast. The development of the central territories of the country began largely due to the fact that the country's capital was moved to the city of Brasilia. The country's government began to actively design and build new road and rail connections. It has become possible to get from remote areas of the country to the central parts.

Rest negative factors consist of a large number of poisonous insects, plants and animals. Scientists also consider the humid climate, which largely contributes to the rapid spread of epidemics, to be a disadvantage.


In terms of the level of agricultural development, Brazil belongs to the category of developing countries. It is part of the so-called newly industrialized countries. A huge amount of agricultural products are produced every year in Brazil. The country's geographical location allows it to export products all over the world. These are soybeans, sugar cane, wheat, corn, citrus fruits. Produced in Brazil best coffee all over the planet. Surprisingly, in reality, the favorite drink of the inhabitants of this country was cocoa.

Economic-geographical location

The country has made significant progress in terms of industrialization, as well as the development of knowledge-intensive areas. Brazil's geographical proximity to Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia and other countries significantly contributes to the development of trade relations with these countries. And stable ties with this group of countries make the Brazilian economy less vulnerable to the economic crises raging on the planet. Thanks to large trading ports, the country has connections with the largest countries in the world. The main advantages of Brazil's economic and geographical position are determined by the following factors:

  • the opportunity to develop and strengthen trade cooperation with Latin American countries;
  • access to the Atlantic, which allows you to have connections with other countries of the world;
  • proximity to the United States.

State structure

In my own way state structure the country is a federal republic. The capital is Brasilia. The official language is Portuguese. According to the constitution, the head of state is the president elected by the people. The country is divided into 26 states, as well as 1 federal district - Brasilia. The vast majority of the country's population are Catholics.

Political-geographical position of Brazil

The country tried to defend its independence during colonialism. Now Brazil is a special country that actively interacts with Latin American countries and has great influence on the world stage. Currently, the state has disputed territories with Uruguay. Brazil provides aid to countries in need in Africa and Latin America.

Animal and plant life

Brazil's unique geographical position is matched by its rich fauna. The Amazon basin is home to the most large number species of animals, hundreds of species of plants grow. All this is possible thanks to the hot and humid climate of the country. If we talk about the country's fauna briefly, geographical location Brazil and its climate allow the most diverse flora and fauna to develop on its territory.

In this environment, which has remained virtually unchanged since the Tertiary period, many ancient plant species have been preserved. The Amazon River Valley is one of the world's largest centers of reptile habitat. The forests of Brazil are home to monkeys, hummingbirds, parrots, anteaters, armadillos, jaguars, crocodiles and many other animals. Among plants, orchids are a special pride. There are also many species of cacti growing in the country, some of which can reach 5 m in height.

Area - 8.5 million square meters. km.

Population - 171 million people. (2000).

The capital is Brazil.

Geographical location general information

Brazil is the largest country in South America, located in its central and eastern parts. The length of the land borders is about 16 thousand km, in the east for 7.4 thousand km. The country is washed by the Atlantic.

For almost three centuries, Brazil was a Portuguese colony. Independence was declared in 1822, slavery was abolished in 1888, and the monarchy was overthrown in 1889. Currently, Brazil is a federal republic, administratively divided into 23 states, 3 territories and the Federal District.

Natural conditions and resources

Brazil occupies almost 1/2 of the continent's area. The relief clearly distinguishes: the northern low-lying swampy plain of the Amazon, covered with the richest hylea on earth, and the southern elevated part, occupied by the Brazilian Plateau ( average height 2,500 meters), which consists of high rolling plains, mountains and depressions. There are also lava plateaus. This territory has a unique mineral resource base (especially ore reserves), and there is a shortage of fuel resources.

Western Amazonia lies in an area of ​​constantly hot and humid equatorial climate, eastern Amazonia and the center of the Brazilian plateau - in the area subequatorial climate. In the eastern part of the plateau it is hot and humid tropical, in the south of Brazil it is subtropical. Changes in climatic zones and sectors cause a change in natural zones: humid and variable-humid forests, shrub and tall-grass savannas, areas of subtropical vegetation. As a result, Brazil has unique water, forest, soil and climatic resources, which creates the basis for the development of the industrial economy.

Brazil ranks fifth in terms of population. The era of colonization of the country is associated with the massive entry of European immigrants and the import of blacks from Africa. The Brazilian nation has a complex ethnic composition. Whites make up 54%, blacks - 5.9%, mulattoes 38.5%, Portuguese, Spaniards, Germans, Ukrainians, Japanese, etc. also live here. The average population density is 20 people/sq. km., but within a narrow coastal strip (7% of the territory) almost 1/2 of the total population lives, and in the west the density does not exceed 1 person/sq. km. The rate of natural population growth in Brazil, in recent years, decreased and amounted to 1.6%. There is a large proportion of children in the age structure of the population. There are sharp contrasts in living standards different layers population and different regions of the country. Urbanization is developing rapidly (now the share of the urban population is 77%). The largest agglomerations are Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Fortaleza.

