Lyudmila's last husband. Gurchenko's husband - life after death

In each of her vocal concerts, Lyudmila Gurchenko certainly performed the famous song from the movie “ Simple story”, where there are the words “how can you live in the world without love?” And the enchanting personal life of the actress, who seemed to personify this feeling, gave an unequivocal answer to that poetic question: absolutely impossible. Until the end of her days, her passionate nature was open to love.

Vasily Ordynsky

Lyusya Gurchenko met Vasily Ordynsky at VGIK, where she entered immediately after graduating high school in Kharkov. At the time of their acquaintance, she was 18 years old, he was 30. Also a Vgikov student, he just studied at the directing department and had already graduated from the institute. Front-line soldier, went through the entire war as a commander mortar company. The communication between a young student and a young director quickly turned into a dizzying romance, which in 1953 brought the lovers to the registry office. This information prevails in various sources. But there is another reason why this marriage remained civil.

Vasily Ordynsky. Still from the film “Shield and Sword” (1968)

Be that as it may, while studying in her second year, Gurchenko received an invitation from her boyfriend to play the main role in the film “A Man is Born.” However, according to rumors, one of the “well-wishers” informed the members of the artistic council about their love affair. The masters considered it immoral to patronize their mistress, did not condone this and appointed another artist to the role - Olga Bgan. And yet, the director managed to “draw” his beloved into the picture - he approved her candidacy for voicing that very role...

Vasily also moved Kharkov resident Lyusya from a hostel near Moscow to his apartment. However, the lovers’ life together did not work out; the marital union did not last long more than a year. Subsequently, both kept silent about the reasons for the divorce. Only once did the actress mention that she “could not forgive the betrayal.” But other data indicate that Ordynsky was the initiator of the separation.

Boris Andronikashvili

As soon as she parted with Vasily, Lucy was overcome by a new feeling. VGIK student Boris Andronikashvili, a student of the screenwriting department, also became the chosen one. A charming 22-year-old Georgian, an intellectual and a handsome man, a musician, the son of the writer Boris Pilnyak and Princess Kira Georgievna Andronikashvili, an actress and director. On his mother's side, he was the successor of the famous Shengelaya cinematic dynasty (his aunt was actress Nato Vachnadze, mother of directors Georgiy and Eldar).

Boris Andronikashvili. Still from the film “Otarova’s Widow” (1957)

Boris accidentally ran into Lyudmila in the institute cafeteria. When she saw such a macho man, she dropped the tray. He picked it up. The romance began instantly, quickly began to gain momentum and ended with a wedding. Many VGIK girls were jealous of Gurchenko. And not only because of her dizzying romance with the handsome Borey - the dream of each of them. By this time, Lyudmila Gurchenko’s fame was at its zenith - she had already played her “star” role in Eldar Ryazanov’s film “Carnival Night”, and felt happy in all respects. By her own admission, she literally idolized her husband and praised the Lord for uniting them in a couple.

A year after the official marriage, the couple had a daughter, Maria. However, three years later, namely in 1960, Boris and Lyudmila broke up. According to the stories of friends, a significant role in the breakdown of relationships, in addition to the difference and explosiveness of characters, was played by the difference in creative positions: firstly, the husband categorically did not like to see his wife in the role of a comedian, and secondly, her resounding success infringed on his male pride .

And yet, this could hardly be a decisive factor: characters get used to it, roles change, success fades... A much more significant reason lay in the lifestyle that Boris began to lead. In her memoirs, the actress admitted: “He talentedly knew how to live nearby, being only on his shore. And I, with incredible willpower, had to learn to live alone together..." The fact is that my husband preferred a free, sociable, drunken and loving life to family affairs. “Kind” girlfriends did not fail to tell the young wife, immersed in worries about the child, about both her husband’s pastime and his many affairs.

Gurchenko did not clarify the details and sort things out; she also avoided scenes of jealousy, which with her talent she could have performed brilliantly. Instead, accepting what happened as a fact, she decided to rid herself of this reality, after which she filed for divorce, which was extremely difficult. As a result of this marriage, Lyudmila Markovna formulated a fundamental taboo for herself: on sacrificial love, which brings only suffering, and on the repeated birth of children, which force her to plunge into the abyss of household chores. And, crossing out forever ex-husband from her life, she also categorically deprived her daughter Masha of the opportunity to communicate with her own father.

After the divorce, Boris began to live civil marriage with Nonna Mordyukova, and two years later Lyudmila got married again.

Alexander Fadeev

Meeting with actor Alexander Fadeev Jr. (son of the famous Moscow Art Theater artist Angelina Stepanova and adopted son famous writer Alexandra Fadeev - author of The Young Guard), took place in the fashionable WTO restaurant, where Soviet era creative bohemia gathered. A joker, womanizer and reveler, Sasha instantly charmed the young lonely actress and was fascinated by her himself. The short-lived romance very soon ended in marriage.

The newlyweds moved into a cooperative apartment “on Mayakovsk”, bought for them by Lyusina’s mother-in-law. And yet the decision to live together in marriage was clearly reckless and thoughtless. Disappointment was not long in coming. After existing for two years, the union disintegrated.

Having tied himself by marriage, Alexander did not want to change anything in his life. He remained a failed artist and a regular at restaurants, visits to which ended in unbridled sprees, fortunately his father’s money allowed him to live in grand style, without denying himself anything.

Unfortunately, this wonderful idleness could achieve little for the family. Plus, the young man was uncontrollably jealous of his wife. They say that once, heavily drunk, tormented by the pangs of jealousy, he even shot at her with a hunting rifle. Fortunately, he missed... Describing this marriage of hers, Lyudmila Markovna said that that marriage did not give anything to either spouse, calling it an “unfortunate mistake” and a “blank” in her life.

Anatoly Vedenkin

Lyudmila Gurchenko’s close relationship with artist Anatoly Vedenkin did not last long. They met in 1972 on the set of the musical film “Summer Dreams”. Immersion in the screen images of spouses led to the emergence of sensual intimacy in real life. The entire film crew watched the development of the romance between people completely different from each other...

Anatoly Vedenkin and Lyudmila Gurchenko. Still from the film “Summer Dreams” (1972)

Boris Diodorov

Some sources claim that another official husband of Lyudmila Markovna was Boris Diodorov - People's Artist of Russia, professor, chief artist of the publishing house "Children's Literature", who illustrated more than three hundred books, including magnificent illustrations for fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen. In fact, there was no registered marriage. And there was a short romance - ardent and stormy. During which Boris Arkadyevich called his beloved “wife,” which was the reason for the confusion.

Boris's feeling for Lyudmila was so strong that he broke up with his legal wife, the famous artist Natalya Kormushina, with whom he had been married for 16 years. It was in their house that Gurchenko and Diodorov met. As Tamara Valentinovna said in one interview, the capital’s creative intelligentsia often gathered in their apartment on Vernadsky Avenue, and... “One day Vysotsky brought Lucy to us. We knew there was a relationship between them. It’s not like an affair - they just slept together. Everyone at Mosfilm knew that Gurchenko was very loving.”

