Where does Tatyana Navka live? Style of star children: daughter of Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov - Nadezhda Tatyana Navka biography personal life at present

Peskov Dmitry Sergeevich is a Russian diplomat holding the position of press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation. Peskov began political activity since the times of the USSR.

Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov

Some people close to Peskov are confident that Dmitry Sergeevich’s choice of career was influenced by his father, who was also involved in the diplomatic service in the Middle East.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Dmitry Peskov originates in the Russian capital - the future statesman was born on October 17, 1967 in Moscow in the family of Russian diplomat Sergei Peskov, who later for a long time was a diplomatic official of Russia.

After school, some people close to Peskov’s circle believe that Dmitry Peskov’s biography was determined by his parents. His father sent him to study at the Institute of Asian and African Countries (ISSA) at Moscow state university, where the future politician received higher education in 1989, after which he was immediately employed in the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

It is not known for certain whether the mother influenced the future press secretary; exact facts nothing can be found about her personality or profession either in the press or in official sources.

Some sources suggest that Peskov hides information about his mother this way because her name and appearance could shed light on his nationality. All sources indicate that the politician has Russian roots, but full information about parents can change that.


Peskov did not work at the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs for long; already in 1990, his career took a turn in a different direction: until 1994, he held the positions of duty assistant, third secretary of the USSR Embassy, ​​secretary of the Russian Embassy in Turkey, and attaché. In 1994, Peskov began working at the Russian Foreign Ministry, this lasted until 1996, then a new round of his work began. career growth- Peskov “stepped up” from the position of third to the position of second secretary of the Russian Embassy in Turkey.

When he achieved success in the elections in 1993, Dmitry Peskov joined the LDPR party. In 2013, Peskov was asked about the motivation that persuaded him to join the LDPR, but Dmitry Sergeevich honestly admitted: he has been attracted to this party since its inception, in particular due to the fact that Vladimir Zhirinovsky is also a Turkologist by training.

Dmitry Peskov’s television debut took place back in 1999, when the man appeared in television stories during the 3 days of the first President of the Russian Federation at the OSCE summit in Istanbul, since Yeltsin chose him as his translator from Turkish. It is known for certain in the media that the current presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov speaks English, Arabic and Turkish languages, this knowledge also contributed to the advancement of political career ladder diplomat

After Vladimir Putin won the presidential elections in 2012, becoming President of the Russian Federation for the 3rd time, Dmitry Peskov was appointed deputy head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation - on May 22, 2012, Putin appointed Peskov as personal press secretary.

Dmitry Peskov, whose biography is filled with a chronology of scandalous incidents on television and in the press, has repeatedly become a victim of the media - sometimes statements were attributed to him that he did not voice. Sometimes scandals involving Peskov were confirmed - one of such cases was his statement about a “smeared liver.”

Dmitry Peskov told State Duma deputy Ilya Ponomarev in mid-2012 that representatives law enforcement As part of a special operation to prevent the opposition “March of Millions” in the vicinity of Bolotnaya Square (the event was dated May 6, 2012), it was necessary to take more radical measures. Peskov then stated that “for the wounded riot policeman, the livers of the protesters should have been smeared on the asphalt.”

This scandalous statement immediately became public knowledge - the Russian diplomat later admitted in an interview that he really spoke in a similar tone, but noted that “it’s not like a man to make public words from a personal conversation.” According to Peskov, he made the statement about the “smeared liver” to Ponomarev in a personal conversation - Putin’s current press secretary did not expect the politician to publish this quote on Twitter.

In 2016, the politician continued to work actively. He officially confirmed that Russia has a peaceful position towards other countries, and covered the discussion of the “Kuril issue” between the governments of the Russian Federation and Japan. But the scandalous fame of the press secretary is so great that in the same year, in order for his photo to go viral on the Internet, it was enough for Dmitry Peskov to simply put on red pants during non-working hours.

