Biography of Catherine Deneuve in photos. Beauty of the Day - actress Catherine Deneuve What actress Catherine Deneuve looks like now

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Catherine Deneuve: biography of a beauty

Katrin was born on October 22, 1943 in a family of actors and was the third daughter (there were four daughters in the family). Catherine was the shyest of the sisters, but she played in plays with them since childhood. Her father believed that with such an appearance, Katrin would definitely become a famous actress. The girl made her film debut quite early - at the age of 14, it was in the film "Gymnasium Girls". Two years later, the actress meets director Roger Vadime, who became her teacher and the father of her son. For the sake of love, she leaves home and they work fruitfully together.

Catherine Deneuve came to worldwide fame in 1964 after the release of Jacques Demy's masterpiece film The Umbrellas of Cherbourg, where she played main role. After this, offers from directors poured in one after another. “Repulsion” by Roman Polanski, “Carousel of Love”, “Song of the World”, and his comedic talent was fully demonstrated in the film “Life in a Castle” by Paul Rappeno.

The pinnacle of his career was Luis Buñuel's "Beauty of the Day" and the duet with Jean-Paul Belmodeau in "Mississippi Siren." These roles brought Deneuve many male fans, including Sirens director Francois Truffaut, but their romance was short-lived. And after the film “It Happens Only to Others,” the actress began a passionate romance with Marcello Mastroianni, with whom she gave birth to her second child.

In 1983, after the release of the film “Hunger,” Catherine Deneuve began to be called a radical feminist and a man-hater. But she did not pay attention to gossip and continued her successful star career. Catherine Deneuve now, in the 21st century, is still popular and recognizable, often starring in television shows.

Beauty secrets

Figure of Catherine Deneuve

This year great actress turns 73 years old, but her shape can be the envy of many young girls. With a height of 177 cm, Katrin weighs only 51 kg. What is the secret of her slimness?

Catherine Deneuve herself claims that she owes her thinness mostly to her natural abilities, she has never been on strict diets and loves to cook delicious dishes. But healthy image trying to lead a life. She has practically eliminated sugar and desserts from her diet, drinks a lot of water, gets massages and enjoys long walks. She considers it an important achievement that she was able to quit smoking, even though it led to weight gain.

Catherine Deneuve's face

The actress prefers not to answer the question about plastic surgery. But he claims that he is not afraid of old age, and believes that beautiful woman may be regardless of age. If Catherine Deneuve had fantastic natural beauty in her youth, now keeping her skin toned requires serious effort.

Deneuve avoids sun rays, uses special creams with collagen, undergoes facial massage and special care treatments from a cosmetologist. In makeup, she prefers minimalism: lip gloss, lightly highlighting the eyes and eyebrows. The less makeup there is on the face, the more difficult it is to determine age, the actress believes.

Catherine Deneuve's hair

For many years now, Katrin has been dyeing her hair blonde, but despite this she manages to keep her hair in chic condition. She uses a cleansing scalp scrub, makes lemon masks and always carries a moisturizing balm for unruly hair.

Catherine Deneuve style

Catherine Deneuve's style is refined and recognizable: it is elegant, discreet clothing, without pretentiousness or excessive extravagance. It is not the clothes that adorn the woman, but the woman’s clothes - this is the principle of the actress. She is a longtime fan of Yves Saint Laurent and Prada. Katrin is especially sensitive to shoes: in her wardrobe there are dozens of pairs of shoes for all occasions.

Gina Lollobrigida

90 years old

The 90-year-old actress still attends social events and hopes to live long life, like her aunt, who died at 113. Gina lives in Rome in her own villa with a beautiful garden with exotic birds. They say that she has one of the largest private collections of birds. Gina stopped acting in films more than 30 years ago and began to focus on photography and sculpture. In one of the interviews, the actress said that she got into the cinema by accident, because... I always dreamed of singing in opera or doing sculpture. Despite large number novels, Lollobrigida was married once, a son was born in the marriage, and the couple lived together for about 20 years. Several years ago, rumors appeared in the press about the actress’s scandalous romances with an entrepreneur who was 35 years younger than Gina, and then with a 29-year-old assistant. The actress's son and grandson accused the young people of manipulating Gina by taking control of her funds.

Brigitte Bardot

83 years old

In the 20th century there was hardly another woman who was so idolized and adored. Men worshiped her, and women secretly hated and envied her. She was the main sex symbol of Europe and talented actress. Bardot first appeared in films in 1952, and ended her career at the age of 40. She left at the peak of popularity and beauty to remain in the memory of viewers always young and sexy.

