Outline of a lesson in biology (7th grade) on the topic: Extracurricular lesson in biology. Types of extracurricular activities in biology

Municipal state educational institution

October average secondary school

Manturovo municipal district

Kostroma region

Municipal competition methodological developments on the topic:

"Birds are our feathered friends"

Extracurricular activity in biology

"Familiar Strangers"

teacher of biology and geography

MKOU Oktyabrskaya secondary school

Oktyabrsky village


Extracurricular activity in biology (7th grade)

Subject : Familiar Strangers

Target: generalize and deepen knowledge about birds of the Kostroma region


Educational: generalize and systematize knowledge about birds of your native land

Developmental: develop the ability to analyze, compare, develop thinking, attention, memory, and practice skills in working with drawings.

Educational : bring up careful attitude for nature, for birds, love for native land, ecological culture.

Relevance of the lesson:

Development cognitive interest to his subject is one of the main tasks facing a biology teacher. This includes a huge number of different forms of activity in class and extracurricular activities. Game tasks always arouse the interest of students. The event is aimed at developing the skills to apply knowledge when performing various tasks, analyze, compare, summarize data, and think logically and critically.

Methods and forms:

Student learning is collaborative; taken into account individual characteristics students. During the event, it is planned to use innovative and traditional methods and forms: verbal (information, discussion), information and communication (work with tasks, text, drawings) . Students work in groups and individually. Equal interaction between all participants is assumed.

Target Audience: 7th grade students

Learning Tools : computer, multimedia projector, screen, presentation, handouts, barrels with numbers, images of birds, poems about nature, audio recording with bird voices.

Progress of the lesson

Today, guys, we are conducting an extracurricular biology lesson “Familiar Strangers” to test your knowledge about the birds of the Kostroma region. (SLIDE 1)

Why is the lesson called “Familiar Strangers”?

Because we will meet famous birds, but every bird always remains a mystery to us.

I would like to start the lesson with the poems of Nikolai Grishin.

1 student

Love the forest and take care

Their songs have sound threads

They originate from forests.

2 student

Oh, how similar the birds' trills are,

Interrupted forest dreams,

To the ringing of birches, to the whisper of spruce,

To the rustle of willow and pine.

3 student

It seems like I'm in love forever

Transparently clean, like rivers,

And thin, like streams.

4 student

How uninteresting the world would be,

If only the birds would not sing in the forests

After all, a man without bird songs

He won't learn to sing on his own.

5 student

And who has been soulless towards forests since birth,

Let him cut down one tree,

He wounds his mother - nature

And he impoverishes himself.

The world of birds is very diverse. In total there are about 9 thousand species of birds. Of these, 107 bird species are protected. What beautiful and unique, and most importantly defenseless creatures birds are. There are very large birds, and there are also tiny ones. There are birds that fly above the clouds, and there are birds that don't fly at all. Some birds live only in the forest, others in the water. Some birds feed on fish, others on insects. Eat birds of prey who eat other birds and animals, and there are also “vegetarians” who eat only plant foods.

But all these birds are our true friends.

2 teams take part in our game.

Each team must come up with a name related to the world of birds.


There are birds in front of you

1. owl 5. falcon

2. eagle owl 6. bullfinch

3. golden eagle

4. hawk

1 task. Are only birds of prey represented here? Is this true?

+ (No. The bullfinch is not a bird of prey)

Task 2. Birds of prey benefit by destroying large number rodents Are all these birds beneficial? Explain your answer.

+ (No. The hawk destroys chickens, geese, ducks, hares)

3 task. Some birds of prey are domesticated and used for hunting. Which birds from those presented? And for hunting whom?

+ (Berkuts - for hares, falcons - for ducks)

4 task. Which bird is a songbird?



Write down who has the most names of birds living in Russia (Time 1.5 minutes)


There is a menu in front of you. Choose a festive dinner for the birds: woodpecker, black grouse, falcon, owl, tit, eagle (each team is given a table on pieces of paper)



Black bread

Field mouse



Pine and spruce seeds

Small birds


Lingonberries and blueberries


(Write down your answer)


The names of which birds are encrypted here

NARVAO - crow

RVAKYAK - mallard

KACHYA - seagull

VERTEET - black grouse

KAISO - polar cod


There are birds in front of you







1 task . Do all birds winter in our area?

