School novel by Natalya Storm. Natalya Sturm - biography, information, personal life You don’t dream of touring abroad

“Oh, this is Romka, my school friend! - My interlocutor’s face literally blossomed with joy. “Go buy something again!” Lying on the coffee table latest number“Kommersant”, from whose title page a sweetly smiling... Mr. Abramovich looked straight at her.


- So these are not rumors? Are you really classmates?

Yes, we studied at the same school, school number 232 in Moscow. He came there from Ukhta to study, I think he joined in the fourth grade. And I came to this school in the ninth. So we studied together for two years. True, they didn’t sit at the same desk, but... (Smiling.)

I have very pleasant memories of this man. Surprisingly sociable, surprisingly conflict-free. Always very generous. Although in those days we were all, one might say, in the same dire situation...

I remember how we chipped in together on sausage and cheese to celebrate the Spring Festival in our class. Then they went to visit him... He loved his uncle very much. He probably still loves me, because I know my uncle is alive and well... Why are you looking at me like that, Andrey?

I've always liked bright hooligans

But I don’t know how to approach this topic more delicately... After all, they also say that he was terribly in love with you, Natasha.

Have you read my book “Love is the Color of Blood”?

- Certainly.

By the way, I am very pleased with both the sales and the way people perceived it... This, as you know, is a novel. Fiction novel. However... I will say this - with elements of autobiography. How much is there my, let each reader determine this for himself. (Smiling.) Who knows, maybe someone will think that everything there is a solid autobiography...

This is a novel about love. About show business. Although my surnames have been slightly changed, it’s still easy to guess who I’m talking about we're talking about. Moreover, the characters are super famous personalities in our country! So there, in this book, I assure you, my admirers will find practically All answers to their questions. Including this one, about me and Abramovich.

But in general, the main idea books... How great, beautiful love can suddenly turn into such horror. And no one is immune from this. I really want to wish everyone - treat attentively to the choice that we are all one day given. After all, every person has a choice. And he must use it wisely. Many, unfortunately, have low self-esteem, and sometimes they initially choose the wrong person, the wrong person. his. A person who does not correspond to them in any way...

People are led by different things. Women for the most part lack self-confidence. Or greed. Or some kind of fussiness: I’ll be left alone, right? They jump out to get married without looking, and after a while, they begin to saw their one and only as hard as they can: “Oh, you such a bastard! You turned out to be different! You're a liar. You ruined my whole life!” He didn't ruin her life at all! He was like that...

That’s why my romance begins with the memory that I was in the same class with Roma Abramovich, but at that time... (Smiling.) And then I also liked bright hooligans, you know? And not a quiet, modest boy, kind and shy.

I didn’t leave Novikov, I ran away!

Alexander Novikov. It's no secret that for several years he was not only your producer, but also... By the way, were you officially signed?

No. And not just a few, but four.

OK... Eden! Happy joint photos in press. “School Romance” is a megahit. Always together, both in the “box”, and on the radio, and on tour. Novikov, it would seem, is achieving his goal - the whole country is discussing Sturm. And then just like that - all in one fell swoop! - and for some reason all this disappeared...

Do you want to know what happened?.. I ran away from him. In 1997. I emphasize - she did not leave, but ran away. Because it was impossible to bear all this.

- What is “all this”?

-...I don’t like this topic. And I always try to finish it before I start.

- Oh, like this?

Yes. It's easy for me to talk about him not interested speak. Painfully uninteresting.

... - Is it okay that I’m like this, in jeans and a shirt? Maybe change clothes?

I don’t know your audience well.

Yes, everything is fine. You and Sasha didn’t “charge” this option! His “joke” is a response to a request from our viewers. As for those who are now in the hall, I am sure that they will only welcome your appearance as a duet.

This dialogue between the author of the lines and the already promoted pop singer Natalya Sturm took place behind the scenes of the stage of the Cultural and Sports Complex of Kazan State University during the second part. Alas, only one concert, organized by the editors of the newspaper "Evening Kazan", was given by the "meter of thieves' chords" Alexander Novikov and his beautiful protégé Natalya Sturm.

