Angelica name meaning character. Angelica: the meaning of a beautiful name

What kind of name is Angelica? A girl named this way will always stand out among her friends, if only because her name is somehow special. In recent decades, when the name Angelique is mentioned, many immediately have a strong association with the beautiful Countess de Peyrac, the heroine of the series of novels by the Golons. And since the authors endowed her unearthly beauty, then all the namesakes of this character have a kind of angelic face. Moreover, the name corresponds to the heavenly creature. So who is Angelica? The meaning of the name, its secret, compatibility and the owner’s discord with other people will be discussed in this article. Parents who want to name their newborn daughter Angelica may wonder if there will be any difficulties with baptism according to Orthodox rite? We will try to clarify this.


The origin of the name Angelica is not a secret. It came to us from the Gospels. God sends messengers, messengers—in Greek, “angels”—to people to convey his will. In many countries there is a male version of this name. In Great Britain - Angel, in Spain - Angel, and in Greece - simply Angel or Angelos. It just so happened that the male equivalent of the name did not take root in our country. But quite common (especially after the release of the film based on the novels by Serge and Anna Golon) is female. And with a diminutive ending - Angelica. This name is doubly good. It seems to condemn the newborn baby to grow into an angelic beauty, and secondly, the girl will become God’s messenger to her parents... or husband. In Russia this name is still rare. IN Catholic countries it is more widespread. For example, in Germany Angela is among the top ten most popular female names. Let us at least remember Mrs. Merkel. But to call a Russian girl this way is to deliberately draw attention to her. She will stand out among the crowd of Tatianas, Olgas and Irins like an exotic bird in a flock of sparrows.

Angelica: name meaning, character

As a child, he is a real angel. She doesn't cause any problems to her parents. A quiet girl who can spend hours playing with dolls or reading. About Us early years clean and loves order. He willingly helps his mother. Angelica is diligent, and this explains her success in the lower grades. Although she doesn’t have enough stars in the sky and doesn’t have any special talents. As a child, she is usually withdrawn and has few girlfriends. But at puberty, Angelica seems to be possessed by a little devil. She becomes stubborn and often even a brawler. But during this period, she exhibits sociability and sociability. She is surrounded by her friends, led, naturally, by Angelica. The meaning of the name makes a teenager subconsciously crave leadership. If the company contains a girl with more strong character, Angelica is jealous of her, and this may further ruin her character. But with age, she will pull herself together: either she will learn to weave intrigues and thus achieve her goal, or she will move away from her former friends, finding peace in solitude. Thanks to her perseverance and extremely high efficiency, Angela’s service is good standing from the authorities. However, she is not ambitious, and therefore will not make a dizzying career.

Compatibility and incompatibility with other names

Angela finds it difficult to get along with men. This is not due to her character at all. Perhaps this reflects a certain detachment, an origin “not of this world” that is hidden in the name Angelica. She can achieve compatibility with Alexander, Andrey, Igor, Kazimir, Spartak, Nikita, Ostap, Taras, Fedor and Yulian. Men with such names are ready to endure Angelica's emotional breakdowns and will appreciate her as an excellent housewife. But with August, Artem, Boris, Valery, Vladlen, Gleb, Dmitry, Kirill, Lev, Leonid, Nikolai, Rostislav and Trofim, it is possible to build strong love relationship and a lasting marriage. On the other hand, Angelica’s married life will not work out with men named Arseny, Arkady, Afanasy, Valentin, Vadim, Vasily, Vsevolod, Danil, Innocent, Matvey, Roman or Eric.

Personal life

In her early youth, Angelica tries to show her individuality and brightness. She is conflicted, which often leads to separation from young men who are actually interesting to her. But she is a maximalist teenager: give her either an ideal, a prince on a white horse, or she doesn’t need anyone at all. Over the years, Angelica, whose name implies patience and meekness, settles down a little. She starts a family late, but once married, she becomes a wonderful wife and mother. Women named Angelica quite often leave work in order to completely immerse themselves in pleasant chores around the house. They are excellent housewives and know how to cook great. Most likely, Angelica's hobby will be related to some kind of needlework. She idolizes her husband. Therefore, betrayal will be extremely difficult to endure.

