Logical situations. Logic and math problems from interviews

101 trick questions.

Target: development of logical connections
Can be used on classroom hours, for fun competitions, competitions and competitions, at the Feast of Laughter.
Designed for younger children school age and older.

1. What does Boris have in front, and what does Gleb have behind? (letter "b")
2. The grandmother was carrying a hundred eggs to the market, one (and the bottom) fell. How many eggs are left in the basket? (none because the bottom fell out)
3. When is a person in a room without a head? (when he sticks it out the window)
4. How do day and night end? (soft sign)
5. Which clock shows the exact time only twice a day? (who stopped)
6. Which is lighter: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron? (same)
7. Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (by gender)
8. What needs to be done so that four guys remain in one boot? (take off a boot from each person)
8. The crow is sitting, and the dog is sitting on its tail. Could it be? (the dog sits on its own tail)
9. When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (when the door is open)
10. In which month does chatty Mashenka speak the least? (in February, it is the shortest)
11. Two birch trees are growing. Each birch tree has four cones. How many cones are there in total? (cones don’t grow on birch trees)
12. What will happen to the blue scarf if you put it in water for five minutes? (gets wet)
13. How to write the word "mousetrap" in five letters? (cat)
14. When a horse is bought, what type is it? (wet)
15. A person has one, a crow has two, a bear has none. What is this? (letter "o")
16. A flock of birds flew into the grove. They sat down two on a tree - one remained; They sat down one at a time - they didn’t get one. How many trees are there in the grove, and how many birds are there in the flock? (three trees, four birds)
17. A woman was walking to Moscow, three old men met her, each old man had a bag, and in each bag there was a cat. How much did it go to Moscow? (one woman)
18. Four birch trees have four hollows, each hollow has four branches, each branch has four apples. How many apples are there in total? (apples don’t grow on birch trees)
19. Forty wolves ran, how many necks and tails did they have? (Tails do not grow near the neck)
20. What fabric cannot be used to make shirts? (From the railway station)
21. What three numbers, if added or multiplied, give the same result? (1, 2 and 3)
22. When are hands pronouns? (You-we-you)
23. What female name consists of two letters that are repeated twice? (Anna, Alla)
24. Which forests have no game? (In construction)
25. Which car wheel does not rotate while driving? (Spare)
26. What can’t mathematicians, drummers, and even hunters do without? (No fraction)
27. What belongs to you, but others use it more often than you? (Name)
28. When does a car move at the same speed as a train all the time? (When he is on the platform of a moving train)
29. One egg takes 4 minutes to cook, how many minutes should 6 eggs be cooked? (4 minutes)
30: Which flower has a male and feminine? (Ivan da Marya)
31. Name five days without giving numbers or names of days. (The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow)
32. Which bird, having lost one letter, becomes the most big river in Europe? (Oriole)
33. Which city is named after big bird? (Eagle)
34. Name the first woman in the world to master aircraft? (Baba Yaga)
35. From the name of which city can you make a filling for sweet pies? (Raisin)
36. In what year do people eat more than usual? (In leap year)
37. In what geometric body Can the water boil? (Cubed).
38. Which river is the scariest? (Tigris River).
39. Which month is the shortest? (May - three letters).
40. Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins).
41. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak).
42. What is under a person’s feet when he walks across a bridge? (Shoe sole).
43. What can you easily pick up from the ground, but cannot throw far? (Pooh)
44. How many peas can fit into one glass? (Not a single one - everything must be put down).
45. What comb can’t comb your head? (Petushin).
46. ​​How can you carry water in a sieve? (Frozen)
47. When is the forest a snack? (When he's cheese)
48. How to pick a branch without scaring a bird? (Wait for the bird to fly away)
49. What stones are not in the sea? (Dry)
50. What is it that freezes in the room in winter, but not outside? (Window glass)
51. Which opera consists of three conjunctions? (Ah, and, yes - Aida)
52. He who does not have it does not want to have it, and whoever has it cannot give it away. (bald)
53. What disease on earth has no one ever had? (Nautical)
54. My father's son, not my brother. Who is this? (Myself)
55. Which question cannot be answered positively? (Are you sleeping?)
56. What is between the window and the door? (Letter "i").
57. What can you cook, but cannot eat? (Lessons).
58. How can you put two liters of milk in liter jar? (You need to make condensed milk from milk).
59. If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, how long does it take one cat to catch one mouse? (Five minutes).
60. How many months in a year have 28 days? (All months).
61. What is dropped when needed and picked up when not needed? (Anchor).
62. The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope and walked three hundred meters. How did she do it? (The rope was not tied to anything.)
63. What can travel around the world while remaining in the same corner? (Postage Stamp).
64. Is it possible to light a match underwater? (You can if you pour water into a glass and hold the match below the glass).
65. How can a thrown egg fly three meters without breaking? (You need to throw the egg four meters, then it will fly the first three meters intact).
66. What will happen to the green cliff if it falls into the Red Sea? (It will become wet).
67. Two people were playing checkers. Each played five games and won five times. Is this possible? (Both people were playing with other people).
68. What could be more than an elephant and weightless at the same time? (Shadow of an elephant).
69. Which hand is better to stir tea? (It is better to stir the tea with a spoon).
70. What question cannot be answered “no”? (You are alive?).
71. What has two arms, two wings, two tails, three heads, three torsos and eight legs? (Rider holding a chicken in his hands).
72. What do all people on earth do at the same time? (Getting older).
73. What gets bigger when you put it upside down. (Number 6).
74. How to jump from a ten-meter ladder without hurting yourself? (Jump from the bottom step).
75. What has no length, depth, width, height, but can be measured? (Time, temperature).
76. Why does a duck swim? (From the shore)
77. What can you cook, but cannot eat? (Lessons)
78. When a car is moving, which wheel does not spin? (Spare)
79. What does the dog run on? (On the ground)
80. Why is there a tongue in the mouth? (Behind the teeth)
81. When a horse is bought, what kind of horse is it? (Wet)
82. Why does a cow lie down? (Because he doesn't know how to sit down)
83. When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open)
84. Which month is the shortest? (May - it only has three letters)
85. Which river is the scariest? (Tigris River)
86. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)
87. What is between the window and the door? (Letter "i")
88. What will happen to the green ball if it falls into the Yellow Sea? (He'll get wet)
89. How many peas can fit into one glass? (Not at all. They don't know how to walk!)
90. What happens if you put a black handkerchief into the red sea? (gets wet)
91. Which hand is better to stir tea? (It is better to stir the tea with a spoon)
92. What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (On wet)
93. What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (Out of empty)
94. What can you see from eyes closed? (Dream)
95. What do we eat for? (At the table)
96. Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (By gender)
97. When are hands pronouns? (When they are you-we-you)
98. How to write “dry grass” in four letters? (hay)
99. There were 90 apples growing on the birch tree. A strong wind blew and 10 apples fell. (Apples do not grow on birch trees).
100. Under what tree does the hare sit when it's raining? (Under the wet).
101. Name five days without giving numbers (e.g. 1, 2, 3,..) and names of days (e.g. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...). (The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow) .

