When is the best time to go to Sri Lanka? Sri Lanka holiday season

Throughout Sri Lanka, a tropical climate prevails - humid and warm, the temperature difference throughout the year does not exceed 5 degrees, in the coolest place - Nuwara Eliya, 16 degrees during the day, 10 degrees at night. On the coast during the day it’s about 30 degrees, in the Indian Ocean at the resorts it’s 28-30 degrees. On the southwest coast, the best time for swimming, surfing and beach holidays is from December to April, on the northeast - from March to November.

The island is virtually the same throughout the island. The difference is made by the southeast and northwest monsoons, which hit the coast of Sri Lanka with storms and thunderstorms.

It doesn’t vary much between months, the temperature during the day stays between 25-30 degrees, the sea 28-30, the only serious factor is the rainy seasons with showers, thunderstorms and very high (up to 100%) humidity.

Sri Lanka in January

On the island of Sri Lanka, the weather in January is dry and hot, around 31 degrees during the day, 23 degrees at night, little precipitation, there may be light rains with thunderstorms several times, ocean water 28 degrees, sunset at 18 hours, most days are sunny and cloudless . Most good month for holidays in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka in February

February is the driest month in Sri Lanka. You may never get rain, daytime temperatures are about 32 degrees, at night 23 degrees, water off the coast is 28. The most successful month for a trip to the island for a beach and excursion holiday.

Sri Lanka in March

In March in Sri Lanka it is partly cloudy, but there is much more rain than in February; during the day it can be more than 33 degrees, and combined with high humidity, it can be stuffy and uncomfortable. Overall a good month to visit Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka in April

In April, the rainy season begins in Sri Lanka, heavy rains, with thunderstorms, mainly at night, the sea warms up to 30 degrees. Not the best month for travel.

Sri Lanka in May

In May, the monsoon peaks in Sri Lanka, humidity rises to 99%, downpours with thunderstorms almost every day, the day is hot and stuffy, and there can be storms. Not a good time to rest.

Sri Lanka in June

In June, the monsoon begins to leave, the sea cools down to 28 degrees after the rains, rains are not as frequent as in May, but the stuffiness remains. Not the best month for a trip.

Sri Lanka in July

In July in Sri Lanka there is already much less rain, thunderstorms are rare, sea water is 28 degrees, during the day it does not rise above 31, a lot sunny days, a good time to relax in Sri Lanka on the beach.

Sri Lanka in August

In August, the weather in Sri Lanka is not the hottest and driest, 25-30 degrees during the day, which is the most successful period for a tourist from a temperate climate, with little humidity. A wonderful time to relax on the coast, the ocean is calm, best time for a trip with children.

Sri Lanka in September

In September clear days in Sri Lanka are not so frequent, the monsoon time is approaching. It’s comfortable in the morning and evening, during the day the air warms up to 30 degrees, the sea is 28 degrees, and by the end of the month there is more precipitation.

Sri Lanka in October

In October, the monsoon peaks in Sri Lanka; it rains almost every day, often with downpours and thunderstorms. There are practically no sunny days. During the day 28-30 degrees, at night 25-27. The humidity in October in Sri Lanka is at its maximum, very stuffy and uncomfortable. A very bad month for travel.

Sri Lanka in November

In November, winds blow in Sri Lanka, the ocean is not calm, there may be storms due to the departure of the monsoons. Rains are frequent, but not as much as in October. Sunny days appear more and more often, the daytime temperature is stable - about 30 degrees.

Sri Lanka in December

A wonderful month for a holiday. During the day it is partly cloudy, rains are no longer so frequent, the sea is 28 degrees, the air warms up to 28-32 degrees. Daylight hours in December in Sri Lanka are 11 hours 37 minutes, and there are eight hours of sunshine on a normal day, the best month for vacation.

In any case, the climate of Sri Lanka for residents of temperate latitudes is a wonderful alternative to the Russian winter, the only problem is that there is no snow in Sri Lanka. Even in the rainiest month, you can find a sunny day for a pleasant walk along the ocean, or interesting excursion around the island with its unforgettable flavor.

In the video you can see a typical July day. This is how their rainy season goes. Sometimes it happens that there is no rain for weeks. And if they do happen, they don’t last very long. In general, you can safely go to Sri Lanka all year round.

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Sri Lanka is a miniature island state where you can relax in comfort almost all year round. Once called Ceylon, it was famous throughout the world for making delicious tea. Today, tourists who value privacy and a peaceful atmosphere are eager to get to the island.

Types of tourist seasons in Sri Lanka

Climatic conditions The islands are such that you can enjoy holidays here throughout the year. In addition, a trip to Sri Lanka is not only a beach holiday, but also an acquaintance with amazing story and the culture of the island. Local residents distinguish several periods, each of which is suitable for a certain type of tourism.

High season

Starting from December, the flow of tourists wishing to go to the Cote d'Azur increases in arithmetic progression. This fact This is explained by the fact that the winter months include a series of holiday festivals, which many people want to take part in. It also contributes to a pleasant stay warm weather and the absence of heavy rains. The water temperature reaches the optimal +25-27 degrees, so you can swim all day.

If you decide to go to Sri Lanka at the height of the beach season, then you should take care of purchasing a ticket in advance. Firstly, you will have a chance to save a decent amount of money, and, secondly, choose an acceptable accommodation option at an affordable price.

Ends high season, as a rule, at the end of April, as stable and dry weather is replaced by stormy winds.

Low season

Despite the fact that Sri Lanka is popular with tourists at any time of the year, between May and November the demand for the Sri Lankan destination gradually decreases. The reason for this, of course, is the inclement weather that affects most of the island. During the daytime there may be heavy rainfall accompanied by strong winds. Sometimes tsunamis occur in Sri Lanka, but this is a very rare phenomenon.

On the other hand, purchasing a tour to the island in low season, it is worth knowing that prices for tours will be the lowest. It is better to buy a ticket a few weeks before departure. At the same time, you do not need to worry about the lengthy process of obtaining a visa due to the fact that this procedure in Sri Lanka is as simplified as possible.