+ (No. The stork, swallow, rook do not hibernate)

2 task . Which of these birds is considered the “harbinger of spring”?


3 task. In the spring, all these birds build nests. Is this true?

+ (No. Stork, cuckoo)


(teams take turns pulling out barrels with question numbers from the box)

1. Everyone knows that birds hatch their chicks, but can birds incubate their chicks?

Yes. Owls and other birds of prey incubate a clutch from 1 egg

2. Which birds have their chicks growing in the ground?

In swallows, kingfishers, i.e. in all birds nesting in burrows

3. Per minute severe shock a hazel grouse (for example, if it falls into the claws of a hawk) feathers fall out profusely. How can this feature be explained?

The adaptability of birds, because the predator has only feathers left.

4. All schoolchildren who have studied know that the geese saved Rome. ancient history. When the Gauls tried to attack the Roman fortress at night, the geese started screaming. The Romans woke up and repelled the enemy attack. How to explain the behavior of geese?

With loud cries, geese warn their fellows of danger.


It is believed that the shape of the beak can be used to determine what a bird eats. Here are the types of beaks. Determine what food each beak is adapted for.


1) Which bird has the fastest speed? (swift 144 km/h)

2) What bird throws its chicks into other people's nests? (cuckoo)

3) Which bird hatches its chicks in winter? (crossbill)

4) Which bird has 40 letters “a” in its name? (magpie)

5) Black, agile, shouts “krak”, enemy of all worms (rook)

6) Silent during the day, screams at night. (owl)

7) What is the bird’s body temperature (40, 42 degrees)

8) In the middle of the trees, blacksmiths forge (woodpecker)


The jury sums up the final results

(Awarding teams with diplomas)

Today we remembered birds. We learned something new about our feathered friends. How much they mean to us, both small and large, but how many of them have already been destroyed. You all know about the “Red Book”. It contains endangered or extinct species of plants and animals. The Red Book also appeared in the Kostroma region. 56 species of birds are included there. This is……..(SLIDE 11)

I hope that you will do everything in your power to keep this book updated.

Oh, how much life there is in a bird's agility,

In that unquenchable, ringing one,

Love the forest and take care

He will repay you with kindness.

Reasons for identifying forms of extracurricular work.

The comprehensive school has accumulated great experience extracurricular work in biology, which is reflected in special methodological publications, as well as in the chapters of general and specific methods of teaching biology. In some of them, along with revealing the content and organization of extracurricular work, its forms and types are considered.

The circle of young naturalists is generally recognized as the main form of extracurricular work. There are discrepancies in the identification of other forms. Along with the circle, forms of extracurricular work include, for example, extracurricular reading. The most acceptable selection of forms was proposed by N. M. Verzilin. In the book " General technique teaching biology" (M., Prosveshchenie, 1974), the author classifies individual, group and mass classes as forms of extracurricular work. At the same time, the circle of young naturalists in the proposed system is presented as a type of group form extracurricular activities.

When identifying forms of extracurricular work, one should proceed both from the number of students taking part in extracurricular work and from the principle of systematic or episodic implementation. Taking into account the above, it would be more correct to distinguish 4 forms of extracurricular work in biology:

  • 1. Individual lessons;
  • 2. Group episodic classes;
  • 3. club activities;
  • 4. mass naturalistic events.

It is hardly advisable to single out extracurricular reading or extracurricular observations, the production of visual aids and other work carried out by students on the basis of their voluntariness as independent forms, since it is used both in individual and in occasional group, circle and mass forms of classes.

Characteristics of forms of extracurricular work in biology.

