Class hour on the topic “The concept of tolerance.” Class hour, topic "let's talk about tolerance"

Tolerance at the present time is very promising and, importantly, modern concept. Although Buddhism introduced this principle into its teaching many years ago, at the present time it has become divorced from the religious context. is now considered reasonable.

And indeed, a person sometimes loses a lot if he does not accept someone else’s point of view. As an understanding of this, there is a holiday celebrated held at this time, which should tell in detail what is served in this article. After all, tolerance is the basis of any mutual understanding. This article will discuss recommendations on how to create a class lesson on this topic.

What is tolerance?

Tolerance is accepting someone else's point of view. It is important to understand that this does not mean you have to live like another person. At all, this definition quite simplified. The translation is: What can you tolerate?

  1. Another person's opinion.
  2. The image of his life.
  3. Parenting style.
  4. Negative personality traits.

And much more. As we can see, tolerance is truly a sign of a healthy personality. And a class hour on the topic “Tolerance” should agitate children about how good it is.

Signs of tolerance

Tolerance is a phenomenon that has certain properties, by the presence of which one can determine its presence and whether a given indicator exceeds the bar. These are the signs:

  • a non-judgmental attitude or one that does not affect the relationship with another person;
  • the desire to understand the motives of another person instead of analyzing behavior through your own;
  • high level of empathy towards the interlocutor;
  • the ability to defend your personal boundaries and not step on others.

These are the main signs by which one can determine that a person is tolerant of other people. And when you conduct a class hour on the topic “Tolerance,” you need to explain to children not only what a person should be like to be considered tolerant, but also how accepting another person’s opinion differs from agreeing with him.

The difference between tolerance and lack of personal position

Children accept other people's opinions. Moreover, they do this even in cases where they are incompatible. They do not have their own position and attitude to life. That is why they agree with what adults do. Unlike children, mature people have their own system of evaluating the behavior of other people. Tolerance does not imply approval.

A person may have a bad attitude towards what another does. But at the same time, he does not force others to do what he considers right. He simply doesn't need it. He understands that other people are free to do as they see fit.

So, let's briefly outline the differences between tolerance and agreement with the opinion of another.

  1. Control of one's own and others' borders.
  2. Compromises are sought instead of a war for psychological space.
  3. A person tries to look at his point of view from a different angle.
  4. It is even possible to build a general opinion that will be of higher quality than individual ones.

Now you know that children need to be told when conducting an event such as a class hour on the topic “Tolerance” so that they do not confuse concepts and develop in the right direction.

Types of tolerance

It is also important to tell older children about the types of tolerance. How detailed this information will be depends on age. Here are the types of tolerance that can be highlighted in the class hour “Tolerance”:

  • 2nd class - sexual tolerance, racial, national, religious, interclass;
  • 7th grade - adding political;
  • 10th grade - adding sexual orientation tolerance.

It is very important to focus on the fact that a person may have his own opinion and not approve of some actions. But it’s impossible.

Forms of tolerance

Tolerance comes in many forms. Class hour“Tolerance” 10th grade should include this item with a thorough description of the advantages and disadvantages of each form of tolerance. There are four of them in total:

  • indifference;
  • equality of opinions, but their approval is not always manifested;
  • condescension towards the weakness of another person, having a certain amount of contempt;
  • expansion of experience.

Each form of tolerance is good in its own cases. This is important to understand. It all depends on what kind of person you are dealing with. Basically, in this material It’s also possible when you teach a class hour “Tolerance”, 7th grade. At the age of 13-14, teenagers already master abstract material quite well. At the same time, do not forget that according to the basic laws of didactics there should be as much visual material as possible.

Why is tolerance good?

Tolerance is an excellent personality quality. It was not for nothing that this topic was introduced into class. Let's take a closer look at the benefits that tolerance has.

  • It allows you to quickly adapt to new conditions.
  • Tolerance makes it easier to connect with people.
  • Effective business.
  • Influence on people.

And tolerance brings many other positive things to a person. That is why it is necessary to hold a class hour on Tolerance Day. This information should be playful or serious, it is mandatory in a visual form be served to children. It is the demonstration of the numerous benefits of tolerance that will allow us to fulfill the main task - to ensure tolerance in school. The classroom must be effective.

How to develop tolerance

Developing tolerance is not an easy matter. This is especially true for children. How can this be done? The development of a class lesson “Tolerance” must necessarily be aimed at training this worldview in children. However, it all depends on age.

What complicates the situation is that for the development of any psychological quality one class hour will not be enough. Therefore, the teacher must guide children in the right direction throughout their education, throughout the 11th grade. But since each child is individual, it is necessary separate approach. And this is always fraught with difficulties. Therefore, instructions for developing tolerance can only be used fully. Or at least in 9th grade.

How to cultivate tolerance in children?

But what should be the instructions for developing tolerance? In general, life is full unique cases. Therefore, everything cannot be fitted to a template. Nevertheless, there are universal tips in any case. So here they are.

  1. Develop a habit.
  2. Set yourself a rule: at least once a day, accept the right to the existence of someone else’s point of view.
  3. Don't let other people prove something to you, but don't try to convince anyone.
  4. Respect both your personal boundaries and those of others.
  5. Look for compromises.

