Catherine Deneuve: what makes a woman elegant. A wonderful symbol of France... Catherine Deneuve appearance


Catherine became the third child in acting family. In total, Marisa and Reni raised four daughters who were very noisy. Catherine, among everyone, was shy and lived in her own world of secrets and mysteries.

In the summer, the father took his daughters to the village, where they imitated the local children, for example, launching paper boats at the rebbe. In such an atmosphere, Catherine seemed like the hero of a fairy tale; she had a round face and an incredible look.

All four sisters have acted in plays since childhood. At that time, one of the girls, 15-year-old Françoise, literally burst into the film world. She was given both serious and comedic roles with ease. Katrin was happy for her sister, but she didn’t even think about cinema. She was simply dreaming. My father believed that it would be a sin not to film with Katrin’s appearance.

Acting career

Catherine Deneuve made her debut at the age of 14. She played in the film “Gymnasium Girls.” Immediately after, the film “Doors Slam” was released, starring the two Dorleac sisters. By the way, the recording is still preserved in the archives of France.

But the serious one acting career Catherine started at 16 years old. At this time, the simple comedy “College Girls” by Andre Junnebel was released. The girl first fell in love with director Roger Vadime (the feeling later evaporated as soon as Catherine realized that her lover was making everyone look like Brigitte Bardot).

For the sake of her beloved, Catherine Deneuve left home. And Roger began working on the film “Satan Rules the Ball There.” But neither this nor the next “Vice and Virtue” brought success. The paintings failed and could not be revealed inner world Denev. But still, the work did not go unnoticed, producers and directors began to take a closer look at the actress.

Popularity throughout the world came after Jacques Demy’s 1964 masterpiece “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg” (in which Deneuve played main role). Tragic story The love between an umbrella saleswoman and a simple guy made more than one generation cry. Here Catherine was already noticed by representatives of the French “new wave” Marc Allegret and Andre Jundel. So Deneuve appeared in an almanac called “The Most Beautiful Frauds in the World.” The short stories were directed by Jean-Luc Godard and Claude Chabrol. The actress's roles were bright and original, she played authentically with psychological point vision. This gift was revealed by Roman Polanski, who invited Catherine Deneuve to the 1965 film “Repulsion.” A year later, the girl played in the films “Love Carousel” and “Song of Peace.” My career took off. During this period, by the way, Kartin acted in films three times with her sisters. In the films "Kittens" and "Tonight or Never."

In 1967, the Dorlek sisters appeared together in the musical “The Young Ladies of Rochefort” by Jacques Demy. And no one could have guessed that Sister Françoise would burn to death in her own car on the French Riviera a few months later. Catherine was called directly at film set, and only thanks to incredible efforts Deneuve completed the shooting days.

It is worth noting here that even before this moment, the actress’s comedic gift was revealed by Jean-Paul Rappenot in the 1966 film “Life in a Castle.”

The pinnacle of Catherine Deneuve's career was Luis Buñuel's masterpiece " Daytime beauty" Here the actress got the role of a respectable bourgeoisie who gave her nights to her husband and spent her days in a brothel.

In 1969, work followed with another genius - Francois Truffaut. Deneuve played in the film “Mississippi Siren” along with Jean-Paul Belmondo. Catherine was able to play the “angel-devil”. By the way, her latest roles brought the actress many male fans who were ready to kiss the sand on which Katrin walked. Director Truffaut also got into the net, but the affair was short-lived.

In the 70s, Catherine Deneuve became a leading French actress and worked with the giants of world cinema. She played in the historical drama "Tristan" musical fairy tale"Donkey Skin" and "The Most Important Event Since Man Walked on the Moon."

But together with the film “It Happens Only to Others,” Katrin led to a new passionate romance with the legendary Marcello Mastroianni. It was at this time that the Italian provocateur was able to cast Catherine in the film “Lisa”. This is one of the few paintings where the actress appears bare-breasted.

