Health wisdom about the dangers of smoking and alcohol. Class hour about the dangers of alcohol and smoking!!!doc - class hour on the topic: “about the dangers of smoking and alcohol”

Class hour

“Smoking, drugs, alcoholism and

developing organism"

Target: expand students' knowledge about the harmful effects of smoking, alcohol and drugs on the health of schoolchildren.


    unification of the class team.

    expanding one's horizons outside of school hours.

    assistance in acquiring a culture of communication, a culture of behavior in a public place.

Smoking tobacco is one of the most

serious problems of modern

health and root cause

premature death, which

can be avoided.

Smoking has become very widespread in recent decades. There are probably no people today who will say that they have not heard anything about the dangers of smoking, or who will claim that smoking is beneficial. Smokers also know about the dangers of smoking. Having received confirmation of information about the dangers of smoking in their own feelings, many of them begin to realize that they need to quit smoking. But in reality, breaking out of nicotine addiction is not so easy. Without a doubt, quitting smoking is not easy. However, with rare exceptions, everyone can do this if they are serious enough and do not allow either compromises or gross mistakes in the fight against their own weakness.

Tobacco (lat. Nikotiana tabacum) is a perennial herbaceous plant from the nightshade family, usually grown as an annual. The birthplace of tobacco is tropical America. In Europe, tobacco became known after the return from America of the participants of Columbus's second expedition (1496) who brought its seeds. Tobacco was originally grown in Spain as a ornamental plant, it spread relatively slowly to other countries. However, the spread of tobacco accelerated sharply after tobacco re-entered Europe from Brazil. It was introduced to France. At the same time, its wider use began.

Over the course of a year, up to 800 g of tobacco tar passes through a smoker's lungs. If a person smokes an average pack of cigarettes a day, then in 30 years he will pass through his lungs the smoke from approximately 160 kg of tobacco. Smoking harms many organs and systems, but primarily the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs. Under the pressure of nicotine, a spasm of blood vessels occurs, as well as degeneration of their inner lining, which will lead to the development of atherosclerosis, a decrease in the lumen of blood vessels and a deterioration in blood flow in various parts of the body with a deterioration in their supply of oxygen and nutrients, with difficulty in removing unnecessary and harmful products metabolism.

Teenagers usually smoke secretly, hastily, and at the same time more nicotine goes into smoke; they usually finish the cigarette to the end, and this is where they gather the most toxic substances; sometimes they finish smoking other people’s cigarette butts; Teenagers often smoke one cigarette and pass it from mouth to mouth, which can facilitate the transmission of infectious diseases.

Anti-nicotine education should start from the very beginning. early age. It is necessary to instill in the child a negative attitude towards smoking, towards tobacco smoke based on direct perception, the negative reaction to all this of the people around him, and first of all his parents.

All this should not be stopped in the future, but in addition to this, when communicating with a student, it is necessary to emphasize some negative qualities of smokers, explaining that smokers are not only adults, independent, courageous people, but also “slaves” of a very bad habit, from which they themselves would happily get rid of if they had enough willpower and self-control to do so.

You should carefully monitor the student’s contacts and communication; Often boys are drawn to older people, teenagers and young men, and therefore the latter should be taken a closer look; if there is a suspicion that they smoke, all possibilities of communication should be stopped. Girls should be explained that smoking among girls is not uncommon in our time; nevertheless, a woman who smokes, and even more so a girl, is viewed with suspicion: after all, they often start smoking in suspicious, often dubious, companies. In addition, if some young men willingly communicate with girls who smoke, they are not so willing to marry them.

To prevent smoking in adolescents, it should be taken into account that sometimes it takes some time from trying the first cigarette before they actually start smoking, and it is very important to never lose sight of the need to introduce anti-nicotine control.

Drug addiction -chronic illness developing as a result of drug use.

In some areas of our country, wild varieties of hemp and poppy are still common. Insufficiently effective local control over the crops of these plants and their destruction makes it possible to obtain narcotic substances from them with their subsequent distribution.

Currently, among a certain part of young adolescents, there are cases of inhalation of vapors of volatile solvents, which quickly lead to psychological changes in personality and dementia. For the development of drug addiction, appropriate negative conditions are necessary, in which the introduction of this mentally immature or psychopathic personality to narcotic or intoxicating substances occurs. We are talking about the negative impact of the microsphere. Disharmonious families should also be included in the negative microsphere. Drunkenness and tense, conflictual relationships between family members always have a negative impact on the formation of a child’s personality. in such families, children from an early age adopt the pathological stereotype of adult behavior, do not have close, emotional contact with their parents, and do not love their home. They are poorly integrated into the school process, do not participate in social life, spend most of their time outside home and school, on the street, most often in antisocial company, where they begin to become involved in drugs, alcohol, commit illegal acts, etc.

Three stages of drug addiction:

    The presence of only mental dependence on drugs and other intoxicating substances (relatively short)

    The presence of not only mental, but also physical.

    The disease occurs against the background of depletion of all systems and functions of the body - nervous, mental, physical.

Alcohol... Drunkenness. Why does this problem worry more and more people in different countries of the world every year?

Most alcoholic beverages (with the exception of grape wines and beer) are obtained by mixing ethyl alcohol, water and various additives that provide a particular flavor and taste of alcoholic beverages.

First of all, the nervous system reacts to the entry of alcohol into the body. First, the activity of the cerebral cortex is disrupted, and then the effect of alcohol spreads to the cells of the spinal cord. Much research has been devoted to the impact of alcoholism on children’s health, and this problem has been intensively studied since the last century. Back in 1914, the Russian doctor V.Ya. Kanel compared the health indicators of children in families of non-drinkers and those with alcoholism. He found that the death of children in the first months after birth was noted in 8.2% and 43.9% of them; retardation in psychophysical development and various diseases were noted in 9.8% and 38.6%, respectively.

Thus, less than 1/5 of children born into families with alcoholism developed normally in psychophysical and physical terms. Parental alcoholism contributes to the occurrence of mental illness and deviant behavior. The majority of adolescents with such behavior have parental alcoholism, and in adolescents with various forms of mental pathology, parental alcoholism was detected in 2/3 of observations. The mother was called to school because her son’s poor performance was that the boy was inattentive in class, often distracted, and could not concentrate for a long time. Completes homework sluggishly. If he makes mistakes in solving problems, then instead of analyzing his work and finding the right solution, he gets irritated and stops working altogether. During breaks during games, he gets easily excited and loses his sense of proportion. The games in which he participates often escalate into a quarrel or fight. He is rude when dealing with his peers and tries to establish his authority with the help of physical force. He is impudent with teachers. From a conversation with his mother it turns out that in last years The child's father drinks regularly, comes home late at night and is always drunk. Each of his behavior at home is accompanied by a scandal with his wife and threats against the child. Scandals often continue past midnight, and all this time the child does not sleep. The mother notes that the son has become extremely unrestrained, rude, and tries to hide from his father. He does not invite any of his peers home, because he is ashamed of his father and does not want his comrades to know about his drunkenness. The child does not have the opportunity to exercise regularly or have proper rest. He lives in an atmosphere of constant fear, insults, shame in front of others for the behavior of his drunken father, fear for his mother and for himself. All this led to the boy becoming nervous, barking poorly with his emotional reactions, and unable to choose the right tone of communication with others. The usual school load against the background of developing neurosis turns out to be excessive for him, and academic performance decreases.

Class hour

“Mobile phone – benefit or harm”


Over the past few decades, the rapid development of digital technology has led to a cellular epidemic that has affected the entire world!

Mobile phone has become an integral part of our life. In recent years, the telephone, from a toy and measure of wealth, has turned into an ordinary working tool, as it should be. Today almost everyone has a mobile phone. According to statistical studies, the number of mobile phone owners is estimated at 1.9 billion people.

The ubiquity of cell phones is stimulating the development of research aimed at finding out whether cell phones are harmful to human health?

Every day there are publications proving the harmful effects of mobile phones on human health. However, we are so accustomed to this convenient type of communication that now we practically cannot refuse it.

I decided to figure out how the electromagnetic radiation of a mobile phone affects living organisms and how to reduce the harm that this radiation causes. We want to find out this for ourselves, since we also have phones, and we will also tell our friends about the influence of cell phones and how to use them correctly.

Can you imagine life without a mobile phone? Hardly. Over the past decades, mobile communications have confidently entered our lives and become an integral part of it. Many people even wonder how it was possible to live without mobile phones before, there are so many important issues, so many unforeseen situations could have been avoided...

Millions of people use cell phones every day, which are becoming an indispensable attribute of a modern person - every fourth Russian today is a user of a cellular communication system.

Therefore, doctors, scientists, and even users themselves are increasingly concerned about the question: are mobile phones safe?

Today, a mobile phone is not just a means of communication, it is also an audio and video player, a voice recorder, a camera, a calculator, and in general a fairly multifunctional device. In addition to all kinds of auxiliary options. A mobile phone is also a clear determinant of a person’s wealth. It is generally accepted that the newer and more advanced (and therefore more expensive) the model, the better financial situation his owner.

But considering a mobile phone a luxury has not been accepted for a long time. Today, virtually every schoolchild, even those in elementary school, has one. And not for the sake of boasting, but for the sake of safety and convenience. Parents don't have to worry about where their child is; they just need to call him.

2. Purpose of the study.

The purpose of this study is to study the problem of the influence of cellular communications on the human body, warn people about the danger and develop specific proposals to reduce it. I was interested in this work because I myself use the phone very often and I became interested in whether the phone affects human health.

    History of mobile phone development

Mobile phone- a portable communication device intended primarily for voice communication. Currently, cellular communications are the most common of all types of mobile radio communications, which is why a cell phone is most often called a mobile phone. At the same time, along with cell phones, satellite phones and long-distance radio telephones are also mobile.

In 1946, leading specialists at AT&T BellLabs decided to create the world's first portable telephone. Through some scientific research, it was decided to combine an ordinary telephone with a radio transmitter, and to use an ordinary radio station to transmit the signal.

At that time, such a telephone hybrid, which later received the name radiotelephone, was widely used in cars. The radio station itself was located in the trunk of the car, the handset was carried into the cabin, and the antenna was placed on the roof. Of course, the quality of communication could not be called ideal; constant noise and interference were present on the air. Nevertheless, thanks to their mobility, cordless phones have gained quite a popularity.

In Russia, the Delta Telecom company appeared in St. Petersburg on September 9, 1991. The first symbolic call on a cell phone connected to the network was made on September 9, 1991 by the then mayor of St. Petersburg, Anatoly Sobchak. The handset he was calling was called Mobira MD59-NB2; It was released by the Finnish company Nokia and weighed about 3 kg.

Mobile phone appearance

1. Graphics manipulator button
2. Call button
3. Phone book
4. Keyboard
5. Antenna
6. Sound speaker
7. LCD display
8. On/off and call reset key
9. Cancel key
10. Microphone (located at the bottom)

    Mobile phone action

Cell phones pose a threat to other electronic devices due to the so-called electromagnetic compatibility problem, i.e. creation of mutual interference by various radio-electronic devices. The fact is that the cell phone transmitter turns on not only when there is a call, but also when it receives automatic (probing) BS calls.

Regardless of the user’s actions, the cell phone independently answers the call from the BS, reporting that it is within its coverage area and is ready to receive a call. Thus, a switched-on cell phone can create powerful radio interference at any time. The aviators were the first to sound the alarm. There is no need to explain what can happen to a landing plane if its navigation system or autopilot suddenly fails. Gas station owners also fear the same situations.

    Impact on humans

As a result of numerous studies in the field of biological effects of electromagnetic radiation, it was established:

1. That they have the property of accumulating over time in the human body, thereby disturbing its bioenergetic balance and, first of all, the structure of the so-called. energy information exchange (ENIO), which ensures the normal functioning of information exchange processes between all organs and systems, at all levels of organization of the human body, including those between the body and the external environment.

2. The most sensitive systems of the human body are: nervous, immune, endocrine and reproductive (sexual).

3. The biological effect of EMF under conditions of long-term, long-term exposure can lead to the development of long-term consequences, including degenerative processes of the central nervous system, blood cancer (leukemia), brain tumors, hormonal diseases, etc.

4. EMFs are especially dangerous for children and pregnant women, since the child’s body, which has not yet formed, is highly sensitive to the effects of such fields.

5. People with diseases of the central nervous, hormonal, cardiovascular systems, allergy sufferers and people with weakened immune systems are also very sensitive to the effects of EMFs.

Children slow down

Alan Preece, head of the biophysics department at the Bristol Cancer Centre, gave phones to 10- and 11-year-olds for half an hour. For half they worked in talk mode, for others they were disabled. And then the scientist conducted neurophysiological tests. For those who had mobile phones turned on, all reactions were slow. Another experiment showed that even after a two-minute conversation, the bioelectrical activity of the brain changes in adolescents aged 11-13 years. It returns to normal only after two hours. What does it mean? The child’s mood changes, he perceives the material in class worse if he was chatting on his cell phone during the break.

And adults' blood boils

Hungarian biologist Turocsi asked 76 volunteers to make two calls, each lasting 7.5 minutes. The body trembled with all its fibers: the biocurrents of the brain changed, cerebral circulation slowed down, and blood pressure dropped. Doctors recorded anxiety and stress in the subjects.

And Russian professor Igor Belyaev, working at Stockholm University, turned on the phone next to test tubes with human blood. An hour later, the blood in several of them “boiled”! “No, it didn’t heat up,” explains the researcher. “But the blood cells, lymphocytes, behaved as if the person had a very high fever - 44 degrees.” The “heat shock” effect lasted 72 hours.

Embryos die

At the Moscow Institute of Biophysics, Professor Yuri Grigoriev made two incubators. I put 63 in each chicken eggs. A GSM mobile phone was suspended above one “bird house” at a height of 10 cm. The phone worked in this mode: 1.5 minutes on, half a minute off. Embryonic development disorders began on the third day. Only 16 birds hatched and “listened” to the phone! But they also turned out to be unviable. For comparison: in an incubator where the eggs were not pestered with calls, 51 chicks were born without any problems.