Here are five tips to help you become more tolerant of other people.

How to conduct a class hour on this topic in different classes?

So, what features should a class hour held on Tolerance Day have? Each child needs to be explained differently. To prevent this from happening: the parents told the child that something was forbidden, and the latter accused them of intolerance. This is a fundamentally wrong position. So, what are the features of conducting different classes similar activities?

  • Junior classes. The children here are still small. Therefore, there is no need to tell them in every detail about discrimination. There is no need to traumatize the delicate psyche. Moreover, they may want to repeat everything that is told to them due to their childish naivety. Therefore, we need to talk about tolerance here in a fairly general way.
  • Middle and high schools. Here you can already devote children and teenagers to the details. Just don’t do this too much and tell in as much detail as possible how discrimination occurs. They can still get it from the Internet.

Class hour structure

This article briefly explained what tolerance is. Now we should pay attention to the structure of the class hour. In principle, you can independently choose the option that you like. Nevertheless, the presentation must follow a clearly defined structure. Here is an approximate version of what should be.

  • Introduction. Here we need to talk about what tolerance is.
  • Story. At this point, it is necessary to explain to children and adolescents why tolerance is modern. For older students, you can make a short excursion into the past, filled with details. You can also select photographs of a documentary nature.
  • What does it mean to be tolerant? This item includes the features that were described in this article.
  • “Tolerance is...” This section presents the forms of tolerance, that is, what varieties it has according to the method of manifestation.
  • Types of tolerance.
  • The benefits of tolerance. This paragraph should agitate children and adolescents for a tolerant lifestyle.
  • How to develop tolerance. These are tips for middle and high school students, which were also given here.
  • Conclusions. You can make them as a summary of everything that has been said.

So, we figured out how it is advisable to conduct a class hour on the topic “Tolerance”. And then only you can decide. The plan given in this article applies to students in general. You need to adapt it to your audience. This task is very difficult. But why don't you try it. How do you know that the class hour was well spent?

Since it is impossible to check changes in the personality of schoolchildren, the effectiveness of this event can be judged by the number of interested parties. We need to make this speech not a banal boring lecture, but something exciting. Then the task of agitating for a tolerant lifestyle is more likely to be accomplished.

Not all people use the concept of tolerance in their lives. What it is? These are norms of behavior accepted in a social environment, which are expressed in people’s tolerance for each other, religions, customs and feelings. It can be said that The basis of tolerance is considered to be the right to express thoughts of every person. These are human feelings that are expressed in positive attitude people to anything, but not to violations of moral and universal principles. This word has come into use not so long ago; let’s try to understand this concept in more detail.

peony flower

Tolerance includes such human qualities as:

  • Compassion and tolerance;
  • Forgiveness and mercy;
  • Perception of one's neighbor with all his shortcomings;
  • Respect for people's rights and freedoms;
  • Desire to cooperate;
  • Maintaining a spirit of partnership and parity among people.

In 1995, the UNESCO Declaration of Principles on Tolerance was adopted.

According to this document, tolerance is:

  • Patience;
  • Lack of aggression;
  • Philosophical worldview and the ability to philosophically evaluate life positions and manifestations of the character of other people.

Depending on the area of ​​manifestation, tolerance is divided into the following categories:

  • Political;
  • Pedagogical;
  • Medical;
  • Scientific;
  • Administrative, etc.

Types and types of tolerance in modern society

The concept of tolerance is not just a Wikipedia definition. There are different definitions, as well as divisions of tolerance into types, types, subspecies and subtypes. Psychologists divide tolerance into four types, which are based on interpersonal communication of people:

  1. Natural (natural). This type of tolerance is characterized by the fact that the child cannot contrast his own “I” with the world around him. He has too little experience for this. Children's consciousness is driven by forgiveness and trust. It is these qualities that allow little man adapt to living conditions. However, these character traits force the baby to suppress his desires and manifestations of will.

People with different skin colors can be tolerant of each other

  1. Moral tolerance. This type of tolerance is characteristic of self-sufficient and wise people who can use mechanisms psychological protection body. The main manifestation of this attitude is considered to be tolerance towards others. Passions of indignation may rage inside him and accumulate negative energy, but outwardly the person is extremely calm.
  1. Moral tolerance. It will be surprising to many people that two paragraphs with synonymous subheadings appear in a row. But there is a significant difference between moral and moral tolerance. Moral tolerance is different in that it determines the degree of trust in a person. This type is typical for people who try to accept thoughts, values, stereotypes, life principles another man. It is easy for such people to bear conflict situations and withstand stress.
  1. Ethnic tolerance. Causes long-suffering and lack of judgment towards foreign culture, customs and way of life.

A person endowed with ethnic tolerance is capable of for a long time to live in an environment that is unusual, and sometimes even unpleasant for him, of a foreign culture and traditions.