It is also worth noting that in the southern regions of the island it is more pleasant to relax in the low season in June or September. Another option is to go to the northeast of the state. The only disadvantage of such a trip is the insufficiently developed infrastructure.

Active holiday season

People often travel to Sri Lanka to engage in water activities such as windsurfing, surfing and diving. To this end, the island's government has made a lot of efforts to create specialized centers where they teach the basics of active sports. For professionals, a vacation to surf spots in the area, Arugam Bay, Nilaveli, located in the northwestern part of Sri Lanka, is ideal. For beginners, it is better to choose either Kaluntara, since in these places there is a gentler entry into the water and there are rarely high waves.

Windsurfing can be done from May to October if you are in the northeast. The windsurfing season in the southwest begins in November and ends in mid-April.

Whale and bird watching season

The flora and fauna of the island is so diverse that some visitors go to Sri Lanka to see rare species of birds and mammals. First of all, this concerns the giant blue whales that live in the warm waters of the ocean. During migration (December - April), whales move long distances and can be observed in natural environment. There are many companies that organize such excursions, so you can always purchase a ticket for one of the tours.

Bird lovers are advised to come to the island in December, which is called National Bird Month. Vast territories are home to several thousand species of birds that have flown for the winter from different countries. Thousands of tourists and Sri Lankans watch this amazing spectacle.

Treatment season

Sri Lanka is famous among fans of Ayurveda because it was on this island that the foundations were laid ancient art healing. This is evidenced by a large number of centers and health complexes offering a wide range of services, the most popular of which are considered:

  • complete restoration of the body’s strength after overwork or stress;
  • correction of the functioning of the main body systems without medical intervention;
  • relaxing procedures that help harmonize spiritual potential;
  • diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases using unique techniques.

For health purposes, it is worth going to Sri Lanka in the summer, as you can relax on the beach and walk full course necessary procedures. Please note that to achieve a positive result of treatment you should stay on the island for at least 3 weeks.

Climate of Sri Lanka

Due to the fact that the state is geographically located in close proximity to the equator, the island is dominated by a monsoon tropical climate. Therefore, Sri Lanka is often called the country of “eternal” summer. The difference in temperature does not exceed 5-7 degrees throughout the year.

Spring in Sri Lanka

The beginning of spring is an ideal time to relax, as already in April the weather changes and it rains. Average air temperatures in spring vary from +30 to +32 degrees, and the water warms up to +29 degrees.

April marks the rainy and monsoon season, which results in high humidity and high waves on the ocean surface. The least rainfall occurs in the central provinces of the island. For example, in the area of ​​a resort located high in the mountains, it rains rarely in April and mostly at night. Those who like relative coolness should go to Kandy, as this is the only place on the island where the air temperature in the evening drops to +21 degrees.

In May, they are approaching Sri Lanka air masses, contributing to an increase in precipitation several times. Heavy rains cover almost the entire island, especially in the resort.

Summer in Sri Lanka

In June the southwest monsoon brings with it heavy rains which go most often at night. By morning, the sand and soil have time to dry out, so vacationing in Sri Lanka in the summer is not the worst option. Daytime air temperature is not much different from spring and is about +32 degrees. However, in July the heat is felt more intensely due to increased humidity. IN evening time The day becomes cooler by a couple of degrees. The water warms up to +28 degrees throughout the summer months.

In the south of the island, sometimes destructive hurricanes occur, after which the people of Sri Lanka take a long time to recover. If you decide to go to the island in the summer, it is better to choose western or mountain resorts where there are no hurricane winds.

Autumn in Sri Lanka

Forecasters classify the autumn period on the island as inter-monsoon. In September the numbers drop, but inclement weather is still possible. The rains are zenithal in nature, that is, they fall several times a day and are accompanied by heavy precipitation. The rainiest month is October, when precipitation falls over 18 days.

In November, the weather changes slightly due to the fact that the northeast wind blowing from the Bay of Bengal brings humid air currents. It begins to rain in the central highlands of Sri Lanka, but the southwest of the island is quite dry.

November also marks the opening of the tourist season, which takes place in optimal weather conditions. Hot weather, dry air, calm ocean, warm water, lack of wind - all this allows you to make your holiday in Sri Lanka perfect in the fall.

Winter in Sri Lanka

Beach season continues the first two winter months. Average temperatures in December, January and February are from +27 to +29 degrees. You need to know that in high mountain areas the temperature may drop to +10 degrees. Thus, in Nuwara Eliya every year in winter the air cools at night to +7 degrees Celsius.

As for rains, they rarely happen in winter and last for about 15 minutes, after which sunny weather sets in again. In February, air dryness reaches its annual limit, and starting in March, the air masses are filled with moisture again. Winter evenings, as a rule, are characterized by a decrease in temperature by 3-5 degrees and the absence of wind. After sunset, mosquitoes and midges become more active in all areas of the island, so you should take any repellent with you in advance.

Editor: Irina

What are your associations with the word “Ceylon”? Tea and elephants.
Associations to "Sri Lanka"? Ocean, palm trees, tropical fruits.
For those who didn’t know, this is one and the same thing - an island that was a former English colony, and is now a popular tourist destination. Let's find out where the best places are in Sri Lanka: lists of resorts and beaches, plus useful weather information.

No matter what time of year you come, there is always an excellent “dry” beach on the island. But no one has canceled the rainy season in Sri Lanka, and in order not to travel around the country in search of good weather conditions, here is information about the peculiarities of Ceylon’s climate:

➢ Firstly: the temperature in Sri Lanka is constant. About +30°С “on land”, +28°С “at sea”, either in January or in May.

➢ Secondly: how comfortable a holiday on the island of Sri Lanka will be is determined by the monsoons. They bring rain, and the dry season gives way to the wet season. The weather is deteriorating, it is getting stuffy, there are big waves in the ocean. This is a good time to explore the island, because... prices are lower. But it’s not a fact that you will be able to catch clear days among the rainy holiday days.

What is the “duty schedule” for dry and wet seasons? It all depends on the location. The main resorts of Sri Lanka are located on the southwest and northeast coasts:

In the south good in December, January, February, March

To the northeast it makes sense to move in May-August

In November, October and September you can catch sunny weather, but there are no guarantees. If you're planning a trip to Sri Lanka in 2020, check out our table of the best months.

