What does neutral attitude mean? How to understand a person’s attitude towards alcohol and smoking

It's no secret that there is now a fashion for Anglicisms and in general foreign words. There is fashion, but not everyone is in trend yet, not everyone is used to it, so a fair question arises: “neutral - how is that?” People may also be wondering, why not use the Russian replacement for the same word? We will answer both questions and give specific examples.

Variety of meanings

To reveal the secret of the adverb, you need to turn to the adjective, and then everything will become clear. The adjective “neutral” has five meanings, two of which are special. Let's focus first on the commonly used ones. So:

  1. A neutral is one who remains on the sidelines. And it doesn’t matter what we’re talking about—the struggle for political Olympus or about a banal dispute about tastes. There are people in the world who are not interested in these topics.

  2. A neutral subject of conversation that does not directly concern anyone, but at the same time may be of interest to many.
  3. Neutral - something that contains neither useful nor harmful qualities, and has neither beneficial nor harmful effects. There is an opinion that calcium as a medicine is harmless and has no benefit. This is, of course, a fallacy. Calcium can be both beneficial and harmful, depending on the dosage, but this is not relevant to our topic, but it perfectly characterizes another meaning of the word “neutral”.
  4. Neutral in chemistry is one that does not give any reaction.
  5. A neutral in physics is one that does not contain any charge.

Already based on these data, one can understand how it is neutral? But for clarity, it is still better to give an example.

The Disciples and the Time Warp

Many people are familiar with the story. A schoolboy is sitting in a geometry lesson and the arrow does not want to crawl forward, towards the end of the lesson, so that the tangents, cotangents and cosines will quickly end, damn them. But time is merciless! It froze! Of course, this is true if the child prefers literature.

If the situation is the opposite, then a born mathematician or physicist wonders when this completely endless analysis of “Onegin” and Tatyana’s contradictory feelings for the main character will end. Time behaves equally meanly for these students - it does not want to speed up its run and bring the bell closer.

Now let’s imagine that both students got to a biology lesson, and again for minutes and seconds they became themselves. 45 minutes is 45 minutes, not an eternity. What does this mean? Both students are neutral towards biology. This lesson makes them “neither hot nor cold,” but they probably still want to go home quickly. In other words, it’s clear now, neutral - how’s that?

Synonym of the adjective "neutral"

As is easy to understand, everything depends on the context. In accordance with the values ​​given just above, we offer a list of replacements:

  1. If we're talking about about a dispute or political struggle, then the best definitions are “disinterested”, “apolitical”, “indifferent”, “indifferent”.
  2. When it comes to the topic of conversation between people, there are no clear substitutes. When there is a need to lower the temperature and move the conversation in a calm direction, they choose a “less acute” or “more general” topic.
  3. The third value is easier. In this case they say: “harmless”, “useless”.
  4. When it comes to science, it is difficult to talk about synonyms; rather, you need to think about illustrations and specific concepts of the branch of knowledge that is meant.

In any case, we hope that this will satisfy those who want to know a synonym for the word “neutral”.

Why not use Russian replacements for the definition of “neutral” now?

This is a complex and controversial issue. And the point is not at all in the fashion for foreign words, but in the fact that in some branches of knowledge, for example, in physics and chemistry, the adjective “neutral” captures a certain concept, and it is impossible to find a replacement for the latter. In this case, in order to explain the phenomenon, one would have to resort to commentary, and this, in turn, would greatly burden the text.

By the way, this clarifies why a certain international language was formed in some sciences. In other words, in the scientific community there are many terms that were formed using tracing paper.

However, let's get back to the topic. The meaning of the word “neutral”, with its diversity, greatly saves time for both the speaker and the writer, which is why it is in such demand. And so, of course, our history knows examples of how people tried to forcibly Russify some foreign words and disgracefully throw out from the Russian language “borrowed”, “foreign” ones that had long ago been assimilated into the language. Whoever needs an example, let him remember A.S. Shishkov and his campaign, as well as Pushkin’s witticisms on this matter.

What's the end result? Taoist wisdom teaches: it is necessary to treat everything with indifference, that is, neutral. "How is that?" - the question arises by itself. They will not be particularly upset or rejoice. And the language, if necessary, will clear itself of false borrowings, because it is a system, and it, in turn, is prone to self-organization. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the “great and mighty”.


Being neutral does not mean being indifferent and insensitive.

There is no need to kill your feelings. It is enough to kill the hatred in yourself.

Andrzej Sapkowski. The Witcher

Neutrality as a personality quality – a tendency not to join any of the contending parties (in a dispute, discussion, political struggle, etc.); stand aside, do not affect anyone, treat everyone equally, do not be either harmful or useful action.