Catherine Deneuve on video

Catherine Deneuve, at the peak of her popularity, put forward her own conditions to directors and, on occasion, lost; some films were outright failures. But still, for many decades it was relevant. Star roles, however, followed one after another, these are works in the films “Spike”, “Slightly Pregnant”, “The Most important event", "Woman in Red Boots", "Don't Touch white woman", "Zig Zag".

In the second half of the 70s, it was time to try myself in Hollywood. But America was not eager to accept the Frenchwoman. But Deneuve still played in some films, for example, in “Dirty Business” in 1975.

This was followed by roles in the films “Aggression” and “Savage”. After them, Deneuve began to be called a character actress. The decade ended with the films “Lost Soul”, “Legionnaires”, “Casotto”, “Other People’s Money”, “Boldly, Let’s Run”, “Grown Children”.

By the way, after filming the 1980 film “I Love You,” Deneuve and Depardieu became good friends.

Catherine Deneuve also had a bad reputation. In 1983, after the film “Hunger,” the actress began to be accused of radical feminism and man-hating. Dangerous connections were also attributed to her. The actress at this time did not pay attention not only to the accusations, but also to her age. She pushed back the age limits in cinema. And she successfully starred in the films “Fort Sagan”, “Words and Music”, “For My Pleasure”. Success followed after the film “We Hope It’s a Girl.”

"Life Story". Catherine Deneuve

After Catherine Deneuve, she took a short break from her career and returned in 1992. The actress starred in Indochina. This work became the 70th role that was written specifically for Catherine. The audience was also a little surprised by the novelty of Deneuve’s work in the film “My favorite time year." In 1995, the Frenchwoman appeared in the film “The Monastery,” and her next success came with “Thieves.”

Well, then, in 1998, Catherine Deneuve received an award at the Venice Film Festival for her role in Place Vendôme. The role in the 1999 film “Beloved Mother-in-Law” was also unexpected, where the actress smoked cannabis with a teenager and danced in the men’s room. And unexpectedly for everyone, at the age of 56, Deneuve exposed herself in the film “Paula X.”

Quite fittingly, Catherine Deneuve moved into the new century. She was still famous and in demand. In 2000, the actress appeared in the film “Dancer in the Dark.” Next was the role of the heroine’s friend in the film “Breaking the Waves.” In 2003, “Parts of the Body” and “Talk Film” appeared on screen.

Catherine Deneuve tried herself in the new century on television. She starred in a number of television films, for example, “Dangerous Liaisons” and “Marie Bonaparte.” At the same time, the actress also appeared in films, but she was increasingly given supporting roles. Plus, Katrin expanded her repertoire with comic roles.

Personal life of Catherine Deneuve

Catherine Deneuve gave birth to two children, but refused to marry the children's fathers (Roger Vadim and Marcello Mastroianni). And these actions shocked critics. But in fact, the actress was married only once, to the English photographer Bailey.

The girl always left first, which is what she learned. She simply felt the denouement of the novel and did not wait for the denouement, so as not to hurt herself. Catherine was the first to leave even the great ones.

I suggest you take a break from tubes and jars and read an article that, despite the fact that it is not directly related to cosmetics, is nevertheless still related to the topic of beauty.

Nowadays there are many beautiful women who are good not only thanks to the services of plastic surgeons, but also because they take great care of their appearance, know how to present themselves, although, of course, they are also simply beautiful by nature.

But, as you know, no beauty that is not maintained from the inside and outside will not last long.

A striking example is Brigitte Bardot, who decided to grow old as best she can and for whom the question of plastic surgery It’s just not worth it, she declares that she “hates all these tricks” and is completely devoted only to caring for her numerous pets - dogs, cats, donkeys. Although, of course, it is not clear why the love of animals interferes with hair coloring...

But today we’ll talk about the woman whom 92% of French people consider the most beautiful woman in the world, about the actress Catherine Deneuve.

I once read information that when a survey was conducted on the topic: “Who should be cloned,” a huge percentage of women said that they would like to create a clone of Catherine Deneuve.