How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One, the rest are not on an empty stomach.)
What tree does a crow sit on during heavy rain? (On wet.)
How many minutes should you boil a hard-boiled egg - two, three, five? (Not at all, it’s already cooked. It’s hard-boiled.)
Which clock shows the correct time only twice a day? (Which are standing.)
Where does the water stand? (In glass.)
What happens to a red silk scarf if it is lowered to the bottom of the sea for 5 minutes? (It will be wet.)
What disease does no one get on land? (Nautical.)
When are hands pronouns? (When they are you-we-you.)
What is under a person's feet when he walks across a bridge? (Boot soles.)
What do people often walk on and never drive on? (On the stairs.)
How far into the forest can a hare run? (To the middle of the forest, then he already runs out of the forest.)
What happens to the crow after three years? (She is in her 4th year.)
What tree does a hare hide under when it rains? (Under the wet.)
What needs to be done to cut off the branch on which the crow is sitting without disturbing it? (Wait until she flies away.)
Seven brothers have one sister. How many sisters are there in total? (One.)
The crow is flying, and the dog is sitting on its tail. Could it be? (Maybe, since the dog sits on the ground on its tail.)
If a cat climbed a tree and wants to get down along the smooth trunk, how will it go down: head down or tail first? (Tail first, otherwise she won’t hold on.)
Who's upside down above us? (Fly.)
What does half an apple look like? (For the second half.)
Is it possible to bring hearths in a sieve? (You can when it freezes.)
Three ostriches were flying. The hunter killed one. How many ostriches are left? (Ostriches don't fly.)
Which bird is made up of a letter and a river? ("Oriole.)
What is between the city and the village? (Conjunction "and".)
What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream.)
When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open.)
My father's son, not my brother. Who is this? (Myself.)
There were seven candles burning in the room. A man passed by and put out two candles. How much is left? (Two, the rest burned down.)

