What is the essence of the veterinarian profession? Who is a veterinarian suitable for?

The profession of a veterinarian is a profession that is chosen not based on prestige, career experience and high income in the future, but it is a profession that is chosen to one’s liking. A person must consciously choose this type of activity, and he simply must love animals madly. Love for animals and the desire to help them free of charge is the main quality of a veterinarian, which is the leading one when choosing this profession.

It is worth emphasizing right away that a person who decides to devote his life to rescuing and treating animals must have a number of qualities:

- the most important thing, as already mentioned above, is love for animals, without the presence of this love you should not choose this profession;

- have patience, since animals cannot, like humans, explain what hurts them, talk about the symptoms of the disease and guess what kind of disease they have;

- lack of fear, all animals get sick, regardless of their size appearance;

- have composure and fortitude, since you will have to work with various animals, diseases, injuries, which are very unpleasant and can cause disgust.

Students who have chosen the profession of a veterinarian as their companion in life should be prepared that they will have to study almost as much as doctors, they will not have any concessions or a shortened course of study. Typically, the duration educational process is five years, accompanied by compulsory practical training. Very great importance in the learning process, anatomical and pharmaceutical areas are given in order to know who can be treated and with what. Because for different types Animals require different drug treatments and different diagnostic methods.

The advantages of working as a veterinarian include:

1) If a person has chosen the profession of a veterinarian, it means that he loves animals very much and is ready to spend a lot of time with them. Therefore this happy man who enjoys his work because he has made a conscious choice.

2) Now it has become quite fashionable and relevant to keep pets at home. If previously the presence of animals was considered mandatory only in rural areas, now almost every second city resident keeps a pet at home, and they are not always everyone’s favorite cats, dogs, parrots and fish. Wealthier people with financial resources began to give preference to more exotic pets, these could be ferrets, rabbits and even larger wild animals. That is why the work of a veterinarian is now very, very in demand. We have many private pet clinics and hotels that meet high European standards, where they will be happy to welcome a good specialist in this field. Therefore, we can definitely say that this profession is in great demand.

3) The profession of a veterinarian is well paid today. Even beginning specialists and students who have just graduated from educational institutions and who have absolutely no work experience are hired. Private clinics are ready to sponsor young specialists who are capable of becoming brilliant animal doctors in the near future.

4) Quite comfortable working conditions. Modern veterinary clinics are equipped with last word technology, everything is there necessary equipment, medications.

5) Acceptable work schedule. As a rule, veterinary stores and clinics are open on weekdays. Of course, there are times when you have to work overtime, but this is the profession of a doctor and it doesn’t matter whether he treats people or animals. Typically all overtime hours worked are well paid.

6) Lack of competition in this area. Every year, several times fewer veterinarians graduate than doctors. Not everyone is able to devote their entire life to saving animals. Therefore it appears quite big choice for a future job without fear that it will be difficult to pass the competitive selection.

(profession veterinarian photo)

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Disadvantages of being a veterinarian:

1) Practically complete absence career growth. You will be lucky if the specialist gets a job in a large veterinary institution, where he can grow from a novice doctor to the head doctor of the department. As a rule, working as a veterinarian does not initially imply career advancement.

2) You have to work with completely different animals, today it could be cats and dogs, and tomorrow it could be lizards and parrots. You need to know the specifics of treating each type of animal, what can and cannot be used to treat them. Have excellent anatomical knowledge.

3) You have to constantly develop yourself, since you need to be aware of absolutely all new medications that help some animals and are contraindicated for others. Therefore, it is necessary to study the composition, side effects, dosage and method of administration. Be careful, since a number of drugs periodically become prohibited, and newer and more effective drugs are released to replace them.

4) Animals cannot explain what hurts them. But owners are not always particularly observant and cannot clearly list the symptoms of their pet’s illness. On the contrary, most often with their observations, they can provide unreliable information that initially directs the doctor in the other direction. That is why, when choosing a treatment method, a veterinarian should rely only on personal knowledge and practical skills in order to determine the severity of the disease and prescribe a further course of treatment, or send for the necessary tests.