In 1986, Brigitte founded the Animal Welfare Fund, became a vegetarian and stopped wearing clothes made from natural fur. In the 90s, Brigitte launched an active campaign against Islam in France, immigration laws, sexual minorities and interracial marriages. For this she was tried five times and given heavy fines.

She has never had plastic surgery, does not turn to stylists or makeup artists, but still remains well-groomed and elegant, does not forget about makeup and manicure, puts her hair in her famous “babette”, wears formal suits and elegant pumps. She currently lives alone in her villa in Saint-Tropez with her animals, of which there are more than a hundred.

Sophia Loren

83 years old

The dazzling movie goddess is still attractive, still acting in films and going out into the world. Wherever this one appears beautiful woman- She is greeted standing everywhere. In 2002, she starred in her son Eduardo's film Among Strangers, and in 2009 she eclipsed famous beauties: Penélope Cruz, Kate Hudson and Marion Cotillard in the musical "Nine".

Since the actress's husband, Carlo Ponti, passed away in 2007, she has lived in a huge mansion in Geneva and rarely agrees to interviews. Several years ago, remembering her husband, the actress admitted: “Time has already passed since his death, but it’s not getting any easier for me. I desperately miss Carlo, my dear husband. But what to do, in life you cannot have everything at once, this is its inexorable law.”

Jane Fonda

80 years old

Today Jane plays in TV series, enters into contracts with cosmetic brands and receives awards at film festivals. She doesn't hide what she did plastic surgery, but at 80 years old he is not afraid to appear on the covers of magazines without retouching and is an example to follow.

“I would never turn back time, even if it were possible,” says Jane Fonda, “why?” At 20 I was terribly old, at 30 I was practically ancient, and only today, when I’m almost 80, do I feel truly young.”

The actress recently broke up with producer Richard Perry, whom she dated for 8 years and has no plans to get close to anyone again. “After three husbands and a dozen lovers, I was tired of being in a relationship. So I’ll take a break for now.”

Catherine Deneuve

74 years old

The legendary actress is still worshiped by millions of people. But the main priority in her life always remained family. Catherine has two children, a son and a daughter, nieces and grandchildren, with whom she is very close.

“I'm not afraid of aging. When you are young, you suffer and worry a lot - everything seems very important and serious, but over time everything becomes easier and better. In any case, I don’t believe that after 40 years a woman – no matter what she does to herself – can seriously expect to be mistaken for a 20-year-old,” says the actress.

Charlotte Rampling

72 years old

Among the most famous beauties, there is, perhaps, not a single actress with such a mysterious, glowing and bewitching look. She still has never had a single plastic surgery. Rampling says that this is a pointless idea, because everyone already knows how old someone is. She believes that hiding her years is ridiculous, especially for an actress.

The charming actress is considered not only a legendary woman, but also a standard of beauty and style. The biography of Catherine Deneuve consisted of a string of victories and achievements in the world of fashion and cinema. It was she who developed a unique diet with which you can lose weight in 10 days so that the weight does not return.

And the renewed body did not gain kilograms after several months. The parameters of the world star still remain unchanged:

  1. With a height of 168 cm, even at 74 years old, Katrin weighs 60 kg, without suffering from excessive obesity. At certain periods of her life, the woman recovered slightly, but tried to quickly bring her body back to normal, fighting hormonal imbalances in the body with the help of proper nutrition.
  2. The actress is proud of the secret of beauty and youth and shares with fans the subtleties of her own diet. She does not eat confectionery treats, and if there is a desire to eat sweets, Deneuve can afford a few squares of dark chocolate. Otherwise, the woman follows the principles of proper nutrition, eating only healthy foods.
  3. The actress’s body measurements are 86-71-89, which remain unchanged even with age. Many people believe that a woman’s beauty lies behind secret plastic surgery, but Katrin just knows how to use natural cosmetics correctly.
  4. The actress was born on October 22, 1943. Catherine's zodiac sign is Libra: charming, sociable and cheerful. But often a woman falls under the special influence of this and cannot accept it. important decisions immediately, doubting their correctness.

It’s not for nothing that Catherine Deneuve is considered a style icon. The French actress amazes with her ability to always be on the crest of a fashion wave. A woman loves beautiful things and appreciates classics. The unsurpassed Frenchwoman knows how to amaze and surprise not only fans, but also representatives of the press.


Catherine Fabienne was born into a dynasty of actors. The famous father Maurice Dorleac was happy to learn that he would have a third daughter. Then another girl appeared in the family, the youngest in the Dorleak family. The mother of the beautiful babies died when Catherine was barely 8 years old. Therefore, Renee Deneuve was poorly remembered by the growing actress.