The master scolded the student, who constantly got into trouble because of his impulsive desire to tell only the truth. - But shouldn't a person always tell the truth? - he didn’t understand. - Of course not. Sometimes the truth is better hidden. As an example, he talked about his mother-in-law who came for a week and stayed for a whole month.
In the end, the young people came up with a plan to get rid of her. “I’ll serve soup today,” the wife said to her husband, “and we’ll start quarreling.” You will say that I oversalted it, but I will insist that there is not enough salt. If mother agrees with you, I will explode and ask her to leave. If she agrees with me, you will fly into a rage and order her to leave. Soup was served. A scandal began. The wife asked: “Mom, tell me, is the soup too salty or not enough?” The insolent old woman lowered the spoon into the plate, raised it to her mouth, tasted the soup, hesitated a little and said: “Normal.”

Neutrality as mineral water– no benefit, no harm! She does not even interfere in her internal affairs.

A journalist is talking with famous singer: – Tell me, is it true that you are a homosexual? - Well, in a way... - Active or passive? – Neutral! How is that? - Well, I have no one, and no one has me.

The Universe loves neutrality for its balance and impartiality, for its dislike of extremes, excesses, idealizations and redundancies. Neutrality is a craving for a certain detached state, an outside view. When passions boil on the stage of life, neutrality sits quietly in the back rows of the auditorium, having no intention of sticking out or being noticed in any other way. They may try to drag her onto the stage, but, deftly maneuvering, she will remain a spectator under some convenient pretext.

Neutrality is the golden mean of consciousness, when there are no extremes in judgments about what is good and what is evil, good or bad, right or wrong. Neutrality stands on the platform of the eternal Disciple of Life. She says to herself: “I still know very little.” Therefore, I am ready to learn, remaining impartial and unbiased in all life situations. I do not attach much significance and importance to other people's opinions and assessments.

Neutrality is not idleness. It is often impartial participation. Neutrality takes its own form. Take, for example, a table and a chair. They don't do anything themselves. They serve man neutrally. Clothing is a neutral form of serving a person. The knife itself is neutral, but in the hands of a cook and a murderer it serves differently. The judge must be neutral when considering the case, otherwise his bias, tendentiousness and partiality will immediately appear.

Neutrality in kindness is a benevolent attitude towards everyone living on Earth. The person treats all people neutrally but kindly.

Neutrality is an excellent assistant in building relationships. It does not allow relationships to turn into familiarity and familiarity, while at the same time preventing them from transforming into alienation and coldness. "Hello. Goodbye. Very nice. Thank you. I was glad to see you. How are you?" - all these words are from the arsenal of neutrality. Neutral relations are good neighborliness, peaceful coexistence, the desire not to interfere with the lives of others and not to particularly participate in their lives. Rather be an extra than a participant in their life. Neutrality is good relationship, but nothing more.

A person develops by communicating with equals. He can ask elders for advice and listen to instructions. With younger ones, he can give advice himself if asked for it. Neutrality in relationships with juniors and seniors helps to avoid extremes, rudeness and arrogance. For example, adult daughter or an adult son celebrates his birthday. Parents should stay for the first fifteen minutes, congratulate the birthday boy and go to the cinema. Otherwise, neutrality suffers. At a corporate event, the manager should do the same. He must be impartially neutral towards everyone. I stayed at the beginning for ten minutes, congratulated my colleagues and left. Otherwise there will be tension. People will feel out of place. There will be stiffness and theatricality in the air. If people drink too much, the situation can escalate into familiarity. Neutrality will be broken and never restored.

What kind of woman would like it when a man who saw her immediately drooled and made advances? Most likely, she will like a man who noticed her beauty, but at the same time behaves calmly, balanced and neutral. Neutrality is designed to curb passion, reject ignorance and degradation.

Neutrality has no habit of arguing, commenting, proving, justifying, blaming and condemning. She will not complain about anyone; rather, she will persistently not notice what is happening around her. Neutrality, treating everyone equally, will not bully others with its spontaneous intentions and desires. Neutrality does not think of what it means to pass judgment on anyone. She does not divide people into friends and foes, good and evil. This is often explained by the fact that neutrality is not capable of making independent decisions and is not ready to make a choice that meets the requirements of conscientiousness and morality.

A neutral sign when a fork falls on the floor. It's bad if it's silver. It's even worse if you're a guest. And it’s really bad if it comes from your pocket...