Main types of tolerance consist of four subtypes:

  1. A person’s attitude towards a situation and the people taking part in it. Subdivided situational tolerance to the following levels:
  • Low level characteristic of a person’s negative attitude towards the world and the surrounding reality (“they irritate me”);
  • On average level the person expresses tolerance towards his interlocutors (“I like communicating with them, and I understand them perfectly”);
  • Highest level characterized by complete acceptance of a person by a person (“I feel comfortable and good with them”).
  1. A person’s position relative to other people, based on political, ethnic and national characteristics. This subtype of tolerance is called typological.
  2. Another subtype of tolerance is professional. This is people's reaction to the environment in which they are forced to live. a large number of time - employees, colleagues, colleagues.
  3. Collective Tolerance (general) consists of the characteristics that a person exhibits as a result of the previous three observations. Their systematization gives a general picture of the level of tolerance of an individual.

Many people are intolerant of men and women with tattoos

Examples of tolerance from life

The most obvious manifestations of tolerance in life, as a rule, are associated with religion: you can meet a Christian who talks with a Muslim, and both of them are tolerant of each other, listen to each other’s position and opinion. Another example of tolerance can be a conversation between people of different political views. The important thing is that l people don't try to impose their point of view, but have the strength to acknowledge that the other person may not share your political beliefs.

Often people are not tolerant of appearance people who dress or look completely different from you. For example, you don’t like tattoos and as soon as you see a girl with a tattoo, your attitude towards her immediately deteriorates, or you don’t want to communicate with her at all.

It will be absolutely intolerant to express your position as the only correct one, to hint in every possible way that a person is wrong, that all his arguments seem stupid or insignificant to you. In this situation, you can safely call yourself an intolerant person.

Tolerance and intolerance

Striving to become tolerant, a person does not think about the fact that his manifestations of tolerance sometimes have the nature of violence against himself. That is, he does not have moral tolerance, which is conditioned by acceptance and forgiveness. This process occurs at the level of moral tolerance, which suppresses internal rejection of any processes.

Tolerance and intolerance manifest themselves in all spheres of human relationships: professional, interethnic, interreligious and others.

How to understand that a person is tolerant? As a rule, they distinguish following signs tolerance and tolerant personality:

  1. Humor. The ability to laugh at one’s own shortcomings is the main difference between a tolerant person. He reacts adequately to criticism and jokes directed at him.
  1. Self-realization.

A tolerant person is focused on self-improvement and the implementation of his plans.

He is inquisitive, open with people and selflessly comes to the first call for help. An intolerant individual does not know how to empathize and does not show compassion for people. He cannot determine himself and does not strive for self-improvement.

  1. Self-esteem. Tolerance is a person’s ability to adequately evaluate himself and others. He clearly knows and strives to eradicate them. Tolerance implies harmony between people with the world and within themselves. An intolerant person is accustomed to blaming others for his troubles. He transfers all the blame to those around him, to the circumstances. At the same time, intolerant people extol their own achievements and push forward virtues that, perhaps, do not exist at all.
  1. Security. Despite all the problems of modern reality (rampant crime, terrorism, etc.), a tolerant person feels protected in society. However, intolerant people see in everything that happens around them real threat own safety.
  1. Responsibility. Tolerant people are not afraid of responsibility. In everything that happens around them they are looking for real reasons and meaning. It is not difficult for them to take on certain obligations and bear responsibility for their own misdeeds and those of others.

Conchita Wurst, aka Thomas Neuwirth, winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 in Copenhagen

  1. Democratic. Tolerant people will never try to convince you that they are right. They will definitely listen to your point of view, but will remain with their own. Intolerant people in their own way psychological mood dictators. They need to know that everyone around them is subject to their concepts and aspirations.

Tolerance in the modern world

Tolerance for our state and its citizens is something new that has come to us since the times of “Perestroika” and the formation of a new state. In the Soviet Union, tolerance was considered, if not a sign of weakness, then a betrayal of political views promoted by the state. In a communist society, differences of opinion, religious views and preferences were not allowed. The distorted concept of tolerance was recognized only in the call for equality and brotherhood of all peoples and sectors of society. Which, however, was pure propaganda and had no basis in reality.

Nowadays, people in our country and all over the world are increasingly asking themselves the question: “How to become a tolerant person?” Moreover many people confuse tolerance with forgiveness in Christianity. However, this concept is far from the Christian call for a patient and stoic desire to “carry your cross” or “turn your cheek to be struck again.” Orthodox Fathers they categorically deny tolerance as a science and in every possible way prevent its teaching in schools and universities. They believe that accepting and understanding any point of view destroys the moral foundations of a person that were brought up in him from childhood.

We can list several examples of double interpretation of manifestations of tolerance in society:

  1. The youth. Let's consider shining example manifestations of denial of tolerance - skinhead groups. They believe that tolerance of foreign culture, beliefs and views leads to the oppression of the Slavic race. How to explain to a child what tolerance is? By example, first of all. Do not be afraid to discuss sensitive topics in the family regarding any type of tolerance. Tolerance for children, especially young ones, can be a difficult concept, but over the years the seeds you sow will make themselves known and your child will become a truly tolerant person.
  1. Family. In some countries, where a tolerant position towards people has been promoted for a long time, there are some excesses in concepts. For example, in England it is prohibited to use the words “husband” and “wife” in document flow. Thus, the state authorities try not to offend the feelings of sexual minorities entering into a marriage. However, this is not the limit either; in the future it is planned to ban the words “mother” and “father” for the same purpose. European society condemns the denial of Russians towards same-sex partners who want to adopt children.

