How to select an entire part from. School of mathematics for everyone who studies and teaches

Math lesson in 4th grade

Lesson topic: Isolating the whole part from an improper fraction.
Didactic goal: to create conditions for the formation of a new educational information.
Goals and objectives of the lesson:
1. Form a concept mixed number.
2. Develop the ability to isolate the whole part from an improper fraction.
3. Develop computing skills.
4. Develop the ability to analyze and solve word problems to find the part of a number and
numbers on its part.
5. Develop logical thinking students.
Planned learning outcomes, formation of UUD:
Subject: expand the concept of number, develop skills in translating improper fractions

in mixed numbers and apply the acquired knowledge and skills when performing various tasks.
Meta-subject: develop the ability to see math problem in the context of problematic
situations in other disciplines, in the surrounding life.
Cognitive UUD: develop ideas about number; ability to work with a textbook,
additional sources of information (analyze,
extract the necessary
information); the ability to make generalizations, conclusions, and establish cause-and-effect relationships.
Communicative UUD: cultivate respect for each other, develop the ability to enter into
educational dialogue with the teacher, with classmates, observing the norms speech behavior, skill
asking questions, listening and answering questions from others, the ability to put forward a hypothesis.
Regulatory UUD:
determine the purpose of the task, learn to plan stages of work,
control your actions, detect and correct errors, evaluate critically
the results of their work and the work of everyone, based on existing criteria, form
the ability to mobilize strength and energy, to overcome obstacles.
Personal learning achievements: to form learning motivation, initiative, develop skills
competent oral and written mathematical speech, the ability to self-assess one’s actions.
Resources: multimedia projector, presentation.
Lesson type: learning new material.

Lesson stage
Teacher activities
Student activity
Greetings, check
readiness for training
occupation, organization of attention
Included in business
rhythm of the lesson.
methods, techniques,
Formed UUD
Be able to draw up your
thoughts verbally
(Communicative UUD).

Listening and
understand others' speech
(Communicative UUD).
As you understand from what you read,
today in class we will continue
working on fractions.
Guys, in class you should
discover new knowledge, but how
known, every new knowledge
related to what we have already learned.
Therefore, we will start with repetition.

Oral counting
knowledge and
Answers are recorded in
check the answers by

Be able to

(Regulatory UUD).
Be able to transform
information from one
forms to another
(Cognitive UUD)
.Be able to draw up your
thoughts in oral and written
form (Communicative

Blitz poll:
What rules do you
used when:
1. Find the sum of fractions.
2. Find the difference of fractions.
3. Find the number by part.
4. Find the part by number.
They tell the rules.
Participating in a conversation with
Be able to draw up your
thoughts verbally
(Communicative UUD).
Be able to navigate
your knowledge system:
distinguish new from already
known with

Listening and
understand others' speech
(Communicative UUD).

e and motivation
3. Statement of the problem
Be able to draw up your
thoughts verbally
(Communicative UUD).
Be able to navigate

your knowledge system:
distinguish new from already
known with
Children express

4. “Formulation of the problem and
lesson objectives
Select a whole fraction from this fraction
Part. What do you offer?
What do you think is the goal?
shall we deliver a lesson?
A goal is formulated
lesson and topic
by students.
Goal: Learn
highlight whole part
from an improper fraction
Be able to get new ones
knowledge: find answers to
questions using the textbook,
your life experience and
information received on
Be able to draw up your
thoughts in oral form;
listen and understand speech

So, any improper fraction
can be represented in the form
mixed number.
Whole part- it's natural
number, and the fractional part
proper fraction.
Drawing up an algorithm.


Be able to
collectively compiled
plan (Regulatory UUD).
Be able to

(Regulatory UUD).
Be able to draw up your
thoughts in oral and written
form; listen and understand
(Communicative UUD)
Be able to

(Regulatory UUD).
Be able to do the work

(Regulatory UUD).

new knowledge
and ways
5.Discovery of something new:
Explanation on the board.
Write the fraction 16/5 as
What rule did you use?
to from an improper fraction
select whole part
To out of the wrong
select whole fractions
part needed:
divide with the remainder
numerator on
received incomplete
write the quotient into
Be able to make the necessary
adjustments into effect
after its completion on

Mixed numbers. Selecting a whole part

Among ordinary fractions There are two different types.
Proper and improper fractions
Let's look at fractions.

