How many years did Abdulov live with his last wife? Alexandra Abdulov's widow Yulia: If Sasha's illegitimate son turns up, I won't mind! Higher and higher

You don't have to explain who he is Alexander Abdulov. He was so popular that students from other cities saved up their scholarship money for months to buy a train ticket to Moscow and stand near the service entrance to wait for the living Abdulov to pass. Women from 13 to 93 years old loved him, all of them. “Golden boy”, “sex symbol” - whatever his name was. He didn’t consider himself any kind of gold, he said “I’m a hooligan in in a good way words".

Abdulov did not consider himself a sex symbol and wanted to be perceived only as an actor. However, after his first leading role - in the film "An Ordinary Miracle" - he had a whole army fans Abdulov did not like to talk about his personal life. He was and remains the ideal man: stately, bright, romantic, with incredible energy. People fell in love with Alexander Abdulov to the point of self-denial, they adored him, and he reciprocated the women’s feelings...

The image of a male knight, which Alexander Abdulov has embodied all these years on stage and in films, still awes the fair half of our country. Thousands of women are still in love with the actor to this day.

But the girl Natasha from Fergana was the first to win Abdulov’s heart.

Because of Natasha he ran away from home

In Fergana, almost all of her classmates were in love with young Sasha Abdulov. Of course, he sang Beatles songs so well with a guitar. Moreover, despite his hooligan character, Alexander behaved like a real gentleman in relation to the girls and never offended them. They themselves made dates for him, invited him to the cinema, to dance.

For the first time, Alexander truly fell in love at the age of 14 - with his classmate Natalya Nesmeyanova. The sympathy turned out to be mutual, although sometimes the lovers fought.

After such quarrels, Sasha often asked us to call Natasha and tell her how good he is and that they urgently need to make peace,” Abdulov’s childhood friend Rustam Madaliev told KP. - He was always very worried about their scandals. Once Sashka had a serious quarrel with Natasha and even ran away from home. Spent the night on the sports ground. And we fed Sasha with sandwiches that his mother Lyudmila Aleksandrovna prepared

Abdulov (bottom left) invited his first love Natasha Nesmeyanova (pictured above) to Moscow with him

He came to her when he was already in his first year at GITIS. He appeared all dressed up, with a bouquet of flowers. “Guys,” he says, “I’m going on a date with Natasha. Check out my suit and shirt." He really looked stunning, but his sandals didn't look right with his new suit. I remember the whole house was looking for other shoes for him. It was difficult to find, its size is huge. He went to see her. He came gloomy. He invited her with him, but she refused to go.

Natalya got married and left for Volgograd, where she now lives with her husband Sergei Rogozin and son Evgeniy. She has been married for almost 35 years and says that she and her husband live very happily.

You know, when I saw him in the movies, I still recognized my classmate Sashka Abdulov in the nationally famous artist. His movie characters have the same antics, gait, and expression in their eyes that Sasha had in childhood. He even gestured with his hands the same way as at school.

Have you ever regretted that you didn’t follow Abdulov to Moscow?

We were children. How can you do such a stupid thing! Although he called, it was like a joke; his proposal was not seriously considered.

When did Abdulov become famous artist, have you met?

He came to Volgograd with the theater. My husband bought flowers, tickets, and we went to the show. I went to Sasha’s dressing room. We talked for about fifteen minutes... Sasha introduced me to his wife, Irina Alferova. A charming woman, such nice people are rare to meet, she was almost without makeup, very natural. I told Sasha: “Abdulov, you always had good taste”...

Her name was Tatyana

1973 Abdulov, who dreamed of an acting career, entered GITIS on his second attempt. Tatyana was a medical student and worked part-time at a maternity hospital on Taganka. Alexander first saw Tatiana at a student disco.

The romance with a tall, slender blonde developed rapidly - because of his hobby, Alexander often missed classes, but as an excuse he always brought a certificate of illness. One day in the dean’s office they noticed the stamp that was on the certificates - there was a maternity hospital stamp there! A scandal broke out, and at a Komsomol meeting the question of Abdulov’s expulsion from the institute was raised.

However, the first time they forgave him and limited themselves to issuing a severe reprimand, and Alexander, as soon as the meeting ended, rushed to dear Tatyana.

An unpleasant surprise awaited Sasha: he found his beloved girl in the arms of an unknown man. What he saw so impressed the impressionable young man that, upon returning to the hostel, he opened his veins.

It was an accident that saved the day: Abdulov’s classmate Alexander Myagchenkov returned from class early that day because one of the teachers was sick. Myagchenkov and his friend broke down the door to the room, and Abdulov was saved.

After this incident, Alexander did not meet with Tatyana again. She still works in that same maternity hospital, but refuses any comments about her past. Abdulov himself spoke about that story: “He was a fool!”

American spy

After an unsuccessful romance, Alexander plunged headlong into his studies, and it bore fruit - the bright student was noticed by Lenkom director Mark Zakharov and invited him to join the troupe of the famous theater. Oleg Yankovsky, Inna Churikova, Tatyana Peltzer, Evgeny Leonov had already worked there... Abdulov became a star after the first performance (“He wasn’t on the list”).

U young actor instantly a mass of fans appeared, who were on duty at the exit of the theater, filling up mailbox love notes and dreamed of meeting their idol.

Abdulov became interested in a young beautiful American woman, Karen (he called her Katya), vice-president of a large Moscow bank. The romance, as usual, was stormy and passionate, things were heading towards a wedding, but one day Abdulov was summoned to the KGB. State security officials asked the actor to obtain the information they needed through Katya. Alexander refused and found the strength to break off relations with beautiful girl. Soon Katya was declared a CIA agent and expelled from the USSR.

“Don’t part with your loved ones”

With each new film, the number of Alexander’s admirers grew exponentially. Abdulov ignored the hysteria around him - his heart was occupied by the beautiful Irina Alferova, who came to work at Lenkom in 1976.

With his characteristic passion, Alexander confessed his feelings to Irina, but, to his great surprise, she did not immediately reciprocate. Shortly before meeting Alexander, the actress broke up with her loved one - Bulgarian businessman Boyko Gyurov - and alone raised her daughter Ksenia, born in 1974.

But Abdulov fell in love for real and was ready to wait for the favor of the desired woman as long as necessary.

Irina Alferova - femme fatale in Abdulov's life. After divorcing her, the actor vowed that he would never marry again.

He received consent to marriage during the Lenkom tour in Yerevan. Alexander invited Irina for a walk in the park and proposed to her. “If you carry me across the entire park in my arms, I’ll answer!” - said Irina. Alexander fulfilled her request without hesitation.

Returning to Moscow, Alexander and Irina officially registered their relationship and secretly got married. Abdulov adored Irina’s daughter Ksenia and raised her as his own. The actor acted a lot, played leading roles in the theater, and after a few years he was given a one-room apartment. He was enthusiastically engaged in renovations and arranging a corner for Ksenia.

Together with Irina, Alexander experienced a family drama: when the actor was only 27 years old, his father Gabriel Danilovich Abdulov died, and two months later Alexander’s brother Vladimir was killed...

Abdulov himself was on the verge of death: an attempt was made on his life near his apartment. A fan in love with Alferova threw a massive ax at the actor. Abdulov was saved by his intuition - he looked back and managed to jump to the side.
The Abdulov-Alferov couple was considered the most beautiful and happiest in Soviet cinema.

However, the characters of Irina and Alexander turned out to be too different: Irina was always distinguished by a calm disposition, while Abdulov was a gambling person, adored noisy companies, was always rushing somewhere, striving for something, skydiving, scuba diving, horseback riding, playing cards and roulette, easily attracted by beautiful women... Calm family life was not for him. After living together for 17 years, Abdulov and Alferova decided to leave.

Alexander left his wife and daughter an apartment, and for several years he huddled in the dressing room of his native Lenkom. Surprisingly, Abdulov did not officially break off his marriage with Alferova almost until his death: the actor asked for a divorce only in 2007, after the birth of his daughter Zhenechka.