- Natasha, they say you are our countrywoman...

Not really! It's all gossip. I have no relatives in Tatarstan. There are acquaintances. In Naberezhnye Chelny. We vacationed with them. I think in Thailand.

Such nice people! It’s a pity that we don’t have a concert in Autocity... But I think next time we will sing not only in Kazan.

- How do you like the reception from Kazan?

You know, I'm delighted! Such a kind, warm aura emanates from the hall.

This turns us on great! I mean myself, Sasha, our musicians, camera arrangers... However, there is no such thing as a bad audience. Random - yes! There are bad artists, those who cannot move the audience, convey to their hearts what is said in stanzas, notes and chords. Having completed my part of the concert, I realized that those present in the hall today are not random people. They all love us and want to listen to our songs.

There is an enormous amount of gossip about you and Sasha. Like, supposedly you overstayed your time in the zone, and that Novikov beat you at cards... Please tell me about everything as it is. Gossip is gossip! In some ways, however, we ourselves are to blame. I have been playing music since childhood. I finished everything I could. I am a native Muscovite, born and raised in the capital. I was raised by my mother and grandmother, thanks to whom I successfully graduated from the Moscow Music College named after

October revolution

. Later she studied academic vocals at the State Conservatory with Zurab Sotkilava. I dreamed of becoming, if not Elena Obraztsova, then at least the third Tamara Sinyavskaya.

- So, in theory, you were supposed to become an opera singer?

Yes, sure! At first there were only classics, classics and more classics around me... I liked to sing arias from famous operas. However, my external characteristics and my temperament did not give me the opportunity to remain in the classical vocal genre. - Why so? I'll try to explain. You see, being a performer of classical opera arias, you must sing what was put into your mouth by long-dead composers. However, there is no talk classical music beautiful and anyone Anyone who studies music in general should start with the classics. But today I sing what was written especially for me, for Natalia Sturm. I sing their

songs! I sing songs that no one has sung before me. And no one has experienced the feelings put into the words and sounds of these songs before me. Well, what kind of old countess am I from "

I've tried everything that exists vocal genres. Do you want me to sing for you everything you want right now? And in more than ten languages? When I gave up opera, then for a long time I was fond of folklore of different peoples of the world... Of course, I know foreign, Soviet and Russian classics very well, but... No, I have never stepped onto the stage of the opera house. Frankly, even with my voice I wouldn’t be considered a performer of opera arias. A-flat, B-flat... “The crocodile is dying” - that’s how they would state my singing on

opera stage


- Natasha, is Sturm your pseudonym?

In no case! Sturm is my family name. And, by the way, my grandfather, an intellectual to the core, worked at the Moscow Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Theater.

He was an excellent performer of opera roles. But I turned out to be a kind of “pop outcast”...

- And where did this outcast come from? Where exactly did it all start?

I worked for more than a year in the Moscow folk ensemble under the direction of Vladimir Nazarov. But I also felt that this was none of my business, not mine!

Imagine me in a sundress, howling: “Oh, the viburnum is blooming...” In 1991, in Moskovsky Komsomolets, I read an announcement that Kobzonov’s company Moskovit was organizing an all-Union competition “Show Queen -91” in Sochi. Moreover, only those girls who could not only sing, but also dance, who were smart and quick-witted, could take part in this competition. I applied to participate. The director of the competition, having met me, demanded that I change my appearance somewhat and find a different image. And he said that I might be the first. And I was married at that time. I run home and tell him.

My husband, of course, did not object, but said: “That’s it! Natasha is missing!”

- Your husband couldn’t stand your success in this competition and...

So, in Sochi I win first place and become the “show queen - 91”.