The secret of the name Angelica

Astrologers believe that it is good to name girls born under the zodiac signs Aquarius and Leo. The colors of the name are black and red, although all shades of blue bring good luck to Angelica herself. And her talisman stones are also blue. These are lapis lazuli and turquoise. The patroness of Angelica is the planet Venus. It is interesting that the character of a woman with this name largely depends on her patronymic name. So, Anzhelika Nikolaevna is a very emotional person, while Vladimirovna, on the contrary, is reasonable. Borisovna has a tender, compassionate heart.

Name analogues

She should not be confused with Angela. These are related names, but still not identical. The first is "Angel". Just a word put in feminine. “Angelica” has a slightly different translation. The meaning of the name can be literally translated as “Angelic”. Therefore, the diminutive form often places emphasis on the last syllables. A girl in the family can be called Lika or Lina. And the diminutive forms from Angela will be, respectively, Angie, Gelya, Zhelochka. Both names are very common in Catholic countries. Saint Angela Merici is highly revered for being the founder of the Ursuline monastic order in the sixteenth century. In the Catholic world, name days are celebrated on January 4 and 27, June 29, October 21 and November 27. But as for the name Angelica, it is more in tune with the Orthodox calendar. If you name your daughter that, you will not have any problems with baptism. The child's patron saint will be Saint Angelina of Serbia. Name day Orthodox girl will celebrate July 14 (December 23 is the day of remembrance of the saint).

Famous people

The characteristic of the name Angelica is such that people named so achieve greatest success in those industries where psychological insight, emotionality, and sensitivity are important. Therefore, in addition to the fictitious golden-haired and green-eyed beauty in the marriage of Countess de Peyrac, history knows many Angeliques who became famous in art. These are singers Neto from Portugal, Ionatos from Greece and Catalani from Italy, actresses Houston, Mandy, Aragon, Daliani, Volskaya, Poprocka, Bridges, Kashirina, Nevolina, Jimenez, Agurbash, artist Kaufman.

Woman named Angelica, of course, wants to know what it means, how it affects her character and destiny. The name is very romantic and unusual. Meaning of the name Angelica Latin language, was understood as angelic and was pronounced with the word Angelicus. The name gained its popularity after the release of the “Angelica” series of books. But even today it has not lost its former glory.

Origin of the name Angelica

Each name leaves its own imprint on a person. From birth, its owner is endowed with talent, but sometimes life is not enough to reveal it.

The characteristics of the name Angelica are a friendly, open nature. She is an idealist, does not waste time on trifles, her inner strengths are aimed at improving the world around her.

At times, she sacrifices everything for the greater good. Sometimes this brings tangible results, but it is worth thinking about looking at things more realistically.

Character of the name

One of your main shortcomings, according to your friends, is ingratitude. You rarely remember help, but at the same time you often claim even what does not belong to you.

You believe that you have every right to do this due to your merits in the past. This approach also often leads to conflicts.

Alas, you can hardly be considered a real family man, because you do not want to constantly bear the burden of responsibility - after all, this limits your love of freedom.

And if the relationship, in your opinion, has lost its novelty and turned into a burden, you can easily break it off.

Changes and surprises follow you everywhere, which, by the way, are the main factor in your personal development.


The baby has been the life of the party since childhood, loves to be the center of attention, easily finds common language with the people around her. The child is very restless, but sociable, which is very suitable for the meaning of the name Angelica.

The girl is a good student, although she cannot be called particularly diligent. By nature, she is endowed with a special mindset, she has developed memory and curiosity.

But her changeable nature is unable to control herself and cultivate perseverance. Subjects that require increased attention are poorly understood by the child. Good knowledge is only where everything is easy and accessible.

Young woman

A girl with this name easily gets carried away by everything new; if she is busy with something, it is very difficult to distract her. Angelica devotes herself wholeheartedly to her favorite hobby.

But at the same time, one can notice the inconsistency in her hobbies. She changes them so often that she fails to achieve decent results.

An adult girl is emotional. Children's inconstancy causes many problems, but it is difficult for Angelica to cope with her character.

This is a very kind and sympathetic nature, but does not show its qualities in public.


The woman has excellent taste, knows how to present herself and always looks good. This is especially evident in jewelry. She knows a lot about accessories and often uses various stylistic delights.

However, you need to advise the girl to remember in moderation. After all, the border between in a bright way and vulgarity is very subtle.

