What does a logistician do in a transport company? A logistics company is an enterprise that provides services for the transportation, processing and storage of goods

Logistics is a large business in which many different companies are involved - transport, information, manufacturing... The position of a logistician in any of these companies is in demand and at the same time responsible.

A logistician is a specialist who organizes and coordinates the delivery of goods from production to points of sale. A good specialist always has several options for cargo delivery and knows how to ensure that the goods reach the consumer on time and at minimal cost.

Among logisticians there are a lot of specializations: buyers, transport logisticians, foreign trade specialists, warehouse managers and many narrow

Robots and modern logistics. One of the leaders in warehouse work automation is considered to be a trading company and at the same time the largest online store, Amazon. In 2018, they implemented more than a hundred robotic forklifts in warehouses, increasing operational efficiency by 22%. What a person does in one hour, a robot can do in 15 minutes.

Amazon continues its research and, perhaps, in the near future, US residents will see unmanned trucks delivering goods to various parts of America.

Places of work

The position of logistician is in demand primarily in companies involved in cargo transportation. In addition, logisticians are needed by any manufacturing company - from industrial enterprises to agricultural firms, since manufactured products must be delivered to customers.

History of the profession

“Logistics” is an ancient Greek concept that literally means “calculation, thinking.” And in Ancient Greece, and later in the Byzantine Empire, logistics was a way of organizing army supplies. And since wars happened everywhere in those days, the science of weapons transportation was in great demand. Gradually, from a method of providing troops, logistics moved “to a civilian position,” and the duties of a modern logistics manager began to be performed by merchants and trading companies expanding their trade beyond the borders of their hometown.

Responsibilities of a logistician

Basic job responsibilities logistics look like this:

  • Organization and coordination of cargo transportation.
  • Drawing up cargo transportation routes.
  • Control warehouse stocks and orders;
  • Document management (usually in 1C), control of contracts and invoices from contractors, preparation of reports.
  • Reception and control of vehicles.
  • Coordination of drivers' work.
  • Monitoring and analysis of logistics costs.

Also, the list of what a logistician does may include the following additional functions:

  • Generating commodity reports, analyzing accounts receivable and payable for accounting.
  • Distribution of goods in the warehouse (accounting for the availability of storage spaces).
  • Interaction with representatives of importing companies.
  • Notifying managers of partner companies about changes in prices and working conditions.
  • Activities in the field of foreign trade.

Requirements for a logistician

Mandatory requirements for a logistician:

  • Higher education.
  • Computer skills, knowledge of office programs and 1C.
  • Knowledge of document management basics.
  • Knowledge of transport legislation.
  • Work experience in your specialty or related fields.

In addition to what a logistician must know, employers often put forward additional requirements:

  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • Fluency in a foreign language (usually English, sometimes German or French).
  • Experience in the field of foreign trade:
    • knowledge of the regulatory framework for foreign trade activities, legislation in the field international transport;
    • experience working with customs;
    • Experience working with international carriers (railway, sea, air).
  • Knowledge of the basics warehouse accounting and inventory control systems.

In addition, often employing companies pay attention to the age of the applicant - it is usually indicated within the range of 23-35 years.

Logistician resume sample

How to become a logistician

Basic knowledge and skills of a logistician can be mastered by receiving a higher economic education. But more often than not, this is only enough to get a job as an assistant logistics manager and do small things.

Specialists gain the main experience in the process of work, because In cargo transportation, the situation, prices, and timing change very quickly. Information quickly becomes outdated and this requires constant self-education and participation in organizing transportation. It takes about 2 years to understand the market on good level and find a high-paying job in logistics.

If we simply answer the question of who a logistician is and what he does, we can say that he is a specialist whose responsibilities include the delivery of goods, their warehousing and the development of an optimal supply chain. However, such simple duties include many components.

What should a logistician do?

He must:

  • carry out calculations;
  • look for reliable partners;
  • analyze the transport services market;
  • prepare appropriate documentation.

What does a logistician do in transport company?

Its main task is to deliver goods in compliance with quality, quantity, volumes and deadlines. It is important to organize the process in such a way as to spend a minimum of effort and money. logistics – increasing the efficiency of the company.

The position of logistician is in demand primarily in companies involved in cargo transportation. In addition, logisticians work in manufacturing plants, since manufactured products always need to be delivered to customers.