Individual forms of extracurricular activities take place in all schools. Trying to satisfy the needs of individual schoolchildren interested in biology, the teacher invites them to read one or another popular science book, conduct observations in nature, make a visual aid, and select material for a stand. Sometimes, while satisfying the curiosity of individual schoolchildren, the teacher does not set any goal for himself, does not direct this extracurricular work in a certain direction, and does not even consider that he is carrying it out. This picture is often observed among teachers who do not have sufficient work experience.

Experienced teachers find out the biological interests of schoolchildren, constantly keep them in their field of vision, set themselves the task of developing their interests in biology, and select appropriate individual lessons, gradually complicating and expanding their content. Some students create their own home wildlife areas. The teacher gives such students instructions for conducting experiments at home. Individual extracurricular activities are essentially a voluntary variety of homework and extracurricular activities.

The most common types of individual extracurricular work include experiments and observations of plants and animals in nature, at a training and experimental site, in a corner of wildlife, making artificial nests and observing their settlement, self-observation, making visual aids, preparing reports, abstracts, and much more. other.

Group occasional lessons are usually organized by the teacher in connection with the preparation and conduct of school public events, for example, the school biology Olympiad, Biology Week, Health Week, and the Bird Day holiday. To carry out such work, the teacher selects a group of students interested in biology, instructs them to select certain material, publish a thematic wall newspaper, prepare and conduct reports, and artistic performances for the holiday. Usually, after the completion of any public event, the work of the episodic group ceases. To conduct another public event, the teacher attracts students from the previous occasional group or creates a new one.

Occasional group extracurricular work is also organized in connection with the teacher’s desire to study more deeply the living nature of his region, for example, to conduct an inventory of tree and shrub vegetation, find out species composition birds inhabiting places near water bodies; study daily activity animals of one species or another, the “biological clock” of plants. The need to organize such occasional group work usually arises when there is no circle of young naturalists at school.

The circle of young naturalists is the main form of extracurricular activity. Unlike an episodic naturalistic group, circle activities bring together schoolchildren who systematically carry them out over the course of a year or even several years. The composition of the circle is usually stable and can include both students of the same class or parallel classes, as well as students differing in years of study. Often students are united in a circle not by age or level of preparedness, but by their inclinations and passion for youth activities.

The naturalistic circle is characterized by such types of work as experiments and observations (in a natural setting, at a training and experimental site, in corners of wildlife); excursions in nature and agricultural production; participation in nature conservation; publishing handwritten journals; production of visual aids. The circle of young naturalists is the organizer of all extracurricular mass biological events.

In the practice of schools, various naturalistic circles take place. Some of them include a variety of biological topics, while others are quite narrow in the content of the work. Thus, along with circles for young botanists or experienced plant growers, there are often indoor floriculture circles or even cactus clubs.

When determining the content of the circle's work, it is most advisable to proceed from the fact that every schoolchild who is interested in biology should have a comprehensive knowledge of living nature. Therefore, narrow specialization at the very beginning of circle work is premature. The practice of many teachers shows that circle work at school is more successful if the circle members, who first become familiar with the various possible problems, then, during the course of classes, consciously choose a direction for themselves that is more consistent with their interests.

Mass naturalistic events are organized on the initiative of a biology teacher and are carried out with the active participation of a circle of young naturalists, school student activists, school administration, and subject teachers. Plans for holding public events are approved by the school’s teaching councils.

Involved in mass work large number students - parallel classes, the whole school. It is characterized by a socially useful orientation. Typically, schools conduct such types of mass work as biological olympiads; theme nights dedicated to the Day health, Bird Day, Garden Week, Forest Week; campaigns for planting trees and shrubs, collecting seeds and other food for winter feeding of birds; making and hanging bird nests.

All of the above forms and types of extracurricular work in biology are interconnected and complement each other. There is a certain pedagogical pattern in the emergence and development of the relationship between them. An interest in working with living organisms usually arises among schoolchildren when completing individual assignments. Having successfully completed certain teacher tasks, they usually ask for additional extracurricular work. If there are several such schoolchildren in the class, then the teacher unites them into temporary naturalistic groups, and subsequently into circles of young naturalists, working in which they take part in active participation in the preparation and conduct of mass naturalistic events.