The choice of profession is the same. Most often, she gives preference to her childhood hobbies.

Routine work quickly gets boring, but creative specialties can awaken desire and interest. Work for her is a means to provide for herself.

She often works for material gain rather than for pleasure. The owners of the name are quite wealthy people who can afford not to work. When getting married, a girl is able to leave her career for the sake of her family.


The basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to maintain a stable position and existing status. And use every opportunity that presents itself to strengthen your position in life. If you have to work hard for this, well, you are ready for it.

The “ideal” structure of the world appears to you in the form of a heavily armed fortress, capable of withstanding any siege due to the fact that the storerooms are full and the arsenal is maintained in exemplary order.

All “military actions” are calculated in advance to the smallest detail, and you are ready to protect yourself and your family from any external attacks.

But what is an “unshakable stronghold” for you can become a prison for others. By imposing your views on life on your loved ones, you limit their freedom of choice, offering to use their own ready-made solution.

Beware! Many impregnable fortresses fell because someone inside wanted to go outside and opened the gates. You should always remember that your choice must be consistent with those for whose sake it is, in essence, being made.

It is important for you to stand out from the general background. However, you should not use flashy colors or flashy accessories for this. This should not be understood in the sense that bright, cheerful colors are not for you.

Just general style clothing should be correct, in good taste, and respectable. Clothing should be of high quality and fit you well.

An appearance that meets these criteria inspires favor and trust. These principles should be followed not only in the process of assembling your wardrobe, but also when choosing the design and furnishings for your home or office.

Interests and hobbies

Angelica's main hobbies are reading books and cooking delicious dishes.

She spends a lot of time alone, but also likes to attend concerts, cinema and theaters. Depending on his mood, he does needlework, is good at embroidery, knitting and sewing.

She loves listening to music, walking in the park, and attending all kinds of parties. She takes care of her appearance, so you can often find her in beauty salons.

Profession and business

Angelica is a very efficient, responsible woman. She is a careerist, strives to build successful career. Completes orders quickly, efficiently and efficiently.

Not a supporter of routine and monotonous work. When choosing a field of activity, he is guided by material incentives.

She is successful in business, journalism, teaching and acting. She prefers creative professions. Thanks to perseverance and hard work, he can occupy leadership positions and positions. If she realizes that the job does not suit her, she immediately starts looking for another one.


Angelica is naturally in good health. But she needs to diet and exercise.

A girl with this name is a conqueror of men's hearts. She likes to “twist” the stronger sex and play with them.

She easily finds mutual understanding with the guy she likes and begins to win his affection. He makes high demands on the chosen one; only a worthy young man becomes one.

Having fallen in love, he shows all his tenderness, charm and sexuality. IN intimate life She is an ardent and passionate person who views sex as a means of pleasure and bliss. For this reason, men are often left with a broken heart.

Family and marriage

Angelica dares to register a relationship in an already mature age. She considers openness, fidelity and stability important for family harmony. This is the only way she can find mutual understanding with her husband.

She builds a trusting relationship with her other half and expects spiritual closeness and understanding from her spouse. She likes to arrange home comfort and raise children.

At the same time, she never forgets to pay attention to herself. In marriage, he never forgives infidelity and betrayal.

Name number 3 corresponds to creative people. They are talented in art, sports, cheerful and reckless. However, they need constant adjustment. Without it, the “triples”, as individuals who are addicted, get very carried away.

If there is a patient mentor and advisor, this can be one of the relatives or simply close person, “troika” can move mountains and achieve incredible success in life.

But in the absence of such, the fate of the “troikas” is often unenviable. Despite all their external invulnerability, in their souls “troikas” are quite vulnerable and sensitive to criticism. Difficult in personal life.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Angelica

Angelica's character and fate determine her success in the love field. In relationships, the girl is very capricious. It is difficult for her to come to an agreement with her partner, because often she simply does not want to perceive his point of view.

She believes that a man should be strong and balanced, but often chooses the completely opposite type of man.

Men love Angelica. She is thrifty, sweet, and if she controls her outbursts of emotions, she is a kind girl. In the family, for a long time she cannot come to terms with her husband’s dominance, but when she comes to terms, peace reigns in the house.

