David Rockefeller, a mysterious and sinister figure, died in his sleep. The success story of John Davidson Rockefeller Who is he really?




John Rockefeller, Jr.


Abby Eldritch Rockefeller


Margaret "Peggy" McGrath


David, Abby, Neva, Peggy, Richard, Eileen

Awards and prizes:


Born in New York at 10 West 54th Street. In 1936 he graduated from Harvard University and studied for a year at the London School of Economics and Political Science. In 1940, he defended his doctorate in economics from the University of Chicago, his dissertation was entitled "Unused Resources and Economic Waste" (eng. Unused Resources and Economic Waste ). In the same year, he first began working in public service, becoming secretary to the mayor of New York, Fiorello La Guardia. From 1941 to 1942, David Rockefeller worked in the Department of Defense, Health and social security. In May 1942 he enlisted as a private in the military service, by 1945 he had risen to the rank of captain. During the war he was in North Africa and France, working for military intelligence. After the war, he participated in various family business projects, and in 1947 he became director of the Council on Foreign Relations. Council on Foreign Relations). In 1946, his long career began at Chase Manhattan Bank, of which he became president on January 1, 1961.


Rockefeller is known as one of the first and most influential ideologues of globalization and neoconservatism. He is credited with a phrase allegedly spoken by him at a Bilderberg meeting in Baden-Baden, Germany, in 1991:

In 2002, on page 405 of his “Memoirs” published (published on English) Rockefeller writes:

“For over a hundred years, ideological extremists at all ends of the political spectrum have enthusiastically invoked certain famous events such as mine bad experience with Castro, to blame the Rockefeller family for the pervasive, menacing influence they claim we have on American political and economic institutions. Some even believe that we are part of a secret political group working against the interests of the United States, and characterize my family and I as “internationalists” colluding with other groups around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you like. If that is the charge, then I plead guilty and I am proud of it.”

Proponent of birth control and restriction on a worldwide scale. David Rockefeller's concerns include rising energy and water consumption and pollution atmospheric air due to the growth of the world population. At a UN conference in 2008, he called on the UN to find “satisfactory ways to stabilize the world population.”


Bilderberg Club


Meetings with world leaders

D. Rockefeller met with prominent politicians from many countries. Among them:

  • Nikita Khrushchev (August 1964, about 2 months before Khrushchev's ouster)

The meeting lasted 2 hours and 15 minutes. David Rockefeller called it "interesting." According to him, Khrushchev spoke about the need to increase trade turnover between the USSR and the USA (New York Times September 12, 1964).

  • Alexey Kosygin (May 21, 1973)

Details of the meeting were not disclosed. According to official data, the issue of trade relations between the USSR and the USA was discussed in anticipation of the adoption by the US Congress of the Jackson-Vanik amendment, limiting trade relations with the USSR. In an interview with the New York Times on May 22, 1973, D. Rockefeller said:

“Soviet leaders seem confident that President Nixon will push [in Congress] for most favored nation trade treatment for the USSR.”

However, this did not happen and the Jackson-Vanik amendment was adopted in 1974.

  • Fidel Castro (??-2001), Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, the last Shah of Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.
  • Egyptian President Anwar Sadat.

On March 22, 1976, D. Rockefeller “agreed to become an informal financial adviser” to A. Sadat. After 18 months, Sadat announced his readiness to visit Israel, and after another 10 months, the Camp David Accords were signed, which changed the geopolitical situation in the Middle East in favor of the United States.

  • Mikhail Gorbachev (1989, 1991, 1992)

In 1989, David Rockefeller visited the USSR at the head of a Trilateral Commission delegation that included Henry Kissinger, former French President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing (a Bilderberg member and later editor-in-chief of the EU constitution), former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, and William Hyland, editor of the Council on International Relations of Foreign Affairs magazine. At a meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev, the delegation was interested in how the USSR was going to integrate into world economy and received the appropriate explanations from Mikhail Gorbachev.

The next meeting between D. Rockefeller and other representatives of the Trilateral Commission and Mikhail Gorbachev, with the participation of his entourage, took place in Moscow in 1991.

