The life of Julia Wang: biography of the winner of a mystical show. Julia Wang photos before and after plastic surgery

The girl was born on October 29, 1981 in Germany. The real name and surname of the winner is Yulia Gavrikova.

From birth, the mother knew that her child was different from everyone else. The girl was not interested in ordinary toys, she did not like communicating with peers. Julia preferred to avoid everyone and is alone.

Julia grew up in Latvia with her mother and stepfather. I never saw my father. I went to school like all children.

Even as a child, the girl easily manipulated people and always achieved the desired result. However, Julia prefers not to talk about her distant childhood.

Information about father

Julia's mother, Tatyana Vladimirovna, held the position of nuclear physicist and therefore is a very serious, calm and balanced woman. It has absolutely nothing to do with magic. She fully supports her daughter in all her hobbies and endeavors. Julia claims that her father is a messenger from another world, and he loved her very much. Tatyana Vladimirovna does not deny this. She says that in 1980 she had a connection with an extraterrestrial being who took over the image of a man and came to her.

Society reacts ambiguously to such statements. Some are ready to believe in this, others advise the woman to see a psychologist. However, fans claim that Julia Wang herself came up with this version and asked her mother to tell about it for an even greater mystery.

Relationship with stepfather

Julia with early years raised by stepfather. Relations between them have always been very strained. The girl with an obstinate character clearly did not want to accept him.

As soon as the girl turned 12 years old, her stepfather began to harass her. Julia told her mother about these situations, but she refused to believe and was completely on her husband’s side. During the next molestation of Julia, she broke the man's head.

At the age of 16, as a young girl, she left home, Julia began to live with her friend, and her mother, secretly from her stepfather, came to feed her daughter.

Appearance of Julia Wang

As already written above, the girl has a peculiar appearance. Some people think she's weird, others attractive girl. Julia, with a height of 178 cm, weighs only 52 kg. Excellent data for the modeling business. Many are willing to make sacrifices for this appearance.

Julia Wang has chameleon eyes. In different lighting they are sometimes green, sometimes gray or even blue. However, when Wang gets angry, his eyes immediately turn black.

The beginning of Julia Wang's career

At the age of 17, Julia came to Moscow and entered GITIS. 5 years later she had a higher acting education. However, the girl still wanted to achieve success in perfumery and enrolled in French school.

Photos of Julia Wang, her height, weight and breast size are of interest to many fans of the “Battle of Psychics”. However, understanding the career of a clairvoyant, and even more so her physical indicators, which every girl prefers to hide, is quite difficult.

In the article:

Below you can see all the famous photo shoots of Julia Wang, as well as see what she looked like before plastic surgery and at the very beginning of her modeling career. Julia’s modeling past became a serious hindrance during her participation in the “Battle of Psychics.” Many TV viewers stopped believing in the veracity of the project.

Julia Wang is one of its most scandalous participants. With great difficulty, she managed to prove that a psychic has the right to have a career as an actress, model, as well as a perfumer, stylist and hairdresser in her biography. It is known that the Spirit of Chaos also tried herself as a singer.

Julia Wang for Playboy in 1998

In 1998, Julia Wang posed for Playboy magazine, and this determined the genre of most of the photographs that later brought her income.

Wang sometimes appeared in films and videos. There were no big roles, she starred in episodes. The roles were mostly of a frivolous nature.

It is unknown why Julia Wang decided to prefer the erotic genre of photography. They may have brought in more income than other photo shoots.

Photo by Wang for Maxim from 2003

In 2003, photos of Julia Wang appeared in Maxim magazine. They also had an erotic orientation.

A short interview with the model could be seen in the “Who is this girl” section. Maxim still has it.

Wang has appeared half-naked in domestic publications more than once. Perhaps before participating in the "Battle" she decided that it would damage her reputation. Now she does not advertise these photo sessions.

Apotheosis: Wang's erotic photo shoot in a cemetery

A large part of Wang's photo shoots is erotic in nature. Many viewers of the “Battle of Psychics” were outraged by this photo shoot in the cemetery.