Boris Diodorov. Photo: Victor Velikzhanin/TASS Photo Chronicle

The meeting between the artist and the actress, initiated by Vladimir Vysotsky, led to Boris leaving the family and moving to Lyudmila’s apartment. According to relatives, Diodorov - a “quiet, calm, cheerful and driven” man - succumbed to passionate temperament an actress who at that time was not in demand in the profession and, according to eyewitnesses, drank heavily. It was also said that Gurchenko “pressed terribly” on her lover, and if he had not managed to escape from her influence a year later, his life would have gone downhill. At the same time, Boris Arkadyevich developed an ideal relationship with Masha, the daughter of Lyudmila Markovna.

He himself recalled his marriage this way: “Lucine’s character manifested itself unbearably, she became irritated at the slightest provocation and without. And I tried to support her in everything, I took everything upon myself everyday problems and actually turned into her servant... This marriage could not end in anything other than a divorce.”

Joseph Kobzon

In fact, the separation occurred on Lyudmila’s initiative - she fell in love with the already successful Mosconcert artist Joseph Kobzon. An unexpected meeting in the corridor of the All-Union Theater Society (WTO) gave rise to a future intimate relationship, and then a marital union that lasted less than three years - from 1967 to 1970. Both spouses subsequently considered this marriage a colossal mistake. Nevertheless, the new stepfather was friendly with Masha and personally escorted the girl to first grade...

Joseph Kobzon. Photo: from personal archive

The life of the spouses was frantic - noisy, with discord and loud scandals. People from their close circle recalled that sometimes it came to assault. Moreover, mutual. According to the stories, Lyudmila Markovna once, in a surge of emotions, threw an iron at Joseph Davydovich, hitting him in the head.

Many years later, the singer said that they did not plan to register their marriage, but took this step because they were denied room together in a hotel room while on tour. Recalling that relationship, Kobzon once admitted: “We were very passionate about each other, and I liked having such a beautiful, popular actress. He brought her gifts and flowers from everywhere. We were amazing lovers, and our sex happened everywhere we happened to see each other...”

Lyudmila Markovna remembered something else: “There was nothing good in this marriage,” she admitted. “You go out to the car given by your spouse, and you see a prostitute from the street there... It’s just dirty.” In her autobiographical book, the actress wrote: “He needed a director of his repertoire and appearance nearby. Great opportunities do not replace taste and style.”

Konstantin Kuperweis

If Joseph Kobzon was two years younger than his first wife, then the age difference between Lyudmila Markovna and her next, common-law husband, pianist Konstantin Kuperweiss, was more significant and amounted to 14 years. Which did not become an obstacle either to their 18-year life together (from 1973 to 1991), or to the fact that the actress’s 14-year-old daughter began to call Konstantin Tobyashevich “dad,” although he was only ten years older than her.

The meeting of the future spouses took place at a concert held as part of the Moscow Film Festival. Then the actress invited the pianist to dub her film, and he invited her to his birthday. Then there were romantic walks around Moscow, then a joint trip to Sevastopol. Gurchenko admitted that she felt absolutely happy, felt that she had finally waited - she had met the man of her dreams, with whom she could start life from scratch.

She adored her chosen one and ruled over him. And he, talented musician, for the sake of his wife he sacrificed everything, and first of all his own career. First of all, Konstantin became Gurchenko’s permanent accompanist, and from that time on, they prepared all the actress’s programs, including the well-known cycles “Favorite Songs” and “Songs of War,” together. But not only that. Kuperweis was also Lyudmila Markovna’s director, administrator and secretary. In the questionnaires, in the “specialty” column, he wrote: “Gurchenko’s husband.”

Cherishing his wife, tirelessly caring for her, indulging her whims and caprices, helping to increase his fame, he himself always remained in the shadows. Subsequently he regretted it. He once admitted that his nerves began to fail because he was exhausted and psychologically exhausted by his wife’s endless nagging. I also recalled the following episode: once, angry at his wife who had unfairly offended him, he threw the phone at the wall in a rage. After which, from the lips of Lyudmila Markovna, who at that moment maintained an emphatically reinforced-concrete calm, came the remark: “Revolted?! Slave revolt."

Konstantin Kuperweis. Photo:

That “rebellion” happened impulsively, but it preceded a conscious rebellion - Konstantin Kuperweis himself left his beloved. The admission that he had another woman became a sudden and cruel blow for Lyudmila Markovna. She didn't expect this. She described this situation in her memoirs approximately like this: “I always left marriages. And that’s why I especially take my hat off to Kostya. What a fine artist! So great to play!” She didn't suspect anything.

Sergey Senin

Soon after the breakup, Gurchenko met with Sergei Senin. 26 years younger than his chosen one, he is a producer and businessman, and remained the actress’s husband until her last day. Sergey Mikhailovich, a resident of Odessa, graduated from the Civil Engineering Institute, worked as a laboratory assistant, after which he got a job at the Odessa Film Studio. In 1993, he produced the film “Sex Tale”, on the set of which he met Lyudmila Markovna. The actress was 58 years old at the time. Senin is 32 years old, and he was an exemplary family man, the father of a young daughter.

The relationship with Gurchenko developed rapidly, as if in a whirlwind, as witnessed by all members of the film crew. The producer's wife, who learned about her husband's infidelity, filed for divorce, which gave him the opportunity, avoiding legal red tape, to formalize the dissolution of the marriage and immediately enter into a new one - with Gurchenko. Their union lasted 18 years. True, Sergei Mikhailovich’s relationship with Maria, the daughter of Lyudmila Markovna, never clicked.

Lyudmila Gurchenko and Sergei Senin. Photo: East News

The producer devoted all these years to serving his “star” wife. He produced films where she played herself (“Motley Twilight” and “Reboot”), and “filled up” with new projects, for example, thanks to him, the actress’s lifelong dream came true - she played in the musical film, the short film “I Love”.

According to friends, their marriage was based on love, mutual understanding and respect. The husband, both in character and appearance, reminded the actress of her father, a self-taught accordion player whom she adored, idolized, and who was her ideal. Sergei, perceiving his wife as a little girl, called her “daughter,” and she called her husband “dad.”

Lyudmila Markovna died at home, her husband was nearby. Later, from his story it will become known that “Lucy only managed to scream, after which she fell dead.”

Aslan Akhmadov

When the legendary Lyudmila Gurchenko was seen off on her last journey, Aslan Akhmadov was present at the actress’s coffin next to her husband, also accepting condolences. Stylist and photographer, designer and director, with whom Lyudmila Markovna maintained a mysterious relationship in last period life, aroused intense media interest.

Aslan AKhmadov and Lyudmila Gurchenko. Photo: East News

The young man was constantly next to Lyudmila Markovna, walked with her arm in arm along Khreshchatyk in Kyiv and along the central streets of the capital, starred in her last movie"Motley Twilight". As a guest of the “Let Them Talk” program, Gurchenko unexpectedly asked Malakhov a question: “Why, Andrey, didn’t you ask me if I was in love?” The presenter immediately addressed this question to her and received a comprehensive answer: “Yes, imagine, I’m in love! In Aslan. Do you know how he hugs me? Tight, strong!”

