List of gays on the Russian stage. Famous gays of show business

Domesticshow business stars are regularly suspected of homosexual tendencies.Maxim Galkin is credited with an affair with a comedianSergei Drobotenko, Oleg Menshikov - with a young actorNikita Tatarenkov. "Gay Rumors" Stick Around Valery Leontiev, Boris Moiseev, Sergei Penkin, Nikolai Baskov, Sergei Lazarev, Mitya Fomin... But not a single artist has ever openly admitted his sexual inclinations.

Around 2007 show business stars Dima Bilan a serious scandal broke out. Latvian media reported about the upcoming wedding Dima Bilan with a certain 27-year-old Rovens Pritula. It was reported that Dima Bilan I have a long relationship with the guy romantic relationship. Myself Dima Bilan He immediately disowned the rumors.

- This is some kind of nonsense! - was indignant then Dima Bilan. – Who could have come up with something like this? Although I'm already used to rumors.

Meanwhile, the singer’s fans are still discussing his sexuality, because not a single affair of his with a girl has ever led to a trip to the registry office.

Fuck an old man and you'll have a song

A few years ago, they were accused of having special sympathy for people of non-traditional sexual orientation. show business star Mitya Fomina. This happened after the publication of his explicit photographs, allegedly thrown onto the Internet. ex-lover. In the pictures Mitya Fomin photographed completely naked.

Scandalous famous director horror theater Gauguin Solntsev does not hide: many people in show business really prefer unconventional relationships. Gauguin Solntsev says that he constantly receives intimate offers from powerful of the world this.

“Young boys come from the periphery and, in order to appear on the screen, do everything they are told: they give you a dick, and they substitute your ass,” he says Gauguin Solntsev.– It’s very difficult to get through in any other way. I had a “wolf ticket” for several years when I refused intimacy with one very famous producer. TV channels stopped filming me; no one wanted to take my songs. I was perplexed: why is this happening? And then an acquaintance said to me: “Don’t you know that they already called and recommended that you not be on the air!” Nothing has changed since Soviet times. IN show business Not only is the gay theme widespread, but even... pedophilia. This is not talked about much, but it is true.

Gauguin Solntsev assures: several very famous artists achieved fame precisely thanks to their unconventional relationships.

- IN show business you have to choose: either moral principles, or fame,” continues Gauguin Solntsev. – You will come, you will fuck the old man or he will fuck you, as was the example of our very famous artists, and you will become show business star, your song will be put into rotation. No song? You...beat him again - and you will have a song! Some artists become bi: they are attracted to girls, but they are forced to periodically sleep with men!

If you don't like gays, don't turn on the TV!

Critic Artemy Troitsky believes that there is a gay mafia on the stage that does not allow heterosexual artists to appear on the big screens. According to the critic, in Russian show business“being gay is fashionable and trendy.”

– I can say with absolute certainty that many heads of radio stations and television channels are not indifferent to this topic and are happy to promote artists with whom they are close intimate relationships, - stated Artemy Troitsky. – This has not been a secret for a long time. How to get rid of gays on the stage? If a person doesn’t like fagots, he has every opportunity not to see them, since all these representatives gay exist on television. I don't watch music, so I don't see it Maxim Galkin, Dima Bilan, Boris Moiseev, Nikolai Baskov... They can be listed for a long time.

– What gay mafia? It's even funny! – another music critic wonders Sergey Sosedov. - Why then? Alexander Peskov was the release on Russian television ordered? And only after the intervention Alla Pugacheva His wonderful concert was shown on one of the central channels. This is for me Alexander Peskov told. No matter how talented a person is and no matter what orientation he is, he will not be shown anywhere without money. Now everything is decided by financial ties.

By the way, Sergey Sosedov one of the first to openly list the names of famous gays. In one of the interviews, he named familiar names to everyone: Sergey Lazarev, Valery Leontyev, Philip Kirkorov, Nikolay Baskov….

“I didn’t declassify anyone,” explains Sergey Sosedov. - Everyone knew about it. Why does this topic resonate so much? There have been many famous gays in history: military leaders, writers, and artists. Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great. And the entire male ballet, starting from Nijinsky and ending with Nuriev and Baryshnikov!

Fans show business stars they are perplexed: why don’t artists want to be sincere and don’t want to advertise their sexual orientation? Critic Sergey Sosedov I’m sure that artists are afraid of losing their main audience.

