Autobiography of Kabaeva. The secret and obvious personal life of Alina Kabaeva

Alina Kabaeva was born on May 12, 1983 in Tashkent - now the capital of Uzbekistan. Alina's father is the famous football player Marat Kabaev, a Tatar by nationality. Mother - basketball player Lyubov Mikhailovna, Russian. On her official website Kabaeva writes that she understands Tatar language: "I was lucky with my grandmother on my father's side. She always spoke to me only in Tatar, and I understood her. Thanks to her, I still understand the Tatar language, although I can no longer speak. In childhood I could, my dad is Tatar. Both grandmother is Tatar and grandfather".

Marat Kabaev with his daughters: Alina (left) and Lisana (right)

The fact that Alina's parents were athletes predetermined her fate: " I got into sports thanks to my parents: my dad was a football player, and my mother played basketball. Her basketball team trained in the same gym as the gymnasts. First, Irina Viner’s players trained, and then the basketball players took to the court. Having once seen Irina Alexandrovna, my mother said: “If I have a girl, I will definitely send her to rhythmic gymnastics, and to this coach.” And so it happened".

Alina Kabaeva in childhood

Alina Kabaeva with her mother and younger sister Lisana:

Alina began doing rhythmic gymnastics at the age of three and a half, and at the age of 12 she moved with her mother to Moscow to train with Irina Viner, who immediately set the condition: to lose weight (by gymnastic standards, Alina is prone to being overweight, which is somewhat noticeable now, after completing a sports career).

Alina Kabaeva at the age of 12 years:

Alina Kabaeva’s measurements during her sports career (as of 2005): height 166 cm, weight 52 kg, chest 86 cm, waist 64 cm, hips 86 cm.

Since 1996, Alina began competing for the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team, two years later she became the absolute European champion, and a year later - the absolute world champion.

Arriving at the Olympics in Sydney, Australia as an absolute favorite, Kabaeva could not cope with her nerves and made a fatal mistake - she dropped the hoop during her performance. In the end, she only won bronze. However, in this type of competition, Russia was not left without gold: it was won by another ward of Irina Viner, Yulia Barsukova.
Alina Kabaeva managed to become an Olympic champion 4 years later, in Athens. Having lost in the hoop and ribbon competition to another Russian, Irina Chashchina, Kabaeva showed the best results in exercises with the ball and clubs and still won in terms of total points, leaving Chashchina with silver.

It is worth noting that before the Olympics in Athens, Alina Kabaeva, who was previously a non-practicing Muslim, converted to Orthodoxy.

The last major competition for Alina Kabaeva was the 2007 World Championships, where she won gold as part of the team and bronze in ribbon exercises.
After completing her sports career, Kabaeva shared the fate of many famous Russian athletes, becoming a State Duma deputy from the party " United Russia", however, in September 2014 she resigned her parliamentary powers, becoming the chairman of the board of directors of the National Media Group holding. The holding includes Channel Five (the group owns 72.4%), Channel One (25%), REN TV (68% ), the Izvestia newspaper (73.2%) and the Russian News Service radio station (100%).

Two former champions in the State Duma: Nikolai Valuev and Alina Kabaeva

Film about Alina Kabaeva, shot by Channel One

Personal life. Alina Kabaeva and Vladimir Putin

In April 2008, the Moscow Correspondent newspaper published an article that Vladimir Putin allegedly divorced his wife Lyudmila (while in reality the divorce happened only 5 years later - in 2013) and was going to marry Alina Kabaeva.

The article caused such a resonance that at Putin’s press conference in Italy on April 18, 2008, one of the journalists asked: “ Vladimir Vladimirovich, I want to ask you about rumors: During your presidency, you have repeatedly encountered various rumors, “canards” - both about the country and about you personally. Here in Italy, I looked at Italian newspapers and was surprised to discover how popular the topic of your upcoming wedding with Alina Kabaeva is here. I want to ask you how you feel about all this personally, and (sorry for, of course, very sensitive issue) is it true that you divorced your wife, and is it true that your daughter got married and lives in Munich?"
Putin responded to this with the following: " The first thing I want to say is that there is not a single word of truth in what you said. Second: You mentioned an article in one of our tabloid newspapers, which actually mentions our Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics Alina Kabaeva and mentions, in my opinion, Katya Andreeva, your colleague who works on Channel One of Russian television. Other successful, beautiful, young women and girls are mentioned in other publications of this kind. And I think it won’t be unexpected if I say that I like them all, just like all Russian women. I think that no one will be offended if I say that I personally believe that our Russian women are the most talented and most beautiful. If anyone can compete with them, it can only be.
I, of course, know the hackneyed phrase and cliche that politicians live in a glass house, and society, of course, has the right to know how people who are engaged in public activities live. But even in this case, there are still some restrictions. Exists privacy, in which no one is allowed to interfere. I have always had a negative attitude towards those who, with some kind of flu-like nose and with their erotic fantasies, meddle in someone else’s life."(quoted from a transcript from the official Kremlin website -