Aslan is from Azerbaijan and was born in 1973. By education, he is a theater director, a graduate of the Baku Institute of Culture. He has implemented many different creative projects. Having moved to Moscow, he took up photography and began collaborating with popular glossy magazines, thanks to which he gained fame among celebrities. And they agreed to Akhmadov’s personal photo shoots, often frankly shocking and erotic. Having met Lyudmila Markovna, Aslan became her personal stylist and a photographer. Organized successful photo exhibitions dedicated to the actress.

Was Akhmadov last love legendary artist, as many believe, or not, remains a mystery. Her confession: “I am in love with Aslan and what he does,” was interpreted in different ways. But the fact that the photographer became a close friend of Lyudmila Markovna and, by the way, her legal husband is an irrefutable fact.

The viewer is often interested not only in the creative, but also in the personal life of their favorite actors. Fans of Lyudmila Markovna know that she put a stamp in her passport more than once (it is better to keep silent about unofficial connections). Who were Gurchenko's legal husbands?

The famous temptress walked down the aisle 5 times. So, about all marriage partners in order.

Vasily Ordynsky

Young Lyudmila met the young film director in her second year at VGIK. Looking ahead, it must be said that all of Gurchenko’s husbands were associated with the stage. With Vasily, they studied in the same workshop, with the same teachers, but with a difference of 4 years: Lyudmila went to college straight from school, and Ordynsky had a front behind him. She was only 18 and her boyfriend was 30 when they got married in 1953.

It would seem a wonderful tandem: a promising actress and a talented director, but neither a creative nor a life union came of it. Their marriage lasted only about a year. Lyudmila Markovna did not particularly like to remember this relationship. They say she couldn’t forgive her husband for cheating. Although this page in the biography benefited Gurchenko’s career takeoff. In 1956, she made her debut in the film “The Road of Truth”, and then the famous “Carnival Night”, after which Lyudmila woke up as a star of Soviet cinema.

Boris Andronikashvili

An impressive young screenwriter from the same VGIK immediately made young Lucy’s heart beat faster. She herself spoke about her tendency to fall in love at every turn. And in Boris she met not only a handsome man, but also talented person. By the way, he was from the famous film dynasty of Shengelaya (directors Eldar and Georgiy were his cousins). His Georgian appearance was more than charming. Subtle irony, an intellectual mindset, musicality - her new chosen one possessed these and other qualities.

Lyudmila was at the peak of her popularity. But for some reason family life did not work out. It’s no secret: some of Gurchenko’s husbands recall that she still had the same character. They also had some professional differences: Andronikashvili did not take her role as a comedian seriously. The marriage of Boris and Lyudmila lasted only 4 years, from 1958 to 1960. Even the birth of their daughter Maria could not keep these two talented people together.

Alexander Fadeev

It existed for only two years - from 1962 to 1964. new union actresses. Her husband this time was the adopted son of the writer. He was also an actor, but not one who showed much promise. Here the family did not work out because of the husband’s constant spree. The fourth attempt to start a family was also unsuccessful.

Joseph Kobzon

Yes, it was he who lived with everyone’s favorite actress for 3 years. Both consider this marriage a huge mistake and behave this way with each other as if they were complete strangers. Most likely, two passionate and extraordinary natures could not get along under one roof. Be that as it may, their official union lasted from 1967 to 1970. Gurchenko was so shocked by this experience family life, that for several years she decided to abstract herself from any relationship and did not let anyone near her, which was very unusual for her.

Konstantin Kuperweis

Some of Gurchenko's husbands were younger than her. But a significant one (14 years) did not prevent him and Konstantin from living together from 1973 to 1991. This is a record for the notorious heartbreaker. But they did not officially register their relationship. Konstantin was a pianist, but he pushed his career into the background, which he later regretted. He lived these years in the shadow of her fame, but then ambition took over, and Cooperweis left.

He was born in Odessa in 1961. He graduated from the Institute of Civil Engineering and got a job as a laboratory assistant within the walls of his alma mater. But unexpectedly for everyone, he changed his occupation and went to work at the Odessa film studio.

Lyudmila Markovna met him in 1993 during the filming of a film, where last husband Gurchenko was the producer. She was 58, he was 32. Of course, the ruler of men's hearts always kept her mark and at this age did not lose her charm and charm at all. The entire film crew watched how rapidly their relationship developed. There was a scandal: Sergei Senin, Gurchenko’s husband, was married at that time and had a daughter. His wife, having learned about the betrayal, immediately filed for divorce. There were no legal obstacles, and the lovers were married in the same 1993. They lived together for 18 years, until the actress’s death.

Senin himself (Gurchenko’s husband), whose biography is not replete with bright creative events, devoted himself entirely to Lyudmila Markovna and did not regret it at all. For example, he did for her creatively what others could not - he gave her participation in a musical film. This genre was Gurchenko’s dream, which came true only in 1993. The short film was called "Love". It consisted of monologues and songs. Also, Sergei Senin, Gurchenko’s husband, was the producer of the projects “Motley Twilight” and “Reboot”, where Lyudmila Markovna played herself.

It seems that it was the last marriage that brought Lyudmila Markovna what she had been looking for all her life in relationships with men: love, care, respect and understanding.

In an exclusive interview with Dmitry Gordon, Sergei Mikhailovich told how he met Lyudmila Gurchenko, about the filming of their first joint film “Sex Fairytale”, that in everyday life and in relationships with loved ones Lyudmila Markovna was an impractical person and really needed support, that despite despite the 25-year age difference, he never felt like a boy next to her.

Sixth... This is not the name of another adventurous film, but a number on the list of husbands of the Soviet film star Lyudmila Gurchenko, which fell to the lot of film producer Sergei Senin. The well-wishers tried to somehow hurt him, to prick him, to kindle male jealousy in him: they say, he was not the first, but their attempts were dashed by his equanimity. Sergei Mikhailovich knows: yes, the brilliant actress fell passionately in love and suddenly cooled off, yes, she changed men, but only because all her life she was looking for someone she could rely on, someone she could trust to the end...

I searched and finally found it. Look at their photos together, where the actress clung to him with a thin exotic vine, deliberately overweight, standing firmly on the ground - these photos speak louder than any words, so Senin became her sixth and last husband: they lived together for 19 years.

Sergei Mikhailovich blossoms when talking about his Lucy, and extremely reluctantly, through force, talks about himself. The roles have long been distributed forever: she is a diamond, he is the one who provides her with a luxurious frame and favorable lighting. By the way, before meeting Gurchenko, Senin was very successful. He graduated from schools, regular and music, with honors, and graduated from college with honors. In graduate school, he was destined for a doctoral dissertation and a professorship, but “his pen ran out of ink”—and a respectable scientific career Sergei cheated with windy cinema.

The first film he produced together with a friend, “A Parrot Speaking Yiddish” (after which the scriptwriter and director Efraim Savela referred to him only as “the Odessa lunatic”) created Senin’s name and brought financial success. Just imagine what kind of business acumen you need to have in order, for example, when working with the Poles, to organize the departure of the main character in “The Seagull” from the Kremlin’s Spassky Gate for a bottle! It seemed like nothing was impossible for him...

