Neurologist: Yulia Samoilova’s life is a constant rehabilitation. Yulia Samoilova: who is she and why is she going to Eurovision

Chained to wheelchair the singer managed to express herself through her voice. The talented performer broke through the barrier of some criticism and rejection, making herself known and gaining millions of loyal fans. Yulia is known for her participation in the third season of the show “Factor A”, as well as the opening of the Paralympic Games in Sochi. Performances at various competitions, festivals, as well as the support of loved ones allowed her to demonstrate her voice, feelings and desire for life, despite limited opportunities. For many, Julia Samoilova has become a symbol of talent striving for victory over itself and over the situation.


The singer was born in 1989. This happened in the Komi Republic, in the city of Ukhta. Julia was born healthy child, however, by the will of evil fate, she became disabled after an unsuccessful vaccination against polio. There were no pain symptoms - the girl simply stopped getting up on her feet. Initially, the reason was unclear, and Yulia was treated for everything, stringing diagnoses one on top of another. The therapy did not give the expected results, it only got worse. At the age of 5 there was even talk about possible death. The baby's mother was very nervous and had difficulty surviving this difficult period of uncertainty.

Yulia Samoilova, whose biography began with this difficult situation, I saw a lot in my childhood. There were visits to doctors, then contacts with healers and healers. As a result, the parents accepted the situation and supported the girl’s condition with manual therapy and massage sessions.

Since childhood, Julia has been extremely fond of singing. She and her mother constantly learned new songs, developing her talent. The first performance, which the singer talks about with passion, took place at the age of four at a New Year's party. The song “Don’t Cry” by Tatyana Bulanova was chosen, which shocked both the children and Santa Claus. The inspirational prize was the largest doll available. The second significant performance was at a charity concert, where Yulia performed “Little Country” by Natasha Koroleva at the very finale.


They wrote about her in the newspaper. This happened after participating in a charity concert. There were offers to study vocals at the local Palace of Pioneers and the Palace of Culture. The girl chose the first option. The teacher was Svetlana Valerievna Shirokova, who motivated Yulia to participate in various competitions and with her encouragement four solo concerts took place. At the age of 15, the next stage began. The teacher left for another city, and Yulia Samoilova moved to the local recreation center. Invitations to perform stopped due to attachment to her, although the girl had not encountered such obstacles before. She decided to study on her own, participated in several competitions and won prizes.

In the spring of 2008, Julia organized her own group, which lasted 2 years and broke up. The girl gave up and didn’t sing for a long time. At that time I was studying to become a psychologist, but dropped out in my second year.

Participation in "Factor A"

Meet many famous people became turning point in her life. The most valuable was the communication with Alla Pugacheva. The prima donna highly appreciated the performer’s talent. This was confirmed by receiving the Star of Alla award. Yulia Samoilova, whose biography is marked by prizes and achievements, considers this award the most significant in her life. Its shape resembles a star with the letter “A” inscribed around its perimeter.

Competitions and achievements

Yulia Samoilova took part in many competitions and festivals. The most famous were “Factor A” and the opening of the Winter Paralympic Games in Sochi. The girl invariably took leading or prize-winning places, persistently moving towards her dream - recognition and development of talent.

Now Julia has a busy touring schedule, invitations to sing both at concerts and at other closed and unofficial events. Fans love and appreciate the performer for her open heart and freedom of spirit, which she shares with guests.

Personal life

Julia met Alexey, her boyfriend, on one of the social networks. He is two years younger than her. The girl did not sympathize with him as a man and perceived him, rather, as a friend. Initially, there was a desire to meet and just chat. Yulia Samoilova considers herself the owner of a difficult, capricious character. To a young man I had to endure a number of trials before winning the girl’s heart.

Alexey supports and helps Yulia in everything. He is interested in religion and history. He is a musician, but the girl is not a fan of his work. In their tandem, Alexey acts as the administrator and tour manager of the performer.

In addition to songwriting, for some time they worked together on advertising, wrote scripts for commercials, and even tried Yulia as an announcer.

The path of a creative person is often difficult and thorny, and only the most persistent and persistent reach the finish line leading to success. Yulia Samoilova, whose songs penetrate the soul and touch the heart of every listener, is a worthy example for everyone pursuing their dream, despite any difficulties.

How many people with disabilities achieve great success in your career? And now we can safely discard from among them at least another half of those who were able to climb to the top. One of these is Yulia Samoilova. It’s hardly appropriate to talk about luck or luck here, because what this girl did was not a miracle, but the result of hard work on herself, and, of course, talent. But in order to perform on stage in front of an audience of thousands, Julia had to overcome many fears and complexes.