How do you feel about taking a few minutes away from the drab routine and stretching your brain a little? Then choose any interesting logic question from this article and try to find the answer yourself. Just don’t peek into the answers right away - it’s not only dishonest, but also uninteresting!

Mental workout for kids

Many of these mysteries have been well known since Soviet times, but still do not lose their relevance. The answers to them are so simple and obvious that it is almost impossible to guess right away. Are you ready? Then full speed ahead!

1. “Why do you go to the bed when you want to sleep?” The whole “trick” of this question lies precisely in the wording. After all, if you say it out loud, the brain immediately perceives the first two words as one whole. Why? Well, what is this “why”? You can lie down on the bed, cover yourself with a blanket, close your eyes and... And, by the way, the correct answer is “On the floor.”

2. “When can a person be in a room without a head?” Another logic question with an elementary answer. However, to get to the right decision It can be very difficult for a child, because not even every adult can immediately guess what happens when we stick our head out the window.

3. “Can an ostrich call itself a bird?” You may be surprised, but no special knowledge from the field of zoology is needed in order to correctly answer this question, because even the most educated and erudite ostrich will not be able to call itself anything. If only because he doesn’t know how to speak.

4. “Which words have a hundred consonants?” But here the child will undoubtedly become thoughtful. After all, it’s hard to even imagine such a word - as many as 100 consonants, and what if you add vowels? What kind of lexical monster is this? But the correct answer, as always, lies on the surface - “table”, “groan”, “stop”, “stack”, “stop”.

5. “In front of you is a bathtub filled with water. There is a mug and a spoon on the edge. What should I use to quickly remove all the water from the bath?” Do you think this is a mug? Because she's bigger? And here rational person, looking at your torment, will silently come up and pull out the cork.

6. “Three little pigs were walking through the forest. One walked in front of the two, one walked behind them all, and one walked between the two. How did they go? To be honest, even adults often cannot answer such tricky logic questions. In fact, the piglets in this riddle simply follow each other.

7. “The bull plowed the field all day. How many tracks did he ultimately leave on the arable land? In fact, the bull leaves no traces at all, because the plow he pulls behind him erases them.

8. “At 12 o’clock at night there is a torrential downpour. Could it be that after 72 hours there will be warm, sunny weather?” No probability theory will help you here, relax. But knowing how many hours there are in a day will help - there can be no sunny weather. If only because in the indicated 72 hours it will be midnight again.

So, we looked at some interesting logic questions for children. Now let's move on to other, more complex and interesting tasks.

Other logic puzzles

We bring to your attention others interesting questions on logic, which can make not only kids, but also their parents think.


  • "On seashore there was a stone on the surface of which a word of 8 letters was scratched. When the rich read this word, they began to cry, the poor, on the contrary, rejoiced, and the couples in love broke up. What was that word? We will not comment on the answer in any way, because everything will become clear by itself. And the word was “Temporarily”.
  • “Which word contains 3 letters “l” and 3 letters “p”? - “Parallelepiped”.

For math buffs

  • “How much earth is in a hole 3 meters in diameter and 5 meters deep?” Still trying to calculate and looking for density different types soils? Don't forget that this is a logic question. By the very fact of its existence, the pit is empty, otherwise it would not be a pit.
  • “How many times can you subtract 6 from 30?” Yes, not to divide, but to take away! Just one, because next time you will subtract 6 not from 30, but from 24.


  • “Two friends were walking around the city and suddenly stopped and started arguing. One began to assert that “it’s red.” Another objected to him and said that “it’s black.” The first one was not taken aback and asked: “Why is it white in that case?”, to which he heard: “Yes, because it’s green.” What were they talking about?" The correct answer to this riddle is currants.
  • “Three centuries ago, this procedure was carried out at a distance of 50 meters. Now this distance has been reduced by 10 times, and all thanks to the invention of a Soviet scientist, which you have probably seen more than once. What is this?" Nothing comes to mind? In fact, we are talking about an eye test chart, also known as

American scientists, who came across this picture and the questions for it, considered it to be one of the most effective IQ tests in the history of mankind. Look carefully at the image, and then try to give the correct answer to just 9 questions.


  1. How many tourists stayed at this camp?
  2. How long ago did they come here: today or a few days ago?
  3. How far is the camp from the nearest populated area?
  4. How did the tourists get here?
  5. What time of day is it now?
  6. Where does the wind blow from: from the south or from the north?
  7. Where did Shura go?
  8. Name the person who was on duty yesterday.
  9. What date is it now and what month?