    The conversation limit is 15 minutes per day (children from 8 to 14 years old), adults - 30 minutes.

    Maximize the period between two conversations (minimum recommended - 15 minutes),

    Do not carry a switched-on phone in your chest pockets (risk of developing malignant tumors).

    The mobile phone must be kept at a distance of at least 2 cm from the person’s body in a special case.

    During a conversation, it is advisable to use a headset and a hands-free system.

    Do not purchase used mobile phones.

    Use speakerphone whenever possible.

    Instead of talking, use SMS services.

    Do not talk on a cell phone in a car. The metal body of the car acts as a “screen”, radio communication deteriorates. In response to this, the mobile device increases its power, which leads to greater exposure of the subscriber. When living in buildings made of reinforced concrete structures, a conversation on a mobile phone should be conducted near a large window, on a loggia or balcony.

    During a conversation, be sure to hold the device by the lower part. If you hold the phone in your “fist”, the power of the device increases by about 70% and thereby increases the radiation exposure.

    Change the position of the handset during a conversation (left and


Of course, a mobile phone is very necessary in modern society. It is very comfortable. But on the other hand, this is a great harm. Telephones have a negative impact on human health. You need to know the rules of use cell phone and do not neglect them in order to protect your body from harmful effects. A person can ensure his own safety if he has necessary information. Each of us can and even must take simple precautions.

Class hour “Is laziness a helper or an enemy?”

Hello, dear guys! The topic of our class hour is “ Is laziness a helper or an enemy?»

Let's define the goals of the class hour. What should we learn today?

(students' answers)

Problematic question: Is laziness good or bad?

    Dahl’s dictionary says: “Laziness is aversion from work, from business, from activities; a tendency towards idleness and parasitism."

    Another definition of laziness is “the need to conserve energy.” Laziness is a person’s desire to refuse to overcome difficulties, a persistent reluctance to make a volitional effort.

    Laziness is a sign of depression.

The Tale of Laziness

Once upon a time there was Laziness and Otet.

Everyone knows about Laziness: some have heard from others, some have met, some know each other and are friends. Laziness is clingy: it gets tangled in your legs, ties your hands, and if it grabs your head, it knocks you to sleep.

Leni was lazier when it came to fathering.

The day was light, the sun was warm and there was a breeze. We were lying under the apple tree, Laziness and Fat. The apples are ripe, blushing and hanging above their heads.

Laziness says:

If an apple fell into my mouth, I would eat it.

Otet says:

Laziness, how can you say that you’re not lazy?

Leni and Oteti's apples fell into their mouths. Laziness began to move her teeth quietly, with a break, but she still ate an apple.

Otet says:

Laziness, how are you not too lazy to move your teeth?

A dark cloud moved in and lightning struck the apple tree. The apple tree caught fire. It got hot.

Laziness says:

Father, let's move from the fire; As soon as the heat stops getting to us, it only gets warmer, we’ll stop.

Lenya began to move herself a little, and moved quite a bit.

Otet says:

Laziness, how can you move yourself? Are you not too lazy?

So Otet exhausted herself with hunger and fire.

People began to study, albeit lazily, but to study. They began to be able to work, albeit lazily, but to work. There were fewer fights over each piece and shred.

And if we get rid of laziness, we will live happily.

Proverbs and sayings

    Why is the cat smooth? - I ate it on my side.

    You will become lazy, you will drag your money around.

    Laziness will not lead to good.

    Laziness takes care of itself.

    Laziness, open the door, you'll burn! Even if I burn, I won’t open it.

    It's always a holiday for the lazy.

    When you're lazy, everything goes wrong.

    Lazy Fedorka always has excuses.

    The first myth is that laziness is considered something independent of a person, an irremovable character trait.

This is not true. Laziness is just certain patterns of behavior, habits. And habits can be changed.

    The second myth is the phrase: “Laziness is when I do nothing.”

This is also incorrect. When a person says: “I’m lazy,” he is not doing anything, but eating, drinking, watching TV, lying on the couch, listening to music, etc. These are all actions. It's another matter when these actions begin to interfere with life.


Answer three questions:

    What do you like better: apples or pears?

    Cucumbers or tomatoes?

    Melons or watermelons?

Apple- cucumber- melon.

According to psychologists, this choice is typical for boys. If you are a guy, then, obviously, in your character there are many traits that are usually called masculine - willpower, determination, courage, self-control. If you are a girl, then most likely you prefer to communicate with boys rather than with girls, and as a child you loved playing war and climbing trees more than cooking dinner for dolls and sewing dresses for them. However, regardless of whether you are a guy or a girl, in your company you are the leader and ringleader. The guys respect you and value your friendship.

Apple- cucumber - watermelon.

That's who gave parents and other educators a hard time in childhood! Your imagination and thirst for adventure knows no bounds. It doesn’t cost you anything to get caught up in some kind of story or invent such a trick that adults will only throw up their hands. Peers your age adore being in your company - of course, because it’s always so fun and so interesting to be with you! You have a fickle, changeable character. No one knows what to expect from you in the next minute, not even you. However, your resourcefulness and quick wits always help you find a way out of the most seemingly dead-end situation.

Apple- tomato- melon.

People who choose this combination know very well what they want from life. They are practical, enterprising and have a tenacious mind. When communicating with others, they are always very polite and tactful. If you are in this group, then most likely the vast majority of your friends speak positively about you. The guys respect you, your parents are proud of your education and independence, your teachers single you out from the rest of the class and set you as an example to others. And you chuckle to yourself - none of them even knows what you really are.

Apple- tomato- watermelon.

Your calmness, balance and prudence can only be envied; you are not a supporter of too active games, you do not like large noisy companies, and you cannot tolerate any quarrels or conflicts. Any shocks and even just major changes in life can unsettle you for a long time. You're not very sociable. If the question arises about how to spend your day off, you are more likely to sit all day in front of the TV or computer than go to a party.

Pear- cucumber - melon.

One can only dream of a friend like you. You are a strong, reliable person and at the same time sensitive and friendly. The guys understand this and are drawn to you; you are very popular in all companies. You like sports, active games, hiking and traveling. You will gladly take part in the repairs that your family decides to do on their own, but getting you to clean up your room or regularly wash your neck is an impossible task.

Pear- cucumber -watermelon.

If you get such a combination, it means you are an incorrigible dreamer. A wild imagination often takes you into a mysterious world full of wonderful and exciting adventures. Alas, in reality, relationships with people are not so smooth. That's why you often get offended by your family and friends - and in most cases, completely in vain! Believe that your friends treat you well and consider you a sweet and attractive person.

Pear- tomato- melon.

Those who choose this combination adore comfort and coziness. They are picky eaters and always dress tastefully. Their house is always clean, well-groomed, full of beautiful things and cute trinkets. They have a very developed sense of beauty, they love nature, art, and music. As for character, by nature they are more impressionable, sensitive and vulnerable than other people.

Pear- tomato- watermelon.

Admit it, do you often get told that you could be an A student (or at least a good student) if you weren’t lazy? Because any tension, any volitional effort is a sharp knife for you. You are a cheerful, sociable, sociable person, you have an easy-going and friendly character. You behave sincerely and naturally with people, so sometimes you are accused of being too straightforward and lacking tact.

    Each of us has the right to choose how to live our lives. On the couch or with a backpack over your shoulders, conquering Everest.

    What do YOU ​​think?

Class hour "Computer - friend or foe?"

Goals: enriching the life experience of students with knowledge about the impact of computers on human health and methods of disease prevention;


Develop the ability to see the positive and negative aspects of working with a computer,

To develop in schoolchildren the ability to analyze, compare, and generalize;

To develop in children a friendly attitude towards each other, the ability to work in a team;

Forming in students the ability to organize work in a group, the ability to work with information, highlight the main thing, and listen to others.

Organizing time

Hello dear guys! I am very glad to meet you!

Game "Those who..."

If you're in a great mood, stomp your left foot.

Touch the tip of your nose for those who like to play on the computer.

Raise both hands, those who use computers wisely.

Clap your hands those who are ready to listen to me.

Exercise "Associations" »:

Guys, tell me, what associations do you have when you hear the word computer? . (Students take turns speaking.) (Monitor, games, Internet, mail….)

Teacher's word:

Many different machines were invented and built by man. All of them are his faithful assistants. There are machines as strong as an excavator. There are machines as dexterous as a loom. There are cars that are as fast as an airplane. And there are machines as smart as a computer.

Of course, a computer is no smarter than a person. But the person managed to transfer some part of his mind and knowledge to the computer,

There are computers at work, at home, at school, and sometimes even in kindergarten.

Today we will talk to you about the computer, whether it is a friend, a helper or an enemy. This will be the topic of our class hour .

Translated from Latin, computer means “I calculate, I count.”

Today we will touch on a pressing topic for all teenagers.

Listen to the riddle:

There is such a network in the world,

You can't catch fish with it.

Even children are included in it,

to communicate or play.

Information is obtained

and what’s not here!

What is that network called?

Well, of course - Internet

Listen to a poem about how to use the Internet correctly and safely and what precautions you should take.

Students read poetry

What simple, but very important and necessary rules for using the Internet are discussed in this poem? - What other tips and suggestions could you give to your peers to make their Internet experience useful and safe?

(It is not advisable to post personal information on the Internet, Do not respond to Spam (unsolicited email), Do not open files sent by people you do not know. You cannot know what these files actually contain - they may contain viruses or photos/videos with “aggressive” content. Do not add strangers to your contact list in IM (ICQ, MSN messenger, etc.), Remember that virtual acquaintances may not be who they say they are. It’s never too late to tell adults if someone offended you. - Guys, look at this picture carefully. Looking at her, what can you say? (Slide 8)

- (Mom pulls her son away from the computer);

Why do you think? - (Because he spends a lot of time at the computer.)

What do they call people who spend endless time on the Internet looking for something? They can’t imagine their life without the Internet, they are addicted to the Internet.? - (This is the Internet - dependent people.)

Teacher's word:

The computer has firmly entered our lives. Universal computerization greatly affects people.

What is this impact, positive or negative?

I suggest you divide into groups.

Group work (divide into groups according to the color of the circle)

1 group - think and write 3-4 examples to prove that the computer is a friend

Group 2 - computer assistant

3 group- the computer is the enemy

Groups voice completed buildings.

Performance of 1st group

When does a computer behave like a friend?

    Chat with friends

    Games, entertainment

So, tell me, what benefits does a computer bring?

Performance of 2 groups

    A source of information

    You can learn to draw

    Good printing machine

    Calculating machine

    Stores a large amount of information

A computer can not only be a friend, but also turn into a worst enemy. In what cases can this happen?

Group 3 performance

    Harmful to vision.

    Damages the spine (we spend a lot of time sitting and tense).

    Overload of the hand joints.

    There is headache, sleep disturbance, memory impairment.

    We read little, and hence we imagine, imagine, and fantasize little.

    We get stressed when we fail during the game.

Teacher's word:

Guys, look at me. I'll draw a bowl with scales. On one bowl we will put your computer, your friend, your helper, and on the other bowl, your computer, your enemy? What do you think will outweigh? (the computer must be used, but in such a way as not to harm your health)

Teacher's word:

Computers have become so commonplace that the dangers associated with their use are involuntarily forgotten. Like any achievement of progress, be it a car, an airplane, a TV, a computer is a source of negative impacts on a person, harms his health if used incorrectly, and can cause occupational diseases.

However, a computer becomes a kind, smart, tireless assistant if a person thinks through all the moments of communication with it, follows safety rules, and does not violate sanitary standards drawn up by specialists.

Each group names one piece of advice.

3. Keep your back straight while sitting at the computer.

4. Eyes should be 70 cm away from the monitor.

5. Do eye exercises from time to time (every 10 minutes)

And now we will implement one of the good pieces of advice.

Let's do some gymnastics for the eyes.

Physical exercise.

First you need to turn away from the computer monitor and close your eyes,

    quickly close your eyes 10 times without opening your eyelids;

    then also blink intensely 10 times (It is advisable to do this as quickly as possible and opening your eyes as wide as possible);

    after this, you need to massage the temples at the edge of the eyes with circular movements of your fingertips, but there is a small nuance here: fingers right hand it is necessary to move clockwise, and the fingers of the left hand counterclockwise.


Guys, is the computer a friend or foe for us?

Final part

I hope that you can find a middle ground in communicating with the computer, making it a friend who helps you solve various problems of your development, and not an enemy of your health.

And as a parting gift, I want to give you a small gift: I give you good advice so that you remember these tips when you work or play on the computer and take care of your health.

And then the computer will be your friend and assistant, and not your enemy.

Thank you very much for your work!


Group 1: Computer friend

Group 2: Computer assistant

Group 3: The computer is the enemy

1. Spend no more than 20 minutes at the computer

2. Frequently ventilate the room where the computer is located

8 . Get up from the computer and do a warm-up.

Choose good advice to stay healthy.

1. Spend no more than 20 minutes at the computer

2. Frequently ventilate the room where the computer is located

3. Work at the computer for 5 hours.

4. Keep your back straight while sitting at the computer.

5. Eyes should be 70 cm away from the monitor.

6. Do not get up and do warm-ups.

7. Do eye exercises from time to time (every 10 minutes)

8 . Get up from the computer and do a warm-up.

9. Sit close to the monitor, otherwise you can’t see anything.

Choose good advice to stay healthy.

1. Spend no more than 20 minutes at the computer

2. Frequently ventilate the room where the computer is located

3. Work at the computer for 5 hours.

4. Keep your back straight while sitting at the computer.

5. Eyes should be 70 cm away from the monitor.

6. Do not get up and do warm-ups.

7. Do eye exercises from time to time (every 10 minutes)

8 . Get up from the computer and do a warm-up.

9. Sit close to the monitor, otherwise you can’t see anything.

Choose good advice to stay healthy.

1. Spend no more than 20 minutes at the computer

2. Frequently ventilate the room where the computer is located

3. Work at the computer for 5 hours.

4. Keep your back straight while sitting at the computer.

5. Eyes should be 70 cm away from the monitor.

6. Do not get up and do warm-ups.

7. Do eye exercises from time to time (every 10 minutes)

8 . Get up from the computer and do a warm-up.