Then M. S. Gorbachev paid a return visit to New York. On May 12, 1992, already a private citizen, he met with Rockefeller at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.

The official purpose of the visit was to negotiate for Mikhail Gorbachev to receive financial assistance in the amount of $75 million to organize a global fund and a “presidential (?) library on the American model.”

Negotiations continued for an hour. The next day, in an interview with the New York Times, David Rockefeller said that Mikhail Gorbachev was “very energetic, extremely lively and full of ideas.”

On October 20, 2003, David Rockefeller arrived in Russia again. The official purpose of the visit is the presentation of the Russian translation of his memoirs. On the same day, David Rockefeller met with Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov.

Other activities

In 1993, he headed the Russian-American Banking Forum, a group of advisors sent by the head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York with the support of Russian President Boris Yeltsin to develop measures to modernize the Russian banking system.

Wife, children, home

David Rockefeller married Margaret "Peggy" McGrath (1915-1996) on September 7, 1940. She was the daughter of a partner in a prominent Wall Street law firm. They had six children:

  1. David Rockefeller Jr. (b. July 24, 1941) - Vice President of Rockefeller Family And Associates; Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rockefeller Financial Services; Trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation.
  2. Abby Rockefeller (born 1943) - eldest daughter, a rebel, she was a supporter of Marxism, admired Fidel Castro, and in the late 60s and early 70s she was an ardent feminist who belonged to the Women's Liberation organization.
  3. Neva Rockefeller Goodwin (born 1944) - economist and philanthropist. She is the director of the Global Development Andes Environment Institute.
  4. Peggy Dulaney (b. 1947) - founder of the Synergos Institute in 1986, member of the board of directors of the Council for international relations, serves on the committee of advisors of the David Rockefeller Center for Study Latin America at Harvard University.
  5. Richard Rockefeller (born 1949) is a physician and philanthropist, chairman of the Board of Directors of the international group Doctors Without Borders, and manager of the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation trust.
  6. Eileen Rockefeller Groweld (born 1952) is a venture philanthropist who founded Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors in New York in 2002.

As of 2002, David Rockefeller had 10 grandchildren: son David's children: Ariana and Camilla, daughter Neva's children: David, Miranda, daughter Peggy's children: Michael, son Richard's children: Clay and Rebecca, daughter Abby's children: Christopher, daughter's children Eileen: Danny and Adam.

One of his granddaughters, Miranda Duncan (b. 1971), came to the attention of the press in April 2005 when she publicly resigned without explanation as an investigator into corruption under the UN Oil-for-Petroleum Program. for food."

Rockefeller's main home is the Hudson Pines estate, located on family lands in Westchester County. He also owns a house in Manhattan, New York, at 65 East Street, as well as a country residence known as "Four Winds" in Livingston, New York, Columbia County, where his wife founded the Simmental beef farm ( named after a valley in the Swiss Alps).

The name Rockefeller has long been on everyone's lips and is associated with untold wealth, which is not unreasonable. John Rockefeller is an American billionaire. He went down in history as the richest man in the world. He founded the family oil business empire and laid the foundation for the powerful Rockefeller clan, which continues to thrive today. Our article will focus on one of his descendants. So, who is Rockefeller David?

David's childhood

Grandfather John's beloved grandson was born on June 12, 1915 (yes, the tycoon celebrated his centenary in 2015) in New York. Since childhood, little David was instilled with the ability to know the value of money, the ability to earn and accumulate it. Children received incentive dollar bonuses for their creative deeds. They were paid for good studies, help around the house and exemplary behavior. Even giving up candy had its consequences monetary reward, which increased every day as I abstained from sweets. It was also customary in the family to fine children for being late and various missteps. It is also noteworthy that each child had a personal ledger for recording expenses and income.

Moreover, when the children reached adulthood, the head of the family offered them a “deal” - two and a half thousand dollars each for giving up smoking, alcoholic beverages, and an additional amount of the same amount if the children adhere to this rule until they are 25 years old. Huge money by the standards of those times. And even today this is quite a considerable amount, especially for young people.