“The main audience of our artists is female,” explains Sergey Sosedov. – Girls who attend performances and concerts see their idol as an ideal man. They vote not for songs, but for the image of the hero. For what show business stars will they admit that they are gay? The romantic image will immediately disappear. Girls will understand that this man is busy and will stop going to his concerts! Only artists who have created their own image and who have something to say to the public are capable of such revelations. The rose must mature and bloom on its own. I think that we should expect real revelations only in a few years...

How can you tell if an artist is gay?

Their manner of dressing also gives them away: tight jeans of an expensive brand, a tight T-shirt, a baseball cap with a protruding forelock, highlighted hair, earrings in the ears, scarves tied around the neck, silver ring on the little finger.

They adore their body: they often visit the solarium, beauty salons, gym...

They quickly marry after a short romance: usually after 35 years, often to a wealthy girl, and then do not have children together for a long time.

Dmitry Ilyinsky

of which there are persistent rumors. And if evil tongues have been ascribing gayness to Phillip Kirkorov and Nikolai Baskov for a long time, and this will not surprise anyone, about some celebrities you will never, as they say, “look at it.”

In their research, collective bloggers relied on entries on gay forums, in which visitors to thematic clubs shared that they saw certain stars there kissing and hugging representatives of the same sex, on insider gossip (which should not be underestimated), the most significant urban folklore , as well as on the statements and hints of the stars themselves (including jokes and jokes on entertainment shows), as well as on the Internet revelations of lower-ranking gays who allegedly slept with celebrities.

Dvachers also analyzed messages on the Internet in which former concert promoters talked about how stars visiting with a concert, with their help, looked for same-sex lovers for relaxation.

The result is the following selection, which you don’t have to believe, but it’s interesting to read.

Sergey Lazarev

Has Lera Kudryavtseva really never pressed her naked body against this pumped up torso?

Alla Pugacheva on the air of radio “Alla” once put Sergei Lazarev in a state of shock, saying live literally the following: “You shouldn’t get married so as not to be lonely! But you shouldn’t at all, as I understand it. If you suddenly get ready, you know what I’ll tell you how wise woman? For you personally, if you want to get married, you need a friend first of all, a life partner.

Because all these sex shmex, they come and go. And to give birth to a child, you can try once, even two or three times. But, in principle, this is not why a person is needed in life. I know that you have a friend and assistant Misha (Mikhail Dvoretsky, director of the singer - Time Out). And I just congratulate you on the fact that he loves you very much ... "

Nikolai Tsiskaridze

A charming, art-loving man of great charm, who hardly hides his homosexual orientation, and even jokes about sensitive topics on television when he feels confident.

Nikolay Baskov

Sources characterize him as the “most notorious” and “intimidated” homosexual in Russian show business, for whom coming out means losing most of his audience, since these are archaic, respectable old women with strict views.

But where would we be without him in this collection... By the way, the singer Lolita is a famous gay icon and a woman who publicly supports and defends gays and lesbians in Russia.

Oleg Menshikov

It's hard for fans to believe, but it's too large number sources indicate that, at least in his mature years, the handsome actor gravitates more and more towards young male lovers.

Victor Sukhorukov

And you, brother?!...

However, the magnificent eccentric himself has not hidden it for a long time, and with hints in various interviews he makes it clear about his difficult personal life. With men.

Maxim Galkin

What about Alla Borisovna? The most powerful Russian gay icon, sympathizes with LGBT people, by the way, etc.

The most popular rumor about Galkin points to comedian Sergei Drobotenko as Maxim’s long-term partner. Drobotenko’s mother recently indirectly confirmed in an interview with NTV when journalists caught her off guard with insidious questions.

Evgeniy Mironov

He lives with his mother all his life, in interviews the topic of sexual orientation and personal life in general is taboo, and a reason for the anger of the sophisticated artist. According to numerous rumors (especially among theatergoers), this is not without reason!

Alexander Rybak

Ay biliv in e fairytail...

And he too?! And he’s so pretty... Although, yes, everything is logical - he’s so pretty!

Andrey Malakhov

On gay forums, no one calls Malakhov except “Andryusha”. Perhaps Andryusha is the only closeted gay man whose admission of homosexuality would not harm his career, because he is too exemplary, intelligent and friendly for older fans to stop loving him for some kind of homosexuality.