9. Sit close to the monitor, otherwise you can’t see anything.




1. Spend no more than 20 minutes at the computer;

2. Frequently ventilate the room where the computer is located;

3. When sitting at the computer, keep your back straight;

4. Eyes from the monitor should be at a distance of 70 cm;

5. From time to time, perform eye exercises (every 10 minutes);

6. Get up from the computer and do a warm-up.

Class hour “How to give first medical care»

Target: train students in practical skills of providing first aid for closed injuries - teach the rules of immobilization of limbs; to formulate in students the need to comply with the rules of safe behavior during breaks, when playing sports, on walks, and excursions.

Tasks: systematize students’ knowledge in the field of medicine; teach to identify open and closed injuries; introduce the most common types of closed injuries - sprain, dislocation, fracture, and their symptoms; introduce the rules of first aid for sprains, dislocations, fractures; teach the rules for applying splints for a closed forearm fracture; prevention of injuries in everyday life.

Equipment: bandages, makeshift splints and ice - polystyrene foam, table for classification of injuries and primary medical care, drawing of a first aid kit for primary medical treatment, drawings of a sprain, dislocation, closed fracture, drawing of immobilization of the forearm, video montage of the film “Well, wait a minute”, presentation of “primary medical treatment for closed injuries”, in /f “Rules for applying splints for a closed fracture of the forearm”, figure “What is best to apply to the site of dislocation and fracture”, memo for students “Rules and methods for applying splints”.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Updating previous knowledge.

Today we will continue the topic “Fundamentals of medical knowledge and rules of first aid.” You already know that to provide primary care you need to have an individual first aid kit with you. When going on a hike, long trip, for mushrooms, for a bike ride, you should definitely take a first aid kit with you. It should contain a minimum of means to provide, if necessary, first aid or self-help.

What products and medications should be in an individual first aid kit? My drawing shows items that are and are not included in a first aid kit. Carefully consider, name the means, determine their affiliation, justify your answer (students’ answers).

Unfortunately, situations may arise in life when you need to be able to provide self- or mutual assistance, but using only the means of a personal first aid kit is not enough. The injury is much more serious.


Let's consider situations in which such injuries can occur. Watch fragments of the cartoon “Well, wait a minute” and answer the question: in what situations did the Wolf get injured? ( viewing fragments of the film “Well, wait a minute”).

Children's answers: falling from a tree, from the height of a multi-story building, lack of coordination of movement, hitting hard object, injuries during sports, jumping, movement on uneven, slippery places...

Teacher: The wolf was injured due to his rash, careless, and incorrect behavior. You must be very attentive, careful, be sure to follow the rules of safe behavior in the gym, on a walk, in the forest, when visiting a museum... How should you help the victim in such cases? (students' answers).

The topic of our lesson: First aid for closed injuries.

We will get acquainted with three types of closed injuries: sprain, dislocation, fracture. We will learn the symptoms by which they can be distinguished, and most importantly, how to provide first aid for these injuries. In practice, we will learn how to apply improvised splints for a closed forearm fracture.

    What are closed injuries and how to provide first aid for them?

    Let's consider the concept of “closed” injuries. What injuries are called closed? ( students find out based on the drawings).

Closed injuries- injuries in which the integrity of the skin is not compromised. If the skin is damaged or has a wound, then such an injury is called open.

In today's lesson we will look at three types of closed injuries: sprains, dislocations, fractures. Let's learn the rules of first aid for each.

By stretching is called excessive overstrain of muscle tissue. Sprains occur when there is sudden sudden movement or a fall. Most often, the ankle ligaments are injured when the foot twists.

Sprain symptoms:

    severe pain at the time of injury,


    hemorrhage, after some time, change in skin color, cyanosis,

    movement of the limb is limited and painful.

First aid for sprains:

    applying cold to the damaged area,

    applying a tight bandage,

    giving the injured limb an elevated position,

    ensuring rest of the damaged surface.

Dislocation called the displacement of the articular ends of bones relative to each other. More often, dislocations occur when falling or hitting a hard object. There are complete and incomplete dislocations. Complete dislocation - the articular ends of the bones are not completely in contact with each other. Incomplete dislocation - the articular ends of the bones partially touch.

Doctors say that dislocations of the shoulder joint most often occur, since when we fall, we rely on our arm. In second place are dislocations of the elbow joint.

Symptoms of dislocation:

    severe deformation of the joint,

    apparent shortening of the limb.

First aid for sprains:

    provide rest to the injured limb,

    apply a tight bandage,


The main task is to quickly, without causing harm, deliver the victim to the hospital! And setting dislocations is a medical procedure!

Fracture– complete or partial damage to the integrity of the bone. There are open and closed fractures. An open fracture means the skin is damaged, a closed fracture means the skin is not damaged. Fractures occur due to severe bruises and falls. Doctors say that most often fractures occur in the extremities - arms and legs.

Symptoms of fractures:

    strong pain,

    limb deformity,


    impairment of support ability.

Any fracture is dangerous with complications!

First aid for fractures:

The main task is to ensure the immobility of the injured limb. This reduces pain and does not cause additional bone displacement.

For a closed fracture:

    ensure limb immobility,


For an open fracture:

    stop bleeding by pressing large blood vessels above or below the wound,

    treat the edges of the wound with iodine, bandage the wound with a sterile bandage,



Send to a medical facility!

Remember: properly provided assistance will preserve human health and can even save lives!

To reinforce the new topic, we will repeat the lesson material using the table.

(working with a table).

4. Dynamic pause for injury prevention “I will save my health - I will help myself.”

Exercise AIST. The stork has long legs and stands on tiptoes. Stand up, rise onto your toes and lower onto your heels. Do this several times.

Exercise BIRDS. Birds flap their wings up and down and back and forth to fly. While standing, do the same movements with your hands several times.

Exercise GIRAFFE. The giraffe has a long, thin neck and can tilt and stretch it, make circular movements, turn its head right and left, up and down. While standing, repeat the movements of the giraffe with your neck.

5. Practical work.

the main objective Our lesson will not only familiarize you with the types of closed injuries, but also acquire practical skills in providing first aid for them. Today we will learn the rules for applying splints for a closed forearm fracture. Watch the video and pay attention to these rules.

(watching a video clip with the participation of a medical worker and a school student - the “victim”)

These rules are in the form of a reminder on your desks for use during practical work.

Our class is divided into groups. In each group, select one victim, provide assistance to him using a set of splints, a set of dressings, instructions and a reminder. Remember the safety rules when working with sharp and cutting objects. At the end of the practical part, we will compare the result of your work with the standard (hangs on the board in the form of a picture).

(practical work in groups)

I ask the “victims” to come to the board. The results of each group’s work are evaluated by the whole class.

6. Homework.

Together with your parents, read the lesson material on pages 106-109 of the textbook. Select one parent as the victim and assist him with a closed fracture of an arm or leg. In addition to dad or mom, the victims may be a doll or a teddy bear. To remember the rules, repeat your steps several times.

7. Generalization.

So, today in class we learned about three types of closed injuries - sprain, dislocation, fracture. We learned how to apply improvised splints for a closed fracture. Answer the question: what objects shown in the figure can serve as splints for dislocations and fractures?

(work based on the drawing “What is better to apply to the site of dislocation or fracture”).

8. Summing up.


Municipal state educational institution

Kupinskayaspecial (correctional) boarding school

for orphans and children,left without parental care,

with disabilitiesNovosibirsk region

(MKOU Kupinskaya boarding school)

Conducted by: Kanunnikova T.I.

Teacher of 4th group

Class hour on the topic:

“Smoking and alcohol – freedom or addiction,

impact on human health"

Goals and objectives:

    Familiarize students with the facts about smoking and drinking alcohol.

    To familiarize students with health problems that arise in people who smoke and drink alcohol.

    Determine the level of consciousness of students on this issue for further planning of educational work.

    Develop the ability to refuse offers random people things, including cigarettes, alcohol, drugs;

    Formation of healthy skills for getting out of difficult situations or satisfying internal needs,

    Formation of a stable opinion about the dangers of smoking, alcohol, drugs;

    Formation of an objective social position.

    Formation of a negative attitude towards smoking and the need for a healthy lifestyle

Progress of the class hour

We invite you to a class hour

We started our class hour with an epigraph - a statement by Leo Tolstoy. Let's read and think about the meaning of the words spoken. How do you understand them? What did the outstanding writer mean? (students' answers)

A person comes into this world not only for his comfortable existence and personal happiness. His mind, skills, experience, his whole life are necessary for his children, society, and future generations.

Health, spiritual and physical, which is the main asset of a person, helps to make a person’s existence on earth worthy, not only a personal matter, but also a social one.

What does it mean to be healthy for a child? This means developing one’s physical and spiritual strength in harmony, having endurance and balance, being able to withstand the effects of both unfavorable environmental factors and one’s own inner world.

A healthy lifestyle of the younger generation is the key to the health of the nation as a whole. That is why educational and educational activities of the family, school and the entire society on the issues of maintaining and promoting health are so necessary.

Upbringing strong-willed qualities character, enlightenment, knowledge legal framework health protection, correct attitude to life values, formation of interest in creative, cognitive activity, creating conditions for social and professional self-determination, preventive measures– all this creates the need for a healthy lifestyle.

A lot has been said about the dangers of smoking and drinking alcohol. And yet the number of smokers and people who drink alcohol continues to grow every year. Why does a “reasonable” person, despite the threatening statistics, continue to poison himself with enviable persistence? During our conversation today, we will try to find the answer to this question, and at the same time we will learn a lot of interesting things. So:

I think that few of you know how a person learned about tobacco in the first place, and how his “fate” unfolded.

Theoretical part

Presenter 1:

The history of tobacco smoking has been known since the distant past. Some researchers claim that the first smokers on earth were the Egyptian pharaohs. A clay hookah and other smoking accessories were found in one of the tombs of the 2nd millennium BC.

Many researchers consider Central and South America to be the birthplace of tobacco, where up to 60 of its species and varieties still grow in natural conditions.

At the end of the 15th century (in 1492), Christopher Columbus on one of the Bahamas islands he discovered was extremely surprised when he saw how local residents inhaled smoke from a smoldering leaf rolled into a tube and then released it from their nostrils. They called such tubes cigaros. It is believed that the word "tobacco" comes from the name of the province of Tabago on the island of Haiti, where this plant grew.

The penetration of tobacco into Europe was facilitated by the monk Roman Panet, who visited America as a missionary during Columbus’s second expedition.

He brought tobacco seeds to Spain and began to grow this plant as an ornamental. Already in 1496, the first tobacco plantations appeared in Spain, in 1559 in Portugal, and from there, in 1560, in France. At the end of the 16th century -early XVII centuries smoking spread to other continents. IN Central Asia In Eastern countries, tobacco was placed under the tongue or on the cheek, and snuff powder was prepared from the dried leaves. The passion for tobacco was so strong that this plant began to be attributed medicinal properties, considering it almost a panacea. So the French ambassador to Portugal, Jean Nicot, presented his queen Catherine de Medici with leaves and seeds of tobacco for vigor, and also as a remedy for headaches and many diseases. As a token of gratitude, the Queen named the “miracle drug” after her messenger - nicotine.

Presenter 2:

However, it cannot be said that tobacco penetrated everywhere unhindered. In Italy, for example, tobacco was declared “the devil’s pastime.” Excessive use of tobacco often led to severe poisoning, which prompted the authorities and the church to begin an active fight against this bad habit. In America, for example, smokers were executed, in Turkey they were impaled, in Italy they were excommunicated and walled up alive in walls. Back in 1604, the English king James I wrote in his work “On the Harm of Tobacco”: “Smoking is a disgusting practice for the eyes, disgusting for the smell, harmful for the brain and dangerous for the lungs.” Under his rule, smokers were subjected to severe punishments, up to and including beheading. But already in 1625, the new king of England, Charles I, allowed smoking and monopolized the production and trade of tobacco.

Tobacco was brought to Russia in the second half of the 16th century, and from the 17th century. it began to be cultivated in Ukraine. The abuse of tobacco in Rus' has caused protests from the government. Thus, in 1683, a special royal decree was issued, according to which smokers were punished with 60 blows to the heels with a stick, and those caught repeatedly using the “ungodly” potion had their nostrils or ears cut off.

At the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th centuries. measures against smoking began to be relaxed, since Peter I himself became a slave to this habit. As a result, he not only abolished all laws prohibiting smoking, but also allowed the import of tobacco from abroad. And yet tobacco won. Treasury revenues from the tobacco trade grew significantly, and this forced many governments to change their attitude towards it.

Presenter 3:

So, having quickly and widely spread across the planet, tobacco smoking has firmly entered our lives as one of the destructive addictions of humans.

In Russia, 70.5% of men smoke, and among high school students major cities 30-47% of boys and 25-32% of girls cannot do without a cigarette. Every year 25 billion cigarettes are smoked in Russia.

The average smoker takes about 200 puffs a day. This equates to approximately 6,000 per month, 72,000 per year and over 2,000,000 puffs for a 45-year-old smoker who started smoking at age 15.

Today we have hundreds of facts confirming the negative effects of smoking on the body. Here are just a few of them:

If a person smokes from 1 to 9 cigarettes a day, he shortens his life (on average) by 4.6 years; if he smokes from 10 to 19 cigarettes, then for 5.5 years; if you smoked 20 to 39 cigarettes - for 6.2 years.

Smokers are 13 times more likely to develop angina pectoris, 12 times more likely to have a myocardial infarction, 10 times more likely to have a stomach ulcer and 30 times more likely to have lung cancer.

A lethal dose of nicotine for an adult is contained in a pack of cigarettes if smoked at once, but for a growing body half a pack, or even less, is enough.

In France, in Nice, as a result of the competition “Who will smoke the most?” two “winners” died after smoking 60 cigarettes each, and the remaining participants were hospitalized with severe poisoning.


