General characteristics of the main business planning techniques. Methodology for creating a business plan

A business plan acts as an objective assessment of one’s own entrepreneurial activity companies and at the same time necessary tool design and investment decisions in accordance with market needs. It characterizes the main aspects of a business enterprise, analyzes the problems it will face, and identifies ways to solve them. Consequently, a business plan is simultaneously a search, research and design work.

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IN developed countries Every organization should have a business plan, carefully thought out, systematically adjusted in accordance with changing conditions. Its absence is a significant shortcoming of the enterprise, reflecting the weakness of the company's management. In Russian practice, the business plan has become widespread since the 90s, when the transition to a market investment mechanism required a change in the principles of financing capital investments.
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The development of a new model of investment planning was caused, on the one hand, by a reduction in public investment, which necessitated the need to search for alternative sources of financing, and on a repayable basis; on the other hand, the tasks of achieving compliance of developed projects with international standards.

The main tool of planners is planning methods. Modern practice and theory have rich tools that allow solving a wide range of issues. Many planning methods are well known to everyone, and they can be applied not only to planning. In this article you will learn several basic planning methods. A certain part of them has been formed and brought to the economic and mathematical level, and the rest has a special description. All planning methods can be applied both in combination and separately from each other.

The main planning methods are: normative, experimental-statistical, balance sheet and economic-mathematical methods.

Each of these methods has many varieties, calculation methods and techniques. For example, the balance method is associated with the establishment of cost and material proportions in certain indicators. This method is usually applied in the form of tables that contain the sources and availability of resource formation, and their corresponding needs.

Experimental-statistical method focused on the results actually achieved in the past. Their extrapolation determines the plan for the claim indicator. This basic planning method is very simple and widely applicable in planning calculations.

Techno-economic calculation method or normative method. It is based on the use of standard costs and standards of material and living labor to find variables.

Economic-mathematical method is that it allows, with less time and money, to determine the numerical expression of the relationships between complex economic, social, technological and other processes that are mediated in indicators.

Nowadays, planning methods such as:

Stability check
- sensitivity method
- method of side-by-side analysis
- and so on.

Such methods are used in conditions market economy.

Thanks to sensitivity analysis it is possible to determine how much the effectiveness of the event that was planned may change if the conditions for its implementation change. The stronger this dependence is, the higher the risk of implementing the planned event.

Checking stability. This method is similar to the sensitivity analysis method. The main goal of this method is the probability of foreseeing the course of events at the time of implementation of the plan.

Limit analysis makes it possible to control and establish profitable ratios of income and costs of the enterprise. If the goal of an enterprise is profit, then marginal analysis will be considered an important method for achieving it.

One of the important planning tools is rate of return on invested capital. The basis of this method is a calculation that shows the relationship between the organization’s income and its capital.

Discounting- This is a planning method that is based on bringing future expenses to a certain starting point in time.

Plan indicators– the next element of the planning methodology. Indicators that are applicable in economic calculations may have different classifications:

According to the role of management, they are divided into:
- mandatory,
- directive,
- calculated and optional for use.

According to their economic content, they are:
- natural,
- cost,
- and labor.

In relation to activities they are divided into:
- high-quality,
- quantitative.

In relation to the co-measurer there are:
- absolute
- relative.

By role in economic work are divided into:
- planned,
- forecast,
- actual.

According to the criterion, mathematical calculations are divided into:
- average,
- ordinary,
- limit,
- incremental,
- index.

Now you know what basic planning methods exist, and which of them can be called modern methods planning.

Figure 4

Source: Brink I. Yu., Savelyeva N. A. Business plan of the enterprise. Theory and practice / Series “Textbooks and teaching aids" Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2002.

A business plan for the financial recovery of an enterprise is drawn up for insolvent enterprises and has its own special structure and logic of presentation. It is created without fail and serves:

to develop an enterprise survival strategy;

drawing up a plan for carrying out reorganization procedures;

organizing enterprise management during a crisis or in anticipation of one;

justification of the need and possibility of providing the enterprise with state support.(3)

Most business plans are investment (costly) nature. The amount of investment required to implement a business plan depends on all of the listed bases for their classification, primarily on the scale and duration.

TO investment usually refer to plans or projects whose main purpose is to invest in different kinds business to make a profit. This group of business plans includes innovative projects, which include a system of various innovations that ensure the continuous development of organizational and economic systems. (4)

Investment projects can be differentiated according to a number of classification characteristics:

1. By scale (size) there are:

· small projects that are small in volume. This, for example, is the creation of pilot industrial installations, the construction of small buildings, structures, and small-capacity enterprises;

megaprojects are targeted programs containing many interrelated projects united common goal, resources allocated for implementation and time allotted for their implementation. They can be international, state, national, regional, intersectoral, sectoral.

2. According to implementation deadlines, the following are distinguished:

· short-term projects (for up to 3 years);

· medium-term projects (for a period of 3 to 5 years);

· long-term projects (for a period of over 5 years).

3. According to the degree of limitation of the resources used, the following are distinguished:

· projects for which resource restrictions are not set in advance (for example, projects of a strategic nature);

· projects with restrictions on certain types of resources (by project execution time;

· projects with limitations on many types of resources (time, project cost, labor intensity, etc.)