When Sergei Mikhailovich married an actress who was a quarter of a century older, they tried to portray him as a gigolo, a swindler, a swindler - other explanations for them unequal marriage the “well-wishers” had no... He did not condescend to make excuses either during Lucy’s life, or even more so after her death, so the vigilant public is not aware, as in 1993, when inflation was off the charts, and the future seemed precarious and unpredictable, Se-nin persuaded the accountant of his studio to take out a loan of 100 thousand dollars and made the first television film, proposed - then for him - by Lyudmila Markovna. How, after the start of their life together, the actress showed a skinny stack of dollars on the closet shelf - all her savings, the amount of which is embarrassing to even name. In the end, it was not her who gave her a Volvo for her last anniversary, which was later given to Gurchenko’s daughter Maria as an inheritance.

Lyudmila Markovna herself also suffered from gossip: there were rumors that she had taken her young husband away from the family, that for her sake Sergei had abandoned his wife Galina and her small child in Odessa. An innate sense of nobility did not allow Senin to talk about how Galya once told him: “Tomorrow we are leaving for Israel - if you want, come with us.” The documents for her, her parents and daughter Arina were already ready, everything was decided - Sergei was simply presented with a fact. Before deciding to divorce, he experienced more than one “set-up” in the same spirit - fate, with an invisible hand, led him to the main meeting of his life.

The scandal over Lyudmila Markovna's inheritance, which gossip lovers were already anticipating, died out before it could flare up. Only Sergei Mikhailovich knows what diplomatic efforts it cost him, but Lyusya would probably have approved of him, and her daughter eventually realized that her “stepfather,” in fact, did not need anything he had acquired - well, except for the ring with a white sapphire gold, once brought to him by Gurchenko from New York: Senin never parted with it, the wedding gift...

Seven years have passed since Lucy left, but no one calls him a widower - only a husband. During this time, he accomplished a lot: he erected a monument, opened a memorial plaque on the house where Lyudmila Markovna lived for the last 10 years, all by himself, without asking anyone for help. financial assistance without contacting! Today, Sergei Mikhailovich lives with two dogs in a house he rents outside the city, and in their luxurious apartment near the Patriarch's Ponds there is a Mas-ter Museum, where the folk trail is not overgrown.

Well, one last thing. Shortly before this interview, Lyudmila Gurchenko’s only daughter died. Maria had a very strained relationship with her mother, but Senin without hesitation agreed to be buried next to the actress on Novoda-vi-ch-em. He never managed to reconcile mother and daughter during his lifetime, but he tried to do this after their death.

“When Gurchenko sang: “Sleep, the night in July is only six hours long,” my indignation knew no bounds: what kind of Soviet stage is this?

— Sergei Mikhailovich, as far as I know, you were born on the shores of the Black Sea, in Odessa...

— I lived in this city most of my life, but I was born in the Urals, in Bashkiria. The fate of my parents, according to their institute assignment, brought me there, I happened to be there, and then our family - I was a child then - returned home...

— Is Odessa a love for life?

- All of it.

— Do you come there often today?

“My parents often visit there - thank God, they are alive, they live in Germany, and so I visit.

— Has Odessa changed much since your youth?

“I’ve become completely different—it seems to me that I’ve gotten prettier, and when I get there and look around, I’m filled with a feeling of pride. If I have friends or relatives next to me who have been absent there for a long time (well, let’s say, my daughter who hasn’t been to Odessa for more than 20 years), I see that their eyes light up with admiration. Of course, I’m pleased with this, but the people there are already different. Many have left, there are no neighbors, no friends from their youth - those who created a special Odessa flavor. Now you are visiting your native, but no longer very familiar city.

— The scenery is the same, but the artists are slightly different...

— Somewhere the scenery has already changed, because in Odessa, in my opinion, a lot of wonderful things have been done, especially under the beloved mayor Gurvits, although, in principle, you are right: the scenery is the same, the sea, at least the Black Sea... .

— You graduated from the Odessa Civil Engineering Institute, and in what specialty?

— It had a complicated name: design engineer in industrial and civil construction.

- PGS...

- KPGS - still the letter “k”: this faculty, when I entered, had just been created and differed from the PGS (which existed separately) with a slightly greater bias in design.

— Do you remember anything from the institute program?

“Nothing, and although I also graduated from graduate school, all this seems to have remained in another life.”

— For many years you were the husband of Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko, an outstanding Soviet film and theater actress, star of musicals, a wonderful woman, a unique personality, and when you first heard about her, remember?

“I remember the very first, perhaps, recognition of her as a person. The year 1978, in my opinion, was going on - before that I, one might say, did not know such an actress, I was not particularly interested in her work, and suddenly, when I was watching TV, some artist appeared on the screen and, as it seemed to me, no out of the blue, the song of my favorite group at that time, “Flowers,” began to sing: “Sleep, the night in July is only six o’clock.” My indignation knew no bounds: what kind of Soviet stage is this? Who allowed their favorite songs to be ruined? Back then, I had a hard time understanding what was what, and immediately took it all in stride, but when I listened to the end, I was especially struck by the ending (there is a very high note there) - I suddenly realized that it was done with talent. I was interested in who this Lyudmila Gurchenko is...

“Didn’t this last name mean anything to you?”

- Well, maybe I heard her, but outwardly I didn’t know the actress. “Carnival Night” didn’t interest me...

— Did you pass by?

- Absolutely!

—Where did you live, in what country?

— In the Soviet Union, and then, literally a year later, the magazine “Our Contemporary” with Lyusina’s story “My Adult Childhood” fell into my hands. Remembering the first emotional blow received from the actress Gurchenko, I took this number with me to the institute. I was a first-year student at the time, and I came to my class in the Circus Hall (it was so big), sat down in the gallery and began to read.

I was so amazed and captivated by the text that I stayed for the next couple of other faculties and courses - in general, I devoured it in one gulp, and of course, it struck me... I can’t even find the words: the story made a tremendous impression on me - with its sincerity, frankness , and with every line I read, I became more and more convinced that this is a very honest book. Falsity will still come out, leak through, no matter how you smooth out the page with beautiful, ornate text.

I can say why my story with Lyusya was happiness for me - because everything that I read about in this story, that I learned and understood then, then received one hundred percent confirmation in life next to her. I saw that there was no embellishment in the story told: the person I imagined in the book and the one I met in reality were absolutely identical - nothing was different.

— Did you become her fan then? Do you want to watch her films?

- No, I didn’t become a fan, but from that day on, everything connected with Lucy interested me, and, of course, I watched all the films that came out. I remember the shock of “Five Evenings”; “Siberiad” is generally one of my favorite films, as well as “Twenty Days Without War”, and also “Benefit Performance”, “Songs of War”...

“Lucy was embarrassed by the distance between our years of birth, but never by me. I think that if Lucy was worried, maybe even suffered, it was deep inside, not letting me feel it.”

- How did you two meet?

— In 1979, as a first-year student, I met Lyusya through a book, and already in 1990 (in general, not many years have passed!) I was already the producer of the film “Sec-Fairy Tale” based on Nabokov. The director of the film, not me, which I regret (alas, it never occurred to me) invited Lucy to play the main role in it.