The use of the results of individual, occasional group and circle work in lessons (for example, demonstrations of manufactured manuals, reports of observations, reports prepared on the basis of extracurricular reading) contributes to the involvement of students in extracurricular activities who have not previously shown sufficient interest in it. Often, some schoolchildren who initially took passive part in mass extracurricular work on landscaping the school grounds, making bird houses, as listeners, subsequently become either young naturalists, or are actively involved in individual or group episodic work carried out on the instructions of the teacher.

In schools where extracurricular work in biology is well established, all its existing forms take place. Carrying out public events is necessarily associated with both individual and group episodic and circle work of students.

Types of extracurricular activities are also interconnected and complement each other. Thus, in the process of conducting observations and experiments on plants and animals or self-observations, schoolchildren have various questions, the answers to which they find in popular science and literature. scientific literature, and then after working with it (extracurricular reading) they again turn to experiments and observations to clarify and visually reinforce the knowledge gained from books.

A study of the experience of schools shows that extracurricular work in biology is carried out in all its forms. Almost every school has a naturalistic club, and various public events, individual and group occasional lessons are organized. However, extracurricular work often comes down to organizing exhibitions of students’ summer work, holding competitions, Biology Week, and Bird Day. The rest of the time, care is usually provided. indoor plants, the publication of newsletters based on the use of materials from popular science periodicals, “Clocks” are held entertaining biology" Meanwhile, the specificity of extracurricular work in biology - the science that studies living things - is associated with such types of work that include independent research by schoolchildren, put them in the position of discoverers, and arouse real interest in the knowledge of nature.

MBOU "Basic secondary school No. 15"

Extracurricular activity in biology

for students in grades 7-8

“Health is great!”

Biology teacher

Korotina Svetlana Nikolaevna

Stary Oskol

2013-2014 academic year

Target: formation of students’ value attitude towards their health. Tasks:– expand students’ understanding of healthy life; contribute to the formation positive attitude to health as the greatest value; - modeling of life perspective from the standpoint of a value-based attitude to health.

Progress of the lesson

    Conversation “What is health? »
The topic of our class hour “Health is great.” Since ancient times, when people met, they wished each other health: “Hello,” “Good health!” And this is no coincidence. After all, still in Ancient Rus' They said: “Health is more valuable than wealth,” “You can’t buy health,” “God gave health, but we will find happiness.” Indeed, health is necessary for every person. What meaning do you give to the concept of “health”? ( Students' judgments). Thanks for interesting definitions, it feels like a health problem is in your field of attention. Every adult will tell you that health is the greatest value, but for some reason today’s youth name money, career, love, fame among their main values, and put health in 7-8 place. It has long been established that health should be monitored from childhood. Let's do a little testing about your health; you are offered a list of statements, each of which requires a “yes” or “no” answer. This information will be useful, first of all, to you.

Test "Your health".