Where to go to Sri Lanka?

Resort/Month Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
(from Tangalle to Negombo)
+ + + +/- - - - - - - +/- +
- - +/- + + + + + + +/- - -

Where to look for cheap tours?

Regardless of the chosen place and time of travel, the easiest way to find a tour is here:

Logical search, selections of last minute offers, the lowest prices on the market. The sites work in the same way as the popular aviasales.ru: only instead of plane tickets they offer vouchers.
Tours to Sri Lanka this winter, with a flight from Moscow, for a week for two - from 75,000 rubles.

But, according to the experience of our friends, Sri Lanka is more for independent tourism. In this case, for air tickets, go to Aviasales, and for hotel-guesthouses, go to RoomGuru (or, if more familiar).

Where is the best place to go in Sri Lanka? Resorts

If you fall in love with Sri Lanka, but haven’t decided where better to go on vacation on the island, don’t stay at one resort, explore the whole of Ceylon! He's wonderful.
But seriously, the choice of location depends on two factors:

➢ travel time-season ratio (so as not to get wet in the rain)

➢ queries on the “entertainment” scale (to avoid boredom)

We tell you more about the best resorts in Sri Lanka and their features. Spoiler alert: people go to the southwest to party, while to the north and east there is peace and solitude.


Hikkaduwa began to be developed as a resort 50 years ago, which is a lot for an island. Now there is a developed tourist infrastructure: hotels, cafes and restaurants, motorbike rentals, surf schools, parties and much more. For example, Russian tourists :) Entertainment from the “obligatory” program:

✓ Hikkaduwa has good beaches, but surfing is a priority - the waves are good. The cost of renting a board is about $15 per day, one lesson with an instructor + $15-$20 (about 2 hours)

✓ Laguna Beach is suitable for swimming; the ocean in this area is calmer. Divers and snorkelers will appreciate coral reef and the remains of sunken ships - the cost of one scuba dive is around $50

✓ For those who prefer a non-extreme pastime, you can take an excursion on a boat with a transparent bottom - the price is around $12 (at a stationary point - a booth on the beach - cheaper than private boats plying among tourists), maximum number of passengers: 6 people

Good price-quality ratio hotels :

  • 3* Asian Jewel Boutique Hotel – the hotel does its best to compensate for its distance from the beach with its ambiance and service
    Price per night: from $80
  • 3* L&D Lodge – next to the beach, attentive staff. Disadvantages: located close to the train station, train noise can be heard
    Price per night: from $40
  • 3* Blue Fox Holidays – clean, conveniently located. There are mainly Russian tourists in the hotel - there will be someone to exchange a few words with in their native language
    Price per night: from $40
  • 3* The Oasis Villa – according to some tourists, the best hotel in its price segment
    Price per night: from $40
  • 4* Hikka Tranz by Cinnamon – for those who like something more luxurious. Rooms, service, food - up to par
    Price per night: from $100


Beach holidays in Sri Lanka among flexible long palm trees - here. Gentle entrance to the water + relatively calm ocean + absence of noisy parties = a suitable resort for children. Bentota is famous for its luxury hotels; there are many “package” tourists here.

Sometimes travel agencies try to sell a trip to Bentota for the rainy season at a high price. Remember that this is the southwest coast, it’s good here in the Russian winter, check the sign for the months above :)

From entertainment:

✓ Water safari among the mangroves (around $11 per boat, 1.5 hour excursion)

✓ Buddhist temple (free)

✓ Turtle farms (about $3.5 per person)

Bentota is famous for its high-star hotels with vast green areas. People come here to chill and not deny themselves anything (it’s easier to save money in other places). Where is the best place to live in a resort? A small author's selection of hotels:

  • 5* Taj Bentota Resort & Spa – good “five”
    Price per night: from $170
  • 4* EKHO Surf – cheaper, but according to reviews it doesn’t reach 5 stars
    Price per night: from $95
  • 3* Wunderbar Beach Hotel is a good option for your money. Please note that the hotel is separated from the beach by a railway road.
    Price per night: from $80
  • Mihin Villa – if you need to stay in Bentota, but cheap – a great place
    Price per night: from $20
  • 3* Oasey Beach Hotel is a fairly secluded place, a little away from Bentota. There is a swimming pool, first line
    Price per night: from $70


The Sri Lankan resort of Unawatuna is conducive to a relaxed beach holiday: shallow backwaters have provided this place with an influx of guests with children, and there are almost no waves thanks to the reefs.
You can brighten up your beach holiday:

✓ Visit Galle, which is only 6 km from Unawatuna, where there is an old fort. It’s convenient to get there by tuk-tuk, the price is about $2 one way

✓ A trip to the Handunugoda Tea Estate - the tour itself is conducted by local guides for free (in English), and at the end, after tasting, they offer to buy tea (about $5 for 50 grams)

There are no large chain hotels at the resort; all accommodation options are compact:

  • 3* Hotel Flower Garden – clean, with a swimming pool, green garden
    Price per night: from $60
  • Sun’n’Sea Hotel – first line, rooms with ocean views
    Price per night: from $45
  • 4* Unawatuna Beach Bungalow – 50 m to the beach, rooms with all necessary amenities, balconies, green areas
    Price per night: from $65
  • 3* Primrose Guest House is a cheaper option. Guest house, very helpful hosts (according to reviews)
    Price per night: from $25
  • 3* White VIlla Resort is a cozy, secluded hotel in a small bay; there are practically no waves on the beach. There is a swimming pool on site
    Price per night: from $90

Other resorts

A few more less well-known, but no less worthwhile options for the best places to relax in Sri Lanka:


Located in the south of the country. The beach is suitable for four, often big waves, there are several surf spots for beginners. More hipsters (local), parties and higher prices in cafes. From Mirissa it is worth going to Cape Dondra - the southernmost point of Sri Lanka, and then climb the lighthouse.