The girl wanted to be seen as a talented performer, and not as a pathetic disabled person who received applause only because she decided to go on stage. I must say that she succeeded and now the whole country knows about her and is proud of Yulia.

Height, weight, age. How old is Yulia Samoilova

As soon as the young girl began to gain popularity, rumors immediately spread about her height, weight, and age. How old is Yulia Samoilova? This year she turned 29 years old. There is no information about the girl's height and weight. No one was probably interested in what parameters a disabled girl had.

Today Yulia Samoilova (photos in her youth and now are almost the same) is extremely popular, but many predict that the peak of the singer’s fame is still ahead. One cannot but agree with this, because all Eurovision participants automatically attract the views and attention of millions of compatriots. Last year, Yulia was not allowed to compete in Ukraine for political reasons, but this year she will definitely get there.

Biography and personal life of Yulia Samoilova

Since the girl woke up famous, everyone has been interested in the biography and personal life of Yulia Samoilova. The singer was born in Ukhta (Komi Republic), in working family. Mother - Margarita Samoilova, father - Oleg Samoilov. As the girl’s parents say, she was born healthy, and the illness that made her disabled came to Julia later.

Despite all the difficulties that disabled children often face, Yulia went to a regular school, despite the ridicule of the children. It was hard, but also educational. The girl did not want to feel inferior, wanting to gain knowledge at a regular school.

Everything that Yulia Samoilova encountered in her childhood and youth made her stronger, she became independent and persistent, which helped her achieve good results in her career.

Of course, the fact that the girl will be able to perform on stage with popular Russian singers, Julia never dreamed of it. The first delight in vocals was at children's matinees; from that time, Yulia began to study vocals with her mother, and later with a teacher.

In her youth, Yulia Samoilova often sang at discos and won prizes at regional song competitions. 10 years ago, the girl also managed to lead a group that lasted two years.

Yulia’s first and main step into show business was participation in the song television project “Factor A”. Then, she managed to conquer the jury and touch the audience with a gentle performance of the composition “Prayer”. At the end of the project, Yulia took second place and received the Alla Pugacheva Prize.

In 2017, Yulia Samoilova was supposed to perform at the Eurovision song contest, but due to political differences between the countries, the girl was banned from entering Ukraine. In the same year, Yulia Samoilova will go to international competition, just with a different song.

Although it is difficult for people with disabilities to arrange their personal lives, this is not about today's heroine. Yulia Samoilova is the wife of Alexey Taran.

Family and children of Yulia Samoilova

News on the topic “Family and children of Yulia Samoilova” often flashes online. As you know, the girl maintains her own vlog, in which you can see how the everyday life of the rising star goes. It was from the vlog that fans of creativity learned that she had become godmother for your friends' baby. Unfortunately, the girl cannot have her own children.

In general, Yulia Samoilova’s family consists of her parents, husband and cousin, who turned out to be the well-known Oksana Samoilova, model and wife of the popular Dzhigan. It is unknown whether Oksana maintains contact with her relative Yulia.

Yulia's mother worked in the service sector, and her father was a miner.

According to the singer herself, now her family has also become a whole team that is preparing her to participate in Eurovision 2018.

Yulia Samoilova's husband - Alexey Taran

The husband of the wheelchair-bound singer attracts a lot of attention. First and only husband Yulia Samoilova - Alexey Taran. Usually, girls with disabilities do not bask in male attention, and therefore do not go through offers. This is definitely not an option for Yulia, who gained self-confidence over time. The girl met the guy in social network without disclosing your disability. When meeting in reality, the guy was not scared off by the sight of Julia. But this was only the beginning of the tests that she prepared for her chosen one. As the girl herself admits, due to her bad character, she repeatedly tested the man’s strength, and he steadfastly endured Julia’s whims, thanks to which he received love and reciprocity.

To this day, Julia is surprised by her union with Alexey, because they have little in common, apparently, a simple law played a role here: “Opposites attract!”

Yulia Samoilova's illness - why is she in a chair

As soon as the girl entered the stage, they immediately began to wonder what kind of illness Yulia Samoilova had - why was she in the chair? According to the singer, she was born completely healthy, but with the disease gene. She could have lived a normal life with the Werding-Hoffmann spinal amyotrophy gene, but the polio vaccine caused terrible consequences.