Rockefeller David: education, career and power

The education of children in the Rockefeller family was given great attention- After graduating from private school, young David was able to enter Harvard without obstacles, then receive a doctorate in economics from the University of Chicago. During his studies, the young man made useful contacts, which greatly helped him in the beginning of his political career.

Second world war determined life path David. Having entered the service as a private and rising to officer rank, he ended up in Algeria, where he began to build an intelligence network. Here, and then in France, he learned to build relationships with by different people, influential and not so, find compromises and be a diplomat.

David's experience in building business relationships helped him future career- After the war, he got a job as an ordinary employee in his uncle's bank, Chase Bank. After 12 years of work, he became vice-chairman of the institution. His career did not end there - after the merger of Chase Bank with the largest Manhattan Bank, David Rockefeller, whose photo is presented in our article, became vice-chairman of the Board of Directors, and later its president.

Career development

While actively developing his career and family business, the man did not forget to simultaneously expand his sphere of influence and connections, because, in his opinion, one cannot exist without the other. Therefore, from a young age, he began to take part in various closed clubs and meetings of influential people. Bilderberg Club (a closed community that secretly has influence on all political events in the world), Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission (union of representatives North America, Western Europe, Japan and South Korea in order to resolve world conflicts and problems) is a list of only the most important and influential communities.


In 1940, David Rockefeller, whose biography is detailed in our article, married Margaret McGrath, the daughter of one of the owners of a large law firm in New York. In their marriage they had six children. All of them are alive to this day, except for one - Richard Rockefeller. In 2014, he crashed on a plane that he was at the controls of. Youngest son followed in his father's footsteps and is his right hand in many areas of family business.

Rockefeller David is rich not only in money and connections. He has more than a dozen grandchildren. If you believe the press, then each of them goes their own way in life and does not want to go “headlong” into the family business.


There is a saying: “What more money, the more they are missing.” It's not often that you hear about wealthy people doing charity work. David Rockefeller is an exception in this case. The New York Times estimated that the total amount of all donations made by the richest American banker is almost $1 billion. Once David even donated to the university at Harvard, where he once received higher education, 100 million dollars. This charitable contribution became the largest in the history of the university.

Rockefeller David, whose personal life is still of interest to many, is the only one of the entire clan who wrote an autobiography. The book was published in 2002 and is titled “Banker in the 20th Century. Memoirs".

The billionaire's favorite hobby is beetles - once in an interview, Rockefeller David (in his youth he looked very much like his father) shared that he always has a beetle box with him. After all, it is unknown what interesting specimen he might encounter on his way. It so happened that he discovered five new species of these insects. And the collector is very proud that it was named after him. rare species scarab beetle living in the mountains of Mexico - Diplotaxis rockefelleri.

Relationship with brother Nelson

It should be noted that he passionately loved his wife and was not known as a “womanizer” like his brother Nelson. By the way, the relatives did not like each other due to completely opposite characters. Nelson Rockefeller was hot-tempered, power-hungry and self-serving. He loved women and entertainment. All these vices even cost him the presidency.

David, on the contrary, had a calm disposition since childhood, was always taciturn and preferred solitude.


In 1976, David Rockefeller was in car accident, the consequence of which was a heart and kidney transplant. Since then, he has undergone five more heart transplants. Apparently, it is to these most important organs that he owes his longevity.

David Rockefeller has died. Biography of the grandson of the first dollar billionaire in history

Photos from open sources

Rockefeller died in his sleep at his home in New York

American billionaire David Rockefeller died in the United States at the age of 101. He became the first member of the Rockefeller dynasty to reach a century.

The Rockefellers are one of the richest families in the world, which played a prominent role in the economic and political life USA. David Rockefeller's grandfather John is the first dollar billionaire in human history; he founded the Standard Oil company. John Davison Rockefeller's net worth at the time of his death was US$1.4 billion (1937 par), or 1.54% of US GDP. Taking into account inflation The New The York Times estimates his wealth at about $305 billion in 2006 equivalent. By the way, John Rockefeller also lived a very, very long life, dying at the age of 97. Didn't drink or smoke.