Naturally, after this triumph, she had certain hopes. It all started, as they say, with good health! Glazunov brought me a gorgeous bouquet of flowers, Marusev invited me to appear in his program. Well, I think there will be a lot of business proposals coming in now. Fuck you! I’m sitting like a fool on my prize video camera and... Yes, they just “dumped” me. I have nothing to live on, and they gave me a video camera!.. No, my voice is not bad. I wouldn't stay hungry. It’s just that somehow all the bad things fell into one heap: pipe dreams, unrealized projects, discord with her husband and divorce...

- Natasha, let's get to the point. Oh, well, yes. In 1993, and I was then working at the Moscow Variety Theater, I was standing backstage in front of the mirror, so to speak, sketching out the finishing touches to my own portrait. I look around. I see a tall man approaching me from the other end of the corridor. an interesting man

. “Well,” I think, “one more!” You know yourself, rich men love impressive young ladies so much! I've had enough of these playboys. This one comes up to me and asks: “Girl, do you dance or sing?” Well, I think, they say, I was definitely not mistaken. But still she answered: “I sing.” Although, to be honest, I was offended - it always seemed to me that I just looked like a singer. What questions could there be?!

Listen, what happened next was a really cool joke.

So he asks me: “What’s your last name?” I answer: “Natalya Sturm. And who are you?” He introduces himself: “Alexander Novikov!”

I had a rather vague idea about him, so I blurted out: “Bah! I thought Novikov was a small, plump, bald Jew.” You should have seen the expression on his face!.. But he restrained himself and asked: “What are you singing?” I told him: “You’ll hear it now.” He actually went to the hall and listened to all my songs. And after the performance he comes up to me and says: “Throw all your songs in the trash!”

- (Naturally, I freaked out: “What am I going to do then?” Novikov said without a shadow of embarrassment: “I’ll write you new ones. You will sing them and become truly famous!" Well, I think he’s probably lying. However, there was nothing to lose.- Those who don’t take risks don’t drink champagne?

Well, of course. I really don't like champagne. But now we are already recording our third album!

- What was the name of the first one?


) “I didn’t deceive you!” - Is that what it was called? they didn’t come up with it, but it will be all about love, fidelity, devotion, and life in general.

- How about the fact that Sasha won you at cards?

Oh, yes, I promised to tell you... Correspondents from AIDS Info once came to us with a request to tell us something about themselves (you know the specifics of this newspaper). Well, I briefly outlined my biography, told about the competition, about my husband, in short, everything you already know about.

It didn’t seem enough to them, they started pestering Sashka. And he just blurts out: “Come up with this “something like that yourself!” So ​​they came up with a story with cards. When I read the title, I almost fainted! Such are the things...

- And how do you feel about our brethren after this story?

Journalists are good and different. I'm fine with smart people. Moreover, I like to communicate with those who start a lively, interesting conversation, just like a new acquaintance, without standard questions written in advance on a piece of paper. But when I see that during my speech the journalist is thinking hard about how to formulate the next question, then I answer him accordingly, tensely, briefly and dryly. When communicating with such “hard workers” you only think about one thing: “If only he would fade away faster or something!”

- Natasha, are there any animals at home?

Certainly! Just a week ago I gave an interview for the newspaper “Living Sound”, in which I talked about my beloved baby, Fyodor Alexandrovich.

- What kind of miracle is this, is it really a crocodile, or what?

Well! In my house there lives a real Latin American caiman, such a small little creature, only 44 centimeters from the tip of the tail to the nose.

- So what, he runs around the apartment freely?

No, I bought a terrarium for him. You understand: although it’s small, it’s still a crocodile. I am raising him in the spirit of the new times. And in general, he will grow into a great security guard...

- Is anyone else living at home besides Fyodor Alexandrovich?

Daughter Lena. I specifically named her after my grandmother so that my mother would diligently raise her when I was on tour.

- Natasha, do you have a hobby?

Yes. I really love writing.

- Probably poetry, and probably lyrical?