It was vaccination that became the impetus for the fact that at the age of 13, Yulia received disability (first group). This is a terrible illness that forever confined the girl to a wheelchair, but did not break her spirit. Yet, despite all the obstacles that Yulia has to overcome on her way, she not only did not give up, she spread her wings and is flying towards her dream.

Yulia Samoilova's song for Eurovision 2018

Yulia Samoilova's song at Eurovision 2018 caused a lot of noise. Some consider the girl not talented enough to participate in such a large-scale song competition from Russia. Some suspect that the country is using the singer's limited capabilities to take first place in the competition. Still, most of the listeners approved of the song with which the girl will go to represent the country in Portugal this year.

Russia will be represented in Kyiv by Yulia Samoilova. The girl will perform the song "Flame Is Burning" at English. RIA Novosti answers the most common questions about Yulia.

Who is Yulia Samoilova?

Yulia Samoilova was born on April 7, 1989 in the city of Ukhta, Komi Republic. She has a brother and a sister. According to the girl, she was “inclined to sing since childhood.” Her mother was involved in her musical development. Having matured, the girl began singing at school discos and karaoke at home.

For some time, Yulia studied with teachers, but after an unspoken ban on her performing in open areas due to her wheelchair, she “took up her creativity on her own.” Julia became a laureate of several regional and federal song competitions. She admitted that she tried herself in rock music for some time, because “it doesn’t matter what you look like.” In 2008, she organized the group TerraNova, they recorded six compositions, but broke up in 2010. They were not known outside the republic.

Why is she in a wheelchair?

Yulia has the first group of disabilities and moves in wheelchair since childhood. She was diagnosed with Werding-Hoffmann spinal amyotrophy, a disease that affects the motor neurons in the anterior horn of the spinal cord.

“I was born an absolutely healthy child, developed like all normal children. Then they gave me a vaccination - I stopped standing on my legs. Nothing hurt, sensitivity was normal (as it still is). My mother sounded the alarm, the doctors started treating me for everything. There were a lot of diagnoses, they said that I would die at three years old, then at five, and so on. They treated me, treated me, and I just began to melt before my eyes (it got worse, but, of course, the doctors said it was because of it). illnesses). Then my mother wrote a refusal of all injections and treatment - and the deterioration stopped. My parents took me to all sorts of healers, both well-known and unknown. in the end, they simply stopped visiting about my treatment. They simply supported my condition with massages and manual therapy,” Yulia Samoilova wrote on her official website.

Why is she the one who will go to Eurovision?

Interior competitive selection Performers to participate in Eurovision 2017 were conducted by Channel One. Some politicians and show business stars such as Vitaly Milonov and Joseph Kobzon proposed boycotting the competition this year, which will be held in Kyiv. According to Milonov, Ukraine is conducting “blatant anti-Russian and Russophobic propaganda,” and in the country itself “neo-Nazism is raising its head.” But Russia still nominated its participant.

"Yulia is an original singer, a charming girl and an experienced contestant; a musical career requires enormous emotional and physical stress, which few people can handle. I am delighted with the success Yulia is achieving along this path. I think that on May 11, millions of viewers around the world will share this feeling with us,” the head of the Russian delegation at the competition, Yuri Aksyuta, told Channel One.

Yulia will perform the song "Flame Is Burning", the lyrics and music for which were written by Leonid Gutkin. Channel One has already collaborated with him within the framework of Eurovision - he wrote competition songs for Dina Garipova and Polina Gagarina.

“I am immensely happy that this happened in my life, because this is what I have been going towards since childhood - I watched TV and dreamed, imagined myself on stage. And my mother dreamed with me - in fact, she encouraged me to that this will happen, and it happened. Of course, I’m shocked, I still can’t understand that this is happening to me,” Yulia Samoilova said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

According to the results of the draw, Russia will perform in the 2nd semi-final of Eurovision. It will take place on May 11 in Kyiv.

Who is she, what is she famous for and why did you choose her?

Biography of Yulia Samoilova

Yulia Samoilova was born on April 7, 1989 in Ukhta (27 years old). Creative path Samoilova began in childhood. On children's party she, sitting on the lap of Father Frost, sang Tanya Bulanova’s song “Don’t Cry”, after which she received the largest doll as a gift.

Yulia Samoilova has repeatedly become a laureate of children's song competitions. From the age of 12 to 15, she studied with a vocal teacher. In her youth she sang in a restaurant.