Faithful friends

After breaking up with Irina, a young ballerina Galina Lobanova appeared in Abdulov’s life. She was able to keep the actor near her for eight whole years.

Perhaps she would have lived with the popular actor even longer if she had not insisted on an official marriage: Abdulov categorically refused to put a new stamp in his passport.

The break with Galina was long and painful - Alexander deliberately overloaded himself with work in order to be at home less often. As with the first breakup, he nobly left Galina a large apartment in the center of Moscow and a car.

I have never cheated on the women I love. It’s just that our relationship with Galya has exhausted itself,” Abdulov once admitted in an interview.

Young journalist Larisa Steinman helped Abdulov survive the depression that came after his breakup with Galina - she came to borrow from people's artist interview and won him over not only with her beauty, but also with her intelligence and tact.

Paradoxically, Alexander, who always disliked representatives of the press, lived with the “shark of the pen” for two years. Larisa turned out to be jealous, the couple often quarreled loudly... After one of the scandals, Abdulov changed the locks in his apartment - this is how he put an end to his relationship with Larisa.

But even before Alferova, Alexander was passionately in love with dancer and actress Tatyana Leibel, with whom he maintained good relations until the end. Leibel emigrated to Canada, but sometimes came to Russia and met with Abdulov.

Dancer Tatyana Leibel met him when he was still unknown to anyone. According to her, he was a very romantic suitor.

He and I had amazing love! Such love that all of Moscow was jealous and went crazy! It was such a crazy relationship! Maybe envy ruined this love. We loved each other all the time. Regardless of any women... I know them all. He introduced me to everyone, except... I don’t really know his last wife, Yulia. On the 60th birthday of actor Nikonenko, Sasha introduced me to her. Beautiful girl. When I found out that she gave birth to a child, I said, well done for getting married. We had a good relationship with him until his last breath.

Last love

At the beginning of 2006, a pretty young brunette began to be noticed next to Abdulov. Alexander Gavrilovich introduced her as his niece, but already in February at the Spirit of Fire festival (the actor was one of the founders of the film forum), Abdulov stopped hiding the truth and called Yulia his bride.

Enough big difference at the age (22 years old) the lovers were not embarrassed. A new feeling inspired Abdulov, who had not been feeling entirely healthy for several years - everyone knew what torment a stomach ulcer was causing him.

In the spring of 2007, Alexander and Yulia had a daughter, Zhenechka. This event changed Abdulov incredibly. He affectionately called his baby “Slippers.”

The actor’s theater colleague Alexander Karnaushkin recalls: “We were sitting in the same dressing room, and I remember how he constantly called, asked, and lisped. He was so touching at that moment...”

A few months after the birth of his daughter, Abdulov went to star in the film “With Love from Nowhere, or Merry Funeral.” According to the script, Abdulov's hero dies of cancer at the end of the film. Alexander didn’t believe in omens - it’s just a role!

Having completed work in the film, Abdulov enthusiastically began filming his own project “Vykrest”. Filming took place in Crimea - heat, overload... The actor became ill right on the set, and he was taken by ambulance to the hospital. The emergency stomach surgery was successful, but during the operation, doctors discovered much more serious problems with Abdulov. The actor secretly flew to Israel and there he learned a terrible diagnosis - stage four lung cancer. There is no chance of salvation.

Alexander believed in his lucky star and hoped for a miracle until the very end. “Sasha reassured us all the time,” recalls his friend Leonid Yarmolnik. “He treated this illness like a runny nose, like a cold, although he knew that he was hopeless.”

Julia was next to Alexander until the last day, called his friends, asked to visit the actor. The table in the house was set every day full program: Abdulov was always an incredibly hospitable, generous host and adored his guests.

Alexander did not leave a will.

“Sasha believed that everything would be fine,” said Yulia. “How many times in his life did stories happen when he was on the brink, but he always came out victorious.”

Daughter Zhenechka

Alexander Gavriilovich Abdulov. Born on May 29, 1953 in Tobolsk - died on January 3, 2008 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, film director. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1986). People's Artist of the RSFSR (1991).

Father - Gavriil Danilovich Abdulov (March 25 (April 7) 1908 - February 24, 1980), was a director at the local theater, having moved there from Fergana. After the war, Abdulov's father was informed that his first wife and son were missing, so he married a second time.

Mother - Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Abdulova (born 1921).

In 1956, the family returned to Fergana.

Alexander Abdulov was youngest son. He had two older brothers: a half-brother (from his mother’s first marriage) Robert Krainov (1940 - December 4, 2011) and Vladimir Abdulov (1947-1980; killed by hooligans). There was also a paternal brother, Yuri Abdulov (1932-2007).

Alexander Abdulov first appeared on the theater stage at the age of five in the play “ Kremlin chimes» Fergana Drama Theatre.

However, to acting career he didn't try. At school he went in for sports and received the title of Candidate Master of Sports of the USSR in fencing. In addition, he was interested in music.

After graduating from school, Alexander, at the insistence of his father, tried to enter the Shchepkin Theater School, but was unsuccessful. Returning from Moscow, he entered the Faculty of Physical Education at the Fergana State Pedagogical Institute. At the same time, he worked in his father's theater as a stagehand.

A year later, Alexander Abdulov entered GITIS, taking the course of I. M. Raevsky.

Alexander Abdulov in his youth

In 1975, the chief director of the Moscow Lenin Komsomol Theater (Lenkom) Mark Zakharov invited Alexander Abdulov to the troupe, noting his performance in the graduation performance. Abdulov was offered main role Lieutenant Pluzhnikov in the play based on the story by B. L. Vasiliev “Not on the Lists.” For this role he was awarded the "Theatrical Spring" award.

Since then, all further theatrical career Abdulova was inextricably linked with Zakharov’s theater. Among his most famous theatrical works is his role in the famous Lenkomov play “Juno and Avos”.

For his role in the play “The Barbarian and the Heretic,” based on Dostoevsky’s novel “The Gambler,” he was awarded the “Crystal Turandot”, the K. S. Stanislavsky Foundation award, and was also awarded a diploma from the International native theater flax fund named after E. Leonov.

Works of Alexander Abdulov at the Lenkom Theater:

1975 - “Not on the lists” by B. Vasiliev; director M. Zakharov - Lieutenant Pluzhnikov;
1976 - “The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta” by A. Rybnikov; director M. Zakharov - Joaquin;
1976 - “Hamlet” by W. Shakespeare; director A. Tarkovsky - Marcellus;
1979 - " Cruel Games» A. Arbuzova - Nikita;
1981 - “Juno and Avos” by A. Rybnikov; director M. Zakharov - Fernando Lopez, Man of the Theater, Burning Heretic;
1983 - “Optimistic tragedy” Sun. Vishnevsky - Siply;
1984 - “Dear Pamela”;
1986 - “Dictatorship of Conscience” by M. Shatrov - Verkhovensky;
1986 - “Hamlet” by W. Shakespeare; director G. A. Panfilov - Laertes;
1989 - “Funeral Prayer” by G. Gorin - Menachem-Mendl;
1990 - “School for emigrants” by D. Lipskerov - Trubetskoy;
1997 - “The Barbarian and the Heretic” (based on Dostoevsky’s “The Gambler”) - Alexey Ivanovich;
2005 - “Eclipse” (based on “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”) - McMurphy (also director of the play);
2005 - “Marriage” - Kochkarev (played in the premiere shows of the play);
“Everything passes”;
"School with a theatrical bias";
"The Executioner's Lament" - The Executioner.

In 1993, Alexander Abdulov organized and headed the Zadvorki festival, most of the proceeds from which were directed to charitable purposes. For example, through the efforts of Alexander Abdulov and the team of the Lenkom Theater, as well as famous pop artists and rock musicians invited to the festival, it was restored and transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Putinki, which is located next to the Lenkom Theater.

Alexander Abdulov sang well. His compositions often became Soviet hits.

Alexander Abdulov - From the first to the thirteenth

He made his film debut in 1969 in the film “Gold”, playing a small role - a partisan.