The politician's latest statements are also odious. During the scandal that erupted in early 2017 around the Kremlin’s collection of compromising material on the new US President, Peskov commented on these accusations, calling them “complete nonsense.”

Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov

The current press secretary of the Russian leader has publicly stated that Putin often criticizes the quality of Peskov’s performance of duties - according to his data, Russian leader I am often dissatisfied with the way it works. Despite this, Dmitry Peskov also has awards: the Order of Honor and the Order of Friendship.

In addition to his high-profile career, Dmitry Peskov also has an outstanding appearance. The politician is not distinguished by his outstanding height (175 cm) or weight. But one detail caught the attention of millions. Dmitry Sergeevich is the owner of a signature mustache. Through the efforts of Internet comedians, the mustaches started their own mini-blog on Twitter, and later a group on the popular VKontakte network.

Peskov's mustache quickly gained popularity and loyal subscribers and wittily commented on various news, both political, social and cultural. The attention to this part of the press secretary's appearance is so great that when Dmitry Peskov shaved his mustache in 2014, the country held its breath. As it turned out later, the politician decided to do this because of a dispute with his daughter. She demanded that if she successfully passed the Unified State Exam, her father would shave off his trademark mustache. And Peskov kept his promise, although he soon restored his usual appearance.

Personal life

Some media outlets note that Dmitry Peskov’s personal life is in some places even scandalous. Peskov’s wives and family affairs give the press no less reasons for discussion than his statements. In his youth, Peskov married his granddaughter Soviet commander Anastasia Budyonna, from this marriage the couple has common son Nikolai.

Dmitry Peskov’s second marriage was with then 18-year-old Ekaterina Solotsinskaya. The age difference between the newlyweds was 9 years. The couple lived together until 2012, but they eventually divorced. Solotsinskaya told reporters that Dmitry Peskov allegedly cheated on her with a figure skater, and she could not forgive her husband - Dmitry and Ekaterina Peskov divorced amid this betrayal.

According to media reports, Peskov’s ex-wife Ekaterina Solotsinskaya now lives in Paris, where she is involved in charity work and has her own apartment. This marriage gave Peskov and Solotsinskaya a daughter, Elizaveta, as well as sons Denis and Mika. The children of Dmitry Peskov and his second wife double citizenship, which was charged to him as a state official, close to the President of the Russian Federation. There have been repeated calls for Peskov to return his relatives to their homeland.

His wife Ekaterina was not the last on the list of the press secretary’s companions. Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov, according to media reports, met in 2012. They fell in love and their daughter Nadya was born. On August 1, 2015, Peskov and Navka got married.

The event was attended by many celebrities: and other celebrities, politicians and pop figures. The ceremony took place in Sochi. Peskov celebrated his wedding with Navka in one of the most expensive hotels in the city, the Rodina Grand Hotel. The celebration was paid for by the hotel owner himself. The celebration smoothly transitioned to Airborne Forces Day on the second day. Peskov and many celebrity guests changed into vests and berets.

However, not at all photos of stars in military uniform attracted public attention to this wedding. The Russians looked with curiosity at the watch on the hand of the happy groom. Connoisseurs recognized them as a mechanism from the expensive Richard Mille brand, which, according to the most conservative ideas, should cost several hundred thousand euros. The quality of the photo did not allow us to determine the model, but it was clear that the watch cost the press secretary half, or even all of his official annual salary. This raised many questions about the politician's real salary and income.

Peskov stated that this watch was a gift from his wife; Navka bought it with her own money and much cheaper than the amounts indicated on the Internet. He refused to comment on where his wife got that kind of money, but added that, naturally, he would never be able to buy such an accessory on his own. Tatyana Navka in an interview was outraged by the very fact of the hype. She reminded the press that she is an Olympic champion and is able to provide for herself and please her loved one.

