Magician and healer Yuri Longo. What did the “white magician” Yuri Longo fail to do? Magic or fatal accident

Yuri Longo - “white sorcerer”

Yuri Andreevich Longo (Golovko) is the first officially recognized sorcerer of our time, “master of white practical magic,” mystic. He was remembered by everyone who saw him with the hypnotic gaze of his dark eyes, his white homespun robe and chains. He easily walked on water, flew through the air and revived the dead, but at the same time did not miss the opportunity to ridicule sorcerers and psychics, as well as their gullible patients.

Yuri Golovko was born in the village of Nezamaevskaya Krasnodar region. After leaving school, he studied at a technical school, but did not graduate and for a long time worked as a conductor and waiter in the dining car on long-distance trains. In 1979, on the Moscow-Tynda train, Yuri met magician Lev Korneev, who sold him props for magic tricks and placed a capable student in the Moscow Regional Philharmonic. Having mastered simple tricks with handkerchiefs, ribbons and balls, Golovko began touring throughout the country as part of a concert crew. At the same time, he took a sonorous pseudonym in honor of the legendary magician of the early 20th century, Dmitry Longo, who was called “the last fakir” - he walked barefoot on the blades of Turkish sabers, danced on hot coals, bit off a piece of a red-hot iron plate with his teeth and drank molten tin. Not forgetting, of course, to first put a special container in your mouth.

Yuri Golovko-Longo gained wide popularity in the early 90s, after he was shown on television levitating - rising above the ground, overcoming gravity. TV viewers were stunned. They knew that Indian yogis were capable of this, but did not suspect that in the country there was a “white sorcerer,” as Longo began to call himself, capable of lifting himself off the ground a full meter. TV viewers had no idea that Yuri Longo was actually sitting at the end of an ordinary metal pipe, which was moved behind a screen by his assistants. It is interesting that the filming was completed only the fifth time - the “sorcerer” could not stay on the pipe. TV viewers experienced even greater delight when Yuri Longo walked on the surface of the Ostankino pond as if on dry land. They had no idea that there was a deck under the water. The “sorcerer” also demonstrated other miracles: for example, he lit the grass with the energy of his hands - a simple electric stove was first covered with dry grass and leaves, and while Longo moved his hands over the grass with an ominous look, his assistant inserted a plug into the electrical outlet. And a miracle happened - the grass really caught fire. The people, observing these miracles, were once again convinced that the communists, instilling materialist teaching, hid from them hidden secrets witchcraft and magic. Meanwhile, all the secrets of the “sorcerer” were exposed after his death, while during his lifetime his activities were shrouded in secrecy.

Longo's most shocking video was taken in a morgue. On the table lay the unclaimed corpse of a forty-year-old man who had died three days ago. After the manipulations of Yuri Longo, the deceased began to move left hand. The body covered with a sheet, obeying the movements of the psychic’s hands, began to rise. The nurse present at this scene fainted. Later it turned out that many television viewers followed her example. It soon became known that the roles of the “revived corpse” and the “fainted nurse” were talentedly played by Yuri Andreevich’s assistants, but the job was done - the “sorcerer” acquired truly national fame.

In his interview, Longo indignantly rejected accusations that the scene in the morgue was falsified, proposing to repeat the experiment with the revival of the dead man now, and to hold the session not just anywhere, but in the Mausoleum on Red Square. The move was a win-win - no one, of course, was allowed into the Mausoleum of Yuri Longo and the television crew, and the population, stunned by perestroika and glasnost, unanimously decided that they were persecuting the “sorcerer” and making false accusations.

However, despite a huge number of skeptical citizens, Longo has always had fans. It was not easy to make an appointment with him. Not only did the receptions cost a huge amount of money, everything free time the sorcerer was scheduled for months in advance. Those who managed to visit him later told stories about miracles. He cured someone's illness, helped someone return a stolen car... Many people believed the sorcerer famous people. Thus, such an episode caused a lot of noise in the Russian and Ukrainian press.

In 2004, President Viktor Yushchenko was poisoned in Ukraine. As Longo said in his interviews (and this fact was confirmed by Ukrainian politicians), Yushchenko was friendly with the sorcerer and, feeling bad, the first thing he did was call Moscow. Yuri Andreevich immediately remotely diagnosed the poisoning and began to save his friend. “Time passed by minutes,” he said. - If it weren’t for me, Yushchenko would have died. Or rather, he had already died, his heart had almost stopped beating and I managed to revive him with my own hands.”