Honestly, I can’t share the enthusiasm so much, for me Katrin’s appearance is too correct, and she herself is extremely “unemotional” and I’m not alone in this opinion.

Journalists and directors constantly gave her unflattering nicknames “sour lemon” - for passivity in conversations and interviews, “icy ice” - for her attitude towards men, none of whom she wanted to connect her life with for a long time.

Catherine Deneuve is not only a beautiful woman, she is amazing and unique, so it’s worth at least briefly talking about her.

Catherine Deneuve biography, personal life

The family was acting, and she was the third of four daughters, and already at the age of 11 she starred in films for the first time. Her real name Dorleac, Deneuve is the mother's surname. Katrin took this surname so as not to be confused with older sister Françoise, who at that time was already quite famous in the filmmaking world. In 1967, Françoise died.

By the way, Katrin's two other sisters, Sylvia and Daniela are also actresses.

When Deneuve was 17 years old, she met thirty-two-year-old director Roger Vadim, who invited her to star in a film about the story of the Marquis de Sade.

The story of Roger and Catherine themselves ended classically. The director couldn't help but fall in love with beautiful Catherine Denev. Photo in his youth.

Catherine began dating Roger, who was married at the time. Their dates ended with Catherine's pregnancy. Vadim promised to get a divorce and fulfilled his promise, but ex-wife upset her wedding with Deneuve, promising to take Vadim’s daughter away forever. The wedding did not take place.

Catherine gave birth to a son, Christian, broke up with Roger Vadim, drawing a conclusion from this story: “I am a mother, and a mother is never lonely. Motherhood brings joy."

Fame came to Catherine with the film “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg” in 1964. Then there were “Tristana”, “Beauty of the Day”, the cult film “Hunger”, “Indochina”, which won an Oscar... Catherine Deneuve has a very extensive filmography.

She finally decided to get married. For photographer David Bailey.

The marriage did not last long, and Deneuve did not repeat this experience again, even despite the enormous mutual love for another man in her life.

Marcello Mastroianni and Catherine Deneuve

They met in the spring of 1970 on the set of the film “It Only Happens to Others.” Then Marcello was going through a personal drama after breaking up with his beloved Faye Dunaway.

Feng made him an unthinkable demand - to divorce his wife. How can an Italian do this? After all, his wife is sacred to him)))

But the sadness of parting did not stop us from paying attention to the gentle blonde Katrin. And after one episode, where, according to the director’s plan, they were locked in a darkened apartment (Deneuve and Mastroianni played a married couple who had lost a child) without furniture, telephone and almost without food for a couple of days, they began to be interested not only in work. Catherine moved into Marcello's van.

After filming, they parted, Mastroianni to Rome, Deneuve to Paris, but he couldn’t live a day without her, he called constantly, but heard in response: “I can’t come, I’m busy.” Mastroianni went crazy, and, unable to bear it, he went to ask his “holy” wife for a divorce. Flora, seeing his suffering, agreed to the divorce.

The actor rushed to Paris and since then he and Catherine were seen everywhere together. Marcello’s joy knew no bounds: “She’s in love! She makes my favorite beans! Can you imagine, she and the beans!” And Catherine, who never liked to cook, now did it for him.

Deciding that now would be the time for a marriage proposal, Marcello arrived with the back seat of the Jaguar littered with flowers, a ring with a large diamond and two cases of champagne.

“No,” Deneuve said.

Indescribably upset, Mastroianni complained angrily on the phone... to his wife: “She refused me!” I want to die!" Flora, who endured and forgave love affairs husband for twenty years, took the refusal of “this foreigner” to marry as her personal insult. Playing the role of a psychotherapist, she “patched up” Marcello’s mental wounds and he returned to Paris to conquer Catherine with renewed vigor.

