How to raise a bilingual child in a monolingual family. What language will a child in a bilingual family speak? Three periods of study

Today, speaking foreign languages ​​is becoming increasingly popular. The explanation is quite simple: a specialist who speaks and writes equally well, for example, in English or Italian, will quickly find a prestigious job in international company. In addition, there is an opinion that learning several languages ​​at an early age contributes to the rapid development of the child’s speech apparatus. There are other reasons too. As a result, more and more more people strive to raise their children as bilinguals, or even polyglots. But who are they and how to master several languages ​​perfectly?

Who are bilinguals

Bilinguals are people who are equally proficient in two languages. Moreover, each of them is considered native. Such people not only speak and perceive two languages ​​at the same level, but also think in them. It is noteworthy that, depending on the environment or place, a person automatically switches to one or another speech (and not only in the process of verbal communication, but also mentally), sometimes without even noticing it.

Both translators and children of mixed, interethnic marriages or raised in another country.

In the pre-revolutionary period, wealthy families tried to hire governesses from France or Germany to raise their offspring. Thus, many nobles studied a foreign language from childhood, subsequently becoming bilingual.

Bilingual or bilingual?

It is worth immediately noting that along with the term “bilingual” there is a synonym for it - “bilingual”. Despite their similar sound, they have different meanings. Thus, bilingual - books, monuments of writing, created simultaneously in two languages. Often these are texts presented in parallel.

Types of bilinguals

There are two main types of bilinguals - pure and mixed.

Pure ones are people who use languages ​​in isolation: at work - one, at home - another. Or, for example, some people speak one language, others speak another. Quite often this is observed in situations with translators or people who have moved to permanent place residence abroad.

The second type is mixed bilinguals. These are people who speak two languages, but at the same time do not consciously differentiate between them. In a conversation, they continually switch from one to another, and the transition can even occur within the same sentence. Enough shining example such bilingualism - mixing in speech Russian and Ukrainian languages. The so-called surzhik. If the bilingual cannot pick up the right word in Russian, he uses the Ukrainian equivalent instead, and vice versa.

How do you become bilingual?

There are several ways this phenomenon can occur.

One of the main reasons is mixed marriages. Bilingual children in international families are not uncommon. So, if one parent is a native speaker of Russian, and the other is a native speaker of English, then in the course of his development the child learns both speech equally well. The reason is simple: communication occurs with each parent in his native language. In this case, children's linguistic perception develops in the same way.

The second reason is the emigration of parents of the same nationality before or after the birth of a child. Passive bilinguals are people who grew up either in countries with two official languages, or in migrant families. In this case, the learning of the second language takes place at school or kindergarten. The first one is instilled by parents in the process of upbringing.

A striking example of countries where bilinguals of this type are most often found are Canada, Ukraine and Belarus.

There are also people who have specifically mastered a second language. This usually happens if a person immigrated to another country and started a family with a foreigner.

In addition, almost every translator becomes bilingual during his training. Without this, full-fledged and high-quality translation, especially simultaneous translation, is impossible.

Most often you can meet a bilingual person whose native language is English along with Russian, German or, say, Spanish.


What are the advantages of this phenomenon? Of course, the main advantage is knowledge of two languages, which will help you find decent job or successfully immigrate. But this is only an indirect advantage.

As scientists note, bilinguals are more receptive to other people and cultures of foreign countries. They have a broad outlook. This is due to the fact that each language is a reflection of the life and traditions of a particular people. It contains specific concepts, reflects rituals and beliefs. While studying a foreign language, a child also gets acquainted with the culture of its native speakers, studies idioms and their meaning. It has long been known that certain phrases cannot be translated word for word into another language. Thus, it is quite difficult to translate the name of the Maslenitsa and Ivan Kupala holidays into English, since they are absent in English culture. They can only be described.

The brains of people who speak several languages ​​are more developed and their minds are flexible. It is known that bilingual children study better than their classmates; they are equally easy in both humanities and exact sciences. In more mature age They make certain decisions faster and do not think in stereotypes.

Another undoubted advantage is a more developed metalinguistic perception. Such people more often, seeing errors in speech, understand its grammar and structure. In the future, they will quickly master the third, fourth, fifth languages, using their existing knowledge of linguistic models.