Peter Kovalev
Other articles by the author: https://podskazki.info/karta-statej/


Degree of dependence

Statistics say that only 30% of the Russian population do not use alcoholic drinks. The bulk of this small number are elderly people and young children. This means that so many people have made their choice in favor of alcohol. Is alcohol really that bad?

To find out, it is worth determining the degree of consumption:

  1. Moderate use. This attitude is more related to the line of behavior. A rare intake of alcohol, such as coffee, can cause a person to positive emotions, improve your mood and give you the opportunity to relax. In this case, alcohol should not be perceived as evil. True, constant harmless holidays with a small amount alcohol can lead to addiction.
  2. Abuse. In this case, the person already begins to experience disturbances in the functioning of vital organs. He develops pathological symptoms in the form of nervous disorders, bad work liver and heart. When a person abuses alcohol, a person has problems sleeping, he feels anxiety, which reaches a state of panic. In addition to physiological disorders, a person has problems in family life, V labor activity. Experts call this degree a disease.
  3. Addiction. This stage is the most difficult and poses a great danger to life. A person experiences a constant craving for alcohol. He is no longer able to control himself, his emotions, and behavior. The intervals between drinks cause a state of fear and the need to take the next dose. This condition becomes the beginning of binge drinking. Dependent alcoholics are lost in life. Any event ceases to be important for them. Society turns away from them.

If a person on rare occasions allows himself to relax, attending a friend’s birthday or other important event, then there is no great criticality in this. And when the desire to drink appears regularly, then you should sound the alarm.

What is neutral attitude

How is it neutral attitude to alcohol and how to consciously come to this? Adults form their personal attitudes towards alcoholic beverages throughout their lives.

In some cases, a person has an individual intolerance to alcoholic products, which does not allow him to even look towards alcohol. This state of health can form in him the following concepts:

  • absolute opponent of alcohol;
  • neutral attitude towards the use of alcohol by others.

A person can become a complete opponent of alcohol due to a history of life tragedy when he had to fight alcoholism loved one. As a rule, these are children from families where one of the parents abused alcohol.

A person has a neutral attitude towards alcohol when he does not have a question about whether to drink or not. He can drink one glass and no longer feel the desire to increase the dose. The opinions of others do not bother him and do not cause feelings of resentment. Such a person does not experience stress or remorse about drinking. He comes from his desires at one time or another. At the holiday, he can afford to drink a decent amount of alcohol, and after that for a long time do not touch alcohol. And not because he was very ill last time, but simply there is no such desire.

What can break a neutral attitude?

A neutral attitude towards alcohol is a rather fragile concept. Any life problem may provoke a desire to drink alcohol in order to relax and forget about troubles.

The main factors influencing changes in attitudes towards alcohol:

Parents should remember that they teach their children to drink alcohol from childhood. Therefore, in the future, if an unpleasant situation related to addiction arises, you should not blame the child, but rather remember your behavior.

Why does alcohol addiction occur?

A group of drinking friends can provoke alcohol addiction. Human psychology is designed in such a way that it can be very difficult to give up something that is talked about so much. Sometimes a person wants to prove to himself that he is not addicted and is calm about alcoholic beverages. If you wanted it, you drank it; if you didn’t want it, you gave up alcohol. This behavior is the first threat to addiction.

How can you tell if you have an addiction to alcohol?

  1. When going to a party, you can’t help but wonder whether there will be alcoholic drinks there.
  2. Regular everyday problems become an excuse to drink.
  3. Gradually increase the dose of alcohol consumed.
  4. Lack of negative perception of the surrounding world after drinking.
  5. The appearance of a desire to get drunk.
  6. After an evening with alcohol, the next morning I suffer from a headache and general weakness of the body.
  7. Irritation appears at the moment when alcoholic drinks run out, and the body demands more.

As soon as such thoughts enter your head, this becomes the main signal that the situation is getting out of control. There is only one step left from developing addiction. This behavior will lead to health problems and disrupt the healthy atmosphere in the family.


Alcohol addiction

Why do people crave alcohol? This is influenced by many factors:

  1. Unhealthy heredity. Anyone born into a drinking family gets used to being surrounded by drunken people from childhood and does not see anything reprehensible in drinking. Moreover, from childhood, parents treat their baby to alcohol, and adolescence he becomes addicted to alcohol. There are rare cases when a child tries to escape from such an environment, and he develops a persistent hostility towards alcoholics and alcoholic beverages. But this is rather an exception from the general picture.
  2. Alcohol's ability to relax and relieve stress. If alcohol has helped a person get out of a difficult situation at least a few times, then in the future a neutral attitude towards him will no longer be developed. At difficult situations a person will remember the drink that helped get rid of nervous tension, and increasingly reach for the bottle.
  3. I don't want to look like a black sheep. A person who doesn’t drink is viewed with suspicion in a company, so he tries not to oppose himself to the team.
  4. Traditions. It is so accepted that not a single event is complete without alcohol, be it scientific conference or children's birthday. Moreover, adults seem to specifically develop an interest in alcohol in children by buying them “children’s champagne” or “children’s beer.”