In the fall of 1970, Mastroianni learned amazing news: he and Catherine would have a child. After Chiara's birth, he organized a celebration by purchasing champagne and treating all passersby. Of course, he hoped that now Deneuve would definitely agree to marry him, but the second attempt was also unsuccessful - living together - yes, getting married - no, and no again.

And a year later, Catherine left Mastroianni with the words: “I no longer want to continue this farce.” She left taking their one-year-old daughter.

Marcello returned to his faithful Flora.

He died in 1996, at that time his two dearest women, Chiara and Catherine, for whom he also remained “the most great love».

Such is the unusual Catherine Deneuve, who mercilessly breaks men’s hearts and believes that: “As long as there are divorces, there is no point in marriage.”

Like every woman, she has her own secrets that help maintain beauty and youth. Let's see, maybe it's worth adopting them?

Catherine Deneuve, beauty secrets


Imagine, the gentle blonde Deneuve is naturally dark brown-haired.

She dyed her hair only after breaking up with Roger Vadim. And all my life I’ve been bleaching my hair because I like myself as a blonde.

All the photographs show that she treats her hair with love and interest, as Katrin herself says: “Until I was forty, I only cared about my hair.”


Catherine never tans, she believes, and not unreasonably, that tanning skin ages quickly.


In makeup, Deneuve strives for naturalness, prefers good cosmetics (who doesn’t prefer it 😉) from trusted manufacturers. One of them is Yves Saint Laurent.

He has a very positive attitude towards cosmetic innovations, believing that their effectiveness is constantly becoming higher.

For daily makeup The actress's makeup bag contains powder, mascara, eyeliner and moisturizing lipstick.

In addition, she is sure that a woman should have her own scent. Her perfume scent is Yves Saint Laurent Paris. He also loves some Guerlain scents.

The actress gave her name to one of the perfumes - “Deneuve”.


According to some sources, the actress never resorted to the services of plastic surgeons; according to others, she sewed gold threads into her face. Apparently, as always, “the truth is somewhere nearby”))

Healthy lifestyle

Knowing full well that smoking is still an enemy of beauty, Deneuve quit smoking many times, but she finally managed to do this only thanks to hypnosis.

But now she considers this the main trump card in the fight against age.

The only negative is that she gained kilograms that were unusual for her, although she is naturally very slim and in her youth she was even so embarrassed by her thinness that she rarely even went to the beach.

It is not without reason that sleep is one of the main components of beauty. Katrin sleeps at least 8 hours a day.


The actress starts her morning with a daily walk in the park. She does gymnastics, believing that sport not only makes the figure beautiful, but also saturates the body with oxygen. She prefers yoga, Pilates and running. Although about great love We are not talking about sports))

Attends drainage massage sessions (at the Yves Saint Laurent beauty salon;)) and a sauna.


Deneuve adheres to separate meals. He takes vitamins and minerals in courses. He never eats desserts, although he loves them and does without sugar.

Drinks a lot of water.

Catherine Deneuve style

The success of Katrin’s style is the mathematical precision of the images and the harmony of the things used.

The actress uses no more than three colors in her outfits. Preferring midi-length skirts and classic blouses, her outfits can be described as “luxurious simplicity.”

Deneuve was the muse of French couturier Yves Saint Laurent.

About age

Catherine Deneuve does not hide her true age; she adheres to the excellent rule “the main advantage of a woman is the ability to look stunning at any age.”

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On October 22, the French actress celebrates her 70th birthday Catherine Deneuve(Catherine Deneuve). Despite repeated invitations to Hollywood, the star of the films “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg”, “Repulsion”, “8 Women” and other popular films, almost always remained faithful to her native cinema. Over all the years of work, Catherine Deneuve has become not only a legendary actress and the face of Chanel No. 5, but also a real icon of style and beauty, who is still worshiped by millions of people. How does she do this? We found out the 5 main beauty secrets of Catherine Deneuve.