He began to actively appear on screen in the early 1970s and quickly won the love of viewers. In 1974, while still a student, he played a cameo role as Marine Kozlov in Mikhail Ptashuk’s film “About Vitya, about Masha and marines».

Alexander Abdulov came to wide fame only after the role of the Bear in the television film “An Ordinary Miracle” (1978), directed by Mark Zakharov based on the play of the same name by Evgeniy Schwartz.

Alexander Abdulov in the film "An Ordinary Miracle"

The next success was Pavel Arsenov’s melodrama based on A. Volodin’s play “Don’t Part With Your Loved Ones” (1979), in which Abdulov played the main male role, Mitya, and the main female role was played by his wife, Irina Alferova.

Among Abdulov’s most famous acting works are Nikita in the film “Carnival” by Tatiana Lioznova, Robert from Alla Surikova’s eccentric detective story “Look for a Woman,” and the lyrical hero Ivan from the film “Sorcerers.”

Alexander Abdulov in the film "Carnival"

Alexander Abdulov in the film "Sorcerers"

He was an artist of wide creative range. Alexander Abdulov starred in many comedies - “The Most Charming and Attractive”, “For Beautiful Ladies!”, “Formula of Love”, “That Same Munchausen”. Also in dramas - “Keep Me, My Talisman” and “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk” by Roman Balayan, “Over Dark Water” by Dmitry Meskhiev.

His work in crime-adventure and detective films was successful - “The Secrets of Madame Wong”, “Ten Little Indians” by Stanislav Govorukhin. Finally, in historical costume films he also showed himself with the best side, for example, in the film “Midshipmen, forward!” Svetlana Druzhinina.

Alexander Abdulov in the film "Formula of Love"

In general, the most successful acting works of Alexander Abdulov were associated with the films of Mark Zakharov and the films of Sergei Solovyov, which became a notable event in the 1980-1990s.

In 1991, Abdulov began collaborating with director Viktor Sergeev, and their first film, the picaresque detective story “Genius,” turned out to be one of the most interesting films of those years and became one of the leaders in video distribution of domestic films.

Alexander Abdulov in the film "Genius"

The crime melodrama “Strange Men of Semyonova Ekaterina” did not go unnoticed, where Natalya Fisson and Andrei Sokolov starred together with Alexander Abdulov. Another film by Viktor Sergeev is “Schizophrenia,” for which Abdulov himself wrote the script, and Alexander Korzhakov was a consultant, which was released in 1997, alas, did not become an event.

Unconditional success in creative biography The actor became the role of Koroviev in the 2005 television series “The Master and Margarita” by Vladimir Bortko.

Alexander Abdulov in the film "The Master and Margarita"

In total, he starred in 112 films.

good physical training allowed Abdulov to do without doubles in almost all his films.

In 2000, Alexander Abdulov made his directorial debut in feature films. He directed the musical “The Town Musicians of Bremen” based on the famous fairy tale. Earlier, in 1990, he shot the semi-documentary film “Backyards 3, or the Temple must remain a temple.”

With the direct participation of Alexander Gavrilovich, the Moscow International Film Festival was revived, general director which Abdulov was for several years, starting in 1995.

In 1991, he took part in the last episode of the capital show “Field of Miracles” with Vladislav Listyev.

He was a co-host of the TV program “Natural Selection” on the REN TV channel.

Abdulov quite often participated in the jury of the Major League of KVN, twice - in 2005 and 2006 he was a member of the jury of the KVN festival "Voting KiViN".

Illness and death of Alexander Abdulov

At the end of August 2007, Alexander Abdulov was operated on in a Sevastopol clinic for a perforated ulcer. A few hours after the operation, he began to have serious heart problems. Abdulov spent six days in intensive care, after which he was sent to the Bakulev Moscow Cardiocenter. The flight had a negative impact on the actor’s body. Three days later there was a sharp deterioration.

At the beginning of September, Abdulov arrived in Israel, where at the Ichilov clinic he was diagnosed with the fourth (incurable) stage of lung cancer. Both Russian and Israeli doctors came to the conclusion that lung cancer was caused by many years of smoking.

On January 3, 2008 at 7:20 Moscow time, Alexander Abdulov died at the age of 54 at the Bakulev Center for Cardiovascular Surgery.

On January 5, 2008, from 11:00 to 13:45, a civil memorial service and farewell to Alexander Abdulov were held at the Lenkom Theater. The funeral service for A. Abdulov took place in the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Putinki on Malaya Dmitrovka. On the same day, at 15:00, Alexander Abdulov was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow (next to site No. 12).

On May 29, 2009, a monument was unveiled at the grave of Alexander Abdulov at the Vagankovskoye cemetery, which is a block of gray-white granite, on the left edge of which a white marble cross rises. A slab with the image of A. Abdulov is mounted in the block. Photo taken from screen tests for the role of Lancelot in M. Zakharov’s film “Kill the Dragon.” The letters with the name Alexander Abdulov are laid out in the form of steps going up. The author of the monument is sculptor Vladimir Matyukhin. The main idea of ​​the design belongs to the widow Yulia Abdulova and his close friend Leonid Yarmolnik.

Alexander Abdulov - Romance with life

Alexander Abdulov's height: 188 centimeters

Personal life of Alexander Abdulov:

First serious relationship Abdulov had while studying at a theater university. His beloved name was Tatyana, she studied at a medical institute and worked part-time in a maternity hospital. Because of his dates with her, Alexander often skipped classes, but the actor never had problems with certificates. True, one day the dean’s office noticed the maternity hospital’s seal and, after the scandal, they even wanted to expel Abdulov.

But things didn’t work out with Tatyana - he found his beloved in the arms of another. The betrayal shocked him so much that he opened his veins. He was saved by an accident: his roommate returned and broke down the door.

As a close friend of Abdulov’s actor said, Tatyana gave birth to a son. Abdulov found out about this when he and Tatyana met a few years later. “He came to her house and saw that at the end of the corridor a little boy, a little “Abdul”, who looked incredibly like him, ran out at the end of the corridor,” Martirosyan recalled. Tatyana admitted to him that this baby is Abdulov’s son. But the actor reacted negatively and did not communicate with the girl. According to Georgy Martirosyan, Tatyana did not bother him with her requests.

He then had an affair with an American woman named Karen. He called her Katya. The girl worked in Moscow at a representative office of a foreign bank. The romance was stormy and passionate, and Alexander even wanted to get married, but his plans were thwarted by the KGB. Karen was eventually expelled from the USSR.

Alexander Abdulov and Karen

Then Abdulov met. They met at the Lenkom Theater in 1976. Abdulov was already playing in this theater at the time they met. That year they staged “The Star and Death of Joaquín Murietta,” where Alexander Gavriilovich shone. And the young but already well-known actress Irina Alferova came to the theater.

On the Lenkom tour in Yerevan, Alexander proposed to Irina. She jokingly told the loving Romeo that if you carry me in your arms across the entire park, I will answer. He did it. And Irina, without hesitation for a second, agreed to marry him.

The actor’s mother Lyudmila Aleksandrovna said: “When Sasha was 23 years old, in 1976, he married Ira Alferova. As I remember now, I once called him, and he said: “Mom, I’m marrying actress Alferova, and we already have a child. Come!". My husband and I went to children's store, bought a huge doll and rushed to the capital. At that time, Sasha had just received from the theater a two-room apartment in Moscow near Sokolniki Park. We arrived there with Gavriil Danilovich, he introduced us to Ira and Ksyusha, her daughter from her first marriage. But from the very first day Sasha accepted Alferova’s daughter as his own. I immediately liked Ira, she was already famous at that time, I really liked the film with her participation, “Walking Through Torment.” They’ll go on tour, but they’ll leave Ksyushka to me, I tried to help them with everything.”

Irina always had a calm disposition, while Alexander was passionate, loved noisy companies, and was easily attracted to beautiful women. A quiet family life was not for him. After living together for 17 years, Abdulov and Alferova decided to leave.