If you develop a child’s interest from childhood, then in the future you should not be surprised that he will develop an alcohol addiction.

Compromise attitude towards alcohol

In an adult, an attitude towards alcohol develops throughout life.

It happens that a person has alcohol intolerance due to some physiological problems. Such a reaction of the body can form the following positions:

  • he may become anti-alcohol;
  • Be absolutely neutral when others drink.

Negative attitudes most often occur in people who have had to life path encounter alcoholics. Usually these are children from families in which one of the parents drank, or those who were “lucky” to marry a person with obvious alcohol addictions.

So what does it mean to be neutral towards alcohol-containing drinks? A person does not think at all whether he should drink or not drink. He may refuse to drink with friends, and he will not be bothered by the opinion: “You don’t respect us!”

And then he calmly sips a glass in good company, for example, at New Year. He has no stress or thoughts about drinking, he is guided only by his desires at that moment.

If you have long thoughts about whether to drink or not, refuse at a time when you want, or, conversely, force you to sip a glass for some additional reasons, then such conditions lead to mental discord and provoke serious illnesses nervous system.

One may be surprised, but the bias towards alcohol is fueled by the anti-alcohol campaign. It is very difficult to be neutral about a subject if it is constantly being talked about. The psyche of some people is structured in such a way that they try to understand their relationship to alcohol, proving to themselves with regular libations that addiction is not in danger. If I want, I drink, if I don’t want, I won’t.

This is very dangerous path. The body quickly gets used to regular intake of alcohol and requires new infusions,

How to figure out if you are addicted to alcohol?

In this case, you need to understand that it’s time to stop, since one step separates you from alcohol addiction. And this will not only affect your own health, but also worsen the quality of life of your loved ones.

It’s worth thinking about whether it’s necessary to risk your health and relationships with truly dear people for the dubious pleasure of relaxing for a while? To a healthy person there is no need to change the body’s reactions with stimulants in order to enjoy communication and live life to the fullest.

The decision to drink or not drink, depending on the situation, can only be made independently.

Neither official medicine, nor healers will force an alcoholic to give up alcohol for a long time if he himself does not realize the harmful changes in his relationship with the outside world and the deterioration of his own health. The attitude towards alcohol is greatly influenced by a person’s mental mood, willpower and the state of the nervous system.


Alcohol addiction

Where do people get the craving for alcohol? This is influenced by many factors.

If you develop a child’s interest from childhood, there is a high probability that in the future he will become dependent on alcohol.

In this case, you need to understand that you are only one step away from addiction, and it’s time to stop. This affects not only your health, but also worsens the lives of loved ones.

Compromise attitude towards alcohol

An adult's attitude towards alcohol develops throughout his life.

It happens that a person has alcohol intolerance due to some physiological problems. Such a reaction can form positions:

  • becomes an opponent of alcohol, has a sharply negative attitude towards drinkers;
  • acquires a neutral attitude towards surrounding drinkers.

Most often, people who have encountered alcoholics in their lives develop a negative attitude. More often these are children from drinking families, or those who had a drinking spouse.

What does it mean to have a neutral attitude towards alcohol? A person does not think at all about whether to drink or not. He calmly refuses to drink in the company of friends, and he doesn’t care about anyone’s opinion on this matter.

After this, he can calmly sip a glass of alcohol on some holiday, for example, on New Year. No thoughts or stress about drinking, at such moments he pays attention only to his desires.

If you think for a long time whether to drink or not drink, refuse when you want to drink, and drink forcefully for some reason, these conditions lead to discord and provoke diseases of the nervous system.

The addiction to alcoholic beverages is fueled, surprisingly, by the anti-alcohol campaign. It's hard to be neutral about a subject if it's constantly being talked about. Some people's psyche is structured in such a way that they try to understand their relationship to alcoholic beverages, proving to themselves that they are not in danger of becoming addicted. If I don’t want to, I don’t drink; if I want, I will.

This path is very dangerous, because while a person believes that he is in control of everything, the body very quickly gets used to the flow of alcohol and requires new portions.