Photo: Splash News/East news

Accepting age

Many actresses are afraid of looking worse with age, but Catherine Deneuve is clearly not one of them. “I'm not afraid of aging. I'm still working. When you are young, you suffer and worry a lot - everything seems very important and serious, but over time everything becomes easier and better,” the actress told in 2011. According to the actress, “the aging process of a woman largely depends on genetics.” However, the legendary star is okay with this: in 2013, her mother turned 102 years old! “My mother has a very good build, which I inherited, and that, of course, helps a lot,” Catherine Deneuve told in 2011. “She turned 100 this year.” She lives alone in Paris, but not far from me, and she is incredible. She has a bright head; she still plays bridge and even wins! Longevity may be in my genes, but I don’t know if I’ll live to be 100 because I didn’t live the same lifestyle as my mother—she never smoked.” According to the film star, the worst thing that happens with age is loss physical energy. “You can look better or worse, but the main thing is energy and speed of reactions, clarity, in a word, brain function. In any case, I don’t believe that after 40 years a woman - no matter what she does to herself - can seriously count on being mistaken for a 20-year-old,” the actress admitted to 7 Days magazine.

Photo: Splash News/East news

A smart approach to beauty

“When I was young, it seemed to me that beauty was a burden. I didn't like the attention. But now, having grown older, I can live a normal life,” said Catherine Deneuve in an interview with the portal However, the actress does not deny that her appearance played a big role in such a successful career. “I know how much I owe my physical attractiveness. When I started, I was very young and knew that I was not chosen for my abilities. When you are 16 years old, you are not judged on this criterion, it all depends on how you look. But it’s not just the face that is important, but the emotions it expresses,” says Catherine Deneuve. However, the actress herself has always had a rather modest opinion of herself. “I was born into a family where all the women were beautiful, but I didn’t think anything of it. special significance. We weren't taught to think about how we look. It wasn't something I was proud of, but rather something that was given to me. I’m not obsessed with my appearance, but cinema is a visual medium where looking good is simply necessary,” the actress told However, the actress also has her own “tricks” that help her remain attractive. “I sleep a lot - at least eight hours. I can, like Napoleon, fall asleep anywhere, under any circumstances, at least for 15 minutes. Every week I do a special drainage facial massage. I drink a lot of water and try not to be in the sun. My mother also advised me this. At the same time, I don’t deny myself food; I love to cook. I don’t consider it necessary to limit myself too much, I just slightly control my weight,” the actress said in an interview with 7 Days magazine.

On October 22, one of the most beautiful actresses in the history of world cinema, Catherine Deneuve, celebrates her 70th birthday. At 70, Deneuve is still slim and attractive. Today we decided to share the main secrets of youth and beauty from the French actress.

Catherine Deneuve was born into an acting family in Paris and made her film debut at the age of eleven. A little later, Deneuve meets Roger Vadim, who became not only a teacher for her, but also the father of her son. They work fruitfully together, and in 1964 the musical film “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg” was released on screens around the world, which made Catherine a world celebrity. Since the mid-sixties, Deneuve has become a leading French actress, who easily takes on even complex roles. Although Deneuve has firmly established herself as the sex symbol of France, no director has ever perceived her as an actress of one role. Perhaps Deneuve became the only French woman with an ideal appearance who was offered serious work. Even now, she regularly receives interesting offers that the actress cannot refuse.