1. I often have poor appetite. 2. After several hours of work, my head starts to hurt. 3. I often look tired and depressed, sometimes irritated and gloomy. 4. From time to time I have serious illnesses when I have to stay at home for several days. 5. I hardly do any sports. 6. B lately I have gained some weight. 7. I often feel dizzy. 8. Currently I smoke. 9. As a child, I suffered several serious illnesses. 10.I have bad dream And discomfort in the morning after waking up. For each “yes” answer, give yourself 1 point and calculate the total.Results.1-2 points. Despite some signs of deterioration, you are in good shape. Under no circumstances give up efforts to maintain your well-being. 3-6 points. Your attitude towards your health can hardly be called normal; you can already feel that you have upset it quite thoroughly. 7-10 points. How did you manage to get yourself to this point? It's amazing that you are still able to walk and work. You need to change your habits immediately, otherwise... Drawing up a diagram« Healthy lifestyle" Now let's think about our lifestyle and draw up a “Healthy Lifestyle” scheme. To live your life wisely, you need to know a lot. Remember two main rules for starters: You’d better starve than eat anything, And it’s better to be alone than with just anyone.
- What makes up a healthy lifestyle? (Students express their opinions) 1. Healthy eating; 2. Daily routine; 3. Active activities and active recreation; 4. Absence bad habits. So, what is a healthy diet and what do you eat it with? (Student speeches ). The floor is given to a creative group of students "Healthy nutrition". 1. Proper nutrition is the basis healthy image . At healthy eating morbidity decreases, improves psychological state, your mood improves, and most importantly, your performance and interest in learning activities increases.After a big break they lie in the trash can empty bottles from the lemonade bottle, let's talk a little about what are we drinking? Soda contains acid, which eats away tooth enamel and promotes tooth decay. For example, in apple juice contains many times more acid. The only difference is that there it is natural, although it corrodes tooth enamel, but does not wash away calcium, as it does phosphoric acid(E338). Most often it is used in sodas. Sodas also contain carbon dioxide , which stimulates gastric secretion, increases acidity and promotes flatulence. Well, of course caffeine. If you abuse the drink, you can get caffeine addiction or intoxication. Its signs are anxiety, agitation, insomnia, stomach pain, cramps, tachycardia. In some doses, caffeine can be fatal. Perhaps the most insidious thing about sparkling water is container. Aluminum cans help spread dangerous, contagious diseases. At the moment of opening the can comes into contact with its contents. various types staphylococci, as well as bacteria that cause salmonellosis and enterocolitis, the liquid spills over the lid and, together with all the bacteria, ends up inside us. To reduce the harm from any soda you must follow simple rules: 1. Drink it cold. The destruction of tooth enamel also depends on the temperature of the drink. In America, people drink more soda than in Europe, but it is always served with ice, and American children have less dental damage. 2. Drink through a straw to avoid contact with the can. 3. Limit yourself to one glass 1-2 times a week. 4. Avoid soda if you suffer from obesity, diabetes, gastritis, or ulcers. Now let's talk about the problem of our class, these are bags of chips and crackers that are always lying around and quite large quantities, therefore one cannot help but focus on the fact that hthen we eat? Taste qualities chips and crackers are achieved through the use of various flavorings (although for some reason manufacturers call them spices). There are also chips without flavors, i.e. with its own natural taste, but according to statistics, most of our compatriots prefer to eat chips with additives: cheese, bacon, mushrooms, caviar. Needless to say today that in fact there is no caviar - its taste and smell were added to the chips with the help of flavorings. The best hope is that the taste and smell were obtained without the use of synthetic additives if the chips smell of onion or garlic. Although the chances are still slim. Most often, the taste of chips is artificial. Known codes food additives, which, based on their effect on the human body, can be given the following characteristics:
Prohibited – E103, E105, E111, E121, E123, E125, E126, E130, E152.
Dangerous – E102, E110, E120, E124, E127.
Suspicious - E104, E122, E141, E150, E171, E173, E180, E241, E477.
Crustaceans – E131, E210-217, E240, E330.
Causing intestinal upset – E221-226.
Harmful to the skin – E230-232, E239.
Causing pressure disturbances – E250, E251.
Those that provoke the appearance of a rash are E311, E312.
Cholesterol-increasing – E320, E321.
Causing stomach upset – E338-341, E407, E450, E461-466
We talked to you about poor nutrition, and now we’ll name foods that are good to eat to stay healthy: fruits, vegetables, fish, legumes. Now I will call useful qualities product, and guess what they belong to.

Lettuce, dill, parsley.

Greens – good prevention heart attack, improves water balance, has a beneficial effect on anemia and vitamin deficiency.Celery.The ancient Greeks and Romans could not do without it either on weekdays or on holidays. The high nutritional and healing benefits of this plant are determined by more than forty flavoring, vitamin and biologically active substances. Research by American scientists has shown that the roots of this plant are ideal remedy to lower blood pressure.


Eating this vegetable is very beneficial for vision and for the prevention of cancer.


This vegetable improves cholesterol metabolism and is a strong anti-allergen.


And this vegetable improves intestinal function, reduces blood pressure. The presence of iodine in this root vegetable makes it valuable for preventing thyroid disease and strengthening the immune system. Provides the body with phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium and chlorine.