5) Unfortunately, not all animals can be saved. Some of them die. This always makes the owners very upset. Therefore, cold endurance and nerves of steel are a mandatory factor in the veterinarian profession. For those who are especially worried, sensitive people this profession can have a negative impact on their overall emotional well-being.

The essence of the veterinarian profession is that it is suitable only for people who sincerely love animals, whose goal is not to get rich and gain financial independence, but to provide assistance and save absolutely everyone, both domestic and wild animals.

In addition, it requires fortitude, composure, lack of disgust and simply a desire to work. Of course, veterinarians do not take the Hippocratic oath, but this should not affect the quality of their work. Only a person possessing the above qualities is capable of becoming truly good professional in this area.

Want to learn even more about being a veterinarian? Profession veterinarian video:

A veterinarian is a doctor who specializes in treating animals. This concept was first used in 1646, but people involved in treating diseases in domestic animals appeared much earlier. IN agriculture Representatives of this profession carry out sanitary control of milk, meat and other products of animal origin. The profession of a veterinarian is in great demand, since agriculture plays an important role in industrial activity. Therefore, it is very important to have a specialist who monitors the health of animals.

History of the profession

Since ancient times, since humans tamed animals, there has been a need to monitor their health. Our smaller brothers suffer from the same diseases as we do - the common cold, sore throat, stomach ulcers, and urolithiasis. Often, a dog left for a while in someone's kind hands will have a heart attack that can't stand it due to melancholy - a heart attack occurs. Treatment of complex diseases, of course, takes time. And veterinarians first have to fight for the lives of their patients, quickly making decisions, and then nurse them for a long time and patiently, while calming their upset owners.

Once upon a time, people not only looked for friends in animals, but also largely depended on them. Before the advent of cars, the horse was the main means of transportation; it was used for plowing and transporting heavy loads; its health largely determined the prosperous existence of the owner and his family. And in many ancient civilizations, a person’s well-being depended on the number of livestock he owned. Actually, the word “veterinarian” itself translated into Russian means “healing livestock.” IN Ancient Egypt existed educational institution, which trained specialists who used animals. Papyri that are more than three thousand years old have been preserved, with descriptions of livestock diseases and methods of treating them. Ancient Greece And Ancient Rome had their own veterinary services. Veterinarians accompanied the troops on campaigns. The Roman army even set up hospitals for wounded horses. IN

Ancient Rus' There were also doctors for horses; birch bark letters mention them. The emergence of veterinary medicine as a science in Russia is associated with the name of Peter the Great. It was during his reign that the first veterinary schools were opened, books on veterinary medicine began to be published, and the first decrees were issued on the fight against diseases of horses and cattle. Finally, on July 23, 1808, a veterinary department was opened at the St. Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy, where for the first time in Russia they began to train specialists with higher veterinary education. The health of its citizens depends on how well the veterinary service is organized in a country. The fact is that it is constantly fighting against diseases that can pose a danger to people. Veterinarians control the quality of meat, milk, eggs and other products of animal origin at veterinary points and stations, farms, in production and veterinary control departments at meat processing plants, at meat and dairy and food control stations, and in veterinary laboratories. In villages, all farm animals are under constant supervision of this specialist, and he is responsible not only for their health, but also for maintaining animal hygiene on farms, the sanitary condition of equipment, he sets the diet for livestock, and gives vaccinations against infectious diseases, delivers a baby.

Border and customs veterinary control is of particular importance in our time. In the world, outbreaks of such terrible diseases as bird flu, mad cow disease and the like are constantly emerging. The task of border guards and veterinarians is to protect us from these scourges. In addition, all incoming food products must undergo strict testing for the presence of harmful substances. chemical substances and poisons. Bans on the import of meat from one country or another are the result of veterinarians’ concern for our safety. All animals imported into and exported from the country must be controlled, which helps to avoid the spread of epidemics.