  1. Policy. In political life there is a very fine line between tolerance and servility. Politicians receive appropriate training and skills that help them manipulate the public and the opinions of the majority of people. Take the same ban on teenage homosexuality, adopted at the legislative level in Russia. In tolerant Europe, this caused a storm of condemnation and accusations of intolerance of Russian rulers.

Today we see that the Russian public is outraged by the manifestation of fascism and extremism on the territory of the former Russian state - Ukraine.


From all of the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • Manifestations of tolerance towards non-traditional views on life and minority concepts must be justified by logic and common sense;
  • It is necessary to consider the adoption of certain positions guided by the laws and traditions accepted in society;
  • It is necessary to clearly know and understand the limits of tolerance;
  • Tolerance should not develop into permissiveness and trampling of true values.

It is necessary to respectfully accept and understand the meaning of life, positions and aspirations of other people, which must correspond to such concepts as “morality”, “morality” and “democracy”. A tolerant person is not one who is endowed with any one positive quality, is an individual who possesses them all to the fullest. He will never enter into conflict, even justified by certain circumstances; he cannot be called upon to condemn or sharply reject other people’s ideals and aspirations. However truly tolerant people must have high moral principles. In order for our society to become tolerant, it is necessary to educate and instill in young people tolerance based on standards of morality and morality.

Goals and objectives:

1.Introduce and consolidate the definition of the term “tolerance”, deepen the understanding of its meaning.

2. Show that despite the fact that all students are different, there can be a friendly, tolerant atmosphere in the class.

3. Develop the ability to see inter-individual differences and show what a tolerant attitude towards differences is.

4. Form an idea of ​​a tolerant attitude.


Now that we have learned
Fly through the air like birds
Swim underwater like fish
We are missing only one thing:
Learn to live on earth like people.

B. Shaw

Teacher: Today we will begin our class hour with a Chinese parable that will help you and I formulate the purpose of our meeting. So, the title of the parable is “Okay Family.”

Chinese parable “Good family”

Teacher: Do you agree with what the head of the family wrote on the piece of paper? What do you think I want to talk to you about today?

Living in peace and harmony presupposes that everyone has such human qualities as mutual understanding, mutual respect, responsibility, goodwill, restraint, compliance, sociability, tolerance...

Teacher: This definition has its own concept TOLERANCE, which has its own history.

Tolerance means recognizing that people differ in appearance, position, interests, behavior and values ​​and have the right to live in peace while maintaining their individuality.

Not everyone may be familiar with this word, and at first glance, it sounds completely incomprehensible. But the meaning it carries is very important for the existence and development of human society.

At the turn of the 18th-19th centuries, a certain Talleyrand Périgord, Prince of Benevento, lived in France. He was distinguished by the fact that under all governments (both under Napoleon and under King Louis XVII) he remained invariably the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He was a person talented in many areas, but, undoubtedly, most of all - in the ability to take into account the moods of others, treat them with respect, and look for solutions to problems in a way that least infringes on the interests of other people. And at the same time maintain your own principles. Today modern man must not only be educated, but also have a sense of self-respect and be respected by others. People who do not have this quality are incapable of making the changes that our lives require.

The concept of “tolerance” is associated with the name of this person.

The term “tolerance” is explained as tolerance, desire and ability to establish and maintain communication with people.

Let's try to draw up rules for tolerant communication (work in groups) and write these rules on the board.

  • Rules of tolerant communication:

1. Respect your interlocutor.

2. Try to understand what others are saying.

3.Stand up for your opinion tactfully.

4.Look for better arguments.

5. Be fair, ready to admit that others are right.

6.Strive to take into account the interests of others.

  • Determination of the qualities of a tolerant personality;

Teacher: Now we will all together determine what character qualities a tolerant person possesses. Each of you has cards on your tables Pink colour, which record the qualities of a person’s character. Select those that characterize a tolerant personality. And what, in your opinion, does not apply, cross it out.

  • Tolerance
  • Heartlessness
  • Conflict
  • Compassion
  • Forgiveness
  • Hot temper
  • Desire to do something together
  • Mercy
  • Gloat
  • Cooperation
  • Respect for the rights of others
  • Irritation
  • Accepting others as they are
  • Envy

On the flag and coat of arms South Korea There is a symbolic sign - the MONAD, which embodies the ancient Eastern theory of two forces: “Yin” (dark) and “Yang” (light).

Good and evil, truth and lies, etc. also coexist in a person.

Technique “Changing positions”

The streamlined shape of the monad and the color pattern inside it indicate a tendency to change, the reversibility of everything that happens. There are many examples: today I love, tomorrow I hate...

I suggest you give examples from your life.

“Focus on the best”

Returning again to the image of the monad.

A dark spot is on a light background and a light spot is on a dark background.

Just as there is no such thing as an ideal person in life, so in the most notorious criminal there are germs of positivity.