The pictures were taken by a photographer who collaborated with her for a long time. Some sources say that this is Alena Sazonova.

Many of Julia’s fans consider the photos unethical and are sure that a psychic should be respectful of such a place.

Photos of Wang from old photo shoots

It is known that Wang starred not only for erotic magazines. She could be seen in advertising and fashion publications.

Many photo shoots with the model were done in different periods life. Here's another example from early period her career:

Julia switched from her gothic style to a more glamorous one when she realized that it was easier to achieve success using generally accepted beauty standards.

[in recording]

Julia Wang - height, weight and breast size before and after plastic surgery

The noticeable growth of Julia Wang caught the eyes of the participants and viewers of the project. She seemed taller than all the other psychics, and this made her stand out from the crowd, as did her carefully chosen image, catchy outfits, and a well-developed strategy of behavior. Many fans of the actress, model and clairvoyant are interested in her exact height. He especially worries girls who try to imitate her and dream of finding out if they are even a little like her.

Julia Wang's height is ideal for a modeling career. It is 178 cm. A model requires at least 170 cm, in some cases it can be a girl whose height is more than 172-175 cm. Julia Wang's height allows her to work all over the world, because in some countries the requirements are more stringent than in Russia .

And Julia Wang's weight is kept secret. If we take into account the world standards of top models, with her height she should weigh no more than 47 kg. It's not about standards of beauty, but about the size of clothes, the cost of fabrics for sewing clothes for fashion shows and other points. But the standards for fashion models, like Julia, are not so strict. We can only say that Julia Wang’s weight, with a height of 178 cm, is no more than 55 kg.

In one interview, she was asked if she plays sports to keep fit. The answer was no. According to the Spirit of Chaos, she does not adhere to diets. It’s hard to believe this, because before plastic surgery the psychic looked different. She enlarged her lips and breasts, this can be understood from the photographs.

Before plastic surgery. Supposedly aged 20 Enlarged breasts and lip

There is a lot of gossip about Julia. Some publications indicate that before the operation, Julia Wang's breast size was third. After plastic surgery, which she had in 2002 or 2003, she became a size four. Wang's parameters, as you might guess, differ from standard model ones, but this business is known to make certain exceptions.


Julia Wang - modeling career

Julia Wang began her modeling career at the age of 14-15 in Nizhny Novgorod. It's the rough '90s, and her path to the top was difficult. As now, the future Spirit of Chaos preferred a strange gothic style. Photos of Wang as a child prove this. Non-standard appearance, face shape and excellent figure became Yulia Gavrikova’s trump cards - then she used her real name.

At the very end of the 90s, Yulia and her mother moved to Moscow and continued to build modeling career. Luck smiles on her, she finds sponsors and gets opportunities to further strive for fame. At this time, she turned into Julia Wang - she considered her great-grandfather’s surname more suitable for a successful model.

In the late 90s, Julia Wang traveled abroad to film. She filmed in Europe and Southeast Asia. At the same time, she completed numerous courses, studied perfumery, hairdressing, and took vocal lessons. There are no widely known photo shoots of Julia Wang from foreign magazines on the Internet, but there are many photos from domestic publications.

Evil tongues say that Julia could not master foreign languages, so I chose a career Russian model. She only knew English at an elementary level; she did not want to learn German and French. However, in the early 2000s, model Julia Wang was on top. She earned decent money, was able to afford an apartment in Moscow and dressed only in branded items.

For some time, model Julia Wang did not adhere to a specific genre; she starred for fashion magazines and advertising, was a model for makeup and hairstyles. It was only after 1998 that Julia Wang’s photo style was defined. After a photo shoot for the erotic Playboy magazine, we can see many photos of naked Julia Wang, the winner of the 15th season of “Battle of Psychics”.

After breast and lip augmentation, Julia Wang is invited only for photo shoots of an erotic nature. She starred for Maxim and was invited to model for Playboy several times. Julia Wang can be seen in cameo roles in Russian films, in videos of famous performers. She does not receive much popularity; she is content with fees from small roles and erotic photo sessions.