The first meeting between Vladimir Putin and 20-year-old Alina Kabaeva dates back to 2003, when the president congratulated the rhythmic gymnastics team on their victory at the World Championships. Photo - RIA Novosti (Vladimir Rodionov).

Despite the public denial, rumors about an affair between Putin and Kabaeva did not subside and escalated again after Vladimir Putin’s divorce in 2013. There was even talk about Kabaeva’s two children from Putin. Kabaeva received the clownish nickname “Zabava Putyatishna”.

The son of Alina Kabaeva and Vladimir Putin is often added to this photo in Photoshop:

Alina Kabaeva herself, like Putin, denies these rumors. From an interview with Bolshoy Sport magazine in 2013 (after Putin’s divorce): “ Life experience has taught me not to let anyone into my personal life. Anyone who wants to talk about work, the festival, or other professional issues is welcome, but not about personal matters. The only thing I can say is: I don’t have children. This is true".

10 years earlier, Alina Kabaeva spoke a little more openly about her personal life. From a 2003 interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda:

They write so many different things about you. What's the biggest nonsense you've read about yourself?

- That I'm getting married.

Is your fan (to calm everyone down) related to sports?

- No, but he stays in shape. - Alina immediately comes to her senses and continues with a laugh: - I know such questions. If he has nothing to do with sports, then it means he is some kind of businessman. They wrote on the Internet that I went to Milan, that I had four suitcases with me, and then two were stolen, and my boyfriend gave me an insanely expensive dress, and then I had a fight with him, and this dress was also stolen from me. So I don't want to say anything about my personal life.

I was amazed that in the interview you, a 19-year-old girl, argue that a man, in principle, cannot avoid walking “to the left”...

- It seems to me that this is so. But loving person He will never in his life make it so that one could guess about physical betrayal. If a person wants to break off a relationship with you, then, of course, he will behave demonstratively: turn off his phone and not communicate... Fortunately, this has not happened to me. I leave in English all the time. Quiet.

That is, physical betrayal is not yet betrayal?

- I don't think so. But it’s better not to know or talk about this. For example, I have a girlfriend, and I know a lot about her young man. But I will never tell her this in my life - they must figure it out themselves. I also don’t like it when they start telling me about my friends, where they saw whom and with whom.

Now Kabaeva does not deny that she is not alone, although she does not reveal the name of her lover. From an interview with Sobesednik magazine in 2014: " Thank God I have love in my life. This is great happiness"Alina also commented on the information regarding the ring, supposedly similar to a wedding ring, which appeared on her finger at the Olympics. Spectators saw the accessory when the gymnast carried the Olympic torch around the Fisht stadium. The question about the ring made the athlete smile: " I myself don’t remember what kind of ring I had there. Well, you see, this ring is definitely not a diamond ring. Conversations in the kitchen, discussing someone's rings - this is, in general, normal, there is nothing wrong with that. The main thing for me is that everything I say does not harm people. Everyone should have their little secrets - I have them too. I am happy that I am surrounded by love. But you can’t be too happy either, so as not to scare away your happiness".

Enough candid photo Alina Kabaeva for a Japanese magazine:

Alina Kabaeva in Maxim magazine:

Alina Kabaeva is one of the most successful women in Russia, famous not only within home country. A girl's rapid sports career, political activity and the many other talents that the Olympic champion possesses have made her famous throughout the world and won many men’s hearts. The biography of Alina Kabaeva has been rich and interesting since childhood. The rumors that circulate around the girl’s personality are sometimes ridiculous, but still make her admirers and admirers tremble.

Alina's family: Alina Kabaeva's father and mother

Perhaps the fact that the girl built such a successful sports career, was predetermined since childhood. The future Olympic champion was born in a very sports family. Marat Vazykhovich, the father of Alina Kabaeva, whose biography was also very eventful - by the time his first daughter was born, he was already a professional football player and played for the Pakhtakor team.