Brazil is one of the key countries in the developing world. In terms of GDP, it ranks first in Latin America, and in terms of industrial production it is one of the ten largest countries in the world.

The share of industry in GDP is 33%, and agriculture - 11%.

Mining industry - despite its rapid development and rich raw material base, the share of this industry in GDP is small. But Brazil ranks 1st in the world in the production of iron ore and apatite, 2nd in beryllium production, 3rd in... bauxite mining, IV - for the mining of gold, asbestos, tin. The iron ore industry operates largely for export.

Energy. Despite the rapid growth of oil production in Brazil, up to 90% of electricity is produced at hydroelectric power plants; alternative sources are also used (most cars run on alcohol), firewood, coal, one nuclear power plant is operating.

Ferrous metallurgy operates on its own ore, but on imported coke. The country is one of the top ten global steel producers (smelting - 25 million tons). The largest factories are located in the states of Minas Gerai and Sao Paulo.

Non-ferrous metallurgy. The most developed aluminum production is from our own bauxite.

Mechanical engineering and metalworking occupies a leading place in the manufacturing industry in terms of product value.

Transport engineering is developed (primarily automotive industry: Brazil produces one million cars a year.

The country ranks fourth in the world in the construction of marine vessels, and the success of aircraft construction is noticeable. The production of electronic computer equipment is developing at a rapid pace. The main centers of the industry are Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

Agriculture accounts for about 12% of GDP. it contains 30% of EAN. In the structure of the industry, crop production leads (60% of the value of all products, and in the course of the evolution of land use and land tenure systems, the institution of large land ownership - latifundia (80% of all cultivated land) has emerged. In addition, small land ownership - minifundia - is widespread. Although specific gravity the latter is small, but it is they who produce the bulk of food (and not export, as on the latifundia plantations) crops for domestic consumption of grains, legumes, and potatoes. Brazil is a traditional producer and exporter of a number of agricultural products: coffee, sugar cane, soybeans, corn, cocoa, bananas, cotton, and also has a significant cattle population. In the north of Brazil there are vast expanses of Amazon forest (60% of the territory). But reserves of valuable wood species are used irrationally and poorly. Of greatest importance is the collection of rubber, the procurement of nuts and medicinal plants.

Livestock farming in Brazil is predominantly meat, accounting for about 40% of the value of agricultural products. Pasture cattle breeding predominates, as well as highly commercial beef cattle breeding in combination with vegetable growing.

The territorial structure of the economy clearly shows a shift in the distribution of the economy and population to the west, to the oceanic part, where the “industrial triangle” of Brazil is located - the area between the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte, characterized by high population density and the most highly developed industry.

The development of the Amazon (3/5 of the area) is the main task of regional policy; for this purpose, a new capital, Brasilia, was built in the center of the country.

In the 70s, the Trans-Amazonian Highway (5.5 thousand km long) was built to facilitate the settlement and development of the Amazon.

Transport routes (first railways) began to form in the 19th century. And now new and modernized railway lines mainly connect mining centers and agricultural production areas with ports.

Highways, although they are the longest in Latin America and carry the majority of passengers, do not meet the needs of the country, and they are unevenly distributed throughout the country. In the development of foreign trade relations, maritime transport (98% of all foreign trade cargo) and air transport play an exceptional role.


The involvement of the virgin forests of the Amazon in economic activities has led to serious disruption of the ecology of the region. This was mainly due to the clearing of forests and the flooding of vast areas during the construction of run-of-the-river hydroelectric power stations. Despite a number of steps that Brazil has taken (like other countries located in the Amazon), the country’s environmental management system cannot be called rational.

Brazil is the center of tourism in South America. This country is quite original and contrasting. Lush tropical forests coexist with majestic mountains, wild jungles with luxurious beaches, huge rivers with desert plateaus, and roaring waterfalls with quiet and cozy ocean bays. In addition to the main pride - football and magnificent beaches The Atlantic coast of Brazil is home to multiple coffee plantations and the virgin Amazon jungle, home to numerous Indian tribes. But above all, it is a country of carnivals, the most exciting show in the world. There are all conditions for a wide variety of recreational activities. The greatest attention of tourists is attracted by the noisy and eternally dancing Rio with its famous Carnival and beaches where celebrities from all over the world relax, the cities of north-eastern Brazil, internationally recognized as one of the most best resorts on the planet, the famous jungle of the Amazon and the pampas of the south, Iguazu Falls and the mountainous regions of the country.


BRAZIL, Federative Republic of Brazil (Republica Federativa do Brasil), the largest state in South America. Washed by the Atlantic Ocean. It borders French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay. Area 8.5 million km2. Capital of Brazil. The central and southern parts of the country are occupied by the Brazilian Plateau (the highest point is Mount Bandeira), the northern by the Amazonian Lowland and the spurs of the Guiana Plateau. The Pantanal lowland is located in southern Brazil. The main rivers of the country are the Amazon, Sao Francisco, and Parana. Major cities: Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Recife, Porto Alegre, Manaus. Large seaports: Rio de Janeiro, Santos, Rio Grande, Paranagua, Porto Alegre, Tubaran, San Sebastian.