People note that working with Yulia is difficult. The model always had a difficult character, she could be rude, but in personal relationships Julia Wang’s character softened. We rarely see photos of Julia Wang smiling. This facial expression simply doesn't suit her. Many photographers believe that working with such an appearance is not easy.

Smile of Shark Wang

Julia craved popularity and decided to change her usual gothic image from childhood to vulgar glamor. This still did not bring fame, and in 2012 Wang returned to strange outfits and makeup. In this image we can see her at the “Battle of Psychics”. If you look at Julia Wang's teenage and childhood photos, her early commitment to an unusual style will become noticeable.

All photos and photo shoots of model Julia Wang

And these photos were taken at the beginning of Wang's modeling career.

Photo shoots by Wang from Alena Sazonova

Most of Julia Wang's contemporary photographs were taken by Moscow-based photographer Alena Sazonova. They often collaborate, and the number of images can be surprising. Wang participates in both fashion and gothic photo shoots.
It’s difficult to recognize Julia in this photo, but this is part of her photo shoot with Alena.

Often a person can become a mystery even to himself. And only some individuals can become successful in all their endeavors, and look organic even in the most incredible images. Such a person is the mysterious and eccentric winner of the 15th season of the Battle of Psychics, Julia Wang.

Worldly image of Julia Wang

The sorceress calls the Latvian capital, the beautiful city of Riga, her homeland.

Interesting! The woman’s biography is very mysterious, and the information is carefully filtered by herself. However, information has appeared on the network that Julia’s birthplace is the not at all romantic village in the Novgorod region of Nelyudovo.

  • The real name and surname of the psychic is Yulia Gavrikova, and her date of birth is October 29, 1981.
  • At the age of three, the little girl learned to read.

  • In her earliest childhood, the girl did not play with toys and dolls.
  • The child’s favorite state was loneliness, since there was a lack of warmth in the family, because she did not know her biological father, and her stepfather openly disliked her.
  • The heroine’s mother declares that the girl’s father was a fiend from another world, but fans unanimously insist that such information was conveyed by the mother only as fuel for the star’s PR.

Life path of Julia Wang

If we consider what the star was doing before the Battle of Psychics, we can note dramatic changes in her hobbies.

  • At the age of 16, a teenage girl left home because she was tired of her stepfather’s drinking and violence. Yielding to an impulse, Yulia did not return home, but began to live with a friend and occasionally communicate with her mother. It was at this moment that the girl had already made plans for a comfortable future, and set clear goals for herself, which she persistently began to strive for.

  • At the age of 17, a young girl went to Moscow because she realized that her beauty and youth would help her get a good income from the modeling and advertising business. In Moscow, she became incredibly in demand as a model, visiting many European countries, as a fashion model for fashion shows, makeup, hairstyles and television advertising.

  • According to the girl, she received her education at school, and then received a diploma in acting from GITIS and a diploma in stylistics, photography and design from the Royal Academy fine arts.
  • An acquaintance with producer Ulyana Semyonova prompted Yulia to begin her passion for singing and discover her clairvoyant talent.

Interesting! There is evidence that in fact, before television, the young lady worked as an ordinary hairdresser.

Psychic abilities of Julia Wang

The girl discovered sacred possibilities in herself after becoming acquainted with the work “The Tao of Chaos” by Eddie Eriksson. Since then, she has been imbued with a new philosophy and began to meaningfully and consistently discover new talents in herself.

Interesting! Julia says that at the age of 3 she read witchcraft books, at 5 she drew a deck of cards, and at 7 she recited poems about the structure of the world and rebirth.

In addition, the star claims that he remembers each of his past 150 lives.

Battle of Psychics and Victory of Wang

Season 15 of the Battle of Psychics excited the domestic public, and our heroine showed herself there as a shocking blonde in extraordinary outfits. And supernatural forces contributed to the fact that the participant began to be feared, and the witch’s cat-like gaze plunged the participants into a stupor.