David Rockefeller was born on June 12, 1915 in New York. Graduated with honors from Harvard University with a degree in English history and literature. He also studied economics for a year at the London School of Economics (LSE). There he first met future President John Kennedy. In 1940 he defended his doctorate in economics at the University of Chicago.

He managed to work in the London branch of Chase Manhattan Bank, as a secretary to the mayor of New York, Fiorello La Guardia.

During World War II he served in North Africa and France and spoke French fluently. Then he worked for military intelligence. He then served as assistant military attaché at the American Embassy in Paris.

After the war, he participated in various family business projects, and in 1947 became director of the Council on Foreign Relations. In 1946, his long career began at Chase Manhattan Bank (then the bank's chairman was his uncle). He started as an assistant manager in the international department. And on January 1, 1961, he already became president of the bank. In 1980, he became the largest individual shareholder of the bank, owner of 1.7% of its shares. And a year later he resigned due to reaching the age limit allowed by the bank’s charter for this position.

(Dartmouth meetings - Revold Antonov (from left, front row), George Sherry, David Rockefeller, and Stanislav Borisov; Georgy Arbatov (two from right, back row) Yuri Bobrakov, Williamsburg, Virginia, 1979) Open source photo

Rockefeller held many frequent meetings with American presidents and sometimes even served as an unofficial emissary to high level diplomatic missions. Rumor has it that US President Jimmy Carter even offered him the position of US Treasury Secretary, but he refused.

Throughout his life, Rockefeller participated in and created international non-governmental organizations that left a significant mark on world politics. He was a member of the Bilderberg Club (an annual forum Western elite), Dartmouth Conference (meetings of representatives of the USSR and America on the territory of Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, USA), Trilateral Commission (brings together representatives of business and political circles of the USA, Europe and Japan).

Rockefeller is known as one of the first and most influential ideologues of globalization and neoconservatism. He is credited with a phrase allegedly spoken by him at a Bilderberg meeting in Baden-Baden, Germany, in 1991:

“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine and other prominent publications, whose leaders attended our meetings and respected their confidentiality for almost forty years. We would not have been able to develop our plan for world order if the spotlight had been turned on us all these years. But nowadays the world is more sophisticated and is ready to move towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of the intellectual elite and the world's bankers is undoubtedly preferable to the national self-determination practiced in centuries past."

Photos from open sources

He was a proponent of birth limitation and control on a worldwide scale. David Rockefeller's concerns were the growing consumption of energy and water, as well as air pollution due to the growth of the world's population. At a UN conference in 2008, he called on the UN to find "satisfactory ways to stabilize the world's population."

David Rockefeller was a famous philanthropist and benefactor. He supported the Rockefeller Foundation, the Institute medical research, Museum of Modern Art in New York, General Council by education. He was president of Rockefeller University in New York. In November 2006, The New York Times rated overall size his donations amounted to more than $900 million. In 2008, Rockefeller donated $100 million to Harvard University, one of the largest private donations in its history. The money, at Rockefeller's request, was used to expand the teaching of the humanities and financial assistance students doing internships abroad.

Photos from open sources

In 2002, he wrote an autobiographical book, “A Banker in the 20th Century. Memoirs.” There he wrote: "For more than a hundred years, ideological extremists at all ends of the political spectrum have enthusiastically invoked certain famous events, such as my bad experience with Castro, to blame the Rockefeller family for the pervasive menacing influence they believe claim we are putting pressure on American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret political group working against the interests of the United States, and characterize my family and me as “internationalists” colluding with other groups around the world to do the same. building a more integrated global political and economic structure - a unified world, if you will. If that is what the charge is, then I plead guilty, and I am proud of it."

David Rockefeller has been married since 1940 to the daughter of Wall Street law firm partner Margaret McGraff (1915-1996). As a married couple, the Rockefellers raised six children: David Jr. (born 1941), Abby (born 1943), Neva (born 1944), Peggy Dulaney (born 1947), Richard (born 1949), and Eileen (born 1952). .

David Rockefeller died in his sleep at his home in New York on March 20, 2017 at the age of 101.