Angelica loves herself, and loves when a man shows her the proper signs of attention. She believes that cancer is not a reason to stop caring for a woman. Angelica has practically no friends, because she does not like to discuss her personal life. She does not consider it necessary to listen to other people's problems.

Angelica loves children and takes care of them in every possible way, creates for them ideal conditions for development. Men are always interested in Angelica. But, having made a choice, she does not change the man, but tries to build a harmonious relationship with him.

Compatibility of the name Angelica

Angelica, logical conclusion romantic relationships for you is marriage, creating a family. Therefore, you and people like you have been and remain the target of matrimonial aspirations of at least half of the adult representatives of the opposite sex.

You are serious, reliable and honest; reticence, uncertainty, and precariousness of the situation are unacceptable to you. You are determined to take care of your loved one, regardless of the circumstances.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn, Aquarius
  • Patron Planet: Saturn
  • Talisman stone: onyx, chalcedony, magnetite, obsidian
  • Color: black, olive gray, lead, dark
  • Wood: pine, cypress
  • Plant: caraway, rue, hellebore, mandrake, ivy, borer, belladonna, blackthorn, comfrey
  • Animal: hoopoe, mole, camel, donkey, turtle, ants
  • Favorable day: Saturday

The female name Angelica is widespread in many countries around the world. The origin of the name Angelica has no clear interpretation. Most historians believe that the name goes back to Ancient Greece. The word “angelos” translated from Greek means “messenger of God” or “angel”. There is another version of the origin of the name Angelica, which is associated with another female name- Angelina. Its interpretation is similar - it is “angel”. Another part of linguists believes that the source of the name was the Sanskrit word “ajira”, which means “quickly”. There is a connection between the name and mythology. According to history, the gods Zeus and Hera had a daughter named Angela. A nymph was involved in her upbringing. Angela was considered the goddess of the underworld.


The meaning of the name Angelica for a girl gives the owner poise and restraint. This little girl has been a real angel since childhood. She is affectionate and obedient, a pleasant girl to talk to. Parents with her do not know problems and worries. She can quietly play with dolls for hours without being too active, or read interesting book. From an early age, this girl loves order and is distinguished by cleanliness. She is always ready to help her mother with pleasure. Because the meaning of the name Angelica has endowed the girl with perseverance, she has good academic success in the lower grades. The child has no special talents and does not have enough stars in the sky. As a child, this child is withdrawn and silent, so the girl usually has few friends. But the older she gets, the more noticeably she turns into the complete opposite of an angel. Notes of stubbornness begin to appear in her character; she can turn into an ardent brawler. But at the same time, she develops her communication skills and becomes more sociable. She makes more friends, and Angelica, of course, takes on the leading role in the company.

Angelica, a name for a girl who has embarked on the path of growing up, is a thirst for leadership. If for some reason Angelica does not become a leader in the company, and this position goes to a girl with a stronger character, then Lika begins to envy, which in the future negatively affects the formation of her character. The girl also becomes capricious, overly proud and touchy. As she gets older, Angelica learns to pull herself together. There are two options for the development of events. The girl turns into a professional intriguer, thanks to which she can always get her way. Or, on the contrary, he chooses loneliness and abandons past ambitions and friends.

The child is in fairly good health. Parents special attention We need to pay attention to the girl’s immunity. IN adolescence existing problems may worsen, but after transition period everything ends. Childhood illnesses disappear forever with age.

Business and career

Angelica Agurbash

Because of the meaning of the name, Angelica will never be able to tolerate monotonous work. Not only boredom and lack of interest, but also low wages. She will be able to replace her old job without regrets.

But entrepreneurship for a woman is a completely alien and unattractive activity. Any business is always associated with risks. This same girl prefers reliable, proven, risk-free sources of financing. At the same time, money means a lot to Angelica in life. They give a feeling of confidence in yourself, your strengths and in the future. Also, the girl’s perseverance allows her to become good leader or manager.

Personal life

The meaning of the name Angelica determines the girl’s future relationships with the opposite sex. Still young Angela is trying to show the world her brightness and individuality. Conflict during this period provokes frequent breaks with young people, in whom she actually feels genuine interest. IN at a young age she tends to go from one extreme to another. Either she needs an ideal man, a prince on a white horse, or she will remain in splendid isolation. Angelica, the meaning of the name, character and fate make the girl a heartbreaker and a conqueror of men. She simply loves flirting and is ready to constantly tease men, maintaining a significant distance between them for a long time. Physical love is a matter of course for her. So it's not hard for her to start intimate relationship with a man she barely knows.