Also, all products going on sale undergo mandatory veterinary and sanitary examination. In case of danger to consumers, the veterinarian has the right to confiscate and destroy any of them. Despite all the difficulties of our time, veterinary services operate reliably. In the first years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a public organization"Association of Veterinary Doctors of Almaty." Providing consulting assistance played a big role for many novice veterinarians in the organization

own business

. In 2000, the Association of Veterinary Doctors of Almaty was officially registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the initiative of the association, proposals for additions to the veterinary legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan have been repeatedly made. In connection with the expansion in 2008, re-registration was carried out and the name of the organization was changed to the Association of Veterinary Doctors of Kazakhstan., you can get it at specialized universities. Preparation includes studying an extensive list of biomedical disciplines, chemistry and pharmaceuticals, the basics of animal husbandry, and the specifics of keeping various types animals. It should be taken into account that during their studies at a university, veterinarians prepare primarily to work with farm animals (cows, pigs, etc.). And in order to master the specifics of working with domestic animals (such as cats and dogs), which is more in demand in urban environments, you most often have to receive additional education.

Diseases of bees and fish are studied separately. Veterinary and sanitary examination of animal raw materials is also considered.

Requirements for candidates

  • Requirements for individual abilities of a specialist:
  • neuropsychic stability;
  • high performance and physical endurance;
  • analytical thinking;
  • good long-term, logical and sensory (visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile) memory;
  • voluntary attention;

precision coordination of movements of the hands and fingers.

ability to tolerate physical and mental stress.


First of all, a veterinarian deals with the treatment and prevention of all kinds of diseases that occur in animals; in addition, he vaccinates and inoculates animals. The veterinarian's responsibilities include examining products of animal origin in order to confirm their suitability for sale and consumption. It must be said that the veterinarian does not have a specific work schedule; he has to go at any time of the day or night to an animal that requires urgent veterinary care and which cannot be delivered to the clinic.

The standard salary for a veterinarian at a non-state clinic is 650-700 USD. e. Private practitioners charge an average of 16-30 USD for a consultation. That is, depending on the experience of the specialist, the type of animal and the complexity of the problem. But their income is unstable: no patients, no salary.

Myths of the profession

Myths 1. “All veterinarians are madly fond of animals.”

Not at all, love for our little brothers is not part of our professional duties, and can often even interfere with our work, so among veterinarians there are about the same percentage of true animal lovers as in other circles.

Myth 2. “Veterinarians have the gift of telepathy, so it is not necessary to tell him something about the animal - he will see everything himself.”

And this is not true, since no one has yet canceled the initial examination of the animal and the relevant diagnostic procedures.

Myth 3. “Getting a diagnosis over the phone is a breeze for a veterinarian, otherwise what kind of doctor is he?”

Have you ever met a doctor who could easily determine a diagnosis simply based on the patient’s complaints? So, with animals everything is the same, perhaps even a little more complicated, since they cannot talk about their illnesses.

Pros and cons of the profession


Gratitude for animals and their owners. A good veterinarian gradually forms his own client base.


A job for those who can handle stress. Rescuing a dog that has just been hit by a truck is not for the faint of heart.

Irregular working hours. Low salaries and low demand in the market.

  • Contraindications
  • neuropsychic;
  • cardiovascular;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • chronic infectious;
  • upper respiratory tract;
  • allergic;
  • visual and auditory analyzers;

speech-voice apparatus.


Career prospects: as a specialist’s qualifications increase, he becomes more and more in demand and highly paid - on the one hand, his formal status increases (for example, salary level), on the other, those whom he has successfully helped will recommend him to new clients in the future. Prospects for administrative growth are slim. It is possible to establish your own business in the field of providing veterinary services or move from hired work to private practice.

Veterinarian secrets he won't share with you

Many veterinarians do not use painkillers during procedures that are clearly painful. They believe that dogs and cats do not need painkillers, and that pain after surgery is beneficial because it prevents the animals from moving too much. However, studies have shown that animals that are not in severe pain recover faster, sleep better, and do not move as much.