Report and discussion of the results of the questionnaire “Attitude to statistics and statements on the problem of smoking and alcohol.” With the question “What does smoking threaten us with?” we'll try to figure it out.

Presenter 4:

Smoking affects almost all human systems and organs.(Slides ) Cigarette smoke is a kind of cocktail of toxic substances, which, in addition to nicotine, include hydrocyanic acid, ammonia, carbon monoxide, tar, radioactive polonium, and particulate matter. Some smokers believe that cigarette filters, by freeing the smoke from particles it contains, make it harmless, but this is not the case.

The mouth and nasopharynx are the first to come into contact with tobacco smoke. In the mouth, during smoking, constant temperature changes occur, which provokes the appearance of microcracks in the tooth enamel, where bacteria begin to accumulate and caries develops. In addition, resin settles on the enamel, causing the teeth to turn yellow. During smoking, salivation increases. A person swallows part of the saliva, and the toxic substances of the smoke enter the stomach, which does not remain without a trace: pain in the stomach, chronic gastritis and, finally, ulcers of the stomach and duodenum - these are disorders that occur in smokers much more often than in non-smokers.

Chronic smoking is usually accompanied by bronchitis. The respiratory tract and especially the lungs suffer, which in a smoker are covered with a black layer of tar and dust particles. Chronic irritation of the mucous membrane vocal cords affects the timbre of the voice.

Carbon monoxide causes oxygen starvation of all cells of the body, which affects the activity of the cardiovascular system and brain.

The toxic effect of harmful substances from tobacco smoke on the human body is colossal. Thus, the incidence in smokers compared to non-smokers is on average 10-40 times higher.


It is necessary to abandon the concept that exists in the minds of many that smoking is only a personal desire and whim of a particular person. No, in fact, it is a social illness from which those around us suffer. And the right and opinion of the surrounding majority should be taken into account first of all. This is how a smoker harms himself, but few people think that the harm is also caused environment.

When you smoke cigarettes and cigarettes, filters and cartridges remain. The total mass of substances released into the atmosphere when smoking is: 720 tons of hydrocyanic acid, 384 thousand tons of ammonia, 108 thousand tons of nicotine, 600 thousand tons of tar and other smoke components.

Thus, smokers poison the atmosphere and increase the concentration of carcinogens in the air.

The cigarette has been the cause of countless fires, car accidents and many other accidents when a person was distracted for a second to smoke. Smoking caused explosions in military factories and mines, and in oil refineries.

Presenter 3:

So, smoking harms everything possible. Why do people smoke? How do you think?

One of the main reasons for starting to smoke is curiosity. According to a survey of students from different educational institutions 25% of respondents started smoking out of curiosity.

Another reason for starting smoking at a young age is the desire to appear older, more respectable, and to imitate movie characters. Fashion is the main factor in the spread of smoking among girls. Thus, 60% of girls believe that smoking is “beautiful and fashionable,” while others smoke because they “want to attract attention.”

See what happens when you quit smoking: ...


In addition to smoking, bad habits include an even more harmful and even more ancient one -alcohol consumption. A historian will tell us how a person became acquainted with alcohol.

Presenter 4:

Alcohol is called a sanity thief. People learned about the intoxicating properties of alcoholic beverages no less than 8000 BC. e. - with the advent of ceramic dishes, which made it possible to produce alcoholic drinks from honey, fruit juices and wild grapes. N. N. Miklouho - Maclay observed the Papuans of New Guinea, who did not yet know how to make fire, but already knew the techniques of preparing intoxicating drinks.

The history of making intoxicating drinks goes back thousands of years. In ancient India, the drink “soma” was prepared, which played a big role in the Aryan religion. Soma was obtained by fermenting a mixture of plant juice with water, milk, barley, or the basis was a mushroom squeeze. Soma was drunk by priests during ritual ceremonies and sacrifices; it was considered a drink of immortality.

Presenter 1:

Grape wine was especially widespread in ancient times. It was considered a gift from the gods. In honor of the Greek patron of viticulture and winemaking, Dionysus, great holidays were held. Even then it was noticed that excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is dangerous.

The Arabs began to obtain pure alcohol in the 6th and 7th centuries and called it “al kogol”, which means “intoxicating”.

In the Middle Ages, Western Europe also learned to produce strong alcoholic drinks by sublimating wine and other fermenting sugary liquids. Since then, strong alcoholic drinks have quickly spread throughout the countries of the world, primarily due to the ever-growing industrial production of alcohol from cheap raw materials (potatoes, sugar production waste, etc.). Alcohol entered everyday life so quickly that almost no artist, writer or poet avoided this topic. Such are the pictures of drunkenness in the paintings of old Dutch, Italian, Spanish and German artists.

IN Ancient Rus' drank very little. Only on selected holidays were they brewed mead, mash or beer, the strength of which did not exceed 5-10 degrees. No alcoholic drinks were allowed on weekdays, and drunkenness was considered the greatest shame and sin.


Why do people drink? The English poet Robert Burns lists the reasons for drunkenness with deadly sarcasm. His words remain relevant today:

Christenings, weddings and divorce,

Frost, hunting, New Year,

Recovery, housewarming,

Sadness, repentance, joy,

Success, reward, new rank,

Presenter 3:

You've probably heard the expression more than once: “Let's have a drink and warm ourselves up.” In everyday life

It is believed that alcohol is a good way to warm the body. No wonder about

Wines are often referred to as strong drinks. Alcohol is believed to have medicinal properties

acting not only against colds, but also against a number of other diseases, including

gastrointestinal tract, for example with a stomach ulcer. Doctors believe, on the contrary, that

A patient with an ulcer should absolutely not drink alcohol. Where is the truth?

Or another belief that exists among many people: alcohol excites, invigorates, improves mood, well-being, makes conversation more lively and interesting.

Moreover, there is an opinion that alcohol is a high-calorie “product” that quickly provides the body’s energy needs, which is important, for example, during a hike, etc. And beer and dry grape wines also contain a whole range of vitamins and aromatic substances. In medical practice, the high bacteriostatic properties of alcohol are used, using it for disinfection (for injections, etc.), preparing medicines, etc., but not at all for treating diseases.

In fact, alcohol is narcotic substance, the impact of which on the central nervous system causes a special mental state - euphoria. This state manifests itself in a feeling of relaxation, satisfaction, and a surge of strength. Euphoria is very dangerous because a person always disconnects from reality, as if deceiving his psyche with the help of a chemical substance. Having once experienced this feeling, a person wants to repeat it again, and this is how alcoholism develops. Naturally, the body is forced to pay for our weaknesses, and the doctor will tell us exactly how.

Presenter 5:

Pure alcohol is strong poison, a 60-70% solution kills microorganisms, so alcohol is used for disinfection. The lethal dose of pure (100%) alcohol varies depending on the weight and age of the person within the following limits: for infants - 5-15 g; for children – 50-100 g; for an adult – 200-500 g.

Alcohol negatively affects the entire body: the condition of the cardiovascular system worsens, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, which threatens stomach ulcers and cirrhosis of the liver, not to mention the fact that people who abuse alcohol give birth to children with mental retardation. Alcohol has a negative effect on offspring. They knew about this in ancient times. IN Greek mythology The goddess Juno gave birth to the lame Vulcan from the intoxicated Jupiter. The ruler of Sparta, Lycurgus, prohibited the consumption of alcoholic beverages on the wedding day under threat heavy punishment.

Presenter 4:

Alcohol is a typical protoplasmic poison that most severely affects nerve cells and liver cells. Drinking alcohol is very quickly absorbed into the blood in the stomach (about 20%) and in the intestines (about 80%). As a rule, the process of alcohol passing into the blood lasts from 45 to 90 minutes, and sometimes, as an exception, up to 2 hours. The concentration of alcohol in the blood increases very quickly - literally a few minutes after a person takes the first sip. The decomposition of alcohol begins almost simultaneously with its intake or shortly after intake. Only a small part of the alcohol does not change and is excreted from the body through the kidneys and lungs. The rest of the alcohol, due to its good solubility, is distributed relatively evenly throughout the intercellular space in all tissues of the body.

The main center for neutralizing alcohol in the body is the liver, but its ability to quickly cope with incoming poison is not unlimited. Liver cells are very sensitive to alcohol, and they are negatively affected by frequent contacts with this protoplasmic poison, which disrupts intracellular respiration and enzymatic metabolism.

But the central nervous system suffers the most: drunk alcohol is very quickly absorbed in the stomach and intestines, and reaches the brain through the bloodstream. Here, first, excitement occurs, and then inhibition of the activity of vital centers: the perception of the environment is distorted, memory decreases, speech becomes difficult, attention drops sharply, all reactions slow down, movements lose accuracy and speed. This is the cause of many transport accidents and household injuries.

Presenter 2:

Alcohol removes all inhibitions, and all the basest personality traits come out, which is why people in a state of intoxication sometimes do things that they could not even think of when sober. Alcoholism is dangerous because it causes complete personality degradation.

Official medical statistics show that alcohol consumption is quite widespread among young people (for the same reasons as smoking). According to personal confession, about 82% of people aged 12-22 years consume alcoholic beverages with varying frequency. The average age at which young people start drinking alcohol is 14 years.

Alcoholism in adolescents develops 4 times faster than in adults; in this regard, the concept of “beer alcoholism” appears. Since beer usually does not cause as much intoxication as strong drinks, its consumption is accepted loyally by family and society. Because of this, beer consumption increases, and this, in turn, contributes to the development of alcoholism. A teenager gets a psychotropic effect much faster - the high from beer - and consciously strives for it. Not realizing the danger to which he exposes himself, the young man begins to drink “for company,” “for the mood,” and simply out of nothing to do, risking ending up in the ranks of alcoholics.

Practical part

Presenter1 reminds the rules Brainstorm .


- Why do people start smoking, drinking, and taking other drugs? (interesting, cool, for relaxation, company pressure, get rid of problems, get high, curious, painful, weak character, remove barriers in communication, gain new experience, warm up, etc.).

Presenter 2 :

So, we have named the main reasons that motivate people to smoke, drink and take drugs. But some people believe that alcohol and smoking are beneficial. let's tryEach group receives a task.

Debunking myths

(Under the influence of alcohol, quarrels, fights, and rash actions occur, which are later regretted.The ability to experience joy without drugs is a sign of a healthy personality

(No matter how much you drink, problems still remain, and because of drunkenness, new ones are added to them.)

"Alcohol is good for you"

(Alcohol disrupts the functioning of all body systems; poisoning and death often occur as a result of a large dose.)

Result: children's performance.

Presenter 3:

RememberAlcoholism causes more devastation than the three historical scourges combined: famine, plague and war. (W. Gladstone.)

Presenter 5:

The beginning of bad habits is in the soul. People experiencing difficulties, stress, people dissatisfied with themselves and the world around them, more easily and quickly take the path of developing bad habits, especially in the absence of mutual understanding in the family and loved ones. The tendency to bad habits begins with a gradual severance of contacts with people, in violation of interpersonal relationships. For example, there is no love in the family, attention, sincerity, conversations on personal spiritual topics, there is no such thing in relationships with friends; or a person tries to please others by starting bad habits for the sake of a good opinion of himself and losing himself.

Presenter 2 :

Another reason: there are no clear principles (“I don’t smoke because it harms my health and the health of my future children”), no clear goals in life (“I don’t drink or use drugs because I want to become a happy person, bring happiness and love to another person, achieve success in work and creativity”).

It is important to remember that alcohol it is a drug, and taking it even in small quantities, a person begins to become addicted.

Presenter 1:

What are drugs?

Those who shout that drugs are cool are lying.

Drugs are like atomic decay - just POWER. If you are strong enough you will survive, otherwise she will destroy you. Drugs are an insidious enemy that, by killing, gives the answer to the question of what life is and what its real values ​​are! Let everyone decide for themselves whether to let THIS in or not. But, once taking this path, let him keep in mind that the balance of power can change at any moment and not for the better...

Presenter 3:

For some, a drug is a way to escape from the “dirty” reality. For others, it’s a way to once again establish themselves, to show their “coolness.” But don’t forget that they immediately and forever cut off your future. They make life miserable for your relatives. And they become the only “friends” for the entire short time... No! not life, for a SHORT EXISTENCE.

Presenter 1:

- What are your life values? We offer you individual work.

Teenagers are given a list of possible human values:

Interesting job

Good situation in the country

Public acceptance

Material wealth and good health



Pleasures, entertainment

Self improvement

Freedom, independence








Everyone is asked to choose from the list and write down the seven most important values ​​for them. Then it is proposed to cross out from the list of the most significant values ​​those values ​​and goals that cannot be fulfilled as a drug addict, and write down why they will be impossible to achieve. Those interested can explain their opinion.

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Class hour on the topic:

“Smoking and alcohol – freedom or addiction,

impact on human health"

Goals and objectives:

  • Familiarize students with the facts about smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • To familiarize students with health problems that arise in people who smoke and drink alcohol.
  • Determine the level of consciousness of students on this issue for further planning of educational work.
  1. Develop the ability to refuse things offered by random people, including cigarettes, alcohol, drugs;
  2. Formation of healthy skills for getting out of difficult situations or satisfying internal needs,
  3. Formation of a stable opinion about the dangers of smoking, alcohol, drugs;
  4. Formation of an objective social position.
  5. Formation of a negative attitude towards smoking and the need for a healthy lifestyle

Progress of the class hour

Introductory speech by the teacher:

We invite you to a class hour “Smoking and alcohol – freedom or dependence, impact on human health”

It is difficult to imagine the beneficial change that would occur throughout human life if people stopped stupefying and poisoning themselves with vodka, wine, tobacco and opium. L.N. Tolstoy.

We started our class hour with an epigraph - a statement by Leo Tolstoy. Let's read and think about the meaning of the words spoken. How do you understand them? What did the outstanding writer mean? (students' answers)

A person comes into this world not only for his comfortable existence and personal happiness. His mind, skills, experience, his whole life are necessary for his children, society, and future generations.

Health, spiritual and physical, which is the main asset of a person, helps to make a person’s existence on earth worthy, not only a personal matter, but also a social one.