Right answers

Are you scratching your head? Well, it’s time to show your cards and demonstrate how elementary the answers are to even the most complex logic questions:

  1. Four. To understand this, just look at the list of duty officers (there are four lines on it), as well as the number of plates and spoons on the mat.
  2. Not today, because between the tree and the tent a nimble spider managed to weave a web.
  3. It’s unlikely, because the guys were able to bring a live chicken with them (or it ran into them by chance, which, however, does not change the essence).
  4. On the boat. Near the tree you can see a pair of oars, and since the cars are in Soviet time there wasn't much, this is the most logical answer.
  5. It’s morning, because the shadow falls to the west, and therefore the sun shines from the east.
  6. This logic question really requires some additional knowledge. For example, you need to remember that on the south side of the tree the branches are always longer than on the north. Next you need to look at the fire - it tilts slightly towards the north, which means the wind is blowing from the south.
  7. Shura went to catch butterflies - from behind the bushes you can see a net falling on a winged beauty.
  8. As you can see, Shura went to get butterflies, and the boy sitting next to the backpack with the letter “K” is Kolya. That is, two options are no longer available. Another boy is busy taking photographs surrounding nature. He also cannot be on duty. But what is his name? Taking a closer look, you can see that in the backpack with the letter “B” there is a tripod - an indispensable attribute for a photographer. We conclude that the photographer’s name begins with the same letter - which means Vasya takes photographs. By the method of elimination we find out that Petya is on duty today, and from here we come to the conclusion that Kolya was on duty yesterday.
  9. The answer to this question is closely related to the previous one. So, Petya is on duty today. Next to his name on the board is written the number 8 - the 8th number. As for the month, the very situation in the picture suggests that it takes place in August - only then do watermelons appear in our latitudes. Of course, they are also available in September. But it can be quite difficult to find butterflies at the beginning of autumn, and the first fallen leaves appear on the ground.

Interesting? Did you know that only 6% of people can answer all 9 questions correctly? If you succeeded, congratulations, because this means that your IQ is 130 or more.

Is popular destination in teaching not only children, but also adults. In this case, logic problems become an excellent tool for increasing the existing level.

Features of logical thinking

The main operations of logical thinking are:

  • analysis is the process of mentally dividing an object or object into parts;
  • synthesis - establishing relationships between elements to create an overall picture;
  • abstraction - selection essential features allowing to describe an object or object without details;
  • comparison - the ability to find common and distinctive features between different objects;
  • generalization - grouping an object according to a common characteristic;
  • concretization is an appeal to the details that characterize an object, which makes it possible to reveal its content.

Logical thinking is inextricably linked with other mental functions. Therefore, by developing it, a person simultaneously improves memory, attention, imagination, perception, etc. To successfully solve logic problems, theoretical knowledge and personal experience are required.

Basic ways to develop logical thinking

The tasks that are proposed to be regularly solved for the development of mental activity can be divided into the following groups:

Examples of tasks for ingenuity

  1. This problem is easily solved by preschoolers. Mathematicians and programmers usually complete it within an hour. Others may spend several days without finding an answer.

Solution: The numbers indicate how many circles are in each combination. Accordingly, the last one has one circle, and after the sign there should be a unit.

  1. Two whole pencils have two ends. How many ends do two and a half pencils have? Solution: 6 ends.
  2. What can't you bake bread without? No crust.
  3. How can you bring water in a colander? Answers could be: freeze the water, in the form of ice, etc.
  4. Why do people walk? Solution: on the ground.
  5. A star fell from the sky,

The children said: “Hurray”!

Then two more shout:

“Take us with you too!”

How many stars have fallen?

That's the main question!

Answer: one.

  1. Two trains started simultaneously from Kazan and Ulyanovsk. The speed of the Kazan one is 3 times higher than the Ulyanovsk one. Which one will be further from Ulyanovsk at the time of their meeting? Answer: both trains will be at the same distance from Ulyanovsk.
  2. Two mothers and two daughters divided three peaches among themselves. How could they do this? Answer: everyone got a peach, because there were three of them: a girl, her mother and grandmother.
  3. In what situation is a person moving at the speed of a racing car? Solution: when he is in it.


Both children and adults are interested in developing thinking in game form. Poetic forms are often used.

  1. First there will be a two. And next to him is a man,

Unlike many of high rank;

Putting it together, we immediately get

The thing that divides the whole book into parts. (Paragraph).

  1. Let's take a number and put a note next to it,

And we’ll put the letter “r” at the end,

Let's get a man whose job

We see him every day, he’s great! (Carpenter)

  1. There are so many L's in it.

It was as if he wanted to eat them

Wooden and simple

Every home has one.