But no. I don't know how to write poetry. I write prose. At one time, I graduated from a theater and literary school, and I was even assigned to study at the journalism department of Moscow State University.

But... I always dreamed of singing; journalistic bread did not particularly appeal to me. Besides, as my mother told me, if you love and know how to write, then it’s never too late to start doing it.). But for me these are two big differences.

If a man, then magnanimous, generous, brave, prone to risk. And the ideal husband is a calm, balanced, silent man...

- ... An engineer, suppose, who has not received a salary for two years?

Well, let! The main thing is that the person is good. I earn enough.

An engineer is an engineer, as long as he doesn’t yell at me and make trouble over trifles.

And one more thing... I hate stupidity, cowardice, greed and mediocrity in all men without exception.

- (Besides, as my mother told me, if you love and know how to write, then it’s never too late to start doing it.- And in women?

I don’t really want to talk about them. I don’t like women because I know their breed very well.

- There are rumors that you and Sasha, how can I say this...

). Got it, got it, got it. If I say that Sasha and I are not sleeping, you still won’t believe me. And if I tell you how many times a week we sleep, you won’t even believe it! Let everyone who is interested in this think as they want!

- Don’t you dream of touring abroad?

Why are they needed? Today, on the contrary, Western performers are flocking to Russia. Here, touring earnings are much higher!

- Sooner or later you will have to leave the stage. So, what is next? Writing, business?

In the future, I would like to open my own business, organize a private company like a health complex: massagers, exercise machines, beauty salons, in general, a women's salon.

- Do you have any idols among modern pop performers?

I like individual songs by different singers, but to single out someone separately... I don’t know. I am impressed by Meladze’s voice, Agutin’s dynamics, the melody of the songs that her father writes for Angelica Varum, the kind energy emanating from Kirkorov (I know Philip, by the way, from college). I respect Alla Borisovna Pugacheva very much...

At that moment, Sasha Novikov entered the dressing room, however, citing fatigue, he refused the interview:

Ask a couple of questions, only briefly and specifically!

- How do you see the prospects for your creative activity?

The most rosy.

- What if specifically? There is nowhere more specific.- Under what charges did you delay time in places not so distant? According to the 93rd approx. and 174th, parts two. I spent six years in prison for nothing! IN

this moment

the verdict, alas, was belatedly overturned Supreme Court Russia for lack of corpus delicti.

In parting, Natasha left her home phone number and invited her to visit and meet Fedor Alexandrovich. The invitation, naturally, was accepted...

Exactly ten years ago, the country heard the melodic hit “School Romance” performed by Natalia STURM. Other popular songs, filming in TV series and tours around the country soon followed. But in Lately almost nothing was heard about the singer. And suddenly Natalya decided to remind herself - she is preparing a book of memories for printing. In it, Natasha will talk not only about her relationships with husbands, show business stars and composers, but also with Roman ABRAMOVICH himself! EG special correspondents met with the aspiring writer and learned many secrets.

“The book somehow came to me by itself,” Natalya began the conversation. — I studied at a literary school. The teachers said that there was talent. And life itself throws up topics. For example, the now famous actor Maxim Sukhanov studied in the same class with me. The girls ran after him in herds. I was in love with him too. Usually, when I entered school, Max was always standing at the mirror and combing his hair.

I laughed: “Well, where are you itching? You already have three hairs left!” He started going bald very early. But the most comical thing is that for all his enormous growth, he had a tiny one: a briefcase. Probably nothing could fit in it except a comb. Unfortunately, we did not succeed in continuing the novel.

— Roman Abramovich also studied at your school...

- Yes. In a parallel class. He was a very diligent and smart guy. Abramovich tried to court me, but he was so timid that it did not inspire me. Another thing is Slavka Nevinny, the son of the great actor Vyacheslav Nevinny! He even dedicated poems to me, I still remember them by heart. After school every day we went to his house on Gorky Street and spent hours together. While dad wasn't home. To be honest, I was afraid of Innocent Sr., and as soon as he appeared on the threshold, I immediately tried to sneak away.