During one of his trips on tour to Novosibirsk, Yuri Longo came to the rector of the Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky and told the priest that he would like to be baptized. In response, the archpriest angrily accused the visitor of witchcraft and cursed him, declaring that Longo would never be allowed to receive the sacrament of baptism. Through his friends, Longo finally found a priest who agreed to baptize the sorcerer - he was the rector of one of the rural churches in the Vladimir region. The provincial priest did not bother to find out personal information and performed the ceremony. A week after his baptism, Longo died of a ruptured aorta and was buried at the Vostryakovskoye cemetery in Moscow.

After the death of the “white sorcerer,” his many friends vied with each other to invent fantastic versions of Longo’s premature departure. Some claimed that he was struck by an “energy blow” that was directed at him by “black sorcerers.” Others argued that he was tired of everything and, pretending to be dead, fled to Australia.

Longo ended his last interview with the words: “Less politics, less envy, don’t envy, and you will really succeed. Find yourself good teacher, friend and do not strive to make money. Now the golden calf is at the forefront - this is what is ruining us.” In saying this, the “white sorcerer” did not float in the air and did not walk on water. That must be why no one heard his words.

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IN troubled times When the country is at a crossroads, magicians and fortune tellers become the main characters. Russia is no exception. After the crash Soviet Union, the profession of a sorcerer turned out to be the most in demand. The main one was Yuri Longo. His whole life was full of mysteries, and the causes of death are still debated.

Magician or illusionist?

Everyone who has encountered Yuri Longo at least once in their life has certainly noted the hypnotic gaze of his dark brown eyes. The black robe, incense and heavy chains on his chest left no doubt that this was a real sorcerer. Yuri Longo became famous for his high-profile shows, demonstrating hypnosis, telepathy, telekinesis, and clairvoyance. All-Russian fame was brought to him by experiments shown on television, in which the magician revived the dead and talked with those who had passed on to another world. True, then, under pressure from journalists, Yuri Longo admitted that these were just clever tricks, and not real magic at all. Nevertheless, in the 1990s, people came to see him in the thousands, hoping for a miracle. Long queues at his entrance to the Sukharevskaya metro station arose from the very early morning. Who was Yuri Longo, a magician or a pop artist? Considering the fact that the main Russian sorcerer studied at an art school, a theater studio and had a diploma in psychology, it is safe to say that Yuri Andreevich was nothing more than a talented artist.

Conqueror of women's hearts

It is not surprising that the entire life of the All-Russian sorcerer was constantly accompanied by numerous scandals. After the living and talking dead turned out to be a fake, the “witchcraft” authority of Yuri Longo was seriously shaken for the first time. Then they began to talk about him as a great lover of women. The press claimed that the number of his mistresses numbered in the thousands. The magician himself was in no hurry to refute these rumors. There is a version that his premature death was caused by the fact that the sorcerer significantly undermined his health love front. Alas, she is not wealthy, because her recent years Yuri Andreevich spent his time as an exemplary family man, in love with his last wife Elena Longo. Although in public the magician tried to maintain the image of a conqueror of women’s hearts, apparently believing that this would help him attract clientele in need of improving their personal lives.

Magic duel

It is quite strange that a wealthy person who does not have bad habits, fully realized in his professional field, left this world in quite at a young age in the fifty-sixth year of life. What is this, retribution for sins, magic or a fatal accident? To answer this question, it is interesting to look at two scandals in which Yuri Longo was involved shortly before his early death. The first of them was associated with another “magician” Grigory Grabov, who promised to resurrect the children who died in Beslan. Yuri Longo did not believe the words of his “competitor,” calling him a liar and a cynic. Yuri Andreevich died in the midst of his quarrel with Grabov. The press has repeatedly heard a version that it was Grigory Grabovoi who sent Yuri Longo to death. The second scandal was associated with Yuri Andreevich’s assertion that Viktor Yushchenko, poisoned with dioxin, was actually killed, and the Orange Revolution in Ukraine was led by his double. It was assumed that the Ukrainian special services could deal with the magician for these statements.

Cause of death: arrogance

It is not surprising that the unexpected and early death the famous magician shook the whole country. Versions began to emerge, one more mysterious than the other. Nevertheless, the real reason the death of Yuri Longo is simple and tragic in its absurdity. As you know, on February 14, 2006, Yuri Longo suffered a heart attack. He was admitted to the hospital. However, as soon as he felt better, Yuri Andreevich went home. Two days later, he felt unwell again, but instead of turning to doctors, he asked his friend, the famous artist Nikas Safronov, to come to him for support. In vain. A day later, at 10-30 am on February 17, the most famous magician of the country died from an aortic aneurysm. Yuri Longo was buried at the Vostryakovskoye cemetery in Moscow. Despite the huge number of versions about the death of the sorcerer, the truth is simple and banal. Apparently Yuri Andreevich relied too much on his gift as a healer and good health, refusing the services of doctors. If he had stayed in the hospital after the heart attack, perhaps the main sorcerer of the country would still be alive...