A good logistician always has several ways to deliver goods in order to avoid force majeure and unnecessary additional costs for the company. Regardless of the circumstances (transport breakdown, plane delay, problems with customs, road repairs), the goods must be delivered on time. In addition, the logistician must constantly monitor adjustments legislative framework that directly relate to his activities.

What qualities should a logistician have?

The logistics profession is most suitable for people who are used to working independently, are responsible people and think creatively.

Logisticians are sociable and mobile people who are able to find mutual language with representatives of various professions. In addition, these people must have analytical skills and put together separate supply chains.

What should a logistician know and be able to do?

A competent logistician can significantly increase the efficiency of a company. What a logistician should know in order to become a good specialist and be useful - he must have excellent knowledge in economics, law, mathematics and others exact sciences, as well as be able to apply innovative technologies in their work and own the appropriate software.

Logistics is a complex process that includes many different components. Therefore, when hiring a logistician, the employer often makes another important requirement - that the logistician be able to see the entire process. The most sought-after specialists are those who not only understand transportation, but also know foreign languages and have perfect knowledge of warehouse and purchasing logistics.

What else should a transport logistician know?

Ideally, this should be a multidisciplinary specialist who:

In any company, the position of logistician is very important and honorable, however, as you can see, this specialist also bears considerable responsibility. After all, if the contract is not fulfilled and deliveries are disrupted, the company’s reputation is at risk. But enterprises directly depend on it.

There are many definitions of the concept of “logistics,” which indicates that all aspects and depths of its concept are unknown. On the other hand, the simultaneous existence of several definitions provides a more complete understanding of the nature, content and importance of this field of activity. In this regard Let's look at the most used her concepts.

Logistics- this is the delivery to a specific consumer of the required product of appropriate quality in the required quantity at a specified place and at a precisely appointed time at an acceptable price.

Logistics- This effective organization, planning, management and control over inventories of primary material resources (raw materials), semi-finished products, components, final finished products and spare parts for these finished products.

This definition focuses on the formation of inventories of material and technical resources.

Logistics is the process of planning, implementing and monitoring the efficiency of the flow and storage of material and technical resources and inventories.

The emphasis, as we see, is on the movement and storage of resources. Movement requires a choice of modes of transport, methods of transportation, direction of goods flows, including using our own vehicles. Moreover, choosing between your own capabilities and hiring transport is often a very difficult task that requires taking into account various economic factors.

In turn, organizing storage involves taking into account the number of goods, their sizes, volumes, design, and type. Accordingly, warehouses are created that have the necessary equipment and lifting vehicles, taking into account the volume of orders for material resources and final finished products, the timing of orders and other circumstances.

The named concepts of logistics refer to Western terminology. Our country has adopted a slightly different interpretation of logistics.

Logistics- this is planning, control and management of transportation, warehousing and other tangible and intangible operations performed in the process of bringing raw materials and materials to manufacturing enterprise, in-plant processing of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products, bringing finished products to the consumer in accordance with his interests and requirements, as well as transferring, storing and processing relevant information.

Logistics goal: achieving the highest efficiency of the company, increasing its competitiveness.

Main goals: improvement of product distribution management, creation of an integrated effective system for regulating and monitoring material and information flows that ensure high quality supply of products.

Object of study and management in logistics are material flows, which are the main ones. Related flows are information, financial and service.

Subject the study of logistics is the optimization of resources in a certain economic system when managing main and accompanying flows.

Logistics includes: purchasing logistics related to providing production with materials; production logistics; sales logistics (marketing or distribution). Each of the listed logistics is associated with transport logistics and information logistics.

Objects of research

The main objects of research in logistics are:

  • chain;
  • system;
  • function;
  • information flow;
Logistics operation

This is a separate set of actions aimed at transforming the material and information flow. This operation is specified by the set initial conditions, environmental parameters, alternative strategies, characteristics of the objective function.

Logistics chain

This is a linearly ordered set of physical and legal entities(manufacturers, distributors, warehouse managers, etc.) carrying out logistics operations, including added value, to bring the material flow from the supplier to the consumer.

Logistics system

This adaptive system with feedback, performing certain logistics operations and having developed connections with external environment. It considers physical objects - industrial enterprises, territorial production complexes, trading enterprises, infrastructure of the economy of a particular country. At the same time, a distinction is made between a logistics system with direct connections (the material flow is brought to the consumer without the participation of intermediaries on the basis of in-line long-term economic relations) and echeloned (a multi-cascade, multi-level system in which the material flow on the way from the manufacturer to the consumer passes through at least one intermediary).