Exercise “Pebble in a shoe”

I ask the child to find in himself what prevents him from living in peace with himself and with the people around him (searching for a dark spot).

Exercise “Pearl in a shell”

I propose to find in yourself what is the highest dignity (search for a bright spot).

A class is a small family. And I would like peace, respect and mutual understanding to reign in our family.

  1. Game “Come, whoever has...”. But in what ways are we similar? (slide number 9)

light brown color hair;

– born in winter;

– the name contains the letter A;

– loves ice cream (etc.).

  1. What unites us?

Earth – Russia – Kamyshin – school No. 18 – 3rd grade

5. Game “How do you see yourself” (drawing, line, color)? Mounting a painting on a board.

Creative work “Tree of Tolerance”

Students write on pieces of paper in the shape of a leaf of a tree what needs to be done for the school to become a “Space of Tolerance”; the pieces of paper are pasted onto a drawing of a tree without leaves.

Look at this tree! Just now it was lonely and lifeless. But our good intentions (leaves) revived him.

Reflection: What qualities are inherent in a tolerant person?

What is the advantage of tolerant communication?

Is it difficult to put yourself in another person's shoes and understand their experience?

We will not be able to make either our behavior or the behavior of other people tolerant overnight. However, even the smallest step in this direction is important. What is important is what you take away from this lesson in real life, how to change your relationships with people, classmates. “Don’t do to someone else what hurts you.”

Final words from the teacher

Prayer for a meeting:

I came into this world
Not to live up to your expectations
Not to suit your interests
Not to live up to your expectations.

And you came into this world
Not to live up to my expectations
Not to suit my interests
Not to live up to my expectations.

Because I am me, and you are you.
But if we met and understood each other, then that’s great!
And if not, well, that’s sad.

My wishes:

  • Guys, do to others the same way you want them to do to you.
  • Be kind
  • Be reliable
  • Be caring
  • Be generous

– And all this will help you live in peace.

Teacher: Let's think and draw the emblem of tolerance. Emblem protection.

Among the most repeated, incidentally and inopportunely, passwords of our time is the notorious “tolerance”, or, in Russian, “tolerance”. In the past, this word was used either in combination with the word “house”, or in a transformed form, with a meaning that clarified this concept, in the context of the topic legal status religious minorities - “tolerance”. It is obvious that in a state where, as in modern Russian Federation, France or the United States, there is no dominant or state religion, where freedom of religion and equality of citizens are guaranteed regardless of their religious affiliation, the concept of “tolerance” is losing its relevance. The latest semantic evolution of the word “tolerance” has expanded its semantic field, bringing it closer to the fashionable neologism “political correctness” and placing it in the area of ​​​​relations between races, ethnic groups, cultures, and civilizations. Adherence to the principles of tolerance and political correctness has become a kind of pass to “decent society,” like a tuxedo or tie.

Racial or national tolerance hides latent racism

Meanwhile, the use of this peculiar term in relation to relationships between people belonging to different races reveals a latent racist in a person who declares his tolerance. To explain this conclusion, which may seem absurd, it is enough to give an example of religious tolerance in a state where there is a state religion. Tolerance in this case is a civilized attitude towards religious minorities on the part of the state and persons belonging to the dominant or state religion, without questioning the status priority of the dominant religion. Or another everyday analogy illustrating the paradox associated with the use of the word “tolerance”: it is said that ardent American feminist ladies, filled with a sense of gender dignity, react very violently to the attempts of helpful gentlemen trying to help them down a steep staircase or endure excessive heavy bagman, suspecting a gender racist in the gallant counter, in any case interpreting such helpfulness as malicious humiliation and insult. In our time, people belonging to races that in a past era were designated as “colored” and were considered inferior in the West often react in a similar way in our time to tolerance and political correctness towards them on the part of “pale-faced” Europeans or Americans.

Tolerance in relationships with people different races, ethnicities and cultures in Russia, in the traditions of our people is inappropriate because so characteristic of the self-esteem of Western Europeans or North Americans - for the sake of greater political correctness, let's say: in the recent past - the consciousness of the superiority of the white race over non-white races did not take root in Russia, and even if it did manifest itself in other cases in the form of excesses, it definitely refers to marginal phenomena, alien to the worldview of Russian people, and this observation applies to all periods of our history. One can name various reasons for this circumstance, but the main one is that the Gospel teaching about universal human brotherhood, and also that in Christ “there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free "(Col. 3:11), was accepted by our ancestors with all sincerity and assimilated deeply, so much so that even people who have lost Orthodox faith, but who grew up in an environment whose ethos is imbued with the Christian tradition, and at a time when, at the level of official ideology, Christianity and any religion in general were discredited and rejected, a living sense of equality of people of different races and nationalities was preserved. Therefore, discussions about tolerance towards racial and national minorities lose ground in our country as unnecessary. Against this background, the hooligan or outright criminal antics of skinheads are perceived as a microscopic phenomenon in scale, completely caricatured, completely alien to tradition and foreign, imitative, which is already evident from their self-name, for which there was no acceptable word in the Russian language. IN Russian society they have no support, and therefore do not deserve serious discussion outside the framework of social psychotherapy. The media noise about their odious antics therefore seems counterproductive.