Think about whether it is worth risking your relationships with loved ones and your health for the sake of a short relaxation of dubious pleasure. A person with excellent health does not need to change the reactions of his body with various stimulants in order to live a full life and enjoy communication. And the decision not to drink or to drink does not depend on the situation, only you can make it yourself.

Neither healers nor official medicine will force an alcoholic to give up alcohol if he does not independently realize the harmful effects on his health and the change in his relationships with the outside world. A person’s mental state has a huge impact on his attitude towards alcohol, as does his state of the nervous system and willpower.


    NEUTRAL, —oh, —oh; —flax, —flax, —flax.

    1. Adhering to neutrality towards warring states. Neutral countries.

    2. Unable to serve as a theater of military operations and a location for troops due to international agreement. Neutral territory. Neutral waters.

    3. Not adjacent to any of the parties (in a fight, quarrel, etc.). Neutral person. Neutral observer.|| Characteristic of such a person. Neutral attitude. Neutral behavior.|| Cannot offend or offend any of the parties. Neutral conversation. Neutral topic.

    4. only full f. Specialist. Having neither harmful nor beneficial effects on the body (about substances, drugs).

    5. only full f. Chem. Providing neither alkaline nor acidic reaction. Neutral solution.

    6. only full f. Phys. Carrying neither negative nor positive charge. Neutral particles.

    [From lat. neuter - neither one nor the other]

Source (printed version): Dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 volumes / RAS, Institute of Linguistics. research; Ed. A. P. Evgenieva. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: Rus. language; Polygraph resources, 1999; (electronic version): Fundamental electronic library

    NEUTRAL, oh, oh; -linen, flax, flax [from Latin. neuter - neither one nor the other]. 1. Providing neither alkaline nor acid reaction (chemical). N. solution.|| Producing no effect. Neutral medicine. 2. Maintaining neutrality. Neutral state. 3. Not adhering to any of the parties (in a dispute, in discussions, in political struggle). ... It does not happen that sympathizers, and especially neutral and hesitant ones, voluntarily agree to share the fate of their active friends, after these latter have suffered a cruel and irreparable defeat. Stln. ... The best representatives of socialism of the old time - when they still believed in the revolution and served it theoretically and ideologically - talked about neutralization of the peasantry, i.e. about making the middle peasantry, if not actively helping the revolution of the proletariat, then at least not interfering with it, a neutral social layer that does not take the side of our enemies. Lnn. The engineer stands on neutral ground and says: it’s none of my business. G. Uspnsky.

Being neutral does not mean being indifferent and insensitive.

There is no need to kill your feelings. It is enough to kill the hatred in yourself.

Andrzej Sapkowski. The Witcher

Neutrality as a personality quality – a tendency not to join any of the contending parties (in a dispute, discussion, political struggle, etc.); stand aside, not affect anyone, treat everyone equally, have neither harmful nor beneficial effects.

The master scolded the student, who constantly got into trouble because of his impulsive desire to tell only the truth. - But shouldn't a person always tell the truth? - he didn’t understand. - Of course not. Sometimes the truth is better hidden. As an example, he talked about his mother-in-law who came for a week and stayed for a whole month. Finally, the young people came up with a plan to get rid of her. “I’ll serve soup today,” the wife said to her husband, “and we’ll start quarreling.” You will say that I oversalted it, but I will insist that there is not enough salt. If mother agrees with you, I will explode and ask her to leave. If she agrees with me, you will fly into a rage and order her to leave. Soup was served. A scandal began. The wife asked: “Mom, tell me, is the soup too salty or not enough?” The insolent old woman lowered the spoon into the plate, raised it to her mouth, tasted the soup, hesitated a little and said: “Normal.”

Neutrality is like mineral water – neither good nor harm! She does not even interfere in her internal affairs.

A journalist is having a conversation with a famous singer: - Tell me, is it true that you are a homosexual? - Well, in a way... - Active or passive? – Neutral! How is that? - Well, I have no one, and no one has me.

The Universe loves neutrality for its balance and impartiality, for its dislike of extremes, excesses, idealizations and redundancies. Neutrality is a craving for a certain detached state, an outside view. When passions boil on the stage of life, neutrality sits quietly in the back rows of the auditorium, having no intention of sticking out or being noticed in any other way. They may try to drag her onto the stage, but, deftly maneuvering, she will remain a spectator under some convenient pretext.

Neutrality is the golden mean of consciousness, when there are no extremes in judgments about what is good and what is evil, good or bad, right or wrong. Neutrality stands on the platform of the eternal Disciple of Life. She says to herself: “I still know very little.” Therefore, I am ready to learn, remaining impartial and unbiased in all life situations. I do not attach much significance and importance to other people's opinions and assessments.