Within the framework of one organization, a general strategic plan, including the entire set of goals, and individual business plans according to the above typology. Business plans are focused primarily on innovation; unlike a strategic plan, they have clearly defined time boundaries with specific developments, while the strategic plan can be reviewed and adjusted as the next annual plan is implemented and the corresponding situational analysis is carried out.

Close to a business plan and so familiar before Russian entrepreneurs document as a feasibility study (feasibility study). But the main difference between a business plan is its strategic focus, entrepreneurial nature, flexible combination of production, technical, financial and market aspects of activity based on the internal capabilities of the organization and the external environment.

To develop a business plan, methods or manuals are used, the choice of which is now quite wide for project initiators. This literature is mostly necessary and useful, although there are clearly unfinished methods, and some with errors. Many of them have the following in common:

The methodology is based on a description of the structure of the business plan (sequence of sections);

IN general outline it talks about how and what needs to be written in each section;

Examples of writing a business plan are given;

The appendix indicates the cost structure and provides regulations;

Designed for managers who must study methods and a whole range of related literature, collect information according to a general scheme and, based on general recommendations, develop a business plan.(4)

The most common methods for developing business plans are foreign methods: the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the World Bank for Reconstruction and Development (WBRD), the International Finance Corporation (IFC) - the structure of the World Bank Monetary Fund, as well as UNIDO (developed by a Vienna laboratory), etc. (see Table 3).

Table 3 – Main characteristics of foreign methods for developing a business plan

What is the main working tool of an entrepreneur? First of all, these are a variety of business planning methods. There are many techniques both in theory and in practice. Some are constantly in use, others are formalized. However, they only work together. A bunch of ready-made options You can find such approaches in business, and, if desired, purchase them.

Main directions

The key methods used in planning business projects include a set of techniques such as:

  • regulatory;
  • balance;
  • economics and mathematics;
  • experimental and statistical.

All of the listed areas represent a whole complex of subspecies, types of calculations and techniques. For example, balance sheet approaches differ in establishing proportions between indicators and value. This also includes material techniques.

In what form is this business planning methodology used? Entrepreneurs usually use it in table format, with which they can check:

  • various indicators;
  • validity and rationality of calculations;
  • interaction of different sections.

As an example, we can note the characteristics of labor resources, production capacity and working hours.

Experimental and statistical techniques

Another category of planning methods is called experimental-statistical. This methodology and organization of competent business planning is aimed at taking into account past results and already achieved results. These techniques are extremely simple. That is why they are widely used even by novice entrepreneurs. This technique includes the following techniques:

Regulatory methods, also called technical and economic, involve the use and consideration of labor standards. These quantities are variable. However, they perfectly help entrepreneurs plan technical and economic figures and draw up planning targets. Norms of financial resources, labor, tax rates, consumption of materials, raw materials and fuel, as well as other indicators are planned using this methodology.

How does the economic-mathematical model work?

Models from the economic-mathematical category deserve special attention. These business planning techniques are focused on a productive search for a rational amount of time and resources. In addition, this type of techniques allows you to coordinate technological, socio-economic and other complex processes.

However, it is worth considering that the obtained indicators will be indirect. Moreover, in the context of modern business projects, almost any indicator can be planned using this methodology. The peculiarity of this group of techniques is that it eliminates subjectivity during the planning of entrepreneurial programs.

In this regard, methods related to:

  • graph theory;
  • mathematical programming;
  • probability theory;
  • simulation methods.

Variety of modern techniques

Stability testing, sensitivity techniques, limit analysis are no less important in modern conditions. Entrepreneurs also actively use in planning the rates of profitability that can be obtained by investing financial capital. A market economy in its present state practically cannot exist without these techniques, despite the fact that quite recently they were not considered at all.

Sensitivity analysis is a special method that allows you to assess the degree of changes regarding the implementation of planned activities in the context of a business project.

This technique is a real boon for those entrepreneurs who require:

  • conduct a comparative analysis of several programs;
  • identify all factors influencing entrepreneurship;
  • decrease Negative influence risk objects;
  • determine the impact on the project of loan interest, sales volume, and prices.

Stability check

Another common and important method is stability testing. This method has some similarities to sensitivity analysis. However, its task is to be able to somewhat predict further development events. Moreover, this can be done during the implementation of the business plan.

Effectively about business. Business Planning: Video

This is accomplished through the use of a variety of methods.

⚡ Planning methods⚡ is the main tool of planners. Modern theory and practice have a rich toolkit that allows them to solve a wide range of issues. Many methods are well known and are used not only in planning.

Some methods are formalized and brought to the level of economic and mathematical models, others have a weak description. All these methods can be used separately and in combination.

Practitioners may not know all of them, but it is still advisable to have an idea about them, to know their essence and possibilities of application.

Basic planning methods

  • balance
  • experimental-statistical
  • normative
  • economic-mathematical

Each of these methods includes dozens, or even hundreds of varieties, techniques and calculation methods.