Russia, as well as other countries of the Orthodox tradition, so far as they are not infected with the bacilli borrowed from the side of racism, xenophobia and chauvinism, are radically different in this from the West, which so recently in its relations with the rest of the world was thoroughly imbued with the idea of ​​​​the superiority of the Sahib over the natives, in a more philanthropic version - awareness of the “burden of responsibility white man" In a disguised form, isn’t it the same “burden” that pushes one of the superpowers of our day to impose its values ​​on peoples who have not yet completely forgotten about the civilizing exploits of the sahibs of a bygone era, although at the level of public rhetoric no one is now seriously trying to act as an apologist odious racism?

The moral values ​​imposed on the world by modern civilizers include “tolerance” in a new and completely original interpretation. When in our time opponents are reproached for the lack of tolerance, then the norm is set up as a norm not mainly of tolerance towards racial, national or religious minorities, but towards minorities of a different kind, towards those who choose a way of life that in the past was considered vicious and scandalous, in other words - we are talking about tolerance towards sin.

But a Christian in his conscience cannot fulfill such a requirement, because he takes seriously the warning of the Apostle Paul: “Do not be deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor wicked people, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, neither predators will inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Cor. 6: 9-10). The Apostle teaches Christians not tolerance, but just the opposite - intolerance towards sin. At the same time, we are called to discover it, first of all, in relation to ourselves, for the Lord calls us: “Judge not, lest ye be judged... And why do you look at the mote in your brother’s eye, but do not feel the beam in your own eye?” (Matt. 7:1, 3). But this call not to look for specks in the eyes of others when there is a log in one’s own eye does not imply complete blindness to the obvious sins of our brothers. The Lord said to His disciples: “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone: ​​if he listens to you, then you have gained your brother; But if he does not listen, take with you one or two more, so that by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. If he does not listen to them, tell the church; and if he does not listen to the church, then let him be to you as a pagan and a publican” (Matthew 18: 15-17), in other words, an incorrigible sinner is subject to excommunication from the Church.

It is only important that, when denouncing an obvious sinner, we do it without pharisaical exaltation, with humility, recognizing our own sinfulness, and with love for our neighbor, with sincere hope for his repentance and a change in life. The Apostle, having enumerated the sins that bar those who are committed to them from entering the Kingdom of Heaven, then adds in his Epistle to the Corinthian Christians: “Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God” (1 Cor. 6:11).

Does all of the above mean that the intolerance commanded by the Lord, intolerance to sin, relates to the area of ​​self-reproach and repentance, to interpersonal relationships, affects exclusively intra-church life and does not contain a socially significant, political and legal aspect? This assumption is incorrect. Christians are not escapists or anarchists. Even during the times of persecution of the Church in the Roman Empire, they recognized themselves as its faithful citizens, which is remarkably expressed, for example, in the “Apology” of St. Justin the Philosopher, addressed to Emperor Antoninus Pius. Christians did not consider service in the legions of pagan Rome shameful and incompatible with their faith. Orthodox Church venerates in the host of holy saints those killed for their faith in the Savior during the cleansing of the army from Christians, soldiers, military leaders and generals, such as the Great Martyrs George the Victorious, Demetrius of Thessaloniki, Theodore Stratelates. Christian participation in government affairs and concerns became incomparably more significant after Saint Constantine granted Christians freedom of religion.

When Christians made up the majority of citizens, the legislation of the Roman state - the famous Roman law - underwent a significant transformation under the influence of the Gospel teaching, under the influence of Christian moral standards. In particular, in criminal law the line was drawn differently than before between those vices that are not subject to punitive sanctions and criminally punishable manifestations of human sinfulness. This line was drawn and corrected by Christians not as individuals or children of the church, but as citizens or also as officials called to participate in the preparation of legislative acts, or when pious Christians became bearers of supreme power, emperors, they issued laws, guided by their Christian conscience. Similar lessons can be learned from history. Russian state in his relationship with the Church, from history Russian law based on Christian moral values.

Obviously, it is not private societies, but the state that decides where the line between unpunished sins and criminal acts lies. But for us Christians, it is by no means indifferent what decisions are made. In any case, Orthodox Christians, faithful to the Gospel teaching in all its fullness, in their civil life are called to be on the side of morally protective political forces and parties, and not those who preach tolerance for sin or completely cross out the very concept of sin, that is, in essence, they are inclined to deny the distinction between good and evil. Therefore, when making this or that political choice, a Christian puts at the forefront the position of those elected on issues of public morality, his intention, through his participation in legislative, administrative or judicial activities, to contribute to the protection or destruction of fundamental moral norms, to strengthen or undermine social foundations. It is clear that declared intentions must be judged not only by words, but mainly by deeds. A special responsibility before God for counteracting obvious evil lies with those Orthodox Christians who are participants in the legislative process or have administrative powers.

Class hour about tolerance


  1. introduce students to the concept of “tolerance”, the main features of a tolerant and intolerant personality;
  2. develop the ability to adequately and fully know oneself and other people.