Most of all, Navka was upset by the fact that the gifts of other athletes were not subject to such doubts, for example, as Tatyana recalled, no one stirred up a scandal when the figure skater gave his wife jewelry of no less value than Peskov’s watch. It is known that in 2016 the press secretary registered an income of 12 million rubles, while Tatyana Navka earned 120 million rubles during this period. A year later, his income increased by 2 million rubles, and his wife’s by 80 million rubles.

The press secretary's honeymoon caused another scandal. According to some information, the newly formed family was vacationing in Italy at the height of anti-Russian sanctions, which outraged many Russians. Other sources stated that Peskov and his wife spent this time on a personal yacht, sailing to Sardinia, but not leaving the European coast.

Dmitry Peskov's daughter Elizaveta attracts the attention of reporters no less than her father. The girl graduated from a boarding school in Paris, after which she continued to receive her education in France. During the summer holidays of 2017, she interned at Avanti as an advisor to the president.

Dmitry Peskov's daughter studies and lives in France

Elizabeth maintains her own account on Instagram, publications from which have repeatedly caused public outrage and attacks on the girl. Lisa sent a letter about cyberbullying to expert advice State Duma RF Development information society. Peskova’s complaints were considered, and on this basis, in March 2018, a proposal appeared to develop amendments to the Code on administrative offenses, which involve the introduction of fines for cyberbullying.

Dmitry Peskov now

Dmitry Peskov continues to fulfill his job responsibilities, regularly appearing before the press to comment on the president's speeches. Sometimes his remarks lead Vladimir Putin to bewilderment, as the president told reporters from the American television channel NBC. According to the head of state, Dmitry Peskov “sometimes brings a blizzard,” saying own opinion.

Dmitry Peskov and Tatyana Navka at the music festival "Heat-2018"

According to Peskov himself, his work is not without stress, the reaction to new information requires composure and stress resistance. Sport helps Dmitry cope with stress. In winter, the press secretary prefers walks on the ski slopes; in summer, he plays tennis and jogging.

The family also represents statesman strong support. Dmitry set it up friendly relations with his previous wife and periodically visits Catherine, her daughter and younger sons in Paris, as they talk about together family photos. Together with current wife and children from previous marriages, Dmitry Peskov regularly flies to the sea coast.


  • 2003 – Order of Friendship
  • 2004, 2007 – two thanks from the President of the Russian Federation
  • 2007 – Order of Honor
  • 2009 – gratitude from the Russian government
  • 2017 – Order of “Manas” 3rd degree (Kyrgyzstan)

Figure skater Tatyana Navka shared a touching family photo in honor of her daughter Nadya’s Angel Day.

In the caption to the photo, Navka reminded all fans that “The Most best gift loving family from the Almighty - these are children.” She talked about how important it is to choose for a child suitable name(after all, this is how his heavenly patron will be chosen). And since today is the Day of Faith, Love and Hope, it means that this Sunday is a holiday for four-year-old Nadya.

« Happy Angel Day, our Hope! Your happy parents, for whom every morning begins with their little Hope!“Tatiana congratulated her daughter.

Fans joined in the congratulations: “ Happy Angel Day, little princess!”, “How beautiful you are. Smart guys. Much happiness to you”, “Congratulations! The daughter is very similar to her mother - she is just as beautiful! I wish you the same success in life!!!».

Everyone was very touched by the Peskov family photo. One of the subscribers admitted: “ In my mind a happy family- this is what we see, people are kind, pleasant and generous. You great example imitation and elegance, you give such a charge of vivacity energy that most have never even dreamed of».

Not long ago, Tatyana Navka shared a funny video with subscribers in which Nadya plays football with her father and brother. The girl has a very eventful childhood: she skates and alpine skiing, studies languages ​​and doesn’t seem to sit still for a minute.

The wedding of Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov thundered throughout the country, temporarily relegating other news to the background. The lovers hid their relationship for many years, but finally decided that it was time to tell the whole world about their feelings.

They existed in parallel universes that are known to never intersect, but in their case the stars made an exception. The meeting took place, a dramatic love story began, which at first was not destined to end with a happy ending.

