In which country does the fox live? Common fox (fox)

Fox is a generalized name for several species of mammals in the large canid family (Canidae). Twelve species of this group belong to the genus of foxes proper (true foxes), but some other species are also called foxes. Occupying different continents, all 23 species of foxes presented below have a characteristic appearance and a similar lifestyle, but at the same time, each species has its own characteristics.

The fox is a predator with a sharp muzzle, a narrow and somewhat flattened head, quite big ears and a long fluffy tail. To all of us early childhood I'm familiar with the red-haired, thieving cheat - the heroine of many fairy tales and fables, who always manages to get around her relative - the wolf. Obviously, the cunning of the fox in the tales of many cultures reflects the plasticity of the species and its wide distribution. Indeed, foxes are very unpretentious to environment, they know how to adapt well and have been able to settle quite comfortably on almost all continents, with the exception of Antarctica.

There are 3 separate branches of "fox-like" canids. The closest of them to the common ancestors are 2 species of gray foxes (Urucyon). The age of this genus is 4-6 million years. And although they are phenotypically similar to foxes of the genus Vulpes, they are not genetically related to them. Big-eared fox (Otocyon) – too ancient look canids, which is genetically and morphologically separated from all other foxes (age of the genus is 3 million years). These species make up the first branch.

The second branch is the species of the genus Vulpes (common foxes). This branch is divided into 2 parts - the common fox type and the fennec type. The fennec fox and the Afghan fox represent the result of an ancient divergence (4.5 million years). The branch comprising the species of the common fox group includes the American corsac and arctic fox, the American fox, as well as many of the Old World species. They diverged only recently (0.5 million years) and form a separate subgroup within the common fox phylum.

The third branch consists of all South American species. This branch stands closer to the genus Caris (Wolves) than to other foxes. The little fox and Maikong are the ancestral forms of this group (age 3 million years); most other Dusicyon species arose relatively recently (1.0-2.5 million years ago).

Species of foxes of the genus Vulpes

The fox genus Vulpes is the most extensive and widespread among canids, numbering 12 species of foxes. Representatives of this genus can be found in the far north, South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia.

The characteristic features of foxes of the genus Vulpes are a pointed muzzle, triangular erect ears, a long and fluffy tail, and a flat skull compared to the genus Canis. The color of the tip of the tail is usually different from the main color. There are black triangular markings on the muzzle between the eyes and nose.

Common fox Vulpes vulpes

Currently, there are about 48 subspecies, which are distributed from the Arctic Circle to the deserts of Asia and North Africa and Central America. They were also introduced to Australia. This is such a common species that it is most likely the most flexible of all carnivores.

Body length is on average 75 cm, tail – 40-69 cm, weight can reach 10 kg. The coat is rusty to fiery red above, and white to black below. The tip of the tail is often white. There are silver and other color varieties.

Bengal (Indian) fox Vulpes bengalensis

Inhabits India, Pakistan, Nepal. It lives in steppes, open forests, thorny bushes and semi-deserts up to 1350 m above sea level.

Body length – 45-60 cm, tail – 25-35 cm, weight – 1.8-3.2 kg. The color of the short, smooth coat is sandy-red, the paws are reddish-brown, and the tip of the tail is black.

Vulpes chama

Distributed in Africa south of Zimbabwe and Angola. You can meet it in the steppes and rocky deserts.

Body length – 45-60 cm, tail – 30-40 cm, weight – 3.5-4.5 kg.The color is reddish-brown agouti with a silver-gray back, the tip of the tail is black, there is no dark facial mask.

Korsak Vulpes corsac

Found in steppe zone south-eastern part of Russia, in Central Asia, Mongolia, in Transbaikalia to the north of Manchuria and the north of Afghanistan.

Externally, the corsac is similar to an ordinary fox, but much smaller. Body length 50-60 cm, tail – 22-35 cm, weight – 2.5-4 kg. The coat color is brownish-gray, the chin is white or slightly yellowish. Characteristic feature Corsacs have wide, noticeably prominent cheekbones.