The country is located in four time zones. Officially, time is calculated according to Brasilia, lags behind Moscow from the last Sunday of October to the last Sunday of February by 5 hours, from the last Sunday of March to the second Sunday of October - by 7 hours, from the last Sunday of February to the last Sunday of March and from the second Sunday of October to the last Sunday October - at 6 o'clock.


The hottest region of Brazil is the northeast (equatorial climate type). Moderate heat is observed here from January to May, when average night temperatures are +22...+24, daytime +28...+30 degrees. And it is very hot from September to December, when the average night temperatures are about +25, daytime +32...+34 degrees. The most dry months: August, September, October. In them, the number of days with precipitation is no more than 3. The rainy period lasts from January to May (up to 17 days per month with rain).
Most of the country's territory is located in a tropical climate. Moreover, the tropical climate on the plains differs from tropical climate on the coast. For a territory located in a flat area, and this is the year of Sao Paulo, Brasilia, Belo Horizonte, moderate temperatures. Here from May to September the average night temperatures are +11...+15, the average daytime temperatures are about +30. During the rest of the year, average night temperatures are +16...+18, average daytime temperatures are +27...+29. The least precipitation falls from May to September (no more than 3 days per month); during the rest of the year, the number of days with precipitation ranges from 16 in October to 24 in December. The tropical coast, and these are the cities of Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Recife, is characterized by a hotter climate. In the coolest time (from May to September) average night temperatures are +17...+19, average daytime temperatures are +27...+28. It is very hot from January to March, when the average night temperatures are about +23, daytime temperatures are +31...+32 degrees. The driest months are winter. Their monthly precipitation is 40-50 mm. The rainiest period is from December to March (120-130 mm of precipitation per month). Air humidity on the coast is always high. In the elevated areas of the country the climate is alpine. Here the temperature contrasts with altitude become more acute. In the south of the country (in the states of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande de Sul) the climate is subtropical. The coolest time is from June to August. Average night temperatures are +11...+12, daytime temperatures +17...+19. The hottest time is January, February and March, when the average night temperatures are +20...+21, the average daytime temperatures are about +27...+29 degrees. Precipitation falls more evenly than in the tropical and equatorial areas of the country; the number of days with rain during all months ranges from 10 to 12 days. The water temperature on the southeastern coast of Brazil from January to May is 27 degrees, from June to August 26 degrees, from September to October 27-28 degrees, in November and December it rises to +29.


The official language is Portuguese (Brazilian dialect); Spanish, French, German and Italian are also used. In the interior, "Lingua Geral" is widely used, a common language derived from the languages ​​of the Tupi-Guarani Indian tribes, as well as 180 different languages ​​and dialects of ethnic groups.


The official religion in Brazil is Catholicism; the country ranks first in South America in terms of the number of Protestants (about 3 million). The majority of the population is Catholic, but many people of African descent still practice syncretic and animist cults. Brazilians also support Indian animism and some African cults. In addition, Brazil developed its own religious movement, Umbanda - a syncretic religion that includes elements of Catholicism, spiritualism and Afro-Brazilian traditions.


The population of Brazil is 184,101,109 (2004), with an average population density of almost 21 people per km2. Most of Brazil's inhabitants live along the Atlantic coast. The largest ethnic group represented by Europeans (Portuguese, Spaniards, Germans, Italians) - 54.7%, black Africans make up 5.89% of the country's population, mulattoes - 38.45%. In addition to Brazilian citizens, there are more than 3 million immigrants in the country - mainly Indians, Arabs, Japanese, Italians, Germans, and French. The official language is Portuguese, Spanish, English, German are also common, Italian languages. The majority of believers profess Catholicism (70%), there are also Protestants and Jews. Birth rate - 21 newborns per 1,000 people (1995). Mortality - 9 deaths per 1000 people (infant mortality rate - 57 deaths per 1000 births). Average duration life: men - 57 years old, women - 67 years old (1995). Of the total working-age population (57,000,000 people according to 1989 data), 42% are employed in the service sector, 31% in agriculture, and 27% in industry.


Electricity - different voltage in different states. Typically 110 or 120 V (in some states - 220 V), 60 Hz, plugs are also different: with two or three flat or round pins. In Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, the electrical voltage is almost universal 110 V or 120 V.

Emergency numbers

Country code - 55
Some city codes: Belo Horizonte 31, Brasilia - 61, Manaus - 92, Ouro Preto - 31, Recife - 81, Rio de Janeiro - 21, Salvador - 71, Sao Paulo - 11
Fire protection - 193
Police - 190
Ambulance - 192
Tourist police - 511-51-12; 511-57-67


You can call anywhere in the country from any red pay phone, which are usually located near large stores, office complexes and near intersections. Payphones operate using tokens or cards, which are sold in tobacco shops, newsagents, some shops and post offices. You can call another country from specialized call centers at post offices, airports and train stations.