What does it mean to be healthy for a child? This means developing one’s physical and spiritual strength in harmony, having endurance and balance, and being able to withstand the effects of both unfavorable environmental factors and one’s inner world.

A healthy lifestyle of the younger generation is the key to the health of the nation as a whole. That is why educational and educational activities of the family, school and the entire society on the issues of maintaining and promoting health are so necessary.

Nurturing strong-willed character traits, education, knowledge of the legal foundations of health care, the correct attitude to life values, the formation of interest in creative, cognitive activities, the creation of conditions for social and professional self-determination, preventive measures - all this creates the need for a healthy lifestyle.

A lot has been said about the dangers of smoking and drinking alcohol. And yet the number of smokers and people who drink alcohol continues to grow every year. Why does a “reasonable” person, despite the threatening statistics, continue to poison himself with enviable persistence? During our conversation today, we will try to find the answer to this question, and at the same time we will learn a lot of interesting things. So: “Smoking or health - choose for yourself.”

I think that few of you know how a person learned about tobacco in the first place, and how his “fate” unfolded.

Theoretical part

Presenter 1:

The history of tobacco smoking has been known since the distant past. Some researchers claim that the first smokers on earth were the Egyptian pharaohs. A clay hookah and other smoking accessories were found in one of the tombs of the 2nd millennium BC.

Many researchers consider Central and South America to be the birthplace of tobacco, where up to 60 of its species and varieties still grow in natural conditions.

At the end of the 15th century (in 1492), Christopher Columbus on one of the Bahamas islands he discovered was extremely surprised when he saw how local residents inhaled smoke from a smoldering leaf rolled into a tube and then released it from their nostrils. They called such tubes cigaros. It is believed that the word "tobacco" comes from the name of the province of Tabago on the island of Haiti, where this plant grew.

The penetration of tobacco into Europe was facilitated by the monk Roman Panet, who visited America as a missionary during Columbus’s second expedition.

He brought tobacco seeds to Spain and began to grow this plant as an ornamental. Already in 1496, the first tobacco plantations appeared in Spain, in 1559 - in Portugal, and from there, in 1560 - in France. At the end of the 16th and beginning of the 17th centuries. smoking spread to other continents. In Central Asia and the countries of the East, tobacco was placed under the tongue or behind the cheek, and snuff powder was prepared from the dried leaves. The passion for tobacco was so strong that medicinal properties began to be attributed to this plant, considering it almost a panacea. So the French ambassador to Portugal, Jean Nicot, presented his queen Catherine de Medici with leaves and seeds of tobacco for vigor, and also as a remedy for headaches and many diseases. As a token of gratitude, the Queen named the “miracle drug” after her messenger - nicotine.

Presenter 2:

However, it cannot be said that tobacco penetrated everywhere unhindered. In Italy, for example, tobacco was declared “the devil’s pastime.” Excessive use of tobacco often led to severe poisoning, which prompted the authorities and the church to begin an active fight against this bad habit. In America, for example, smokers were executed, in Turkey they were impaled, in Italy they were excommunicated and walled up alive in walls. Back in 1604, the English king James I wrote in his work “On the Harm of Tobacco”: “Smoking is a disgusting practice for the eyes, disgusting for the smell, harmful for the brain and dangerous for the lungs.” Under his rule, smokers were subject to severe punishments, including beheading. But already in 1625, the new king of England, Charles I, allowed smoking and monopolized the production and trade of tobacco.

Tobacco was brought to Russia in the second half of the 16th century, and from the 17th century. it began to be cultivated in Ukraine. The abuse of tobacco in Rus' has caused protests from the government. Thus, in 1683, a special royal decree was issued, according to which smokers were punished with 60 blows to the heels with a stick, and those caught repeatedly using the “ungodly” potion had their nostrils or ears cut off.

At the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th centuries. measures against smoking began to be relaxed, since Peter I himself became a slave to this habit. As a result, he not only abolished all laws prohibiting smoking, but also allowed the import of tobacco from abroad. And yet tobacco won. Treasury revenues from the tobacco trade grew significantly, and this forced many governments to change their attitude towards it.

Presenter 3:

So, having quickly and widely spread across the planet, tobacco smoking has firmly entered our lives as one of the destructive addictions of humans.

In Russia, 70.5% of men smoke, and among high school students in large cities, 30-47% of boys and 25-32% of girls cannot do without a cigarette. Every year 25 billion cigarettes are smoked in Russia.

The average smoker takes about 200 puffs a day. This equates to approximately 6,000 per month, 72,000 per year and over 2,000,000 puffs for a 45-year-old smoker who started smoking at age 15.

Today we have hundreds of facts confirming the negative effects of smoking on the body. Here are just a few of them:

If a person smokes from 1 to 9 cigarettes a day, he shortens his life (on average) by 4.6 years; if he smokes from 10 to 19 cigarettes, then for 5.5 years; if you smoked 20 to 39 cigarettes - for 6.2 years.

Smokers are 13 times more likely to develop angina pectoris, 12 times more likely to have a myocardial infarction, 10 times more likely to have a stomach ulcer and 30 times more likely to have lung cancer.

A lethal dose of nicotine for an adult is contained in a pack of cigarettes if smoked at once, but for a growing body half a pack, or even less, is enough.

In France, in Nice, as a result of the competition “Who will smoke the most?” two “winners” died after smoking 60 cigarettes each, and the remaining participants were hospitalized with severe poisoning.


Report and discussion of the results of the questionnaire “Attitude to statistics and statements on the problem of smoking and alcohol.” With the question “What does smoking threaten us with?” we'll try to figure it out.

Presenter 4:

Smoking affects almost all human systems and organs. (Slides ) Cigarette smoke is a kind of cocktail of toxic substances, which, in addition to nicotine, include hydrocyanic acid, ammonia, carbon monoxide, tar, radioactive polonium, and particulate matter. Some smokers believe that cigarette filters, by freeing the smoke from particles it contains, make it harmless, but this is not the case.

The mouth and nasopharynx are the first to come into contact with tobacco smoke. In the mouth, during smoking, constant temperature changes occur, which provokes the appearance of microcracks in the tooth enamel, where bacteria begin to accumulate and caries develops. In addition, resin settles on the enamel, causing the teeth to turn yellow. During smoking, salivation increases. A person swallows part of the saliva, and the toxic substances of the smoke enter the stomach, which does not remain without a trace: pain in the stomach, chronic gastritis and, finally, ulcers of the stomach and duodenum - these are disorders that occur in smokers much more often than in non-smokers.

Chronic smoking is usually accompanied by bronchitis. The respiratory tract and especially the lungs suffer, which in a smoker are covered with a black layer of tar and dust particles. Chronic irritation of the mucous membrane of the vocal cords affects the timbre of the voice.

Carbon monoxide causes oxygen starvation of all cells of the body, which affects the activity of the cardiovascular system and brain.

The toxic effect of harmful substances from tobacco smoke on the human body is colossal. Thus, the incidence in smokers compared to non-smokers is on average 10-40 times higher.


It is necessary to abandon the concept that exists in the minds of many that smoking is only a personal desire and whim of a particular person. No, in fact, it is a social illness from which those around us suffer. And the right and opinion of the surrounding majority should be taken into account first of all. This is how a smoker harms himself, but few people think that harm is also caused to the environment.

When you smoke cigarettes and cigarettes, filters and cartridges remain. The total mass of substances released into the atmosphere when smoking is: 720 tons of hydrocyanic acid, 384 thousand tons of ammonia, 108 thousand tons of nicotine, 600 thousand tons of tar and other smoke components.

Thus, smokers poison the atmosphere and increase the concentration of carcinogens in the air.

The cigarette has been the cause of countless fires, car accidents and many other accidents when a person took a moment to smoke. Smoking caused explosions in military factories and mines, and in oil refineries.

Presenter 3:

So, smoking harms everything possible. Why do people smoke? How do you think? (discussion of questions by students)

One of the main reasons for starting to smoke is curiosity. According to a survey of students from various educational institutions, 25% of respondents started smoking out of curiosity.

Another reason for starting smoking at a young age is the desire to appear older, more respectable, and to imitate movie characters. Fashion is the main factor in the spread of smoking among girls. Thus, 60% of girls believe that smoking is “beautiful and fashionable,” while others smoke because they “want to attract attention.”

See what happens when you quit smoking: ...


In addition to smoking, bad habits include an even more harmful and even more ancient one - alcohol consumption. A historian will tell us how a person became acquainted with alcohol.

Presenter 4:

Alcohol is called a sanity thief. People learned about the intoxicating properties of alcoholic beverages no less than 8000 BC. e. - with the advent of ceramic dishes, which made it possible to produce alcoholic drinks from honey, fruit juices and wild grapes. N. N. Miklouho - Maclay observed the Papuans of New Guinea, who did not yet know how to make fire, but already knew the techniques of preparing intoxicating drinks.

The history of making intoxicating drinks goes back thousands of years. In ancient India, the drink “soma” was prepared, which played a big role in the Aryan religion. Soma was obtained by fermenting a mixture of plant juice with water, milk, barley, or the basis was a mushroom squeeze. Soma was drunk by priests during ritual ceremonies and sacrifices; it was considered a drink of immortality.

Presenter 1:

Grape wine was especially widespread in ancient times. It was considered a gift from the gods. In honor of the Greek patron of viticulture and winemaking, Dionysus, great holidays were held. Even then it was noticed that excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is dangerous.

The Arabs began to obtain pure alcohol in the 6th and 7th centuries and called it “al kogol”, which means “intoxicating”.

In the Middle Ages, Western Europe also learned to produce strong alcoholic drinks by sublimating wine and other fermenting sugary liquids. Since then, strong alcoholic drinks have quickly spread throughout the countries of the world, primarily due to the ever-growing industrial production of alcohol from cheap raw materials (potatoes, sugar production waste, etc.). Alcohol entered everyday life so quickly that almost no artist, writer or poet avoided this topic. Such are the pictures of drunkenness in the paintings of old Dutch, Italian, Spanish and German artists.

In Ancient Rus' they drank very little. Only on selected holidays were they brewed mead, mash or beer, the strength of which did not exceed 5-10 degrees. No alcoholic drinks were allowed on weekdays, and drunkenness was considered the greatest shame and sin.


Why do people drink ? The English poet Robert Burns lists the reasons for drunkenness with deadly sarcasm. His words remain relevant today:

There are the following reasons for drunkenness:

Funeral, holiday, meeting, farewell,

Christenings, weddings and divorce,

Frost, hunting, New Year,

Recovery, housewarming,

Sadness, repentance, joy,

Success, reward, new rank,

And just drunkenness - for no reason.

Presenter 3:

You've probably heard the expression more than once: “Let's have a drink and warm ourselves up.” In everyday life

It is believed that alcohol is a good way to warm the body. No wonder about

Wines are often referred to as strong drinks. Alcohol is believed to have medicinal properties

acting not only against colds, but also against a number of other diseases, including

gastrointestinal tract, for example with a stomach ulcer. Doctors believe, on the contrary, that

Or another belief that exists among many people: alcohol excites, invigorates, improves mood, well-being, makes conversation more lively and interesting.

Moreover, there is an opinion that alcohol is a high-calorie “product” that quickly provides the body’s energy needs, which is important, for example, during a hike, etc. And beer and dry grape wines also contain a whole range of vitamins and aromatic substances. In medical practice, the high bacteriostatic properties of alcohol are used, using it for disinfection (for injections, etc.), preparing medicines, etc., but not at all for treating diseases.

In fact, alcohol is a narcotic substance, the effect of which on the central nervous system causes a special mental state - euphoria. This state manifests itself in a feeling of relaxation, satisfaction, and a surge of strength. Euphoria is very dangerous because a person always disconnects from reality, as if deceiving his psyche with the help of a chemical substance. Having once experienced this feeling, a person wants to repeat it again, and this is how alcoholism develops. Naturally, the body is forced to pay for our weaknesses, and the doctor will tell us exactly how.

Presenter 5:

Pure alcohol is a strong poison; a 60-70% solution kills microorganisms, so alcohol is used for disinfection. The lethal dose of pure (100%) alcohol varies depending on the weight and age of the person within the following limits: for infants - 5-15 g; for children – 50-100 g; for an adult – 200-500 g.

Alcohol negatively affects the entire body: the condition of the cardiovascular system worsens, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, which threatens stomach ulcers and cirrhosis of the liver, not to mention the fact that people who abuse alcohol give birth to children with mental retardation. Alcohol has a negative effect on offspring. They knew about this in ancient times. In Greek mythology, the goddess Juno gave birth to the lame Vulcan from an intoxicated Jupiter. The ruler of Sparta, Lycurgus, prohibited the consumption of alcoholic beverages on his wedding day under threat of severe punishment.

Presenter 4:

Alcohol is a typical protoplasmic poison that most severely affects nerve cells and liver cells. Drinking alcohol is very quickly absorbed into the blood in the stomach (about 20%) and in the intestines (about 80%). As a rule, the process of alcohol passing into the blood lasts from 45 to 90 minutes, and sometimes, as an exception, up to 2 hours. The concentration of alcohol in the blood increases very quickly - literally a few minutes after a person takes the first sip. The decomposition of alcohol begins almost simultaneously with its intake or shortly after intake. Only a small part of the alcohol does not change and is excreted from the body through the kidneys and lungs. The rest of the alcohol, due to its good solubility, is distributed relatively evenly throughout the intercellular space in all tissues of the body.

The main center for neutralizing alcohol in the body is the liver, but its ability to quickly cope with incoming poison is not unlimited. Liver cells are very sensitive to alcohol, and they are negatively affected by frequent contacts with this protoplasmic poison, which disrupts intracellular respiration and enzymatic metabolism.

But the central nervous system suffers the most: drunk alcohol is very quickly absorbed in the stomach and intestines, and reaches the brain through the bloodstream. Here, first, excitement occurs, and then inhibition of the activity of vital centers: the perception of the environment is distorted, memory decreases, speech becomes difficult, attention drops sharply, all reactions slow down, movements lose accuracy and speed. This is the cause of many transport accidents and household injuries.