Tibetan fox Vulpes ferrilata

Inhabits the steppe areas of the highlands (4500-4800 m above sea level) of Tibet and Nepal.

Body length – 60-67 cm, tail – 28-32 cm, weight – 4-5.5 kg. The body and ears are colored light gray agouti, the tip of the tail is white. The long and narrow head appears square due to the thick and dense collar. The fangs are elongated.

African fox Vulpes pallida

Inhabits North Africa from the Red Sea to the Atlantic, from Senegal to Sudan and Somalia. Lives in deserts.

Body length – 40-45 cm, tail – 27-30 cm, weight – 2.5-2.7 kg. The coat is short and thin. The body and ears are yellowish-brown, the paws are red, and the tip of the tail is black. There are no markings on the face.

sand fox Vulpes rueppelii

Found from Morocco to Afghanistan, northern Cameroon, northeastern Nigeria, Chad, Congo, Somalia, Egypt, Sudan. Inhabits deserts.

Body length – 40-52 cm, tail – 25-35 cm, weight – 1.7-2 kg. The coat is pale sandy in color, the tip of the tail is white, and there are black spots on the muzzle. It has large ears that help regulate body temperature, and the fur on its paw pads makes it easier to move across hot sand.

American corsac Vulpes velox

Found from Texas to South Dakota. From 1900 to 1970 this species was found in the northern Great Plains, in Canada, but, apparently, the American corsac was completely exterminated: in 1928 the fox disappeared from the province of Saskatchewan, and in 1938 from the province of Alberta. However, it has now been successfully reintroduced to the Canadian prairie.

Body length – 37-53 cm, tail – 22-35 cm, weight – 2-3 kg. The coat is pale gray in winter, red in summer; the tip of the tail is black, and there are black spots on the sides of the muzzle.

American fox Vulpes macrotis

Inhabits northwestern Mexico and southwestern United States. Lives in prairies and arid steppes.

Body length – 38-50 cm, tail – 22-30 cm, weight – 1.8-3 kg. The coat is yellow-red in color, the limbs are reddish-brown. The tail has a black tip and is very fluffy.

Vulpes cana

Inhabits Afghanistan, northeast Iran, Balochistan; an isolated population is known in Israel. You can meet it in mountainous regions.

Body length – 42-48 cm, tail – 30-35 cm, weight – 1.5-3 kg. The color is most often uniform dark, in winter time– brownish-gray. Bare paw pads are adapted for life in areas with steep slopes.

fennec Vulpes zerda

It is sometimes placed in the genus Fennecus due to its large ears, rounded skull and small teeth. It lives in North Africa, across the entire Sahara east to Sinai and Arabia. Lives in sandy deserts.

Body length – 24-41 cm, tail – 18-31 cm, weight – 0.9-1.5 kg. - the smallest of all foxes. The coat color is cream, the tip of the tail is black. The paw pads are pubescent. A notable feature of the fennec is huge ears, constituting 20% ​​of the body surface, help the animal cool down in the heat of the day (with high temperature air vessels in the ears expand, increasing heat transfer). However, at temperatures below 20° C, the fennec begins to shiver from the cold.

Arctic fox(arctic fox) Vulpes (Alopex) lagopus

Modern scientific classification sometimes counts singular gender arctic foxes to the genus of foxes. The Arctic fox inhabits the subpolar zone; tundra and littoral areas of the sea coast.

Body length – 53-55 cm, tail – 30-32 cm, weight – 3.1-3.8 kg. There are two types of color: “white”, which looks like taupe in summer, and “blue” which looks chocolate brown in summer. The fur is very dense, at least 70% is warm undercoat. have amazing resistance to cold.

Genus Urocyon (Grey foxes)

Gray fox Urocyon cinereoargenteus

Found from the central United States to the prairies, from the south to Venezuela, from the north to Ontario.