Viewers note that her extraordinary appearance helped our heroine win, because Tatyana Larina passed the tests no worse, and did not look so extravagant. Only after winning the show did the witch's popularity reach its peak.

Personal life and fate of Julia Wang after the show

Just a year after the end of the show, the winner announced that she no longer wanted to deal with mysticism. She began to look for her calling in perfumes and songs. Only the fame of a clairvoyant follows on her heels, and evidence of this is her participation in the program “The Investigation is Conducted by Psychics.”

Personal life is no less mysterious than public life. The witch has never been married and is unlikely to have children. The former partner turned out to be homosexual. It was this fact that forced the witch to look for a chosen one whose hobbies were similar to herself. However, singer Danko claims that a far from mystical relationship was burning between them; VJ Chuck, who had previously left Yuli himself, has the same information.

The ideal man for a witch is David Bowie; she is impressed by his dark and mysterious image.

Plastics by Julia Wang

Anyone who wants to know true facts the life of the winner of the 15th season of the Battle of Psychics, are most interested in plastic surgery Julia Wang and the nature of the features of her appearance. Recently, the star herself shared interesting photographs in which the girl was depicted as a child.

And looking at Julia Wang’s later photos, it’s easy to guess that plastic surgery did happen in her life. Note that the model’s height is 178 cm, and her weight remains at 52 kilograms. Let's figure out what operations helped the star achieve such an image that is envied by thousands of women and worshiped by men.

  • Breast surgery. IN at a young age the girl was filming for famous magazines XXLady, MAXIM, PlayBoy. Much later, candid photo shoots were repeated, but in them the celebrity’s breasts increased from a two to a four. It is impossible to achieve natural growth to such a size, all that remains is surgery. In later photos, not only the size, but also the shape of the bust has changed.

  • The lips also underwent multiple corrections. Julia Wang looked beautiful before lip surgery, but the way thousands of other girls look. She was proud of her voluminous mouth, highlighting it with bright lipstick. Over time, the lips grew significantly larger.

It is important that the introduction of silicone played a decisive role, since, unlike fillers, it does not completely dissolve. Many photos from the times of the show and post-show, posted by the beauty on Instagram and VKontakte, demonstrate that upper lip Julia's body is unnaturally raised upward and has a lumpy surface.

It's interesting that Julia Wang has changed now.

She chose a masculine look, completely removed the silicone surgically, and cut off her blonde locks.

For your attention interesting facts about the most mysterious girl from the Battle of Psychics.

  • Cover. She starred in the films “The Most best film", "Day Watch", "Balzac's age, or all men are theirs...". She worked as a photographer, and quite famous people became models.

  • Tattoos. Before participating in the project, the girl’s body was pristine. But after the decision to quit the modeling business, more and more drawings began to appear. On the hand is a galdrastav - a complex magical symbol that acts as a talisman. Ray arcana Tarot star and moon are symbols of clairvoyance. The ring of luck on the left hand and the eye of Ra, as symbols of one of the past lives, are also magical, and indicate the celebrity’s passion for clairvoyance.

  • The celebrity refuses to help strangers on the Internet, and points out that all advertising in her name is fiction. IN social network The Instagram sorceress stated that she would never conduct receptions, give consultations or predict the future on the Internet.

  • The beauty's passion is scents, and the girl calls herself an aroma maniac or perfume maniac.
  • Julia Wang currently lives in Riga.


Julia Wang - a psychic from Latvia, according to many, has become the most mysterious participant in the 15th season of the mystical project of the TNT channel, and the girl herself stated: she is magic and spirit in the human body - the Spirit of Chaos. Also Julia she said that the spirit chose her body and destiny, so victory in the 15th “Battle” became a matter of life and death for Wang in the current incarnation.

By the way, she says that she remembers all her past lives perfectly: at the time of her participation in the “Battle” there were already more than 150 of them, and in last time Julia was born in Förstenberg, Germany.