Alexander left his wife and adopted daughter Ksyusha’s apartment, and for several years he huddled in the dressing room of his native theater. However, he was still officially married. Abdulov asked for a divorce when he learned that his next chosen one was expecting a child. But that will come a little later.

And immediately after breaking up with Alferova, he had an 8-year relationship with ballerina Galina Lobanova.

After breaking up with Galina Lobanova, the actor had an affair with a young journalist Larisa Steinman. She came to interview the artist and immediately captivated him with her beauty and intelligence.

From 2003 to 2005, the actor lived in a civil marriage with Saratov actress Victoria Lanovskaya, who was 27 years younger than him.

Lanovskaya said: “We met in the fall of 2003. A friend was celebrating her birthday, and Abdulov was among the guests. A handsome man! He joked and sang. When I told him that I also wanted to act in films, he gave me his mobile number. We called each other for six months, until Sasha didn’t say, “Get ready and come to my house. Take your portfolio with you." I was scared because I had heard so much gossip about Abdulov the womanizer, how he rushes at women right out of the gate. Everything turned out to be the opposite. Sasha behaved politely and gallantly. He cooked scrambled eggs and treated him to cognac.

Intimate relationships started a week later. We visited him at home with friends. The guests left in the morning, and we were left alone. Here Sasha showed persistence, but I did not resist, because I had already fallen in love a long time ago. In the morning, no one brought coffee to anyone in bed. We drank a glass cold water- and make love again! There wasn't even enough time for breakfast.

The difference of 27 years did not frighten him. Every morning he asked me about this. But regular guests, feasts, restaurants, presentations. He also smoked a lot. He once tried to quit and gained 10 kilograms in two weeks. It didn't work out for us. When I got tired of all this, I moved to my own apartment, and then moved to Europe for a year and a half. I didn’t even know that Sasha died.”

Victoria Lanovskaya - ex-lover Alexandra Abdulova

Last love The actor became Yulia Meshina.

In 2007, the couple had a daughter, Evgenia. And a year and a half after the wedding, Abdulov died.

It is known about Yulia Meshina that while studying at Odessa University, she got married at the age of 17. Julia became pregnant, but her husband was not ready to become a dad, and besides, he went on a spree. The girl did not forgive the betrayal and went to Moscow to visit her cousin Ksenia.

In the capital, she became closely acquainted with producer Igor Markov, who was promoting the aspiring singer Lera Maskva. A year and a half later, Yulia left him. She got a job as an office manager for Shabtai Kalmanovich, at that time he sponsored the then aspiring singer Zemfira. Constantly communicating with artists, Yulia met the singer Trofim, who became her next man. In 2001, Trofim dedicated the song “Bullfinches” to her. However, things didn’t work out for Meshina with Trofim either.

After Abdulov’s death, there was talk that Zhenya was not his daughter. Thus, Abdulov’s former lover, actress Victoria Lanovskaya, once said: “I didn’t hold a candle, but I give one hundred percent that this is definitely not Sasha’s child. I lived with him for almost two years and tried unsuccessfully to get pregnant, although both he and I were much more younger. But Sasha was a wise man. Perhaps all this suited him, especially when he found out that he would soon pass away."

However external resemblance Evgenia and Alexander Abdulov leave no doubt that he is her father.

There were also rumors that doctors in Odessa performed in vitro fertilization on Abdulov’s wife. It is known that Alexander Gavriilovich doted on his little daughter.

After the death of the actor, Julia went out accompanied by different men, whom secular reporters instantly attributed to her as her lovers.

All women of Alexandra Abdulov

Filmography of Alexander Abdulov:

1969 - Gold - partisan
1973 - Near these windows... - Sasha, a young sailor (uncredited)
1973 - About Vitya, about Masha and the Marine Corps - paratrooper Kozlov
1974 - Moscow, my love - groom
1974 - Vera and Fedor - Fedor
1976 - Golden River - Boris Rogov
1976 - Seventy-two degrees below zero - Lyonka Savostikov
1976 - 12 chairs - Ernest Pavlovich Shchukin, engineer
1977 - Scarlet flower- The Beast and the Prince
1977 - Prison Escape - Nikolai Bauman
1977 - Front behind the front line - soldier (uncredited)
1978 - An Ordinary Miracle - Bear
1978 - The Captain's Daughter - Pyotr Grinev
1978 - Handsome Man - Pierre
1978 - Two in a new house - Sergei
1978 - Everything is decided by the moment - Varentsov, Nadya’s first coach
1979 - The meeting place cannot be changed - “Horse”, “Burnt”, driver in the “Black Cat” gang
1979 - That Munchausen - Heinrich Ramkopf
1979 - Don’t part with your loved ones - Mitya
1979 - Youth, vol. 2 (short story “The Green Doll”) - Smith
1980 - Sicilian Defense - Evgeny Borisovich Volkov, museum employee
1981 - Facts of the past day - Grigory Gavrilov
1981 - The Woman in White - Walter Hartright
1981 - Carnival - Nikita
1982 - Grenada - “Jolly”
1982 - Look for a woman - Robert de Charens
1982 - Sorcerers - Ivan Pukhov
1982 - Premonition of Love - Sergei
1982 - Saturday and Sunday - Dad
1982 - The House That Swift Built - Richard Simpson, Doctor
1982 - This fantasy world. Issue 7 - alien, actor
1983 - Kiss - Lobytko
1983 - Recipe for her youth - Gregor
1983 - Juno and Avos (teleplay) - flaming heretic / Fernando Lopez / Conchita's fiancé / theater man
1984 - Formula of Love - Jacob, assistant to Count Cagliostro, coachman
1984 - Two Hussars - Sashka
1985 - The most charming and attractive - Volodya Smirnov
1985 - In Search of Captain Grant - Bob Tar
1985 - Insurance agent - Vissarion Bulkin
1985 - Dear Pamela - Brad
1986 - Descended from Heaven - Sergei
1986 - Guard me, my talisman - Mitya Klimov
1986 - The Mysteries of Madame Wong - Dole
1986 - A cheerful chronicle of a dangerous journey - Shalom
1986 - Wedding is accused - an acquaintance of Gorin (uncredited)
1987 - Ten Little Indians - Anthony Marston
1987 - Midshipmen, forward! - Vasily Fedorovich Lyadashchev
1987 - Filer - Ivan
1988 - Kill the Dragon - Lancelot
1988 - Pocket Theater
1988 - Dictatorship of Conscience - Verkhovensky
1989 - Black rose - the emblem of sadness, red rose - the emblem of love - Vladimir
1989 - For beautiful ladies! - Gena
1989 - Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk - Seryozha
1989 - The Maid of Rouen, nicknamed Pumpkin - Mr. Tota, Prussian officer
1990 - Sons of bitches - Igor Gordynsky
1990 - Living Target - Yura
1990 - Humiliated and Insulted - Masloboev
1990 - Anecdotes - Vasily Kutuzov
1990 - Backyards 3, or the temple must remain a temple (concert film)
1991 - Genius - Sergei Vladimirovich Nenashev
1991 - The Sukhovo-Kobylin Case - Krechinsky
1991 - Siege of Venice - Prince Badritsky
1991 - House under the starry sky - Zhora, plumber
1992 - Strange men of Semyonova Ekaterina - Igor
1992 - Above Dark Water - Lion
1992 - Waiter with a golden tray - Lesha Udaltsov, waiter
1992 - Crazy Love - Viktor Shumsky, journalist
1992 - Gold - landsknecht Andreas
1993 - I’m to blame - Viktor Ivanovich
1993 - Nastya - Vladimir Ivanovich Teterin, district prefect
1993 - Sin. A story of passion - monk Sergei
1993 - Prison Romance - Artynov
1993 - Funeral prayer - Menachem-Mendl
1994 - Innocent - de Sainte-Pouange
1994 - Coffee with lemon - Valery Ostrovsky
1995 - Black Veil - Andrei Yakovlevich Rokshin
1995 - First love - Maidanov
1995 - Crusader - cameo
1997 - Schizophrenia - Ivan Golubchik (“Mute”)
1999 - Women's Property - Sazonov
2000 - Christmas mystery - puppeteer
2000 - Still pools - Anton Pavlovich Kashtanov, academician
2000 - Bremen Town Musicians & Co - Jester / Storyteller
2001 - Fatalists - Clifford Lynds
2001 - Next. Next (TV series) - Fyodor Palych Lavrikov (“Laurel”)
2001 - Yellow Dwarf - Vladimir Zharovsky, writer
2002 - Ice age- Igor Klepko
2002 - Next 2 (TV series) - Fedor Palych Lavrikov (“Laurel”)
2002 - Okay! - Arkady Sinikhin, artist
2003 - Tartarine from Tarascon - Bezuquet, pharmacist
2003 - And in the morning they woke up - Gloomy
2003 - Next 3 - Fedor Palych Lavrikov (“Lavr”)
2003 - About love - Grigory Stepanovich Smirnov
2004 - I love you - Alexander
2004 - Dream Factory - Avsharov
2005 - Barbarian and Heretic (television play) - Alexey Ivanovich
2005 - The Case of “Dead Souls” - Nozdryov
2005 - Adjutants of Love - Admiral Nelson
2005 - The Master and Margarita - Fagot-Koroviev
2006 - Park Soviet period- Zimin's friend
2006 - Polonaise by Krechinsky - Prince
2007 - Leningrad (TV series) - Chigasov
2007 - Artist - Alexander Bosyakin
2007 - Route (TV series) - Tembot
2007 - Trap - Mikhail Grigorievich Volobuev
2007 - Out of nowhere with love, or Merry funeral - Alik
2007 - Loser - Dmitry
2008 - From flame and light... - Mikhail Vasilievich Arsenyev
2009 - Anna Karenina - Stiva Oblonsky
2010 - Justice of Wolves - writer Volodya