Three periods of study

Depends on the age at which the work was started. Children become bilingual both at an early age, in infancy, and at a later age. later periods. There are only three of them.

The first is infant bilingualism, age limits which is from 0 to 5 years. It is believed that this is the best age to start learning a second language. At this time, neural connections are formed faster, which affects the quality of assimilation of a new linguistic model. At the same time, the second language should be taught already at the time when the child has become acquainted with the basics of the first. At this time, the speech organs are physiologically developed, fine motor skills, attention and memory. Approximate age: 1.5-2 years. In this case, the child will speak both languages ​​without an accent.

Children's bilingualism - from 5 to 12 years. At this time, the child is already consciously learning the language, replenishing his passive and active vocabulary. Learning the second linguistic model at this age also ensures clear speech and no accent. Although at this period the child already clearly understands which language is his first, native language.

The third stage is adolescence, from 12 to 17 years. Second language learning in this situation is often influenced by school. Bilinguals begin to be raised in high school, in special classes with the study of a foreign language. It is worth noting that its formation is associated with a number of problems. First of all, while maintaining the emphasis in the future. Secondly, the child has to specially tune in to learning the speech of someone else.

Bilingualism Strategies

There are three main strategies in studying bilingualism.

1. One parent - one language. With this strategy, the family immediately speaks two languages. So, for example, a mother communicates with her son/daughter exclusively in Russian, a father - in Italian. The child understands both languages ​​equally well. It is worth noting that with this strategy, problems may arise as the bilingual grows up. The most common is when a child realizes that his parents understand his speech, regardless of what language he speaks. At the same time, he chooses a language that is convenient for himself and begins to communicate primarily in it.

2. Time and place. With this strategy, parents highlight certain time or a place where the child will communicate with others exclusively in a foreign language. For example, on Saturdays the family communicates in English or German and attends a language club where communication takes place exclusively in a foreign language.

This option is convenient to use for raising a child whose native language is Russian. In this case, a bilingual child can be raised even if both parents are Russian-speaking.

3. Home language. So, a child communicates in one language exclusively at home, in the second - in kindergarten, school, and on the street. It is often used in cases where parents immigrated to another country with their child and themselves have a fairly mediocre command of foreign languages.

Duration of classes

How long does it take to study a foreign language to become bilingual? There is no exact answer to this question. It is believed that when mastering someone else’s speech at a conscious age, it is necessary to devote at least 25 hours a week to studying, that is, about 4 hours a day. In this case, you should perform not only exercises to develop speech and understanding, but also writing and reading. In general, the duration of classes should be calculated based on the chosen learning strategy, as well as the goals and time during which it is planned to acquire certain knowledge.

So, how to raise a bilingual? We offer eight recommendations to help you properly organize activities with your child.

  1. Choose one strategy that is most convenient for you and follow it steadily.
  2. Try to place your child in the cultural environment of the language you are learning. To do this, introduce him to the traditions of the chosen people.
  3. Speak to your child in a foreign language as much as possible.
  4. At first, do not focus your child’s attention on mistakes. Correct him, but don't go into details. First, work on vocabulary, and then learn the rules.
  5. Try to send your child to language camps, play groups, and attend language clubs with him.
  6. Use audio and video materials and books for learning. Bilinguals in English can read both adapted and original literature.
  7. Don't forget to praise your child for his successes and encourage him.
  8. Be sure to explain why you are learning a foreign language and what exactly it will give you in the future. Get your child interested in learning - and you will achieve success.

Possible difficulties

What difficulties may arise while learning a language? We list the main ones:


Bilinguals are people who are equally proficient in two languages. They become like this even in infancy due to the linguistic environment, with intensive training in foreign speech. Of course, it is possible to become bilingual at a later age, but this will be associated with a number of problems.

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In fact, learning two languages ​​provides many benefits, such as the development of the brain's executive functions, metalinguistic awareness (the ability to perceive language as an abstract unit), mental agility (adaptive information processing), and creative thinking.

Bilingual children develop within the normal range of language development, but in some cases they are slightly behind on some criteria.

