Famous Japanese. The most talented Japanese actors Top most beautiful Japanese actors and singers

We are used to seeing mostly English-language films on TV or in cinemas, in which, you see, you rarely see a lovely girl with exotic Asian beauty. Few of us know Japanese or Chinese pop musicians and singers either. Unless oriental beauties-models have become familiar on the covers of glossy magazines.

We decided to compile a list of incomparably beautiful and not well-known stars from different corners Japan, South Korea, China and Hong Kong.

Ayumi Hamasaki

In her homeland she is considered the unofficial “Empress of Japanese pop music.” He is one of the most successful performers in the history of the Japanese music industry. The future star was raised mainly by her grandmother, who subsequently supported all the dreams of her beloved granddaughter, namely: to become a model (Ayumi did not get into the modeling world due to short), an actress and, finally, a singer. Ten years ago, Ayu, as she is also called, began having hearing problems - left ear completely stopped hearing. Nevertheless, the singer continues to sing, perform and release albums.

Erica Sawajiri

Japanese model, actress and singer. Her father is Japanese by origin, and her mother is Algerian French. Erica got into show business by accident - she wanted to get an autograph from her favorite star, so she auditioned for Stardust Productions, where beautiful girl I was immediately offered to become a model. Six months later, Erica was already featured in a television series. And in 2007, she released her debut single, which took first place on the Oricon Charts.

Maki Goto

Japanese singer, actress and former member of the country's very popular group Morning Musume. In 2002 started solo career, sings mainly in J-pop style.

Park Min Young

Popular actress in South Korea. Her most notable roles in television dramas include Sungkyunkwan Scandal, City Hunter, Healer, and Remember.

Bianca Bai

Actress and model of Taiwanese-Japanese origin. After graduating from Shi Hsin University, she went to work as a model and then became an actress. She was nominated by the Taiwanese Emmy for Best Actress in a Television Series in 2010.

Bae Soo Ji

Korean actress, model and singer. Better known by her cute nickname Susie. She started out as a model for online stores, then got into the music group miss A, and almost simultaneously began acting on television and in films. He holds the unofficial title of “The First Love of the Nation” due to his popularity in the country.

Lin Chiling

Taiwanese model and actress. Her incredibly fast ascent to the Taiwanese show business Olympus was even called the “Lin Chiling phenomenon.” The girl is also often called in the press “The First Person of Taiwan” due to her gentle beauty and gentle disposition.

Lynn Hong

The actress and model was born in China, but grew up and now works in Hong Kong. In 2009 she took 4th place among the highest paid models in Greater China. Recognized as the owner of the most beautiful breasts in Asia.

Zhang Ziyi

Perhaps one of the most famous actresses on our list to Western audiences. Chinese Zhang Ziyi gained popularity after the film “The Road Home”, and after the release of the film “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” she became a world-class actress.

Yang Jin Sung

South Korean young and promising actress. She made her debut in 2010 in the film " Wedding dress”, became popular after the release of the series “Bride of the Century”.

Park Shin-hye

South Korean actress who can dance, sing and pose. She became one of the most recognizable actresses in South Korea after the release of such hits as “You Are Beautiful,” “Heartstrings,” and “The Heirs.”

Fan Bingbing

By the way, you also probably saw this Chinese actress and singer if you watched the film “Iron Man 3” and the “X-Men” franchise. Fan Bingbing is known for her beauty, which is recognized by both the West and the East.

Japan is one of the most economically and technologically developed countries in the world. There are many famous Japanese who made invaluable contributions to such areas as business, politics, cinema, sports and science. Keep reading to know about some of them.


Sakichi Toyoda was a famous Japanese inventor and industrialist. He was born on February 14, 1867 into a family of carpenters. He patented the first wooden loom, which increased productivity by 40-50%. He perfected the first steam-powered loom. The most famous invention Sakichi is an automatic loom in which he implemented the principle full automation. He founded Toyota IndustriesCo. Ltd. He died of pneumonia on October 30, 1930.

Emperor Akihito.

Akihito is the current Emperor of Japan. In 1989 he became Emperor. He is the eldest son of Emperor Shouya and Empress Kojun. He was born on December 23, 1933. He studied with tutors. Subsequently he attended the School of Peers. In April 1959, Akihito married Michiko Shoda, a simple girl. They had three children - crown prince Naruito, Prince Akishino and Princess Nori. As Crown Prince, he traveled widely, visiting the United States, Canada, Great Britain and several Asian countries and South America. Akihito is an experienced marine biologist. He has also written articles about more early period Japanese Scientific History.