Neutrality is not idleness. It is often impartial participation. Neutrality takes its own form. Take, for example, a table and a chair. They don't do anything themselves. They serve man neutrally. Clothing is a neutral form of serving a person. The knife itself is neutral, but in the hands of a cook and a murderer it serves differently. The judge must be neutral when considering the case, otherwise his bias, tendentiousness and partiality will immediately appear.

Neutrality in kindness is a benevolent attitude towards everyone living on Earth. The person treats all people neutrally but kindly.

Neutrality is an excellent assistant in building relationships. It does not allow relationships to turn into familiarity and familiarity, while at the same time preventing them from transforming into alienation and coldness. "Hello. Goodbye. Very nice. Thank you. I was glad to see you. How are you?" - all these words are from the arsenal of neutrality. Neutral relations are good neighborliness, peaceful coexistence, the desire not to interfere with the lives of others and not to particularly participate in their lives. Rather be an extra than a participant in their life. Neutrality is a good relationship, but nothing more.

A person develops by communicating with equals. He can ask elders for advice and listen to instructions. With younger ones, he can give advice himself if asked for it. Neutrality in relationships with juniors and seniors helps to avoid extremes, rudeness and arrogance. For example, an adult daughter or adult son is celebrating a birthday. Parents should stay for the first fifteen minutes, congratulate the birthday boy and go to the cinema. Otherwise, neutrality suffers. At a corporate event, the manager should do the same. He must be impartially neutral towards everyone. I stayed at the beginning for ten minutes, congratulated my colleagues and left. Otherwise there will be tension. People will feel out of place. There will be stiffness and theatricality in the air. If people drink too much, the situation can escalate into familiarity. Neutrality will be broken and never restored.

What kind of woman would like it when a man who saw her immediately drooled and made advances? Most likely, she will like a man who noticed her beauty, but at the same time behaves calmly, balanced and neutral. Neutrality is designed to curb passion, reject ignorance and degradation.

Neutrality has no habit of arguing, commenting, proving, justifying, blaming and condemning. She will not complain about anyone; rather, she will persistently not notice what is happening around her. Neutrality, treating everyone equally, will not bully others with its spontaneous intentions and desires. Neutrality does not think of what it means to pass judgment on anyone. She does not divide people into friends and foes, good and evil. This is often explained by the fact that neutrality is not capable of making independent decisions and is not ready to make a choice that meets the requirements of conscientiousness and morality.

A neutral sign when a fork falls on the floor. It's bad if it's silver. It's even worse if you're a guest. And it’s really bad if it comes from your pocket...

Peter Kovalev

It is no secret that there is now a fashion for anglicisms and foreign words in general. There is fashion, but not everyone is in trend yet, not everyone is used to it, so a fair question arises: “neutral - how is that?” People may also be wondering, why not use the Russian replacement for the same word? We will answer both questions and give specific examples.

Variety of meanings

To reveal the secret of the adverb, you need to turn to the adjective, and then everything will become clear. The adjective “neutral” has five meanings, two of which are special. Let's focus first on the commonly used ones. So:

  1. A neutral is one who remains on the sidelines. And it makes absolutely no difference what we are talking about - a struggle on the political Olympus or a banal dispute about tastes. There are people in the world who are not interested in these topics.
  2. A neutral subject of conversation that does not directly concern anyone, but at the same time may be of interest to many.
  3. Neutral - something that does not contain either beneficial or harmful qualities, and does not have either a beneficial or harmful effect. There is an opinion that calcium as a medicine is harmless and has no benefit. This is, of course, a fallacy. Calcium can be both beneficial and harmful - depending on the dosage, but this is not relevant to our topic, but it perfectly characterizes another meaning of the word “neutral”.
  4. Neutral in chemistry is one that does not give any reaction.
  5. A neutral in physics is one that does not contain any charge.

Already based on these data, one can understand how neutral it is? But for clarity, it is still better to give an example.

The Disciples and the Time Warp

Many people are familiar with the story. A schoolboy is sitting in a geometry lesson and the arrow does not want to crawl forward, towards the end of the lesson, so that the tangents, cotangents and cosines will quickly end, damn them. But time is merciless! It froze! Of course, this is true if the child prefers literature.

If the situation is the opposite, then a born mathematician or physicist wonders when this completely endless analysis of “Onegin” and Tatyana’s contradictory feelings for the main character will end. Time behaves equally meanly for these students - it does not want to speed up its run and bring the bell closer.