Body length – 52-69 cm, tail – 27-45 cm, weight – 2.5-7 kg. The color is gray, with streaks, the throat is white, the paws are reddish-brown. A ridge of stiff black hairs runs along the dorsal surface of the tail.

island fox Urocyon littoralis

Distributed on the Channel Islands near California.

This is the smallest species of fox found in the United States. Body length - 48-50 cm, tail -12-29 cm, weight - 1.2-2.7 kg. Externally similar to gray fox, but is inferior to it in size. The island fox is mostly insectivorous.

Genus Otocyon (Big-eared foxes)

Big-eared fox Otocyon megalotis

Two populations are known: one occurs from the south of Zambia to South Africa, the other from Ethiopia to Tanzania. Prefers open spaces.

Body length – 46-58 cm, tail – 24-34 cm, weight – 3-4.5 kg. The color ranges from gray to dark yellow, there are black markings on the face, tips of the ears and paws, and a “strap” on the back. The ears are large (up to 12 cm). The big-eared fox differs from other species in its unusual dental structure: its teeth are weak, but together with additional molars they total quantity is 46-50. The diet of this species is also very unusual: 80% of the diet consists of insects, mainly dung beetles and termites.

Genus Dusicyon (South American foxes)

The habitat of foxes of the genus Dusicyon is limited South America. The color is usually gray with reddish-brown splashes. The skull is long and narrow; The ears are large, the tail is fluffy.

Andean foxDusicyon (Pseudalopex) culpaeus

Lives in the Andes, from Ecuador and Peru to the island Tierra del Fuego. Found in the mountains and pampas.

Depending on the subspecies, body length varies from 60 to 115 cm, tail length - 30-45 cm, weight - 4.5-11 kg. The back and shoulders are gray, the head, neck, ears and paws are reddish-brown; the tip of the tail is black.

South American fox Dusicyon (Pseudalopex) griseus

It lives in the Andes, the population is mainly concentrated in Argentina and Chile. Lives at lower altitudes than the Andean fox.

Body length – 42-68 cm, tail – 31-36 cm, weight – 4.4 kg. The color is mottled light gray; the lower parts of the body are lighter.

Paraguayan fox Dusicyon (Pseudalopex) gymnocercus

Inhabits the pampas of Paraguay, Chile, southeastern Brazil, from southern through eastern Argentina to Rio Negro.

Body length – 62-65 cm, tail – 34-36 cm, weight – 4.8-6.5 kg.

Sekuran fox Dusicyon (Pseudalopex) sechurae

It lives in the coastal deserts of northern Peru and southern Ecuador.

Body length – 53-59 cm, tail – about 25 cm, weight – 4.5-4.7 kg. The coat is light gray, the tip of the tail is black.

Dusicyon (Pseudalopex) vetulus

Inhabits southern and central Brazil.

Body length is about 60 cm, tail is about 30 cm, weight is 2.7-4 kg. The muzzle is short, the teeth are small. The coat color of the upper body is gray, the belly is white. There is a dark line on the dorsal surface of the tail.

Darwin's fox Dusicyon (Pseudalopex) fulvipes

Found on the island of Chiloe and in national park Nahuelbuta, Chile.

Body length is about 60 cm, tail is 26 cm, weight is about 2 kg. The coat of the upper body is dark gray, the neck and belly are the color of cream. The species is endangered.

While traveling by ship in 1831, Charles Darwin acquired a specimen of the gray fox, which later received his name. In his journal, he recorded that on the island of Chiloe a fox was caught, belonging to a genus which appears to be unique to the island and very rare on it, and has not yet been described as a species. Although Darwin suspected the uniqueness of this fox, which was recently confirmed, the status of this animal remained unclear for a long time. It is distinguished by a dark brown, almost rusty head color and relatively short legs.

Dusicyon (Cerdocyon) thous

Distributed from Colombia and Venezuela to northern Argentina and Paraguay. Inhabits savannas and forests.

Body length - 60-70 cm, tail - 28-30 cm, weight -5-8 kg.