But the main activity in the vicinity of the resort is whales! 🙂 Season from May to October. The cost of the excursion is about $50 (you can negotiate up to $30).


A town in the northeast. The beaches in its vicinity are sparsely populated; the resort is just beginning to develop. You can see deer and lemurs on the streets. There is a beautiful coral island for snorkeling.

It’s good here when the popular resorts are “not so good” – from April to October.


Everything you need to know about Weligama is a “hotbed” of surf schools (an hour and a half of surfing with an instructor - 2000 rupees or 700 rubles). Accordingly, it has its own special atmosphere. Plus, a lot of cafes, bars and cheap guesthouses. Weligama is not suitable for regular swimming; you will have to move to neighboring Midigama.

  • Ceylon Sliders- many options for vegetarians and vegans, try the bean burger (1500 rupees ≈ 500 rubles).
  • The Hummus Bar- when everything is clear without words :) A portion of hummus - 700-800 rupees (240-270 rubles).
  • Nomad Cafe- a very popular place, cappuccino - 500 rupees (170 rubles).


Most all-inclusive packages, good infrastructure and beaches. Quite quiet, no night entertainment, and not much daytime entertainment. Here you can take a break from the hustle and bustle, the incredible scenery is conducive.

Arugam Bay

The east coast of Sri Lanka also got its best resort for surfing. A cult place for those on the board. Accommodation is mainly in budget guesthouses and bungalows. Lots of young people.


Quite a new resort with a gentle entry into the water. The best time for vacation is from May to November. There is a large diving center.

Sights of Sri Lanka

Sights in Ceylon are found at every step! You can’t quickly explore the island and then lie on the beaches with a clear conscience, but that’s not the case. There are a lot of places to see. Main points of interest:

  • Adam's Peak: sacred mountain just over 2000 meters high. holy place for all Sri Lankans and a must visit at dawn for tourists. At the top there is an imprint of Buddha/Vishnu/Adam (underline as appropriate, based on beliefs) Climbing usually starts around 3 am to see the rising sun.

How to get there? From the airport – to the city of Kandy; from Kandy by train to Hatton; then take a bus to the village of Dalhousie. Important: from December to April is the pilgrimage season, with traffic jams on the way to the mountain; peak in January and February.

  • Excursions "Cultural Triangle": the ancient cities of Anuradhapura, Kandy with its Temple of the Tooth Relic, Polonnaruwa. Time spent – ​​from 2 days (just jogging) to a week (at a calm pace). Entrance to each attraction is paid separately: Anuradhapura - $25, Polonnaruwa - $25, Temple of the Tooth Relic - $8.
  • Sigiriya: remains of a 5th century fortress on a rock, entrance $30. Not to say that the amount is worth it, it’s better to climb Pidurangala for $3 and look at Sigiriya from the outside.
  • Nine Arch Bridge: over the tea plantations. An iconic place in Sri Lanka, near Ella.
  • Nuwara Eliya: tea plantations among mountain freshness. Don’t forget about shopping, the tea here is beyond praise :)
    One of the options for a super luxury holiday in Sri Lanka is the 5-star boutique hotel Ceylon Tea Trails in Nuwara Eliya. Around the huge Castlereagh reservoir, where you can go kayaking, the Dilma tea factory (yes, that one) and the mountains.

The best beaches in Sri Lanka

There are a great many beaches in Sri Lanka, that’s why people come here. In general, they are divided into the entertainment-filled southwest and the less crowded northeast. Top:

✓ Bentota Beach is ideal for a honeymoon, and very close are three Beruwela beaches with different waves

✓ Unawatuna - with a calm ocean non-stop

✓ Tangalle - privacy among overhanging palm trees

✓ Arugam Bay - romance in a beach bungalow

✓ Uppuveli - a gorgeous underwater world, a calm and secluded place

Sri Lanka is democratic republic, which is located on the island of the same name. Almost throughout the entire territory of the state, the temperature does not change, regardless of the season. For this reason, any month is suitable for vacation.

The climate on the island is subequatorial monsoon, it is typical high humidity and year-round warm temperatures. Sri Lanka is located near the Indian coast, and the island is separated from the mainland by 2 straits: Palk and Mannar.

During the year, changes may not exceed 5 C. The southwestern part is considered the most suitable for active beach holidays, since strong waves often rise in this area. The southeastern and northwestern parts of the island are often subject to storms and monsoons.

During the year, the temperature during the day stays at 24-31C. Since this state has a subequatorial monsoon climate, the humidity is relatively high and on average about 15-20 cm of precipitation falls per year.

Weather conditions on the island of Sri Lanka remain virtually unchanged throughout the year. In general, the temperature remains at 24-31C. The only differences between the seasons are the occurrence of strong winds, rain, hurricanes and monsoons. Throughout the history of the island, since the beginning of recording climatic conditions, the temperature has not fallen below 18C.

Temperature by month day and night:

Months Temperature
Day Night
January +28-31 +20-23
February +28-31 +20-23
March +29-32 +21-24
April +29-32 +22-25
May +27-30 +21-24
June +27-30 +21-24
July +27-30 +22-25
August +27-30 +22-25
September +27-30 +22-25
October +27-30 +21-24
November +27-30 +21-24
December +28-31 +20-23

Weather table by month

Sri Lanka, whose holiday season does not have a specific range of months, is popular among tourists in winter period. The weather remains stable throughout the year. Regardless of the season, the temperature does not fall below 25C.

Sri Lanka. Holiday season by month

Month Air temperature
Day Night
January +29-30 +21-24
February +29-30 +21-24
March +28-31 +20-23
April +28-31 +21-24
May +28-29 +22-25
June +28-29 +22-25
July +28-29 +23-26
August +28-29 +23-26
September +28-29 +23-26
October +28-29 +22-25
November +28-29 +22-25
December +27-30 +21-24

Air temperature by month

Despite the stable weather conditions in Sri Lanka, the months have some of their own characteristics:

Water temperature by month

The island of the democratic republic of Sri Lanka is washed on all sides by the Laccadive Sea, Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal. Due to the fact that the number of sunny hours per day is approximately 9-13, and the air temperature does not fall below 25C, the water does not have time to cool down overnight.