He was born on May 27, 1961 in Uzun in Uzbekistan, which at that time was part of Soviet Union. Marat Vazykh's father, Alina's grandfather, was for some time the chairman of the Republican Federation of the Uzbek SSR for national Kuresh wrestling. Since childhood, Marat himself has been fond of football and basketball. By the age of 15, he was already playing and training in the Labor Reserves society in Moscow, and by 1979 he began playing for the Termez Avtomobilist. By 1980, the father of the future Olympic champion moved to Pakhtakor as an attacking midfielder.

In 1981, the football player played for the USSR youth team at an international tournament in Toulon, France, and in 1983 he participated in games for the USSR Olympic team. In the same year, on May 12, he and his wife Lyubov Mikhailovna had their first daughter. But the man’s sports career did not end with the birth of his first child. In 1986, Alina Kabaeva’s father played for the first league club SKA in Rostov-on-Don, and a year later he returned to Pakhtakor, where he became the team’s top scorer.

In 1986, Alina Kabaeva’s father played for the first league club SKA in Rostov-on-Don, and a year later he returned to Pakhtakor, where he became the team’s top scorer. In the same years, the couple had a second daughter, Alina Kabaeva’s younger sister, Leysana.

The man’s playing career ended only in 1998 due to two sports injuries, but already in 2000 he began training future talented football players. Since 2014, he has held the position of president of the Association of Muslim Entrepreneurs Russian Federation, but resigned in 2016. However, in 2016, Alina Kabaeva’s father created International Association Islamic business, the official opening of which took place on February 16 in Moscow.

Despite the fact that the girls’ father was a Tatar by nationality, Alina Kabaeva herself, like her mother and sister, was Russian by nationality. The girls' mother is Lyubov Mikhailovna. Previously, she played in the Uzbekistan national basketball team. Such sports parents became the reason why the little girl began her sports career. As already mentioned, Alina Kabaeva’s birthday is May 12, 1983. The future Olympic champion was born in Tashkent. It was Lyubov Mikhailovna who took her first daughter to the “Labor Reserves”, where Alina’s father once worked, at the age of 3.5 years. The girl started doing rhythmic gymnastics.

The beginning of Alina Kabaeva's sports career

Initially, the mother dreamed that her daughter would build a career in figure skating, but in hot Tashkent at that time there was no strong schools By figure skating, so the choice fell on gymnastics. Little Alina didn’t like the classes at first; the girl wanted to go not to rhythmic gymnastics, but to artistic gymnastics, but she was not accepted into the section because they considered her unpromising - she was not skinny, so the coach simply rejected the student.

However, after some time, three-year-old Alina Kabaeva liked the beautiful music and bright costumes in which the gymnasts performed, so the girl quickly got involved. The first coaches of the future sports star were Angelina Malkina and Lyudmila Nikitina, who played an important role in the biography of Alina Kabaeva. It was they who taught the girl perseverance, hard work and made her believe in own strength and opportunities.

Observing the success of her first daughter, Alina Kabaeva’s mother decided, when the girl turned 11, to move to Moscow in order to further develop the child’s potential. In the capital, the girl went to train in the rhythmic gymnastics section under the guidance of the legend Irina Viner. As the athlete herself recalls, at the first meeting, there was horror in the eyes of the Russian national team coach - the future sports star turned out to be completely unprepared professionally, and also, according to professionals, she was overweight.

Alina, who received the offensive nickname “TV on legs” and, according to the trainer, was prone to being overweight, was put on a strict diet and began to exhaust her with training. But without a doubt, Irina Viner did not spend so much effort in vain - she was able to discern the girl’s athletic talent. So, since 1995, Alina Kabaeva trained with Wiener, and already in 1996 she began playing for the Russian national team.

Alina Kabaeva's first successes in sports

Just two years after she began playing for the Russian national team, Alina Kabaeva, at the age of 15, received her first prestigious award. The young athlete won the European Championship in 1998, and then became the absolute European champion four more times. A year after her first victory, in 1999 the girl became the winner of the World Championship. By this time, the athlete already had two world champion titles in rhythmic gymnastics, received in Japan, in her “pocket”. As the girl later admitted, Japan was the most “lucky” country for her sports career.

Year after year, the girl conquered new heights of the sport, proving that there is no one better than her in rhythmic gymnastics. The athlete’s main achievement by that time was the title of the only four-time European champion. She won her first titles in Portugal, and received her last award in Spain, where in 2000 she won gold medals at the continental championship in Granada.