Logistic function

This is an enlarged group of operations, but aimed at realizing the goals of the logistics system, with the values ​​of the indicators being its output variables. TO logistics function include: procurement, supply, production, sales, distribution, transportation, warehousing, storage, inventory volume.

Material flow

These are products subjected to various logistics operations - transportation, warehousing, storage, loading and unloading. The material flow has dimensions in the form of volume, quantity, mass and is characterized by rhythm, determinism and intensity.

Information flow

This is a set of messages circulating in the logistics system, between it and the external environment, necessary for management and control. The information flow can exist in the form of a document flow or electronic document and is characterized by the direction, frequency, volume and speed of transmission. In logistics, there are horizontal, vertical, external, internal, input and output information flows.

Logistics costs

These are the costs of performing logistics operations (warehousing, transportation, collection, storage and transmission of data on orders, inventories, deliveries). In terms of their economic content, such costs partially coincide with the costs of production, transport, delivery of products, storage, costs of sending goods, packaging, etc.

Supply chain and service logistics

Based on the practice of production and economic activities of industrial enterprises and intermediary organizations, we can conclude that any company manufactures goods and at the same time provides various kinds services. In this regard, a two-part definition of logistics has been adopted, reflecting two main types of its activities - supply chain logistics and service logistics.

Supply chain logistics. This is a traditional process that reflects the organization of accumulation (warehousing, storage, inventory formation) and distribution (transportation, distribution channels, sales networks) of industrial and consumer goods.

It is the main organizational element in production process and in organizing the distribution of products. The classic supply chain can be represented as the following form: source of primary material resources (raw materials) - transportation (loading-unloading) - production of products (industrial enterprises) - transportation (loading-unloading) - warehousing (storage) - sellers (distribution centers) - end consumers (organizations and individuals).

Service logistics. This is the process of coordinating the intangible activities necessary to implement the service. Its effectiveness is determined by the level of satisfaction of customer requirements and costs.

Service logistics is a decisive factor in the activities of organizations providing various types of services. A service infrastructure must be established to coordinate and meet customer requirements. In manufacturing industries, service logistics is a relatively insignificant factor that has a limited impact on profits and competitiveness.

Comparative characteristics of supply chain logistics and service logistics

Supply Chain Logistics Service logistics
Sales Forecasting Service Forecasting
Determination of sources of raw materials and materials Establishing potential clients and partners
Planning and organization of production Organization of work of personnel and equipment
Delivery of materials Collection of information
Inventory Management Data processing
Storage of raw materials and materials Training
Processing orders from various consumers Determining the requirements of potential clients
Choosing a rational distribution system Formation of a network of service channels
Warehousing of goods Data storage
Distribution control Communication control
Carrying out transportation Planning and time management
Formation of acceptable product prices Formation of acceptable cost of services

The main thing that distinguishes services from material goods is that the service itself does not exist. Material resources in the form of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products can be consumed or remain inactive. The service needs an object as a source of work. It could be a person or technical device. Services do not have technical characteristics, they are intangible, and their quality is assessed based on the results of the work performed.

At the same time, services are classified according to several criteria: source of work - using technical means (various types of repairs) and the absence of tools (for example, consultations); relationship with the consumer - mandatory presence (for example, medical care) or absence (for example, repairs); type of consumer - organizations or individual consumers.

Distribution levels

Before considering global systems, let us dwell on the levels (positions) of distribution in logistics (using the example of consumer goods). These are suppliers of primary material resources (raw materials), producers of semi-finished products, final finished product, information Center, logistics platforms (warehouses), wholesalers or retailers, final individual consumers. Let's look at each level (position) in more detail.

Suppliers supply various types of raw materials (mineral, artificial, agricultural), fuel and energy resources, a certain range of basic and auxiliary materials, i.e. processed or partially processed raw materials.

Manufacturers of semi-finished products produce basic and auxiliary materials, forgings, stampings, castings, and components. Manufacturers of the final finished product carry out the production, including assembly, of goods for industrial or consumer purposes.

The clearinghouse is the only level in distribution where there is no physical movement of resources and products. Here customer orders for goods are processed and office work, collection reference information, regulatory data regulating logistics processes are monitored, operational information on the movement of products in the distribution system is analyzed and, on the basis of this, product distribution processes are adjusted.