At night, the sea cools down by about 2-4C, the rest of the time the temperature remains at a stable level.

Water temperature day and night by month:

Months Water temperature
Daytime Night period
March-May +26-27 +23-24
June-August +26-28 +23-24
September-November +25-26 +22-23
December-February +25-26 +22-23

Average annual precipitation

Sri Lanka experiences a lot of rain during the winter season. This is due to the fact that the subequatorial monsoon climate prevails here. For relaxation, it is recommended to choose the summer months, when the amount of precipitation is much less. In this regard, the humidity in this region is high, and the amount of precipitation per year varies from 1500-3000 mm.

Precipitation (mm) by month:

January 70-73
February 70-72
March 130-135
April 240-245
May 350-361
June 200-209
July 130-135
August 100-104
September 179-182
October 350-357
November 316-319
December 160-163

When winter begins, summer

The official beginning of winter is October, and lasts until January and February. However, this is only a relative concept, since even during this period the temperature does not fall below 25C, but these months are indeed the coolest.

The summer period is more common here, starting in June and ending around September. This period of time is considered the warmest and it is at this time that the temperature reaches record highs.

Tourist season

Sri Lanka, whose holiday season extends throughout the year by month, is popular during the least rainy season. The air temperature at this time is not the highest throughout the year, but these months have the least amount of precipitation, which in general is approximately 100-200 mm.

The least favorite months for holidays among tourists are April, May, October, November. At this time, the island experiences a lot of rain, hurricanes and storms.

Average sunshine hours per day

Sri Lanka has a large number of sunny days every day, with an average monthly frequency of approximately 220-340 hours.

Number of sunny hours by month:

January 9-10 hours
February 9-10 hours
March 10-11 o'clock
April 9-10 hours
May 7-8 hours
June 6-7 hours
July 7-8 hours
August 6-7 hours
September 6-7 hours
October 7-8 hours
November 7-8 hours
December 8-9 hours

Weather in cities and resorts by month

Weather conditions remain virtually unchanged throughout the island, with only a few seasons dominated by dry or rainy periods.


The climatic conditions in Colombo are close to tropical. The de facto capital of the democratic republic receives a large amount of rainfall every month by the standards of the island. This happens even during the driest months of the year. On average, the air temperature in Colombo does not fall below 27.5C, and the rainfall is approximately 230 cm.

Average temperature by month/mm of precipitation:

Months Max. temperature Average Min. temperature Amount of precipitation in mm
January 31 30 29 73
February 31 30 29 72
March 32 31 29 135
April 32 31 28 244
May 31 30 28 356
June 30 29 27 210
July 30 29 28 135
August 30 29 28 104
September 30 29 28 181
October 30 29 27 360
November 30 28 26 319
December 30 28 24 156


Negombo also has a tropical climate and receives large amounts of heavy rain throughout the year.

There are also 4 months when there is a dry season, these are:

In general, the air temperature in this region does not exceed 27C. On average, Negombo receives about 190 cm of rainfall per year.

Average air temperature:

Months in English Max. pace. Average Min. pace. Amount of precipitation in mm
Janu. 31 28 26 35
Feb. 32 29 27 54
Marc. 33 30 28 121
April 33 30 28 233
May 30 29 28 300
June 30 28 27 133
July 32 31 30 95
Aug. 29 28 27 50
Sept. 31 29 26 141
Octo. 31 29 26 321
Nove. 30 28 26 283
Dece. 30 27 25 137


Hikkaduwa has a tropical climate with sufficient annual rainfall. Compared to other regions of the democratic republic, Hikkaduwa has virtually no dry seasons. The only exception months: January and February, during this period the amount of precipitation does not exceed 13 cm. The air temperature throughout the year usually does not fall below 26C.

Precipitation per month (mm):

Months in English Max. temperature Average Min. temperature Amount of precipitation in mm
January 29 25 23 115
February 30 26 23 110
March 31 27 24 163
April 31 28 24 285
May 30 27 25 380
June 29 26 24 240
July 29 27 25 200
August 28 27 25 211
September 29 27 25 243
October 29 26 24 391
November 29 26 23 340
December 29 25 22 204


The town of Benton has a tropical climate and receives more rainfall throughout the year than other areas on the island. The driest periods are: January and February, at this time the precipitation level does not exceed 10 cm, and during all seasons the rainfall is about 31 cm. Average annual temperature in Bentota it is approximately 26C.

Months in English Max. temperature Average Min. temperature Amount of precipitation in mm
January 30 26 22 103
February 31 26 22 100
March 31 27 23 168
April 31 28 24 320
May 30 28 24 320
June 29 27 25 273
July 29 27 24 215
August 29 27 25 201
September 29 27 24 315
October 29 26 24 432
November 30 26 22 364
December 30 26 21 222


The city of Beruwela enjoys a tropical climate, average temperature air does not fall below 26C during all seasons, and the amount of precipitation is slightly higher than in other regions of the republic. On average, their number is approximately 31cm.

The coldest months are:

  • January.
  • February.
  • December.

April is considered the hottest.

Months in English Max. temperature Average Min. temperature Amount of precipitation in mm
January 30 26 22 100
February 31 26 22 94
March 31 27 23 150
April 32 28 24 311
May 30 28 25 441
June 30 27 25 261
July 29 27 24 201
August 29 26 25 185
September 29 27 24 314
October 29 26 24 436
November 30 26 23 362
December 30 26 22 213


In the region of the city of Uwatuna, the climate is tropical, but the amount of precipitation is an order of magnitude less than in other areas of the island.

The driest months are:

  • June.
  • July.
  • August.
  • September.

In other seasons the amount of precipitation does not exceed 3 cm. Their number per year is approximately 15 cm. The average air temperature in Uwatuna is no lower than 26C.

Months in English Max. temperature Average Min. temperature Amount of precipitation in mm
January 28 25 21 162
February 29 25 21 109
March 30 27 24 133
April 31 27 24 201
May 30 28 24 91
June 30 28 24 12
July 31 26 23 37
August 31 27 22 36
September 31 27 22 58
October 30 26 22 206
November 29 25 21 301
December 28 24 21 234


The early summer season is considered one of the best periods for holidays in Sri Lanka for the reason moderate temperatures and little rainfall during these months. Just like in the rest of the island, Galee has a tropical climate, the amount of precipitation here per year exceeds 24 cm, and only February 1 can be distinguished among the dry months.