Late marriage is what the name Angelica means. She is ready to marry solely for love, but she will still make excessive demands on her chosen one. Suitable for her only strong man, both externally and internally, smart, temperamental, gentle, caring, as well as sincere and devoted to her. Their relationship will be based solely on trust, passion, openness and friendliness. When Angelica finds the right man and sincerely loves him, she transforms before her eyes, becoming that angelic nature that the meaning of the name Angelica promises her. She will never be able to forgive her loved ones for betrayal and deception. At the same time, she will not just harbor a grudge, but will be able to begin to take revenge. It is very important for her to maintain the comfort and coziness of the family hearth. Therefore, she is ready to spend hours cleaning and experimenting in the kitchen to create culinary masterpieces. The girl loves children and approaches upbringing intelligently and delicately, so as not to traumatize the child’s psyche.


The character of the name Angelica lies in such strengths girls like temperament, responsibility, sensuality, originality and brightness. Over the years, Angelica learns to suppress her self-confidence and lack of restraint and no longer shows aggression. This girl is a wonderful housewife who hides within herself a strong passionate nature with high temperament. She knows how to hide her true emotions from others for a long period. The girl is always self-confident and practical, and comes to the aid of others with joy. Her weak point is pride. In her youth, she tends to weave intrigues, while remaining on the side and observing the process. Sometimes it happens that along with her attractive appearance and sharp mind, Angelica gets indecisiveness. At the same time, her high self-esteem and pride often make a girl outwardly cold, which repels many people.

The mystery of the name

The following astrological correspondences are considered the secret of the name Angelina:

  • zodiac constellations - Aquarius and Capricorn;
  • the corresponding planet is Saturn;
  • talisman stone – chalcedony, magnetite, obsidian, onyx;
  • favorable color – lead, black, gray-olive;
  • lucky tree - cypress, pine, from plants - rue, ivy, belladonna, blackthorn, caraway, mandrake;
  • totem animal - camel, mole, donkey, ants, turtle;
  • lucky day is Saturday.

The secret of the name Angelica is that the character of this person will depend on the chosen patronymic. A girl with a middle name Nikolaevna will become an emotional person. Anzhelika Vladimirovna is distinguished by her prudence. Angelika Borisovna will grow up to be a woman full of compassion and tenderness.


A girl with the name Angelica, which means “messenger,” always finds it difficult to get along with men. The reason for this is her natural detachment, which gives the girl the meaning of the name Angelica. Favorable compatibility of the name Angelica can be achieved with Andrei, Alexander, Kazimir, Nikita, Igor, Fedor, Taras, Ostap, Julian, Yaroslav. These men will be able to appreciate the girl’s thriftiness and endure her emotional swings.

But with Artyom, Boris, Dmitry, Gleb, Vladlen, Nikolai, Trofim, Lev, Leonid, Kirill, the girl will be able to find strong relationships and enter into a strong marriage.

It will be difficult for Angelica to build relationships with Arseny, Arkady, Valentin, Danil, Vasily, Vadim, Matvey, Eric, Roman, Innocent. The compatibility of the name Angelica with these men is minimal.

A name is not just a way to address you. It also speaks about character, behavior and even decides the fate of a person. Let's talk about the owners of such as Angelica, its origin and meaning. What is the character of these girls?

What does it mean and where does it come from?

Angelica is from Greece. This is a Catholic name. From Greek it is translated “angelic” (from “messenger, angel”). Other variations - Angelica, Angelina. The question often arises, Angela and Angelica are different names or not. For those interested, we note that they are related.

When is the name day

Angels celebrate their name day:

  • 29.06;
  • 15.07;
  • 21.10.

Did you know? The longest name in the world consists of 1478 letters and takes about 10 minutes to read.

Short and diminutive form

Diminutives and short forms Angelica:

  • Lika;
  • Lina;
  • Zhela;
  • Zhelya;
  • Zhelika;
  • Angie et al.
It all depends on the imagination of the parents.

Name in different languages ​​of the world

  • Denmark - Angelique;
  • France - Angelique;
  • Holland - Angelique;
  • UK - Angelique.