Voiced by Alexander Abdulov:

1982 - Married Bachelor - Sergei Gorelov (role of Igor Yankovsky)
2007 - Trap - Mikhail Volobuev in his youth (the role of Stanislav Bondarenko)

Director's works of Alexander Abdulov:

1990 - Backyards 3, or the Temple must remain a temple
2000 - Bremen Town Musicians & Co
2007 - Loser

Vocals by Alexander Abdulov:

“Oh, I’ll drown in the Western Dvina...”, from the film “Genius”
"New Year's Gifts"
"Rock Weed"
"Twelve Days"
“Random Street”, duet with Aziza
"Without a stunt double"
"Dedication to Friends"
“Imagine”, from the film “Sorcerers”
“Sholom’s Song”, from the film “A Cheerful Chronicle of a Dangerous Journey”
“Dawn, Sunset”, duet with Tatyana Antsiferova

Bibliography of Alexander Abdulov:

2008 - I want to remain a legend

Young Zhenya Abdulova paid tribute to the memory of her famous father

On May 29, one of the most outstanding actors of Russian cinema, Alexander Abdulov, would have turned 60 years old. This year it is exactly five years since the People's Artist of the Russian Federation died of lung cancer. Today, despite the pouring rain, from the very morning, relatives, relatives, friends and admirers of his talent came to the actor’s grave and his monument at the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow.

People brought large armfuls of flowers, among which their favorite ones predominated yellow roses actor, and warmly remembered the tragically departed artist.

By noon, when after a long morning rain the weather suddenly cleared and the sun came out, Abdulov’s relatives and friends began to arrive at the cemetery - those who had been with Alexander throughout his life in moments of joy and sadness.

Of course, Abudulov’s mother, 92-year-old Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, was the first to arrive. The woman was brought by relatives. All the time the old woman sat on the chair carefully prepared for her and peered into the face of her beloved Sasha, engraved on the monument.

Lyudmila Abdulova had a difficult fate - she had to outlive all her sons (following Alexander, his older brother Robert passed away a year and a half ago). The old woman, broken by grief and sadness, spoke with special trepidation and tears in her eyes about her son Sasha, who never forgot her, helped and cared for her all his life until the very last day of his life.

But the main thing at the Abdulov memorial on the day of his anniversary was a six-year-old fair-haired girl - his own daughter Zhenechka. The girl came to the Vagankovskoye cemetery with her mother, Yulia Abdulova. Now Zhenya already understands who her dad was during his life, how he loved her and how the whole country grieved when he passed away five years ago. Zhenya went up to the monument, hugged her grandmother, and was silent. But a child is a child - soon the little girl was happily chatting and playing with her friend.

Abdulov's widow, Yulia, remained calm; after five years, she had already managed to get used to the pain of losing her husband. Yulia thanked everyone who came that day, and for a long time remembered how Abdulov valued his loved ones.

Each of her beloved husband’s friends bowed low at the monument to Alexander that day and expressed words of support to the actor’s mother and wife. In the front row were those closest to him: Leonid Yarmolnik - the one with whom Abdulov was calm, whom he trusted and with whom he was friends for many years. Producer Igor Krutoy arrived at the cemetery - Abdulov was also friends with him during his lifetime. Igor Yakovlevich arrived at the cemetery with several bouquets.

Two dozen people spent about forty minutes at Abdulov’s grave. And after the relatives left, a line of admirers of the talent reached out to the monument - each of them left flowers at the grave.

Alexander Abdulov is one of the most recognizable actors in Russian cinema. He was born in 1953, on May 29, in the coldest city in the Tyumen region - Tobolsk. Despite belonging to the Russian nation, some sources claim that Tatars were also present in Abdulov’s gene tree.

Childhood and adolescence

A talented actor could only be born into a creative family. The head of the family, Gabriel, devoted his entire life to directing, and his mother, Lyuda, was a costume and make-up artist. The Abdulov couple worked in the same theater.

At the age of three, Sasha and his family moved to Uzbekistan, to the town of Fergana. There, two years later, the younger Abdulov made his stage debut. Alexander did not have a particular passion for art. He was more interested in music and sports. He was very active, so his studies at school were not going well. In his youth, Abdulov Jr. learned to play the guitar. He made the first instrument himself. Alexander was also attracted to fencing, in which he rose to CCM.

His parents saw Sasha in the theater, so they insisted on his studying at the Theater School, where he did not pass the selection. Returning home from the capital, he submits documents to the Faculty of Physical Education of the Pedagogical Institute.

A year after failing to enter the Theater School, Alexander submits documents to GITIS. This time everything worked out successfully. The elder brothers of the future actor also tried themselves as an actor, but did not achieve much success.

Start of a career

Alexander Abdulov was a provincial, so conquering the capital was difficult for him. He wandered around the hostels and earned his living by unloading wagons at night. Abdulov was not upset, because he knew that any work would be rewarded sooner or later.

His first appearances in films took place in 1969, where he participated in the crowd in the film “Gold”. Later he takes a similar part in the film “Near These Windows.” After defending his diploma as a promising actor Mark Zakharov invites you to his theater.


During his career, Alexander took part in more than 100 films and TV series. He fell in love with the audience not only for his acting abilities, but also as a handsome and attractive man.

The most famous works of Abdulov Jr.:

  1. 1970-1980 - “12 chairs”, “The meeting place cannot be changed”, “The Captain’s Daughter”, “That same Munchausen”.
  2. 1980-1990 - “Carnival”, “Midshipmen, forward”, “Sorcerers”, “Look for women”.
  3. 1990-2000 - “Schizophrenia”, “Living Target”, “Prison Love”.
  4. 2000-2008 – “The Master and Margarita”, “Next”, “Quiet Pools”.

Personal life and children

Alexander Abdulov was never left without female attention. He did not like to show his personal life and tried to keep close people from the attention of journalists.

The actor's love affairs began in school. His first love was his shy classmate Natalya. Abdulov had serious intentions towards her and even invited her to his capital, but she refused.

Alexander met his next chosen one in student years. At one of the discos, he liked Tatyana, a medical student. The blond, slender girl turned the actor’s head and he abandoned his studies for some time, which almost resulted in expulsion from GITIS. The stormy romance also ended quickly - Sasha caught Tatyana in treason.