— When you became a producer, did you know that Lyudmila Markovna would star in the film?

- No. This was not my first film, I’ve probably been making films for about two years now - my partner and I created our own studio, and now it’s 1990, everything was just becoming possible, everything was allowed, and then there’s this topic: Nabokov, a fairy tale with light eroticism - it was fashionable then. Since the classic has a very short story, the screenwriter rewrote it, supplemented it and somehow further developed it - unfortunately, in my opinion, as it turned out later.

At first, the role was tried on other actresses - according to the plot, it was necessary to play the Devil in a female guise, who is satisfied with her sex life and fantasies young man(Sergei Zhigunov played his role) satisfies. It didn’t work out with one actress, it didn’t work out with the second, and suddenly Lena Nikolaeva, the film’s director, came to Odessa and said: “Gurchenko agreed.” Even then I thought: “How come I didn’t think of this myself? My favorite actress." Well, it doesn’t matter... That’s how, 11 years after reading a significant book for me, which changed a lot in me, we met.

— Do you remember the very moment you met?

- I remember. The film was shot in an original way - an Odessa company launched it, the group was mostly from Moscow, and we filmed in Vilnius, because at that moment it was the most economically profitable option... There is a very good studio there with qualified workers, but it was empty then, because Lithuania, as you remember, was the first Soviet Union It started to come out and fermentation had already begun. In general, there was no work, and they gladly allowed any groups to come to them, so life went on in the triangle: Odessa - Moscow - Vilnius. I remember my next flight to Vilnius - I arrived at the pavilion, where bed scene I filmed with Zhigunov...

— The midshipman wasn’t timid?

“At first there was trouble, but then, in my opinion, he pulled himself together. No, Sergei quickly got used to it... I went into the pavilion, started looking for the actors with my eyes and suddenly I saw something... Well, just a divine creature of unearthly beauty was sitting. I understood that it must be Lucy, but it seemed not. He came up: she’s not she? It turned out to be Gurchenko. We had such a fleeting acquaintance: hello, hello, and then she left for the hotel, I told her large bouquet He presented me with flowers - that’s all, actually...

— For what purpose did you present this bouquet? - tell me honestly...

- Not at all - it’s just that for the first time I saw the actress who had excited me so much all these years - with her work, with some human qualities that I already understood. The interest was huge!

— Admit it, the thought of a possible continuation flashed through your mind?

- Not at all - there was nothing even close.

— What, excuse me, was the age difference between you?

— Didn’t these numbers alarm you?

- Never me. Lucy was confused by the distance between our years of birth, but it seems to me that we are so right and in in a good way They behaved smartly... As a result, everything somehow smoothed out. Of course, it happened that the difference in life experience manifested itself somewhere, not without reason, but none of us focused on it. I think that if Lucy was worried, maybe even suffered, it was deep inside, not letting me feel it.

— Have you ever had any conversations on this topic?

“There were, but I always reduced them to a joke, and, in the end, she also began to treat it with humor.

- Who was wiser - you, despite the fact that you are younger, or she?

“Lucy, in my opinion, is a person of exceptional wisdom. Very impractical in everyday life, in some household chores, in relationships with loved ones, but very wise. I’ll tell you, Dima, this: we often argued with her, for example, about some reason... I’m also an arguer - after all, my sign is Ox, and I was always sure: oh well, let her be 25 years smarter me, but I know for sure that this is so and not otherwise, nevertheless, a little earlier or a little later, but in 99 percent of cases I understood (and I’m not afraid to admit it!) that she still turned out to be right. A few steps forward, she saw better - she was wiser.

— When did the turning point occur and the relationship between a fan and a movie star develop into a relationship between a man and a woman?

- You see, I can’t say that today it was like this, and tomorrow everything will be different. Probably, to many, what I am about to say will seem strange and contrived, but... There are several people in this life whose opinions I value, and if they share my point of view, I don’t need anything else. What am I getting at? Lucy, no matter how surprising it may seem to someone, was a person of exceptional modesty, shyness, tact... It was so - I am responsible for my words, so our romance, firstly, took a very long time to develop...

— You talked a lot, right?

— The fact is that while the film “Sek-Skazka” was being filmed, we saw each other several times, and although we lived in the same hotel in Vilnius and met at breakfasts, all this happened in passing. We met Soviet tanks together in Lithuania, because just at that time...

- ... riot police stormed the TV tower...

- Yes, we were in Vilnius when these bloody events happened, and the next morning there was a terrible moral situation arose because the people in the group just yesterday were friends, relatives and doted on each other, but today the Lithuanians looked at us reproachfully: “What are you guys doing?” There were more than a dozen dead there, and by the way, Lucy was one of those who understood what had to be done: we quietly, calmly made the decision and completely sided with the Lithuanians in this sense, and came to the memorial service. In general, this story united us with them even more - it happened that way, and then the premiere of the film was...

Actually, work on the film ended, and the thread between us was broken. Lyusya was married at that moment, I was still married when “SexTale” was just starting, so no flirting, no romantic relationships, and anyone who knew Lyudmila Markovna well understands: this, as Lyusya said, is impossible - if she is married , this is impossible.

“She told me that she never cheated on her husbands, which is generally unrealistic for an actress...

- Yes, it’s unrealistic, although someone again won’t believe it, which is why she never had a permanent director (the situation is obvious - everyone understands everything perfectly).

After some time, quite a long time (well, a year probably passed), it so happened that they suggested to me that Lucy come to Israel with our film “Sec-Fairy Tale”.

“Lucy said: “Listen, I have a proposal for you. If you want, come to my home,” and then, of course, my heart sank. I arrived, Lucy opened it. Alone in the house. One!"

- Excuse me, have you thought about her throughout this year or not?

- Of course I did. Listen, I was proud that, as a producer, I made a film in which Gurchenko starred, it seemed incredible to me, and in general, such a fast-paced time: just yesterday you were studying, gnawing on the granite of science in graduate school, and today you are making a picture. .. I called her, and we began an absolutely technical telephone conversation: how to organize everything, passports, visas... She agreed, and so quickly that it even surprised me a little: “Yes! All! Okay, I'm going." Only later did I understand the reason for such haste...

- What?

— The fact is that at that moment she had problems in her personal life, troubles with her husband began. I found out about this in 2000, her manuscript “Lucy, Stop!” reprinting - I just read it, because we rarely shared some stories from our personal lives: she shared hers, I shared mine. At that time it was important for her to disappear from the country for some time, but where to go: to Israel, Kazakhstan, America, Australia - it was all the same... Then an offer comes, especially since they invite her with the picture, which is important for an actress: “Sex Fairytale” is good “or bad, like it or not, but this is an opportunity... Moreover, Lyusya understood: even if the viewer doesn’t like the film, because it’s so on the verge of a foul, there is still a section where you can talk, sing, and that’s all... then this will balance out.

At the airport from where Lucy flew to Israel (she had already asked me to accompany her), we agreed that I would meet her on the return flight. After some time - 10 days or two weeks, I came to meet her at Sheremetyevo-2 and again didn’t recognize her: I didn’t recognize her! I ran in, started fussing, then I looked: something seemed familiar, and she always, when she arrived (no matter who she met: me, not me, and no matter where she came), came out and, without stopping, walked towards the exit. “Lucy, wait,” he asked, “maybe people will subside a little.” No, straight forward - without pause, without stopping.