The basic principles of self-love and reverence for one’s own beauty were instilled in little Catherine by her father. He taught his daughters to appreciate the beauty of their face and body and to properly care for themselves. Growing up in star family the baby quickly learned the lessons given by Maurice Dorlek, and also managed to come up with her own. The first of them is the ability to show modesty and remain silent where there is no need to speak.

Realizing this simple truth, Katrin managed to get on the set at the age of 13. The enterprising sister Françoise, who shone in the cinema as an aspiring star, decided to promote the modest girl career ladder. She brought her to the set and persuaded the director to give Katrin a minor role in the dramatic film “Gymnasium Girls” (1957).


Parents tried to give the girls, whose childhood was spent in German-occupied territory, the most better education. Therefore, in addition to the usual high school, Catherine and her sisters studied several languages, attended a dance studio and took music lessons. Also with early childhood The girl was raised to be an aristocrat, taught social manners.

Modest and silent, Catherine was always strong and determined at heart. But in her childhood she preferred not to show a strong-willed character. The girl studied diligently at school and loved to while away her evenings reading books and drawing. The girl studied at the elite Lyceum La Fontaine.

There was an amazing tradition in the Dorleac family. True Parisians in summer period went to the suburbs to take a break from the bustle of the city. House in rural areas Katrin liked the place where you could grow your own vegetables and fruits. Therefore, having become an adult woman, she prefers to live outside the capital.

Start of a career

As the middle sister of the famous François Dorléac, little Catherine had a hard time. She followed her successful film career with admiration. From 1957 to 1961, the modest actress was invited only to minor roles. But over time everything changed in better side. The beauty was invited to the crime film “Satan Rules the Ball There” (1962). Director Grisha Daba saw only Deneuve in the role of Manuel. But only the next film brought her popularity.

Rise and popularity

The first attempts at working on camera did not live up to the expectations of the modest girl and the directors. The quiet and reserved actress did not know how to show her talents and unleash her potential. And Deneuve came to the cinema only because she wanted to be like her older famous sister in everything.

For Catherine, everything changed after meeting the legendary Roger Vadim. The master was shocked by the aristocratic beauty of the aspiring actress and managed to discern in her inner rod. He invited Deneuve to his films, providing the opportunity to play female seductresses. For a girl who was modest by nature, this was a new and unusual task.

But it was precisely such unique roles that allowed Katrin to open up and get rid of the image of a quiet person. She dyed her hair blonde and began to adhere to a certain style of clothing and makeup. The creative tandem even led to her becoming a mother.

But the man saw new actress a revived Brigitte Bardot, but not Catherine. At a certain point, the woman decided that she did not want to follow the director’s lead and chose her own path. Deneuve left the master, taking her son Christian - the fruit of the love of the failed Pygmalion and Galatea. Parting with rich man Roger Vadim brought Catherine to a new wave of fame.

It was then that she realized that she had done everything right. After all, this departure was the reason for meeting with new life, where Deneuve became one of the most popular actresses in France.

Katrin is not used to retreating from difficulties. Therefore, having left her lover, she went to a new casting with the determination to get a role in the film “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg”. Director Jacques Damy was struck by the amazing beauty of the little-known actress and cast her in the leading role. After the film was released on the big screens, Catherine woke up rich and famous.

From that moment on, a stormy creative life began. The actress's phone kept ringing. And every time she picked up the phone, Deneuve was faced with a difficult task: whether to accept the role or refuse. Then, in 1969, Catherine was invited to Hollywood. After participating in the film “April Follies,” she returned to Paris as a world star.

Personality and character

Strong-willed Catherine Deneuve was born to surprise and arouse admiration. Famous magazines wrote about her: “French actresses, like French wine, are not transportable. Except Catherine Deneuve." Easy-going, unafraid of change, the Parisian star always radiates incredible self-confidence. Having received an invitation to work in Hollywood, she did not hesitate or be afraid. She always did what she considered necessary and therefore managed to become who she is now.

But even being determined and strong, the actress does not consider herself an “ice queen.” All her confidence and coldness in public is just an image behind which hides a wayward brunette with iron willpower. Catherine is charming and smart, powerful and selfish. She is not used to begging for roles, preferring to independently choose where she should play and where not. And to all his arguments and proposals, Deneuve prefers to hear “yes”, not tolerating refusals or omissions.

The actress values ​​personal space very much and does not allow anyone to pry into her personal life. Journalists have repeatedly encountered Deneuve's caustic remarks in response to questions that remain taboo when communicating with the actress. Therefore, at present, representatives of the press try not to raise such issues.

Personal life

The personal life of Catherine Deneuve has always attracted the attention of the press. The ubiquitous journalists did not ignore the woman when she gave birth illegitimate son Christiana. But then the rumors and gossip stopped. Aristocrat Deneuve married photographer David Bailey. The husband introduced the woman to his circle of acquaintances, among whom were famous screenwriters and directors.