Currency exchange

Banks are open from 10.00 to 15.00-16.30 from Monday to Friday. Bank branches at the airport and major train stations are usually open 24 hours a day. Money can be changed at specialized currency exchange offices (Cambios), in banks (the most favorable rate), exchange offices at travel agencies and shopping centers, in hotels (usually only dollars), at airports and train stations.


Citizens of the Russian Federation require a visa to visit Brazil. Tourist visa is issued to persons traveling to tourist trips, to visit relatives or friends and to participate in congresses, conferences and seminars.
Consular fee
The consular fee is 1850 rubles. If documents are submitted not personally or by direct relatives, but by a proxy, an additional fee of 370 rubles is charged.
Visa processing times
The processing time for documents for issuing a visa to holders of a Russian passport is: three working days in the case of submitting documents to the Consular Section in person and up to five working days in the case of submitting documents by third parties (travel agencies, proxies, etc.).

Customs regulations

The import of currency is not limited (amounts over 10 thousand Brazilian reals or the equivalent in foreign currency are subject to declaration). You are allowed to import up to 400 cigarettes or 25 cigars duty free; up to 24 units of alcoholic beverages with a total volume of no more than 2 liters; clothing, books and other personal goods, as well as any other goods and products totaling no more than $500 or its equivalent. Children under 14 years of age traveling accompanied by parents or guardians are entitled to duty-free import of personal goods and effects only. One of the following items is also imported duty-free: tape recorder, radio, typewriter, player, binoculars, photo, film or video camera and business notepad with computer memory. The import and export of drugs, firearms, ammunition, medicines, radioactive materials, meat and meat products, dairy products (including cheese), eggs, fresh fruits and vegetables, plants and their parts (including flowers, roots, bulbs and shoots), feed materials, honey, wax, live birds, insects and snails, as well as biological cultures (including vaccines, microbiological cultures, tissues, sperm, embryos, etc.), as well as biological products or materials used in veterinary medicine (including medicines).

Holidays and non-working days

Holidays and non-working days: January 1 (Commonwealth Day / New Year), January 20 (founding of the city of Rio de Janeiro), in April - Holy Saturday, April 21 (Tiradentes), May 1 (Labor Day), September 7 (Independence Day), October 12 (Feast of the Apparition of the Virgin Mary), November 2 (All Souls' Day), November 15 (Republic Day), December 25 (Christmas)
And also:
February-March: Formula 1 races in Sao Paulo
Second half of February: holidays in Manaus
April, 16th to 21st: Independence Day in Ouro Preto
April 20: Indian Day in Recife
In June from the 28th to the 30th: Carnival in the Amazon
From 10th to 25th June: Folklore Festival in Belém, Manaus and Sao Luis
End of June: Rio de Janeiro Marathon
July: Ouro Preto Artists Festival
July: Film Festival in Gramado, in the south of the country
On the 20th of August: folk festival in San Luis and Belo Horizonte
End of August: folklore festival in Paraty
On the 10th of September: the battle of Guarapes in Recife
Sundays in October: Folklore Festival of San Luis


Brazil has a dense network of domestic airlines connecting almost all major population centers. The aircraft of the national carrier Varig and private companies are usually in good condition and have a decent level of service. Air travel within Brazil is not cheap, but the sheer size of the country makes it a must. Airline ticket offices, where you can book tickets, are located in all major shopping and business centers. If you plan to book several tickets at once, then use the Brazilian Airpass system, which will save you money. The domestic entry tax on flights is $4.50-$5.00, depending on the airport, and is usually already included in the price of your ticket.
Buses are the main mode of transport for most Brazilians, the level of service is excellent and ticket prices are low. By bus you can get to any major city in Brazil, as buses connect most of the main cities in Brazil. On most city bus routes there is a fixed fare for any distance - about 0.45 BRL. You enter the bus from the rear entrance and exit from the front. The fare is paid to the driver or conductor. The buses are mostly quite old and not very comfortable; they travel at a speed of no more than 60 km/h. Buses serving coastal areas and the area between hotel complexes are more modern, usually charge differentiated fares depending on the distance traveled, stop at the request of the passenger and are mostly air-conditioned.
There are few train routes in Brazil. Railway services are not in great demand, and there is a tendency to reduce this type of transport to a minimum. However, fans of this mode of transport should not despair, as the main railway routes remain operational, including Curitiba-Paranagua.
There are subways in Rio de Janeiro, Recife and Sao Paulo. The length of the metro lines is relatively short (only two lines each in Rio and Sao Paulo and one in Recife), but it is modern and clean. Open from 6:00 to 23:00, except Sunday.
Taxis are common in all major cities Brazil. You can order a car from the hotel receptionist, catch it on the street, or order it yourself by phone (radio taxis are somewhat more expensive). The fare is usually about 1 BRL per 10 km, but most taxi drivers prefer to name their price. Therefore, it is worth agreeing on the cost of the trip before getting into the car. There are two types of taxis in Rio de Janeiro: yellow taxis and red-blue radio taxis.
River transport
River and sea transport are well developed in many inland and coastal areas. These are numerous boats, ferries, coasters and motor boats. You can travel along the river from Rio to San Francisco or down the Amazon.