A broken heart almost led to Abdulov's death. He tried to die by cutting his wrists, but was saved by his dormitory neighbor. According to rumors, Alexander had a love affair with an American woman who was accused of espionage.

Alexander's first wife was Tatyana Leibel. The whole capital was buzzing about their romance, but their relationship ended quite quickly. While working at Lenkom, Abdulov took a liking to actress Irina Alferova. It took him quite a long time to win her heart. The actress had a difficult time going through the divorce, being left alone with her little daughter.

Alexander Abdulov achieved the actress’s favor. They got married secretly, and he accepted her daughter, Ksenia, as his own. Their family was the standard for many, but alas, the marriage did not last forever. In 1993, after 17 years of marriage, Irina and Alexander decided to divorce. Abdulov left ex-wife and his daughter an apartment, and he himself moved into a closet that was given to him at Lenkom.

The young ballerina Galina Lobanova becomes the actor’s new lover. He will live with her civil marriage 8 years old. Galina's constant conversations about legal marriage lead to the breakdown of their relationship.

For a long time the public was not aware of Abdulov's personal life. Only in 2006 did he appear in public with his girlfriend Julia. The colossal age difference caused big wave negativity towards the couple. Despite this, Yulia and Alexander got married, and in 2007 a daughter, Evgenia, appeared in their family.

The Abdulovs' happiness was destroyed by an incurable disease. Doctors diagnosed Alexander with stage 4 cancer. He left this world in January 2008. The actor was buried in Moscow.

DatsoPic 2.0 2009 by Andrey Datso

Today Julia is interested in astrology. According to her, astrology is a path that can lead a person to faith.

Yulia Meshina was born in November 1975 in the Ukrainian city of Nikolaev. Julia's family was quite wealthy, so from childhood the girl was accustomed to living in abundance.

Yulia's father, Nikolai Veniaminovich, was the manager of a profitable hotel, which was located in the capital of France, Paris. The girl was also spoiled by her uncle, who at that time worked as the director of a large plant located in the city of Nikolaev. Yulia's entire childhood and youth were carefree. Yulia's family was very friendly.

In the early 90s, during the collapse Soviet Union, family well-being collapsed in an instant. Yulia's uncle was arrested by the police. Nikolai Veniaminovich was forced to leave the country, having previously annulled his marriage to his wife. Yulia's father was charged with theft of more than 37 million dollars, and for such a crime the prison term was quite long. According to Yulia, she does not like to remember that time.

Years passed, the girl graduated from school and entered the Odessa Institute. She really liked studying, it helped her take her mind off her memories. At that time Yulia was 17 years old. But in this at a young age the girl has already started a serious relationship with her first love. The feelings were so strong that Julia married her chosen one the same year. At the time of the wedding, Yulia’s husband was 18 years old.

With the help of her parents, Julia’s husband at that time had his own business, which brought in a good income. The guy's family was also quite wealthy and had many business connections.

This marriage lasted for a very long time short time. Julia really wanted to give birth to a child, there was a moment when the girl even became pregnant. But the husband had his own plans for later life, in which there was no place for children. Having a constant high income, which was much different from the income of ordinary guys, he wanted to go out and have fun. Such adventures led to constant casual relationships.

Julia is a person who is unable to forgive betrayal. Constant worries and tears weighed heavily on her, and she left for the capital.

In Moscow, Julia immediately found herself. She was distinguished by her expressive feminine beauty, and therefore she had plenty of admirers. The girl had many friends and lovers. They were pretty famous people, for example Igor Markov, who produced many projects, various businessmen such as Shabtai Kalmanovich, famous singers- Sergey Trofimov. But all these relationships had no foundation.

And so Yulia meets Sasha Ignatenko, who was the son of the director of the ITAR-TASS news agency. Soon they got married. Yulia's life got better again.

Various meetings and parties began, Julia met new people. And so, at one of the parties she met Alexander Abdulov. Although the girl did not pay attention to other men, she immediately liked Alexander. Fate sat them at the same table, where they immediately found common language. Love flared up again in Julia’s heart with renewed vigor.

The lovers carefully hid their relationship, and only after Yulia’s official divorce did information appear about her relationship with Abdulov.

Alexander was not very keen to tie himself into marriage, because, as he himself said, only love all his life was Irina Alferova. However, feelings prevailed, and they got married in 2006. The celebration was quiet, and a year later the couple had a daughter, who was named Zhenya. And everything would have been fine, but Abdulov began to rapidly fade away - the cancer made itself felt.

And then on a January day in 2008, Abdulov passed away. The wife still cannot come to her senses. The onset of depression even drove Yulia to the point where she began to become an alcoholic. Only true friends helped the woman and brought her back to life.

Today Julia is interested in astrology. According to her, astrology is a path that can lead a person to faith.

“When Sasha left, my life stopped,” says Yulia Abdulova, the actor’s widow. “For these five years, I didn’t live without him, but rather watched a dream that never ended.” It’s as if all this - Sasha’s illness, his departure, life without him - did not happen to me...” - Julia, we are meeting with you in a Moscow apartment. But you loved your dacha in Vnukovo so much, where everything is permeated with the spirit of Abdulov... - Yes, all these years we lived with our daughter outside the city and only recently moved to Moscow. It’s very good at our dacha - clean air, quiet and cozy, close kindergarten- the most ordinary, village one. You can't imagine anything better for a child. But next year my daughter will go to school. This is a very responsible and difficult period in a child’s life. So that life in a large group does not become stressful for my daughter, I prepare it in advance. Gave Zhenya to preparatory group- again, in an ordinary, municipal kindergarten... By the way, my daughter categorically does not like city housing. Zhenya declares: “I don’t want to live here - it’s cramped here. Let's go back to the dacha." But the apartment is normal, big. We have to explain that there are families where mom, dad and three children live in one room. But this is difficult for her to understand. And in the store, like all children, Zhenya begins to whine: “Buy this, and this, and this.” And I explain to her that she has a million toys and she doesn’t need another teddy bear. I suggest: “Stop on one thing: a bear, a doll or children’s cosmetics...” And she has tears in her eyes - after all, it’s always difficult to make a choice. But I am teaching my daughter to do this. I don’t want to indulge all her desires, because nowadays it’s so easy to spoil a child.

- Zhenya understands that her father was famous actor? - Of course, she watches his films. And when she was two years old, she spent hours watching his 2000 film The Musicians of Bremen. But for her, this person on the screen is primarily her dad, not a star. Sasha left when Zhenya was nine months old. But my daughter still has some vague memories of him. For example, she remembers one of Sasha’s shirts, in which he held her in his arms... Zhenya is very similar to her father. The same leader and ringleader as Sasha. In kindergarten, he always protects the kids, resolves some situations so that everything is “fair.” At photo shoots he is constantly bursting with ideas. She’s bored of simply following someone’s commands, so she directs herself and offers something of her own. And she is also as hyperactive as Sasha was, always rushing somewhere. This year, my friend Oksana Korostyshevskaya and her three daughters and I went on vacation to Turkey. So my heart sank when Zhenya jumped into the pool - like a bomb, with wild screams. My daughter finds extreme sports everywhere, she is absolutely fearless - like Sasha... In order to channel Zhenya’s ebullient energy in the right direction, I take her to choreography. Last year I enrolled her in the Loktev ensemble, but Zhenya didn’t like it there - either she was still young, or the discipline there was too strict. In general, they abandoned it. In this case, we tried dancing again and... the process began. In a white swimsuit and Czech shoes, Zhenya is very funny. Especially compared to other girls - thin, with thin legs. My little one is large and tall. And this year Zhenya started studying in a theater studio. - Do you dream of your daughter becoming an actress?- Not at all, although she has both artistry and charisma. But I know too well what a hard life life is for public people. It's only on top that it's beautiful and shiny. So she goes to the studio and dances for general development... Recently Zhenya was invited to a troupe gathering at Lenkom - there was an idea to introduce her to one of the children's roles. It’s very nice to see the kind attitude towards Zhenya from Sasha’s “second home”, as her husband always called this theater... When the daughter saw dozens of cameras and heard the clicking of cameras, she - always so lively - was scared and almost burst into tears. After the words of Mark Anatolyevich Zakharov: “Evgenia Abdulova is present in the hall. Please stand up,” my daughter grabbed the chair and categorically refused to get up. Zhenya was looking forward to this day so much, I prepared her, told her that we would go to the theater where dad worked. And then I got confused...