There was still a place where shift workers came. But in the six months that we worked there, the contingent of visitors has changed a lot. People signed up two months in advance to get to the concert,” Yulia said in an interview with KP.

Then her repertoire included Mikhail Krug, Vladimir Vysotsky, and even Ruslana’s “Wild Dances”.

In 2005, Samoilova participated in a music competition in Yekaterinburg, where she took second place. I decided that I wanted to connect my life with music. But she was besieged - they said that she would not succeed in show business. She put together a rock band, but it didn’t work out either.

I opened an advertising production company with my boyfriend. But she soon decided that she still needed to little by little conquer the musical Olympus.

Yulia Samoilova and her boyfriend Alexey Taran Photo: Personal page of the publication’s hero on the social network

What is wrong with Samoilova?

Yulia has been using a wheelchair since childhood and has a 1st group disability. The reason for this is the body’s reaction to an incorrect polio vaccination in infancy. But, as life showed, this did not stop Yulia from studying at a regular school, creating and dreaming.

In 2016, the girl turned to her fans for help - she had to raise 50 thousand euros for an expensive operation. During the examination in Helsinki, the girl was told that she needed surgery. Otherwise, in a few years complications will begin in the lungs and heart. The singer openly spoke about this on her VKontakte page (author’s spelling): “The operation is difficult: 6-10 hours under general anesthesia and up to 6 months until full recovery (I hope it’s faster). It doesn’t solve all problems, but it’s the best thing what medicine can offer today. Of course, this operation will not put me back on my feet, but I will be able to sit straighter and it will be easier for my organs to function. The cost of the operation, with subsequent rehabilitation and routine examinations, is about € 50,000. The amount is very large, but I have to collect it before September - October of this year." As a result, the money was collected in almost two weeks. In October last year, Yulia underwent successful surgery. Yulia was also stretched by 11 centimeters. “Now I’m on the same level as everyone else,” the artist rejoiced.

What is Samoilova famous for?

In 2013, Yulia Samoilova brought Alla Pugacheva herself to tears at the talent show “Factor A”. The diva initially warned the girl that there would be no discount for a wheelchair. But Pugacheva was so moved that she even cried from Samoilova’s touching performance of the song “Prayer,” with which, by the way, Maria Sherifovich won Eurovision in 2007. As a result, Yulia became the winner of the “Alla’s Golden Star” award (Alla Pugacheva Award), and took second place.

Samoilova took part in the opening ceremony of the 2014 Winter Paralympic Games in Sochi, where she performed the song “Together”.

She starred with Grigory Leps, Polina Gagarina and other stars in the video for the song “Live,” which captivated all viewers of the fifth “Voice.”

Personal life of Yulia Samoilova

What about your personal life? Everything is fine here too. For many years now, Yulia has been happy with her boyfriend, Alexei Taran. He also serves as her tour manager. And he collaborates with her as a songwriter. For example, Samoilova co-wrote the song “Don’t Look Back” with him, which the artist performed together with Gosha Kutsenko. And Julia met her lover on a social network about seven years ago - shortly before the collapse of her rock band. Lesha was 18 years old at that time, Yulia was 20.

There are events happening in the world that affect everyone. War tends to overwhelm all living things and spares neither adults nor children. In this madness, it is important to remember that we, the people, start wars. This means that it is in our power to prevent them! #long live the world #stop killing #Yulia Samoilova


Before the announcement of her participation in the Euroshow, Julia did not sleep. This is what she wrote on her VKontakte page at 4:45 a.m.: “Happiness! All I need for happiness is the sun of the spotlight, the tide of your applause and the beating of my heart in time with the music.” And she shared a photo from the filming of the video for the song “Flame is burning.”

Happiness All I need for happiness is the sun of the Safis, the surf of your applause and the beating of my heart in time with the music!!! #happyMe #Yulia #Samoilova #Yuliyasamoilova #instagram #love #instagramnet #insta #me #smile #super #night #Russia #Moscow #life #instatag #likes #music #song #Julia #love #instalike #happy #smile #friends #fun #instatag #likeforlike #me

Let us remind you that Yulia will perform in the second semi-final of the Eurovision music competition, which will be held on May 11 in Kyiv. The authors of the music and lyrics of the composition “Flame is burning” were Leonid Gutkin, with whom Channel One has already collaborated more than once at Eurovision (songs by Dina Garipova and Polina Gagarina), as well as Netta Nimrodi and Arie Burshtein.