Now let’s imagine that both students got to a biology lesson, and again for minutes and seconds they became themselves. 45 minutes is 45 minutes, not an eternity. What does this mean? Both students are neutral towards biology. This lesson makes them “neither hot nor cold,” but they probably still want to go home quickly. In other words, it’s clear now, neutral - how’s that?

Synonym of the adjective "neutral"

As is easy to understand, everything depends on the context. In accordance with the values ​​given just above, we offer a list of replacements:

  1. If we are talking about a dispute or political struggle, then the best definitions are: “disinterested”, “apolitical”, “indifferent”, “indifferent”.
  2. When it comes to the topic of conversation between people, there are no clear substitutes. When there is a need to lower the temperature and move the conversation in a calm direction, they choose a “less acute” or “more general” topic.
  3. The third value is easier. In this case they say: “harmless”, “useless”.
  4. When it comes to science, it is difficult to talk about synonyms; rather, you need to think about illustrations and specific concepts of the branch of knowledge that is meant.

In any case, we hope that this will satisfy those who want to know a synonym for the word “neutral”.

Why not use Russian replacements for the definition of “neutral” now?

This is a complex and controversial issue. And the point is not at all in the fashion for foreign words, but in the fact that in some branches of knowledge, for example, in physics and chemistry, the adjective “neutral” captures a certain concept, and it is impossible to find a replacement for the latter. In this case, in order to explain the phenomenon, one would have to resort to commentary, and this, in turn, would greatly burden the text.

By the way, this clarifies why a certain international language was formed in some sciences. In other words, in the scientific community there are many terms that were formed using tracing paper.

However, let's get back to the topic. The meaning of the word “neutral”, with its diversity, greatly saves time for both the speaker and the writer, which is why it is in such demand. And so, of course, our history knows examples of how people tried to forcibly Russify some foreign words and disgracefully throw out from the Russian language “borrowed”, “foreign” ones that had long ago been assimilated into the language. Whoever needs an example, let him remember A.S. Shishkov and his campaign, as well as Pushkin’s witticisms on this matter.

What's the end result? Taoist wisdom teaches: it is necessary to treat everything with indifference, that is, neutral. "How is that?" - the question arises by itself. They will not be particularly upset or rejoice. And the language, if necessary, will clear itself of false borrowings, because it is a system, and it, in turn, is prone to self-organization. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the “great and mighty”.

    NEUTRAL, —oh, —oh; —flax, —flax, —flax.

    1. Adhering to neutrality towards warring states. Neutral countries.

    2. Cannot serve as a theater of military operations and a location for troops by virtue of international agreement. Neutral territory. Neutral waters.

    3. Not adjacent to any of the parties (in a fight, quarrel, etc.). Neutral person. Neutral observer.|| Characteristic of such a person. Neutral attitude. Neutral behavior.|| Cannot offend or offend any of the parties. Neutral conversation. Neutral topic.

    4. only full f. Specialist. Having neither harmful nor beneficial effects on the body (about substances, drugs).

    5. only full f. Chem. Providing neither alkaline nor acidic reaction. Neutral solution.

    6. only full f. Phys. Carrying neither negative nor positive charge. Neutral particles.

    [From lat. neuter - neither one nor the other]

Source (printed version): Dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 volumes / RAS, Institute of Linguistics. research; Ed. A. P. Evgenieva. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: Rus. language; Polygraph resources, 1999; (electronic version):

    NEUTRAL, oh, oh; -linen, flax, flax [from Latin. neuter - neither one nor the other]. 1. Providing neither alkaline nor acid reaction (chemical). N. solution.|| Producing no effect. Neutral medicine. 2. Maintaining neutrality. Neutral state. 3. Not adhering to any of the parties (in a dispute, in discussions, in political struggle). ... It does not happen that sympathizers, and especially neutral and hesitant ones, voluntarily agree to share the fate of their active friends, after these latter have suffered a cruel and irreparable defeat. Stln. ... The best representatives of socialism of the old time - when they still believed in the revolution and served it theoretically and ideologically - talked about neutralization of the peasantry, i.e. about making the middle peasantry, if not actively helping the revolution of the proletariat, then at least not interfering with it, a neutral social layer that does not take the side of our enemies. Lnn. The engineer stands on neutral ground and says: it’s none of my business. G. Uspnsky.

Source:“Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” edited by D. N. Ushakov (1935-1940); (electronic version): Fundamental electronic library


Neutral – neither bad nor good

To better understand what it means to be tobacco-neutral, you need to dig a little deeper and consult a dictionary. The word “neutral” itself means “neither one nor the other” in Latin. Regarding smoking, we can say that a person who remains neutral does not welcome smoking, but is not against it either. He seems to stay aloof, and this question does not concern him. If we say whether it is bad or not, then everyone has the right to decide for themselves.