You can sit down for him

And a delicious piece to eat. (Table)

  1. You buy me in the store,

After all, I am delicious, beautiful and lush,

But if the letter "e" is found in the middle,

I have to hide the nut in the hollow. (bun-squirrel)

Tasks to find an extra element

  1. Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, lard, cheese.
  2. Mechanic, doctor, engineer, butterfly, teacher.
  3. Hate, despise, be irritated, understand, be indignant.
  4. 2, 12, 24,46, 62.
  5. Class, lesson, teacher, student. The word “class” is redundant, because it does not begin with the letter “u”.
  6. Cakes, scissors, waffles, candies. The word “candy” will be redundant, because the stress in it does not fall on the first syllable.
  7. Elephant, restaurant, table, chair. The answers may be different words, depending on the classification attribute. For example, restaurant, because it does not start with the letter “s” and because it contains more than one syllable, elephant, because it does not belong to a catering establishment.

Similar problems are often proposed for mastering mathematical material. Most often, rows are built from numbers. Although more complex tasks also require a text version.

Logic problems - These are tasks that are aimed at developing thinking, the ability to think, and grasp the connection between concepts. They teach children to find the relationship between cause and effect and predict the outcome.

Intellectual development of a child preschool age is an important step to prepare for school. Thinking is cognitive process, the approach to which is significantly different in adults and children. An adult has a set of ready-made knowledge, but a child learns everything for the first time, so everything is interesting and entertaining for him. In this unfamiliar world, the child still does not understand everything; he asks many questions, explores on his own, and draws his own conclusions. That is why the development of logical thinking in children plays an important role in preparing for school.

Development of logical thinking through tasks and riddles.

Logical thinking is thinking based on reasoning, combining different areas of knowledge in order to ultimately formulate an answer to the question posed in the problem. All types of logical thinking are closely related to speech. Logic games and tasks have great importance V raising and teaching children. They are interesting to the child, draw him in and make him think.

Logic problems for children

In this article I want to suggest logic problems with answers for children . These are easy logic problems, some of which are familiar to us from childhood. Try to find the answer to these riddles with your children. They are selected for children of older preschool age (5-7 years), because at this age the child is already good at reasoning and thinking.

How to find last year's snow?
Go outside immediately after the start of the new year.
What rocks are not in the sea?
How do day and night end?
With a soft sign
What will happen to a white scarf if it is dropped into the Black Sea?
It will become wet.
The magpie is flying, and the dog is sitting on its tail. Could it be?
Yes, the dog is sitting on its own tail, a magpie is flying nearby
How many nuts are there in an empty glass?
Not at all. The glass is empty.
What needs to be done to keep five guys in one boot?
Each of them take off a boot
What is 2+2*2?

In which month does chatty Svetochka talk the least?
In February - most in a short month
What is yours, but others use it more than you?
your name
What word always sounds wrong?
A person has one, a cow has two, a hawk has none. What is this?
Letter -O-
A man is sitting, but you cannot sit in his place, even if he gets up and leaves. Where is he sitting?
On your knees
What sign should be placed between 4 and 5 so that the result is more than 4 and less than 5?
How to bring water in a sieve?
Freezing her.
Can a rooster call itself a bird?
No, because he can't speak.
What disease has no one on earth ever had?
Is it possible to predict the score of any match before it starts?
Yes, 0 - 0
What can you cook but can't eat?
What becomes a third larger when placed upside down?
Number 6
One corner of the square table was sawed off. How many corners does the table have now?

Which knot cannot be untied?
What is the cow in front and the bull behind?
Letter -O-
Which river is the scariest?

What has no length, depth, width, height, but can be measured?
Temperature, time
What are all the people on earth doing at the same time?
Getting older
Two people were playing checkers. Each played five games and won five times. Is this possible?
Both people played different games with other people.
How can a thrown egg fly three meters without breaking?
You need to throw the egg more than three meters, then the first three meters it will fly intact.
The man was driving a large truck. The car's headlights were not on. There was no moon either. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car. How did the driver manage to see her?
It was a bright sunny day.
Where is the end of the world?
Where the shadow ends.
Man learned from spiders how to build suspension bridges, and from cats he learned camera apertures and reflective lenses. road signs. What invention came about thanks to snakes?
What can you easily pick up from the ground, but cannot throw far?
Poplar fluff.
What comb can you use to comb your head?
What do you drop when you need it and pick it up when you don't?
What can travel around the world while remaining in the same corner?
Postage Stamp.
You are sitting on an airplane, in front of you is a horse, behind you is a car. Where are you at?
On the carousel
What notes can be used to measure distance?
What won't go into the biggest pot?
Its cover.
Russian mystery. A wooden river, a wooden boat, and wooden smoke flowing over the boat. What is this?
A satellite makes one revolution around the Earth in 1 hour 40 minutes, and another in 100 minutes. How can this be?
One hour and forty minutes is equal to one hundred minutes.
Name at least three animals that Moses took into his ark?
Prophet Moses did not take animals into the ark; righteous Noah did this.