Tatyana Navka - biography of personal life: Reputation as a homewrecker

Tatyana Navka was called femme fatale Even before meeting Dmitry Peskov, the charming figure skater had to break up families more than once. Tatiana's first husband was the famous figure skater Alexander Zhulin. The light flirting with which it all began gradually grew into something more.

Zhulin decided to divorce his wife, although this threatened to disrupt the competition, because they skated together. Now all his attention was focused on Tatyana, he became her not only her husband, but also her coach, under his leadership she, together with her partner Roman Kostomarov, won the world champion title. And in 2000, a joyful event happened in their lives: their daughter Sasha was born.

After finishing sports career both spouses were invited to an ice show. Tatyana's partner was the popular actor Marat Basharov. As you know, pair skating brings people together very closely: joint training, common goals, victories and defeats...

Tatyana and Marat themselves did not notice at what moment a fatal spark ran between them, turning them from dance partners into lovers. They both left their spouses to be together, but their romance, stormy and unpredictable, ended in failure.

Dmitry Peskov - personal life: Wives and children of the press secretary

Dmitry always knew how to choose extraordinary and beautiful women. Peskov’s first wife was the granddaughter of the legendary military leader Budyonny. They had known each other since childhood, their touching school love ended in a rather early marriage, and a son was born. But family personal life did not work out.

The second time Dmitry married a girl from “his” circle - a family of hereditary diplomats. They met in Ankara, Turkey, where a graduate of the Institute of Asian and African Countries was appointed attaché at the embassy. Blonde, blue-eyed Katya was the daughter of the ambassador, and at the time of their acquaintance she was in the tenth grade.

For her, it was love at first sight; he, too, did not remain indifferent to the young beauty, but, like a law-abiding gentleman, he hid his feelings until she came of age. Nothing stopped Dmitry from proposing marriage to Catherine.

Dmitry's diplomatic career slowly but surely went uphill, until one fine moment he changed his field of activity. This happened in 1999, when Boris Yeltsin arrived in Istanbul. Dmitry, fluent in Turkish, acted as a translator. The head of state liked the young diplomat, who grasps everything on the fly, and he invited him to work in the Kremlin.

All this time, Peskov’s faithful wife was nearby: she helped, supported, and raised the children, of whom there were already three in the family by that time. Well-being grew, material problems disappeared, but alienation appeared in his personal life. The couple hardly saw each other

Dmitry disappeared for days at work, Ekaterina had her own life, her own business, which also took energy and time. The crack that finally split their union appeared on the day when Peskov went to a friend’s birthday party. He had no idea that the meeting that awaited him there would change his entire personal life.

Tatyana Navka happened to be at the same birthday. They were not introduced, but the face of the slender blonde seemed familiar to Dmitry. When the tune from "Nine and a Half Weeks" started playing, he asked her to dance. “Are you the girl who stars in commercials?” - was Dmitry Peskov’s first question.

Tatiana laughed and nodded. He didn’t know that she was an Olympic champion, had never heard of “Ice Age”... He was generally as if from another planet: calm, detached, more likely to observe those around him than to be involved in the fun. The dance ended, her partner apologized and took his leave. After that, Dmitry and Tatyana did not see each other for a whole year. And we met at the same place, at the birthday party of the same mutual friend.

By that time, Tatiana’s friends had already told Tatyana what position her new acquaintance held, and they also mentioned a family with three children. Dmitry also made inquiries about the “girl from the advertisement”, learned about her champion past and present related to show business.

They danced together again, this time there was no sudden disappearance; at the end of the evening, Peskov suggested having dinner together sometime. Navka agreed, but more out of politeness than out of interest: at first he did not make much of an impression on her.

They went to the restaurant once or twice. “We are just friends,” Tatyana repeated to herself, beginning to notice that her companion was not looking at her in a completely friendly way. If you fall in love, then only with free men, I decided long ago. But fate again prepared for her the role of a homewrecker.