Despite her impeccable appearance, Deneuve does not like to be talked about as a sex symbol. Moreover, when Katrin was at the peak of her popularity, directors and journalists gave her offensive nicknames: “sour lemon” - because the actress never liked to give interviews and was passive in conversations with journalists, icicle - for her attitude towards men, neither one of whom she did not want to connect her life with. By the way, Catherine received the nickname “ice ice” after an affair with Marcello Mastroianni, who for several years sought Deneuve’s consent to marry him, but never received it. Attitude to this great actress has not changed today: she is admired, envied, misunderstood and often tried to be avoided. However, the beauty of the icy bourgeois beauty cannot be ignored. Today we suggest reading excerpts from an interview with the actress, which she gave in different years. Katrin talks about how she struggles with overweight and maintains his youth.
To be beautiful, you need to relax a lot and work for pleasure. In an interview with 7 Days magazine, the actress says: “One of the journalists once wrote that I can’t imagine my life without working in the garden. This is not true at all. Gardening is very hard work, but it helps me. I won’t say that I’m used to digging in the ground all day long. Rather, I like to contemplate. I often relax in country house in Normandy, and I work in the garden because it is good for the brain. I can’t explain how gardening and development mental abilities related, but that's how it is. I have a gardener, but I like to dig in the flower garden both in summer and winter. My hands are always scratched and cut, but I can’t afford to rest all the time.”
About the image of a sex symbol. Oh, how Katrin doesn’t like this phrase! Although, the actress understands perfectly well that with such an appearance I will idolize her at any age. In an interview with Lesbian News magazine in 1997, Deneuve boasted that she was finally no longer perceived only as a blonde fatale who takes decent husbands away from their families. This happened after the release of the film “Thieves,” where the actress played a young lesbian. For the role, she dyed her hair more dark color. However, the role was soon forgotten, and Katrin again moved into the “category” of sex symbols. Later, the actress laughed and said that she did not need to experiment with hair color at all - fans do not perceive her acting talent, but only her appearance. Katrin always says that she does nothing to be known as a sexy blonde; on the contrary, she tries to avoid stereotyped frivolous roles.
About the secrets of youth. In an interview with Her magazine, Deneuve told how she took care of her appearance in her youth, and how she does it now. According to the actress, until she was forty, she only cared about her hair. At twenty, she wore thick, long bangs to hide any imperfections and not wear makeup. At thirty, her hairstyles became more elaborate, and at forty, she simply doesn’t remember herself. Deneuve admits that she had no time to admire her reflection in the mirror and come up with something. She worked a lot, and now she can only remember herself at a certain age while watching films with her participation. Now the actress tries not to use decorative cosmetics and takes care of your skin. In her opinion, the less makeup on your face, the less often others can determine your exact age. Catherine says that keeping fit is incredible work. Nowadays there are so many good cosmetics and various procedures that any woman at 50 can look stunning. However, ideal appearance requires constant work.
About skin care. In the same interview, Deneuve talks about how she takes care of her skin. For many years, the actress was a heavy smoker. She overcame a bad habit, her skin was transformed, but Catherine gained a lot of weight. Then she struggled with excess weight for many years and started smoking again. “And so (the actress laughs) it goes on forever.” Deneuve tries to avoid sun rays and uses special creams. The actress did not even notice the appearance of the first wrinkles; she was more worried about the dark circles under her eyes. “It’s good that by nature I have a small face and chiseled cheekbones, otherwise I would still have to struggle with excess chins,” Katrin notes and laughs.
About the secrets of makeup.“In our youth, we are not aware of how much makeup and cosmetics we put on our faces, but with age, such “hobbies” develop into big problem", says Deneuve. Unfortunately, the actress continues to use makeup because she acts in films, but for every day she does her makeup herself and very quickly. She defines the eye line and colors the eyelashes, and also applies a little gloss to the lips. When choosing a tinting powder, Katrin always pays attention to the composition of this product. There is nothing else in her makeup bag when it comes to everyday makeup.
About diets. In an interview with 7 Days magazine, Deneuve complained about how hard it was for her to quit smoking. Very thin by nature, Katrin could not even imagine that after giving up bad habit will gain a couple of tens of kilograms. The actress failed to completely reset them. However, she does not want to limit herself in food and tries to eat everything, but in small quantity. The actress drinks a lot of water and goes to the salon once a week to undergo a drainage massage procedure. He also does gymnastics once a week, but he doesn’t like sports and prefers to walk more. On weekends, Katrin travels out of town to visit her favorite sauna. Takes regularly vitamin complexes and sleeps at least eight hours. Deneuve noted that with a strict daily routine and eight hours of sleep, a woman rarely gets better.