In one hand the boy carried one kilogram of iron, and in the other the same amount of fluff. Which was heavier to carry?
In 1711, a new unit of 9 people appeared in each regiment of the Russian army. What is this division?
Regimental orchestra.
There is a well-known story about little boy, who, having received a New Year's gift, asked his mother: “Please take off the lid. I want to pet the gift.” What kind of gift is this?
Which animals always sleep with their eyes open?
It is known that at one time eggs were exported from China on pain of death. silkworm. What animal was exported from Afghanistan in 1888 with the same risk?
Afghan Hound.
What insects have been domesticated by humans?
A problem invented by the learned monk and mathematician from Ireland Alcuin (735–804).
The peasant needs to transport a wolf, a goat and a cabbage across the river. But the boat is such that only a peasant can fit in it, and with him either one wolf, or one goat, or one cabbage. But if you leave a wolf with a goat, then the wolf will eat the goat, and if you leave a goat with cabbage, then the goat will eat the cabbage. How did the peasant transport his cargo?
Solution 1.: It is clear that we have to start with a goat. The peasant, having transported the goat, returns and takes the wolf, which he transports to the other bank, where he leaves it, but he also takes the goat and takes it back to the first bank. Here he leaves her and transports the cabbage to the wolf. Then, returning, he transports the goat, and the crossing ends safely.
Solution 2: First, the peasant again transports the goat. But the second one can take the cabbage, take it to the other bank, leave it there and return the goat to the first bank. Then transport the wolf to the other side, return for the goat and again take her to the other side.

In the old days in Rus', married women wore a headdress called kokoshnik, the name of which comes from the word “kokosh”, meaning animal. Which?
Chicken (remember what it says when it lays eggs?).
Why can't a porcupine drown?
Its needles are hollow.
To take a breath of air, dolphins are forced to surface every 15-30 minutes. Why don't they suffocate in their sleep?
They don't sleep at night.
83. Name the fifth largest country by area after Russia, China, Canada and the USA.
The man went to the market and bought a horse there for 50 rubles. But he soon noticed that the horse had become more expensive, and sold it for 60 rubles. Then he realized that he had nothing to ride on, and bought the same horse for 70 rubles. Then he thought about how not to get a scolding from his wife for such an expensive purchase, and sold it for 80 rubles. What did he earn as a result of manipulation?
Answer: -50+60-70+80=20
The only bird with ears?
The two approached the river at the same time. The boat on which you can cross can only support one person. And yet without outside help everyone crossed on this boat to the other side. How did they do it?
They sailed from different shores.
IN Chinese the combination of three hieroglyphs for “tree” means the word “forest”. What does the combination of two hieroglyphs “tree” mean?
Residents of Kansas are very fond of Russian nuts. What is it if it is known that we can find them in any market?
The Romans introduced a revolutionary innovation into the design of the fork - all subsequent models were just variations of the solution found. What kind of fork was there before this innovation?
Chinese martial artists said that fighting is for fools, but victory is for smart people. And what, in their opinion, is for the wise?
Name the language that is native to the largest number of people.
IN Ancient Rus' they were called broken numbers. What are they called nowadays?
A brick weighs two kilograms and half a brick. How many kilograms does a brick weigh?
If half a brick weighs two kilograms, then a whole brick weighs four kilograms.
For some reason, these people, returning to their homeland, brought branches with them exotic plants, for which they received their nickname. What kind of people are these?
Pilgrims, they brought palm leaves.
In terms of production volume, bananas occupy first place in the world, followed by citrus fruits. What fruits are on the third?
IN American state Arizona began to protect the desert from thieves. They steal something without which the desert is threatened with desolation and devastation. What do thieves take from the desert?
Name the plant that has the largest fruits.
Neither fish nor fowl - what was this Russian proverb originally about?
In crayfish.
In Spain they are called Portuguese, in Prussia - Russians. What are they called in Russia?
What kind of utensils make it impossible to eat anything from?
From empty
Who do the Malays catch with a locked bumboo cage with a live pig inside?
Pythons, having eaten a pig, could no longer get out of the cage.
A hedgehog has 4 g, a dog has 100 g, a horse has 500 g, an elephant has 4-5 kg, and a human has 1.4 kg. What?
Brain mass.
In 1825, the streets of Philadelphia were cleared of trash by domestic animals. Which ones?
Grandmother knitted scarves and mittens for her grandchildren for the winter. In total, she knitted three scarves and six mittens. How many grandchildren does grandma have?
Three grandchildren
What dish was invented in the 17th century by Marco Aroni?
What does any astronaut lose during a flight?
As you know, all original Russian female (full) names end in either A or Z: Anna, Maria, Olga, etc. However, there is one female name that does not end in either A or Z. Name it.
The Gallic priests found a fail-safe way to quickly mobilize soldiers in the event of war. To do this, they sacrificed only one person. Which one?
The last one to arrive.
Once in the city of Nice they held a competition for the most enduring smoker. One of the participants set a record by smoking 60 cigarettes in a row. However, he did not receive the prize. Why?
He died.
Humans have thirteen pairs of ribs. Who has more than three hundred ribs?
At the snake.
Everyone knows that “you can’t wash dirty linen in public.” But what was supposed to be done with it if it couldn’t be taken out?
In what place did Russian men put on hats and mittens, regardless of the time of year?
In the bath.
How is smelt fish similar to birds?
She makes nests, laying eggs there.
Name an agricultural crop that is 90% burned and 10% wasted.