The coat is gray-brown, the ears are dark; tail with dark dorsal strap and white tip; paw pads are large; the muzzle is short.

(small fox or short-eared zorro) Dusicyon (Atelocynus) Microtis

Lives in tropical forests basin of the Orinoco and Amazon rivers. Found in Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela and Brazil.

Body length -72-100 cm, tail - 25-35 cm, weight up to 9 kg. The color is dark, the ears are short and rounded. The teeth are long and strong. Cat's gait.

Literature: Mammals: Complete illustrated encyclopedia /Translated from English/ Book. I. Predatory, marine mammals, primates, tupayas, woolly wings. / Ed. D. MacDonald. – M: “Omega”, – 2007.

div align="justify">Fox is the name of a separate class of mammals that belongs to the canine family.

The common fox is the most common representative. This animal is one of the main characters folk tales, folklore.


The common fox lives in many latitudes of our planet: most of the territory of Europe; Africa (its northern part); Asia; North America. This species is distributed in many climatic latitudes, with the exception of areas of humid equatorial climate.


The classic color of a fox is a bright red back with a white belly; there are also black varieties. The color of the belly is: white; gray; sometimes brownish.

Fox in winter forest photo

In regions with more severe climatic conditions, you can find representatives of a black-brown hue, as well as other similar tones. There are varieties of foxes whose color differs from the traditional one, these include: silver fox; crosses; sivodushki.

harmony. fox with fox photo

The fox has a short body, short legs and a bushy tail. The head has an oblong muzzle, pointed ears. Body length 55 - 90 cm, tail length 40 - 60 cm, animal weight 4 - 9 kg.


Foxes live in burrows, digging them out on their own, or settling in the empty homes of badgers, arctic foxes and other burrow inhabitants. They mainly live on mountain slopes, preferring areas with sandy soils that are safe from rain and melt water.

Often chanterelles choose permanent places habitat for breeding and raising offspring, during other periods of the year they rest on open lawns, on snow or on grass. In case of approaching danger, foxes can quickly hide in some hole and protect their offspring.


The fox, along with wolves, is a typical predator that feeds mainly on small animals, as well as dozens of plant species. Their potential victims include all kinds of small rodents: water rats; hamsters; muskrat; field mice.

I'll catch up anyway. fox hunting photo

Especially in winter period Foxes can hear small voles well under the cover of snow and quietly and sharply pounce on them. In warmer latitudes (deserts, etc.), there is active hunting for all kinds of reptiles. In regions near river reservoirs, chanterelles feed on salmon that died after spawning. They also feed on many insects (larvae, beetles). They cause great damage to agriculture by eating oats and chickens.


Foxes are excellent parents. Unlike other animal species, they are monogamous, that is, they reproduce once a year. Dependence of weather and climatic conditions and the size of animals, influence the effectiveness of the offspring.

Males participate in raising their firstborns, set up their burrows and care for females. Foxes bear cubs within 50-60 days. Often 3-5 fox cubs are born. At a young age, they closely resemble wolf cubs. About 6 months pass from the moment of birth, after which the cubs can already walk and actively enjoy life.

Who in childhood did not listen to fairy tales from the lips of their mother in which the main character was a fox? Such people simply probably do not exist.

In all fairy tales, the fox is described as a cunning red-haired beauty who can incredibly deceive and eat her prey. And these fairy tales are actually not far from the truth. Wild animals fox, Namely, we will talk about them now; they have a simply gorgeous red coat, which becomes thick and lush in winter.

The coat color changes depending on the animal’s habitat, from bright red to paler. The tail is always darker, and its tip is colored white. This is the fur coat color of wild animals.

The photo shows a wild fox

Those that are grown specifically on farms are most often platinum or silver-black (black-brown) in color. Such animals are highly valued in the fur industry. The fox is small in size.

In the photo there is a silver fox

She is slim and agile. Its body length is approximately 90 cm, it weighs from 6 to 10 kg. She is flexible and dignified. Thanks to its relatively short legs, it is easy for the animal to creep up on its prey and attack it unnoticed.