Myth No. 2. Bilingual children lag behind their peers and then cannot catch up with them.

This is a common mistake because every child is different. Some bilingual children do not lag behind their peers in developing language skills.

There is an assumption that developmental delay may occur because it is difficult for a child to master two language systems at once. But even if a bilingual child lags behind his peers by some criteria, he improves his language skills by the age of five and speaks on par with children of his age (this should not be confused with delayed speech development).

Myth No. 3. The child will confuse two languages

There is some controversy regarding when children begin to separate the two languages.

For a long time it was believed that at first the two languages ​​are fused together for a child and begin to separate only closer to the age of five. A recent study has proven that a child can separate languages ​​much earlier.

Already at 10–15 months, children babble in different languages depending on who they are with. For example, a child babbles with the sounds of English when he communicates with his mother, and with the sounds of French when he communicates with his father.

This suggests that children are very sensitive to who they are talking to. early age.

  1. Be patient and praise your child often. He will have to solve more complex problems than a child who learns to speak only one language.
  2. It is very important that the language performs a specific function. After all, language is first and foremost a means of communication. So, if a child has no practical benefit from speaking a second language, he will stop speaking it. Therefore, it is very important to place the child in an environment where he will need to use both languages. And it’s better that he has to communicate with different people.
  3. Many parents worry about balance, about ensuring that the child knows both languages ​​equally well. In fact, even experienced adult bilinguals have a dominant language, so it is simply impossible to know both languages ​​equally well.
  4. Some parents worry that their bilingual children mix languages ​​when speaking. There is no need to worry about this; it is part of the normal development of a bilingual child. Even adult bilinguals do this.
  5. If you are worried about the development of your bilingual child, show him to specialists: a speech therapist, a speech pathologist, a psychologist. Delays in speech development can occur in any child, no matter whether he is bilingual or not. And the sooner they are detected and treatment begins, the more successful it will be.

There are more than seven thousand languages ​​in the world. There are more people who speak two or more languages ​​than those who speak only one. There are countries where bilingualism is the norm. For example, in India, children learn two or three of the 23 national languages ​​at once.

In Russia, many parents are now asking the question: “how to make several languages ​​native to a child”? The Russian market has become one of the priorities for companies recruiting English nannies. For example, the international agency English Nanny opened offices not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also in other cities, because there is a stable demand for the service among families with high level prosperity.

Knowing two languages ​​as mother tongues is called bilingualism. And bilinguals are those who speak them like native ones and can easily switch from one to another in communication. Natural bilinguals are formed when permanent life in different linguistic environments, and artificial, when they begin to learn a foreign language from an early age. Bilingualism has a positive effect on memory, the ability to understand and analyze speech, intelligence, speed of reactions, mathematical skills and logic.

It was previously thought that bilingual children developed more slowly, but new research has shown extra work The process that the brain constantly makes to switch between languages ​​stimulates other mental activities. For example, it improves concentration, the ability to remember, and perform several tasks at the same time. Bilingual children with early years develop the ability to empathize and creative thinking. Learning foreign languages ​​from childhood gives the brain many benefits and in old age, brain functions remain normal longer.

Become a citizen of the world, speak fluent English, French, and maybe Chinese and Turkish. In our global world most parents understand that their children will benefit from it.

Foreign language for children

But how can all this fit in a child’s head and is it possible for equal development of languages? Is it worth teaching children several languages ​​at once and how to work correctly with bilingual children? All people have the opportunity to learn a foreign language. But you need to understand that in order to learn it well, you need to start as early as possible. Statistics say that only 4% of people have linguistic abilities. Such a person, even if he starts training at the age of 80, will be successful. But unfortunately, the remaining 96% do not have such abilities.

However, absolutely all people from birth have a so-called speech matrix. Its main task is to study language as a form of communication, and which one and how much does not matter. The task of the matrix from birth to five years is to help a person master speech. To a small child It’s easy to learn not only one, but also two, three, and even four languages ​​at the same time. The speech matrix tells the child when to listen carefully, how to repeat intonation, and copy pronunciation.