Julia Wang. Biography

Julia Vladimirovna Wang born on October 29, 1981 in Riga, where she went to a regular school. She has always liked the Latvian capital: in this city, according to Wang, there are many sacred corners and places of power. Since childhood, Wang stood out among her peers. She was not interested in dolls or other toys, but preferred solitude. From an early age she had the gift of manipulating people.

Wang’s mother, Tatyana Vladimirovna, a nuclear physicist by profession, has nothing to do with extrasensory perception, but she fully supports and shares her daughter’s passion for extrasensory perception. Julia never saw her father. She herself is sure that he is not from this world. And Tatyana Vladimirovna even claims that in 1980 she had contact with an extraterrestrial being who appeared to her in the form of a man.

The public has different attitudes to these words: some believe the woman, others consider her crazy. Still others believe that Julia Wang She asked her mother to tell this story. However, the girl’s family was not always incomplete. Julia was raised by her stepfather, with whom she did not have a good relationship, and he himself did not strive to find common language with my stepdaughter.

Having barely reached her 16th birthday, Wang left her home, but continued to study at school. IN free time worked part-time at the market. She lived with her friend. The mother secretly communicated with Julia from her stepfather and brought food.

At the age of 17, the young blonde came to conquer Moscow, where at that time no one knew who she was Julia Wang. Her appearance allowed the girl to build a brilliant modeling career. New York, London, Paris, Milan - the long-legged blonde visited these and other cities. She participated in the filming of commercials, music videos, and short films. She posed for the best European and American photographers. She worked as a hair and make-up model.

In addition, she successfully passed the entrance examination and entered GITIS, receiving a university diploma five years later and becoming an actress. Then she enrolled in a French school of perfume art. The ability to combine ingredients and incredible smells is a source of good income for Julia, who, being a very versatile person, different years I managed to be a hairdresser, a costume designer, and a singer.

Wang also has a diploma from London's Royal Academy of Fine Arts. Moreover, in three specialties at once: stylistics, design, photography.

Julia Wang about herself: I am the New Sun among the stars of the world industry. Ideal body, an angelic face and a voice of 4 octaves - it’s all about me.

Regarding the availability of Julia Wang superpowers, then, according to her, she completely rethought her life after reading the book “ Tao of Chaos" Then the girl became seriously interested in esotericism.

Julia Wang. Film and television activities

Debut Julia took place as a film actress in 2000. She starred in the TNT comedy project “The Best Film - 2”, appeared on screen as a vampire in the film “Day Watch”, played Andrei’s girlfriend in the 12th episode of the series “”, and appeared in an episode of the action movie “Tumbler”.

Battle of psychics

Before her arrival on the TNT project “Battle of Psychics”, the 15th season of which started in September 2014, Julia underwent many years of practice. Only her close circle knew about her powerful inner strength and other superpowers. But having appeared in “Battle”, Wang attracted everyone’s attention from the first minutes. Some show participants were even afraid to look into the witch’s “cat” eyes, and the eternal skeptics Safronov brothers- Ilya, Sergey, Andrey - constantly teased the blonde, because they did not believe that the ex-model and actress had any paranormal abilities. The Safronovs believed that Wang came to the project in order to promote herself, but then they admitted that they were mistaken.

Already in the qualifying test, Julia showed herself to be a strong psychic. She continued to delight the audience with bright makeup, original outfits and phenomenal talents. So, during one of the tests she even scared professional psychologist. Wang's main competitor on the show was St. Petersburg witch Tatyana Larina. The two blondes went neck and neck throughout all the episodes.

Julia Wang answered all questions regarding the reason for coming to the “Battle of Psychics” on her page on the social network as follows: I have no problems in terms of self-realization, as everyone has probably already said on Google. And I don’t care about this mortal world, that is. nude fame and PR. I could say that I want and dream of becoming a winner, but I don’t know how to lie, I’ll tell the truth. My participation in BE is not related to PR in the field of esotericism or magic. It is just a matter of life and death in this incarnation of mine. I simply know how to see and change options for reality, which is what I did for those who approached me. And I came to BE to change my reality and, perhaps, not only mine.”