Catherine Deneuve

She raised two wonderful children, but never put maternal instinct at the expense of work. She could have remained a modest flower in someone else's shadow for the rest of her life, but she was destined to become a world celebrity, who is called "France's last megastar". The fatal, brilliant, delightful Catherine Deneuve has not just a luxurious appearance and talent, but also a much greater value, granted, alas, to a few - a feeling of special inner freedom.

“Many people think that youth is almost synonymous with happiness, but in reality it’s not at all like that,” says Catherine Deneuve.

In her opinion, the age of 18 and older is a time of painful personal love experiences, which, due to lack of experience, are very difficult to cope with. The attitude of a mature woman, especially if she was able to realize herself - no matter in the family or profession - is much more pleasant, the actress is sure.


Well, she knows what she's talking about. Moreover, Deneuve herself was very successfully realized both personally and professionally. As for her career, her name is known to everyone who has heard at least something about European cinema. And on a personal level... Deneuve loved and was loved the best men of his era. Her common-law husbands were Roger Vadim and Marcello Mastroianni. She gave one of them a son, the other a daughter - the same Chiara, who is now no less famous in the art world than her magnificent mother.

Meanwhile, in her youth, Catherine Fabienne Dorléac (the future Catherine Deneuve) never expected that fate would give her such a brilliant acting future. One of the 4 daughters of dramatic actor Maurice Dorleac and actress Rene Deneuve was born on October 22, 1943 in Paris and spent her entire childhood in a cozy apartment in one of the fashionable areas of the French capital. She shared a room with her older sister Françoise. However, they could be considered almost the same age, since Françoise was only a year and a half older. The girls were similar in appearance. When they got older, and Catherine met Roger Vadim, he admitted that he could not always immediately distinguish the sisters from each other.

Youth Deneuve

As children, they sometimes worked as voice-over artists to earn pocket money. But they gradually joined the acting environment, having, however, managed to receive a very decent education - Catherine graduated from the Paris Lyceum "La Fontaine". It was during this time that it became clear how different the sisters really were. Françoise seemed destined for fame and brilliance. Her talent was noticed, her beauty and manners were incredibly attractive, and the career of an aspiring actress took off rapidly. Catherine remained a charming, but very shy girl in the shadow of her brilliant sister.

“She looked like such a simpleton, which sometimes irritated her terribly,” she recalled the great Brigitte Bardot, who, nevertheless, skillfully hid her irritation, showed touching care and even taught Katrin to play the guitar.

Catherine Deneuve

It’s unlikely that anyone then guessed that behind the modest manners, which everyone took for shyness and stupidity, was hiding a strong and bright personality, who values ​​restraint most of all in herself and those around her, and thus differs from a typical bohemian.

Life very soon provided Catherine with the opportunity to demonstrate this natural strength of character, deciding to test the strength of a prosperous and sophisticated girl. Tragic death Françoise turned Catherine's familiar world upside down. It was unbearable even to realize the loss of the closest and loved one, which meant so much to Catherine.
Deneuve later admitted that having lost her sister, she was never able to cope with the only and most powerful fear in her life - the fear of losing loved ones. And therefore I never allowed myself strong emotional attachments.

The youth of the Deneus

Meanwhile, having taken an unexpected and ugly turn, fate, apparently, decided to mark Catherine. The dream of the father came true, who constantly repeated to his favorite Katrin: “With an appearance like yours, it’s simply a crime not to act in films!”

First resounding success came to Catherine Deneuve at 22 years old. After the screening in Cannes film "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg" She didn’t just “wake up famous,” she immediately acquired superstar status. The light, romantic, sublime heroine won the hearts of the audience and the jury with some kind of fragile and defenseless purity. But only a few relatives knew what strength and dedication was hidden in this graceful and young girl. Among the few “initiates” was the legendary Roger Vadim.