Children under the age of five are rapidly developing linguistic skills. They absorb everything they hear and can learn to understand any new words at incredible speed. fast pace. Young children learn by ear and in the context of what is happening around them. For them it is as natural as breathing, and therefore easy. At the age of five, the speech matrix becomes almost insensitive. That's it, baby, you've learned to speak! Most teenagers and adults can only learn a foreign language by memorizing words and formal elements. Their linguistic capabilities are limited; in many cases, poor pronunciation becomes almost inevitable, an accent that is difficult to get rid of.

This form of education is offered to us by the school. Until the age of 10-12 years, grammar (syntax and rules) for children is a book with seven seals. Only with the advent of abstract thinking does a conscious understanding of the laws of grammar comparatively increase the learner's capabilities.

Parents are often proud that their child knows english words, without paying attention to whether he can use them. Different parts of the brain are responsible for knowledge of vocabulary, the ability to hear and understand speech addressed to you, and reproduce phrases and sentences. Learning a foreign language should take place without translation, in context and always with a person who is fluent in it. Only in this way, while the speech matrix is ​​working, will the baby assimilate foreign speech as if it were his own.

And here parents should try to find a great teacher, cheerful, interesting and responsible, someone who knows the language from birth, who will teach ease of speech and will turn on the desire to speak.

It would seem that small children have not yet mastered Russian, but the parents firmly decided that it was time to take up English, and very thoroughly. They are sure that two hours of lessons a week is an ineffective method, so an agency for recruiting nannies from England, for whom English is their native language, is what they need.

According to Valentin Grogol, manager of the Russian and Ukrainian representative offices of the international company, which has been recruiting highly qualified nannies and governesses from Great Britain and France for thirty years to work in families around the world, it is necessary to start language classes “the earlier, the better. The specialist must begin working with the child no later than when the baby turns one year old. In this case, at three years old your child will speak competently and without an accent. IN lately More and more English Nanny clients are considering learning multiple languages. Until the child is three years old, a nanny from England works with the child, then a French governess joins the family, and when the child is four or five years old, a native speaker of another language is added. It is worth noting that Chinese is especially popular today. TO school age many children easily master four languages.”

(Selection of nannies from England and France)

Recently, more and more clients are considering the possibility of mastering multiple languages. Until the child is three years old, a nanny from England works with the child, then a French governess joins the family, and when the child is four or five years old, a native speaker of another language is added. It is worth noting that Chinese is especially popular today. By school age, many children easily master four languages.

You can only raise a bilingual without cramming and boring lessons. Only in this case will the foreigner become native. Children do not teach, they live, play, walk, explore the world. But creating the right speech environment at home is difficult for Russian-speaking parents. That is why it makes sense to seek help from professionals, certified nannies and governesses from England and France.

Some parents are often afraid negative influence bilingualism on . These fears in fact have no serious basis, and possible difficulties are leveled out by a professional approach.

  • Fear of overloading the child.
    Given the enormous amount of information that a baby absorbs in the first years of his life, languages ​​do not add much burden. As long as he regularly interacts with the second (or third) language in everyday life, there will be no problems. Even if your child has not yet begun to actively speak, do not underestimate the importance of passive speech reserve, that is, what the baby already understands, but does not yet pronounce. Don't worry about your child's brain. It contains a sufficient number of neurons that can cope with learning several languages ​​at once. Numerous studies confirm that bilingual children concentrate better on complex tasks, they have more developed abstract thinking compared to monolingual children, they navigate better under rapidly changing circumstances, and make decisions faster. Until children begin to engage in serious intellectual work, learning a foreign language is the best and, importantly, natural way to train their brain activity.
    And, of course, we should not forget about all those countries where multilingualism or bilingualism is the norm rather than the exception. Do residents of Canada, Switzerland, Belgium, Sweden suffer from mental or emotional disorders caused by multilingualism?
  • Fear of mixing languages.
    Many parents are afraid that their children will confuse or mix languages. If you yourself are not inclined to use any foreign elements in your speech, your children will follow suit and speak correctly. Children mix different vocabulary only if adults do it. They easily get used to what they have different options descriptions of the environment, and use words within these linguistic systems.
    Remember, children want to be understood. Therefore, if a monolingual child does not know a word, most likely he will use some long descriptive phrases or invent a new word from existing ones. Bilingual children have a wonderful tool in their arsenal - foreign vocabulary, and they will use it.
  • Fear of lost time or missed opportunities.
    Isn’t it too early to teach such a little thing a foreign language, or are we already too late? Until the age of five, a child masters any speech as if it were his native language, provided that he hears it at least 30% of his time and his speech activity constantly stimulated. After five years any new language becomes foreign to him. If you want your child to become English or French as a second mother tongue, start teaching them from birth. If your child is already five years old, remember that it is never too late to start.
  • I am not fluent in the language.
    You will learn and progress along with your children. Some parents have significantly improved their level of foreign language proficiency by regularly communicating with their child.
    The main approach is immersion, when someone in the family speaks a foreign language. It's easy to start talking to an English nanny. The child does not memorize new words, but communicates. As he begins to communicate in his native language, he will also speak in the second and subsequent languages.