Tatyana tried to resist the surging feelings: she did not answer the phone when Dmitry called, and if the conversation did happen, she refused meetings, citing being busy. But they still met, seemingly by chance. He seemed to be courting her, but it was as if he wasn’t, everything was very unobtrusive and careful, their relationship remained within the framework of friendship for a long time.

Later, the skater admits that her chosen one chose the only correct tactic. If he had acted rudely, he would have pushed her away. But Peskov showed endless patience and still achieved his goal. At some point, Tatyana realized that she had been bored for a long time if he was not around, she was looking forward to the call, and was carefully preparing for each meeting. It turns out, unbeknownst to herself, she fell in love!

And Dmitry Peskov faced a test: a serious conversation with his wife, a painful breakup, which was aggravated by the fact that they had children, youngest son At that moment I was only four years old. Catherine did not hold back her husband; on the contrary, she filed for divorce herself. The wise woman understood that a broken cup cannot be mended.

Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov - Two boots in a pair

Both were public people and both understood how fragile love is, especially under the guns of annoying paparazzi cameras. Therefore, Tatyana and Dmitry hid their romance from everyone for a long time. Even after giving birth to her daughter Nadezhda, Navka refused to answer journalists’ questions about the girl’s father.
But for them this time was unusually happy: there were three of them, they had a real family, despite the absence of a stamp in their passport. Formalities can wait, the lovers believed.

Subsequently, Tatyana was surprised: how could I not immediately see such a man, not appreciate all his merits? Having gotten to know Dmitry better, she was captivated by his inner nobility, combined with amazing simplicity in communication and habits. No man aroused such feelings in her: it seemed to her that they fit each other like two halves of one whole.

In many ways they are complete opposites. Tatyana is a brilliant figure skater, a spectacular woman, accustomed to being the center of attention, bright, emotional. Dmitry, due to his profession, does not like to draw attention to his person: he must convey information and at the same time remain in the shadows. And he succeeds in this: there is nothing spectacular or provocative in either his appearance or behavior.

And yet they have a lot in common. Both are purposeful and active, both can be called workaholics.
Now Peskov and Navka are big Friendly family, it includes Tatyana’s first daughter Alexandra, and all of Dmitry’s children, who stay with their father for a long time. Sharp corners smoothed out, peace and friendliness reign in relationships.

After the honeymoon, which was more like a family vacation, because their children went on the trip with the newlyweds, their personal lives took their course. Tatyana continued training and performing, Dmitry returned to his responsible work, but still something has changed for them, because now they are husband and wife.

“A new page has opened in my personal life,” says Tatyana Navka, “I know for sure that it is the most important and the last.” Dmitry Peskov, who looks at his wife with undisguised adoration, has no doubt about this.

Tatyana Navka is a Russian figure skater who won the Olympic Games in Turin together with Roman Kostomarov. In addition, they became world champions twice, European champions three times, won the Grand Prix finals three times and became Russian champions three times.


The biography of Tatyana Navka dates back to April 13, 1975. On this day, a girl, Tanechka, was born in the Ukrainian city of Dnepropetrovsk. The parents of the future champion played sports in their youth, so they did not interfere with their daughter’s passion. Tanyusha became interested in figure skating after Elena Vodorezova’s performance was shown on television.

The parents decided to start training “on the shore” - first they bought roller skates, and only after she learned to skate well on them, they took the girl to the skating rink. Thus, the future Olympic champion got on the ice in 1980, at the age of 5 years. In 1987, the girl unexpectedly grew by 14 centimeters, which disrupted her jumping technique. In view of these difficulties, the coaches, who did not suspect that anyone in the future would be interested in the biography of Tatyana Navka, recommended that the parents transfer their daughter to ice dancing.


At the age of 14, the girl moved to Moscow on her own and joined Natalia Dubova’s group. Here she found herself paired with Samvel Gezalyan. With this partner, Tatyana competed for Belarus until 1995. They took fourth place at the Dortmund European Championship and seventh at the Birmingham World Championship.