But, despite the fact that the legs are short, they are very strong and muscular, which helps to jump suddenly and far in length. The fox's muzzle is elongated, with an elegant, thin nose. The ears are rather large and always alert.

About the animal fox it cannot be said that she is strong, like a wolf, or has sharp fangs, like a wolf, or strong claws, like a wild cats, but in its vitality it is not inferior to these predatory animals in any way.

Features and habitat of the fox

Forest animals fox live on almost the entire planet, except arctic tundra and islands. There are about 11 species and 15 subspecies of this animal.

This wild predator loves the tundra, taiga, mountains, deserts, and steppe. Anywhere he can adapt and arrange for himself home. The closer she lives to the North, the larger her size, and the brighter and more saturated the color of her coat.

And vice versa, in the southern regions the fox is smaller and its color is paler. They never get attached to anything specific place residence.

Thanks to their amazing ability to adapt, they can live a thousand kilometers from their real homeland.

The character and lifestyle of the fox

The fox most often prefers to get its food during the day. But she has absolutely all the necessary skills for night hunting, which she sometimes does. Its sense organs are very highly developed; many predators can envy them.

The fox's vision is at this level high level that she sees everything even during rather poor visibility. Her ears, which constantly move, pick up the slightest rustling, this helps the fox notice rodents.

At the slightest hint that it is nearby, the fox completely freezes and tries in this position to figure out where and how the rodent is sitting.

After this, she makes a powerful jump and lands right on the victim, pressing him tightly to the ground. Each predator has its own territory marked with excrement. Many farmers consider this animal as a pest for agriculture. This issue can be viewed from two sides, completely opposite to each other.

Yes, these predators are considered a threat to poultry; they can sneak into the chicken coop and steal it. But it was noticed that the fox chooses the weakest and most unadapted to life. On the other hand, the “red beast” destroys rodents in the fields and near barns, which helps save and double the harvest.

The photo shows a fox hunting a mouse.

It is very dangerous for foxes to meet a cougar and a human. In addition to the fact that people hunt the animal for its beautiful, valuable fur, pathetic hunting has long been open for the animal, during which people on horseback surround the fox and drive it to death.

This particular type of hunting has been banned since 2004, but all other types of hunting remain legal. This animal is revered. For them, the fox is the God of rain and the messenger of the God of rice. According to the Japanese, the fox protects a person from evil and is a symbol of longevity.

Native Americans differed in their opinions about this animal. Those Indians who live closer to the North say that she is a wise and noble messenger from heaven. Tribes living on the plains claim that the fox is a cunning and sneaky predator that can lure a person into a deadly embrace in a matter of seconds.

For us, a fox is a wise, decisive animal with an incredible desire for action. IN animal world foxes- these are animals with huge internal qualities and potential.

Fox food

Animal world fox It is designed in such a way that these predators are able to amazingly adapt and find a convenient moment for this in getting their own food. Their main food is rodents and various small animals. In times of hunger they will not refuse carrion, insects and berries.

The interesting thing is that before catching its prey, the fox fully studies its habits. For example, in order to feast on a hedgehog, which she cannot reach because of the thorns, she can sharply push it into a pond.

In the water he turns around and the fox grabs him by the belly with lightning speed. Wild foxes have to be caught in pairs. One distracts, the other sneaks up and suddenly attacks.

Rodents cannot hide from foxes even under the snow. Incredible hearing detects any rustling noise. Fox type of animal, which will not be left without food under any difficult weather conditions.

The photo shows a white fox

The fox is a cunning animal. And it is precisely this feature that is its main and distinctive feature. She helps the animal survive in any critical situation and find a way out of it.

White fox animal– this is not mythical creature. In fact, these animals exist. They are very similar to their relatives with red fur. You can meet them in the tundra, in the Scandinavian Kola Peninsula, in Polar Eurasia and North America, in the south of the Baikal region, in Japan.