At first, the lovers were on the verge of euphoria and believed that they would live together until old age. But after some time it became clear that their marriage could no longer exist. Famous actress lived in two cities, working on film sets in London and Paris.

The photographer preferred to remain in the UK, devoting himself entirely to free time work. After three years of marriage, Catherine realized that she could no longer be David Bailey's wife. She was the first to talk about divorce, and the photographer did not stop her.

Already being a celebrity, the woman met truly strong love. The incredible relationship between Catherine Deneuve and Marcello Mastroianni was not only written about, but also legends were made. The charming woman and the outstanding actor had delightful feelings for each other, which they did not hesitate to talk about to the whole world. Their dates were not limited to restaurants and trips to other public places. To bring color to life, they met in Rome, charming Nice and other countries of the world.

Then Marcello presented his queen with an unexpected gift in the form of a luxurious mansion. Katrin was not at a loss and presented her beloved with the keys to the collector's car. A year later, the daughter of Catherine Deneuve and Marcello Mastroianni, Chiara, was born. The actress refused to marry a man in love, whose affair was talked about all over the world. And then, having learned about his death older sister Françoise, decided to break off her strong relationship with Mastroianni.

Catherine Deneuve later admits that she did not want to tie the knot because she always knew that any relationship could end in divorce. And having lost her sister, the actress began to fear that her heart would be broken. Therefore, she always left first, while there was still such an opportunity. This is how she maintained warm feelings for men, not allowing them to hurt her.

She never remarried. And then she announced to journalists that they could call her mademoiselle, and she would always decide for herself with whom and when to start a relationship.

The children of Catherine Deneuve adopted the talent of actors from their parents. Christian is a stage and film actor in France, and Chiara has a career as an actress in Italy. Young adults are very friendly and love to spend time together.


The actress looks like a royal despite her serious age. In addition to the diet that the woman developed on her own, Deneuve maintains her body with the help of gymnastics. Katrin loves long walks and spends a lot of time outside the city, where she carries out special beauty treatments. The actress prefers to use natural cleansing masks and scrubs for the face and body, which she makes herself.

Life today

Catherine Deneuve remains a megastar in France to this day. Morning for socialite starts with a mug of hot coffee and a cigarette. The woman does not want to get rid of this habit. Deneuve will forever remain in the history of cinema as the most charming and desirable actress in the world.

She appreciates inner freedom and the ability to express thoughts in public. Catherine actively fights for the rights of prisoners, condemns open feminism and is an opponent of the death penalty.

Most of all, the actress does not like compliments and banality. In her free time, she loves visiting flea markets and looking for jewelry with precious and semi-precious stones.

Katrin loves to sing and enjoys buying and listening to popular music. She is a kind of music lover who is constantly in search of interesting and beautiful melodies that can sink deep into the soul.

Best roles

After her first success in cinema, roles with outstanding film directors followed for Katrina:

  • musical film “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg” (1964), where Catherine appeared in the image of Geneva Emery;
  • horror film "Repulsion" (1965) in the role of Belgian manicurist Carole Ledoux, filmed by a British studio;
  • melodrama “The Girls from Rochefort” (1966) in the image of Delphine Garnier, which tells the story of twin sisters;
  • Luis Buñuel's drama "Beauty of the Day" (1966) - played the role of Severine Cerisy, the frigid wife of the respectable bourgeois Pierre;
  • the war film “The Life of the Rich” (1966), which tells about the May days of 1944 of the inhabitants of the family estate in Normandy - in the form of Marie;
  • historical melodrama “Mayerling” (1968), in which she appeared in the role of Baroness Maria Vechera;
  • the Hollywood comedy April Madness (1969) about the exciting love adventures of Katherine Gunther (Deneuve) and Howard;
  • the mystical drama “Mississippi Siren” (1969) - a film adaptation of William Irish’s novel “Waltz in the Dark” in the image of Julie Roussel;
  • musical film “Donkey Skin” (197) - Princess. Based on the tale of the same name by Charles Perrault;
  • drama "Tristana" (1970) co-produced by France, Italy and Spain, which became last movie, directed by and starring Luis Buñuel;
  • the film “Louise” (1972), where the heroine of the drama does everything possible to attract the attention of her beloved, who pays attention only to his dog;
  • action movie directed by Jarre-Pierre Melville “Spic” (1972) in the image of Katya;
  • the drama “The Woman in Red Boots” (1974), revealing the story of the avant-garde writer Francoise Leroy;
  • the western Don't Touch a White Woman (1974) as Marie-Helen;
  • Italian historical film “Incidents in the Life of Decent People” (1974), in the role of Linda Murri;
  • comedy “Savage” (1975), the action of which takes place in the capital of Venezuela, Caracas, about love adventures main character Nellie;
  • the film “Zig-Zak” (1975), which tells the story of Marie;
  • drama “Lost Soul” (1977) based on the book by Giovanni Arpino in the role of Sophia Stoltz;
  • the adventure crime film “For the Two of Us” (1979) directed by Claude Lelouch, where Catherine appeared as the charming Francoise;
  • melodrama “The Last Metro” (1980), where secret life artists Marion Steiner;
  • crime film-drama “Choice of Weapons” (1981) about the intrigues of Nicole (Deneuve) and the former criminal Noel;
  • melodrama “Hotel America” (1981) in the image of the anesthesiologist Helen, who is experiencing the death of her lover who drowned in the lake;
  • thriller "Shock" (1982), filmed jointly by France and Brazil based on the novel by Jean-Patrick Manchette "The State of the Left Gunman" - Claire;
  • adventure comedy "The African" (1982), about the fascinating story of Charlotte, who flew to East Africa with the aim of creating a tourist center near the lake;
  • horror film “Hunger” (1983) directed by Tony Scott, where Deneuve played the role of New York vampire Miriam Blaylock;
  • drama “Crime Scene” (1986) about the love of the prosperous beauty Lily and a fugitive criminal;
  • the drama “We Hope It’s a Girl” (1986) about the intricate interweaving of family and everyday problems faced by the main character Claudia;
  • film adaptation of “Time Regained” (1999) based on Marcel Proust’s novel “In Search of Lost Time” in the image of Odette;
  • historical film "Musketeer" (2001) - in the role of the Queen;
  • mystical detective story “8 Women” (2002), about the events in France before Christmas in the image of Gabi;
  • melodrama “Near Heaven” (2002) directed by Tony Marshall about a woman named Fanette, who feels coldness from her friends and a new love that has turned her usual world upside down;
  • the drama “Dangerous Liaisons” (2003) about Isabelle, drawn into virulent intrigues;
  • Australian drama “Marie Bonaparte” (2004), where the main character seeks help from Dr. Freud to solve problems in relationships with men;
  • the drama “Life After Him” (2007) about the life of Camilla, whose life changes dramatically after the death of her son in a car accident;
  • film adaptation " Desperate Housewife"(2010) directed by Francois Ozon, where Deneuve appeared in the image of the beautiful Madeleine;
  • the tragicomedy “Over the Cigarettes” (2013), which tells how the main character Betty is going through a serious crisis in her life;
  • melodrama “Woman in the Yard” (2014), where retired Matilda is afraid that her house will collapse due to a crack and tries to solve this problem;
  • drama “Young Blood” (2015) directed by Emmanuel Bercot in the image of judge Florence Blaque;
  • comedy “Me and You” (2017) directed by Martin Provost and starring Beatrice Sobolewski.

Films starring Catherine Deneuve have always been a huge success with audiences eager to buy cinema tickets as quickly as possible. Over the years creative life the actress has starred in 122 projects and plans to please fans with the release of 123 films in 2018.

Prizes and awards

Catherine Deneuve received her first award at the age of 20. The girl, who had already become a mother, was very worried, but did not show it. Later, traditional awards became familiar to her. The most significant awards for an actress:

  • Palme d'Or during the Cannes Film Festival for Best Actress in 1994 and 2000;
  • Oscar Award for his role in the drama “Indochina” (1992);
  • winner of the annual Cesar Award.

Over many years in the world of cinema, the actress has learned to appreciate films not for the awards they receive, but for the feelings that arise when watching them. She admits that she likes to watch films of other actors, judging them not by their cover or advertising. The main thing is that there is a soul in the picture. Nothing else matters.

Social media accounts

The actress often posts photos on Instagram, showing photos with a new hairstyle or dress:

She doesn't hide hers bad habits, which have been preserved from youth. Catherine Deneuve's style remains unchanged. A spectacular blonde with a cigarette who does not hesitate to speak briefly, firmly and confidently about current events in the world.


Catherine Deneuve in her youth: brunette

Of course, Deneuve was a miracle as a brunette, but as soon as she dyed her hair blonde in 1962, after meeting Roger Vadim, during the filming of the film “Satan Rules the Ball There”...

Catherine Deneuve in her youth: blonde

A shining, noble, pearl-wheat shade made from simply attractive girl amazingly beautiful actress. The right hair color emphasized the main thing in Deneuve: external coldness combined with an ardent soul.


