Temperatures in Australia by month.

home Geographical location the most mysterious continent on earth, coupled with the topography and oceans washing the continent, makes the climate of Australia so multifaceted and different from the rest. On the territory of the country there are four main climatic zones

, in which weather and temperature differences are clearly manifested.

Why do Australia have calendar and climate seasons? The Southern Hemisphere dictates its own weather

seasons of the year in Australia, changing the calendar summer, autumn, winter and spring in places. Therefore, climatic spring on the mainland begins in September and lasts until November. The summer season is limited to the period from December to February. Autumn begins in March and gives way to climatic winter in June, which lasts until August. Tropical monsoon climate

Australia (subequatorial) The north and northeast of the mainland is under the rule of the subequatorial climate zone, so the average temperature throughout the year remains at around 23-24 degrees. Northwest monsoons in summer period bring up to 1500 mm of precipitation to the shores of Australia. IN winter months northern regions

Countries remain virtually without rain. As you move towards the center of the continent, you can often notice severe droughts caused by hot winds. Three options tropical climate


The eastern part of the mainland is influenced by the Pacific trade winds blowing from the southeast, so these regions of Australia are characterized by a humid tropical climate. The entire east coast of the country, including Sydney, up to the western foothills of the Great Dividing Range, is drought-free. The climate here can be called mild, because in the summer season temperatures vary between 22-25 degrees, and in winter they do not drop below 11 degrees. The climatic summer, which in Australia occurs in December, January and February, is characterized by insignificant rainfall. The climatic winter in the east of the country, on the contrary, is very wet, so floods often occur. Deserts cover an impressive portion of the country, making Australia one of the driest continents in the world. The reason for this is the significant extent of the continent along the equator, coupled with, skirting the coast along the water's edge. Therefore, most precipitation falls on the coast, never reaching the central regions of the country. In addition, the formation of severe droughts is influenced by the low ruggedness of the coast and tropical latitudes, which warm up the most.

More influence desert climate The central and western regions of Australia are susceptible, where in January temperatures can exceed 30 degrees in the shade, and in July vary between 10-15 degrees. In the Great Sandy Desert and Lake Eyre region, temperatures often reach 45 degrees, and in winter they do not drop below 20 degrees. Temperatures in Alice Springs, on the other hand, could drop to -6 degrees. Residents of these regions have not seen rain for years.

Three types of subtropical climates in Australia

The southwestern regions of the country are approaching in their climatic conditions Mediterranean coast France and Spain. Dry and hot summers give way to warm, humid winters, and in January the temperature can reach 27 degrees, and in June drop to only 12 degrees. In the south of the country, which covers western New South Wales, the regions surrounding Adelaide and the Great Australian Bight, continental climate with droughts and large temperature fluctuations. The southwestern part of New South Wales and the state of Victoria is considered the most favorable for living and farming. A humid, mild climate has been established here with an annual temperature range of 8 to 24 degrees.

Temperate climate zone on the island of Tasmania

T Anyone who dreams of the weather of Foggy Albion with cool summers and warm wet winters should go to the island of Tasmania. There is practically no snow in the region, since it has time to melt, however total annual precipitation exceeds 2000 mm.

You can enjoy the coolness of the Alps and catch snow in Australia from June to August in the mountains of Victoria and in the region Snowy Mountains near the capital Canberra.

Earth. In addition, it also holds the title of the hottest and driest. Most of the continent lacks moisture, so there are a lot of deserts and semi-deserts, especially in its central regions. Australia's climate is very interesting to study and incredibly diverse. Today we will look at what climatic zones where is Australia located and how? natural areas she is presented.

General information about the continent

Australia is a continent of contrasts. It is located entirely in the Southern Hemisphere. In winter, when we have frost and snow, it is hot there, but in summer the temperature, on the contrary, decreases. In Australia, kangaroo meat is eaten instead of lamb and beef. Despite the arid climate, there is more snow in the mountains than in all of Switzerland. It is known that indigenous Australians are descendants of prisoners, but at the genetic level this did not affect them in any way. This country is one of the most law-abiding.