- Star!

- Well, there was no stardom in this.

- What about the inner feeling?

Inner feeling it was like I was coming and there was no need to meet me here now. I can get into a car, hail a taxi, they will take me to a hotel, and there was absolutely no arrogance, arrogance: come on, let’s catch me now - there was absolutely no sign of it. Maybe it all looks like this, but knowing Lucy more deeply, I will say: it had nothing to do with her.

I took her home, we said goodbye at the door, at the entrance, and that’s all, but somehow this wasn’t enough for me, I wanted to do something else. At work - I was only thinking about work then. By that time, things were already difficult in Odessa: everything was starting to fall apart, the studio was barely breathing, and I realized that I had to somehow look for happiness...

- Moscow...

- Yes, but happiness is not in your personal life again, but in your work. Little by little I recorded some music for foreign and our films, met a good conductor, met musicians, studio work started - something that, in principle, I really loved, and of course, the idea that maybe some movie would be a success start, did not leave me. Now I don’t remember exactly under what pretext I called Lucy - am I not telling this story for a long time?

- No, very interesting...

“Lyudmila Markovna,” he said, “so and so, I would like to do something else with your participation.” She always spoke very simply, without these show-offs: ta-ta-ta, I’m busy right now, call me back later, and this time she responded in a businesslike way: “Yes, yes, of course.” Then she said: “Listen, I have a proposal for you. If you want, come to my house and I’ll tell you what it is.” Here, of course, my heart sank, and the funny thing is that I...

Ah-ah-ah, this happened before, I just missed one moment. When this Israeli history was, I rented an apartment in one of the residential areas of Moscow. My fellow cameraman, who also rented an apartment, but in the center, asked: “Why are you hanging out there? Let’s move in with me.” I did so, and, as it turned out later, this was the house in which Lyusya and I recent years lived, and at that moment she lived literally around the corner. Can you imagine? - and when I found out about this, I felt that fate was already pushing us towards each other!

So I got ready. When he arrived, Lucy opened it. Alone in the house. One! “Well,” I thought, “maybe it’s because the meeting is on a work topic: we’ll talk about movies, and she just wants no one to interfere.” The apartment was beautiful, with ancient antique furniture - it was clear that everything was very thought out, but it was quite small, I would even say that for an actress of this level it was modest.

We sat down and started talking. She played me her songs, which I had no idea about at all... Well, that is, “Songs of War” I knew, I heard something performed on television, but television, as a rule, with the exception of the luxurious programs “Songs of War” and “ Favorite songs” about her - I only began to understand this later - gives a distorted idea...


- She is a pop singer in the best sense of the word, pop as a great genre of art, and, of course, I was stunned, because I didn’t expect such a level, such quality of arrangements, such semantic loads in the lyrics, such music - I suddenly found out that she She writes music herself, and she had very decent things... In general, discoveries for me continued, and I spontaneously burst out: “I’ll do it!” I promised, absolutely not understanding how I would do it and what exactly, especially since formally I still lived in Odessa.

Lyusya conceived a television project similar to the famous “Songs”, where monologues with vocals would alternate with good scenery. She selected eight songs: “Let’s make them,” and at that time the clip stories were already starting, and I wanted to film it... no, not as a clip, but in line with new trends... There was some kind of director who came and he said something - then he disappeared safely... In general, somehow everything went on and on...

- This evening didn’t end with anything?

- Well, how? We talked, drank tea, coffee - everything! I returned to Odessa, I decided all the issues related to the fact that this picture could be put into production... Two months probably passed, I called occasionally - it was inconvenient for me... I understood that I could only normally In that case, call Lyudmila Markovna if I say: “That’s it!..

- ...I'm ready!..

-...Let's go!” To do this, it was important to resolve issues, primarily financial ones - I settled them and came to Moscow. We assembled an amazing team - they are all famous now, but then they were just starting out: Fedya Bondarchuk - director, Misha Mukasey Jr. - cameraman, Borya Krasnov - scenery...!..

- ...Valya Yudashkin - costumes. This is the team I found for Lucy, although... The names, of course, are beautiful, but there were also difficulties in connection with this. All individuals, all ambitious, but, in my opinion, it worked out, and work, work, work began... I began to pay attention to the fact that Lyusya lives alone - she and the dachshund Tuzik, I realized that the first time I arrived It was no coincidence that I didn’t find anyone in the apartment except her when I listened to this musical story. Tuzik and I walked, went to the Cinema House - at that time there were not many restaurants in Moscow, but there was still a favorite there. Once I invited her to my birthday party with two of my friends: well, something like this, step by step - step by step, little by little...

“Lucy quietly asked my friend: “How old is Sergei Mikhailovich?” When he answered: “32,” she felt sick, but when they saw us together, no one even thought that we were not a couple.”

— Do you remember your first kiss with Lyudmila Markovna? How did this happen?

“I remember, but I’m embarrassed to tell you.” We walked for a long time, I was very nervous. There had already been moments before when I felt that something like that was arising between us - well, you know, when you can’t do without each other even for a day. I started canceling some of my trips, stopped going to Odessa, because I noticed that if I’m gone for a day or two, she gets nervous and starts to worry. In general, there were nuances (this is familiar to every person) that cannot be explained in words, but on some subconscious, intuitive level you feel: something is happening.

In my opinion, it was just after the birthday: we were sitting very happily, then we went to some theater, I saw Lucy off and felt that I could kiss her. He kissed me for real... She remembered me for a long time later: “Dad, how did you sell me your tongue the first time? You should have kissed me quietly, somehow dryly, restrainedly.” This was said with humor, but... This is how it was - the first kiss, which, in my opinion, did not bring much pleasure to anyone.

- When did you realize that you loved her, and who, in fact, was the first to confess your love to whom?

- You see, the phrase: “I love you” was difficult for Lucy to say, she could say these words to a person only once in her life, and she told them to me once, but never repeated them again. With her all these children's games: “Do you love me?” - didn’t pass, but I can tell you this: I understood and, it seems to me, she understood that this was real... We lived together from the beginning of ’93, and the first years turned out to be the happiest, because before that she was in a terrible psychological state I was in disarray...

— Depressed, huh?

- Well, firstly, my personal life did not work out: my family life not only collapsed, but collapsed overnight, and somehow, very unexpectedly, it started to fail. This is what I was talking about: today it’s like this, and tomorrow boom! - and there is no turning back, we have to rebuild from scratch, and secondly, the cinema has given a crack. Because of this, her favorite profession, where she could throw herself headlong (which, in fact, was what Lucy did all her life), ceased to serve as a refuge. Now there was nowhere to go - there was, of course, the stage, but everything was not easy there either. Now you come to any Mukhosransk, and there is equipment there - Moscow will envy, but then there was nothing anywhere, and it was impossible to buy. I remember how we took out DAT tape recorders, some amplifiers, microphones - this whole story. Everything had to be ordered abroad, and work was difficult, naturally, so I wandered between cities...