Reproduction and lifespan of a fox

Spring time is the period when little foxes are born. Before giving birth, mother foxes dig a large hole, and they can outwit someone and occupy his territory.

Gestation time is approximately 44-58 days. Usually 4 to 6 babies are born. 45 days caring mother feeds her children milk, then gradually introduces them to solid food. After they are two years old, they become fully grown and independent, capable of reproducing and getting their own food.

In the wild, foxes live for about seven years; at home, their life expectancy can reach 20-25 years. Foxes as pets– this is all quite real and possible. Just first you need to better know how to properly care for them and take some precautions.

The very first thing is that not every country allows you to keep a fox at home, so you need to find out from competent people how things are in your country. The second and also important factor is the presence of a familiar veterinarian who will be able to examine the animal at any time, provide veterinary care to it, and give it the necessary vaccinations.

The pet must have its own space. The fox must be provided with a den in which it can hide at any time, sand for the potty, which it can very quickly be taught to walk on.

How more people spends time with the fox, the closer the connection between them becomes. Domestic foxes are not much different from and. You can also play with them and take them for walks on a leash. Foxes buy an animal You can go to a pet store or find an advertisement for the sale of exotic animals.

Beauty - red fox

Today the fox is not very desirable hunting trophy, like some 50 years ago, when the fashion for fox hats and short fur coats significantly reduced the number of this small predator in the vastness of the then USSR. However, many modern hunters enjoy hunting foxes. Moreover, hunting for this agricultural pest is allowed all year round; no licenses are required. There is only one minus: the fox is only valuable fur and no meat. Although there is one more disadvantage, we will dwell on it further.

Today, the fox is not a very desirable hunting trophy, as it was some 50 years ago, when the fashion for fox hats and short fur coats significantly reduced the number of this small predator in the vast expanses of the then USSR. However, many modern hunters enjoy hunting foxes. Moreover, hunting for this agricultural pest is allowed all year round; no licenses are required. There is only one minus: a fox is only valuable fur and no meat. Although there is one more disadvantage, we will dwell on it further.

There is a lot of information about fox hunting, including on our website. But we want to supplement it with the stories of one old fox hunter with more than 40 years of hunting experience. But first, a little about the fox.

Biological characteristics of foxes

Our usual red or common fox (Vulpes vulpes) small carnivorous mammal, belongs to the order Canidae. This is the most common species of the numerous fox genus.

In general, there are more than 50 subspecies and several smaller forms such as the long-eared fennec fox or exotic flying fruit bats. And we also need to remember the completely unique small big-eared African fox, which looks like a fennec fox, but differs from all other canids in having 48 teeth versus 42 in all other representatives of this order.

Everyone also knows that in the far north live arctic foxes - white polar foxes. The subspecies of black foxes, which we know as silver foxes, is also quite numerous. They live mainly in Siberia.

In general, foxes are distributed throughout the world - from arctic zones all continents Northern Hemisphere to most of Asia and all of northern Africa. The size and color of local subspecies depends on the conditions of the region of residence and the availability of food. The further north foxes live, the larger and lighter they are, and the thicker and longer the fur. The distribution of foxes is fairly uniform across all zones. At the same time, these cunning animals with a high degree of adaptability have settled down well not only in wildlife, but also in cultivated landscapes.

And in lately They are increasingly found on the outskirts of large cities, where the animal finds enough food and does not have any natural enemies.

The number of foxes fluctuates from year to year and it depends on some factors - the presence of rodents, outbreaks infectious diseases And weather conditions. In hungry and frosty years, not only does the fertility of females decrease, but also fewer of the puppies born survive. But most often, the number of animals is sharply reduced by such fairly common diseases as rabies, plague and scabies.

Fox rabies

This is a separate topic and exactly the second disadvantage that we mentioned at the beginning of the article.

These animals most often suffer from this terrible disease, since rodents that carry rabies are their main food. An infected fox is very dangerous for livestock, dogs and cats, and humans. A hunter who has shot a fox with suspected rabies should be extremely careful, not touch the carcass, and be sure to notify the veterinary service.