Phillip Kirkorov

Well, what would we do without him? They say that in the song "Snow" he took off his young lover, and the song is dedicated to him.

Pavel Lobkov

What, this one too?!... And we watched “Plant Life!” with him.

Lobkov, by the way, became the eleventh in this selection, although we promised ten characters.

Fresh selection of funny jokes

Modern people today are more liberated and tolerant than they were a hundred years ago. It's all about changing the moral principles and foundations of not only each individual family, but also society as a whole. Many today can boast of tolerance towards representatives of sexual minorities, so gays not only in America and Europe, but also in domestic show business are slowly beginning to emerge from the shadows.

Where is the truth?

Finding a list that lists all the gays in show business is not so difficult. However, it is important to think about where the truth is. After all, in lately public people no longer imagine how else they can promote themselves, and begin to invent all sorts of tall tales about themselves, including introducing themselves as a representative of a non-traditional orientation. This is especially true for pop stars and show business countries post-Soviet space. The “yellow press” and the people themselves also add fuel to the fire, every now and then adding Vlad Topalov, Sergei Lazarev or Dima Bilan to the ranks of gays - guys who may be vaguely similar in style to representatives of sexual minorities, in fact they are not being.

Foreign gays

Gays in show business in Europe and America do not hide their orientation at all. There, a long time ago, people stopped being prejudiced against representatives of sexual minorities, completely leaving their lives and views alone. Yes, the most famous gays- married couple Sir Elton John - singer, and David Furnish - Canadian producer. However, in his youth the singer was even married to a lady (the marriage took place in 1984), but after he met current spouse in the early 90s, he admitted that he was homosexual and today he is completely happy. Moreover, in the UK their marriage is officially concluded, and the couple is also raising a son. For many, it will also seem shocking that the actor Sir Ian McKellan, who is already over seventy, has been openly gay for a long time, already 20 years. Simply put, Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings. Back in 1988, in an interview, he announced his gay orientation and in fact became the first openly gay man in Western show business. The British theater and film actor once spoke about his preferences in the intimate sphere, which he later regretted, because... I found myself in creative isolation for a while. He says that for the first Hollywood actors guild it is simply impossible to be gay, so most of the great actors in the world film business are simply silent about their non-traditional sexual orientation.

Gays in fashion

It will not be a secret to anyone that fashion is the prerogative of women. Men are more reserved about their appearance, without having such an abundance of outfits. Therefore, all great designers created primarily for women, extolling and idolizing them. However, paradoxically, most of them turned out to be gay. This group of people included Christian Dior - a man brought up in the best cultural traditions. Since childhood, the boy idolized his mother very much, which is why he became interested in fashion. And since she was an elegant woman, all Dior’s collections were aimed at emphasizing exactly this style in the lady. However, in his heart the famous couturier was deeply unhappy, because he turned out to be gay, which was simply impossible to talk about at that time. There were two lovers in his life, but the master often fell in love, and the guys simply did not reciprocate his feelings. Pierre Cardin also loved guys - a man who was able to break into even the closed Soviet market. His career in fashion was meteoric, giving women miniskirts, black stockings and thigh-high boots, while opposing unisex clothing styles. The gays of show business, namely the fashion world, are also Yves Saint Laurent, Gianni Versace, Jean-Paul Gaultier and Dolce and Stefano Gabanna.

Domestic stage: gays or not?

It's no secret that there are also gays in Russian show business. However, it is quite difficult to find out who exactly belongs to the ranks of sexual minorities. So, one of the main gays long time They considered the singer Shura. It's all about the manner of performing his songs and his concert costumes. There was a lot of talk about this at a time when the singer disappeared from the press radar for a long time, being treated for alcohol and drug addiction. However, after his return, Shura introduced his bride to the public, and journalists managed to find the woman who gave birth to the singer’s two children. The same fate befell the king of glamor Sergei Zverev. For a long time he was listed as gay in Russian show business. However, this turned out to be untrue, as the singer himself said in Chechnya at the request of Ramzan Kadyrov. Boris Moiseev recently dispelled the myth about his sexual orientation. A film was released on television in which the singer openly says that it was all a crazy PR stunt, which, however, helped him a lot. In fact, the singer is straight.