Presenter 2:

Alcohol removes all inhibitions, and all the basest personality traits come out, which is why people in a state of intoxication sometimes do things that they could not even think of when sober. Alcoholism is dangerous because it causes complete personality degradation.

Official medical statistics show that alcohol consumption is quite widespread among young people (for the same reasons as smoking). According to personal confession, about 82% of people aged 12-22 years consume alcoholic beverages with varying frequency. The average age at which young people start drinking alcohol is 14 years.

Alcoholism in adolescents develops 4 times faster than in adults; in this regard, the concept of “beer alcoholism” appears. Since beer usually does not cause as much intoxication as strong drinks, its consumption is accepted loyally by family and society. Because of this, beer consumption increases, and this, in turn, contributes to the development of alcoholism. A teenager gets a psychotropic effect much faster - the high from beer - and consciously strives for it. Not realizing the danger to which he exposes himself, the young man begins to drink “for company,” “for the mood,” and simply out of nothing to do, risking ending up in the ranks of alcoholics.

Practical part

On the tables there are markers (green, blue, red), sheets

Presenter1 reminds the rules Brainstorm.


- Why do people start smoking, drinking, and taking other drugs? (interesting, cool, for relaxation, company pressure, get rid of problems, get high, curious, painful, weak character, remove barriers in communication, gain new experience, warm up, etc.). The answers are written down on sheets. Answer sheets are posted on the board.

Presenter 2:

So, we have named the main reasons that motivate people to smoke, drink and take drugs. But some people believe that alcohol and smoking are beneficial. let's try debunk some myths about the benefits of smoking and alcohol. Each group receives a task .

Debunking myths

Myth 1: “People who smoke stay in shape longer”

“Alcohol lifts your mood and helps you have fun”

(Under the influence of alcohol, quarrels, fights, and rash actions occur, which are later regretted. The ability to experience joy without drugs is a sign of a healthy personality

Myth 2: “In the cold, a cigarette warms you up”

“Alcohol helps you forget life problems, conflicts with loved ones (No matter how much you drink, problems still remain, and because of drunkenness, new ones are added to them. )

Myth 3: “Smoking calms your nerves”

"Alcohol is good for you"

(Alcohol disrupts the functioning of all body systems; poisoning and death often occur as a result of a large dose. )

Result: children's performance.

Presenter 3:

Remember, Alcoholism causes more devastation than the three historical scourges combined: famine, plague and war. (W. Gladstone.)

Presenter 5:

The beginning of bad habits is in the soul. People experiencing difficulties, stress, people dissatisfied with themselves and the world around them, more easily and quickly take the path of developing bad habits, especially in the absence of mutual understanding in the family and loved ones. The tendency to bad habits begins with a gradual severance of contacts with people, in violation of interpersonal relationships. For example, there is no love in the family, attention, sincerity, conversations on personal spiritual topics, there is no such thing in relationships with friends; or a person tries to please others by starting bad habits for the sake of a good opinion of himself and losing himself.

Presenter 2:

Another reason: there are no clear principles (“I don’t smoke because it harms my health and the health of my future children”), no clear goals in life (“I don’t drink or use drugs because I want to become a happy person, bring happiness and love to another person, achieve success in work and creativity”).

It is important to remember that alcohol is a drug, and taking it even in small quantities, a person begins to become addicted.

Presenter 1:

What are drugs?

Those who shout that drugs are cool are lying.

Drugs are like atomic decay - just POWER. If you are strong enough you will survive, otherwise she will destroy you. Drugs are an insidious enemy that, by killing, gives the answer to the question of what life is and what its real values ​​are! Let everyone decide for themselves whether to let THIS in or not. But, once taking this path, let him keep in mind that the balance of power can change at any moment and not for the better...

Presenter 3:

For some, a drug is a way to escape from the “dirty” reality. For others, it’s a way to once again establish themselves, to show their “coolness.” But don’t forget that they immediately and forever cut off your future. They make life miserable for your relatives. And they become the only “friends” for the entire short time... No! not life, for a SHORT EXISTENCE.

Presenter 1:

- What are your life values? We offer you individual work .

Individual work “My life values” 5 min

Teenagers are given a list of possible human values:

Interesting job

Good situation in the country

Public acceptance

Material wealth and good health

Pleasures, entertainment

Self improvement

Freedom, independence







Everyone is asked to choose from the list and write down the seven most important values ​​for them. Then it is proposed to cross out from the list of the most significant values ​​those values ​​and goals that cannot be fulfilled as a drug addict, and write down why they will be impossible to achieve. Those interested can explain their opinion.

In order for the life of each of you to be full and rich, you must learn to say “NO!”

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Class hour for teenagers


Providing information to adolescents on the problem of psychoactive substance use


Discussion of the reasons for using psychoactive substances; discussion of the effects of psychoactive substances on the human body; describe the process of a person becoming addicted to tobacco, alcohol and drugs; show that substance use is not an effective way to solve problems; draw attention to the fact that the use of psychoactive substances is becoming increasingly socially unacceptable.


Introduction.Our lesson will be devoted to the problem of psychoactive substance use (PAS). We will talk about why people use surfactants, and discuss the consequences of the effects of surfactants on the human body and on his personality.

In order for our lesson to be productive, it is necessary to follow the rules of effective communication.

  1. You can do everything that does not interfere with anyone present.
  2. You can be sure that when you speak, you will not be interrupted.
  3. You can hope that no one will offend you.

The rules are posted so that everyone can see them.

At the beginning of the lesson, you can perform several warm-up exercises (“Clapping”, “Orchestra Conductor”, etc.)

Psychologist. Youth is a period in life when we solve many, and probably the most important, tasks facing an individual. Me and the world, Me and my life, Me and the people around me. I want to know the world. I want to know everything at any cost and right now. Everything - because you don’t want to miss anything (what if this is the most important thing in life?). At any cost - because it is still unclear what, how much it costs and whether there is any value human life at all. Right now, because suddenly you won’t have time later. And it seems that the most important value is freedom. As an opportunity to do what you want.

And often the first attributes of a free, independent life are cigarettes, alcohol and drugs.

Discuss questions:

  1. What are psychoactive substances?
  2. What do you think the words “temptation”, “bad habits”, “addiction” mean?
  3. Are they all equally dangerous?
  4. When does temptation arise, and when does addiction appear?
  5. What are the types of dependencies?
  6. Is the problem of surfactant use relevant in our area?

Psychologist. Let's try to figure out why people use or do not use surfactants.

Divide the board into two parts. Title one half “Reasons to use surfactants”, and the other half – “Reasons not to use surfactants”. Ask teenagers to list the reasons for both. Each opinion is recorded separately.

Psychologist. The most severe addictions are addiction to smoking, alcohol and drugs.


Smoking tobacco originated in ancient times. During excavations of the tombs of the pharaohs in Egypt, clay smoking pipes were found. Images of pipes were also preserved in ancient Indian paintings. But the widespread use of smoking began after Columbus discovered America (1492). The sailors saw that the Indians were rolling the leaves of some dried plant into a tube, setting one end on fire, and inhaling the smoke. The Indians called these tubes “cigaros.” They also used pipes for smoking.

Tobacco seeds were taken from the island of Haiti to Spain. Tobacco quickly spread throughout Europe. Tobacco became widespread in Russia in the 17th century. This happened thanks to Peter the Great, who, while visiting Europe, himself became an avid smoker, and then in 1697 lifted all bans on tobacco.

At first, tobacco was attributed healing properties. But already in the 18th century, information about the dangers of tobacco began to appear. And all illusions regarding its medicinal properties were dispelled. There is not a single organ in the body that is not susceptible to the negative effects of nicotine. The risk of cardiovascular diseases, lung diseases, and cancer increases. 90% of lung cancer cases occur in people who smoke.

Cigarettes are dangerous because they contain or release toxic substances when burned - tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide. Nicotine is the most poisonous. This is one of the most dangerous poisons of plant origin. Birds die if you bring a stick soaked in nicotine to their beak. A dog dies from 0.5 drops of nicotine. A person needs 2-3 drops.

After smoking 20-25 cigarettes, a person receives a lethal dose. He doesn’t die because he doesn’t receive this dose right away. There are examples when people died after smoking a large number of cigarettes at once (a young man died after smoking 10 cigarettes in a row).

Initiation of smoking occurs at the age of 14-19 years. After 25 years, there is a gradual decrease in the number of smokers, this process is especially noticeable after 40-45 years. But women often start smoking at the age of 20-30.

Discuss the following questions:

  1. What percentage of teenagers do you think smokes?(Real numbers - 11.4%)
  2. What percentage of adults smoke?(Real figures – 30.8%)

Emphasize the fact that smokers are in the minority.

Psychologist. Far fewer people smoke than we think. In reality, smokers are a minority. Most adults and teenagers do not smoke. From 1975 to 1985, the number of older teens who smoked dropped from 29% to 18.7%. 33.3% of adult men and 54% of adult women have never smoked.

Ask the children to answer the questions:

  1. How does someone who has just started smoke? In a group or alone?
  2. Is this different from how long-time smokers smoke?
  3. Do you think it's difficult for adult smokers to quit smoking? Why? Can people really be addicted to cigarettes?

Psychologist. Most smokers go through the same stages: they try smoking, smoke occasionally, and become heavy smokers.

People who smoke a lot (30 or more cigarettes a day) usually have great difficulty giving up this habit because they become psychologically and physiologically dependent.

Smoking is now becoming more and more socially unacceptable, and more and more adults are quitting smoking. Over the past 20 years, the number of smokers has decreased by 12%. Today the main problem– this is an increase in the number of teenage girls who smoke. Over 10 years, their number increased by 7%.

Main conclusions:

  1. The number of people who smoke is overestimated. The majority are non-smokers.
  2. There are many immediate and delayed effects of smoking on the body.
  3. Smokers go through a number of stages when forming a bad habit.
  4. Smoking is gradually becoming less and less socially acceptable.
  5. Cigarette smoke is potentially dangerous to non-smokers.


In the traditions of different peoples, there are various food preferences. But the rare similarity in relation to one type of liquid attracts attention. It has no medicinal value, but is psychoactive.

Wild grapes existed on Earth even before the appearance of man. The development of cultural viticulture occurred gradually. First, people learned to make wine from grapes. And around 800 AD. Arab alchemists learned to produce alcoholic beverages by sublimation.

People almost immediately drew attention to the negative effects of alcohol on the human body. Alcohol affects all human organs. Especially on the brain. Alcohol is absorbed through the walls of the stomach and intestines and enters directly into the bloodstream. Then it enters the brain with the blood, exerting a suppressive effect on the activity of the cerebral cortex.

Small doses of alcohol:

  1. Reduces the ability to think clearly and make decisions
  2. Makes you feel a little relaxed
  3. Makes you feel freer and braver than usual

Large doses of alcohol:

  1. Slow down the activity of certain areas of the brain
  2. Causes dizziness
  3. Reduce coordination
  4. Lead to difficulty speaking, walking, standing
  5. Lead to emotional explosiveness or depressed mood
  6. Some people may experience temporary blackouts or memory loss

Behavioral manifestations of the effects of alcohol:

  1. Fights, quarrels, violence
  2. Loud talking, shouting
  3. Unpleasant behavior
  4. Stupidity, foolishness
  5. frivolity

Discuss the following questions:

  1. What percentage of the population do you think drinks alcoholic beverages?(real numbers are 70%, i.e. a third of the adult population does not drink at all)
  2. How many people do you think are heavy drinkers?(real figures - 10-12% of adults are heavy drinkers, drink 150 g of vodka or more at one time, drink at least once a week)

Psychologist. There are several patterns of drinking alcohol.

  1. Complete sobriety. About 30% of adults do not drink at all. Reasons: dislike of alcohol, religious beliefs, allergies, former alcoholics who have recovered and are afraid of relapse.
  2. Ritual drinking. This is the use of alcohol in the context of religious services or family rituals and ceremonies.
  3. Social drinking (for company). About 55% of all adults describe themselves as social drinkers. They drink alcohol at the appropriate time and in the appropriate place.
  4. Problematic alcohol use. Alcohol is used as a means to eliminate problems and deny feelings. In this case, they drink too much and too often. This behavior is destructive and often increases a person's problems rather than eliminating them.

So, some types of alcohol consumption (ritual, social) are usually considered acceptable for most adults. However, certain patterns of use can be dangerous and destructive.

The more a person drinks alcohol, the more he needs to get the same effect. This is the result of addiction to alcohol. The body gradually becomes tolerant to alcohol. It is important to know that increasing tolerance means the emergence of physical dependence.

A can of beer or glass of wine contains the same amount of alcohol as a shot of vodka, whiskey, gin or rum.

Main conclusions:

  1. Alcohol is a psychoactive substance, classified as a depressant; it slows down the functioning of the cerebral cortex and the nervous system as a whole.
  2. Although about 70% of adults drink alcohol, the vast majority do so occasionally and in moderation. A third of all adults do not drink at all. Only a small proportion of adults are drunkards and alcoholics.
  3. Alcohol cannot make a person smarter, stronger, sexier, more powerful, etc. Drinking alcohol is not an effective way to solve problems; in fact, it makes them worse.
  4. The ability to drink without getting drunk has nothing to do with strength or other positive qualities of a person.
  5. Getting drunk or constantly drinking alcohol does not make a person older or better.


Drugs are chemical substances of plant or synthetic origin that can cause changes in mental state, the systematic use of which leads to addiction.

Narcotic substances meet the following characteristics:

  1. the ability to cause euphoria (elevated mood) or at least pleasant subjective experiences;
  2. the ability to cause dependence (mental and (or) physical), i.e. the need to use the drug again and again;
  3. significant harm caused to mental and (or) physical health drug user;
  4. the danger of widespread distribution of these substances among the population;
  5. consumption of the specified substance should not be traditional in a given cultural environment.

Drug addiction is a disease caused by dependence on a narcotic drug or psychotropic substance.

There are mental and physical dependence on drugs.