As the medalist herself says, her favorite exercises are routines with ribbon and clubs. In 2000, 17-year-old Alina Kabaeva took part in Olympic Games ah in Sydney and, being the generally recognized favorite, was able to demonstrate the best results in the final performance in exercises with a rope, ball and ribbon. Unfortunately, the Russian woman made a serious mistake during her performance with the hoop - it rolled off the field, so she received third place in the tournament. The Russian woman left the Olympics with a bronze medal.

The talented coach Irina Viner again played a huge role then. She supported the athlete during this difficult period, made her believe in herself again and taught her to perceive defeat as an incentive to continue working on herself.

How two years of disqualification affected the biography of Alina Kabaeva

In 2001 sports biography Alina Kabaeva had an extremely unpleasant incident. Furosemide was found in the blood of the all-Russian favorite Alina and another athlete, Irina Chashchina. A scandal broke out around the girls; both were suspended from sports competitions for two years. Only a few years later, world community admitted that furosemide cannot be considered doping and in fact the athlete was innocent. However, that year the girl lost all the awards she received at the Goodwill Games and was unable to take part in the World Championships.

However, 2001 became the starting point in the biography of Alina Kabaeva from a political point of view. The athlete turned 18 years old, and she not only received the right to vote, but was also elected to the United Russia party. Until 2005, the girl participated in meetings of the Supreme Council of United Russia.

In addition to starting a political career, during the year of disqualification Alina Kabaeva discovered her acting talent. The girl hosted the weekly program “Empire of Sports” on the 7 TV channel, and also took part in the filming of the Japanese feature film"Red Shadow" In addition, the athlete starred in the video for the song of the group “Game of Words.”

Already by this time, millions of Russians were captivated by the young athlete and beauty, representing Russia in the international sports arena. Of course, many men were actively interested in the biography, career and personal life of Alina Kabaeva, dreaming of taking a place in her heart.

In addition, the girl starred in the famous television game “Fort Boyard”, where she took part in a swim in the Bay of Biscay, and also crawled along several rotating cylinders in a record time. short time. Another reality show in which the favorite of millions of Russians and Europeans starred is the “Harem” program in Kenya.

A year later, in 2002, Alina Kabaeva returned to the sport and began taking part in tournaments, since a two-year sentence meant that the second year was suspended. That is, the girl trained and performed under the strict control of coaches, judges and doctors. However, political career young star She did not give up sports, combining her deputy position and grueling training.

Personal life of Alina Kabaeva

It is impossible to say how many Russian men sighed in disappointment, but in 2002 part of Alina Kabaeva’s biography became known - her personal life. The athlete and deputy had an affair with police captain David Museliani, who was born in 1969. The press was literally seething, savoring the details of Alina Kabaeva’s personal life, and David himself was already confidently called the girl’s fiancé. However, the athlete who won the hearts of Russians herself willingly shared with journalists the details of her biography and romance with Museliani.

It soon became clear that in fact the police captain had a wife and daughter. However, this fact did not affect the development of the novel - the man planned to get a divorce. Alina spoke to the media about the details of the wedding preparations, which never took place. At that time, total checks were carried out at Museliani’s work, which were caused by the authorities’ interest in the high income of the police captain and too expensive gifts which he made to his beloved. For example, David once gave a girl a car.

The romance lasted three years. In October 2004, an issue of the magazine “Seven Days” was published, in which the girl gave an interview under the title: “Alina Kabaeva: I hid my love for two years.” But just over a year later, by the beginning of 2006, the couple’s relationship ended. The reason was Museliani’s infidelity - almost immediately after his divorce from his first wife and during preparations for the wedding with the Olympic champion, he had an affair with actress Anna Gorshkova. The man appeared in public with her. According to Alina, they broke up by mutual desire and were able to remain friends. After this incident, Alina Kabaeva stopped talking about her personal life.

Even before breaking up with her failed husband, Alina Kabaeva took part in the Olympic Games in Athens in 2004. This year was a triumph for the Russian; she showed the world the best results in exercises with a ball, clubs and ribbon, and in the exercise with a hoop she lost only to Irina Chashchina. However, the dream has come true and Alina Kabaeva leaves the Olympics with gold in her pocket.

Political biography of Alina Kabaeva

A year after the victory in Athens, in 2005 Alina Kabaeva was elected a member of the Public Chamber of Russia. Under the patronage of the athlete, charity programs are held, in which the Olympic champion takes part. She also takes control of the issue of competent insurance for athletes. In the same year, Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded Alina Kabaeva the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.