All covered in chocolate

— Are you currently dating your first husband, actor Sergei Deev?

- I still have it with him. a good relationship. He calls, comes and visits his daughter. It with common-law husband, singer Alexander Novikov, I try not to cross paths at all. When I hear his songs on the radio, I immediately switch the wave. I cut him out of my life forever. I am disgusted by Alexander’s manner of promoting himself at the expense of dirty scandals. The fact that he calls Pugacheva an old woman, criticizes homosexuals and blabbers about how he won me at cards is absolutely disgusting! Well, does a normal guy behave like that?!

— With entrepreneur Igor Pavlov, your last husband, you also didn’t part very peacefully:

— It was a terrible story. The most offensive thing is that it all started like in a fairy tale. I couldn’t even believe that such unearthly love could exist! He showered me with amazing gifts. Wedding ring for ten thousand dollars, which he gave me for my wedding, I still wear it.

And then, when I gave birth to my son Arsyusha, a black cat ran between us. I decided to leave and told him about it. He immediately came home, took the child and said that until we were divorced and the baby was awarded to me, the son would live with him. I haven’t seen Arseny for almost six months! She walked around all black and lost a lot of weight. I prayed every day for everything to end soon. Then Katya Lel said to me: “If you forgive him, it will immediately become easier!” And Sasha Peskov even suggested going to church and lighting a candle for Igor’s health: I followed the advice of friends - I even accepted my ex-husband’s invitation to go and unwind in Los Angeles. To admire the canyons there, he even rented a helicopter. It was an amazing trip.

— Have you been lucky with men in life?

— Quite the opposite: I recently read about Evgeny Zharikov. His mistress gave frank interview. To be honest, Zharikov pestered me too. Terrible womanizer! Yes, we women usually choose the wrong ones who are worthy of us. Maybe I should have married Roma Abramovich - now I would be covered in chocolate.

Novikov has always been distinguished by his straightforward disposition, opposing himself to the entire show business, distributing left and right negative assessments colleagues.

Usually the path of singing truth-tellers is as follows: a successful album, a bad album, show-offs and tongue-in-cheek, an unsuccessful album or one that is not allowed to reach the general public, then goodbye.

With Novikov, the situation is light. It’s difficult to pick it off, it’s too bright, strong personality, which does not follow anyone. He writes poetry and music himself, invests his own money in promotion, and he has it.

In the mid-1990s, Novikov decided to start producing for himself.

Let’s talk about this experience, where success was coupled with disappointment.

We are talking about the singer Natalya Sturm, who is not forgotten, because she constantly reminds of herself with stories either about the affairs of ancient days, or about things not related to music.

Here we must admit that Natalya is truly gifted, but she could not break through to a wide audience for a long time. She studied vocals with Sotkilava, sang in the troupe of the Jewish Chamber Theater and tried to conquer the stage.

In 1991, Natasha got a chance and immediately disappeared. She won the “Show Queen” competition, which was organized by Joseph Kobzon. Subsequent events very well characterized the morals of that time.

Sturm said:

“I still have a tape where all the organizers - Messrs. Sukhorado, Maruchev, all Kobzon’s henchmen and himself - vying with each other to predict a stellar career and serious promotion for me. But then some kind of bed showdowns began: who to sleep with first and who to be with in general. I will not name specific names, because it is dangerous. They are very famous people, rich and, so to speak, orderly, that is, they have the image of decent people. What I always think about with laughter when I see their handsome faces on TV.”

Grandmothers decided everything. Yes, a “catchy” repertoire was required, a “chip” presentation, but this could be adjusted if you came with a bag of money or gave up your body. Natalya likes to remember how many times they tried to get her into bed, promising broadcasts. She preferred to sell things.

Having bought a song from a famous composer, Sturm shot a video and uploaded it to television. To get such a toy I had to pawn it and almost lose my apartment.

At this difficult moment, Natasha met Novikov.