Logistics platforms are divided into intermediate (sorting), transport and warehouses at points of sale of goods. Wholesalers or retailers sell products through a network of stores. The final individual consumer purchases finished products for home, family or personal consumption.

Global systems

American system

The basis of the American system is the “resources-production” relationship. The individual consumer's opinion about the product (quantity, quality, design, reasonable price) is determined by the manufacturer of the finished product. It collects data by mail, telephone, questionnaires and observation at points of sale. The information and production supply chain looks like this: individual consumer - manufacturer of the finished product - manufacturer of semi-finished products - supplier of raw materials ( Feedback in the logistics chain). Next, there is a direct production connection: from the supplier of raw materials to the individual consumer.

The advantage of the American system is that an effective balance is achieved when the number of goods produced coincides with the number of potential consumers - supply and demand coincide. Another advantage is that the option of storing large stocks of finished products and, accordingly, stocks of intermediate products - semi-finished products and primary material resources - is excluded.

The disadvantage is that the manufacturer’s forecast, despite the conducted marketing research of potential consumers, may not come true, since due to certain circumstances (changes in fashion, increased competition), the opinion of the individual consumer may change. Then the supply-demand balance is disrupted, and the goods produced may not find a consumer.

European system

The basis of the European system is reserves. Here, the merchant finds out the opinion of individual consumers about the product. Otherwise, the production procedure and information-production connections (both direct and reverse) are identical American system(the initial position of the reverse logistics relationship, instead of the manufacturer of the finished product, is the wholesaler and retailer).

The advantage of the European system is that it allows the individual consumer to purchase required item(from the offered selection) in almost unlimited quantities, since the system is built on stocks of finished products in a wide range of each type produced.

The disadvantage of the European system is the presence of significant stocks of products, which leads to costs for their storage (preservation and re-preservation, maintaining a strict regime of specified temperature values, compliance with humidity standards, various types of preventive work), and therefore additional warehouse costs. In this regard, it should be noted that experts have long come to the conclusion that freezing financial resources in terms of material and technical resources it is unprofitable.

To meet the various needs of intermediate and final consumers of products, the American system provides for the production of goods based on predicted demand. European system is based on providing the consumer with a certain choice of products in the presence of significant stored volumes.

Japanese system

The Japanese system is fundamentally different from the American and European ones both in its approach to the problem of production and in its implementation. Its basis is the order. Neither the manufacturer nor the seller finds out the end consumer's opinion about the product. Thus, there is no “manufacturer-seller” relationship here. The end consumer himself appears at the seller, and the order for the product comes from him. In this case, the seller must satisfy the buyer's requests by providing him with exactly the product he requested.

It is noteworthy that in the Japanese system, the information and production chain of logistics “final consumer - supplier of raw materials” is completely opposite: “supplier of raw materials - final consumer”. Her distinctive feature is that the manufacturer of the final finished product is constantly in a state of waiting for an order from the consumer. The system does not have a production forecast, and the manufacturer of the finished product is based on the opinion of the end consumer expressed in the order.

The advantage of the Japanese logistics system is maximum flexibility both when ordering a finished product and when ordering semi-finished products and primary material resources. The end consumer does not choose a product from the proposed range, but orders an individual product in accordance with his taste and requirements.

The disadvantage of the Japanese system is that the manufacturer is constantly waiting for an order for the manufacture of a specific product and, having received it, begins to fulfill it, which takes some time. If in the USA and Europe the end consumer does not expect a product, but quickly purchases it (though not always the one that is required by the individual buyer), then in Japan he expects an order, and, moreover, additionally pays for the urgency of execution. Nevertheless, Western experts believe that the future of logistics lies in the Japanese system.

Main goals

Product distribution is complicated by choice Vehicle. Sea vessels of significant displacement, road, rail, aviation, and pipeline transport are used. The choice of options for warehousing and storing material and technical resources in ports, at regional bases and points of sale, systems for distributing goods to small stores, organizing sales, managing product flow, the ratio of optimal reserves raw materials, semi-finished products, components, finished products and spare parts in warehouses at various levels. All this poses certain challenges for commodity producers and transport companies.

Ultimately, all operations for transportation, warehousing and storage of products and raw materials should be reduced from a logistics perspective to minimizing costs at each of these stages. Minimizing costs involves taking into account the entire complex of information flows (regulatory, reference, operational and analytical data) that ensure the solution of specific problems with the help of computerization.