Even during his lifetime, the figure of this man was shrouded in an aura of secrets and legends. In some circles he was called nothing less than “Director of the World.” David Rockefeller is considered one of the main ideologists of globalization, a supporter of neoconservatism, a participant and, as many insiders say, the founder of several elite, including secret, communities, among which the main one is the Bilderberg Club. The right calls the club a "world government" and the left says it's "just" a meeting richest people planet, which obeys no one.

The figure of David Rockefeller is extremely controversial: some call him a misanthrope because of his call for limitation and birth control on a global scale - Rockefeller believed that growing humanity had become main reason air pollution. Others admire him as one of the most generous philanthropists and benefactors - " New York The Times estimated the size of David Rockefeller's donations at almost a billion dollars.

David Rockefeller Sr. was born in June of 1915. It seems that fate not only kissed, but kissed this baby, because he was born into a family where grandfather John D. Rockefeller was the first in the history of mankind dollar billionaire and an oil tycoon.

The biography of the famous banker David Rockefeller is closely connected with New York, which became his childhood city. IN early years the heir to the Rockefeller empire grew up in the only “skyscraper” in the city - a 9-story mansion, and attended a school that was opened and financed by his legendary grandfather.

Raising young David can serve as an excellent example for those parents who dream of their child growing up to become a banker. The Rockefeller family established the whole system financial incentives, built in strict accordance with the laws of the market. Everything was valued in monetary units here - from killing flies (2 cents per piece) to playing music (5 cents per hour). The first day that children refused sweets was valued at 2 cents, but the amount of reward for each subsequent day increased 5 times. Those who were late for breakfast were subject to a “penalty” of 1 cent. Each of the young heirs richest clan kept a ledger in which he carefully combined debits and credits.

Later in his memoirs, David Rockefeller told how his father fought for sobriety and healthy image children's lives: he offered each of the offspring 2.5 thousand dollars for the fact that they would abstain from alcohol and smoking until they were 21 years old. The same amount will happen if children don’t drink and smoke until they are 25 years old. I just don't care about money older sister David: Babs defiantly smoked a cigarette right in front of her parents' eyes.

After graduating from school, David Rockefeller decided to continue his education at Harvard, where he chose the Faculty of Humanities. But after graduating from the famous university, the future banker realized that he could not do without an economic education. So David entered the renowned London School of Economics. But even after receiving an excellent basic education here, the young Rockefeller did not stop: he improved his knowledge of economics at the University of Chicago. Here in 1940 he brilliantly defended his doctoral dissertation and began his career.


Oddly enough, David Rockefeller did not immediately strive to occupy the highest level in the hierarchical ladder and, after defending his doctorate, he accepted a rather modest position as secretary of the New York mayor Fiorello La Guardia, who became famous for his fight against mafia clans, as well as against corruption and poverty. But the young financier did not stay in public service for long: the war turned out to be to blame.

In the spring of 1942, David Rockefeller left for military service. He joined the army as a private, and in 1945 he already held the rank of captain. During the war, the future financial genius served in North Africa and France: he worked for military intelligence.

After defeat fascist Germany David Rockefeller returned home in 1946 and actively “joined” the family business. And again he started at the bottom rung - as an assistant manager of one of the departments of Chase National Bank. It is noteworthy that most of the shares of this bank belonged to the Rockefellers, and David could occupy any of the top positions, but he understood that in order to achieve success he must thoroughly study each “link” of a complex mechanism.

In 1949, David Rockefeller was already vice director, and a year later he sat in the chair of vice president of the board of Chase National Bank, which was in charge international affairs. All this time, the financial tycoon behaved surprisingly modestly: he rode the subway, clutching a briefcase with papers between his legs and reading a newspaper.

In January 1961, the banker became president of Chase Manhattan Bank and remained in this responsible position until April 1981. 66-year-old David Rockefeller resigned only because he reached the maximum age allowed by the charter of a financial institution.

Rockefeller's innovations were revolutionary at that time: for example, in Panama, he managed to persuade the bank management to accept cattle as collateral.


Rockefeller's fortune is estimated at $3.3 billion. It may not be the largest (in the Forbes ranking there are only 581 places), but the level of influence of the head of the clan, which in terms of its level of mystery is equated to the Masonic order, is difficult to overestimate.