During this period, rainfall may be minimal, with precipitation amounts of approximately 1 cm. The average year-round air temperature does not exceed 26C.

Temperature by month from minimum to maximum values:

Months Max. temperature Average Min. temperature Amount of precipitation in mm
January 28 26 23 101
February 30 26 23 92
March 30 27 24 136
April 30 27 25 235
May 30 27 25 295
June 29 27 25 182
July 28 27 25 169
August 28 26 25 171
September 28 26 25 221
October 29 27 24 351
November 29 26 23 321
December 28 26 23 189


Weligama has a tropical climate, due to which the annual rainfall reaches 24 cm. Of all the seasons in this region there is only 1 dry month, which is February. During this period there is little rain, sometimes there may be cases of its complete absence. The air temperature in the region remains at 27C.

Temperature and precipitation in mm by month:

Months in English Max. temperature Average Min. temperature Amount of precipitation in mm
January 29 26 23 107
February 30 26 22 86
March 31 27 24 125
April 31 28 25 193
May 30 27 25 280
June 29 26 24 215
July 28 27 25 168
August 29 27 25 179
September 29 27 25 221
October 29 26 23 301
November 29 26 23 283
December 29 26 23 181

Sri Lanka, whose holiday season often varies by month in summer and spring months, has a lot of rain in winter.


In Mirissa, as well as in other parts of the democratic republic, Sri Lanka has a tropical climate. There is sufficient rainfall throughout all seasons, which is why precipitation in the region is moderate and rarely exceeds 22cm. The year-round air temperature is approximately 27C.

Average temperature by month:

Months in English Max. temperature Average Min. temperature Amount of precipitation in mm
January 29 25 23 106
February 30 26 23 79
March 31 27 24 118
April 30 27 25 185
May 30 27 25 271
June 29 26 24 210
July 28 27 25 161
August 29 27 25 170
September 29 27 25 210
October 29 26 23 293
November 29 26 23 281
December 28 26 23 183


Sri Lanka, the holiday season by month in Dikwella is June and July, during these periods the island stays high temperature, and there is little precipitation.

This city also has tropical climatic conditions, but the frequency of rain and other precipitation is significantly less than in other regions of the republic. Their average annual quantity is 17cm, and the air temperature remains at 27C.

For all seasons in this region, the driest periods are:

  • January.
  • February.
  • March.

Frequent rains occur in October and November.

Temperature and precipitation by month:

Months in English Max. pace. Average Min. pace. Amount of precipitation in mm
January 28 25 22 109
February 29 25 21 81
March 31 27 24 83
April 31 28 25 140
May 30 28 25 176
June 30 27 24 112
July 30 26 24 101
August 29 26 25 108
September 29 27 24 141
October 30 27 23 221
November 29 26 23 252
December 29 26 23 192


The climatic conditions of Tangalle are close to tropical, but their main difference is minimum quantity precipitation for a similar region, in general the water level in the city rises by 14 cm.

There are 7 dry months in the year, these are:

  • January.
  • February.
  • March.
  • June.
  • July.
  • August.
  • September.

The average air temperature in the region is 27C.

Weather by month:

Months in English Max. pace. Average Min. pace. Amount of precipitation in mm
January 28 25 22 90
February 29 25 22 69
March 31 27 24 72
April 31 28 24 119
May 30 28 25 146
June 30 27 25 81
July 30 27 24 71
August 30 27 25 79
September 30 27 24 108
October 30 27 24 181
November 30 26 23 229
December 29 26 22 171


This city is dominated by subtropical climate, this causes a large amount of rain, and the annual precipitation level reaches 23 cm. The average temperature in the region is approximately 27C. Among all the seasons there is only 1 dry season, which is February.

A lot of rain occurs in:

  • October.
  • November.

Temperature by month:

Months in English Max. pace. Wednesday

niy indicator

Min. pace. Amount of precipitation in mm
January 29 25 23 101
February 30 26 22 79
March 30 27 24 131
April 30 28 25 211
May 30 27 25 272
June 28 26 25 183
July 29 27 25 155
August 28 27 25 162
September 29 27 25 208
October 29 26 23 319
November 29 26 23 301
December 28 25 23 184


Sri Lanka, whose holiday season lasts for months throughout the year, is popular for its low rainfall. In the city of Trincomalee, the climate is similar to the tropical one, but unlike it, the region experiences small quantity precipitation.

In total, about 16 cm passes in a year, and the driest in terms of moisture level are:

  • Feb.
  • March.
  • June.
  • July.

The air temperature throughout the year usually does not exceed 33C.

Weather by month:

Months Max. pace. Average Min. pace. Amount of precipitation in mm
January 26 24 23 161
February 26 24 23 98
March 29 25 23 51
April 31 28 24 52
May 32 29 24 53
June 32 29 24 21
July 33 29 26 62
August 33 29 24 98
September 33 28 25 111
October 31 28 24 219
November 28 26 24 351
December 27 25 23 362


In Dambulla, like in other regions of the democratic republic, a tropical climate prevails, and in winter there is a large amount of rain.

But during these months they do not exceed 1 cm:

  • Feb.
  • March.
  • June.
  • July.
  • Sep.

The annual temperature does not exceed 33C and does not fall below 21C.

Weather by month:

Months in English Max. pace. Average Min. pace. Amount of precipitation in mm
January 28 26 22 133
February 30 25 22 81
March 33 27 21 93
April 33 27 23 169
May 32 28 24 91
June 31 28 24 17
July 31 27 24 43
August 31 27 24 36
September 32 27 23 88
October 31 27 23 260
November 30 26 22 261
December 28 25 21 281


Sri Lanka, the holiday season by month in Sigiriya is the period from June to August. The climatic conditions in the city of Sigiriya are tropical, but the amount of rain in this region is significantly less than in the rest of the island. According to statistics, there is about 16 cm of precipitation per year.