Sergey Penkin

Famous gays of show business, who are they? We should not forget about the singer and musician, who for a long time was ranked among the ranks of sexual minorities. He was born in an ordinary working family back in 1962, from a very young age he sang in the church choir and studied at a music school. It may be interesting that Sergei entered Gnesinka eleven (!) times, which he nevertheless graduated with a class pop vocals. His voice is amazing because it covers four octaves. The singer himself stood on stage along with Viktor Tsoi, Toto Kutno and young man There have always been a lot of rumors around, but the most persistent of them: Penkin is gay. To this, the singer once said: “I’m not very pleased when I am included in groups of those whom I actually am not. I never allowed anyone to get into my personal life!” With just such a couple of sentences, all the myths about his sexual orientation were dispelled.


No less famous gays in show business are the Tatu group. Although it is not correct to call girls gays, rather lesbians. This is what a huge number of people thought at one time. In fact, the girls, as it turned out, are representatives of the most straight orientation, and the group and images are just a successful PR stunt, which, by the way, appealed to the taste of not only domestic but also foreign viewers. Everything was confirmed by pregnancy and quite high-profile romances With famous guys Russian stage Yulia Volkova.

Evgeniy Mironov

What other show business stars are gay? As for the film industry, the representative of sexual minorities turned out to be courageous and handsome actor Evgeny Mironov. By the way, he is also the head of the Theater of Nations. The fact that a man belongs to such a narrow circle of people is confirmed by his close circle. Recently, there have been active rumors that a man entered into a homosexual marriage with, but this information turned out to be incorrect.

A few more men

What other men are gay? In show business abroad, these are actor John Travolta, football player Cristiano Ronaldo, actor and friend of Leo DiCaprio Bradley Cooper (both actors, by the way, are called gay, but they are actively trying to refute this fact), the same applies to Hugh Jackman.

A person who is different from others often has a hard time - society rarely treats other people's characteristics calmly. What was it like for homosexuals in the Soviet Union, where there was criminal prosecution of gays... The orientation of many creatively gifted people in the USSR became the cause of their tragedies...

Rudolf Nureyev

The great dancer, the ballet legend, was unbearable to communicate with. But because of his talent and, most importantly, his willpower, he was forgiven for his intolerable character. However Soviet power the ballet genius was annoying, and what they definitely couldn’t forgive him for was his sexual orientation.

During the tour of the Kirov (Mariinsky) Theater troupe in Paris, KGB surveillance was sent for Nureyev, which confirmed that “Rudolf Khamitovich, despite preventive conversations, meets with homosexuals».

After the Paris concerts, the troupe flew to London, but Nureyev was told to return to the Union - supposedly to perform in the Kremlin. Of course, the dancer understood that it was not an ovation awaiting him at home, and he was right: Nureyev was sentenced in absentia to prison with confiscation of property.

At the Paris airport, a couple of hours before departure, Nureyev made the legendary “leap to freedom,” escaping from his escorts and literally falling into the hands of French police. Later, Nureyev successfully beat this jump in his games.

In Europe, 32 years of free life awaited Nureyev: he toured, gave 300 performances a year, won fans, grew rich - and loved. Nureyev was credited with connections with Yves Saint Laurent, actor Anthony Perkins (who also died of AIDS), ballet dancers and conductors.

Nureyev began to suspect his diagnosis in 1984 and took a blood test at the same time. HIV was confirmed, and diagnostics showed the presence of the virus in the blood for several years. At that time, very little was known about the disease: the dancer did not begin treatment immediately and took experimental medications, but still continued to decline year after year.

Nureyev danced as long as he had the strength, although his performances increasingly exhausted him, which caustic critics could not help but notice. IN recent years throughout his life he worked as a conductor. Nureyev died in Paris on January 6, 1993.

Georgy Millyar

"All evil spirits our cinematograph” - that’s what the actor called himself. Often in his films Millyar played several roles at once. For example, in “Vasilisa the Beautiful” he played both an old father and Baba Yaga, and in “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors” he played the chief master of ceremonies and the queen!

Georgy Millyar, née de Milieu, was born into a family of aristocrats - the French engineer Franz de Milieu and the heiress of the Irkutsk gold miner Elizaveta Zhuravleva, who was widowed when Georgy was three years old. The boy was raised by governesses and studied music and languages. Millyar was fluent in German and French languages, but in Soviet era didn't advertise it.