The Greeks used it for protection certain parts of your body. It was made from bark sandalwood. Name it.
The first greenhouses appeared in France. Why do you think?
For growing oranges (orange - orange).
The owner of the largest horn is white rhinoceros(up to 158 cm). Which animal has the softest horns?
This is what football referees used before they used the whistle.
What is dirty when it is white and clean when it is green?
In practice, when moving along a curve, this ball makes 5,000 revolutions per minute, and when moving in a straight line, more than 20,000 revolutions per minute. Where is this ball located?
In a ballpoint pen.
The great Hippocrates was asked: “Is it true that genius is a disease?” “Certainly,” replied Hippocrates, “but very rare.” What other property of this disease did Hippocrates note with regret?
Not contagious.
What was the name of the city in England where, in 1873, the Indian game, popular to this day, was first demonstrated?
Where, judging by the name, did the ancient Slavs attach the case for hunting edged weapons?
On the foot. This is a scabbard.
The three painters had a brother, Ivan, but Ivan had no brothers. How could this be?
Ivan had three sisters.
The Italian flag is red, white and green. What cut berry helped the Italians choose these colors?

Ingenuity tasks for elementary school

Golovina Tatyana Sergeevna, primary school teacher

Dear colleagues, I present to your attention a selection of ingenuity tasks for use in lessons with primary school-age students.