Despite the fact that there are many vitamins on the shelves of pet stores, healthy animals do not need them. Pet food manufacturers spend billions of dollars to make their food balanced and include all the vitamins and minerals the animal needs.

Some people feed their pets exclusively raw food, but this poses a huge threat to human health.

Cheap over-the-counter instant flea and tick treatments are extremely dangerous. After their use, animals may experience severe seizures.

Once vaccinated early in life, domestic cats do not actually need to receive vaccinations. They won't catch rabies while sitting at home. Vaccines can cause many harms to cats, including causing swelling at the vaccination site.

The main mistake a pet owner can make is calling the vet too late. Animals rarely get colds or flu, and they almost never get food poisoning. Therefore, if they are sick for more than one day, contact your veterinarian.

Feeding does not mean loving. Obesity will harm the animal's health and shorten its life expectancy. The main thing is to show affection to them. Pet them, brush them, love them and take them for walks.

Preparing pet food at home is harder than you think. If you would like to cook for your pet yourself, contact an animal nutritionist who can give you the necessary guidance.

Here's one way to tell if your veterinarian is up to date on the latest medications. Ask him what substance he uses to give your animal general anesthesia. If he names ketamine or fluorotane vapor, then nothing good - this is from medicine of the 1970s. Isoflurane and sevoflurane are much safer. If animal food is expensive, this does not mean that it is of high quality. This is especially true for numerous products sold in small gourmet bags and jars. You pay a lot of money for packaging, but what you get is essentially just high-calorie food. with low nutritional value. Do some research and ask your veterinarian to read you the ingredient list.

Some veterinary medications have a generic version intended for humans, and if your veterinarian finds this alternative safe and effective, you can purchase them at your regular pharmacy, saving time and money.

But keep in mind that there are good reasons why a generic type of medication may not be right for your pet.

Never give animals their own medications unless your veterinarian says you can. One paracetamol tablet can kill a cat.

Want to train your cat from the comfort of your couch? Buy a small laser pointer.

You want the best when you vigorously shampoo your cat and then vigorously towel him dry, but this can cause hairs to stick under the skin like small splinters and cause terrible infections that are very painful. This is especially true for short-haired animals.

If tartar sprays and water supplements for dental health were truly effective, no veterinarian would advise you to brush your pet's teeth. Take your cat to the vet in a special plastic container

with a removable top and ask your veterinarian to open the container before examination. Then the animal will feel safer and is unlikely to attack the doctor and try to escape.

You can't make it up on purpose

(veterinarian's notes)

I once treated a dog that was causing a divorce. This dog ate something unusual. We performed surgery and found women's underwear inside her. The owner insisted that it be returned to her. We washed it and sent it home with the dog, but it turned out that the laundry was not the owner’s. It belonged to her husband's mistress.

Bernardin Cruz, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

One of my clients was worried that her cat’s ear infection was not going away. It turned out that this woman was inserting pills intended for internal use into the cat's external auditory canal.
Rob Nathan, DVM,
veterinarian from veterinary hospital

Sharon Center in Medina, Ohio

Where is the cat's urch located? The urchalnik in cats is located in the throat - this is and the muscles of the larynx, which contract and relax rapidly during breathing, producing a sound called rumbling. Until recently, everyone thought that only domestic cats and some of their small wild counterparts, which belong to the cat family, have a purr, and large ones, such as lions or tigers, are not capable of purring in principle. This opinion was based on the fact that the hyoid bone, which is involved in the process of sound formation, in large cats contains cartilage tissue, which allows them to emit a very loud roar, even a roar, while in other cats this bone is completely calcified and is a rigid structure.

Recent studies have revealed that large cats can also purr, although not all of them. For example, tigers, lions, jaguars and leopards can purr, but only when exhaling, and snow leopards can turn on the purr both when inhaling and exhaling. Interesting fact: Most cats stop purring when they hear the sound of running water. The trick is used by veterinarians when you need to listen to a cat, but he purrs. It is almost impossible to hear the heartbeat or breathing when the purifier is running, so you have to open the tap.