In 1996-1998, she danced for Belarus together with Morozov. In 1998, at the Olympics, the couple took 16th position in the ranking.

She joined the Russian national team in 1998. Natalya Linichuk became Tatyana’s first coach. From the same year, the skater teamed up with Roman Kostomarov. She skated with him until the end of her sports career. The biography of figure skater Tatyana Navka as Kostomarov’s partner excludes the years 1999 and 2000, when Roman danced with Anna Semenovich.

After the return of the partner, Alexander Zhulin was the couple’s coach until 2006. In addition, since 2002, Elena Tchaikovskaya has been a consultant. The choreography of the numbers belongs to Tatyana Druchinina.

After winning the Turin Olympic Games, the couple jointly decided to end their sports career.

Participation in projects

Tatyana Navka, biography, photos, details of her personal life have long been the subject of discussion in the “yellow” and official press, after finishing her career she took part in projects conducted by Channel One.

In 2006 it was Stars on Ice. Tatyana Navka, whose biography and personal life again appeared on the front pages of newspapers, found herself paired with Marat Basharov. They became the winners of the project.

In 2007, Tatyana Navka’s biography was supplemented with a new project - “Ice Age”, where she, together with Ville Haapasalo, took second place.

In 2008, in Ice Age 2, Tatyana performed with Vadim Kalganov, with whom she again ended up in second position.

In 2009, while participating in the Ice Age-3 project, Navka was again paired with Basharov, excluding five episodes with Yegor Beroev, who replaced Marat, who dropped out due to a leg injury. This time the couple did not become the winner, but reached the finals of the project.

In 2010, together with Alexey Vorobyov, she performed in the project “Ice and Fire”. In 2008, she took part in a ballroom dancing competition with professional ballroom dancer Alexander Litvinenko. The couple took an honorable second place.

Titles and awards

Tatyana Navka, whose biography, husband and secrets are of interest to many fans, received the Order of Friendship in 2007, awarded for a significant contribution to the development of physical culture and sports, for high achievements in sports.


Tatyana met her first husband on the ice. It turned out to be her coach Alexander Zhulin. The relationship lasted more than five years, despite the age difference and the fact that the man was married. Years later, after the start of the relationship, the couple officially registered their marriage.

Crashed family life 13 years later, after Tatiana’s participation in the “Stars on Ice” project. It was here that Tatyana Navka, a biography whose personal life was always under the close attention of fans and journalists, met Marat Basharov, whose charm she could not resist.

Both Zhulin and the actor’s wife tried to save their families, but, unfortunately, they failed. The marriage of Navka and Zhulin broke up in 2010. Despite the painful breakup, ex-spouses maintain friendly relations, given that they have a daughter together.

The relationship with Marat turned out to be very difficult: the couple got together and then separated again. At one time it was believed that the athlete was dating singer Alexei Vorobyov, but Navka herself rejected this assumption - she stated that she could never date a man younger than herself.


Tatyana Navka, biography, personal life, whose children were always under the guns of paparazzi cameras, gave birth to her first daughter in 2010. It's theirs common child with Alexander Zhulin. The girl was born while the couple was living in the USA.

The second daughter was born on August 19, 2014. The skater carefully hid this pregnancy from everyone. The birth of a child first became known from Tatyana’s friend Lyubov Uspenskaya’s Instagram account, who wrote that she and her friends were celebrating the birth of their daughter Navka. The athlete also gave birth to her second child not in Russia - the photographs that she posted on the microblog indicate that this happened in Italy.

Navka quickly regained her figure after giving birth. After which many manufacturers of weight loss products began to claim that the athlete lost weight overweight precisely with the help of their products.

Personal life today

At the time of the birth of the second daughter, the public knew nothing about her father. However, already in November 2014, the secret was revealed. Tatyana appeared at the opening of the skating rink on Red Square with a man. Her chosen one this time was Dmitry Peskov. According to HELLO magazine, both Tatyana and her partner happily posed and gave interviews.