The actress actively starred with directors who were destined to go down in the history of world cinema: “Repulsion” by Roman Polanski, “Tristan” and “Beauty of the Day” by Louis Bonuel, “The Last Metro” by Francois Truffaut.

There was also an invitation to Hollywood, coveted for any actress, in her life. However in the USA she is remembered only as a face in perfume advertising and one of the vampires in the cult film “Hunger”.

With Roger Vadim, Catherine had a son, Christian. However, she never married the father of her child. And soon they parted.

Deneuve's second great love became magnificent Marcello Mastroianni. Their romance was loud and stormy, as befits the temperamental union of a Frenchwoman and an Italian. And the passions, which, however, came more from Mastroianni, were not hindered by the actor’s legal marriage.
Catherine gave birth to his daughter Chiara. They say that Mastroianni, having learned about her birth, filled almost the whole city with champagne. He simply gave food to everyone he met on the street, and people celebrated with him.

For Katrin's sake, he was ready to part with his wife, but Katrin did not support his desire. She always preferred sincerity and truth of feelings to any bureaucratic procedure, and did not want to break Mastroianni’s long-standing alliance for the sake of the status of his wife. The distressed Marcello bitterly stated that the “French bastion” remained impregnable.

With my daughter

Deneuve always valued freedom, independence and the possibility of self-expression above all else. At the same level with these possibilities, only motherhood remains for her. Precisely on equal terms, without priority of one over the other.

Time, inexorable for many, paradoxically worked in Deneuve’s favor. The fragile and touching young lady has turned into an impressive lady with a taste for designer clothes and elite shoes.

Pictures with Deneuve - one more popular than the other. And this is cinema of the highest standard: “Indochina”, “Dancer in the Dark”, and finally, “8 Women”, where the famous Francois Ozon directed eight of his most beloved actresses, including Deneuve.

8 women

Having become a “megastar” not by status, but in fact, Deneuve did not acquire a single “pseudo-star” habit. She never demands special conditions on set.

“Comfort is far from the most important thing for an actor. The main thing is to feel complete trust on the part of the director and be internally free,” she says.

Deneuve would never even think of turning down a role just because it’s “not the main one.” She gave us a lot of magnificent, bright and memorable episodes.

“At first I think: if this role is not in the film, will the whole story change or not? If the presence of my character changes the chain of events, then the role is not as minor as it might seem at first,” Katrin reveals a professional secret.

“When you select costumes for a long time and carefully, many things fall into place by themselves: clothing dictates behavior... The silhouette gradually emerges, and this greatly helps to understand complex heroines...” says the actress.

Catherine Deneuve

Perhaps there is no one among the many admirers of Catherine Deneuve who would not be interested in the secret of her unfading beauty and mysterious power over time.

But she treats the passage of time with incredible ease.

“The aging process, of course, is very difficult, especially for actresses, so I believe that you need to be able to feel all the moments of life as fully as possible... You need to be interested in everything new, so as not to regret later about unused opportunities,” says Deneuve.

She never watches her old films and does not fall into nostalgia.

“I am much more interested in what I don’t know yet, haven’t seen. I don’t have an extra two hours to spend on something that is already familiar to me, otherwise I won’t have time to see and read something new that interests me for the rest of my life,” says Katrin.
She also understands happiness in her own way.


“This is always a temporary condition, it does not last long. For me, these are short moments related to my profession when I feel that the role is working out. I’m also sometimes pleased with myself, and I can feel happy if I manage to help another person,” says Deneuve.

She really strives to help everyone who needs help and support - she tries to achieve the release of prisoners in the United States, defends the rights of dissidents, and opposes the death penalty.
She simply has no time to be depressed.

Deneuve treats himself soberly and has no complexes about his lifestyle or appearance.

“It is impossible to be beautiful every minute, and even more so “forever.” Like every person, I am familiar with feeling unwell, tired, and sometimes I don’t like what I see in the mirror at all. And in general, there are things in life that are much more important and valuable than external beauty,” says this magnificent blonde, and even at this moment she remains irresistible!