Fujita was a famous Japanese entrepreneur. He was born on March 3, 1926 in Osaka, Japan. He worked as an English translator during high school. He is the man who made the hamburger a Japanese symbol. He founded McDonald's Japan in 1971. McDonald's Japan today earns approximately four billion dollars. Lair died of cardiac arrest on April 21, 2004.


Anno is a famous Japanese animator and director. He was born on May 22, 1960 in Ube, Yamaguchi, Japan. In 1984 he created Gainax, a Japanese anime studio. He was the chief animator on two of the most popular anime films of the decade: Macross: Do You Remember Love? and Nausicaä: Valleys of the Wind.


Abe was a famous Japanese writer. He was born on March 7, 1924 in Kita, Tokyo. His works include "Kangaroo Notebook", "Women in the Dunes", "The Man Who Turned into a Stick", "Betrayed" Ice age Earth 4", "Secret Rendezvous", "Shattered Map" and "Box Man". On January 22, 1993 he died.

Sujiyama Ai.

Sujiyama is a famous Japanese tennis player. She was born on July 5, 1975 in Yakohoma, Japan. In 1993, she made her Grand Slam debut at Wimbledon and lost in the first round to Gigi Fernandez. In 1994, she won the Japanese Open and entered the list of top 100 tennis players. In 1995 she entered the top 50. In 1999, she made it to the singles finals in Japan. In 2000, she became the first Japanese woman to reach number one.

In front of the Emperor's Palace in Tokyo stands a monument to the fearless commander Kusunoki Masashige in armor riding on a war horse, ready to serve his master forever. The image of this samurai was actively used in Japan from 1868 until the end of World War II. And even now he remains the most likable person in the history of Japan. During the Great Pacific War, kamikaze squads chose Kusunoki Masashige as their patron saint, they considered themselves his spiritual heirs and sacrificed their lives for their homeland and the emperor, as Kusunoki Masashige did in his time. For his devotion to the Imperial throne, Kusunoki Masashige was nicknamed Prince Dainan.

Kusunoki Masashige (1294 - 1336) - an outstanding Japanese commander. He came from a noble and wealthy samurai family in the Kawachi province. His family had the right to mine cinnabar, which contains mercury, and sold the mined ore in Kyoto. Since childhood, Masashige participated in the military campaigns of his father, who often fought with his neighbors, and acquired indispensable military experience in these clashes. Back in early childhood his parents sent him to study at the Shingon School monastery, where he thoroughly studied military art yamabushi. Masashige then continued his military education under the guidance of a family that kept the secrets of classical military science China. From the combination of the art of fighting Yamabushi and Chinese military art, one of the most important schools of Japanese military science was born, which included ninjutsu. It was the most advanced school of martial arts in Japan. Kusunoki Masashige did not become a master hand-to-hand combat, but turned into a wonderful tactician and strategist. It was said about him that Kusunoki Masashige was able to control troops without leaving his tent. He was one of the most active participants in the Kemmu Restoration (1333-1336), and was appointed governor of the province of Kawachi. In 1336, at the Battle of Minatogawa, near present-day Kobe, Masashige's troops engaged the Ashikaga army. After many hours of battle, military luck began to lean towards Ashikaga. Then, leaving the battle, Masashige and his brother Masasue committed suicide, the brothers pierced each other with swords. More than seventy relatives and servants followed their example. Kusunoki Masashige went down in history as a symbol of unbreakable devotion to the imperial family and military talent.

In the history of Japan, Kusunoki Masashige is considered an outstanding expert in military science. There is a sword that is considered national treasure and which belonged to Kusunoki Masashige. This sword is called Koryu Kagemitsu, on its blade there are relief engravings, on one side there is a kurikara dragon, and on the other - Sanskrit signs. Kurikara represents a dragon wrapped around a sword and consists of the main deities of the Shingon school Dainichi Nyorai, Fudo Myo, and sea ​​dragon Kurikara-ryuo, who are united in body and spirit and entwine the sword of justice with evil faces. The Koryu Kagemitsu sword indicates that Kusunoki Masashige believed in Buddhism.

Japan- the land of the Rising Sun, separated from the continent by the Yellow and Seas of Japan world of exotics: kimono, bansai, geisha, samurai, hara-kiri, judo, sumo, anime, sake, sushi, Fuji, sakura,… in the end, Toyota and Mitsubishi. It seems this list can go on forever.