So, a second language can and even should be learned from birth. Perhaps it is on it that your baby will say her first words, and in the future she will express her thoughts and emotions. With an English or French nanny, foreign speech will truly blend harmoniously into the life of your family.

Watch the video of how a Russian girl at the age of five speaks fluently English with his nanny from London


This topic has always been interesting to me, as a teacher and mother. I believe that children should learn foreign languages, but the degree of their impact on the child should be the same. Bilingualism, as a rule, develops well in international families, where dad speaks one language and mom speaks a second. If, from the very birth of a child, there is a desire to raise a bilingual child, then you need to clearly distribute the time of communication in different languages ​​so that there is no feeling of “failure” (for example, 30 minutes of English and 15 minutes of Italian).

Comment on the article "Bilingual children. How to raise a bilingual child?"

Bidingva and trilingual children. Share your experience of a child learning 2 or 3 languages ​​(including Russian) from birth. I would be grateful. At our school, all children are bilingual, and 60 percent are trilingual. The performance picture is no different from any Russian school.

Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers, illnesses. If anything, all my children are natural bilinguals. And just with advanced language development and, in principle, without speech therapy problems.

Children are bilingual. Education. Foreign 7th. Section: Education (bilingualism and ADHD). Children are bilingual. For example, my daughter began to noticeably develop her speech around 1.6-1.7, by 1.9 she spoke in sentences, and started going to kindergarten and playgrounds around 2. Judging by what yours...

Moreover, in a bilingual environment, a child is forced to master languages ​​in order to communicate, but here he does not feel such a need. How to raise a bilingual child? Foreign language: teaching babies and preschoolers at home. Print version.

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Section: Teaching children the Russian language (The child is one year and 5 months old. During this period, he remembers a lot of words, but some of them he hears from his dad, in IT). Bilingualism - A question for mothers who raise bilingual children.

Bilingualism of children. Speech development. Child psychology. The children spend 7 hours a day in kindergarten, there is a Russian nanny, once a week we go to Russian rhythm classes, they play around and stand on their heads, because they are bored and teach their “native” language to similar classes differently. those communication environments.

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Children are bilingual. How to raise a bilingual child? Foreign language: teaching children and preschoolers at home. Print version. The Russian market has become one of the priorities for companies recruiting English nannies. For example, the international agency English Nanny...

Child development calendar. The child was born and lives permanently in England. We also have three languages ​​at home, and in kindergarten the children and teachers speak three more. Section: Teaching children the Russian language (how to talk to a child in a trilingual family).

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First of all, books about young children are of interest. preschool age people who speak one language at home and another on the street. Books about bilinguals who have two languages ​​at home are of less interest (not to say they are not of interest at all yet). Thanks in advance.

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Children are bilingual. How to raise a bilingual child? Foreign language: teaching children and preschoolers at home. How long do they lie down after it, when do they bring the baby, what kind of anesthesia is used, etc. I want to be informative, look through it, a couple of days ago Fresh wrote about keserovo.

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Children are bilingual. How to raise a bilingual child? IMHO bilingual children develop organically only in bilingual families. As a rule, in bilingual families, children begin to speak much later than their peers.