Cats produce sounds the same way we do by moving air from their lungs through two fibrous, elastic vocal cords located in the larynx. However, unlike humans, the cat does not use the tip of its tongue to shape these sounds, but instead creates thirteen distinct vowels by varying muscle tension in the mouth, throat, lips and sinuses. The cat also produces from seven to eight consonants - it does this by opening and closing its mouth, changing its shape, and in the most different ways, in order to change the resonance.

Purring occurs due to vibrations rhythmically occurring in the animal’s larynx. Interestingly, regardless of breed, gender, age, the oscillation frequency is the same - 25 cycles per minute.

A veterinarian is a special medical specialty that involves medicine not for humans, but for animals (veterinary medicine). The same applies to agriculture. A veterinarian studies many more disciplines than medical doctor. The list of animals that are required to study their anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, microbiology, etc. includes: horse, large and small cattle, pig, dog, cat, rabbit, mouse, poultry, camel, etc. In addition to general disciplines, veterinarian He also knows private ones - private physiology (for example, dogs), diseases of bees and fish, as well as veterinary and sanitary examination of animal raw materials (leather, fur, meat, milk, fish, etc.).

Veterinarian (Veterinarian, Paramedic) is a specialist with higher or secondary specialized education involved in the treatment of animals (veterinary medicine) and related duties.


Treatment and prevention of animal diseases,

Carrying out various medical and cosmetic procedures, including operations, veterinary and sanitary control during the production and sale of livestock products.

The main task of a veterinarian is the treatment and prevention of animal diseases, vaccinations, vaccinations. A veterinarian can also examine food products and confirm their suitability for consumption and sale. The veterinarian has irregular working hours; at any time of the day he has to go to a sick animal that needs help and cannot be transported.

The list of animals that must be studied by a veterinarian includes horses, large and small cattle, pigs, dogs, cats, rabbits, mice, poultry, camels, etc. Veterinarians study their anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and microbiology. In addition to general disciplines, a veterinarian must know private ones - private physiology (for example, dogs), diseases of bees and fish, as well as veterinary and sanitary examination of animal raw materials (skin, fur, meat, milk, fish, etc.)

Work can be carried out in a specially equipped room (clinic, laboratory), at home or outdoors. During the work process, medical instruments, medications, and chemical reagents are usually used.

Personal qualities

Developed observation skills, memory, logical thinking, patience and a friendly attitude towards animals. The attending and operating veterinarian must have strong and dexterous hands to restrain animals and perform procedures.

For veterinary doctors, the main professionally important qualities are: persistence and consistency in demonstrating professional requirements, responsibility and integrity in the performance of official duty, since as a result of non-compliance with sanitary requirements, consumers of low-quality products may suffer.

Required qualities:

Absolute and boundless love for animals

Ability to make quick decisions in non-standard situations


Physical strength and endurance

Medical restrictions

Allergies to animals and medications, physical disabilities that interfere with examinations and procedures.

Qualification requirements

A veterinarian must have a higher specialized education. A veterinarian must have such qualities as honesty, responsibility, determination, attentiveness, accuracy, patience, physical endurance, kindness and, of course, an unlimited love for animals.

Veterinarians work:

In veterinary clinics;

At veterinary stations;

In the markets;

In zoos;

At agricultural enterprises.

Veterinarian salaries are generally not very high and there are few career prospects. Most likely, you will have to start as an assistant veterinarian, then, after a couple of years, with the acquisition of work experience, you will become an independent veterinarian. The veterinarian can guide private practice, but here the income will be unstable and will depend on the number of patients, work experience, type and complexity of the problem.

Probably, each of us has many acquaintances (adults and children) who are not indifferent to the suffering of our little brothers. Children have a special love for animals. And adults are happy to tell them that there is such a profession as a veterinarian. That in addition to “urban” animals, doctors are also expected in the countryside, because proper care of animals is very important in agriculture and livestock farming, since the success of this entire industry directly depends on it.

And if this interest in living creatures is genuine and not limited caring attitude only to pets, then the child will most likely choose the profession of a veterinarian after graduating from school.