Undoubtedly, he is an outstanding personality, since he managed to take advantage of the unhealthy interest of rich ordinary people in everything mysterious and “schizoteric”, putting him at the service of his name and wallet.

He called himself a white magician, although I would call him a professional “showman”, a master of PR. Take, for example, that memorable trick of resurrecting a dead man in a morgue, levitating in front of a video camera, or the statement that he revived Ukrainian President Yushchenko. Loud, scandalous, spectacular. And it doesn’t matter that there were no levitations, the living dead and other miracles, but who would dare deny that those numerous titles and regalia that he awarded himself did not have the most magical effect on women suffering from “love magic”.

It goes without saying that the death of such a famous and creepy mysterious man Well, I just couldn’t help but be surrounded by the most incredible rumors. Agree, it is not appropriate for a white magician and healer to die from some kind of “aortic aneurysm,” although death from the evil eye or an “energy strike” can hardly be considered more attractive for the reputation of an almost omnipotent magician.

And here’s another miracle that surprised me. It was reported that before Longo's funeral, a funeral service was held in the church. Since when did our church begin to perform funeral services for people related to the occult, and besides, according to reports, Longo was not even baptized. However, money is now capable of creating even less bizarre miracles... In a word, gentlemen, the show must go on!!! Yuri Longo was buried at the Vostryakovsky cemetery (6th school).

How to find a grave

The main entrance to the cemetery (where the cemetery office is). Go straight along the central alley all the time, in fact to the very end of the cemetery, there you will see a vacant lot that is being prepared for new burials, it is to the right of the road, just like section 6. Follow the path to bypass section 6. That is, there will be a vacant lot on your left, and plot 6 on your right.

As of June 23, 2007, Longo’s grave has been erased among the graves that appeared later, because section 6 is expanding. To find it you need to make some effort, combing the paths between the rows of graves. I can only say that Longo’s grave is located on the border of the old wooded area 6. The grave itself is a very funny sight. “Schizoterically”-minded people decorate it with strange objects, for example, an antique iron, children’s sandals, on the grave mound there is a baby bootie, some kind of ceramic figurines, a medicine package. I had an assumption that all these items were brought by ladies who believed that the “great magician” would help them get pregnant. But in reality, I don’t know.

In troubled times, when the country is at a crossroads, magicians and fortune tellers become the main characters. Russia is no exception. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the profession of a sorcerer turned out to be the most in demand. The main one was Yuri Longo. His whole life was full of mysteries, and the causes of death are still debated.

Magician or illusionist?

Everyone who has encountered Yuri Longo at least once in their life has certainly noted the hypnotic look of his dark brown eyes. The black robe, incense and heavy chains on his chest left no doubt that this was a real sorcerer. Yuri Longo became famous for his high-profile shows, demonstrating hypnosis, telepathy, telekinesis, and clairvoyance. All-Russian fame was brought to him by experiments shown on television, in which the magician revived the dead and talked with those who had passed on to another world. True, then, under pressure from journalists, Yuri Longo admitted that these were just clever tricks, and not real magic at all. Nevertheless, in the 1990s, people came to see him in the thousands, hoping for a miracle. Long queues at his entrance to the Sukharevskaya metro station arose from the very early morning. Who was Yuri Longo, a magician or a pop artist? Considering the fact that the main Russian sorcerer studied at an art school, a theater studio and had a diploma in psychology, it is safe to say that Yuri Andreevich was nothing more than a talented artist.

Conqueror of women's hearts

It is not surprising that the entire life of the All-Russian sorcerer was constantly accompanied by numerous scandals. After the living and talking dead turned out to be a fake, the “witchcraft” authority of Yuri Longo was seriously shaken for the first time. Then they began to talk about him as a great lover of women. The press claimed that the number of his mistresses numbered in the thousands. The magician himself was in no hurry to refute these rumors. There is a version that his premature death was caused by the fact that the sorcerer significantly undermined his health on the love front. Alas, she is not wealthy, since Yuri Andreevich spent his last years as an exemplary family man, in love with his last wife, Elena Longo. Although in public the magician tried to maintain the image of a conqueror of women’s hearts, apparently believing that this would help him attract clientele in need of improving their personal lives.