Infrastructure in the economic sphere, which is developing at a fairly significant pace, in turn gives rise to new tasks and problems that require solutions at minimal costs at all levels of product distribution. Therefore the whole arose scientific direction logistics, including macrologistics (optimization of product distribution on the scale of regional, international and other markets) and micrologistics (organization of product distribution at a separate enterprise).

Logistics in this sense is considered as mathematical logic, which has a number of applied areas that implement tasks in certain areas of economics, technology, management and marketing.

Logistics, developing minimization and optimization methods in each link of the overall chain, forms specific provisions, programs and standards for production, transportation, shipment, warehousing and storage, distribution. These developments are prepared for each distribution system: manufacturing enterprise, intermediary, enterprise providing various types of services, for retail and wholesale trade.

We can say that logistics currently acts both as a science and as a practice, covering all areas of activity in production, distribution, distribution and consumption of products. The main goal Logistics is the uninterrupted provision of the growing needs of the population at minimal cost.

Industrial enterprises that produce goods for industrial and consumer purposes, and enterprises that provide service services, as a rule, solve the following main tasks in the field of logistics that support their business: forming a goal (goals); planning and forecasting; formation of capacities and reserves; accepting orders and responsibility for its implementation; operation of equipment and inventory turnover, optimal use of the distribution network to comply with the law.

Successful management of logistics in an enterprise requires careful coordination of the movement and storage of material resources, interest in the development and industrial packaging of materials. These two areas deserve special attention. Processing of material resources prior to warehousing and storage operations requires not only special equipment, but also significant financial costs. For example, deep freezing of food and special storage conditions are associated with high energy costs. Accordingly, strategic reserves of material and technical resources are needed, the shelf life of which is calculated in years, and funds for their preservation and conservation.

Industrial packaging of materials, as well as their processing, also requires significant material ( packaging materials) technical (special equipment), labor and financial costs. In addition, the type and type of packaging (containers, refrigerators) influence significant influence on further operations transportation and warehousing, loading and unloading operations. Depending on the type of packaging, the area and height of warehouse space, as well as storage equipment, etc. are maximized.

It means managing values ​​and information in the process of product distribution. There are several areas of logistics that differ in the functional responsibilities of specialists:

  1. Sales.
  2. Transport.
  3. Warehouse.
  4. Production.
  5. Purchasing.

Supply Managers

Before you think about the question: “Logistician - what kind of profession is this?” - you should pay attention to the specialists who are responsible for all supply flows. Starting from analysis of product inventories and ordering to transportation and delivery to the end consumer. Such specialists are called supply chain managers, and they are considered the most sought-after and highly paid logisticians.

Modern logistics

Specialty "logisticist" for Lately has changed significantly both in its structure and in its importance for business. Companies' requirements for the level of service are constantly increasing, and demands for the qualifications of specialists are increasing. Previously, logistics services (even in large industries) were limited to only a few employees, but today a special division is allocated to this area.

Logistician - what kind of profession is this?

Experienced specialists, as a rule, receive logistics education as a second higher education, but today departments for training logisticians have begun to open in state educational institutions, so you can master this profession immediately after graduating from school. Logistics was first introduced in educational program as a specialty in 2000. Today, many universities offer training in this profession, focusing on existing demand. But not all experts value theoretical knowledge - real practical experience is more important, so a young specialist with a diploma will probably receive a lower salary than an experienced professional without special education.

The logistics service has a close relationship with almost all departments of the company. Ideally, a logistician should be able to do everything: study the structure of demand, analyze product inventories, count like an accountant, hire performers and manage a team of employees.

Logistician job description

The functional responsibilities of a logistician are quite varied and largely unpredictable. He is engaged not only in the logistics of the enterprise, but also in optimizing the operation of the warehouse, transport, and establishing interaction between departments that are related to the supply chain.

The responsibilities of a logistician also depend on the characteristics of the workplace. Therefore, to the question: “Logistician - what kind of profession is this?” - you can answer as follows: this is working with clients and suppliers, preparing documents, organizing them and creating registers. Also, the responsibilities of a logistician include solving organizational issues regarding the formation and placement of an order, coordinating the work of the warehouse and transport service, forecasting purchases with the sales department and laying out cargo routes.