Let's try to imagine short description This type of activity, we will consider all the existing pros and cons of this difficult craft, where patience and stress resistance, compassion and love for living beings are important.

Who is it?

A veterinarian is a doctor who specializes in treating domestic and farm animals. This is a highly sought after profession. At the same time, there are not so many truly qualified specialists today.

Since ancient times, people have tried to uncover the main causes of diseases that caused livestock to die out or become sick, they learned to diagnose diseases, described and classified them, and appropriate treatment methods were developed for many animal diseases. On this moment exists whole science– veterinary medicine, it deals with the recognition and study of various diseases to which animals (domestic, wild, exotic, agricultural) are susceptible, and compiles a detailed description of them.
A veterinarian deals with the treatment and prevention of animal diseases, conducts medical and cosmetic procedures, consults in veterinary clinics or works on visits to livestock farms.

This is predominantly mental work, where the correct conclusions of the doctor are most important. But no one excludes that sometimes the veterinarian will need to work with his hands.
The profession of a veterinarian is not the easiest to master. You need to graduate from a medical school, have a good memory and great attentiveness. In addition, the profession of a veterinarian requires great resistance to stress.

Let's look at all the pros and cons of this profession. This will be especially true for children who are just starting to think about what they will do in life.

Advantages of working with animals

Let's look at all the available advantages of working as a doctor for our little brothers.

  1. A good specialist will always be in demand on the labor market. Currently, medicine is experiencing a shortage of highly qualified veterinarians. Of course, the advantages of this profession for many begin with this fact.
  2. If you have altruistic needs, then you can fully realize them in the work of a veterinarian. These are quite important advantages of this activity.
  3. You will always have a job (even in a crisis) if you are a professional. Of course, for those who want to be confident in the future, this fact can be counted as a significant advantage.
  4. In this job you will be able to fully realize your mental potential. For talented and capable people this fact can be considered a plus.

Disadvantages of this choice

Below are all the disadvantages of this type of activity.

  1. To master the profession of a veterinarian, you will need to study long and hard, obtain a higher education in medical institute. For those who are not used to waiting a long time and studying a lot, the disadvantages of this work begin precisely from this point.
  2. The work requires great stress resistance and composure. For people with weak psyches, these are significant disadvantages. Sometimes you will have to see the suffering of unfortunate animals, and sometimes you will have to observe deaths. It is always very difficult psychologically.
  3. Absence as such. Of course, those who need it can write this down as a disadvantage. The maximum you can achieve is that you will become a high-profile specialist and will receive decent money for it. Or you can open your own clinic.
  4. The work of a doctor is not easy, you will have to make responsible decisions. This feature may be perceived as a disadvantage by those who are not used to taking responsibility.

As you can see, the pros and cons in this profession are a very relative concept. For capable and hardworking people, minuses are pluses, but for narrow-minded and irresponsible people, all the pluses will look like minuses. In any case, you should think ten times before deciding to become a veterinarian. After all, the fate of many creatures will depend on your actions.

Who will you work with?

As a rule, Dr. Aibolit treats mainly pets and farm animals for our little brothers. Sometimes - and wild animals from the zoo or dolphinarium. Sometimes you even have to work with animals that are on the verge of extinction or animals suffering from poachers.

Birds, among other things, very easily transfer diseases between relatives.

From medical practice

A veterinarian’s working day is not always calm: examinations, vaccinations, recommendations. There are also emergency cases when you have to save an animal from certain death. Here are a few situations that any animal therapist may encounter:

  1. Fracture of a cat's spine. This problem is quite common. As a rule, this occurs after the animal falls from a great height. This is very dangerous situation, and if measures are not taken in time, then you can get several more injuries and complications. Therefore, do not hesitate surgical intervention in such a case.
  2. Polycystic kidney disease in a cat. Unfortunately, kidney problems are quite common among our beloved felines. As a preventive measure, you can feed them higher quality food, but do not hesitate if you suddenly discover symptoms of this disease in your pet, otherwise you will have to undergo surgery in especially severe cases.
  3. Lumbosacral stenosis in four-legged canine friends. This disease is caused by an initially incorrect structure of the spine, or more precisely, by the fact that some vertebrae have not fused together correctly. The most common dog breeds that suffer from this problem are Jack Russell Terriers and Scotch Terriers. Stenosis can cause your pet great discomfort when moving, so it is better not to delay in providing qualified assistance. You will most likely need surgery.