He recalled:

“We met Natasha by chance. At the Moscow Variety Theater. I looked there for a minute. For some business. ...

...Stayed for the concert. I listened to her speech. I really didn't like the songs. The lyrics are absolutely mediocre, even though they were written by famous songwriters. I said this directly: “Natasha, the sooner you throw these texts in the trash, the sooner you will become famous.” - “Where can I get other songs? You have to pay a lot. And I have big money No!" - "I will write to you".

Novikov made his first producing mistake when he contrasted Natasha, a young girl with no established connections, with the entire pop scene.

The title of Sturm’s album “I’m not inflatable” seemed to hint that Natasha was a real singer and not a one-time singer. Meanwhile, this still had to be proven. Preferably with songs, and not producer statements like:

“There is a magnificent singer Natasha Sturm, she has come to replace all this “Pugachevism”, a narrow circle of so-called stars - a near-hem flock that revolves around Pugacheva’s hem. Alla made a huge contribution to art, but now she is funny. I feel sorry for her. She must give way to Natalya Sturm"

Kosterya show business Novikov simultaneously used PR methods to promote his ward, for which it is difficult to praise. So he came up with and told the journalists of “Speed-info” a cartoon that he won the singer and her contract at cards. Suddenly, this story became inseparable from the image of Natasha. At first she was lenient about it.

"It was a joke. If Alexander had said that he met me at the Lenin Library, no one would have believed it. And the cards are a beautiful legend. Fit on the image cool guy who spent time in the camps."

But years will pass, and when asked how her career would have developed without Novikov’s participation, Sturm will answer:

“...I think it's better. In terms of, let’s say, status, it’s much better. Because the producer’s job is to elevate his singer, right? And don’t spoil her reputation and don’t humiliate her with various inventions, like, “I won her at cards”... Remember this monstrous lie in “Speed ​​Info”?

The height of shamelessness! But, by the way, I have a conservatory education... And he actually met me not just anywhere, but at the Variety Theater at my solo concert.”

So, what do we have with the songs? That is, for the sake of what everything was started?

In her first album, “I’m Not Inflatable,” Natasha sang the hit “School Romance,” by which she was remembered for the rest of her creative life.

The second album was called “School Romance” - and the main song in it was still the same.


Natalya became quite recognizable, but there was no second “School Romance” in her career.

In 1997, she decided to break up with Novikov and take care of herself. She said this about the reasons for the separation:

“Novikov likes to do everything himself. He is a very categorical person. I know that for any other singer it is a great happiness to get to such a producer. I'm just crazy to give it up. I don’t have to strain myself to do anything myself. I come to his studio, sing a ready-made song that fits perfectly with my image. With a ready-made arrangement and all musical parts. And this is where my participation in the creation of the album ends. Novikov is a great producer.
...Now I want to sing the way I want. And I feel ripe for this"

The third album "Street Artist" again included "School Romance". I don’t know how “Street Artist” sold, but after the third album, Natalya, who had seized upon freedom, sharply slowed down.

According to her, the fame went like this:

“In general, I decided to take a break for about a year. Moreover, there was a default in the country... But, apparently, I delayed this pause a little...
...Meanwhile, a huge number of all kinds of projects, new groups, singers, singers were born in Russia. And, in short, my production ingenuity was not enough to understand in which direction to move next.”

The fourth album failed. The fifth, although it was recorded, was not released at all. For some time, Natasha decided to retrain as a writer, having written five novels, but not receiving the expected “hype” she curtailed this activity.

Every year she spoke more and more harshly about Novikov, provoking a rebuke from the latter.

“Let what she says remain on her conscience. Why would I comment on fantasies when I know the truth? When we ended our collaboration, we agreed that we would not speak publicly about each other. I kept my word, she didn’t.”

What is left for us from this cooperation?

We know the matter, “School Romance”...

Natalya Sturm, who once sang about a school romance, made a difficult confession for herself.