Restaurants charge 10% for service, while it is customary to tip the waiter 5%. The same rule applies in bars and cafes, although in summer cafes they usually do not leave a tip if they order only light drinks and beer. In expensive hotels they usually give the porter 50 centavos per bag, and the maids 50 centavos per day. The amount of remuneration for doormen and concierges depends on the specific case, it can reach up to $10. In average and cheap hotels, tips may be minimal. The salaries of employees are so small that any amount will be gladly accepted. In a taxi, the bill is rounded up (the newer the car, the wider the mathematical range the driver operates), and a separate fee is charged for turning on the air conditioning.
If a taxi driver helps you carry your luggage, the usual reward is 25 centavos per bag, and it is customary to tip taxi drivers 10% of the payment amount. In hairdressing and beauty salons, it is customary to tip 10-20%. Tips should be left to gas station attendants and shoe shiners.


Brazil is the birthplace of many precious stones; blue and green emeralds are especially popular. Also very popular are snakeskin products, pottery and other traditional Brazilian goods. Shops are usually open from 9:00 to 18:30 (large ones until 22:00) on weekdays and from 9:00 to 13:00 on Saturdays.

National cuisine

The national dish of Brazil is feijoada. The dish consists of beans, meat, rice, cabbage, cassava flour, and sausages. It is usually eaten in a restaurant at noon on Saturday. Another Brazilian dish, Vatapa is made from fish, shrimp, lobsters, palm oil, coconut oil and various seasonings. In the northeast of the country and in the interior, traditional dishes are based on dried meat, cassava flour, game and caramel. Tutu consists of beans, sausages, pork fat, onions and looks like mashed potatoes. It is served in Belo Horizonte. Xinxim is made from chicken, shrimp, peanuts and tomatoes. Moquica de peixe is made from fish, coconut milk and vegetables. In the Amazon, the cuisine is purely Indian, without any admixture of European or African. The dishes are original and tasty, often prepared by an Indian chef. For example, the emerald green TaZaca soup, which is sold on the street in pumpkin bottles, is unusual. It features shrimp swimming in a sauce made from garlic, tapioca, local plants and cassava. They also serve Caldeirada - a stew made from tomatoes, onions, eggs, peppers, potatoes, and flour. ManiZoba is prepared by Indians from wild pig meat and capivara meat. The meat is buried under banana leaves and watered from time to time. It is then boiled on manionica leaves for 4 days. Add beef, pork, cassava. A magnificent dish of crabs with spices and onions - Casquinho de carangueijo. In Rio Grande do Sul, the main dish is Churrasco, pieces of beef skewered on a metal rod and grilled over coals in the open air. This dish is eaten with a sauce of tomatoes, onions, peppers, vinegar, olive oil and salt. Shepherds in the interior of the country prepare a whole bull in this way.