Summing up, I would like to once again note the fact that the work of a veterinarian is an extremely responsible matter, requiring those who want to do it great strength will, patience, intelligence, and, most importantly, sincere love for animals. Only these skills will allow you to achieve heights in such a difficult craft. We wish you to find your calling and hope that today you were able to receive all necessary information on a question that interests you. Perhaps the description of this particular profession interested you most.

A veterinarian is a specialist in the treatment of animals. The veterinarian profession is quite ancient. Man has always been treating animals since he began to domesticate them. The first professional veterinarians in Russia began to be trained already in early XIX century.

General characteristics of the veterinarian profession

A veterinarian's primary concern is treating animals. However, the duties of a veterinarian are not limited to this. They vary depending on the place of work.

In veterinary clinics, such specialists provide full medical care to our little brothers, which includes treatment of diseases, preventive examination, vaccination, sterilization, castration, microchipping, delivery, etc. Treatment is often carried out not only in the clinic, but also with a doctor visiting your home.

On farms, zoos, circuses, and poultry markets, veterinarians provide medical care animals, carry out a complex preventive measures, check the sanitary conditions of keeping animals.

In specialized pharmacies, veterinarians provide advice and assistance in choosing products for animals.

Employees of veterinary services conducting sanitary control have other responsibilities. In general, they fight common diseases for humans and animals. Such services carry out sanitary control of various livestock products and equipment used when working with animals.

Veterinarians also actively cooperate and assist dog handlers, animal engineers and livestock breeders in their work.

Veterinarian: pros and cons of the profession

Pros of the profession

The veterinarian profession is one of the most noble. Usually people who go into this profession consider it their calling and can combine work and hobbies all their lives and get real pleasure from it. Each recovered patient brings great moral satisfaction to the veterinarian, which is very important in any profession.

Cons of the profession

Unlike a person, an animal cannot express complaints about its health, so the difficulty of the veterinarian’s profession is that he has to identify diseases and make diagnoses based on secondary signs. In addition, many animals do not want to be treated and do not allow a doctor to approach them, so the work of a veterinarian is associated with certain risks and can even be dangerous. We must not forget that a veterinarian treats not only cats and dogs, but also large animals.

The veterinarian must be prepared for the fact that not all patients can be helped; often it is such a doctor who has to euthanize a sick animal. This requires a lot of emotional investment and takes a toll on the psyche. An animal cannot explain in words what is hurting it, and therefore a big disadvantage of the veterinarian’s profession is the need to predict the animal’s condition based on secondary signs.

Is the profession of a veterinarian in demand?

Currently, there are a huge number of organizations that provide a vacancy for a veterinarian: public and private clinics, pharmacies, zoos, circuses, aquariums, stables, agricultural enterprises, etc. A qualified specialist in this field will always be in demand on the labor market. A veterinarian can also work privately: open his own office or make house calls on call.

Where to become a veterinarian?

The profession of a veterinarian can be obtained by graduating from a specialized educational institution. This could be a university or technical school. However, secondary specialized education makes it possible to apply only for the position of veterinary paramedic. Having received such an education, you can also further enroll in a university and study by correspondence. At the university you must undergo training in the specialty “Veterinary Medicine”. Some of the most popular veterinary universities include the following:

  • Moscow state academy veterinary medicine and biotechnology named after K. I. Scriabin
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
  • Russian State Agrarian University named after K.A. Timiryazev
  • Moscow State University applied biotechnology and others.

Upon completion of their studies at the university, graduates receive the qualification “Veterinarian”. Education at universities is mainly aimed at working with farm animals, and in order to work with domestic animals, you sometimes have to complete additional courses.