For three and a half months, viewers watched how people supernatural powers are being tested. Each week, one psychic, whom the panel of judges recognized as the weakest, left the project. The host of the show, Marat Basharov, was always present.

Julia Wang repeatedly became the best psychic of the week, but sometimes the title was given to her main rival - Tatiana Larina. In the end, 4 participants reached the finals. Arseniy Karadzha became fourth, Slavic witch Ekaterina Borisova - third, Tatyana Larina- second. A Julia Wang was declared the winner of the 15th season of “Battle of Psychics” (70% of the votes). This show and its results aroused incredible interest in Julia from her fans. Participation in the paranormal project made Wang incredibly famous: people approached her on the streets strangers, asked for autographs, joint photos etc.

And yet, many skeptical viewers have great doubts about the truth of the gift Julia Wang.

The fact is that Vang - the “product” of producer Ulyana Semenova - previously showed herself exclusively in a different role: as they say on the offsite, “...Music...Sexy...Love...Style....Drive...Glamour...Julia Vang..., photographer, stylist, designer, fashion designer, actress, model, poetess, composer and singer,” who performed in the capital’s clubs.

In the early spring of 2015, special episodes of the show were shown on TNT “Battle of Psychics Season 15" They, among other things, talked about the details of the lives of the main participants in the project: Julia Wang, Tatyana Larina, Arseniy Karadzh, Baba Katya, and others.

In the fall of 2015, a video appeared on NTV in which Julia Wang announced that she had decided to quit magic and do more mundane things, for example, the perfume business, writing books, clothing modeling, and so on.

After participating in the “Battle”, Julia actually continued to create exclusive perfume scents, began writing songs and performing as part of her own rock band.

In the summer of 2016, viewers again saw Wang in the TNT channel project “Psychics Are Investigating.” As part of the fifth season of the show, Julia, together with Alexander Sheps, the winner of the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” went to Kaliningrad region, where both magicians visited the mysterious medieval Order Castle of Schaaken. The reason for their visit there was ghosts, which, according to eyewitnesses, constantly walk around the territory of the building.

This is participation Julia Wang in the program " Psychics are investigating"became the first, before that she had not starred in "Battle of the Strongest".

After filming, Alexander Sheps admitted that he was a little nervous, as it was scary to “fall in the face”, being weaker than his rival.

Julia Wang. Past and personal life

Julia often asked to be called nothing other than the Spirit of Chaos, declaring that she herself was magic. In one of the interviews, the psychic reported that she remembers all her past lives. So, according to her, there were about 150 of them. She managed to try on both female and male looks.

As for his personal life, he Wang There were dizzying novels with men, but she will only become married if she finds a chosen one like herself. Also Julia She also spoke openly about the fact that she would hardly ever decide to have a child.

Summer 2017 Julia amazed fans with her incredible thinness, short hair, plain hair color and sickly appearance. Bright girl suddenly completely changed her style, and instead of extravagant outfits, her photos began to flash more and more often men's suits. She did not comment on the radical change in style and weight loss. And about her hair she only said that in the UK, where she began to visit more and more often (a young man lives there Wang, with whom the girl is serious by the way), the hairdressers accidentally dyed her hair a radical black color, which ruined her hairstyle.

Later Julia Wang admitted that she was tired of experimenting with hair color, so she decided to return to the natural “mouse” shade.

“How difficult it is not to become what others see you. Especially when all your life there is a struggle between two “I”s, one of which knows everything, lives a secret life, and the other was convinced from childhood that you are abnormal, and you sincerely consider yourself crazy, trying to imitate environment. Someday, the second “I” will still break out,” Julia said after changing her image.