This amazing corner planet is truly unique. Rainforest with over a million species of plants and animals, great river The Amazon, Indian settlements, and exotic cuisine attract here primarily lovers of extreme recreation, mysterious adventures, and those who want to escape away from civilization. The Amazon makes up one third of Brazil's total territory. The Amazonian lowland is the largest lowland on earth, its area is over 5 million square kilometers. The Amazon River stretches for 6565 km. This is a quarter of the volume of all the water contained in all the rivers of the world. Millions of species have still not been discovered. found here pink dolphin and bull fish, which reaches 4 meters in length and weighs more than 500 kg. The famous piranha can also be found here. The Amazon basin is one large tropical rainforest, that is, a continuous jungle, and the river itself is a quarter of the volume of all the water contained in all the rivers of the world.
Manaus is the capital of the Amazon. 1713 km from Belem (mouth of the Amazon), 3400 km from Brasilia. The name of the city comes from the name of the Indian tribe that lived in these places. The city was founded by the Portuguese in 1669 and flourished in the 19th century during the rubber boom, with the construction of a theater and the first tram line in Brazil. In the second half of the 19th century, the population of Manaus increased tenfold to 500,000 people. However, after rubber began to be grown in Malaysia, the Brazilian rubber market collapsed within a few months, and Manaus' homes became empty. Now the city's population is 80% Indian. The people here are very friendly, it seems that people smile here more often than in the rest of the world. There is an international airport with daily flights to major cities in Brazil. Driving time from Rio is approximately 2 hours. A modern city in the heart of the jungle. Manaus became world famous during the rubber boom of the last century. Money flowed like a river, the city was actively being built.
Iguazu Falls(translated from Guarani - " big water") is a real wonder of the world. The waterfalls are located at the meeting point of the Parana and Iguazu rivers, on the border between Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay, and present an impressive spectacle of cascades of water falling from a height of 72 m (1800 cubic meters per second, width flow up to 3 km), and the sound of the waterfall can be heard for many kilometers, and huge whirlwinds of spray create a rainbow of extraordinary beauty located nearby. National Park Iguazu with an area of ​​17 thousand hectares and a Tourism Center. No less famous is the Guaira waterfall or Seti Quedas on Parana. There are more than twenty in the country national parks, nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries, and in the coming years the government plans to create about ten more protected areas in the Amazon.
Rio de Janeiro
Rio sits on Guanabara Bay and is known for its famous beaches, especially Copacabana. For Cariocas, the beach is a second home, where they make appointments, make deals, and get to know each other. A five-kilometer street, Avenida Atlantica, where the most luxurious hotels, restaurants and villas of the richest people in Brazil are located, comes directly to Copacabana Beach. Near Copacabana are the equally famous beaches of Gavea, Leblon and Ipanema. The first thing you see in Guanabara Bay is Sugarloaf Mountain, its height is 395 m. You can climb there on foot, but faster by cable car, and at the top restaurants, bars, and souvenir shops are already waiting for you. Great view the entire city opens from Mount Corcovado, where at an altitude of 710 m the sculptor Landowski built a statue of Christ - a symbol and business card Rio, one might even say Guardian of the City. Mount Corcovado, in addition to everything, is also part National Park Tijucas with an area of ​​3 thousand hectares. If you are tired of the heat of the beach and the stuffiness of city blocks, the Botanical Garden is your place. It is almost two hundred years old, founded in 1808, more than 7 thousand plants from all over the world are collected there - thanks to the shady oases, fountains and lakes, the Botanical Garden is the second most popular vacation spot for city residents. Rio is very beautiful city, this is especially felt during a helicopter excursion, better at night, because Rio never sleeps. The lights and the sea are a fascinating sight. If you love football, then be sure to go to a match at the Maracana stadium, if, of course, you are lucky with tickets: football is the favorite sport for Brazilians. Rio is not only beaches and restaurants, Rio is the cultural and scientific center of the country, the National Library alone has 2 million items, and among them are the rarest books and manuscripts. The National Museum of Fine Arts has more than 800 paintings and graphics. The exhibitions of the Museum of Modern Art, the National Historical Museum, and the Museum of the Republic are very interesting.
The Pantanal is located in the center of the South American Continent. This is a unique global protected area located in Brazil. Wetlands covered with dense flowering vegetation make up the main landscape of the area. Here lakes and rivers with crystal clean water provide shelter to the rarest specimens of birds and animals. Travelers stay in modern hotel-houses (Lodges), which provide complete comfort and convenience. Pontanal is the most suitable place for nature lovers, scientists, fishermen, photographers, and people tired of the rhythms of modern city life. Here you will find peace, watching the life of birds and huge butterflies, listening to the sounds of nature, dissolving in it. Of course, the Amazon is famous, but the Pantanal is a great place to see wildlife. A huge expanse of marshes, half the size of France, is located in the far west of Brazil and extends into areas bordering Bolivia and Paraguay. The most common wildlife inhabitants are birds, but the Pantanale is also a reserve for giant river otters, anacondas, iguanas, jaguars, pumas, crocodiles, deer, and anteaters. Few people live in the area and there are no settlements. They usually get there by plane to Cuaiba, Campo Grande, Corumba, then by land transport to Caceres, Barao de Malgasi, Pocone, Aquidauana, or by car along the Transpantaneira, which leads to the village of Porto Jofre with the only hotel. You can travel along the Paraguay River from the Bolivian border.
Sao Paulo
Sao Paulo is the largest industrial center of the country, and of all of Latin America. The third largest metropolis in the world leaves an ambivalent impression of itself - on the one hand, the city is quite gray and cannot boast of any special beauties. On the other hand, such a mixture of everything and everyone surrounded by urban landscapes, perhaps, cannot be found anywhere else in America. “Hispanic Chicago,” as it is often called, is built up with steel and glass skyscrapers, factories, offices, fairly old residential neighborhoods and is populated by almost 13 million residents. There is a colossal mixture of races and peoples, cultures and religions, customs and morals from all over the world. Interesting are the Museum of Contemporary Art (one of the largest in the world), the famous Pacaembu stadium, the Museum of Painting, the State Art Gallery, the Impiraña Museum, the Museum of Brazilian History in Independence Park, the Jacques Ardiez Gallery, the Church of Nossa Dama Brasil, the Ibirapuera Park with an area of ​​more than thousands of hectares, the Japanese quarter and the Tea Bridge, a Zoo with a unique collection of tropical birds, a reptile reserve and at the same time the unique Butanta Medical Research Center, the “green areas” of Alameda-Santos and Morumbi, etc. The resort areas of Ubatuba are located not far from the city and Ilya-Bela.