On the other hand, this position indicates an unformed own opinion and indifference to the problem of tobacco addiction.

It's no secret that smoking is harmful. If in the 17th century, when tobacco was brought to Europe, it was first used as an anesthesia to relieve toothache and other pain, as a sedative, then people began to smoke simply for pleasure. It was only at the beginning of the 20th century that a connection was discovered between certain diseases and tobacco smoking. Now there are fewer smokers, the fight against smoking is taking place at the state level, and the attitude towards the problem is turning from neutral to negative.

Different understandings of neutral attitudes towards smoking

Not everyone understands the meaning of a neutral attitude towards smoking. If you turn to a well-known site where people can get an answer to any question, then these differences will be easy to spot. Here are some answers:

  • People don't want to say how they really feel about it;
  • I don't care, people do it for themselves;
  • I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, and who does what, I don’t care;
  • A person can smoke and still be independent of smoking;
  • I want to smoke, I want not to smoke;
  • I don’t smoke myself, but I don’t attack people who smoke with my fists;
  • In good company you can smoke a little;
  • I smoke, but I am not addicted.

Such a variety of answers with different understandings of the essence of the issue suggests that not everyone understands what it means to be neutral about smoking. But we can still conclude that a person has a neutral attitude towards smoking if he does not smoke at all or smokes, but does so quite rarely.

Changing attitudes towards smoking

To smoke or not is everyone’s voluntary choice. For an adult with already formed views and habits, the position of neutrality is not bad.

But among young people, a neutral attitude can smoothly turn into a positive one. They are at risk. For some, addiction develops faster, for others more slowly.

Attitudes towards smoking may change towards the negative if you see examples of people with whom smoking has played a bad joke. Taking care of your own health should be developed from childhood, then it will be much easier to maintain immunity to tobacco. There are not many people who are able to maintain a neutral position in relation to smoking, but they still exist.

  • Strongly negative;
  • Negative;
  • Compromise;
  • Neutral;
  • Positive.

If with negative and positive attitude everything is clear, then compromise and neutral may cause some confusion. How do you understand what smoking neutrality means? Let's try to figure it out.

Neutral – neither bad nor good

To better understand what it means to be tobacco-neutral, you need to dig a little deeper and consult a dictionary. The word “neutral” itself means “neither one nor the other” in Latin. Regarding smoking, we can say that a person who remains neutral does not welcome smoking, but is not against it either. He seems to stay aloof, and this question does not concern him. If we say whether it is bad or not, then everyone has the right to decide for themselves.

On the other hand, such a position indicates an unformed opinion and indifference to the problem of tobacco addiction.

It's no secret that smoking is harmful. If in the 17th century, when tobacco was brought to Europe, it was first used as an anesthesia to relieve toothache and other pain, as a sedative, then people began to smoke simply for pleasure. It was only at the beginning of the 20th century that a connection was discovered between certain diseases and tobacco smoking. Now there are fewer smokers, the fight against smoking is taking place at the state level, and the attitude towards the problem is turning from neutral to negative.

Different understandings of neutral attitudes towards smoking

Not everyone understands the meaning of a neutral attitude towards smoking. If you turn to a well-known site where people can get an answer to any question, then these differences will be easy to spot. Here are some answers:

  • People don't want to say how they really feel about it;
  • I don't care, people do it for themselves;
  • I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, and who does what, I don’t care;
  • A person can smoke and still be independent of smoking;
  • I want to smoke, I want not to smoke;
  • I don’t smoke myself, but I don’t attack people who smoke with my fists;
  • In good company you can smoke a little;
  • I smoke, but I am not addicted.

Such a variety of answers with different understandings of the essence of the issue suggests that not everyone understands what it means to be neutral about smoking. But we can still conclude that a person has a neutral attitude towards smoking if he does not smoke at all or smokes, but does so quite rarely.

Changing attitudes towards smoking

To smoke or not is everyone’s voluntary choice. For an adult with already formed views and habits, the position of neutrality is not bad.

But among young people, a neutral attitude can smoothly turn into a positive one. They are at risk. For some, addiction develops faster, for others more slowly.

Attitudes towards smoking may change towards the negative if you see examples of people with whom smoking has played a bad joke. Taking care of your own health should be developed from childhood, then it will be much easier to maintain immunity to tobacco. There are not many people who are able to maintain a neutral position in relation to smoking, but they still exist.