Two years later, in 2007, the athlete became a member State Duma V convocation, where he actively promotes laws aimed at protecting children and youth. In parallel with this, the deputy continues to take part in sports competitions, thanks to which champion titles of the World and European Championships appear on her account. She has repeatedly announced that she intends to take part in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, but combining sports and politics is becoming increasingly difficult, so Alina Kabaeva announced her retirement from her sports career in 2007. In the same year she graduates in absentia from Moscow state university service for qualification of a specialist in the field of sports management.

During this period, the biography of Alina Kabaeva is replenished with details from social life. Being an Olympic champion and simply a favorite of millions of Russians, she is photographed for famous glossy magazines, including men's ones. The athlete has been repeatedly recognized as one of the most sexy women Russia. Songs are recorded in her honor. But as follows from the biography of Alina Kabaeva, she begins to pay more and more attention to social policy. Thus, during the exam sessions of 2008 and 2009, it was under the patronage of the deputy that a hotline operated for schoolchildren taking the Unified state exam. In addition, in 2008, the girl became the chairman of the Public Council of the National Media Group holding and visited Tskhinvali. After that she founded " Charitable Foundation Alina Kabaeva,” who is involved in the construction of a sports complex in the destroyed Tskhinvali.

In the same year, the press was literally seething with rumors about a possible relationship between Alina Kabaeva and Russian President Vladimir Putin. The starting point was the publication in the Moscow Correspondent about. The news was picked up by American tabloids. The deputy's press secretary said that the athlete would not comment on these rumors, but demanded that a refutation be printed. The president himself did not confirm the rumors about the affair, noting that there is not a word of truth in the story of the Moscow Correspondent.

In February 2014, on the eve of the Olympic Games in Sochi, the Olympic champion had the honor of taking part in the lighting of the torch as part of six of the most titled Russian athletes. A little later, in September, the Olympic champion decides to end her parliamentary career and delve into the work of the National Media Group and becomes chairman of the board of shareholders.

Despite the fact that rumors about the romance between the Olympic champion and the President of Russia were refuted back in 2008, foreign tabloids still did not subside, and now, in 2013, reports appeared in the press about secret wedding Alina Kabaeva and Vladimir Putin in Valdai. The president's press secretary officially denied these rumors, but the means mass media it was no longer possible to stop, rumors began to grow completely incredible details. So, in 2015, the Neue Zuricher Zeitung publication informed readers that Alina Kabaeva had a child. And supposedly almost immediately, the second one. In total, journalists suggested that the girl has two children - a boy and a girl. Moreover, according to tabloid rumors, these are Alina Kabaeva’s children from Putin. But the girl herself later said that she had not yet become a mother and she did not have children, especially from Vladimir Putin.

Alina Kabaeva's condition

By 2009, according to a number of publications, Alina Kabaeva was recognized as the owner of the highest income among star deputies and among sports deputies. According to the income certificate, the Olympic champion had 12.9 million rubles in her account.

By 2011, Alina's fortune had decreased slightly to 11.5 million. But the favorite of the Russians owns land plot area of ​​7.2 thousand square meters, three apartments, and two cars – a Mercedes-Benz and a Porsche Cayenne. A little later, in 2014, Ogonyok magazine compiled a ranking of the hundred most influential women in Russia, and Alina Kabaeva took eighth place in this honorary list.

11 years have passed since a rumor appeared in 2007 that Alina Kabaeva had become the secret lover of then-married Russian President Vladimir Putin. However, even in 2018, there is still talk about who Alina Kabaeva and her children share their lives with. Photos appear online that allegedly show her new husband.

For all the time that the show business star was featured in the press, as many as 3 men were predicted for her as husbands, sometimes at the same time.

Alina Kabaeva. Photo

Her narrowed ones became:

  • police captain Shalvo Museliani
  • football player Maxim Buznikin
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Alina Kabaeva is credited with having an affair with Vladimir Putin

Novels by Alina Kabaeva

Scandalous love entanglements in the fate of the gymnast began long before the intrigue that continued unabated until 2018 and joint photos with Putin. Alina Kabaeva, at the age of 17, out of her youthful inexperience, openly said that she future husband and the father of her future children – policeman Shalva Museliani. Alina, still just a girl, eagerly gave interviews left and right, talking about her affair with the police captain.

The lightning-fast feelings were cut short in the midst of it - it suddenly turned out that the peace officer was married and had a child.