In 1917, he and his mother were left without funds, their Moscow apartment was turned into a communal apartment, allocating one room to the family, and the house in Gelendzhik, where the artist grew up, was taken away. After graduating from school, Georgy changed his surname Milieu so as not to raise unnecessary questions, and returned to Gelendzhik, where he spent his childhood.

There he made his debut on stage in a very unexpected way: having got a job at the theater as a props man, he once persuaded the management to let him replace the sick actress who played Cinderella! Millyar began working on stage, then moved to Moscow to the Theater named after. Mayakovsky, began auditioning for film roles and eventually began working with Row in his fairy tales, which brought fame to the artist. At the same time, Millyar continued to live with his mother in a communal apartment and did not have affairs.

There were various rumors surrounding the actor’s lack of personal life. Some attributed this to the trauma of his youth due to the betrayal of his first wife, others said that Millyar was not interested in marriage, since he knew that he could not have children. Of course, the actor was also credited with a love for men.

As a result, Millyar married at the age of 65 - to his neighbor in a communal apartment, with whom he had been friends for many years. Until the end of their lives, the couple maintained a warm relationship.

Yuri Bogatyrev

Denial of one's own nature has led famous actor to depression and, as a consequence, alcoholism. The artist, according to his friends and colleagues, began relationships with men, but this only tormented Bogatyrev, who was extremely sensitive to his peculiarity.

Successful works in cinema - “A Friend Among Strangers, a Stranger Among Our Own”, “An Unfinished Piece for a Mechanical Piano”, “Two Captains”, “Kinfolk” - did not make Bogatyrev happy. The actor was lonely, acutely worried about grievances, and struggled with his gentle nature.

As a result, the war with myself ended in defeat. Dependence on alcohol in combination with antidepressants caused a heart attack - Bogatyrev died at only 41 years old.

Sergei Parajanov

The famous Soviet director was bisexual: Parajanov was married twice, but did not deny relationships with men. At the same time, the director loved his women sincerely and tenderly, and his second wife supported Parajanov during his imprisonment.

In 1974, he was convicted under the article “Sodomy” and spent 4 years in prison. Four terrible years, during which he tried to commit suicide out of despair and the horrors of prison. The article of the convicted Parajanov left him no chance in the zone: the director was humiliated and tortured by his cellmates, his superiors starved him and forced him to do hard work. In prison, Parajanov fell ill with diabetes.

All this time, the director was actively supported by his famous colleagues and friends: Andrei Tarkovsky, Lilya Brik, Yuri Nikulin, Jean-Luc Godard, Federico Fellini, Luchino Visconti, Roberto Rossellini, Michelangelo Antonioni, Bernardo Bertolucci, Robert de Niro, John Updike, Irving Stone .

After his release, the director was prohibited from living in Moscow, Kyiv, Leningrad and Yerevan, so Parajanov returned to Tbilisi, where he was born and raised.

Gennady Bortnikov

It is known that in the mid-60s, during a theatrical tour in Paris, Bortnikov communicated with the famous choreographer Serge Lifar, the lover of philanthropist Sergei Diaghilev.

The actor’s colleagues were worried that this connection could affect Bortnikov’s career in his homeland, but he never gave any reason to discuss his personal life - he lived quietly and modestly. Although there were rumors in the theater community that in student years Because of his love for Bortnikov, his classmate committed suicide.

Domesticshow business stars are regularly suspected of homosexual tendencies.Maxim Galkin is credited with an affair with a comedianSergei Drobotenko, Oleg Menshikov - with a young actorNikita Tatarenkov. "Gay Rumors" Stick Around Valery Leontiev, Boris Moiseev, Sergei Penkin, Nikolai Baskov, Sergei Lazarev, Mitya Fomin... But not a single artist has ever openly admitted his sexual inclinations.

Around 2007 show business stars Dima Bilan a serious scandal broke out. Latvian media reported about the upcoming wedding Dima Bilan with a certain 27-year-old Rovens Pritula. It was reported that Dima Bilan I have a long-term romantic relationship with the guy. Myself Dima Bilan He immediately disowned the rumors.

- This is some kind of nonsense! - was indignant then Dima Bilan. – Who could have come up with something like this? Although I'm already used to rumors.