This vegetable is low in calories, but it is high in folic acid, which means that it accelerates the removal of cholesterol, excess water and table salt from the body, enhances the ability of insulin to lower sugar levels and promotes the formation of red blood cells in the blood.


They have a general strengthening effect. Good for the kidneys cardiovascular system. Metabolism.


They increase the strength of capillary vessels, have an anti-sclerotic effect, and promote the removal of water and table salt from the body.


General strengthening fruits, useful for anemia.


Improves digestion in atherosclerosis and hypertension.

black currant

Rich in vitamin C.

2. The floor is given to the creative group of students “ Daily routine" If you strive to follow the routine, you will study better, you will rest better. Dream has a very positive effect on the human body. There is a lot of controversy around how much sleep a person needs? Previously, it was stated that a child - 10-12 hours, a teenager - 9-10 hours, an adult - 8 hours. Now many people come to the conclusion that it’s all individual, some need more, some need less. But the main thing is that a person should not feel tired after sleep and be cheerful all day. I start the proverb, and you finish it.


1. From good sleep... You get younger 2. Sleep is the best ... Medicine 3. Get enough sleep - ... You get younger 4. You get enough sleep - it’s like being born again ...
Many of us do not know how to follow a daily routine, do not save time, and waste not only minutes, but also entire hours. 3.The floor is given to a creative group of students "Active activity and active recreation." Alternation of work and rest is necessary. Statistics: a sedentary lifestyle is one of the leading 10 causes of death and disability worldwide. Shortage physical activity is the cause of 2 million deaths per year. Less than 30% of young people lead an active lifestyle sufficient to maintain their health in the future. increases life expectancy. It has been established that people who play sports 5 times a week live 4 years longer than those who turn to sports occasionally. Only walking, running, cycling, skiing, skating, swimming can set your life in motion, and where is movement? there is health. 4. Creative group "Bad habits." What habits do we call bad?


From history

Smoking tobacco dates back to ancient times. Having landed on the shores of America, Columbus and his companions saw the natives holding bunches of smoking grass in their mouths. Tobacco came to France from Spain; it was brought by Ambassador Jean Nicot as a gift to Queen Catherine de Medici. The word “nicotine” comes from the surname “Nico.” Punishment was applied for smoking in many countries, for example, in China, a student caught smoking will face a grueling punishment - training on an exercise bike. At the end of the 16th century in England people were executed for smoking, and the heads of those executed with a pipe in their mouth were displayed in the square. In Turkey, smokers were impaled. During the reign of Mikhail Romanov, smoking was punishable by death. Anyone found with tobacco “should be tortured and beaten on a goat with a whip until he admits where he got it from...”. ALCOHOLISM - chronic disease caused by systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages. Manifests itself as physical and mental dependence on alcohol, mental and social degradation, pathology internal organs, metabolism, central and peripheral nervous system. Alcoholic psychoses often occur.


According to the internationally accepted definition, drug addiction is a mental disorder consisting of a strong desire to take a certain substance (or a substance from a certain group) to the detriment of other activities and persistent continuation of the use of the substance despite the harmful consequences. A synonym for the term drug addiction is the concept of “addiction” . A group of drugs in the narrow sense of the word consists of the so-called opiates - substances that are extracted from poppy seeds: morphine, codeine, heroin. When we talk about drug addiction, we mean substances that form a mental dependence on their consumption. Thus, currently the term " narcotic substance"(narcotic) is used in relation to those poisons or substances that can cause a hypnotic, analgesic or stimulant effect. According to the internationally accepted definition, drug addiction is a mental disorder consisting of a strong desire to take a certain substance (or a substance from a certain group) to the detriment of other activities and persistent continuation of the use of the substance despite the harmful consequences. A synonym for the term drug addiction is the concept of “dependence.”4 . Final word Guys, today we talked about the fact that health is the greatest value for a person. I wish you:
    - never get sick; -eat right; -be cheerful; -do good deeds.

The presentation was prepared for a biology game in grades 5-6. Any educational complex.