Alina Kabaeva and Shalva Museliani

Museliani's wife calmly countered Kabaeva's enthusiastic childhood speeches on the page of one large printed edition and made it clear that the romance between the young gymnast and the adult policeman would most likely come to an end.

Kabaeva, having learned that her lover was married, immediately asked the media to spare her, not to pester her with questions and to leave her alone for a while. However, she did not ruin the relationship and demanded that the gentleman make a choice and break up with his wife. Museliani divorced his wife, but clearly not in order to marry Kabaeva. The police captain at that time had already paid attention to the spectacular actress Anna Gorshkova and began openly dating her.

However, this romance did not last long. Museliani and Gorshkova quickly broke up, and a little later the actress disappeared from the big screens. They claim that the enraged Kabaeva was involved in the breakup of the couple and Anna Gorshkova’s departure from show business.

Alina Kabaeva broke up with the millionaire after 5 years of relationship

Shalvo Museliani returned to the gymnast. But attempt number 2 did not bring happiness - the couple dated on and off for about 5 years. During this five-year period, Alina managed to soar to the very top of popularity in big-time sports. The girl participated in all possible competitions, winning the most prestigious awards.

At the same time, the athlete started an affair with football player Buznikin. In 2007, Alina Kabaeva triumphantly retired from gymnastics, and at the same time from the life of a policeman.

Such a decisive step came as a shock to fans; no one could understand what was going on in the life of the former gymnast. People were at a loss, and the answer began to suggest itself a little later.[

In 2007, Alina left the sport

Kabaeva and Putin

After the breakup with Museliani, Kabaeva, who adores media life and who previously willingly shared her secrets with the press, suddenly fell silent. When asked who occupied her heart now, Alina was mysteriously silent, and then everyone else began to speak.

Legends about the man whose passion Kabaeva has now become blew up the Internet and central television.

Kabaeva and Putin

In 2008, a resonance in society was caused by the news of the Moscow Correspondent that Alina Kabaeva was for Vladimir Putin. Not only all of Russia, but also Europe choked on their morning coffee while reading the article about the wedding and looking at the accompanying photographs. Putin openly laughed at her and called the article “nonsense of journalists.”

The head of the “Moscow Correspondent” then muttered mysteriously, saying, “there was nothing to pay the employees,” and the publication ceased its activities at the same time.

And yet the wave of rumors could no longer be stopped. Only the lazy did not write about a possible romance between the head of state and the former most popular athlete. But both participants in the events carefully guarded their personal lives from prying eyes and ears. It was impossible to prove anything and all that was left was to wait. Not only Kabaeva’s fans, but also the whole country, as well as foreign media, froze in anticipation.

Vladimir Putin denied rumors of a wedding with Alina Kabaeva

Alina's children

About a year has passed since the publication of the Moscow Correspondent, and in social networks information appeared that Alina Kabaeva had a son. The boy was named Dmitry. Many said at the time that the child was named after the new President of the Russian Federation Medvedev.

This conjecture was first put forward by the European press, and Russian media they picked it up talkatively. The star herself did not give any comments.

Alina Kabaeva then disappeared from the sight of gossips and journalists. A careless step was the appearance of a girl with a small child in public. But later the star refused to admit that the photo from the event was her son. The gymnast said that her nephew Senya was in her arms that evening, and later stated that she had taken a photo with her friend’s child.

Analysts began tracking the star's private flights, and in 2013 they noticed that she landed with a small child in Sochi.

Alina Kabaeva with her child (same photo)

“Most likely, she flew to Putin,” the writing fraternity decided and began to wait again. Then, in 2013, Alina Kabaeva, according to rumors. The athlete has not flown anywhere from Sochi with her two children for a long time.

After Vladimir Putin’s official divorce from his wife during the Olympics in Sochi, the president appeared on video in the media with an engagement ring. A similar decoration was seen at the Olympics, at ring finger Kabaeva.

Alina Kabaeva wears wedding ring

In 2015, Alina, by different sources, has already given birth to her third child. And since then she has completely disappeared from the sight of the press and public. Until 2018, Alina Kabaeva, her husband and her children remain the core of controversy not only in their country, but also at the global level.

The Internet community is replete with photos with obvious traces of editing and images from which it is very difficult to determine whether they are real or skillfully edited.

In 2018, journalists tirelessly compare photos of the location of the president and the gymnast, vying with each other to speculate who her husband is and where her children are. And Alina Kabaeva herself is still one of the most mysterious figures show business, and the personal life of the gymnast remains a big mystery that the whole country is painfully trying to unravel.