The territory of the continent is 7,692,024 km². Population - 24.13 million (as of 2016). The capital of the state of the same name is Canberra. Besides, major cities are Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth. So, in what climatic zones is mainland Australia located and what is the definition of the term “climate”?

Climate of Australia

Climate is the weather regime characteristic of a given area. Climatic conditions in certain areas have not changed for decades, although in Lately There is global climate change all over the world.

Climatic zones influence all natural factors:

1. Wind and precipitation destroy landforms.

2. Soil in warm and humid climate more fertile than in cold conditions.

3. Flora and fauna. The warmer the climate, the more types plants and animals live on the territory.

The climate of the area, in turn, is influenced by latitude, distance from the equator (the farther, the colder), and altitude above sea level. In this case, every 1000 m in height reduces the temperature by an average of 7 degrees Celsius. This is why even in tropical high mountain areas it is very cold.

What climate zones is Australia located in?

Main climate types:

  • subequatorial (in the north);
  • tropical (south of the continent);
  • subtropical (Central Australia).

The island of Tasmania can also be included in the list as it is an Australian state. The climate here is temperate. Now let's look at each of them in more detail.

Subequatorial belt of Australia

The subtropical climate that dominates the south of the country is characterized by changes in air masses. In summer, the subtropics are influenced by tropical air masses, and in winter - by temperate air masses. Summers are sunny, and winters are moderately cold and rainy.

Subequatorial belt characterized big amount precipitation and enough cold temperature: +23...+24 °С. However, it fluctuates slightly throughout the year. This type of climate is in the north and northeast of Australia. Precipitation is brought here by the monsoon (a steady wind that periodically changes direction) in the summer - from December to February. Sometimes they are so abundant that they exceed 2000 millimeters. But in winter, in June - August, clear, dry weather sets in, sometimes even turning into drought.

The northern part of Australia is represented mainly by savannas and woodlands, with many deserts. The largest of them are Big Sandy, Big Victoria, Simpson. Vegetation cover depends on the duration and abundance of rain. Kangaroos, koalas, wombats, and crocodiles are found here. The eastern regions are rich in ficus, ferns, eucalyptus, and palm trees. In the east they grow wet rainforests. The area is sparsely populated. Agriculture is undeveloped due to unsuitable climatic conditions.

Subtropical climate of Australia

What climate zones is Australia located in in the south? There is only one subtropical zone, but it is divided into 3 types.

Continental - characteristic of the southern part of the mainland, but extends further east, through the outskirts of Adelaide, into the western regions of New South Wales. He's different a small amount precipitation and significant seasonal temperature fluctuations. Summer is dry and hot, winter is cold. The annual precipitation is 500-600 mm. The territory is predominantly desert due to its remoteness inland.

The Mediterranean type of climate in Australia is characteristic of the southwest of the continent. In summer the temperature reaches +23...+27 °C, and in winter it drops to +12...+14 °C. The amount of precipitation is small - 500-600 mm per year. It is the southwestern and south- East Coast most populated.

The humid subtropical climate in the southeast is characterized by a moderate increase in temperature - about +22 °C. In winter +6...+8 °C. The amount of precipitation sometimes exceeds 2000 mm per year.

Tropical climate of Australia

What climate zone is Central Australia located in? Subtropical and subequatorial climate reigns only in the extreme regions of the mainland, while the tropical climate dominates almost all of Australia. It is divided into wet and dry.

A humid tropical climate is characteristic of the extreme eastern part of the continent. The wind brings air masses saturated with moisture, with Pacific Ocean. On average, about 1500 mm of precipitation falls here, so this area is well hydrated. The climate is mild, the temperature in summer rises to +22 °C, and in winter it does not fall below +11 °C.

A tropical dry climate is typical for most of the continent. The central and western regions of Australia are occupied by deserts and semi-deserts. They stretch for almost 2.5 thousand km from the coast Indian Ocean to the Great Dividing Range.

Summer temperatures in these arid areas sometimes exceed +30 °C. IN winter period drops to +10...+15 °C. And the hottest region of the continent is considered to be Bolshaya. sandy desert in northwestern Australia. Almost all summer the temperature here exceeds +35 °C, and in winter it drops only to +20 °C.