Character Traits, Temperament and Behavior

The very meaning of the name already speaks of a character somewhat similar to the character of the girls called Angels, and the fate of Angelica. Since childhood, these representatives of the fairer sex have been distinguished by their calmness and poise. They like it in silence and can tolerate loneliness well. But mothers can’t get enough of this. Liki loves to help with household chores.

As girls grow older, their character remains unchanged. Likas are stingy with their words, modest, and are drawn to creativity. Temperament - passionate, explosive. They are often remembered as scandalous personalities, especially in their youth. In older age, this emotionality subsides. The owners of this name are proud, even too proud, they love to spread gossip and plot intrigues.

Important! She can become a businesswoman only if she minimizes the manifestation of all her emotions.

Study, professions and career

Studying at school is not easy for the Liks; they are not particularly talented. But these girls are very diligent and hardworking, so they don’t lag behind other children and study quite well.

Most often, they choose their profession in childhood. A hobby can become a lifelong pursuit. Depending on her hobby, a girl can become an artist, musician, singer, etc. creative personality. In addition, the professions of a seamstress, florist, hairdresser, and makeup artist are also suitable for her. Angelica can do business while developing her own ideas.

Hardworking Likas can achieve success in their careers. But a high position is out of reach for them. Colleagues often take advantage of their reliability.

Health and hobbies

Zheli, as a rule, like to sew, knit, embroider, draw, sing, and also play the musical instruments. As for the child, the girl is inherent.

Important! Parents should strengthen their children's immunity and adhere to personal hygiene rules.

Love relationships and family

IN family relationships Angelica can be aggressive towards her husband, splashing out accumulated emotions on him. However, her man will still love his chosen one. Outbursts of aggression, in fact, do not occur so often. The rest of the time, girls with this name are good wives and mothers. Family is always a priority for them. Cheating on your husband is the end of life.

Meanings of letters in the name and numerology

Each letter in the name also carries a specific meaning:

  1. "A" symbolizes the beginning. This letter speaks of an irresistible desire to start something and see it through to completion. It also means the desire for physical and mental comfort.
  2. “N” is in the name of all Protestants, people who have enormous inner strength to reject what they do not like. Such people have a sharp mind. They are interested in their own health and are good workers.
  3. “F” is present in the name of people who are not inclined to open their souls to everyone. “F” is a desire that can motivate action.
  4. “E” expresses the desire to express one’s own “I”, exchange ideas, and be a mediator. These are insightful, but slightly talkative people. They may have supernatural abilities.
  5. “L” speaks of a subtle nature, the ability to perceive beauty, aristocracy and talent of a person who strives to share his knowledge. The main thing is that its owner does not waste his life.
  6. “And” is inherent in spiritual, sensitive, kind and peace-loving people. These are romantics who hide under the guise of practical personalities.
  7. "K" is for the hardy, strong in spirit people. They know how to keep secrets. These are insightful people who want to take everything from life.
The numerological meaning of the name Angelica also says a lot about the fate of girls with that name and the characteristics of their character. Their number is 3.

This figure speaks volumes about the talent of its representatives. They strive for art and love to play sports. The girls are very funny and sometimes reckless. True, they still need behavioral adjustments, because sometimes they get very carried away. If the mentor of the “troika” is very strong morally and successful in life, then they can easily become the same. If there is none, fate will be completely unfavorable to them. These people are very sensitive and vulnerable.

Name Astrology

  • Planet- Saturn.
  • Element- Earth.
  • Signs of the zodiac- Capricorn, Aquarius.
  • Happy season- spring.
  • Best day- Saturday.
  • Totem animal- camel, turtle, ant, mole.
  • Stone- chalcedony, onyx.
  • Plant talisman- mandrake, cumin, hellebore, etc.
  • Color- black, gray-olive and other dark colors.

Name in history: famous and successful people

Did you know? There is a man in the world who only has the last name Gateward. His American family and he himself, while growing up, could not decide on a name.

Angelicas are very hardworking and efficient. To become famous and successful, they need the same mentor. Only in such conditions can women reach incredible heights in their creative career. Without a patron, life is often very difficult for women.

Name meaning: Translated from Greek, Angelica means “messenger, angel.”