Moderation is the cardinal virtue of elegance. Deneuve, both in life and on screen, always appears in restrained and laconic images, in which there is no place for unnecessary accessories, flashy makeup, flashy details and overly bright colors. The most famous and one of the most elegant was the image of the main character in a black dress with a white school collar in the film “Beauty of the Day”. All the outfits for the picture were created by , but it was this dress that became the prototype for many similar models that are still worn today.

But Deneuve’s first unconditional success was the role of Genevieve in the musical “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg,” where she appeared as a young, naive, but strong and unbroken young woman. In the first half of the film, Deneuve appears in laconic outfits in blue, pink and other pastel shades, just in keeping with the prevailing youth fashion of the 60s.

Catherine Deneuve: still from the film "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg" (1964)

The lemon-yellow raincoat in which Genevieve looked into the window of an umbrella shop became canonical. But even here, despite the ribbons in her hair, childish colors and modest jewelry, Deneuve’s image is extremely neat and restrained: gloves, a clutch, “studs” in her ears.

FINE Lingerie

Catherine Deneuve: still from the film "Beauty of the Day" (1967)

In the same "Beauty of the Day" Deneuve appears more than once in underwear, but what kind of underwear! It would seem that the role of a fatal and calculating seductress requires bolder colors and models, but on the actress we see an innocent white set, decorated with modest lace.

Catherine Deneuve: still from the film "Beauty of the Day" (1967). At home, Deneuve's heroine went to bed in nightgown with roses, which emphasized her contradictory nature- coldness and passion at the same time

A garter belt was a common and indispensable attribute at that time. In general, laconic underwear that is not too overloaded with lace is the first step towards elegance in the style of Catherine Deneuve.


Catherine Deneuve: frame from the film "Tristan" (1970)

For the film "Tristana" Deneuve had to not only dye her hair brown-haired and abandon the role of a noble aristocrat, but also dress in all black. Although what could be more noble than black? The only “but”: black looks stylish and elegant only in expensive fabrics.

Catherine Deneuve: in black

Choose black clothes from the most expensive (within the range available to you) segment and follow a sleep schedule - then black will look as luxurious on you as it does on Catherine Deneuve.

A timid, shy girl, she never dreamed of becoming an actress when she was a child. Unlike her beautiful sister, who dreamed of cinema, Catherine Deneuve was modest in her desires. But fate chose her for the movie, and completely unexpectedly.

Catherine Deneuve is so beautiful in her own right that the movie she stars in doesn't even have to tell the story. I'm sure the viewer will be happy just to see Katrin's face

Francois Truffaut


Catherine Dorléac was born on a gloomy, rainy morning on October 22, 1943, in German-occupied Paris. In October 2011, she turned 68, but she still remains one of the most beautiful actresses in French cinema. She grew up on Boulevard Murat in a family of theater actors Maurice and René Dorleac. Parents tried to give their four daughters an excellent education and upbringing; the girls were taught languages, music, dancing and good manners. The whole family left Paris for the summer. And now Katrin spends more time in her country house and garden than anywhere else, and calls herself a “rural Frenchwoman.”

As a child, Katrin was not a leader; outwardly she looked timid and obedient. Perhaps only my father understood what temperament and strong character hidden behind the calmness of his daughter. At that time, Catherine did not even think about cinema, unlike her older, beautiful sister Françoise, who was very confident in herself and dreamed of cinema. Katrin grew up shy and silent; she studied diligently, loved to draw and read a lot. But fate does not ask, but chooses... A guest of the Dorleac family, director Andre Yunnebel invited a dark-haired fifteen-year-old girl to act as an extra in his film “Kittens,” and Catherine accepted the offer only because her beloved Francoise played there. She chose her mother’s surname, Deneuve, as a pseudonym. On the set, she was shy and repressed, and had a complex about her appearance. “For a very long time I was considered timid and narrow-minded. Imagine a pretty girl who is just a label... All our complexes come from childhood. It is clear that Catherine saw herself in the eyes of those around her as a beautiful, stupid doll. She didn't know how to correct this dissonance. But very soon Katrin will prove to the whole world what she is really worth. That’s later, but for now she’s 17, and she meets director Roger Vadim. The master was shocked by both the beauty of the girl and what was discernible behind her - a strong inner core.

The master, who lit more than one star, began to direct Deneuve in his films (“Satan Rules the Ball There,” “Vice and Virtue”), where she got the roles of seductresses. But Katrina’s euphoria and increased self-confidence quickly melted away. Probably Vadim wanted to make Katrin new Brigitte Bardo. IN once again he created a sex symbol, but did not become Pygmalion for the obstinate Galatea. Proud Catherine chose to choose her own path. What Roger Vadim sculpted from her was alien to her. Yes, she dyed her hair blonde, as he ordered, but she did not want to become the new babydoll. Despite the birth of her son Christian and the prospects that an alliance with the most famous director in France opened up for her, she left him.