The driest seasons are:

  • February.
  • March.
  • June.
  • July.
  • August.
  • September.

The annual average air temperature usually does not fall below 20C and does not rise above 32C.

Temperature by month (day and night values):

Months in English Max. pace. Average Min. pace. Amount of precipitation in mm
January 27 25 21 150
February 28 26 21 86
March 31 27 22 97
April 32 28 22 153
May 32 28 24 81
June 31 27 24 10
July 31 27 23 41
August 31 27 23 39
September 32 27 23 90
October 30 26 22 251
November 29 25 22 271
December 28 24 21 312


The climatic conditions of the city of Polonnaruwa are close to tropical, but are characterized by low amounts of rain and other precipitation. Similar weather conditions distributed throughout almost the entire territory of the democratic republic.

The driest months of all seasons:

During these periods, precipitation does not exceed 1 cm, and the rest of the time the amount is 17 cm. The annual air temperature is approximately 27C.

Air temperature by month:

Months in English Max. pace. Average Min. pace. Amount of precipitation in mm
January 27 26 22 201
February 29 25 22 103
March 31 28 22 82
April 32 29 25 104
May 33 29 25 73
June 33 28 25 11
July 32 28 24 60
August 32 28 24 64
September 32 28 23 111
October 31 27 23 223
November 30 26 23 281
December 28 25 22 371

Sri Lanka is a democratic republic located on an island. All seasons are suitable for holidays due to the constant warmth and large quantity sunny days in all months.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about holidays in Sri Lanka

Holiday season in Sri Lanka:

Sri Lanka hosts more than one airport on its territory. The distance between Moscow and Sri Lanka is 6573 km. A direct flight from Moscow to Sri Lanka will last about 9 hours and can be reached non-stop by charter flight. The flight with transfers will take from 10 to 23 hours depending on the airline.

The local currency is the Lankan Rupee. Sri Lanka is a very unique country, where many cultures and religions are mixed, located on the world map in the Indian Ocean.

Tourists buy tours to the island all year round because the prices are quite attractive; in 2019, tours with flights can be purchased inexpensively from a large number of tour operators.

What you need to know about Sri Lanka

Where is the island of Sri Lanka? Sri Lanka is a country located in South Asia, 100 km from India. Previously called Ceylon. The total area of ​​Sri Lanka is 65,610 km 2. State language Sri Lanka speaks Sinhala and Tamil, English is recognized as an interethnic language.

Tourism plays an important role in the state’s economy, namely resort towns, beaches, attractions, etc. To visit the island state of Sri Lanka, citizens from Russia require a visa, which must be obtained in advance on the official ETA website. You should also think about taking out a policy health insurance for the entire duration of the trip.

Prices for food and excursions depend on the season. In Sri Lanka, food prices are average. Milk 1 liter costs 1.2 dollars, bread costs 50 cents, 1 bottle of wine costs 9 dollars. Sri Lanka has a huge selection of products. On sale there is tea, souvenirs, clothes, jewelry etc.


The island of Sri Lanka has a tropical climate and a rainy season. Sri Lanka in summer means rain, since it is during this period that about 95% of all precipitation falls, so the period from November to May is the most favorable time to visit this country.

All year round, the air temperature ranges from +28 to +30 o C. The exception is mountainous areas, where in winter the temperature drops to +10 o C, and the water is heated all year round to an average of +26 o C.

The suitable season for a holiday by month depends on the destination:

January Day Night
+30 o C +23 o C
February +30 o C +23 o C
March +31 o C +24 o C
April +34 o C +23 o C
May +30 o C +26 o C
June +31 o C +26 o C
July +28 o C +25 o C
August +28 o C +26 o C
September +29 o C +26 o C
October +30 o C +26 o C
November +29 o C +25 o C
December +29 o C +21 o C

Entertainment and attractions

You need to plan your vacation based on your preferences:

  • Beach. Warm sea, warm sand, soft drinks etc.;
  • Active holidays on the island of Sri Lanka. There is water skiing, surfing, yachting, scuba diving, paragliding, deep sea fishing, golf and hiking;
  • Excursions around Sri Lanka, to historical monuments and interesting places. Prices for excursions in Sri Lanka from $50 and above;
  • Festivals and holidays, the country is replete with them.

Most of the attractions in Ceylon are natural, as are most of the entertainment. The attractions located in Sri Lanka will be of interest to ordinary tourists and people interested in world culture and history.

List of visited places:

  1. Colombo is an important city in the country, the financial and cultural center of Ceylon. Here you can eat, go shopping, visit nightclubs, architectural sites, museums and temples;
  2. Temple of the Tooth Relic in Kandy. Sri Lanka is a place of pilgrimage for Buddhists from all over the world, built to preserve a great shrine;
  3. Royal Botanic Gardens in Peradeniya. On an area of ​​60 hectares, there are about 5,000 plant species. By taking pictures here, you will bring back gorgeous photos from Sri Lanka;
  4. The Sigiriya fortress on the island of Sri Lanka is a single rock 170 m high and the Matale fortress built on it. There's a lot to see here. The island has a mirror wall, ancient wall paintings, terraces, pools and gardens;
  5. Golden and Cave Temples of Dambulla - a rock temple founded in the 1st century BC, where a 30-meter statue of Buddha sits at the entrance;
  6. Adam's Peak - beautiful mountain with a peak at a dizzying height of 2200 meters above sea level, offering a wonderful view;
  7. The Pinnawela Elephant Orphanage was created to protect orphaned elephants. On at the moment the nursery has about 80 elephants and baby elephants born;
  8. Yala National Park is the oldest park on the island and is home to 44 species of mammals, 46 species of reptiles and 215 species of birds;
  9. Dondra Lighthouse is the most southern point islands 49 meters high;
  10. The Sinharaja Rain Forest is a UNESCO heritage site. It contains majestic ferns, tight vines and overgrown horsetails;
  11. The city of Trincomalee is one of the famous resorts, located in a cozy bay. The city attracts with beach holidays, architectural attractions and hot springs;
  12. Turtle farm in Kosgod. Holidays in Sri Lanka with a child best place Can't find one for a tour.