The state of mental dependence manifests itself in the fact that a person, with the help of a drug, wants to achieve internal balance and strives to experience the effect of the drug again and again. The drug and its effect gradually replaces all the positive emotions common to a person. At this stage, the person still retains the ability to control use; he can still choose in what situations and at what moment to take the drug. At the same time, the desire to use drugs always remains, but the mind can win the battle of motives. The partial ability to control drug use creates the illusion in the user that the drug does not yet affect his life, he is free in his decisions and can stop using it at any time.

Physical dependence - manifests itself in the fact that the body cannot function normally without the drug and in its absence, withdrawal syndrome (withdrawal syndrome) develops. It is characterized by physical and psychological disorders associated with the fact that the drug has become part of the body's metabolic processes.

In the mechanism of formation of mental dependence, an important role is played by the attraction to drug intoxication and euphoria, which occurs as a result of the drug activating the center of positive emotions in the brain.

Let us analyze the process of addiction formation using the example of opium addiction: the effect of opium is due to the fact that its molecule is very similar to endorphins - substances naturally produced by our brain. It is no coincidence that endorphins are called “hormones of joy”, because... they play an important role in the formation Have a good mood, feelings of well-being, calm and confidence. They are especially produced in moments of elation, love, and success.

In addition, endorphins are responsible for the level of pain sensitivity, affect the rate of breathing, heartbeat, vascular tone, pupil size, activity of the cough center, gland function and intestinal motility. With regular intake of opium, the production of one's own endorphins is significantly reduced. Every person has opiate receptors in their body. These are special areas of the nervous system that respond to endorphins, and therefore to opium drugs. With a constant supply of the drug, the body reduces the sensitivity of opiate receptors, which leads to the need to increase the dose to achieve the effect.

In Russia to narcotic drugs attributed:

  1. opiates (morphine, heroin, promedol, codeine, synthetic opiates - morphine, methadone);
  2. hallucinogens or psychedelic drugs: cannabinoids (hashish, anasha, marijuana), LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), psilocybin (finocyclidine);
  3. some psychostimulants (cocaine and its derivatives, phenamine, pervitin, ephedrone and other amphetamines);
  4. psychostimulants with a hallucinogenic component (ecstasy).

Toxic agents:

  1. various solvents, varnishes, adhesives containing aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene);
  2. sleeping pills (seduxen, relanium, reladorm, tazepam, luminal, phenobarbital);
  3. hallucinogenic medications (cyclodol, par_copan, tremblex, ketamine, calypsol).
  4. alcohol, tobacco.

Treating drug addiction is very difficult. This chronic disease is characterized by periods of exacerbations and periods of remission. With proper treatment, remissions can be very, very long - even a lifetime. Despite this, there is still a danger of exacerbation if a person finds himself in conditions that provoke a new outbreak of the disease. Consequently, it is impossible to completely cure an addict from this point of view - there is always a risk of relapse. But this absolutely does not mean that a person is not able to get rid of addiction and painful addiction to drugs. Any drug addict can return to a full life, restore everything that was taken away by the drug, and remain in remission for the rest of his days. The only inviolable rule for any addict is to never return to drugs. Once will be enough - everything will start all over again.

In recent decades, humanity has been constantly looking for a universal, simple and cheap way to treat drug addiction. Various systems of hypnosis and coding, surgical methods are offered ( special operations on the brain, blocking centers responsible for the formation of addiction), numerous methods drug treatment, psychotherapeutic techniques and rehabilitation programs. Experience shows that only those treatment methods that aim to teach a person to live without drugs are effective.

Three completely equal parties take part in solving this problem: the addict himself, his environment (parents, relatives, friends) and specialists. At the first stage, physical dependence is removed (detoxification). This is the shortest stage of treatment. During detoxification, the drug addict acts more like a passive party: he follows the instructions of doctors, receives drug therapy and undergoes procedures whose goal is to cleanse the body of the physical presence of the drug and eliminate it from the metabolic process. Due to this, the manifestations of withdrawal syndrome cease, and the patient ceases to experience physical suffering and the organic need to receive a new dose of the drug. The duration of detoxification is 5-10 days. During this time, as a rule, it is possible to completely restore the patient physically. Detoxification is a short period of time during which the addict needs to prepare for further treatment.

After returning from the clinic, it is necessary to begin the next stage - rehabilitation - as quickly as possible (ideally immediately). This part of the treatment is the longest and most labor-intensive. During rehabilitation, the patient will have to get rid of mental dependence on the drug. Rehabilitation is the process of restoring lost skills, social connections, and establishing damaged human relations. That's why required condition successful rehabilitation - the presence of a team or group in which, under the guidance of a specialist, these processes occur.

Following the rehabilitation stage, a stage of entry into real life (social rehabilitation) is necessary. This part of the journey is largely done by the person independently. Social rehabilitation (employment, training, making friends) helps a person get rid of thoughts that he is “not like everyone else,” “sick.” This can only be achieved by acquiring social connections in a real society and living by its rules.

Main conclusions:

  1. Drugs cause severe mental and physical dependence
  2. Drugs cause severe and often irreparable harm to the mental and physical health of the drug user
  3. Drug addiction is very difficult to treat
  4. Drugs, like alcohol, produce temporary effects. Along with their removal from the body, a good mood also leaves. A period of good mood is replaced by a bad mood, which is usually accompanied by depression, fatigue, anxiety
  5. Drugs don't solve problems

Psychologist. Let's look at some of the reasons why people use psychoactive substances (to relax, to become more popular, to assert themselves, etc.). Do you really think that smoking, alcohol and drugs can do all this?(Listen to teenagers' answers)

In fact, psychoactive substances are not a magic drug and cannot do everything that is attributed to them. They do not provide relief from problems. The best way There are natural ways to lift your spirits: physical education, sports, dancing, hugs, touches, music, romantic feelings, prayers.

Main conclusions of the lesson:

  1. Psychoactive substances are substances that act on the human brain and nervous system and are addictive.
  2. There are many immediate and delayed effects of psychoactive substances on the human body.
  3. Using psychoactive substances does not make a person stronger, smarter, more mature, etc. and is not a way to resolve problems.
  4. Substance use is socially unacceptable. The vast majority of people do not use psychoactive substances.

Reflection. In conclusion, let's summarize our lesson. What new did you learn? What was the most interesting? What was the most unusual thing? Where can you apply what you have learned?

Class hour on the topic: "On the dangers of smoking and alcoholism"

The only beauty I know is health


Goals: 1. Expand children's understanding of the harmful effects of smoking and alcohol on adolescent health.

2 . Encourage children to actively resist bad habits, self-knowledge, and self-development.

Form: hourcommunication.

Decor : write on the board the topic, sayings of famous people.

Class plan

1 . Introduction.

2. Alcohol and smoking

3. Work in groups.

4. Final word.

4. Summarizing.


Hello guys, let's role-play a possible situation when you are offered to try smoking or drinking. I invite my assistant and some of you. Who will try to act as an opponent and refuse the proposed drug? (The girl persistently suggests trying to smoke, drink, using various methods of pressure. She tries to interest her, flatters, praises, blackmails, threatens, mocks, calls to be “like us”).

(Most likely, the dialogue will drag on and it will need to be interrupted by thanking the guys. If not, immediately move on to methods of refusal).

Guys, we saw that in order for the necessary alternative to arise, the most important thing is to be able to say “No!” Did our hero succeed?

We saw that the dialogue dragged on and an increase in pressure followed, which became increasingly difficult to resist. (Compare the firm and short “No!” and the answer “No.. I said I don’t want...”, where the answer “No” is perceived rather as an indecisive “Yes”)

    What feelings does a person who drinks alcohol or cigarettes evoke?

    What do you think was the reason for drinking alcohol and smoking?

    Name the consequences of drinking alcohol and smoking.

(Students answer.

    A very strong desire to free yourself from control and constant guidance from adults, from the need to follow rules and regulations. I try to forget about the unpleasant.

    What is especially attractive is what is not allowed. The desire to be "cool".

    Teenagers often strive to prove their “coolness” in their peer group, and drug use seems to them a very strong argument. The older ones smoke. I want to be like them.

    The misconception is that even if I try drugs, I will not become a drug addict. Nothing will happen just once. You have to try everything in life! I'll quit at any moment.

    Tribute to fashion active search“meaning of life”, new types of “high”. I want pleasure!

    Low culture, inability to say “No!” All my friends do this.

Idleness, boredom, inability to organize leisure time, desire to be the center of attention)


    desire to appear grown up;

    desire to experience new sensations;

    to relieve stress;

    to facilitate contacts;

    desire to imitate.)

Question for students: What are the consequences of drug addiction?)

(Students' answers.)

    Loss of control over behavior.

    The appearance of swagger, aggressiveness, rudeness, decreased mental performance, poor coordination.

    Problems in the family, studies, troubles at school.

    Financial difficulties (debts, missing things from home, constant search for money).

    Conflicts with friends.

    The end result is death, which is what drug addiction leads to.

    Health problems.

Today, March 1st, is World Day Against Drug Addiction and Drug Trafficking!!! There are no soft drugs...

“To health - yes! Smoking - no!

Drugs – even more so!

We have to live completely differently,

There is no other way!

If you want to live a century -

Give up harmful things.

After all, a healthy person is

There is nothing more valuable!

Deadly Cigarette

Cl. supervisor: Guys, today we will talk about the dangers of smoking and alcoholism. Each of you thinks: “This is not a threat to me! I will not become addicted to tobacco and alcohol!”

A lot has been said about the dangers of smoking. However, the concern of scientists and doctors caused by the spread of this addiction is growing, since a significant number of people still do not consider smoking to be harmful to health. Smoking is not a harmless activity that can be quit without effort. This is a real drug addiction, and even more dangerous because many do not take it seriously.

Nicotine is one of the most dangerous poisons of plant origin. Birds (sparrows, pigeons) die if you just bring a glass rod soaked in nicotine to their beak. A rabbit dies from 1/4 drop of nicotine, a dog from 1/2 drop. For humans, the lethal dose of nicotine is 50 to 100 mg, or 2-3 drops.

This is the dose that enters the blood every day after smoking 20-25 cigarettes (one cigarette contains approximately 6-8 mg of nicotine, of which 3-4 mg enters the blood). The smoker does not die because the dose is administered gradually, not in one go. In addition, part of the nicotine neutralizes formaldehyde, another poison contained in tobacco. Over the course of 30 years, such a smoker smokes approximately 20,000 cigarettes, or 160 kg of tobacco, absorbing an average of 800 g of nicotine. The systematic absorption of small, non-lethal doses of nicotine causes a habit, an addiction to smoking. Nicotine is included in the metabolic processes occurring in the human body and becomes necessary.

In France, in Nice, as a result of the “Who smokes the most” competition, two “winners” died after smoking 60 cigarettes each, and the remaining participants were hospitalized with severe poisoning. In England, a case was registered where a long-term smoker 40 - summer man at night, during difficult work, he smoked 14 cigars and 40 cigarettes. In the morning he became ill, and, despite the medical assistance provided, he died. The literature describes a case when a girl was put to sleep in a room where there was tobacco in bundles in powder, and she died a few hours later.

Children living in smoky rooms are more likely to suffer from respiratory diseases. During the first year of life, children of smoking parents have an increased incidence of bronchitis and pneumonia and an increased risk of developing serious diseases. Tobacco smoke delays the sun's ultraviolet rays, which are important for a growing child, affects metabolism, impairs the absorption of sugar and destroys vitamin C, which the child needs during growth. At the age of 5-9 years, the child’s lung function is impaired. As a result, there is a decrease in the ability to perform physical activities that require endurance and stress. Children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are predisposed to seizures. They are much more likely to develop epilepsy. Children born to smoking mothers lag behind their peers in mental development. Thus, GDR scientists V. Gibal and H. Blumberg, when examining 17 thousand such children, revealed retardation in reading, writing, and growth.

The number of allergic diseases has increased significantly. Russian and foreign scientists have established that nicotine and dry particles of tobacco smoke have an allergenic effect. They contribute to the development of many allergic diseases in children, and the younger the child, the more harm tobacco smoke causes to his body. Smoking among teenagers primarily affects the nervous and cardiac-vascular systems. At the age of 12-15 they already complain of shortness of breath during physical activity. As a result of many years of observations, the French doctor Dekalzne, 100 years ago, came to the conclusion that even slight smoking causes anemia and digestive disorders in children.

Smoking negatively affects a student's academic performance. The number of underachievers increases in those classes where there are more smokers. Smoking among schoolchildren slows down their physical and mental development. A state of health undermined by smoking does not allow one to choose an occupation to their liking and achieve success (for example, boys become pilots, astronauts, athletes, girls become ballerinas, singers, etc.).

Smoking and being a student are incompatible. School years are years of growth, both physical and mental. The body needs a lot of strength to cope with all the stress. As you know, the skills and habits learned at school age are the most durable. This applies not only to useful, but also to bad habits. The sooner children, teenagers, boys and girls become acquainted with smoking and start smoking, the faster they will get used to it, and in the future it will be very difficult to quit smoking.

Game “Continue the Proverb”

In a healthy body healthy mind.

Health is more important than money.

If you do physical education, you will forget about illnesses.

Health has no price.

It would be good health, and the rest will follow.

If you are healthy, you will get everything.

Smoking is harmful to health.

Destructive alcohol

Alcohol has the fastest and most destructive effect on brain cells, and, first of all, the higher parts of the brain are affected; quickly delivered by the blood flow to the brain, alcohol penetrates the nerve cells and is destroyed, as a result of which the connection between different parts of the brain is disrupted . Alcohol also affects the blood vessels that carry blood to the brain. From the beginning, they expand, and blood saturated with alcohol rushes rapidly to the brain, causing a sharp excitation of the nerve centers. This is where the overly cheerful mood and swagger of a drunken person come from.