Origin of the name: Angelica is an ancient Greek name that is considered related to the name Angelina. The meaning of these names is the same, but women with such a name have absolutely different characteristics. The name Angelica is not listed in Orthodox calendar, but indicated in Catholicism.
Other forms: Angelina, Angelika, Angelina, Lika, Angelica, Gela, Lika.

July – 29th;

July – 15th;

October – 21st.

Characteristics of the name

The name Angelica endows its owner with charm, angelic audacity, and a practical character. Angelica has strong energy, she is self-confident, a little selfish, independent, and knows how to stand out from society.

As a child, Angelica grows up as a balanced and calm child; she does not like noisy games and prefers to be alone. Spends a lot of time with her mother, is always ready to help her around the house, look after her younger brother or sister. At school, this girl does not show any special talents, but she does not lag behind in her studies. She has few friends, but at the same time she knows how to get along with people.

Growing up, Angelica becomes beautiful and attractive, she can behave defiantly, thus showing her individuality and independence. The adult owner of the name is very reserved, she knows how to control her emotions and never provokes conflicts. By nature, Angelica is strong woman who is not afraid of difficulties. The main advantage of this woman is considered to be responsiveness and selflessness. She does not like to tell other people about her problems and prefers to solve them herself. Angelica is proud, she loves intrigue and gossip, so other people often avoid her. Women named have very good taste, they dress beautifully, outwardly bright and attractive, but inside they are cold and mysterious.

Character of the name

Angelica is a passionate and temperamental person with a practical character. With age, Angelica's character changes, she becomes a strong and self-confident woman. The owners of this name know how to restrain their emotions, but when the cup of patience is overflowing, they can explode and express to their offender everything that has accumulated inside. In adulthood, Angelica becomes smarter and more restrained, and begins to show respect for other people. Changes in Angelica's character often bring her success, she improves family life, begins to advance in his career.
Angelica's character has increased pride, she loves to gossip, and often intrigues. Hiding her feelings and emotions in society, Angelica splashes them out at home, which is why relationships with her family are often strained. Excessive emotionality can lead to quarrels in the family, misunderstandings and even a break in relations with a loved one.

People named Angelica are hardworking, purposeful, independent and responsive. They achieve their success in life on their own, they do not like to accept help from others, but they will gladly help others.

“Winter” - independent, hidden;

“Autumn” - mysterious, narcissistic;

“Summer” - closed, self-confident;

“Spring” is hardworking and purposeful.

Fate of the name

A girl named Angelica is a very passionate child from birth with a pronounced pride. Little Angelica needs increased attention, and when it is absent, she shows her character, begins to be capricious, and is very worried. She often becomes the initiator of conflicts and, as a rule, earns a reputation as a brawler because she does not know how to restrain her emotions.

Adult Angela is trying to fight her pride; she is softer and more patient, but she also knows how to provoke conflicts and quarrels. By nature, she is kind and impressionable, although she does not have an “angelic” character. She doesn't have many friends, but she always needs support. The owners of this name are most concerned about their own achievements; they strive to be independent and achieve success in their careers and personal lives. Regarding professional activity Angela, her work often doesn’t go well, but she never loses heart and always achieves her goals.

Women named Angela are not careerists, but they will never be in a low position either. They take their professional duties seriously, so they can be entrusted with the most important work. Such professions as hairdresser, cosmetologist, photographer, journalist, and administrator are suitable for Angela.

In men, she likes modesty, flexibility, and responsibility. Angelica often takes on the responsibilities of the main one, but also demands the same from her husband. She can work, or she can devote herself to her family and be a housewife. It is very important for her family well-being, she loves her children madly, cares about their health and comfort, and enjoys running the household.

Angelica does not have good health, she often complains about her health, and is prone to infectious diseases.

Positive traits of the name

Angela is a temperamental, bright and self-confident person. She lacks patience, but with age she learns to control herself. She is hardworking and responsible, good wife and loving mother.

Negative traits of the name

Angela has a keenly developed sense of self-esteem, which makes her not indifferent to the successes of others. She loves to gossip and starts various intrigues that spoil her reputation.

Name compatibility Angelica

Angelica will have a successful marriage with a man named Valentin, Vladimir, Alexey, Victor. Difficult relationships develop with Vladislav, Dmitry, Igor, Anatoly.