Target: Expanding students' horizons about early flowering plants.

Tasks: promote the development of cognitive activity of students; develop intellectual abilities and logical thinking; introduce students to primroses using riddles as an example.

The presentation contains riddles, answers to them and illustrations about early flowering plants. Changing slides and objects on them is done by clicking. First, the text of the riddle comes out, then the name of the plant and an illustration. For each correct answer - 1 point.

The extracurricular event “You’ll be healthy, you’ll get everything” takes place in the form intellectual game.

The goal of the intellectual game through game moments of the program is to set students up for a healthy lifestyle, develop healthy lifestyle habits, and introduce them to new information.

  • identify how well students have information about what health and a healthy lifestyle are
  • promote the formation of healthy lifestyle skills among students

Equipment: the office is decorated with posters with statements from writers, scientists, sayings about a healthy lifestyle, a multimedia projector, and a presentation.

This game is intended for children in grade 5. Suitable for biology week. The number of participating teams may vary, but not more than 5.

The game consists of two rounds. In Round I, you need to select the category and cost of the issue. When you press the clock hand, the time given for discussing the issue will begin to count down. By clicking on the piece of paper in the lower right corner, you can return to the slide with a selection of questions. In Round 2, teams take turns eliminating the category whose question they do not want to answer. When there is one question left, you need to click on the piece of paper and the question will be highlighted. Time for discussion this issue you can choose yourself.

Target audience: for 5th grade

What is LIFE? Why am I living? What is my purpose?

In a form that is unobtrusive for teenagers, the author suggests finding answers and understanding the meaning of life: family, friends, sports, learning, travel. And, most importantly, it gives confidence that the future depends on ourselves, that life is a priceless gift that should be treasured.
The presentation is set up automatically. Additionally equipped with a sound file by M. Bernes “I love you, life” (backing track), which must be listened to quietly.

Target audience: for 10th grade

Presentation virtual tour “Records in flora» created to carry out extracurricular activity in biology in 6th grade.

This resource contains interesting facts about unusual plants of our planet using photo and video materials.

The presentation can also be used on class hour, in extracurricular activities, or at an extracurricular event by primary school teachers.

Target audience: for 6th grade

The resource consists of two information and game blocks:
"Riddles about mushrooms"
Interactive test “Assemble the puzzles”
This resource can be used in biology lessons in grades 5-6 when studying the kingdom of mushrooms, in extracurricular activities of the teacher, during a week of natural sciences.
The game can be played as a team or as an individual competition.
The presentation was created in Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2013. The main font is Calibri, 24 point.
Technological techniques were used: “apple on a plate”, “animated puzzles”. Control buttons, triggers, and hyperlinks are used.

Target audience: for 6th grade

This quiz was conducted in an after-school group on Earth Day with middle school students. This material can also be used in their work class teachers, ecology, biology teacher for extracurricular activities. The quiz expands knowledge about birds, animals, insects, amphibians, fish and marine animals. It instills in children a humane attitude towards nature and a sense of responsibility for all life on earth.

Target audience: for 5th grade

The presentation was prepared for an extracurricular activity in biology. Can also be used in a biology lesson. This event is aimed at developing logical thinking, interest in the subject of biology. The game is accompanied by musical backgrounds. Sound accompaniment is provided automatically. During the game, questions appear sequentially on the slides, then answers. Thanks to the configured triggers for the figures, the amount that the player receives as a result of the correct answer is displayed in the right corner of the slide. At the same time, the color of the correct answer figure changes and the rectangles with incorrect answers disappear. In some slides, when you click the correct answer, the question simultaneously disappears and a picture of the correct answer appears. During the game, the points are summed up and the presenter shows them on a slide. Under question on each slide there are two fields and one “Player” button. The presenter enters the points in the first field and presses the button. As a result, the earned point appears on the second field. On the next slide, the presenter enters the points from the previous game in the first field and clicks on the “Player” button. Next, the earned point is entered into first field, and The points are automatically added up by pressing the button. A summary of the event is attached to the presentation.