Probably, our rapprochement was influenced by the fact that by that time I was divorced, I had been alone for two years, of course, the fact that she found herself in this lonely state also played a role... Well, and then I’m always ten years older than in fact, according to his passport, he looked like it - this was a little reassuring. Lucy didn’t know how old I was until I invited her to my birthday party without explaining why. She understood this from the situation and quietly, as I was later told, asked my friend: “How old is Sergei Mikhailovich?” When he answered: “32,” she felt sick, I noticed it. Well, it’s not that she’s bad, she’s just in a bad mood, because... Actually, she was weak in arithmetic, but here, of course, she did the math and realized that it was probably (clicks her tongue)...

- Not that...

— So you were 32 years old then?

- Yes, and she’s 57 - I’m good at arithmetic, after all, I graduated from graduate school.

— Misalliance, it would seem...

- It would seem, yes, but everything is not so clear... I don’t want to talk about myself in this way, and then I don’t know whether it’s good or bad, I’m just citing it as a fact: in addition to the external, there is some kind of internal in me there is maturity. Journalists still indicate: born in 50, 55... Through your newspaper I can say: “I’m from ’61,” so that everyone can finally bring their knowledge into line with the truth, if anyone -that's interesting.

Something like this... Lyusya considered me very wise, smart, because there were some things that made her nervous, and I lent my shoulder. In general, she always needed support.

- Did you tell her that you love her?

- He said...

- Often?

- Often... Well, how? I spoke, but I wanted her to feel it through some of my actions, through my actions. I felt that words were not enough for her, because several times she reacted like this: “I love, I love... Well, what do I love?” And, of course, we were very close people in relation to life, to our favorite books, to music, to some manifestations of human qualities. This is a situation when you evaluate a lot of things, very different, almost everything, in the same way. Not in the sense of agreeing with each other when suddenly some interesting turn in the discussion of a particular topic arises, not just: “Do you like it?” - “Yes.” - “Well, I like it too.” No, at the beginning of our life together we talked a lot and suddenly realized that our circles of interests overlapped very well.

— Did Lyudmila Markovna tell you, or was there gossip behind the scenes, or did her movie star friends whisper: “Look, what a young boy she grabbed for herself”? Was there envy towards her?

— Firstly, for some time she didn’t have any movie star friends.

- Already a plus...

- You know, Dima, we never directly encountered this - I think that everyone fell under the same feeling that Lyusya and I were in, because from many we heard just the opposite. When they saw us together, no one even thought that we were not a couple. Of course, if people were more or less sane, because there are also plenty of insane people, but God be with them... Very often, not just our friends, but simply acquaintances or strangers, said how good we look next to each other: there is no feeling that boy and woman together. This happened - I don’t know why...

(Continued in the next issue)

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Only the closest ones gathered. If at the farewell ceremony the latter ordered the microphone to be removed from the stage of the House of Writers in order to avoid loud statements at the wife’s coffin, then those who came to the memorial meal were still allowed to make speeches for the repose of the great actress, writes Express Gazeta.

Sergei Mikhailovich himself sat at the central table. Few people know that, having met Gurchenko 20 years ago, Odessa resident Senin left his family, leaving his wife and little daughter in his hometown. Gurchenko herself casually said that her affair with Senin began on the set of the film “Sex Fairy Tale.”

“It was exactly 20 years ago in Vilnius,” shared actress Alena Lisovskaya, who made her debut in this film. “It turned out that Lyudmila Markovna and I were traveling to the Lithuanian capital from Moscow in the same compartment. At ten o’clock in the evening, Gurchenko suggested having dinner. I answered that I don’t eat at night.” “Well, in vain,” she says, “but I always eat! I had a hungry childhood,” said the actress.

“Gurchenko laid out delicious supplies on the table: smoked sausage, cucumbers, fresh bread... In the morning Sergei Senin met us on the platform and gallantly kissed our hands. At that time he was not yet Gurchenko’s husband, but simply the producer of the film. romantic relationship unfolded before my eyes. I remember Sergei was very upset when Gurchenko refused to come to the banquet on the occasion of the start of filming. I walked along the hotel corridor past the door of her room and was indignant. They say, how can it be: she has main role, and the team ignores it,” Lisovskaya shared the details of the relationship between Senin and Gurchenko.

But, according to Lisovskaya, in a critical situation Lyudmila Markovna behaved very collectedly. It was then that unrest began in the Baltic states and tanks took to the streets. All train and flights have been cancelled. The film crew could not return to Moscow. And Gurchenko, who instantly transformed from a movie star with her head in the clouds into business woman, helped Senin quickly solve this problem.

“I think it was then that Sergei completely fell in love with her,” recalls Lisovskaya. “After all, Lyudmila Markovna radiated incredible energy. At the premiere, the producer was already tenderly holding the actress’s hand.” “Sergei Mikhailovich,” we joked, “you said before that your heart is unyielding.” “I think I was wrong,” he shook his head with a good-natured smile.

Sergey Senin is from Odessa. There he graduated from school and the Institute of Civil Engineering, and then remained to work at his alma mater in the laboratory at the department of hydraulic engineering. Colleagues remembered him as a cheerful and cheerful person who even approached serious scientific issues with a creative approach. It is no wonder that a few years later Senin abruptly changed his field of activity and got a job at a film studio.

“I knew Serezha even before Gurchenko,” said his colleague Elena Zimina. “We used to often meet at film markets in Moscow, where he represented the Odessa studio. I also talked with him younger brother Alexander until he left for Canada. One day Sashka called me and began to tell me with excitement that grief had happened in their family. Like, Seryozha left his wife and little daughter and left them for Gurchenko! I was only casually acquainted with Senin’s then wife. It seems she is also Lyudmila. Only much younger and, in my opinion, more attractive than the actress,” Zimina noted.

Eyewitnesses spoke about an incident that put an end to the relationship between Senin and his Odessa wife. At first, Sergei was in no hurry to divorce her and lived with Gurchenko in Moscow as a lover. The couple continued to make films together. Their next work was the film “Listen, Fellini!” Sergei and Lyudmila came to Odessa to present it to the public. In the midst of the presentation, Senin’s legal wife and daughter entered the cinema hall. Seeing her husband with her star partner with her own eyes, she turned around and silently left with her head held high. On the same day she filed for divorce.

“Having acquired the status of the legal husband of Lyudmila Markovna, Senin has changed a lot,” Zimina is sure. “From a tall, stately blond man, he began to turn into a gloomy brunette with a beard. Alas, Seryozha began to age rapidly. It’s scary to look at him now. He was probably adjusting to his age new wife. In recent years, no one could even guess that Senin younger than Gurchenko for almost 20 years. Metamorphoses of love! By the way, ex-wife and Seryozha’s daughter have been living in Israel for more than ten years. I hope the woman found her true happiness there. After all, Seryozha was a loving man from his youth. There were rumors that, while still living in Odessa, he dated many ladies, not really worrying that his other half would find out about it,” Zimina said.