A land of contrasts, where latest achievements science and technology are adjacent to magnificent castles and temples from the samurai era.

The geographical isolation of the Japanese archipelago was determined by the character traits of its population: calmness and restraint, but at the same time enormous willpower (you must admit, not every one of us would decide to commit ritual hara-kiri as revenge worst enemy); a penchant for contemplation (it’s not for nothing that one of the favorite activities of the Japanese is “hanami” - watching the falling cherry blossoms), but at the same time a certain lightness and playfulness, which can be seen in the Japanese anime we all love.

The official religions of Japan are Shinto and Buddhism. In practice, it is quite difficult to determine any clear line between them, perhaps this is why the Japanese say that each of them is born a Shintoist and dies a Buddhist.

Japanese - a language spoken by about 125 million residents of Japan, as well as descendants of the Japanese who migrated in the first half of the 20th century. to other countries: to the USA, including Hawaiian Islands(more than 800 thousand), Brazil (approx. 400 thousand), Peru (more than 100 thousand), China, Canada, Argentina, Mexico, etc.

This language is mysterious, like Japan itself, its family ties have long been controversial; now most researchers recognize it as related to the Altai languages ​​- Korean, Tungus-Manchu, Mongolian, Turkic. There is a hypothesis about its relationship with Austronesian ( Malayo-Polynesian) languages. During the historical period, the Japanese language was significantly influenced Chinese language, and in recent decades - English.

Famous Japanese Stars: Takeshi Kitano, Haruki Murakami, Yasunari Kawabata, Junichiro Koizumi, Utada Hikaru.

Famous people of Japan:

- famous Japanese director, actor, screenwriter, as well as writer, poet and artist. He has starred in such films as “Johnny Mnemonic”, “Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence”, “Zatoichi”, “Kukijiro”, “Five of Five”, “Boiling Point”, “Tokyo Eyes”, “Battle Royale” and is also a director, screenwriter and editor of the films “Fireworks”, “Dolls”, “The Guys Are Coming Back”, etc.

Kurosawa Akira (1910–1998)

- Japanese film director, one of the leading representatives of the humanistic direction of art of the 20th century. World fame Kurosawa brought the film “Rashomon”, based on the works of R. Akutagawa “The Rashomon Gate” and “In the Thicket”. The film's innovative storytelling (the story of rape and murder is told from four different points of view) won the Grand Prix at the Venice Golden Lion Film Festival and the Academy Award for Best Foreign Film of the Year.

Murakami Haruki(born 1949)

- Japanese writer who gained great popularity in the West in recent years. In April 1974, he wrote his first novel, Hear the Wind Sing, which won the National Book Award for New Authors. This book, along with the novels "Pinball 73" and "Sheep Hunt", made up the "Rat Trilogy". In addition, we all know his novels such as “Norwegian Wood”, “Underground”, “My Beloved Companion” and “The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle”.

Takada Kenzo(born 1940)

- a brilliant oriental designer, whom everyone knows only by name and is called “the most European of all Japanese fashion designers.” Kenzo's favorite motifs are flowers and leaves, and even his most famous perfumes are in a leaf bottle. The designer loves prints in the form of animal skins, variations on the tartan theme and bold color combinations. Takada introduced simple, even slightly childish silhouettes into fashion - knee-length shorts, mini-coats, sweater dresses, huge berets and, of course, kimono sleeves. The national Japanese costume generally became the initial basis for the designer’s work, but Kenzo drew inspiration not only from the history of the kimono. In his work, he reinterprets Spanish boleros, traditional Austrian jackets, Indian trousers, and Chinese tunics. Today, Kenzo is considered “the only Master who can weave into a single stylistic thread all the nuances of perception that a person possesses.”

Kawabata Yasunari (1899–1972)

- one of the most talented Japanese writers of the twentieth century. His stories and novels “Beasts and Birds”, “Snow Country”, “The Thousand-Winged Crane” and others have been translated into many languages ​​and enjoy the constant love of readers. In 1968 he was awarded Nobel Prize for "writing skill that expresses with great feeling the essence of Japanese thought."

is a J-pop singer who is now popular in Japan, as well as among anime fans around the world. Writes songs in Japanese and English languages. Her first album, First Love, sold 9 million copies in Japan. In addition, Utada is also known in the United States under the pseudonym

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