I think that from the very younger age It is necessary to offer children similar tasks. Such tasks are usually very short in wording. To guess them, the child must have a developed outlook and knowledge about the world around him. You need to start teaching with riddles. They teach imaginative, non-standard thinking, which contributes to the development of logic and ingenuity. It is necessary to offer children different puzzles and not rush to explain the answer to them. At school, a collective form of work is suitable for solving such problems - in pairs, in groups. And they will solve the problem “one head is good, but two are better,” and learn to work in a team. Puzzles and charades develop ingenuity well.
1. There is an apple on the table. It was divided into 4 parts. How many apples are there on the table? Answer: one apple
2. Name two numbers whose number of digits is equal to the number of letters that make up the name of each of these numbers. Answer: One hundred (100) and one million (1,000,000)
3. How many months of the year have 28 days? Answer: All months
4. The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope and walked two hundred meters. How did she do it? Answer: Her rope was not tied to anything.
5. What can you see with your eyes closed? Answer: Dreams
6. What should you do when you see a green man? Answer: Cross the street (this is the picture on the green traffic light)
7. There is a road on which only one car can pass. Two cars are driving along the road: one from the mountain, the other downhill. How can they leave? Answer: They are both going down.
8. Name five days without giving numbers (1, 2, 3,..) and names of days (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...) Answer: The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow
9. What is the correct way to say: “I don’t see the white yolk” or “I don’t see the white yolk”? Answer: The yolk is usually yellow
10. Is it possible to light an ordinary match under water so that it burns to the end? Answer: Yes, in a submarine
11. There are 6 glasses in a row on the table. The first three are empty, and the last three are filled with water. How can you make sure that empty and full glasses alternate between each other if you can only touch one glass (you cannot push a glass with a glass)? Answer: Take the fifth glass, pour its contents into the second and put the glass in place.
12. What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? Answer: From empty
13. You, me, and you and I. How many of us are there? Answer: Two
14. How to form a triangle on the table using only one stick? Answer: Place it on the corner of the table
15. What question cannot be answered “yes”? Answer: Are you sleeping?
16. When can a net pull out water? Answer: When water freezes and turns into ice.
17. How do day and night end? Answer: Soft sign
18. Petya and Lenya are making a square flower garden. Petya said, “Let’s make sure that the side of our square is 12 m less than its perimeter.” What will be the length of the side of this flower bed. Answer: 4 meters
19. Son with father, and son with father, and grandfather with grandson. Are there many of them? Answer: 3 people
20. There were 4 birch trees. Each birch has 4 large branches. On each large branch there are 4 small ones. There are 4 apples on each small branch. How many apples are there in total? Answer: None. Apples don't grow on birch trees
21. Vasya’s father’s name is Ivan Nikolaevich, and his grandfather’s name is Semyon Petrovich. What is Vasya’s mother’s middle name? Answer: Semyonovna
22. Three brothers have one sister. How many children are there in the family? Answer: 4 children
23. In what month chatty girl says the least? Answer: In February
24. Two men approached the river at the same time. The boat on which you can cross can only support one person. And yet, without outside help, everyone crossed on this boat to the other side. How did they do it? Answer: they approached different banks of the river.
25. What belongs to you, but others use it more often than you? Answer: Your name
26. How to find last year's snow? Answer: Go outside immediately after the start of the new year.
27. The boy had 7 flies in the box. With two flies he caught two fish. How many fish will the boy catch using the remaining flies? Answer: unknown.
28. A person has one, a cow has two, a hawk has none. What is this? Answer: Letter O
29. A man is sitting, but you cannot sit in his place, even if he gets up and leaves. Where is he sitting? Answer: On your knees
30. What stones are not in the sea? Answer: Dry
31. Can a rooster call itself a bird? No, he can't speak.
32. What disease on earth has no one ever had? Answer: Marine
33. Is it possible to predict the score of any match before it starts? Answer: Yes, 0 – 0
34. 6 sparrows were sitting in the garden bed, 5 more flew to them. The cat crept up and grabbed one. How many birds are left in the garden? Answer: not at all. The rest of the birds flew away.
35. What can you cook, but cannot eat? Answer: Lessons
36. What becomes a third larger when placed upside down? Answer: Number 6
37. Which knot cannot be untied? Answer: Railway
38. Which city flies? Answer: Eagle
39. What fish is named after a person? Answer: Carp
40. What is the cow in front and the bull behind? Answer: Letter K
41. Which river is the scariest? Answer: Tiger
42. What does not have length, depth, width, height, but can be measured? Answer: Temperature, time
43. What do all people on earth do at the same time? Answer: Getting older
44. Two people were playing checkers. Each played five games and won five times. Is this possible? Answer: Both people played different games with other people.
45. How can a thrown egg fly three meters without breaking? Answer: You need to throw the egg more than three meters, then it will fly the first three meters intact.
46. ​​They put a pencil on the floor and asked several people to jump over it.
But no one could do this. Why? Answer: They placed him close to the wall.
47. The last house on one side of the street is number 34. How many houses are there on this side of the street? Answer: 17 houses
48. The man was driving a large truck. The car's headlights were not on. There was no moon either. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car. How did the driver manage to see her? Answer: It was a bright sunny day.
49. After a 24-hour shift at the hospital, the doctor decided to get some sleep and went to bed at 9 pm. He was supposed to be in the hospital again by 11 a.m. So he set the alarm for 10 o'clock. How long will it be before the alarm goes off? Answer: 1 hour
50. The field was plowed by 6 tractors. 2 of them stopped. How many tractors are there in the field? Answer: 6 tractors
51. One egg needs to be boiled for 5 minutes. How long will it take to boil 6 of these eggs? Answer: 5 minutes
52. What comb can’t comb your head? Answer: Petushin.
53. What is dropped when needed and picked up when not needed? Answer: Anchor.
54. You are sitting on a plane, there is a horse in front of you and a car behind you. Where are you at? Answer: On the carousel
55. There are two children in the family. Sasha is Zhenya’s brother, but Zhenya is not Sasha’s brother. Could this be possible? Who is Zhenya? Answer: Sister
56. What notes can be used to measure distance? Answer: Mi-La-Mi.
57. What will not go into the largest saucepan? Answer: Its cover.
58. Who gets taller when he sits down? Answer: Dog.
59. How many times will the number increase if the same digit is added to it? Answer: 11 times.
60. The Italian flag is red, white and green. What cut berry helped the Italians choose these colors? Answer: Watermelon.