Yulia is an original singer, a charming girl and an experienced competitor,” says the head of the Russian delegation at the competition, Yuri Aksyuta. – Music career requires enormous emotional and physical stress, which few people can handle. I am delighted with the success Yulia is achieving along this path. I think that on May 11, millions of viewers around the world will share this feeling with us.

p> POLL "KP"

Apester Discover. How do you like the choice of Russian representative at Eurovision? Your turn!

Name: Yulia Samoylova

Age: 28 years old

Place of birth: Ukhta, Komi Republic, Russia

Activity: singer

Marital status: not married

Yulia Samoilova - biography

Yulia is a very strong girl, capable of fighting life's difficulties against all odds. In cultural circles, Yulia has long been known as a talented singer. But they started talking about it publicly only in connection with the erupted scandal around Eurovision.

Childhood, family, illness of Yulia Samoilova

The girl was born in Ukhta, Komi Republic. Everything was like in most families: healthy baby, happy parents. But an unsuccessful vaccination against polio overnight turned the biography of not only Yulia, but also her entire family. There was no pain, the legs just couldn’t support the girl. No one could make an accurate diagnosis of her illness; they were constantly changing, and different treatments were prescribed. Everything was to no avail, she was even predicted to die at the age of five.

It was equally difficult for mother and baby: doctors, healers, healers. The parents did not despair, but resigned themselves, limiting themselves only to massage and manual therapy. Julia loved to sing since childhood, and her mother supported her daughter’s passion as best she could. The girl performed for the first time at the age of four New Year. Julia chose a song that both adults and children liked. The girl received the best prize - a large doll. Then a memorable performance was with a song about a small country at one of the charity concerts.


When they started talking about Yulia in the media, she was offered to take up vocal duties at the Palace of Pioneers. The vocal teacher prepared for various competitions, helped four solo concerts future singer. Soon teachers had to be changed, and at the age of fifteen Yulia began studying at the House of Culture. Public speaking became less frequent, the girl began to need to be in a wheelchair.

She decided not to contact teachers anymore, began to study on her own, continued to participate in competitions and was quite successful. After some time, she was able to organize her own group, they worked successfully for two years. After its collapse, Julia could not gather her strength for a long time, did not sing, enrolled in psychology, but in her second year she realized that this was not for her and dropped out of school.

A new round of Samoilova’s creativity

When the third season of Factor A began, Yulia’s father advised his daughter to take part in it. The girl read the reviews and consulted with her friends. She didn’t like something, she thought for a long time and decided to take part in the show at the very last moment. The audition and subsequent performance went well. During this period of her biography, the girl makes several fateful acquaintances.

Yulia Samoilova - biography of personal life

Julia has a boyfriend, Alexey. Their acquaintance began on the Internet. The guy is two years younger than his chosen one. Julia believes that she has a disgusting character, and it is too early for her to think about men. She regarded meeting Alexei as a new friend. The young man showed persistence in winning the girl’s heart. They found common language on many issues. Alexey is religious, loves history and music.

But Yulia doesn’t like his music, so the guy willingly serves as an administrator and tour manager for his beloved. They are together in any business: in advertising, in screenwriting, in broadcasting. Yulia Samoilova's songs are always vital, they call for overcoming any difficulties. And when the audience sees her, they begin to believe the performer.

"Eurovision 2017"

Yulia participated in the show “Factor A”, she opened the Paralympic Games in Sochi. She has many competitions and festivals behind her, where she captivated everyone with her voice. In 2017, Yulia Samoilova was chosen as a participant in the international song competition Eurovision from Russia. The Ukrainian authorities, in light of recent political events, hoped that Russia would not take part in the competition, but they miscalculated. But they still don’t dare react negatively to a disabled girl; they are looking for various excuses to not allow the Russian participant into their territory. This year, Kyiv invites everyone to visit it to participate in the prestigious competition.

When the Ukrainian authorities found out that Yulia was coming to Crimea with a concert, this greatly eased their fate - a legal circumstance arose not to let Russia in. The public was outraged. The girl is preparing the song “Flame Is Burning”. A song about love, this one has already premiered musical composition, she left no one indifferent. The song has one author, who wrote both the music and the lyrics - Leonid Gutkin. Many people know the composer of the songbook; he wrote for Dina Garipova and. The forecasts for Russia are comforting; many say that we will definitely get into the top ten, but we will see. But the fact that Yulia is a fighter will be visible to everyone. She has been going to this competition since childhood. This great event is about to happen in her biography. And Russia will only expect victory from its chosen one.