Nothing in love surprises me, but everything amazes me

20-year-old Catherine, who was already responsible for the child, rejected a wealthy life with a rich and famous lover, who was also ready to marry, and set off on a solo voyage. Answering endless questions from the press “why?”, she said: “I am my own Pygmalion. Roger tried to fit all actresses into the Brigitte Bardot stereotype. Our films with him had practically no success.” Perhaps the director also needed a second Brigitte in love?.. Be that as it may, Deneuve and Vadim broke up, but fate, which decided at all costs to bring the girl Dorleac to the big cinema, again sent her to the right place and to the right hour. The disappointment in love was compensated by Katrina's wild success in cinema.

Filming is best time in my life

A fateful meeting with director Jacques Damy ended with an invitation to the main role in The Umbrellas of Cherbourg. The film received the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival in 1964. And it was a real triumph. But the gifts from heaven did not end there - the man with whom Catherine fell passionately in love dreamed of only one thing: to lead his beloved down the aisle. It was the fashionable English photographer David Bailey. Finally she found her happiness.


The husband immediately introduced Catherine Deneuve into his circle. She became part of the community of directors of the “new wave” - Roman Polanski, Luis Buñuel, Francois Truffaut, Claude Lelouch... They invite Catherine to star in their films. Roles in the films “Repulsion”, “Beauty of the Day”, “Tristan” became milestones for her. But the more successful my career was, the worse my personal life was. The couple continued to live their own lives, “and spent so little time together that there could be no other solution but separation,” Catherine Deneuve would later say. David lived in London, and Catherine was torn between two capitals, London and Paris, where she was filming and where her son Christian lived. Her first and last marriage lasted three years. “I have always believed that only the man who is next to you can solve all your problems and dispel your doubts. Everything happened differently with me.” Well, she is not the first and she will not be the last for whom the deception of these, in general, chimerical expectations is a good reason for divorce. “It seemed like life was giving me an endless exam, which I tried to pass, wanting to build it the way I saw fit.”

A perfectionist and a maximalist, a psychologist would say. She became tougher and colder, overcoming her own weaknesses and complexes. You can imagine what it was like for her to star in Buñuel’s film “Beauty of the Day,” where her heroine works in a brothel secretly from her husband, allowing her clients to realize any erotic fantasies, you can use one phrase from Catherine Deneuve: “I am extremely shy. You can't even imagine to what extent. I COULD NEVER IMAGINE THAT SOMEONE COULD LOOK INTO MY PURSE.”... There, behind the lining, are hidden her insecurities and fears and everything that she hides under the mask “ snow queen" She tried to justify herself: “I look cold because I’m blonde, and I don’t have very active facial expressions. In fact, I am a man of passions”... As if trying to prove something to someone, Catherine Deneuve plunges headlong into the whirlpool of an affair with director Francois Truffaut. Two years later, she told him that it was all over between them and flew to America to star in the film “April Madness.”

What is marriage for if there is divorce?

And again triumph! Critics compared Catherine to Greta Garbo, and a Newsweek columnist wrote: “French actresses, like French wine, are not transportable. Except for Catherine Deneuve”... She returned to Europe - an actress who became a celebrity on the other side of the ocean. And at home she was already waiting new job. And - she didn’t know this yet - new love. The whole world soon started talking about this novel.


On film set film of the same name, something unimaginable was happening. The world-famous Italian Marcello Mastroianni and Catherine Deneuve swirled in a crazy love tango. They spent several years dancing, mixed with a burning mixture of passion and disappointment. Bright, loud, surprisingly cheerful, Mastroianni loved widely, sweepingly and generously. Romantic meetings in Rome, Paris, Nice... It was a time of noisy feasts, endless parties and love dates. Marcello persuaded her to work less and rest more often. He gave Catherine a luxurious villa in Nice, and in return she gave him the keys to a luxury car. “What should I give you when you give birth to my child?” - he asked his beloved. She didn’t answer, and a year later she gave birth to a daughter, Chiara. And she refused to marry Marcello. “You already have a wife,” she said. That's how they lived. Mastroianni spent a week in Rome, a week in Paris, until one day he heard: “Our relationship has exhausted itself. Forgive and farewell."