Popular resorts in Sri Lanka

Where is the best place to go on holiday in Sri Lanka?

The best resorts in Sri Lanka are ready to host holidaymakers at any time:

  • Beach resort in Colombo. Beach holidays are popular - swimming, scuba diving, surfing and fishing. Fans of more extreme leisure activities can go to the water park;
  • Traveling with children will be able to visit children's pools, a children's play area and dancing with animators. There is an opportunity to see monasteries and churches. Here you can stay in both expensive and budget hotels;
  • The Unawatuna resort near the city of Galle is good for a beach holiday. Season is all year round, but the best time to visit is from December to April. The main advantage is the absence of waves, since the coast is protected by a coral reef;
  • The Kalutara resort area in the southwestern part of the island of Sri Lanka is famous for its sports clubs. It will be problematic to relax here with children, since the entry into the sea is steep and the waves rise in windy weather. The most famous local landmark is the Gangatilaka Vihara stupa, which is hollow inside;
  • Traveling around Sri Lanka in Induruwa is a quiet family holiday. Excursions are predominantly water related, namely river safaris and boat trips;
  • It is better for tourists on the island of Sri Lanka to go to the resort of Wadduwa from October to April, since it rarely rains at this time. You can visit the fishing town, temples and Richmond Castle;
  • Beruwela is a resort town washed by the Indian Ocean. Here you can relax on the beach, windsurf, water ski or snorkel.

The best beaches in Sri Lanka

The beaches in Ceylon are kilometers of coastline with the most delicate, sandy ocean shore and palm trees. The island will satisfy the needs of tourists who want to splash in the waves, and will also interest vacationers with children to see ancient temples and cities and ancient monuments. Here wonderful place for photographers, surfing and diving enthusiasts.

Beach holidays are the most common on the island, so tourists have long identified best beaches Sri Lanka:

  1. Negombo Beach, located near the airport;
  2. Unawatuna Beach, located in a small lagoon bay and protected from the waves;
  3. Bentota Beach, about 3 km long, you can sunbathe and stroll;
  4. Hikkaduwa - central beach;
  5. Ahungalla Beach with unique tropical and sea views;
  6. Mount Lavinia Beach, Mirissa, Dickwella and others.

Popular hotels in Sri Lanka

On the island of Sri Lanka, hotels are located along the entire coast of the Indian Ocean.

Mostly lists of popular hotels in Sri Lanka include 4-star hotels or the best all-inclusive hotels:

  • Club Palm Bay 4 stars.


  • All inclusive meals;
  • Restaurant;
  • Bars;
  • Swimming pool with children's section;
  • Conference room;
  • Laundry.

Room configuration:

  • Air conditioner;
  • Telephone;
  • TV;
  • Safe;
  • Bathroom with hygiene products.


  • Golf;
  • Tennis;
  • Volleyball;
  • Billiards;
  • Disco;
  • Water sports.

A double room for 7 nights in the province of Marawila at the Club Palm hotel will cost from $74 per night.

  • Crescent Resort Hotel. Free bicycle rentals and visits are provided here. outdoor swimming pool, there is a playground for children;
  • Hotel complex Weligama Bay Resort 4 stars with free service"alarm".


  • Pool;
  • Massage;
  • Spa treatments;
  • Water sports.


  • Parking;
  • Bath;
  • B-B-Q;
  • Beach;
  • Gift shop;
  • Garden and much more.

Types of tours

Thanks to the climate, you can relax on the island all year round. Conventionally, we can distinguish excursion tours, health tours, beach tours, spa tours, holidays with children, diving and proprietary shopping tours.

  1. Excursion tours. The Ceylon Islands are ideal for educational tourism. Tour operators have a good selection: Pearl of Ceylon, Gem of Sri Lanka, Gem of a Dream.
  2. Cultural heritage of Sri Lanka, Island of Paradise. The price of the tour will vary depending on the number of days and the tourist route.
  3. Medical tours. For those who want to relax and receive treatment, there are hotels with an Ayurvedic focus. Beach tours that can be visited regardless of the time of year. You can plan a vacation to popular beaches. In any case, you will get an unforgettable experience. More active tourists can try diving or surfing, go to sea ​​cruise or go fishing.
  4. Spa tours Perfectly combined with excursions. The range of activities includes massage and acupuncture, cosmetic procedures, aromatherapy and water aerobics. Many resorts offer professional babysitting services to ensure you fully enjoy your treatments.
  5. Holidays with children. Top hotels The islands of Sri Lanka will be comfortable for families, as they offer spacious rooms and cots (on request). At resorts, the menu includes dishes similar to Russian cuisine, which is familiar to children. There are specialized schools for young surfers here. Diving tours provide an opportunity to get acquainted with underwater world, watch the life of whales and dolphins. There will be no problems with checking in; there is a wide choice here, from one-star to five-star hotels.
  6. Shop toursnice view holiday for those who love to travel and shop at the same time. The country offers a wide range of goods. These include tea, spices, clothing and jewelry.
  7. Author's tours. You can choose a more original tour that will surprise and captivate. This is a flower festival, a trip with a yoga or drawing master class and more. Taking into account your wishes, the tour operator will help you plan your individual trip.

Tours to Sri Lanka in March 2019 from Moscow, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg and other cities can be purchased from 41,180 rubles for 18 days, and air tickets from 26,900 rubles.

How to choose a last minute tour to Sri Lanka

The cost of a last minute trip to the island of Sri Lanka may be cheaper if the flight is from Moscow or St. Petersburg, so consider this option and try to buy a tour to Sri Lanka departing from the airport of a large city.

Prices for last-minute tours to the island of Sri Lanka can vary significantly, depending on the month and part of the island. For example, tours to Sri Lanka in February 2019 to the southwestern part of the island will cost more than to the north or east. Following this principle, you can save money at any time of the year.

Prices for flights from Russia directly depend on public holidays, so it is more profitable to purchase tickets to Sri Lanka for dates after the holidays.

Video reviews from tourists about holidays in Sri Lanka