At Zhenya's christening: Alexander Abdulov with his daughter, mother Lyudmila Alexandrovna and Leonid Yarmolnik. July 2007 - What role was offered to Zhenya?- Little, in the play “Royal Games”. One rehearsal has already taken place. In the first take, Zhenya did everything as it should. And the second time she suddenly refused to go on stage and stayed behind the scenes. It turned out that my daughter didn’t see me in the hall and was scared: “I was so hoping that you would support me, but you disappeared...” But I left the hall so as not to disturb her, not to embarrass her... If there’s nothing wrong with this performance It will work out, I won’t be upset. Everyone has their own path, and I don’t want to push my daughter into becoming an actress. Although Sasha’s mother would be very pleased if her granddaughter continued the family dynasty. Recently, the grandmother looked at Zhenya and stated: “I am very worried that my granddaughter will be large. Sasha was tall, you are quite big, and that’s how the child turned out. And with tall It’s very difficult for an actress to play in the theater.” - What is your relationship with your mother-in-law? The press wrote a lot about your conflict, that you cannot divide houses and apartments... - I have a wonderful relationship with Sasha’s mother. Recently, Zhenechka and I and Sasha’s niece Ira (the daughter of Sasha’s middle brother, Volodya) went to her in Ivanovo for her birthday - Lyudmila Alexandrovna turned 92 years old. She was really looking forward to her granddaughter’s arrival - they hadn’t seen each other for a year - she didn’t let Zhenya leave her side, she looked at her all the time, crying: “How she looks like Sasha...” And I smile: “Yes, she looks like you. Both in appearance and character. For both of you it is Nordic, firm, powerful...” As for the conflict, the situation was obvious, everyday. When only Robert of Lyudmila Alexandrovna’s three sons was alive, she, as a mother, primarily supported his interests. Which is actually understandable. And she chose to live with him and not with us... Now Robert is gone, the mother-in-law remains with her daughter-in-law Alya. And Zhenechka and I come to visit her.

Julia, you are young beautiful woman. Almost five years have passed since your spouse died. Have you tried to arrange your personal life? - You are just like my daughter, who dreams of marrying me off. (Laughs.) For Zhenya, this is task number one, she constantly asks: “Well, when?!” I introduced you to one driver, then to another. And you don’t like anyone...” The fact is that she dreams of a brother or sister, so she is looking for a husband for her mother. He worries: “I’ll grow up soon, but no one will appear for me.” And I laugh it off: “We’ll wait and see...” I didn’t take a vow of celibacy. It’s just that now my whole life is subordinated to Zhenya and her interests. Besides, I have a very high bar. In my life I have met few real - absolute, one hundred percent - men. Sasha was like that - absolutely reliable, who could solve everything. This is the standard of a man, rare as a fossil in our time. That's why it's very difficult to find someone like that. Yes, I’m not looking for it - I only communicate with close friends. Moreover, it is impossible to “organize” such a meeting. It's a matter of chance: either it happens or it doesn't. This is how it was with Sasha... - Before you met Alexander Gavrilovich, you were probably in love with the artist Abdulov - like thousands of girls in our country - But not. It was my friend Natasha who was crazy about him... Years passed, my friend stayed to live in Odessa, I moved to Moscow. We rarely communicated. And so I call her: “Natasha, I’m getting married.” She was delighted: “Great! And for whom?” - “For Abdulov...” There is silence on the phone, and then Natasha says with playful offense: “Actually, Abdulov was my topic...” Yes, I didn’t expect this from myself. At that time I had a husband - intelligent, smart, educated, handsome. A wonderful person, but... not mine. Too cold or something, but I’ve always lived by feelings. I felt that our marriage was doomed - my soul was in disarray. Although outwardly everything was fine. When I met Abdulov (we met in the same company, it was in the Far East), I immediately felt - this is my man, hot-tempered, temperamental. We found ourselves next to each other at the same table, I looked at him, and suddenly a picture flashed before my eyes: Sasha and I have a family, a child - a son. I thought and was surprised: “Some kind of nonsense.” Because Sasha was a person from a completely different circle. And by the way, he felt it - as if he was afraid of me. However, when after Far East I went to Odessa, Sasha started calling me. He called me to St. Petersburg, where he was filming at that moment. I was taken aback by such pressure, I said: “You need to fly there yourself...” And then Sasha told his director Lena Chuprakova: “We are flying to Odessa - we just have a day off ahead.” Lena, with whom we later became friends, recalled: “Then I hated you. Who is she, this Yulia, that a people’s artist breaks off from filming because of her?” From Odessa I returned to Moscow, packed my things and told my husband that we would no longer live together...

- How did your environment perceive your novel?- Many did not accept it. For example, my parents. They were terribly worried: “An artist in our family?! You’re always drawn somewhere in the wrong place...” My father didn’t even talk to me for several years. And Sasha’s fans reacted with hostility to me: “Half the country ran after Abdulov, and he married this one. Yes, she is a witch - she bewitched him!..” And how they loved to reproach me for commercialism: they say, she coveted the position, apartment, dacha, car of a popular artist. But I never dreamed of entering the artistic circle - all this “gloss” is alien to me. And to be honest, by the time we met, Sasha had a much more modest standard of living than me. My dad is a successful oilman businessman, my stepfather is famous journalist, uncle - Vitaly Meshin - for many years managed one of the largest enterprises in the country, the Nikolaev Alumina Refinery. So by the time I graduated from law school in Odessa, I already had an apartment in Moscow and a car. Maybe that's why I wasn't looking for a man with a big pocket. One friend once told me: “Why don’t you find yourself an oligarch?! When you have a lot of money, everything else will stop worrying you...” I answered: “Is it possible to kill your life to get money? When to live? No, I need feelings, emotions, passion...” Sasha had all this in abundance, and besides, he was smart - and this is the most erotic thing in a man. But there was no special wealth observed. - What about the famous dacha in Vnukovo?- The house, which haunts many, at the time of our meeting was a ruin covered with clapboard. Sasha loved his dacha very much, he was proud that on this foundation there used to be a small house in which Faina Ranevskaya lived. He constantly expanded the building and completed construction, but somehow chaotically. And Sasha couldn’t get around to making it feel comfortable. I remember when I first came here, I was amazed that there was a creepy iron lampshade hanging in the dining room, and the dining table was covered with an ordinary flowered oilcloth! However, this did not in the least prevent large groups of Sasha’s friends from gathering at the dacha and having fun from the heart... When I became pregnant with Zhenya, we immediately started at the dacha major renovation. The most amazing thing is that it was with the new nursery on the second floor that the facade became symmetrical, the house acquired a complete rectangular shape... After Sasha’s death, I decided to leave the dacha for Zhenya. Because this is her world - she grew up here. And here the spirit of her father remained.