  1. give students the opportunity to assess their level of tolerance;
  2. development of attention, memory, creative thinking students;
  3. fostering a sense of collectivism and cohesion; promote the development of respectful relationships between students.

Form:“round table” with plot-role tasks and problematic issues.

Preliminary work: students are informed in advance about the topic of this event, given a special task (find the definition of the word tolerance in dictionaries; how the word tolerance is defined in different languages globe).

Progress of the class hour

Today our conversation is dedicated to tolerance . November 16 is International Day of Tolerance. Not everyone may be familiar with this, and, at first glance, it sounds completely incomprehensible. But the meaning it carries is very important for the existence and development of human society. A modern cultured person is not only educated person, but a person who has a sense of self-respect and is respected by others. Tolerance considered a sign of high spirituality and intellectual development individual, group, society as a whole.

Tolerance - this is respect, acceptance and correct understanding of the rich diversity of cultures of our world, forms of self-expression and ways of manifesting human individuality.

Show tolerance- this means recognizing that people differ in appearance, position, interests, behavior and values ​​and have the right to live in the world while maintaining their individuality.

Tolerance global problem, and most effective way formation of the younger generation is education.

Education in the spirit of tolerance helps to develop in young people the skills of independent thinking, critical thinking and the development of judgments based on moral values.

A modern cultured person is not only an educated person, but a person who has a sense of self-respect and is respected by others.

Tolerance is considered a sign of high spiritual and intellectual development of an individual, group, and society as a whole.

The term tolerance is explained as tolerance, desire and ability to establish and maintain communication with people.

Definition of the word " tolerance "sounds differently in different languages ​​of the globe:

Definition of the word " tolerance »

IN Spanish it means the ability to recognize ideas and opinions different from one's own;

In French, an attitude in which it is accepted that others may think or act differently than oneself;

In English - willingness to be tolerant, condescending;

In Chinese - allow, accept, be generous towards others;

In Arabic - forgiveness, forbearance, gentleness, mercy, compassion, benevolence, patience, affection for others;

In Russian - the ability to endure something or someone (to be self-possessed, hardy, persistent, to be able to put up with the existence of something, someone).

Questions for students:

  1. Which definition appeals to you most?
  2. Why do you think in different countries Are the definitions different?
  3. What do these definitions have in common?

Why is tolerance so important today?

The third millennium is gaining momentum. Progress moves inexorably forward. Technology has come to serve man. It would seem that life should become more measured and calmer. But more and more often we hear the words: refugee, victim of violence...

In today's society there is an active growth of extremism, aggressiveness, and expansion of conflict zones. These social phenomena particularly affect young people, who, due to age characteristics characterized by maximalism, the desire for simple and quick solutions complex social problems.

IN Lately Among teenagers and young people there is a catastrophic increase in all kinds of antisocial behavior. Juvenile crime continues to increase. The number of antisocial radical youth organizations is growing, involving inexperienced youth in extremist groups. Every person does different things in life. In some situations he does the right thing and shows his good qualities, but sometimes it happens the other way around...

“There are two roads in front of you, choose”

A young man and his girlfriend were walking around the city. A poorly dressed elderly man was sitting on the curb. A tattered bag lay next to him. He moaned softly, and there were tears in his eyes.

Wait, I’ll go to him,” the girl said.

Do not even think about it. “It’s dirty, you’ll catch an infection,” the young man answered, squeezing her hand.

Let go. You see his leg is broken. Look, there's blood on his pant leg.

What do we care? He himself is to blame.

Put my hand down, you're hurting me. He needs help.

I'm telling you: it's all his own fault. He has to work, but he begs, steals, and gets drunk. Why help him?

I'll come anyway. – The girl pulled her hand away.

I won't let you in. You are my girlfriend and don’t you dare communicate with “stuff.” Let’s get out of here,” he tried to lead her away.

You know what, I... How can you? He's in pain! It hurts, do you understand? No, you don't understand! The girl pushed the guy away and approached the man. The guy tried again to hold her. She resolutely pulled her hand back.

What's wrong with you? – she asked the man. – what’s wrong with your leg?

I broke her... I'm bleeding. I don’t know what to do or where the hospital is in this city. I'm not from here. It's too painful for me.

Now. Let me take a look. Be patient. We need to call an ambulance.

Listen,” the girl turned to young man who approached them, “don’t you have a mobile phone?”

The guy remained silent. The girl looked at him questioningly and suddenly felt disgust that emanated from his entire posture, his gaze... She stood up and approached the guy.

Get out! Never call me or come again! I don't want to know you anymore.

Can you really do this because of some homeless person, an alcoholic? Stupid! You'll regret it.

The girl shrugged and knelt down again. The guy walked away.

“You have an open fracture,” she said. - I'll go call the doctor. Be patient,” she quickly went to the telephone.

Young woman! – the man called out to her – Thank you! – The girl turned around and smiled.

You will definitely find happiness for yourself.

Questions for students:

  1. Why did the young man refuse to help?
  2. What would you do in this case?
  3. What do you usually do if you see that a person needs help?

How should we deal with people who beg?