Angra Dos Reis
The Green Coast, or Costa Verde, on which Angra dos Reis is located, is famous for the best beaches in the state of Rio de Janeiro, emerald sea and many picturesque islets scattered throughout the bay. Angra Dos Reis is a small town on the Atlantic coast of Brazil, 155 km south of Rio de Janeiro. The Costa Verde resort area includes 8 bays with many beaches and 365 islands. Angra dos Reis is an ideal holiday destination for married couples with children, lovers of silence, nature, swimming and sports. From above, Angra dos Reis looks like a huge pool with calm water, which reflects all the shades green. Not far from the coast there are about 200 islands of various shapes and configurations. Just southwest of Angra is the historic town of Paraty, the largest and best-preserved colonial-era monument in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Angra dos Reis is popular for its quality golf courses and excellent tennis courts. Here you can rent a yacht, ride horses, play volleyball, football, etc. At your service are all the water sports you can dream of: windsurfing, water skiing, motorcycles, etc. Hotels at resorts are designed for those who want to really relax - the atmosphere here is always calm, the staff is friendly and attentive to the wishes of tourists. Special animation teams will not let you get bored either during the day or in the evenings; they will take care of organizing your leisure time. You won’t be bored in the evenings - right on the hotel grounds, tourists will find numerous bars, restaurants and cozy lounges with live music, where you can completely relax and forget about all your problems. Small cozy bays, a calm ocean, lush tropical vegetation, and picturesque landscapes make this suburb of Rio a favorite vacation spot for both tourists and city residents.
Buzios is one of the most beautiful places world, whose unique charm is given by the bizarre landscape, exotic vegetation, picturesque beaches and architecture that is in perfect harmony with surrounding nature. Resort international level Buzios is known throughout the world for its unique combination of provincial charm and first-class infrastructure. It is a picturesque peninsula with more than 25 beaches suitable for both swimming and water sports. There is a special atmosphere here, inspired by unique architecture, the proximity of a fishing village, local flora and fauna. The peninsula has a pleasant microclimate with rare precipitation and an average annual temperature of +26°C. It is twice as sunny here as in Rio de Janeiro itself. It is believed that there is no wrong season to visit Buzios.
Azeda is a small beach with clear and calm waters. Joao Fernandez beach is suitable for lovers of comfort, good service and scuba diving. There are numerous bars where you can enjoy lobster and other seafood delicacies. Ferradura Beach is located in a picturesque horseshoe-shaped bay, where there are many bars offering typically Brazilian drinks and snacks. Ferradurinha is a small beach that was recently named one of the top ten beaches in Brazil, its calm waters are ideal for snorkeling, and thrill-seekers can try diving from one of the local picturesque cliffs. It was on the beach of Ossus that the first emigrants began to rebuild the fishing huts, marking the beginning of the formation of the new Buzios. Armakau Beach is famous for its Bardo promenade, where you can stroll past mansions and fishermen's huts. Amores, a cozy and calm beach, has acquired a reputation as a “beach for lovers.” The coastal waters of Tartaruga Beach are home to coral colonies, making it particularly suitable for diving - and with a bit of luck, you can even see sea turtles underwater there. At the Manguinhos Beach fish market you can buy seafood at low prices. Jeriba Beach is popular with many famous people and young people, it is ideal for surfing and windsurfing and is crowded in new year holidays. Brava Beach is a suitable place for surfers and fishermen who spend days and nights here.
Costa de Sauipe
Costa do Sauipe is located 70 km from Salvador - this is the largest resort area in Brazil, located in the most dazzlingly beautiful area of ​​​​Brazil - in the north of the province of Bahia, in the area of ​​​​natural reserves. White sandy beaches with dunes, coconut groves, exotic vegetation, small lakes near the ocean, rivers, lagoons and sunny weather all year round. Costa de Sauipe is located in a state-protected ecological zone with a wide variety of exotic flora and fauna. Costa do Sauipe is considered an ecological zone protected by the state, with a large variety of exotic flora and fauna. The resort has many hotels of its own high class well-known hotel chains: from Superclubs Breezes Costa do Sauipe - the first hotel in Brazil serving the all inclusive system, to hotels of the Sofitel and Marriott systems. There are also many different restaurants and entertainment centers here.
The average annual air temperature is 28C, temperature pure water 1 degree below air temperature. The most breathtaking views and impressive white sand beaches.
Salvador (port. Salvador - Savior) is the capital of the state of Bahia. It was founded in 1549. The city is located on two levels. The "lower city" is located at sea level, being the commercial center of Salvador, where saleswomen (mostly elderly women, Bahyan women) in traditional white clothes sell a variety of coconut sweets.
The “Upper City” is home to colonial-style government offices, museums, churches and modern architecture. Salvador is also one of the historical centers for the development of Capoeira Angola, a traditional Brazilian wrestling dance. History and cultural heritage The lyricism and spirituality of Capoeira in general and Capoeira Angola in particular are intrinsically linked to this cultural phenomenon. Salvador is one of the largest cities in the country. It has an international airport, world-class hotels and resorts. The architecture of the city is a mixture of "colonial" style with Art Nouveau style; pretty narrow streets with colorful houses merge with wide avenues of business districts with modern buildings. The beaches of Bahia are 1200 km of white sand, covered with coconut palms, developing in the warm wind. A wide range of first class hotels Porto Seguro, Renaissance Costa do Sauipe, Valenca, have ample opportunities to satisfy all the needs of their guests.
Recife is a city and seaport in the northeastern part of Brazil, on the Atlantic coast. It is a business and financial center. The region's economy is based on the export of refined sugar, cotton, canned tomatoes, paper, and leather goods. Recife is called the "Venice of America" ​​because Recife has many maritime trade routes. Recife is often called the “Brazilian Venice”, because there are also many canals connected by beautiful bridges and narrow one-way streets. But not the whole city is like this - ancient quarters coexist here with modern high-rise areas and shopping areas (after all, this is the fourth largest city in Brazil and one of the largest ports), but, despite everything, the city has managed to retain its historical flavor. Recife and its surroundings have recently become popular among tourists and the local population treats vacationers with genuine cordiality and undisguised curiosity. Not far from the coast of Recife passes coral reef, which gave the city its name, because in Portuguese Recife means “reef”.
Located in the north of the country, on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, a 3-hour flight from Rio de Janeiro. Fortaleza - big modern city, with a sea of ​​entertainment, where beautiful beaches with tall coconut palms stand against the backdrop of daring modern buildings. This place is famous for the settlements of fishermen and the pilgrimage of surfers. Fishermen go to sea every day, and on the shore their patient wives weave lace and create beautiful embroideries, and surfers say that such favorable places in the world can be counted on one hand. The center of attraction for tourists from all over the world is the numerous city beaches with many restaurants, bars, entertainment centers that are open seven days a week and on holidays, even on Monday night the nightclubs here are in full force. The climate of Fortaleza is favorable for a beach holiday - there are many sunny days a year on the Atlantic coast and cool sea breezes constantly blow. The local beach flavor is complemented by traditional jangadas boats, which are quite difficult to operate, but the locals are fluent in this art - every morning the boats go to sea so that by lunchtime fresh seafood appears in the city's restaurants.