Please note that in the first two fractions (3/7 and 5/7) the numerators are smaller than the denominators. Such fractions are called proper.

  • A proper fraction has a numerator less than its denominator. Therefore, a proper fraction is always less than one.

Let's look at the two remaining fractions.
The fraction 7/7 has a numerator equal to the denominator (such fractions are equal to units), and the fraction 11/7 has a numerator greater than the denominator. Such fractions are called improper.

  • An improper fraction has a numerator equal to or greater than its denominator. Therefore, an improper fraction is either equal to one or greater than one.

Any improper fraction is always greater than a proper fraction.

How to select an entire part
An improper fraction can have a whole part. Let's look at how this can be done.

To isolate the whole part from an improper fraction, you need to:
1. divide the numerator by the denominator with the remainder;
2. We write the resulting incomplete quotient into the whole part of the fraction;
3. write the remainder into the numerator of the fraction;
4. Write the divisor into the denominator of the fraction.

Example. Let's select the whole part from the improper fraction 11/2.
. Divide the numerator by the denominator in a column.

. Now let's write down the answer.

  • The resulting number above, containing an integer and a fractional part, is called a mixed number.

We got a mixed number from an improper fraction, but we can also do the opposite, that is, represent the mixed number as an improper fraction.
To represent a mixed number as an improper fraction:
1. multiply its integer part by the denominator of the fractional part;
2. add the numerator of the fractional part to the resulting product;
3. write the resulting amount from point 2 into the numerator of the fraction, and leave the denominator of the fractional part the same.

Example. Let's represent a mixed number as an improper fraction.
. Multiply the integer part by the denominator.

3 . 5 = 15
. Add the numerator.

15 + 2 = 17
. We write the resulting amount into the numerator of the new fraction, and leave the denominator the same.

Any mixed number can be represented as the sum of an integer and a fractional part.

  • Any natural number can be written as a fraction with any natural denominator.

The quotient of dividing the numerator by the denominator of such a fraction will be equal to the given natural number.

How to separate the whole part from an improper fraction? To isolate the whole part from an improper fraction, you must: Divide the numerator by the denominator with the remainder; An incomplete quotient will be a whole part; The remainder (if any) is given by the numerator, and the divisor is the denominator of the fraction. Complete numbers 1057, 1058, 1059, 1060. 1062, 1063. 1064. 7.

Picture 22 from the presentation “Mixed Numbers Grade 5” for mathematics lessons on the topic “Mixed numbers”

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Mixed numbers

“Mathematics lesson notes” - Follow the example. a) 4/7+2/7= (4+2)/7= 6/7 b, c, d (at the board) d) 7/9-2/9= (7-2)/9= 5/ 9 f, g, h (at the board). 12 kg of cucumbers were collected from the garden. 2/3 of all cucumbers were pickled. 6/7-3/7=(6-3)/7=3/7 2/11+5/11=(2+5)/22=7/22 9/10-8/10=(9-8 )/10=2/10. Show the fraction 2/8+3/8. Formulate the subtraction rule. Learning new material:

“Comparing decimal fractions” - The purpose of the lesson. Compare numbers: Mental counting. 9.85 and 6.97; 75.7 and 75.700; 0.427 and 0.809; 5.3 and 5.03; 81.21 and 81.201; 76.005 and 76.05; 3.25 and 3.502; Read the fractions: 41.1 ; 77.81; 21.005; 0.0203. 41.1; 77.81; 21.005; 0.0203. Equalize the number of decimal places. Lesson plan. Places of decimal fractions. Reinforcement lesson in 5th grade.

“Rules for rounding numbers” - 1.8. 48. Well done! 3. 3. Learn to apply the rounding rule using examples. Try to compare. Round whole numbers to the nearest ten. 1. Remember the rule for rounding numbers. Is it convenient to work with such a number? One hundred thousandths. 3. Write down the result. 5312. >. 2. Derive a rule for rounding decimal fractions to a given digit.

“Adding mixed numbers” - 25. Example 4. Find the value of the difference 3 4\9-1 5\6. 3 4\9=3 818; 1 5\6=1 15\18. 3 4\9=3 8\18=3+8\18=2+1+8\18=2+8\18+18\18=2+ +26\18=2 26\18. Lesson notes in 6th grade