Meanwhile, the singer’s fans are still discussing his sexuality, because not a single affair of his with a girl has ever led to a trip to the registry office.

Fuck an old man and you'll have a song

A few years ago, they were accused of having special sympathy for people of non-traditional sexual orientation. show business star Mitya Fomina. This happened after the publication of his candid photographs, allegedly thrown onto the Internet by a former lover. In the pictures Mitya Fomin photographed completely naked.

Infamous horror theater director Gauguin Solntsev does not hide: many people in show business really prefer non-traditional relationships. Gauguin Solntsev says that he constantly receives intimate proposals from the powers that be.

“Young boys come from the periphery and, in order to appear on the screen, do everything they are told: they give you a dick, and they substitute your ass,” he says Gauguin Solntsev.– It’s very difficult to get through in any other way. I had a “wolf ticket” for several years when I refused intimacy with one very famous producer. TV channels stopped filming me; no one wanted to take my songs. I was perplexed: why is this happening? And then an acquaintance said to me: “Don’t you know that they already called and recommended that you not be on the air!” Nothing has changed since Soviet times. IN show business Not only is the gay theme widespread, but even... pedophilia. This is not talked about much, but it is true.

Gauguin Solntsev assures: several very famous artists achieved fame precisely thanks to their unconventional relationships.

- IN show business you have to choose: either moral principles or fame,” continues Gauguin Solntsev. – You will come, you will fuck the old man or he will fuck you, as was the example of our very famous artists, and you will become show business star, your song will be put into rotation. No song? You...beat him again - and you will have a song! Some artists become bi: they are attracted to girls, but they are forced to periodically sleep with men!

If you don't like gays, don't turn on the TV!

Critic Artemy Troitsky believes that there is a gay mafia on the stage that does not allow heterosexual artists to appear on the big screens. According to the critic, in Russian show business“being gay is fashionable and trendy.”

“I can say with absolute certainty that many heads of radio stations and television channels are not indifferent to this topic and are happy to promote artists with whom they have close intimate relationships,” said Artemy Troitsky. – This has not been a secret for a long time. How to get rid of gays on the stage? If a person doesn’t like fagots, he has every opportunity not to see them, since all these representatives of gay people exist on television. I don't watch music, so I don't see it Maxim Galkin, Dima Bilan, Boris Moiseev, Nikolai Baskov... They can be listed for a long time.

– What gay mafia? It's even funny! – another music critic wonders Sergey Sosedov. - Why then? Alexander Peskov was the release on Russian television ordered? And only after the intervention Alla Pugacheva His wonderful concert was shown on one of the central channels. This is for me Alexander Peskov told. No matter how talented a person is and no matter what orientation he is, he will not be shown anywhere without money. Now everything is decided by financial ties.

By the way, Sergey Sosedov one of the first to openly list the names of famous gays. In one of the interviews, he named familiar names to everyone: Sergey Lazarev, Valery Leontyev, Philip Kirkorov, Nikolay Baskov….

“I didn’t declassify anyone,” explains Sergey Sosedov. - Everyone knew about it. Why does this topic resonate so much? There have been many famous gays in history: military leaders, writers, and artists. Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great. And the entire male ballet, starting from Nijinsky and ending with Nuriev and Baryshnikov!

Fans show business stars they are perplexed: why don’t artists want to be sincere and don’t want to advertise their sexual orientation? Critic Sergey Sosedov I’m sure that artists are afraid of losing their main audience.

“The main audience of our artists is female,” explains Sergey Sosedov. – Girls who attend performances and concerts see their idol as an ideal man. They vote not for songs, but for the image of the hero. For what show business stars will they admit that they are gay? The romantic image will immediately disappear. Girls will understand that this man is busy and will stop going to his concerts! Only artists who have created their own image and who have something to say to the public are capable of such revelations. The rose must mature and bloom on its own. I think that we should expect real revelations only in a few years...

How can you tell if an artist is gay?

They are also given away by the way they dress: tight jeans of an expensive brand, a tight T-shirt, a baseball cap with a protruding forelock, highlighted hair, earrings in the ears, scarves tied around the neck, a silver ring on the little finger.

They adore their body: they often visit the solarium, beauty salons, gym...

They quickly marry after a short romance: usually after 35 years, often to a wealthy girl, and then do not have children together for a long time.

Dmitry Ilyinsky