In the center of the mainland, in the city of Alice Springs, the thermometer can rise to +45°C. It is one of the richest and most beautiful cities in Australia, and the second most populous. At the same time, it is removed from the nearest settlement at 1500 km.

When discussing the climatic zones and climate types of Australia, we will not lose sight of the weather conditions on the island of Tasmania. It reigns here temperate climate, temperatures in winter and summer usually vary within 10 degrees. average temperature in summer +17 °C, and in winter it drops to +8 °C.

These are the climatic zones in which Australia is located: subequatorial, tropical and subtropical.

Australian waters

Climate influences the waters and land of Australia significant influence. 60% of the continent does not drain into the ocean; there are very few rivers and lakes here. Most of the rivers belong to the Indian Ocean basin. These streams are shallow and often dry up in the heat. Almost all lakes are deep waterless pits. The rivers of the Pacific Ocean, on the contrary, are full-flowing, since these areas receive a lot of precipitation. Alas, most of the continent lacks moisture.

Australia is rich in artesian springs that lie on great depth. The water in most of them is slightly salty. Therefore, their use on the farm is limited.

- the driest continent on the planet. Only 1/3 of its territory receives sufficient or excessive moisture. In general, precipitation falls five times less over the continent than above.

The climatic conditions of Australia depend primarily on its characteristics on both sides of the southern tropics. In addition to the climate of the continent, features, relief, and weak ruggedness influence coastline and, as well as the large extent of the continent from west to east.

Most of Australia is dominated by trade winds. But their influence on the climate of the eastern mountain and western parts continent manifests itself in different ways. In the far south, climate formation is influenced by cold period years of Western temperate latitudes. The north of the continent is influenced by the northwestern equatorial monsoons.

The shallow ruggedness of the coastline and the mountain barrier in the east of the continent significantly weaken the influence of the surrounding oceanic waters on the climate of the inland (tropical) parts of Australia. Therefore, the climate of the most extended part of the continent from west to east is surprisingly dry and continental.

Mainland Australia is located in three regions: tropical and subtropical.

The subequatorial belt contains the northern edge of the continent up to approximately 20° S. To these latitudes in the summer southern hemisphere(December-February) northwest monsoons penetrate.

IN tropical zone(between 20° and 30° S) two types of climate form in Australia: tropical wet in the east and tropical dry in the west. The area of ​​humid tropical climate occupies the eastern coast of the mainland. It's blowing here all year round southeast trade winds. They pass over the warm East Australian Current, become saturated with moisture and bring them to the eastern slopes of the Great Dividing Range (1000-1500 mm per year). The region of dry tropical climate covers the western and central areas belts Dry tropical climates dominate here all year round. In summer, the air in Western Australia rises above +30°C, in winter it stays within +10…+15°C. Precipitation is only about 100-300 mm, it falls irregularly and sporadically.

IN subtropical zone(south of 30° S) there are three types of climate: humid - in the southeast, subtropical continental - north of the coast of the Great Gulf, subtropical - in the southwest of the belt. These climate types differ mainly in the annual amount of precipitation and its regime. Thus, in the subtropical region, precipitation falls throughout the year (1000-2000 mm or more); January temperatures are about +22°C, July - +6°C. The subtropical continental climate is characterized by low precipitation (300-400 mm per year) and rather sharp annual and daily temperature fluctuations. The subtropical Mediterranean climate in Australia is characterized by dry and hot summers, cool and rainy winters, and an annual rainfall of 500-600 mm.

In addition to the northern part, it already lies in the belt of the southern hemisphere. Western winds prevail there all year, bringing a lot of precipitation. Therefore, Tasmania's climate is humid, with cool summers and relatively warm winters.

Australia, remote from all other continents and continents, exists in a separate world. The fact is that this small continent is surprisingly rich in natural and climatic features.

Weather in Australia now:

There are majestic deserts, beautiful tropical forests, snow-capped mountains, and a wide variety of nature and fauna. main feature Australia's climate is that summer begins in December and winter in June. Amazing, isn't it? In fact, this distinctive feature is common to all countries located in the Southern Hemisphere.