Chapter 16. Boris Andronikashvili: exquisite appearance with a set of extraordinary qualities

Immediately after breaking up with Ordynsky, Gurchenko began an affair with a 22-year-old student at the VGIK screenwriting department, Boris Andronikashvili. They got married, a year later their daughter Maria was born, and about a year later they divorced.

Lyusya came across Boris Andronikashvili by chance, at the self-service counter in the VGIK canteen. Seeing a textured, hot brunette in front of her, the girl dropped the tray. Here he is - the Englishman Laurence Olivier, reincarnated as a student - the man of her dreams, who played Hamlet and Henry V, who shone in the films Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, Lady Hamilton...

Boris Andronikashvili born on October 28, 1934 in Moscow in the family of the famous writer Boris Pilnyak (pseudonym of Boris Andreevich Vogau) and actress Kira Georgievna Andronikashvili from the Georgian princely family of Andronikashvili. In 1937, his father was arrested on charges of state crimes. Subsequently, after many years, literary critics would define Pilnyak as “the head of the whole school or trends in Soviet literature,” which will be called “ornamental prose.” The mother, fearing for the fate of her son, sent him to Tbilisi to his grandmother, who adopted her grandson and gave him her last name - Andronikashvili. In his youth he went to Batumi, where he entered the Batumi nautical school. But then he decided to change his profession and already in the early 1950s he left for Moscow, where he entered the screenwriting and film studies department of VGIK, which he graduated in 1959.

During his student years, almost half of the students dreamed of a handsome man with Georgian roots. And he fell in love with a girl two years older than him. Lucy did not hide her close relationship with Andronikashvili; on the contrary, she lived as if for show. It is not surprising that there were many envious people who wanted to ruin the relationship between this couple.

And soon the young people became parents, in 1959 they had small miracle- daughter Masha. Alas, the happiness did not last long; as the smart guys say: Only good things pass quickly...

And soon it became clear to Lyudmila Markovna herself that her career was more important to her than diapers.

– An actress cannot be a mother. Everything needs to be given either to the profession or to the children. Personally, I chose the first path. Although this may be very cruel,” the actress once admitted bitterly.

But the fact of the birth itself, which took place not in Moscow, where her young husband lived, but in Kharkov, with her parents, probably left a negative imprint on her. In addition, she dreamed of giving birth to a boy, whom she was going to name Mark in honor of her beloved daddy. So one can even imagine the actress’s deep disappointment when, on June 5, 1959, she was notified that a girl was born. And the situation in the maternity hospital, as biographers write, was not conducive to calm and true joyful anticipation - the women in labor in the ward recognized their popular countrywoman and were immediately divided into those who like her and her work, and those who simply hate her for the very fact of her existence . Lucy had to move to another ward. And little Mark will indeed appear in the life of Lyudmila Gurchenko one day, but it will be her grown daughter who will give birth to him.

In the book “Applause,” Lyudmila Markovna will write this, briefly and strangely: “In 1959, Masha was born to me. And my mother came to visit me in Moscow on her vacation. Since then, she spent all her holidays with us. She always arrived with full baskets. “Bring everything to the children. To my daughter and my little grandson. They are our joy. There is no one greater in us than anyone in the world, Lyalyusha."

Alas, marriage star couple fell apart. Lyusya Gurchenko went forward along the road of creativity, hitting more and more new milestones, gaining more and more sophisticated experience in everyday affairs. And the “dark eagle” Boris Andronikashvili - screenwriter, historian, son of a writer and actress, cousin of Georgian directors Georgiy and Eldar Shengelaya - was also not left without his favorite work. But their child ended up deprived of the care and affection of the closest people... Her fate and relationship with her parents are so absurd, strange and even tragic that this woman, whose existence for many years the general public did not know, we will devote a separate chapter.

Lyudmila Markovna later spoke about her husband, paying tribute to his inner talents:

“Despite his refined appearance, from which you wouldn’t expect anything profound, he was a complex person with a set of extraordinary qualities – large and small.

Boris Andronikashvili and Lyudmila Gurchenko.

Perhaps it was precisely this complexity of character, education and intelligence that became the reason that pushed Lucy away from her chosen one. He was indeed well-bred, brilliantly educated, had a sense of humor, was well-read and musical, charming and talented. And she, hoping to find the ideal man in Boris, in the end wanted to live not with a sort of Georgian Laurence Olivier, but with a simple shirt guy, like two peas in a pod like her ideal man– Mark Gurchenko, a village illiterate self-taught accordion player. But it was rumored that Boris was not a righteous man either, and more than once caused pain to his young wife with his infidelities.

E. Mishanenkova, in her book about the great actress, describes this difficult period of her life, which brought her first experience true love and real motherhood.

“But this time everything was much more serious - not a fleeting love, but a strong ardent feeling. And her chosen one, screenwriter Boris Andronikashvili, was an extraordinary man - the son of the famous writer Boris Pilnyak, who was executed in 1938, and his beautiful wife, actress Kira Andronikashvili, who came from a princely Georgian family. And of course, he was “tall and dark-haired”!

And at first it seemed that this was happiness. Love, marriage, child. My career was collapsing, but is that really the main thing? But there is a person nearby who is smarter than her, stronger, who supports and understands. And his mother is so extraordinary - Lyudmila Gurchenko was quietly delighted with Kira Andronikashvili, but even after many years she remembered her as a woman of “beauty, intelligence, talent and unsurpassed femininity.” Who knows, if Kira Georgievna had not died a year after the birth of her granddaughter, perhaps the marriage of Lyudmila Gurchenko and Boris Andronikashvili would not have ended so quickly and so sadly.

The first bells began to appear quite quickly, but Lyudmila Gurchenko did not notice them at first.”

“Maria was born in Kharkov. Weak, painful, and even with birth defect. The girl was immediately handed over to Lyusya’s parents. And the young mother herself returned to Moscow. Here began the tests of the harsh prose of life. Three or four concerts a day, in different parts of Moscow. Factory, plant, trade union committee, police. After the performance, go home by metro. There were no new film roles. The family needed money. And what about Boris Andronikashvili, her husband? Did you help and support in difficult times? Alas, no. She learned about her husband’s infidelities from her friends. Gurchenko did not humiliate herself to questions and clarifications. She immediately filed for divorce.

Only those close to her knew about Lucy’s personal drama. In public, she always kept her face up. It was part of the profession. She crossed out Boris Andronikashvili not only from her life, but also from Masha’s life. The topic of the grief-stricken father and his relatives was closed forever. Gurchenko remembered her daughter’s Georgian roots only in moments of irritation. Having been burned once, Gurchenko decided: sacrificial love was not for her. No more faith in men. And most importantly – no children.”

In one of the interviews, the great actress admitted:

“I had to give up a lot.” When Masha was just born, she had to bandage her breasts with a towel so that the milk would burn. Because I had to work hard, because my husband turned out to be a scoundrel...

It is perhaps worth saying a few more words about how Andronikashvili’s fate turned out after his divorce from Lyusya.

After breaking up with Gurchenko, Boris dated Nonna Mordyukova for five years and even wanted to marry her, but things never came to a wedding. Boris Andronikashvili's second wife was the artist Rusudan Khantadze, with whom he lived until the end of his days in 1996. In their marriage they had a daughter and a son.

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