In addition, a logistician must also be able to negotiate with contractors and drivers, and be able to actively use information technology in his work. Logistics also requires excellent analytical skills, since a professional must comprehensively imagine all business processes, supply chains and find solutions for their competent optimization. And such skills are available only to those specialists who have insight and logic.

Currently, logistics has become an independent business, which employs thousands of employees, and is also an integral part of large companies. Global logistics costs account for about 15% of global GDP, amounting to over seven trillion dollars. Although logistics has recently appeared on the country's market, it is nevertheless in great demand among employers.

Who is a logistician?

A logistician is a person who is professionally involved in the delivery of goods, their further storage, and also the one who develops the most profitable delivery scheme. This is a person who is looking for reliable partners, makes calculations, analyzes the transport services market, prepares Required documents. Simply put, the logistician’s task is considered fully completed if the ordered product was delivered to the customer of appropriate quality in the required quantity and volume at the required time with minimal expenditure of money and effort.

A good logistician always has a reserve route for delivery of goods, so that if force majeure occurs (problem with customs, train breakdown, road repair, plane delay), the goods will still be delivered on time. In addition, he must constantly be aware of changes in legislation that affect his work.

The logistics profession is most suitable for people who can work independently and think creatively, be mobile and communicative. These are the people who have developed analytical skills, that is, they are able to fully imagine individual supply chains.

So what should a logistician know in his work?

Good logisticians are those who have excellent knowledge in law, economics, mathematics and other exact sciences, who know how to use new technologies in their work. During the time when Computer techologies used in all areas human activity When many companies use integrated IT solutions, a logistics specialist must use software at a high level.

What is the price of hiring a logistician, how much does a logistician earn?

As written above, the main goal of logistics is to save company resources. Therefore, the logistics profession is not cheap and the demand for them is constantly growing. What salary a specialist will be offered depends mainly on his experience in this field and professionalism. For young people with no work experience, and of whom there are large numbers on the labor market, employers are willing to pay $600-1,500 per month. At the same time, in the market industry there are almost no real professionals to whom companies are willing to pay $2,500 or more. “Middle management,” which is represented by specialists with two to three years of experience and who are able to manage small departments, is the most in demand, their salary ranges from one and a half to two thousand dollars.

Due to the shortage of “middle management”, companies are forced to hire either insufficiently qualified logisticians, or very experienced and expensive ones. In many cases, the employer gives preference to two new logisticians, who will harm the company less than it would be necessary to spend on the salary of one expensive professional. However, this strategy may later turn out to be unprofitable.

What are the basic requirements for professional logisticians?

Since logistics is a complex process consisting of many different processes that must be perceived as one, one of the main requirements for a logistician is the ability to see the process as a whole. The most sought-after candidates are those who understand not only various types transportation, but also know warehouse and purchasing logistics, speak several foreign languages, have worked in large companies, and have three to five years of experience.

The greatest demand is for professionals in the field of international transportation, as well as procurement specialists. If a person is ready for professional growth, knows the basics of economics, and has a higher education in the humanities, then he has every chance of achieving success in the field of logistics. Many companies want multidisciplinary logisticians to work for them who understand warehouse logistics, organizing cargo transportation and much more, but there are no special requirements for education in the specialty. This is primarily due to the fact that there are very few universities in the country that teach this specialty, and, secondly, experience in this field is valued much more than education.

In many cases good start career could be working as an intern in one of the well-known companies that works using latest technology, and logistics processes are well structured. And, in case successful start, in just five years it will be possible to take the place of a mid-level manager in one of the areas (warehouse logistics, transport, purchasing logistics).

A professional logistician must be able to perform such basic job responsibilities:

  • Design and develop logistics systems;
  • Develop methods and forms of reporting;
  • Coordinate external and internal communications of the company;
  • Analyze the efficiency and cost of the company’s logistics operations;
  • Coordinate the work of the logistics department with other departments of the company;
  • Direct and coordinate finances that are associated with logistics processes;
  • Participate in the formation of the budget that will be allocated for logistics.
Logistics is an area in which a huge number of tasks are performed every day and large flows of information circulate, so logisticians need to be able to think strategically, strictly adhere to established deadlines and be very attentive. A logistician who does not fulfill the agreement and disrupts deliveries is unlikely to receive praise from his superiors, much less an increase in salary. Companies always try to reduce their costs, and logistics is one of the most expensive items, so in this area, a professional who can successfully carry out trending with minimal expenditure of money is valued.