Brazil- the largest state in Latin America. In the north it borders with Guyana, Venezuela, Suriname, French Guiana, in the northwest - with Colombia, in the west - with Peru and Bolivia, in the southwest - with Paraguay and Argentina, in the south - with Uruguay. In the east it is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

The name of the country comes from the Portuguese brasa, which means “heat, hot coals” (this is what the Portuguese called red sandalwood, which for some time was the main export item from Brazil to Europe).





176,500 thousand people

Administrative division

The state is divided into 23 states, one capital district and 3 federal territories.

Form of government

Republic, with a federal government structure.

Head of State

President, elected for 5 years.

Supreme legislative body

National Congress (bicameral parliament consisting of the Federal Senate and the Chamber of Deputies).

Supreme executive body


Major cities

Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Recife, Curitiba, Porto Alegre, Belem, Manaus, Fortaleza.
State language. Portuguese.


89% are Catholics (Roman Catholic Church), quite large number residents who officially profess occult religions.

Ethnic composition

55% are Europeans (Portuguese, Italians, Spaniards), 38% are mestizo, 7% come from Africa.



In Brazil there are 6 main climatic zones: equatorial, tropical, tropical highland, tropical Atlantic, semi-arid, subtropical. In most of the country, the average annual temperature is above + 20 °C, which is due to the proximity of the equator and the low elevation of the terrain. In general, tropical regions of Brazil are characterized by dry winters and rainy summer. Annual precipitation decreases from 3000 mm in the western Amazon lowland to 500 mm in the northeast.


The territory of the Amazon basin is covered with selva - evergreen, humid, impenetrable tropical jungle. The rest of the territory is dominated by tropical forests.


The fauna of Brazil is characterized by puma, jaguar, ocelot, anteater, fox, monkeys, deer, armadillo, tapir, rare bush dog, sloth, opossum, crocodile, and a large number of birds, insects and reptiles. Caimans and piranhas are dangerous in the rivers.

Rivers and lakes

The largest rivers are the Amazon, Parana, and Sao Francisco. The latter forms a cascade of Paulo Afonso waterfalls with a height of 84 m.


The historic quarters of Ore Preto have been carefully restored and are now protected as a national treasure of Brazil and a monument of global importance. In the capital - Itama-rati Palace, cathedral, Museum of Modern Art, Indian Museum, Ethnographic Museum and many others. The symbol of Rio de Janeiro is Mount Corco Vado with the statue of Christ the Savior. The annual carnival is famous.

Useful information for tourists

Traditional purchases include interesting and entertaining souvenirs: Indian vessels, Negro amulets or items made from Pau-Brazil mahogany. Best place to buy souvenirs - the Hippie Fair, held on Sunday. Rio also has large shopping centers- Rio Sul and Barra Shopping. Serious purchases worth making in Brazil are natural gemstones: diamonds, emeralds, topazes.
Brazil is one of the ten most criminal countries in the world. It is not recommended to wear expensive jewelry, large sums money, leaving clothes, cameras and wallets unattended on the beach, accepting invitations from strangers. Avoid visiting torch (slum) areas even during daytime. Never leave documents, money or jewelry in your hotel room (hotels are not responsible for items missing from your room). It is safe in the resort outskirts of Rio, in Manaus, and at the Iguazu Falls.
Tips in expensive restaurants and bars are 10% of the bill (if it does not include a service charge); in cheap eateries - 1-2 reais; the cafes on the beach are not accepted; the porter at the hotel or airport is given 1 real; The taxi driver's bill is rounded up.