Signs of rabies are as follows: all wild animals become very excited, tireless, and lose fear of humans. But foxes often behave quite the opposite. They also stop being afraid of people, but they do not show aggression, but on the contrary, they become affectionate, run up to people, climb into the yard and even the house. Many people decide to adopt such a wonderful animal and become infected with rabies. An attempt to skin an infected animal also ends sadly. In later stages, foxes also become extremely aggressive, they have a wild thirst and fear of hydrophobia at the same time, salivation flows, and their behavior is inappropriate. A small sick predator can rush at very large animals - bears, wolves, moose, cows, bulls, infecting them. Just like an unsuspecting person who happens to pass by. Therefore, shooting foxes is always permitted.

If you have the slightest suspicion of rabies, you should immediately go to the hospital - in the first days after infection, the person is cured. And then the disease enters an uncontrolled and incurable stage and ends in painful death.

Habitats and habits of foxes

For the most part, these animals lead sedentary image life and migration is not typical for them, except within the Pale of Settlement. The foxes that travel most often are tundra, desert and mountain subspecies. Young animals rarely go into independent life further than 20-30 km from the parental den. And most often they stay within 5 km.

The animal always prefers open areas, as well as places with separate groves, ravines and hills, and copses. What is noteworthy is that in forested areas there are much fewer of these animals than in the forest-steppe and steppe zones.

Each family has its own area where foxes dig holes. Most often on their own, but they can also occupy the burrows of marmots, badgers and other burrowing animals. They like to settle on the slopes of hills, ravines, in places where the holes will not be filled either by river floods or by rain and groundwater. The hole always has several entrances, through which animals make their way through rather long tunnels into the spacious nesting chamber. Animals stay in it constantly only while raising puppies, and the rest of the time they prefer open dens.

An unafraid fox walks straight and openly, but a frightened one will rush or run away at a gallop, with its tail stretched out.

When the chain of tracks goes in a straight line, the predator has gone hunting and is looking for prey. If the trail is smooth, but a step is felt, the animal is well-fed and goes to rest. Of the senses, hearing and smell are the most developed. Foxes have very poor eyesight and cases are often mentioned when they, without fear, come very close to a motionless person sitting. They can go hunting at any time of the day, very carefully, they are amazingly able to hide almost out of the blue and throw off the chase.

Fox diet

As you know, foxes are classified as predators, although in fact they are an omnivore, like a bear. Its diet includes almost 400 species of animals, including amphibians and reptiles, fish and birds - whatever they catch, eggs, insects and worms. But also several dozen species of plants, including fruits, berries, aquatic plants, young stems of sedge, water chestnut and others.

You cannot make noise or move during the shooting range - no animal will come out.

Even a suit for such a hunt must be chosen carefully - it should not rustle or squeak.

All communications with the breeder and neighbors are only at the beginning of the pen and only in whispers or gestures.

It’s still better to stand at the number than to sit. This allows you to quickly react if an animal appears unexpectedly.

By the way, in most cases the fox never comes out from where they are expected. You should always be prepared for the target to appear from a completely unexpected direction and not at the angle the shooter expected.

In a dense forest, it is better to shoot a fox with a medium-sized shot. A two or three is enough to accurately target an animal at a distance of up to 30 meters. But most often you have to shoot from a closer distance and large shot greatly damages the trophy, especially valuable fur.

After a miss and the end of the drive, it is recommended to chase the fox. Especially if hairs are found on the snow or ground. They don’t just fall, and if after the shot you find even a couple of hairs, you need to follow the trail and look for the wounded animal.

Foxes and dogs

It has always been believed that foxes and dogs are complete antipodes. However, in recent years, the situation has changed a little. People are actively inhabiting the favorite habitats of these predators, dacha cooperatives are growing, landscapes are being converted to agricultural use, and foxes are forced to adapt to new conditions. They do this quite successfully and, as we have already mentioned, they have even settled down in the suburbs, near landfills. Stray dogs also live there. It turns out that these two species live in overlapping niches in the anthropogenic landscape. On the one hand, this causes competition between them, on the other hand, the puppies often grow up together and become very close. This leads to the fact that foxes no longer react to dogs as an object of danger. Although, dogs are quite aggressive towards these predators.