The influence of his father and grandfather had a huge impact on Rockefeller's views: he became an ideologist of globalization and neoconservatism. David Rockefeller advocated birth control and restriction. He first voiced the idea at a UN conference in 2008, calling on the United Nations to “find satisfactory ways to stabilize the world population.” David Rockefeller is confident that “excessive” birth rates can deepen the already acute problems of ecology and resource depletion globe.

Many consider Rockefeller to be the founder of the influential and mysterious Bilderberg Club, which is credited with almost ruling the world. David began his activities in the club in 1954: it was then that the first Dutch meeting was held. For decades, David Rockefeller was a regular participant in the meetings and a member of the so-called “committee of managers.” It was the committee that compiled the list of invitees to future meetings, which included only a select few, the world elite.

The importance of this elite gathering may be exaggerated and even demonized, but some experts and politicians are convinced that it is the Bilderberg Group that determines the national leaders who subsequently win elections in their respective countries. In any case, this is precisely the example demonstrated by the Governor of Arkansas, who was invited to the BC meeting in 1991: Clinton soon became President of the United States.

The same enormous influence is attributed to the Trilateral Commission, founded by David Rockefeller in the summer of 1973.

In 2008, the billionaire donated $100 million to Harvard University, where he studied in his youth. The amount of this donation turned out to be the largest in the entire history of the famous educational institution.


David Rockefeller is credited with saying this at a Bilderberg meeting in Baden-Baden, Germany in 1991:

“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine and other prominent publications, whose leaders attended our meetings and respected their confidentiality for nearly four decades. We would not have been able to develop our plan for world order if the spotlight had been turned on us all these years. But nowadays the world is more sophisticated and is ready to move towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of the intellectual elite and the world's bankers is undoubtedly preferable to the national self-determination practiced in centuries past."

Rockefeller quotes on hearing

In 2002, David Rockefeller presented the world with his autobiographical book “A Banker in the 20th Century. Memoirs”, in which he lifted the veil of some of the secrets of his success. On page 405 of the Memoirs there is another “loud” quote from Rockefeller:

“For over a hundred years, ideological extremists at all ends of the political spectrum have enthusiastically invoked certain famous events, such as my bad experience with Castro, to blame the Rockefeller family for the pervasive menacing influence they claim we exert.” on American political and economic institutions. Some even believe that we are part of a secret political group working against the interests of the United States, and characterize my family and I as "internationalists" colluding with other groups around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world , if you like. If that is the charge, then I plead guilty and I am proud of it.”

Personal life

The proponent of birth limitation and control on a global scale did not at all extend this restriction to himself: David Rockefeller and his wife Margaret “Peggy” McGrath had six heirs.

Margaret's father was an influential financier, a partner in a famous Wall Street law firm. The couple married in September 1940 and created strong family. Their first child, David Rockefeller Jr. was born in July 1941. The second son, Richard Rockefeller, was born in 1949.

The tycoon's four daughters are named Abby, Neva, Peggy and Eileen.

The billionaire’s personal life was happy: he was married to his soulmate for 56 years. David Rockefeller became a widower in 1996. He never married again.

As of 2002, Rockefeller had 10 grandchildren.

The death of his son Richard was a huge blow for the businessman, banker and philanthropist: he passed away in the summer of 2014. 65-year-old Dr. Richard Rockefeller flew to New York for his father's 99th birthday. On June 13 he was hurrying home. Richard was a long-time and experienced pilot: he took the helm of a single-engine plane, but the ship, barely taking off from the ground, crashed, catching on trees.

Then many started talking about the non-accidentality of the tragedy, seeing behind it a powerful rival clan of Jacob Rothschild, whom conspiracy theorists call “the secret puppet master of the planet.” They argue that it is difficult to call the death of the main heir of the Rockefeller clan, into whose hands the empire was supposed to pass, an accident. They say that the death of Richard Rockefeller put an end to the truce between the world's two main clans.

Conspiracy theorists believe that these two clans secretly rule the world and that they are behind the organization of wars and all conflicts. The Rockefellers and Rothschilds are also “attributed” to the global financial crisis and even the departure of the Pope.