Australian climate by month:

Spring. (Australian autumn)

From March to May the golden age begins in Australia. autumn time. All the forests, parks and reserves of the country are being transformed: the red-golden hue of the trees captivates the eye, and numerous tourists flock to Australia just for this. The trees in Orange and the cloud forests in the Yarra Valley are especially beautiful. Autumn is a traditional time for various wine and culinary festivals, one of which is held in Orange. The country's vineyards always provide an opportunity to enjoy the magnificent and delicate taste of wine, in the preparation of which Australians have their own traditions. April 25 is a special date; on this day, residents of the country honor the memory of men and women who gave their lives in wars. Various events are held throughout the country, primarily dedicated to memory and gratitude.

Summer. (Winter season in Australia)

Winter is rightfully considered best time year in Australia, when you can fully enjoy swimming in the waters of the Great Barrier Reef or snowboarding in the snow in Victoria. Winter begins in June, and the air temperature rarely exceeds 20 degrees, and this is also the time of the rainy season (although it does not occur as often as, for example, in Britain). Particularly beautiful in winter wild nature: kangaroos, koalas, wallabies, pelicans and many other representatives of the fauna will surprise guests of the country with their beauty. Of course it looks amazing and undersea world: corals, exotic fish - you can admire all this by visiting one of the many diving centers in the country.

Autumn. (Australia's wonderful spring)

Spring, which runs from September to November in Australia, combines the features of the other three seasons. For example, you can spend time on one of the country's beaches, or you can go to the Kangaroo Islands and watch how wildlife blooms. The spring climate is very similar to autumn: not too hot and not too cold. Local residents are especially happy about spring, because green continent is slowly starting to bloom bright colors. The main national event in the spring is the Melbourne Cup (horse racing). The whole country watches these races, and many residents traditionally place bets, watching with great interest the ups and downs of the race at the hippodrome.

Winter. (Australian summer)

It's hard for us Europeans to believe, but the driest and hottest time in Australia is from December to February. In some places of the mainland (the central part and areas close to the desert), the air temperature warms up to +40 degrees in the shade. Full summer begins around November, and tourists are advised to visit the southern cities of the country, because the temperature is summer days It rarely exceeds +30 degrees there. But the main thing distinctive feature The Australian summer has a dry climate: there is practically no rain, and the dry weather sometimes lasts for a very long time. However, on December 25, Australians, like all Catholics, celebrate Christmas, and on January 26, residents of the green continent celebrate Australia Day.

I went to Alelaida for work two years ago in February, I thought that it wouldn’t be very hot there and I wouldn’t be able to go to the sea and relax, but already on the plane I remembered that everything was the other way around and I ended up in this city at the height of summer and holiday season. I didn’t expect such heat at noon, almost +40, you can only go outside in the morning when the sun is still relatively low and all this is in the background complete absence precipitation, it’s good that at least the sea breeze somehow cooled it.

January, Moscow, Epiphany frosts. It's very cold, isn't it? I don't even want to go outside. Do you know where it’s good now? In Australia. Yes, this effort is far from us, the distance between Moscow and Sydney is 14512 km. Exactly a year ago I was in Sydney, went there on a business trip. Warm weather I was pleasantly surprised as soon as I got off the plane. I would like to be in Australia again now. I looked on the Internet, the weather in Sydney these days is +25. Water temperature +23. It was also very warm there that year. I got the job done and took a little break from the winter. I don't like cold weather. Summer in Australia is usually very hot. So, dear friends, if you are also tired of severe frosts, and there is such an opportunity, then go there))

This was my second trip to Australia. For the first time I went to admire Sydney more. The second trip was purely business, but I managed to combine work and beach holiday, I was in Perth. There are excellent sandy beaches outside the city, we also managed to visit Rottnest, this is an island reserve, there are excellent Coral reefs, I saw the famous tea tree and walked through the cypress grove. And at Swan Willie you can taste young wine and get acquainted with the history of winemaking in Australia. I haven’t done diving, but there is an opportunity for this, just get to the Ningaloo Reef. The weather was very pleasant, during the day about 29-30 degrees, water around 23-25, and at night 23-24 degrees, I was there for two weeks, there was no rain at all.