Regarding hunting foxes with dogs, this situation makes it much easier. Hunting dogs don't lose theirs innate instincts, and will do its job properly. But foxes, accustomed to stray dogs, may initially behave more carelessly, which will play into the hands of the hunter. From the secrets of hunting with dogs - a raised fox always makes the first three circles small in diameter - about 20 meters around its hole, on the fourth it goes much further - 50-70 meters. Therefore, the hunter has the opportunity to calculate where it will appear and be ready to shoot.

A dog is the best assistant on a fox hunt

As we said, except for the period of raising young animals, foxes prefer open dens in order to control the situation around them. In winter, you can follow the tracks favorite places for lying down and if you try, you will get the right shot. This should be done this way - having discovered the tracks, find out in which direction the predator went - and immediately determine the direction of the wind.

It is necessary to approach a possible den site only from the leeward side and with extreme caution.

If the animal smells something, it will immediately leave. If you see a fox lying down, carefully observe its reaction. As soon as he raises his head, listening, he must immediately stop and not move until the animal calms down and lies down again. Then you have a few more minutes to get closer. The optimal distance for a shot is 25-30 meters; at this distance you can clearly see the ears and color of the animal. At the same time, the fox must first be lifted - this way there will be less damage to the fur. And it’s unsporting to shoot at a sleeping animal.

If you see a mouse-like fox, it's lucky. As a rule, she is so passionate about this activity that she loses her vigilance. Taking advantage of the moment, you should try to get as close as possible, freezing at those moments when the predator looks back.

Video "Fox Hunting"

Video about fox hunting with decoy

Predators are a group of mammals, most of which are carnivores, but there are also omnivores and those that eat plant foods. The fox is one of the most popular wild predatory animals. In terms of body type and jaw shape, foxes are similar to wolves, dogs and jackals. However, they differ from them in their lower landing, bushy tail and elongated body.

The cunning and resourcefulness of foxes, glorified in many fairy tales, sayings and fables, are greatly exaggerated. In terms of its intelligence, a fox is not much different from the same predator, a wolf. She can repeatedly fall into the same traps set, is afraid to run past the flags placed by hunters, and does not immediately recognize standing man. Her sense of smell and vision are not very well developed. What she cannot be denied is the ability to navigate the terrain well, escaping persecution.

Based on the color of their fur, they distinguish between snow-white albino foxes, black-brown foxes, and gray foxes. steppe foxes, bright red. The distribution range of foxes is Europe, North Africa, North and West Asia. The worst enemies foxes are wolves. Foxes make their lair between the roots of trees or under stones. If possible, foxes occupy abandoned badger lairs or even settle in the same hole with them. In the treeless warm countries foxes create holes only for their offspring, while they themselves remain on the surface.

Foxes can be considered omnivores. They can feed on berries, chafers, small rodents, hares, and poultry. Foxes run very fast, but they also crawl well, climb low trees and are not at all afraid of water.

In mid-spring, a female fox gives birth to four to six cubs. After twelve days, the blind fox cubs gain sight, and by about a month they stop feeding on their mother’s milk, gradually switching to prey brought by the fox.

Foxes are susceptible to many canine diseases, including rabies.

Short video: Cat and fox. Acquaintance. ( Full version) cat and fox. Meeting.

Video: Living encyclopedia: Foxes.

Big-eared fox.

In Bulgaria, a fox decided to take food from a golden eagle, but this is not a crow for you 🙂, the matter did not end in its favor. These unique photos taken by Belgian photographer Yves Adams.

Meet the stubborn fox. By the way, this is a still from the movie “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.” If you like psychedelics, I recommend watching it. More funny and funny pictures with a stubborn animal