Even the smallest athlete and resident of our country knows the name of Alina Kabaeva. For young gymnasts, Alina Kabaeva is an idol and role model. Only this athlete, out of all the world’s gymnasts, managed to get into the pages of the Guinness Book of Records at the age of 15. Kabaeva Alina Maratovna reached heights not only in rhythmic gymnastics, but also in politics and show business. And today in our article we will tell you about all the achievements of the world-famous athlete and the bright moments in her personal life. So, read - Kabaeva Alina Maratovna, her biography and children (photo 2016).

Biography of Alina Maratovna Kabaeva

Many people want to know all the details and secrets of the life of the great athlete, and some fans even try to find them on social networks. more information about her personal life. But the question is, does she have children, but more on that a little later.

Kabaeva Alina Maratovna celebrates her holiday on May 12, because on this day, in 1983, in Tashkent, she was born. Alina has been familiar with the life of an athlete since childhood, because her father Marat Vazykhovich is the champion of Kazakhstan in football, and her mother Lyubov Mikhailovna was a member of the basketball team. Therefore, it is not surprising that the fate of Alina and her younger sister Lisan was predetermined.

Her parents only have to choose: figure skating or rhythmic gymnastics. But since there were no professional platforms for figure skaters in Tashkent, Alina began attending the rhythmic gymnastics section from the age of three.

First successes, achievements, scandals

Alina showed great promise in sports, because by the age of 12 she was able to reach all possible heights in Tashkent. Therefore, after her family moved to Moscow, her mother took her daughter to the famous trainer Irina Aleksandrovna Viner. Irina Aleksandrovna immediately saw all the shortcomings in the girl, but at the same time firmly stated that if a lot of effort was invested in her, she would be able to make a career in sports. That's how it all happened.

Alina had to train a lot, diet and work. Thanks to her efforts and the efforts of her coach, Alina Kabaeva quickly joined the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team. In 1999 in Japan she became the World Champion, then a gold medalist at the European and World Championships. So, year after year, the gymnast won new awards and cups, including a bronze medal at the Olympics in 2000 and Olympic gold in 2004.

But biography of Alina Maratovna Kabaeva not without doping scandals. So in 2001, before the competition, furosemide was discovered in her blood, a substance that removes doping elements from the body. The athlete was suspended for two years and stripped of all awards she won at the 2001 Goodwill Games.

Alina in politics and show business

During the period while the gymnast was forbidden to go on the court, she decided to do other things. This is how fans saw her as a presenter and actress. After completing her sports career, Alina became a State Duma deputy from the United Russia party, she dealt with the issue of insurance for athletes and youth affairs. Since 2014, she has served as Chairman of the Board of the National Media Group holding company.

Personal life of Alina Kabaeva

Alina Kabaeva has long been a legend. ABOUT love stories The press wrote a lot of news about gymnasts. One such story is her affair with policeman Shalva Museliani. This novel turned out to be not fiction, because Alina herself spoke more than once about her feelings for Shalvo and even hinted that the name Museliani might soon be associated with the phrase “Husband of Kabaeva Alina.”

True, the gymnast’s sincere feelings hid the fact that her lover was married and raising a daughter. But, despite the fact that Museliani planned to divorce his wife and kept his promise, it never happened. The reason for their breakup was Shalva’s affair with actress Alena Gorshkova, which he did not even hide.

The biggest story

Kabaeva Alina Maratovna and her children (photo 2016) is inextricably linked with the most striking story in her personal life. So in 2008, the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper published news that Kabaeva was having an affair not with someone, but with President Vladimir Putin himself. Despite the fact that the gymnast’s press service denied all the rumors, talk in society about their love relationships. Alina Kabaeva and Vladimir Putin were not only heatedly discussed, but also became their parents. So they gossiped that children of Alina Kabaeva were born one after another, first a boy was born, and then a girl. The gymnast herself, after a long silence, wrote a block stating that Alina Kabaeva’s children have not yet been born, so it is too early to congratulate her on motherhood.

Despite the fact that both participants denied their involvement in this story, the paparazzi still noticed the wedding ring on Kabaeva’s hand during her visit to the Sochi Olympics, as well as the wedding ring on the hand of the President, who by that time had already been divorced from his wife . Also added fuel to the fire photo 2015 by Alina Kabaeva with the baby, which became a reason to think that the child star couple still there is. True, as it turned out in the 2015 photo of Alina Kabaeva, her nephew.