Scientists have found that under the influence of alcoholic drinks in the cerebral cortex, following increasing excitation, a sharp weakening of inhibition processes occurs. The cortex ceases to control the work of the lower, so-called subcortical parts of the brain. That is why an intoxicated person seems to lose control over himself and a critical attitude towards his behavior, losing restraint and modesty, he says and does things that he would not say or do in a sober state. Each new portion of alcohol increasingly paralyzes the higher nerve centers, as if connecting them and not allowing them to interfere with the chaotic activity of sharply excited parts of the brain. The famous Russian psychiatrist S.S. Korsakov describes this state as follows: “the intoxicated person does not think about the consequences of his words and actions and treats them extremely frivolously... Passions and bad impulses appear without any cover and encourage more or less wild actions.”

But in a normal state, the same person can be well-mannered and modest, even shy. Everything in his personality that is restrained by upbringing and decorum skills seems to come out. In a state of intoxication, a person can blurt out any secret; he loses his vigilance, stops being careful. It’s not for nothing that they say: “What’s on a sober man’s mind is on the drunken man’s tongue.” What we complacently call intoxication in everyday life is essentially nothing more than acute alcohol poisoning, with all the ensuing consequences. It is good if after a certain time the body, freed from the poison, gradually returns to its normal state. What if drinking continues, and new portions of alcohol systematically enter the body? What then?

Scientists have found that alcohol introduced into the body is not immediately removed from there, and a certain amount of this substance continues its harmful effect on organs for 1-2 days, and in some cases more. Alcohol causes a pleasant, elated mood, and this encourages repeated drinking. At first, if you wish and have strong character, you can still refuse wine. Otherwise, under the influence of alcohol intoxication (and the persuasion of friends), the will weakens, and a person can no longer resist the attraction to alcohol, under the influence of alcohol, instincts gain scope, will and self-control are weakened, and often people commit offenses and mistakes for which they completely repent. life.

Alcohol is very dangerous for young people, especially for girls, since their bodies are more easily exposed to drugs during their growth period. Since time immemorial, our ancestors considered water and milk to be the only suitable drinks for children. In ancient Greece and Rome, young men under a certain age were generally prohibited from drinking wine. Drinkers (especially women) under the influence of alcohol become cheeky, talkative, unrestrained, and not critical enough of their behavior. When drunk, a woman loses shame and feminine dignity; she is prone to frivolous behavior and sexual promiscuity. The consequences of casual sexual intercourse resulting from intoxication can be tragic. Sexually transmitted diseases, the birth of defective children - these are not just words, behind them is a crippled, joyless life.

If drunkenness is the result of improper upbringing, weakness of will, promiscuity, imitation of bad habits, then alcoholism is a serious illness that requires special treatment. It takes a lot of effort to rehabilitate a person who abuses alcohol. Often these conditions are in vain. There is nothing worse than a drunkard husband who makes his wife and children suffer.

You are already so old that you should be able to choose your friends. There should be no people in your environment who cannot imagine pleasure without a glass, not to mention the fact that you yourself should avoid drinking alcohol. You must find the courage to resist those who try to persuade you to drink alcohol. All these feasts with the obligatory “drink to the bottom” and “penalties” for those who are late are the lot of ordinary people. Unfortunately, the force of inertia is great, drawing you into the sphere of compulsory drinking. An atmosphere of condemnation and intolerance should be created around everyone who abuses alcohol. Avoid parties that gather for the purpose of drinking and people who cannot imagine having fun without drinking.

Research by scientists has proven that in boys and girls, alcoholism, as a severe, difficult-to-treat disease, arises and develops FOUR times faster than in adults. Personality destruction also occurs much faster. I think that it is not difficult for you to draw a conclusion: never, under any circumstances, drink wine, even if close people - comrades and relatives - offer it to you.

It is worth repeating that when girls and boys drink wine, all organs are affected, but the central nervous system is especially vulnerable, memory declines sharply, the psyche is disturbed, control over one’s actions decreases...

After all, crimes committed while intoxicated are aggravated in nature and are especially severely punished. Some schoolchildren share a drink with older children and friends: it is inconvenient, they say, not to support the company. Yes, in these circumstances, courage, strength of character and sound mind are certainly required.


We distribute myths to each group. Discussion for 2-3 minutes

Myth 1. You can always refuse to use drugs again (alcohol, cigarettes, nasvay).

Fact.You can only refuse once – the first time. Even a single use of the drug leads to addiction.

Myth 2. Drugs provide an incomparable feeling of pleasure.

Fact.The feeling of high does not occur after the first pill or injection. On the contrary, as when smoking the first cigarette, you experience nausea, vomiting, dizziness, etc. Moreover, the euphoria of 3-4 doses quickly disappears and in the future drugs are taken to relieve the painful, painful sensation (withdrawal) and simply survive another day.

Myth 3. It is better to quit drinking and smoking gradually.

Fact.It is easier to stop using drugs once than to try to do so for the rest of your life.

Myth 4. Smoking and drinking is cool!

Fact. It's cool to be healthy!



Yes, health is the most important value for a person.

Nicotine, alcohol, drugs

These are not antibiotics for you.

For health, communication, sports

Our friendly people are speaking.


One two three four five.

What do we need for health?

We will list them.

All alcohol is not for us.

This time! (together)

Tobacco is a harmful herb.

That's two! (together)

Don't take drugs.

That's three! (together)

How wonderful it is in this world, in our school!

There are four here!

Sport helps your health.

It's five! (together)

Vegetables and fruits need to be eaten!

That's six!

Smile at yourself and everyone!

It's seven!

Bad habits We can't stand it!

It's eight!

We know what and how to do.

It's nine!

We will be with the number ten

Ten times stronger!

Let's save our strength

For your country!

After all, being healthy is cool!

Down with all bad habits!

Now let’s pronounce judgment on bad habits in unison: No to drugs! We choose a healthy lifestyle!

A healthy and happy person is free from these vices. Whatever happens in your life, have a positive mindset, hold on to the good things you have, and move forward by implementing the three principles of success:

Act according to your conscience.

Develop your creative abilities.

Treat people the way you would like them to treat you.

Thanks to this, you will find good friends, which will be your strong foundation and the best protection from loneliness, drugs and other negative elements that can destroy your life.

Well, my friend, the decision is yours,

You have the right to control your own destiny.

Stay healthy! This is happiness!

Being healthy is in your power.

To be healthy means to live.

happy life you need

Love everyone!



Classroom teacher:

What new did you learn today?

Has your attitude towards alcohol and smoking changed?

Will you be able to resist when they offer you a drink or a cigarette? (children's answers).

I sincerely wish you to resist all the negative phenomena that surround us!!

To drink or not to drink?

Decide for yourself.

It's better to live!

Then are you with us?

You can do this:


1. I found it interesting today because...

2. What I liked most…

3. It was new for me...

4. This topic made me think...

5. I was sad when...

6. If I were a wizard, I...

Preliminary work.

1) Have students fill out the questionnaire “What do you know about smoking, drinking alcohol and using drugs?” Discuss it.

Issues for discussion:

Do you think that drug or alcohol use is associated with negative environmental pressure? Why yes? Why not?

Why do you think many people start smoking, using drugs and drinking alcohol?

Do you think people would smoke less if they clearly understood all the harmful effects of smoking?

Why do you think teenagers smoke, drink, and use drugs?

2) As a class, move on to the topic “Dangers of Drug Use.” Ask students to develop this topic further. Make a list of other dangers of drug use.

3) Discuss the whole class situation: “Temptation by curiosity: drugs and alcohol.”

Do you think the atmosphere of parties (“get-togethers”) influences addiction to bad habits?

Do you think there are real ways to escape environmental pressure?

A game aimed at developing responsible behavior skills “Discussion of stories”

Target: determine what strategies the group members have for getting out of difficult situations; find the most effective ones.

Materials: sheets of paper, pens for each participant.

Invite participants to write a mini-essay (about 5-7 sentences) on one of the topics:

“What will happen if I am asked to carry drugs”;

“What will happen if I feel very bad”;

“What will happen if I am very lonely”;

“What happens if I get seriously ill”;

“What will happen if the class turns away from me”;

“What happens if I can’t give up the drug?”

The whole group writes an essay on one topic. This will provide an opportunity to discuss each essay in more detail.


How did the stories end? What solutions have been proposed? How many positive and how many negative endings to the stories were there (in%)? Is there the most effective way out of the situation? Which? What possible strategies might be most effective?


Please read these statements and indicate whether you agree or disagree with them.


1. A healthy person can drink three beers in one hour without subsequent loss of self-control or slow reaction. (No.)

2. Drinking alcohol mixed with certain drugs can lead to fatal outcome. (Yes.)

3. Strong alcohol(whisky, rum, gin, vodka, etc.) are more harmful to the body than other alcoholic drinks (wine, beer, etc.). (No.)

4. Alcohol is poison. (Yes.)

5. At least half of road accidents are the result of driving while drunk. (Yes.)

6. Alcohol interferes with quick reactions. (Yes.)

7. Alcohol poisons the liver and can cause tissue death (after which it does not recover). (Yes.)

8. Pregnant women should not drink because studies have shown that alcohol can harm the unborn baby and can sometimes even cause mental retardation. (Yes.)

9. Most alcoholics are degraded people with a low level of education. (No.)

10. Alcohol distorts the senses and sometimes causes the drinker to become hot in dangerously cold weather. (No.)

11. A teenager can become an alcoholic from beer. (Yes.)

12. Many alcoholics start drinking before the age of 20. (Yes)


1. 25% of all cancer deaths are caused by tobacco smoking. (Yes.)

2. Smoking at least 1-4 cigarettes a day doubles the risk of heart disease. (Yes.)

3. Lung cancer caused by smoking is one of the leading causes of death among men. (Yes.)

4. The substances contained in a cigarette are not beneficial, but do not contain poisons. (No.)

5. Most smokers start smoking in their teenage years. (Yes.)

6. Passive smoking (inhalation of smoke by non-smokers in the presence of smokers) is not dangerous. (No.)

7. One third of hospital beds are occupied by people whose illnesses are caused by smoking tobacco. (Yes.)

8. 50% of deaths from heart disease among women are the result of smoking. (Yes.)

9. One cigarette a day is not dangerous for a healthy person. (No.)

10. Among women, the mortality rate from smoking-related lung cancer exceeds the mortality rate from breast cancer. (Yes.)


1. Most drugs do not pose a serious health threat if taken in moderation. (No.)

2. Drug addicts sometimes commit violent criminal offenses that they subsequently have no memory of. (Yes.)

3. Marijuana causes a person to lose interest in activities that were previously interesting. (Yes.)

4. Even a single use of cocaine can cause death. (Yes.)

5. Each dose of marijuana contains unknown toxic substances. (Yes.)

6. Every time a person is in a state of drug intoxication, brain cells are destroyed, which then are not restored. (Yes.)

7. After taking certain drugs, the user needs even more of them to get the same effect. (Yes.)

8. It is impossible to get AIDS from an infected needle. (No.)

9. Alcohol is a drug that stimulates the central nervous system, allowing you to feel freedom and a surge of energy. (No.)

10. Narcotic medications prescribed by doctors can be dangerous and cause serious health complications if taken for a long time and in the wrong doses. (Yes.)

Dangers of Drug Use

An overdose leads to loss of consciousness and even death.

Accidents under the influence of drugs (or alcohol) occur more often.

Addiction, physical and mental dependence.

Confusion, hallucinations.

Heightened emotions and irrational behavior.

Memory lapses.

Dizziness and nausea after taking.

Instant death (pure cocaine).

AIDS and other diseases as a result of using a contaminated needle.

Loss of aspirations, laziness (from marijuana).

Birth defects in children.

- “Relapse” (sudden craving for drugs at any time after barely stopping their use, characteristic of LSD or “Angel Dust”),

Emotional and physical disturbances.

Other serious health problems.

Classification and action of some commonly used drugs

Stimulants(have a stimulating effect, cause talkativeness, fussiness, hyperexcitability).

Mental and somatic consequences of excessive consumption:


Loss of appetite;

Dry mouth;

Stomach upset;


Loss of reaction;

Deterioration of vision;


Hallucinations, lack of understanding of the situation.

Depressants(used to induce sleep in patients). Mental and somatic consequences of excessive consumption:

Inability to adequately perceive the situation and think clearly;

Loss of coordination;

Slow speech;

Inadequate reasoning;

Trembling of limbs;

Involuntary eye movement;

Aggressiveness; An overdose of barbiturates (even accidental) can be fatal (the likelihood of this is much higher than with other drugs).

Hallucinogens(medicines that cause changes in sensations, thinking, reactions to the environment and feelings).

Inadequacy of mental experiences;

May cause mental illness;

Chromosome abnormalities may develop;

A mental breakdown may occur several weeks after the last medication was taken;

Impaired perception of time and space;

The appearance of hallucinations and visions.

Marijuana(usually rolled into cigarettes. When smoked, it initially causes excitement. However, long-term use causes lethargy and loss of consciousness).

Mental and somatic consequences of excessive consumption:

The pupils of the eyes are dilated, and the eyes themselves become bloodshot;

Loss of perception of time and space;

Convulsive twitching of muscles;

Increased pulse and heart rate;

Noticeable dizziness;

Abnormal behavior;

Loss of reaction;

Loss of understanding of the situation;

Mental dependence with long-term use.

Drugs-medicines that include heroin (painkillers and sleeping pills).

Mental and somatic consequences of excessive consumption:

Heroin affects the brain, spinal cord, and respiratory organs;

The initial reaction is a feeling of peace and bliss. This feeling passes quickly and more medicine is required the next time you take it;

Immediately after heroin injection, drowsiness occurs;

The pupils of the eyes narrow.

Warning symptoms for drug use:

1. Redness of the eyelids and nose. The pupils become larger or smaller depending on the type of medication.

2. Violation of the adequacy of behavior. Behavior - slow, uneven, detached, or, on the contrary, hysterical, convulsive.

3. Loss of appetite, sometimes weight loss.

4. Changes in the psyche: inattention, irritability, feeling of depression, aggressiveness, suspicion.

5. Digestive system disorders. The appearance of headaches, double images. Changes in skin color and body posture.

6. With intravenous use, marks from needles appear (especially on the hands).

7. Moral degradation, replacement of previous ideas and values.

Discuss the results of the survey.

Discussion (formulate rules of behavior to counter the negative influences of the surrounding reality).