Those present noticed a wedding ring on Tatiana's ring finger. Remembering that a few days ago the figure skater posted a photo on Instagram with her friends at a bachelorette party, the public decided that the couple had gotten engaged. Despite the fact that there are still no official comments from the couple, the media immediately announced the upcoming wedding.

In recent interviews, the figure skater hinted that there will be a wedding. Although the date was not named, its very fact was recognized by Navka. Perhaps the gala event will take place this summer in Sochi.

The sports star also said that she plans to have a third child immediately after marriage.

The 47-year-old presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov himself does not comment on the situation, although it is believed that the birth of a child should strengthen the couple’s relationship. Paternity was not officially confirmed, but Dmitry took a decisive step - he divorced his wife, with whom he lived for many years.

Career after sports

After the official end of her sports career, Tatyana takes part in many projects and participates in competitions. It was recently announced that she will star in the fourth series of Midshipmen, which will begin filming this year.

Tatyana also participates in photo shoots, appearing for various publications and calendars. Lately her life is more like entertainment socialites, since she doesn’t do anything significant, she just takes part in various events.

Fans of the figure skater hope that Tatyana Navka’s biography will not end with a discussion of her photo on Instagram and the title of the most desirable woman in the country.

Welcome reception by A.Nemov "Friends of Big Sports"Photo: Vladimir Pesnya, RIA Novosti

On the eve of the wedding of the famous Olympic champion Tatyana Navka, Dni.Ru decided to remember the men who marked the athlete’s life. We will talk about figure skater Alexander Zhulin, actor Marat Basharov and performer Alexei Vorobyov.

Very soon, on August 1, Olympic champion in ice dancing Tatyana Navka will get married. The high-profile event will take place in Sochi and will last several days. While journalists are impatiently stretching their fingers for active typing, and paparazzi are rubbing their lenses with a clean cloth, Dni.Ru decided to remember the men that Tatyana was lucky (or not) to meet on her way.

Navka's first husband was figure skater Alexander Zhulin. Their marriage broke up in 2006, by which time they had lived together for more than 14 years. Only in a recent interview did the skater admit that he still cannot understand why their union cracked. Navka responded to this like this: “And I understand. In my opinion, everyone who watched this program from beginning to end understood very well why we got divorced. At least I... Everything is very clear there, it seems to me. And then, when all this happened, I didn’t understand either, but years later everything became clear and simple for me, life put everything in its place, so I don’t regret anything, and I think that Sasha doesn’t regret anything either “Each of us has wonderful families. What should we regret?” – Navka admitted.

Then the popular actor Marat Basharov appeared in Tatiana’s life. Their romance, as the media claim, began after the artist became the skater’s partner in a dance ice show"Glacial period". Despite the fact that neither Navka nor Basharov ever discussed their relationship with the press, the paparazzi often caught the lovers either kissing or hotly hugging. The couple went out together and visited cafes, but their relationship did not progress beyond a dizzying romance.

However, Navka did not suffer from loneliness. Soon her partner in " Ice Age" became the actor and singer Alexei Vorobyov. However, the journalists themselves still cannot decide among themselves whether Tanya and Lesha actually had an affair, or whether it is just a cunningly invented PR. The fact is that the paparazzi were literally knocked off their feet, trying to find evidence of the romantic background of the relationship in the couple, however, judging by the meager photographs, Tanya and Lesha did not go further than hugging, and it is not clear what nature these hugs were.

Vorobyov himself assured that there was nothing between him and Navka. However, according to the artist, even his girlfriend did not believe in it. “When all these rumors about Tanya and I began to appear on the Internet, I hoped that Anya wouldn’t believe it, because we are colleagues (the girl is an actress at the Tabakerka Theater. - Approx. Days.Ru), and she should understand that this it’s just my job. But Anya couldn’t do that. And at some point I simply couldn’t stand it anymore,” Vorobiev said in an interview in 2010.