Therefore, we advise our readers not to torment themselves with various requests, such as Kabaeva Alina Maratovna with children in the photo. The only thing you will find is a photo of Alina Kabaeva in 2016, which proves to us that the gymnast looks as great as she did 10 years ago. Subject romantic relationships gymnasts and the President of Russia and now takes place Whether their connection is fiction or true is not known. But in our life everything is possible, because as they say, “there is no smoke without fire.”

Alina Maratovna Kabaeva (May 12, 1983, Tashkent, Uzbekistan) - Russian rhythmic gymnastics, public figure. Winner of the 28th Olympic Games, 2-time world champion, 5-time European champion, 6-time Russian champion.

Life and career

Alina's father is Tatar by nationality. He was a professional football player. The gymnast’s mother played on the Uzbekistan basketball team. The future champion began gymnastics at the age of 3.5. Her mother insisted on this. Alina’s first coaches were E. Tarasova and A. Malkina. To develop her sporting potential, Kabaeva moved to Moscow. Here Irina Viner became her coach. The new mentor set a condition - to lose weight. After all, by gymnastic standards, Kabaeva is prone to being overweight, which is why previous coaches called her a “TV on legs.”

Wiener put her pupil on a fairly strict diet. The future champion did not eat much - she mostly drank mineral water. Alina had to work much harder than others, but the results were noticeable.

1996 – began to play for the Russian national team.

1998 – won the European Championship.

1999 – became world champion.

2000 - at the Sydney Olympics she made a grave mistake and as a result received only a bronze medal.

2001 – convicted of doping and was disqualified for 2 years. During the disqualification, the gymnast hosted the “Empire of Sports” program. She also played in the Japanese film “Red Shadow” and in the video for the song “Alina Kabaeva” by the group “Game of Words”.

2001-2005 - Member of the United Russia party.

2004 – took first place at the Olympics in Athens.

2005-2007 – Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. At this time, she was dealing with the problem of insurance for professional athletes. According to media reports, Kabaeva was removed from the chamber because she did not appear at meetings.

2007 – ended her sports career. In the same year, Kabaeva graduated in absentia from the Moscow University of Service with a degree in sports management. She also became a State Duma deputy. Alina was the deputy head of the youth affairs committee.

2007-2011 - State Duma deputy.

2008 – headed the public council of the National Media Group holding. In the same year, filming began on Kabaeva’s program about successful people- “Steps to success.” The guests of this program were many Russian singers, athletes, actors and politicians.

2009 – graduated from St. Petersburg University in absentia physical culture.

2008-2009 - under the patronage of Kabaeva, a hotline for schoolchildren on the Unified State Exam was operating.

2011 – again became a State Duma deputy.

According to official data, in 2011 Alina Kabaeva’s income amounted to 11.5 million rubles.

Alina Kabaeva professed Islam, but before the 2004 Summer Olympics she decided to convert to Christianity.

The former gymnast heads the A. Kabaeva Charitable Foundation. She's doing " Hotline Unified State Examination”, construction of a sports complex and organization of a children's gymnastics festival.

Associated with the name Kabaeva scandalous story about her upcoming wedding with V. Putin. An article about this was published in 2008 in the Moscow Correspondent newspaper. The former gymnast's press secretary demanded that a refutation be printed. Putin said there was “not a word of truth” in this. The publication of the Moscow Correspondent was suspended editor-in-chief fired. However, in Western media Information has repeatedly appeared about the connection between the gymnast and the president. The only “confirmation” of this is only the itinerary of the private plane flight that brought the gymnast to Sochi to see Putin.

Kabaeva became the heroine of the play “BerlusPutin”, staged by director Varvara Faer based on the play by Dario Fo.

The former gymnast loves ballet, literature and theater. Alina really likes Ostrovsky's plays. In addition, she is interested in everything related to Japan.

Kabaeva admits that in life she tries to adhere to Irina Viner’s advice: “If you go out in public and you feel bad, no one should know about it.” According to Alina, best way dealing with stress is physical activity. In particular, she often uses the treadmill.

Kabaeva on the path to success: “While training, I often thought that I couldn’t do it anymore. One day after training I was treated to watermelon. Then the scales showed half a kilo more. Then Irina Viner said: “That’s it, go back to Tashkent!” And my mother added: “You leave, and I’ll stay.” Nobody felt sorry for me! Later, I told my mother more than once: “Take me away from here.” And the next morning I realized that I couldn’t leave. I just need to be constantly pushed.”