The famous financial tycoon had unusual hobby– collecting beetles. The billionaire was proud that a rare scarab, which was found in the mountains of Mexico, was named in his honor - Diplotaxis rockefelleri.


The oldest billionaire on the planet. He died at the age of 101 in his sleep, at dawn, on his Pocantico Hills estate in New York State.

David Rockefeller holds the record for the number of heart transplants. He received his first transplant in 1976 after a car accident caused a heart attack. Then the billionaire turned 61 years old. They say that a week after the operation, the banker went for a run.

Over the next 40 years, David underwent six more operations, bringing the total number of heart transplants to seven, but the accuracy of the data is difficult to judge. Rockefeller's last operation was allegedly performed in 2016.

David Rockefeller did not talk about his operations either to the press or in his memoirs: a negative reaction from society could follow, because you can only get a new heart in the order in the transplant queue. But leading transplantologists deny the connection between the patient’s viability and the organs received.

According to other sources, it was not a living, but a mechanical “heart” that was beating in David Rockefeller’s chest. In addition, the banker underwent kidney transplants twice.

The cause of David Rockefeller's death was the failure of his seventh (or sixth) heart.

Details of the billionaire's funeral have not been disclosed.

The famous tycoon and founder of the oil company Standard Oil, which made him America's first billionaire and his family one of the richest and most powerful in the history of the country.

David has always lived in luxury. For example, when he roller-skated with his brothers along Fifth Avenue, a limousine followed them: in case the children got tired, he writes. Rockefeller graduated in 1936, after which he studied for a year at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

In 1940, he defended his doctorate in economics at the University of Chicago, and in 1942, a representative of the famous family entered military service as a private, where he rose to the rank of captain.

After the war, Rockefeller Sr. worked at Chase Manhattan Bank, where he became president in 1961. Chase Manhattan has long been known as the "Rockefeller Bank", although the family never owned more than 5% of its shares. However, Rockefeller was not just a manager. In the 70s of the last century, he made it “David’s Bank”, expanding its activities to international level. In April 1981, he resigned due to reaching the maximum age limit for this position.

“In my opinion, he will not go down in history as a great banker,” John McCloy, a friend of Rockefeller and former chairman Chase Manhattan Bank. “He will become a real person as a respected and devoted member of the community,” notes The New York Times.

Rockefeller's influence was felt in Washington and New York government, in art museums and best universities peace. In particular, he contributed innovation activity in public schools and providing apartments for low-income and middle-class people, the publication notes. Rockefeller was instrumental in mobilizing the private sector to resolve the financial crisis in New York in the mid-1970s.

The billionaire constantly traveled around the world, meeting with the most influential people from different countries. Thus, in his personally created catalog there are about 150 thousand names, meetings with which he conducted as statesman and a banker, writes The New York Times. Among them are Nikita Khrushchev, the President of Egypt and many other political figures.

“Few people have met as many leaders as I have in their lives,” he said about himself.

In 2002, at the age of 87, Rockefeller published an autobiography entitled Memoirs. When asked why he decided to do this, Rockefeller responded in his characteristically understated manner: “I thought I was leading quite a bit.” interesting life, so why not write about it? — quotes The New York Times.

The Rockefeller clan has always played key roles in American politics and business. David's brother Nelson even served as Vice President of the United States from 1974 to 1977. He was nominated for this post by the man who became president after his resignation.

The Rockefellers are considered by many to be the most powerful family in the world. Their competition is the Rothschilds, and conspiracy theorists call this bunch a shadow world government. In the last US elections, the Rockefellers allegedly bet on , and the Rothschilds - on .

In 2017, according to Rockefeller Sr., he became the oldest billionaire in the world. At the age of 101, he had a net worth of $3.3 billion and was ranked 581st. He did not live to see his 102nd birthday by about two and a half months.

Rockefeller Sr. remained physically active until the end of his life. According to press reports, he underwent six heart transplant operations. But the veracity of this information was regularly questioned. It is likely that after some time we will hear the version that Rockefeller did not die, but simply went into the shadows to rule the world from a secret refuge with his seventh or eighth heart.