Julia Wang. Filmography

The Best Movie 2 (2009) (2009)
Tumbler (2007)
Day Watch (2005)
Balzac's age, or All men are their own... (TV series, 2004 - ...)
Victim (2000)

Julia Wang is undoubtedly an unusual woman, a psychic, singer, model and winner of the 15th season of the show “Battle of Psychics.” She calls herself the “Spirit of Chaos” and has a rather mysterious biography. Now, in 2018, Julia Wang published a photo that showed her dramatic change in appearance. Fans want to know what prompted her to do this? The article will talk about this, as well as her biography.

Julia Wang in her youth

Psychic Julia Wang has several options for her biography. She usually says that she was born in a German town, but sometimes she claims that she was born in 1981, on October 29, in the city of Riga. According to Julia, she has lived more than 150 lives before, and remembers each of them perfectly.

However, her friends and acquaintances say that Julia’s real name is Yulia Gavrikova, she was born in the Novgorod region. She was raised by her mother and grandmother, and her father was a military man and abandoned his family.

From the very early childhood Julia was interested in mystical literature and the occult.


After Julia graduates from school, she goes to Moscow to become a model. She had all the qualities for this profession - tall, beautiful, unusual appearance. She got a job as a model in one agency, her photos could be found in several magazines.

After that future psychic decided to leave modeling business. Julia enters GITIS, successfully graduates and becomes an actress. She starred in several TV series, as well as in the project “The Best Film - 2”, aired on TNT. After that, she worked as a stylist, singer, and also a perfumer.

Psychic abilities

Julia Wang claims that she has had magical powers since childhood. When she was still a little girl, she was not attracted to dolls and other toys; she liked to study magic and the occult.

Julia Wang during her participation in the “Battle of Psychics” program

About her magical abilities Mom and grandma found out a long time ago. In her presence, electrical appliances were turned off, and she could also hear ultrasound.

According to Julia, when she lived next to a military village, she went out to the soldiers and mentally gave them orders, which is why they began, for example, to dance and jump.

IN adolescence she told fortunes with cards to adults and peers, however, she did not take money for it.

Battle of psychics

Julia Wang became famous while participating in the show “Battle of Psychics,” aired on the TNT channel. She was both a source of ridicule and a source of admiration. Many viewers, like the skeptics, the Safronov brothers, were surprised at her behavior.

Wang won the “Battle of Psychics”

She was one of the most prominent participants in the project; her eye-catching makeup and unconventional solution to the tasks assigned to her attracted more and more fans. In the final vote, viewers gave 70 percent of the votes for Julia Wang. So she became the winner of the 15th season of the “Battle of Psychics”.

Many were sure that Julia was a fraudster who only needed fame and money.

Personal life

Julia Wang does not strive to create a family and relationships, preferring to develop in spiritually. However, the psychic's friends claim the opposite. Singer Danko recalls how he met her in a Moscow nightclub. At that time, Julia had not yet talked about her abilities, she was a regular at nightclubs, and also had a serious relationship.

Some claim that Alexander Gradsky’s son, Daniil, had a relationship with Julia, but his father forbade them to communicate. Whether this is true or not is still unknown.

Acquaintances of Julia Wang say that now, in 2018, she has a man, and they live with him in London, however, there are no photos of them together, and the psychic herself does not share details of her personal life.

The girl has been a fan of the singer from a very early age David Bowie and claims that his compositions are dedicated to her, however, in this life, according to Julia, they are not destined to see each other and be together.

Julia currently

Some time later, Julia Wang appeared on the NTV channel, where she announced the end of her psychic career. She decided to prove herself in something else - to become a famous fashion designer. She also creates her own music group, Julia writes lyrics and music for songs herself.

In 2018, Julia Wang decided to change her appearance, and now she is simply unrecognizable in the photo. The psychic got a short haircut, began to wear classic men's cut suits, and now she prefers to wear as little makeup as possible. Fans were surprised by Julia’s transformation, however, Wang claims that she had long wanted to change.

When she worked as a model, she was forbidden to do short haircuts, indicated what to wear.

On the show “Battle of Psychics” she created a stage image for herself, but since she decided to do away with extrasensory perception, she no longer needs to maintain this image, and she is much more comfortable living with short hair.