It turns out that already long years ex-husband constantly beats her. And she is unable to change the situation - the singer has to endure beatings in order to meet with her son Arseny, whose support the ex-husband took upon himself.

Natalya lived with businessman Igor Pavlov briefly and unhappily, but it was in this marriage that her son Arseny was born in 2004. About my difficult life and her husband, Sturm later wrote several books and gave a considerable number of interviews. But it turned out that even after the official divorce, she still had to meet with her ex-husband and endure constant beatings.

Why such sacrifices? It turns out that it is Igor who provides for the boy. Just for studying at the Lomonosov school, which is located on Nikolina Gora in the village of Uspenskoye, you have to shell out more than a million rubles. Natalya can’t afford such expenses, but give it to the child a good education I really want to. So you have to endure...


Since the relationship ex-spouses very tense, then almost every meeting ends in a scandal, sometimes with assault. Therefore, Natalya, according to her, even began to carry a gas canister - just in case there was a firefighter.

As the singer said, Igor’s aggressiveness is most likely caused by his addiction to drinking. According to Natalya, he’s just drinking himself to death! However, the ex-husband also did not remain silent and gave his version of what was happening.

She loves only two things - money and herself. I have been raising my son for 13 years. She rarely sees him, disappears for four months - and he only feels better. Because I teach Arseny to love his Motherland, but she hates it. And anyway, what normal mother can calmly not see her son for four months?! I would take such mothers by the legs, spin them around and hit them against a concrete corner so that they would not reproduce...

Judging by these words, the relationship between the ex-spouses is really tense. However, Natalia is also to blame for this. After all, lately she has become too interested in her personal life. And wow, she’s so stormy!


Sturm’s first husband was actor Sergei Deev, whom she met within the walls of her alma mater, music school. It was in this marriage that daughter Elena was born, who today has become her mother’s best friend.

Then Natalya had a problem high-profile romance with the bard Alexander Novikov, however, the singer, who is usually quite frank with journalists, prefers not to comment on that relationship: they say, it happened, but it’s gone, what can we say about it.

After a difficult divorce from Igor Pavlov, Natalya did not start a relationship for a long time - she generally tried to stay away from men. But you never know where and when love will overtake you. In the year of her half-century (!) anniversary, Sturm fell in love like a girl, and now sometimes she does romantic and even somewhat crazy things.

Natalia's current boyfriend, a young man named Tigran, is almost 20 years younger than the singer. She met him completely by accident on the plane. Moreover, the guy did not even suspect that the fellow traveler, who managed to turn his head during a couple of hours of flight, was in fact a well-known person in Russia. The fact is that Tigran has been living in Amsterdam for 15 years and is simply not aware of Russian realities.

I came there to go to university. Yes, it remained that way,” Natalya proudly talks about her chosen one. - Now he has two higher education. Works in a bank, analyst. Knows Dutch, German, English, Armenian and Russian perfectly.

So now the lovers live in two countries, using every opportunity for another date. Let's say Natalya can wake up in the morning, realize that she misses you, and fly to Amsterdam in the evening...


The romance had already gone so far that Natalya introduced Tigran to her daughter Elena. And she immediately became friends with the boyfriend of her always young mother. As Lena says, the main thing for her is the happiness of her mother, whose eyes are now simply shining thanks to new love.

The age difference doesn't bother Sturm at all. She believes that the numbers in the passport are real life sometimes they have no relation at all. And the singer looks really beautiful. Thanks to good genetics, excellent plastic surgeons and persistent will. Because Natalya puts a lot of effort into staying in good shape.

I've been doing fitness for over 20 years. “I go to the gym twice a week,” says Sturm. - I don’t follow any diet. I taught myself not to like flour, sweets, not to eat fried foods, not to drink carbonated drinks, alcohol. And this has become so established in me that I don’t even have the desire to break the regime.

So the singer of the school romance is sure: the age difference in her relationship with Tigran is definitely not a hindrance!