Are feelings really dead? “Sometimes it seems to me that love is a complete pain. Tragic death himself loved one, Sister Françoise, became a nightmarish revelation for me: someday love will definitely die. The fear of losing loved ones turned into an incurable phobia for me. Since then I have not given my heart to anyone. If you don’t have, you don’t lose,” Deneuve once confesses under pressure from journalists. Beautiful love story Almost half the planet was discussing this couple, and reporters besieged both Deneuve and Mastroianni in droves... She did what she always did. The little girl, shocked by the death of her sister, grew up, but flatly refused to part with her childhood saving thought: since love can leave, one must always play ahead. Catherine Deneuve, it turns out, never knew what it was real freedom in relationships. How hard it is to live for a person locked in a cage of his own psychological taboos! And never try to breathe deeply... Sitting at the bottom of a well, you see only part of the sky, but not the entire horizon.

The idea of ​​growing old together is wonderful in itself, but not for me. She inspires fear in me

So, Marcello Mastroianni left, and Deneuve sometimes continued to come to the Latin Quarter of Paris, where they lived together, so that alone (black wig and sunglasses changed Catherine's appearance) wander through the narrow streets.

She could only talk about the vicissitudes of love with her best friend Gerard Depardieu: “I only liked to talk about love with Depardieu. We drained all the stocks of dry red wine in his cellar. And they chatted, sitting on the balcony, all day long. Of course, no one will believe this, but then I realized that true friendship is love. There is a strong male friendship between us. But you still won’t know anything more,” Deneuve told reporters. Depardieu, in turn, expressed himself in a very original way: “Catherine is the man I would like to become”...


Two stars in the same sky - that’s what they called Alain Delon and Catherine Deneuve, who starred together in the film “Policeman”. A couple of weeks after filming, they had dinner together, and one day the paparazzi filmed them having breakfast at Delon’s villa. Catherine, as usual, was silent, and Delon chattered incessantly, giving interviews to all newspapers. Yes, he met his only love, without which he can no longer imagine his life. The tabloids printed copies non-stop, giving the most beautiful couple the first pages, and then a scandal broke out, which further fueled interest in this woman. “Thanks to the chatty assistants, I found out that our affair was included in the estimate for the film’s PR campaign. Only Alena was warned about this and offered a deal, and I kissed for free. To be honest, Alain is a disgusting kisser. I don't understand why women love him so much. He tried to justify himself to me and said something about a bet and a bad joke.” As a result, only the lazy did not throw a spear at Delon; the film “Policeman” failed miserably.


Catherine Deneuve never remarried. Over the years, she demanded to call herself “Mademoiselle” and allowed herself to have affairs with whomever she wanted, whenever she wanted. “I felt responsible for myself very early on. I left my parents and gave birth to a child when I was not even 20 years old. And now that my children have grown up, real youth has finally arrived for me, which was not there at the time when it was supposed to be. Everything turned out topsy-turvy for me.” “Why are you so against the word “madam”? - journalists ask. “It seems to me that the prefix madam is like an extra wrinkle: it immediately makes you ten years older,” she replies.

Those with whom she started working in films have long since left the distance, but Catherine Deneuve is still “at the top.” “I gave birth to and raised two children without being married and without interrupting my work in cinema,” the actress is proud of herself. From Monday to Friday she lives in Paris, and spends the weekend in a country house. She does not like to sunbathe, as ultraviolet radiation ages the skin. For the same reason, she does not overuse makeup. Contrary to the unwritten French law, he does not drink wine at dinner, leaving this pleasure for the evening. Drinks a lot of coffee per day (“ divine drink"!) and smokes like a locomotive (“if I quit, I’ll get better right away”). “I am a dreamer at heart. And in life too. I know that my appearance tells a completely different story. But I have no desire to dissuade people that I am not at all what I seem,” she says.


In France, Catherine Deneuve is called " ice maiden" As mysterious as a rosebud, she compares herself to a lemon tree. Perhaps because, like this tree, it needs care and special conditions for creativity.

For me there is a past tense, but there is nothing past

The lemon tree and Catherine Deneuve are selfish. The tree bears fruit only when there is sun, moisture and a good attitude. An actress creates only when she decides whether the role is right for her. Françoise Sagan once said about her: “I never heard her talk about her art with tears in her voice, I never saw her in an apron at the stove, stirring bechamel. There is no stupidity, no weakness, no anger, no contempt in her.” One dignity and restraint. Director Roger Vadim, whose wives all became movie stars, wrote: “She was created to rule, and was convinced that she was always right. She is smart, not devoid of sensuality and humor, which is why it was so easy to fall under her charm before it became clear that you should always say “yes”. Only in rare moments of confusion did she seem like a weak and vulnerable creature.”

"Are you happy?" one journalist asked Catherine Deneuve. - “Not at all. I was happy 45 years ago when I starred in The Umbrellas of Cherbourg. And now I just love life."