- Yulia, how did it happen that Abdulov’s standard of living, a people’s artist, a superstar, was lower than yours...- Yes, Sasha worked very hard, worked his ass off. Over the past two years, he has only had two days off! But theater artists started paying decent money only recently. In addition, the husband took great pleasure in making all kinds of surprises for his friends. Everyone knew his generosity and scope... Of course, sometimes I was choked by a toad: my husband works so much, travels around the country, but the salary does not bring home. And Sasha kept laughing: “We need to make a holiday for people!” - Did he spoil you with gifts?- Yes, he gave me all sorts of nice little things and amazing jewelry, the cost of which exceeded his capabilities. But he couldn't do it any other way. True, after Sasha’s death I gradually sold all the jewelry. Zhenya and I had to live on something... And what holidays he organized for me! One day we went with his entreprise to Sochi. The tour coincided with my birthday. Sasha made an agreement with his friend, the owner of the water park, and he closed it to visitors. They set tables for our company, lit candles and lanterns, and we sat until the morning... In the few years that we were together, there were a lot of such surprises. Sasha himself was a holiday man. - All the more unexpected for everyone was his rapid departure from life...- Yes, a year before his death everything was fine. I was pregnant, but I felt great and therefore continued to go on filming and tours with Sasha. In the seventh month, right after the New Year, we flew to China, to Hainan Island. There, Sasha’s enterprise was shown to Russian tourists, Larisa Dolina, Alexander Rosenbaum and Andrei Makarevich gave concerts. The trip was very fun, we took a lot of pictures. In those photos, Sasha is so strong and beautiful. No one could have thought that soon all this would end... Eight months later (Zhenechka was almost six months old), Sasha left for Crimea to film. I went with him. At night, my husband became ill and was taken to the hospital... The most complex operation lasted almost six hours. The surgeon turned out to be a magician... As a memory of the day when Sasha was so successfully operated on, I kept a tear-off calendar. I thought that all the terrible things were behind me, that Sasha had taxied to white stripe. After all, even the day of the operation fell on the 17th, which Sasha considered lucky for himself, along with the numbers 18 and 21 (by the way, our Zhenya was born on March 21 at 18.17). But everything turned out differently... The surgeon who performed the operation advised Sasha to undergo an examination upon his return to Moscow: “I suspect oncology.” We went to Israel. Our friends decided to support Sasha and also flew to Tel Aviv. Zhenya had just turned six months old. We celebrated right in the hotel room at the clinic, the table turned out to be original. Sasha suddenly really wanted stewed meat and black soup :). And he asked Sasha Oleinikov to bring all this. He, fearing to run into endless questions from Israeli customs, nevertheless complied with the request... We set the table. The setting is surreal: Israel, clinic, pork stew. At some point, Sasha turned on the Russian channel. And on the screen there are two football teams - Lokomotiv and Spartak - wearing T-shirts with portraits. Look closely and see Abdulov! We are stunned, we don’t understand anything. Maybe Oleinikov recorded a certain story and played the disc without our noticing? And then we see: no, live broadcast! It’s the football players who support Abdulov like this: they say, we are with you. And at that moment Sasha had such a big tear running down his cheek... Then they raised a toast to Zhenechka’s birthday, and Sasha suddenly looked at his watch: “Guys, it’s 18.17. Zhenya was born at this time.” In general, sheer mysticism, miracles... I remember Sasha’s last day, January 3, 2008, as if in a fog. Sasha was in the hospital; early in the morning he became ill. I called the emergency room. The doctors came and the first thing they did was attack me: “Get out of the room!” And they themselves were confused, running around Abdulov, fussing: “Alexander Gavrilovich, Alexander Gavrilovich...” I look through the crack of the door, see all this and shout: “Why are you hysterical, do something!” Then everything calmed down, and the young doctor asked the older one: “There’s a wife outside the door, what should I tell her?” And he answers so indifferently: “Well, what should I tell her? He died and died...” I will not forget this calm voice for the rest of my life. I forgot the doctor’s face, but I recognize his voice from a thousand. She went out into the corridor and called Orlov: “Lesha, that’s it... Call Sasha’s mom - I can’t…” - Do you think your husband had a presentiment of his death?- I don’t know... When Sasha found out that he would become a father, he had a fix idea: he wanted to move to a large apartment in the center, so that Lenkom and Zhenya’s school would be nearby. The officials promised to help: Sasha rents out our old living space to the city and gets a new one with a small additional payment. He already felt completely bad, but still wandered around to some people “to resolve the issue.” I said: “God be with her, with the apartment, you feel bad.” But he got up and rode. He probably wanted to finish this topic to the end so that his family could be settled. But I didn’t have time. Then I didn’t call anyone. Because new apartment without Sasha - why do I need her...

- Having survived the unthinkable heartache, people recover from stress in different ways. Where did you find salvation?- Astrology saved me. When Sasha passed away and I didn’t understand why I should continue to live, I went to see an astrologer. We talked for a long time, and she advised me to find Teacher. And soon, by chance, I met Pavel Pavlovich Globa. Now I study at his institute. I don't know if astrology will become my profession. The main thing is that she helped me survive. - Did Abdulov’s many friends support you?- Sasha’s closest friends did not disappear even after his death. And I am very grateful to them for this. We meet at our dacha on January 3, the day of Sasha’s death, and May 29, his birthday. But these are different gatherings. And the point is not that instead of two hundred people thirty come. Well, Sasha always said that friendship is a 24-hour concept, what is it great job, which takes time and effort. The main thing is that Abdul’s spirit is gone. After all, the center of our company, its battery, was Sasha. And now he’s gone, and everything has “deflated”, become somehow insipid and boring... Abdulov was not only a brilliant artist, but above all, an amazing person. Sasha united the most different people, next to him everyone felt comfortable and warm. And now we all really miss him.

- They say that time heals. Have you finally managed to cope with the loss?- It's hard to say. Almost five years have passed since that terrible day. All this time the world existed separately, and I - separately. I didn’t live, but quietly went crazy, plunging headlong into boundless, inescapable melancholy and despair. It was so hard for me that for the first two years I couldn’t look at my daughter without crying. When I look at it, my heart breaks - Zhenya looks very much like her dad. I had to entrust the care of her to a nanny, a wonderful woman. And I myself was tormented by a feeling of guilt in front of my daughter that I was not giving her enough tenderness and love (and these thoughts still gnaw at me). I couldn’t give them then, because I didn’t want to live. I often thought about how to quickly end this unbearable mental suffering. After all, life without Sasha has lost its meaning... Now I seem to have coped with the situation, but not completely - I still can’t watch Sasha’s films. We had such a strong connection with him that it did not break even after his death. If I have a difficult situation, if I run out of strength - after all, I have a lot of everyday worries - I mentally ask Sasha to help me. And somehow magically the problem is solved... For a long time I dreamed of Sasha. Often these were prophetic dreams. One day I see him surrounded by people, and next to him someone is digging the ground - a large hole. And Sasha says: “I’m in charge here, I have to prepare and decide everything.” The dream is both strange and scary. And three days later, our friend Anar from Baku unexpectedly died... But six months ago these dreams stopped. On that last time Sasha was with a huge bouquet of white roses. He smiled: “These flowers are for you. And I have to leave...” And since then I no longer dream, as if he let me go, calmed down. Maybe he sees that his “little mistress of the big house” is coping with everything. That’s what he once called me... It was six months before his death, we were going to celebrate Zhenya’s christening. As always, many guests arrived and large tables were laid on the veranda. The weather is great - it's July outside. And suddenly Sashka looked at me intently and somehow very seriously said: “You are the little mistress of a big house.” I didn’t understand what he was talking about... And on that day godfather Zhenechki, Sasha’s close friend Lesha Orlov, suggested celebrating in a chamber setting. Like, it’s an intimate, family holiday. But Sasha objected: “No, let everyone come. Maybe we’ll never get together like this again.” Neither Lesha nor I understood what he was talking about. We decided: well, Sasha just loves big companies collect at home. And six months later, when he was gone, we remembered these words, which turned out to be prophetic. After all, in that large group we really gathered for the last time... I have never been alone in my life. She got carried away easily, got married easily, and just like that, without hesitation, then she left. Everything I had before Sasha was easy and simple for me. But with him it’s different, for real. Once in my youth a friend asked me: “What is love?” I didn't know the answer then. Now, after Sasha’s death, I know. Love is when you are ready to sacrifice your life in order for a person to be healthy and live. If there was such an opportunity, I would not hesitate to give my life for Sasha... Exactly about this great love I've always dreamed. Not about career, publicity, money, but about love. Therefore, I can call myself absolutely happy man- I had it. Despite the fact that Sasha greatly let me down: he didn’t love me, he didn’t live long enough...

Material taken from open sources

Photo from magazine