Conclusion. Having done good, a person himself becomes better, cleaner, brighter. If we are attentive to any person with whom we interact, be it a random fellow traveler, a tramp or a friend, this will be an act of kindness.

There are two ways to develop a personality:

  1. Tolerant
  2. Intolerant

Students work in groups

Students in the class are divided into two groups. The first group will describe the main features inherent in a tolerant personality, the second - the features inherent in an intolerant personality.

The tolerant path is the path of a person who knows himself well and feels comfortable in environment someone who understands other people and is always ready to help, a person with a friendly attitude towards other cultures, views, and traditions.

The intolerant path is characterized by a person’s idea of ​​his own exclusivity, a low level of education, a feeling of discomfort in existing in the reality around him, a desire for power, and non-acceptance of opposing views, traditions and customs.

A Tale of Happiness

There lived one king in the world,
Rich and powerful.
He was always sad. And sometimes
It was darker than a cloud.
He walked, slept, had dinner,
But he knew no happiness!

But always whine and grieve
The poor guy has had enough.
The king cried out: “You can’t live like this!” -
And he jumped off the throne boldly.
Yes, instantly destroy your lot
Not in royal power?

And so the king got into the carriage -
And he went for happiness.
The king looks out the window,
The carriage is rolling fast.
Wait a minute, who's on the way?
A girl in a tattered dress.

Oh my almighty king,
Please give me at least a penny.
- Hey, beggar, let me in
Hurry up my carriage.
Get off the path immediately
After all, I'm going for happiness! –

The king said and drove off.
And the month was freezing in the blue sky...
The carriage rushes at random
God knows in which direction.
Suddenly a soldier stands in the way,
Wounded, ragged.

Oh my king, cried the soldier,
I'm very glad to see you!
I humbly ask: arrange
You are at my service,
I stood up for you,
I really fought like a hero,
I won the battle.
- Come on, servant, let me in.
Hurry up my carriage.
Get off the path immediately
After all, I'm going for happiness! –
The king said and drove off,
And the month was freezing in the blue sky...
The carriage rushes at full speed,
The horse gallops as fast as he can.
Suddenly she came out onto the road from the mountains
Stooped old woman.

Forgive me, my dear king,
Lonely old woman.
My house is over there, you see, behind the mountain,
I've gone far in the morning.
I carry firewood from the forest -
Hard work.
I look around, barely alive:
What if someone helps...

Come on, old woman, let me pass
Hurry up my carriage.
Get off the path immediately
After all, I'm going for happiness! –
The king said and drove off,
And the month was freezing in the blue sky...

Summer is over. Heat
Gives way to bad weather.
The king hurries:
- It's time to go,
A little more - and hurray!
I will find my happiness!

And it would all end in disaster -
There is no doubt about it.
Yes, an old man with a white beard
He stopped the carriage.
Having crossed himself, slowly,
Solemnly and strictly
Said: "Lost soul,
King, fear God!

Are you looking for happiness for yourself?
You are traveling around the world.
But, only loving your neighbor,
You will find this happiness.
Quickly listen to me:
Turn your horse back around
Warm and feed the child,
Hire a soldier as a watchman,
Do it all, but first
You can help the old lady:
You will bring firewood from home,
You’ll cut it and lay it down...”

Then the full moon came out.
And she illuminated the way.
Not an easy journey, the way back.
The path to happiness is not just anywhere.
The king is still in the palace
Helps all people.
And happiness on his face
It shines like a clear day!

Questions for students:

  1. How would you describe the king's behavior at the beginning of the story?
  2. Why do you think the king changed?
  3. Do such changes always happen in life?

What does this fairy tale teach us?

Conclusion . A person should strive to change himself in better side, live in peace with yourself. The only real mistake is not correcting your past mistakes.

Draw up rules of tolerant communication with students. For example:

  1. Respect your interlocutor.
  2. Try to understand what others are saying.
  3. State your opinion tactfully.
  4. Look for better arguments.
  5. Be fair, ready to accept the rightness of others.
  6. Strive to consider the interests of others.

A class is a small family. And I would like kindness, respect, mutual understanding to always reign in our family, and there would be no quarrels or swearing. What is needed for this?

Chinese parable “Good family”

Once upon a time there lived a family. She was not simple. There were more than 100 people in this family. And she occupied the whole village. This is how the whole family and the whole village lived. You say: so what, you never know large families in the world. But the fact is that the family was special - peace and harmony reigned in that family and, therefore, in the village. No quarrels, no swearing, no, God forbid, fights and strife. Rumors about this family reached the very ruler of the country. And he decided to check whether people were telling the truth. He arrived in the village, and his soul rejoiced: all around was purity, beauty, prosperity and peace. Good for children, calm for old people. The lord was surprised. I decided to find out how the villagers achieved such harmony, and came to the head of the family; Tell me, how do you achieve such harmony and peace in your family. He took a piece of paper and began to write something, he wrote for a long time - apparently he was not very good at reading and writing. Then he handed the sheet to the bishop. He took the paper and began to sort out the old man’s scribbles. I took it apart with difficulty and was surprised. Three words were written on the paper:

  1. Love;
  2. forgiveness;
  3. patience.