Balance sheet method– characterized by the establishment of material and cost proportions in indicators. Typically used in the form of balancing tables containing the availability and sources of resource generation and corresponding needs.

With its help, the validity of calculations and the interrelation of sections and indicators at various stages of planning are checked. An example is the balance of working time, the balance of production capacity, and labor resources.

Experimental-statistical method– characterized by an orientation towards the results actually achieved in the past, from the extrapolation of which the plan for the desired indicator is determined. This planning method is quite simple and is widely used in planning calculations. Well-known techniques of this method are: calculation using an arithmetic average, using a moving average, expert calculation, calculation based on the annual percentage of changes, etc. But this method has a significant drawback - the planned indicator will reflect the current level of work with its errors in the past.

Normative method(method of technical and economic calculations) is based on the use of norms and standards for the consumption of living and material labor to determine variable values.

Used to justify quantitative measures of planned targets or technical and economic calculations.

An example is the norms of consumption of raw materials, materials, fuel, labor, financial resources per unit of production, tax rates, etc., which are being developed and widely used in practice.

Economic and mathematical methods and models.
Their essence is that they allow, with less time and money, to find a quantitative expression of the relationship between complex socio-economic, technological and other processes mediated in indicators. In modern conditions, almost any indicator can be planned using the economic and mathematical method. The use of this group of methods helps eliminate subjectivity in planning and increases the scientific level of validity of the plan. However, the use of these methods requires an accurate mathematical description of the economic problem and often an expert assessment of the data obtained.

The most common methods in modern conditions are methods of probability theory (correlation, regression, game theory), mathematical programming, simulation methods, graph theory, etc.

Particularly popular planning methods

  • sensitivity method
  • stability check
  • limit analysis
  • rate of return on invested capital
  • and etc.

These methods are inherent in planning in a market economy and have not previously been considered in domestic practice.

Sensitivity Analysis– allows you to assess how much the effectiveness of the planned event will change if the conditions for its implementation or one of the initial parameters change. The stronger this dependence, the higher the risk of implementing the planned event.

Sensitivity analysis can be used:

  1. To identify the factors that most influence the results of the implementation of the planned event (changes in income depending on changes in prices for products, raw materials, output volume, etc.). Knowledge of these factors and their influence allows us to identify and take into account in advance, and, consequently, reduce their negative consequences.
  2. For a comparative analysis of projects when deciding whether to include them in the plan. For each project, sensitivity to change is determined various factors: prices, sales volume, interest rates on loan. Preference is given to the least sensitive criterion.

Checking stability. This method is similar in form to sensitivity analysis.

Its main goal is to foresee the course of events in the process of implementing the plan that may occur in the external environment and internal environment enterprises.

The essence of the method is the development of scenarios for the development of events in the basic and most dangerous options for implementing the plan.

Income, losses, and performance indicators are determined.

The advantage of this method is that it allows one to evaluate the simultaneous influence of several parameters on the final results.

Limit analysis. This method allows you to control and establish a profitable ratio of costs and income of the enterprise.

If profit is the goal of an enterprise, then marginal analysis is an important method for achieving it.

Marginal analysis in planning can be used to set prices for products, sales volumes, etc. One of the options for marginal analysis is the break-even point.

Rate of return on invested capital– the most important planning tool. This method is based on a calculation showing the relationship between the income of an enterprise and its capital. With its help, the feasibility of capital investments is determined, costs are planned, and the effectiveness of past planning decisions is assessed.

The main advantages of this method include its simplicity, compliance main goal activities of the enterprise, as well as the fact that it is not related to sales volume.

Today, when calculating this indicator, various types of capital are used, which significantly expands the area of ​​its application. So, the rate of profit on equity characterizes the financial results of the work, the capital used is an indicator of the enterprise’s activity, etc.

Discounting– a method of bringing future expenses to the initial point in time (the moment of investment).

Takes into account changes in the value of cash income and costs during the period of implementation of the planned event.
Bringing income of future years to the time of investment is carried out using the following formula:

  • Dп = Dг / (1+r)_to_the_power_t

where Дn – present income, rub.; Dg – annual income from capital investments, calculated at the time of their implementation, rub.; r – discount factor; t – serial number year of the ghost.

Plan indicators

A plan indicator is a numerically expressed characteristic of a property (phenomenon, process) of an economic object. Indicators used in economic calculations can be classified on various grounds:

1. By role in management:

  • directive, mandatory
  • calculated, non-binding

2. According to economic content:

  • natural
  • cost
  • labor

3. In relation to activities:

  • quantitative
  • quality

4. In relation to the co-measurer:

  • absolute
  • relative, i.e. expressed in relation to another indicator

5. By role in economic work:

  • forecast
  • planned
  • actual

6. According to the criterion of mathematical calculations:

  • volumetric
  • average
  • incremental
  • limit
  • index

Indicators across the facility are combined by the system. A system of economic indicators is a complex of interrelated characteristics of an object. These characteristics can be interconnected economically, technologically, and organizationally.

The system of indicators reflects:

  1. organization, volume and structure of work;
  2. real connections between economic entities;
  3. a unified standardized and mandatory calculation methodology.

All indicators in the system must be comparable in terms of calculation methods and other factors.