Magic duel

It is quite strange that a wealthy man, without bad habits, who was fully realized in his professional field, left this world at a fairly young age, in his fifty-sixth year of life. What is this, retribution for sins, magic or a fatal accident? To answer this question, it is interesting to look at two scandals in which Yuri Longo was involved shortly before his early death. The first of them was associated with another “magician” Grigory Grabov, who promised to resurrect the children who died in Beslan. Yuri Longo did not believe the words of his “competitor,” calling him a liar and a cynic. Yuri Andreevich died in the midst of his quarrel with Grabov. The press has repeatedly heard the version that it was Grigory Grabovoi who sent Yuri Longo to death. The second scandal was associated with Yuri Andreevich’s assertion that Viktor Yushchenko, poisoned with dioxin, was actually killed, and the Orange Revolution in Ukraine was led by his double. It was assumed that the Ukrainian special services could deal with the magician for these statements.

Cause of death: arrogance

It is not surprising that the unexpected and early death of the famous magician shook the whole country. Versions began to emerge, one more mysterious than the other. However, the true cause of Yuri Longo’s death is simple and tragic in its absurdity. As you know, on February 14, 2006, Yuri Longo suffered a heart attack. He was admitted to the hospital. However, as soon as he felt better, Yuri Andreevich went home. Two days later, he felt unwell again, but instead of turning to doctors, he asked his friend, the famous artist Nikas Safronov, to come to him for support. In vain. A day later, at 10-30 am on February 17, the most famous magician of the country died from an aortic aneurysm. Yuri Longo was buried at the Vostryakovskoye cemetery in Moscow. Despite the huge number of versions about the death of the sorcerer, the truth is simple and banal. Apparently Yuri Andreevich relied too much on his gift as a healer and good health, refusing the services of doctors. If he had stayed in the hospital after the heart attack, perhaps the main sorcerer of the country would still be alive...

On February 17, Yuri Golovko, who became known as the “white magician” Yuri Longo, died of an aortic aneurysm in Moscow. The baptism that Longo thought about at one time never took place...

Yuri Andreevich Longo (Golovko) was born in 1956 in Kuban. After school I graduated from technical school. He worked as a train conductor and a waiter. Then he went to conquer Moscow and got a job at the Moscow Regional Philharmonic. In the capital, he graduated from the school of hypnosis under the leadership of Goncharov, mastered card tricks to perfection and began performing alone. For the solo program, he came up with a sonorous pseudonym - in honor of the famous fakir Dmitry Longo, who shone on the circus arena in the middle of the last century. Soon Golovko retrained as a “master of white practical magic.”

He was a co-author and co-producer of the television program “The Third Eye”, the hero of the television stories “Lenin’s Body”, “The Master”, “The Moment of Witchcraft”, “The Wizard”. In 1990, in Tokyo, he took part in the “Unusual in Our Life” competition on Japanese television and received first prize. Member International Association of magicians and sorcerers, which, as they persistently say, never existed. In recent years I have been mainly involved in love magic. He owned, according to his own statements, 120 types of hypnosis, telepathy, telekinesis, and clairvoyance.

Here the meager information about Longo the man ends, and Longo the social phenomenon begins. This is exactly what we will talk about.

“In his free time from work, he paints pictures (portraits, landscapes, still lifes)” - this detail of the fairly mystified biography, which gives the image of the “great healer” something human, was diligently replicated by Internet publications, and in precisely this formulation. Perhaps there is an allusion here to another famous lover of unconventional spiritual practices, who also became famous for his artistic creations - Nicholas Roerich.

Longo’s official website provides a fairly long list of “healer” regalia. "Master of white practical magic" and "creator international school magicians and sorcerers" was also the author of "sensational discoveries of the twentieth century" - these include tricks with "revival" dead person and “levitation”, which are discussed below. Author of many books on (allegedly) white magic.

However, what is the “author” and what is “white” is a controversial issue. According to the website of the Belgorod Orthodox Theological Seminary with reference to Russian media, at the end of 1997, the prosecutor's office of the Central District of Moscow opened a criminal case against Yuri Golovko under Article 146 of the Criminal Code of Russia. The psychic sorcerer was accused of violating copyright and related rights: “he published books in a banal manner, appropriating someone else’s authorship.” The victim turned out to be a certain Samofalova, a parapsychologist whose book “ White magic, or The Miraculous Key" and stole Golovko, changing the name to "Practical Magic" and "Love Magic". The fact of plagiarism was proven by an examination conducted by specialists from the Vinogradov Institute of Russian Language. Golovko was sentenced to two years in prison. It was not possible to find out whether the sentence was carried out.

They say that at one of the concerts of the “white magician” something similar to what Bulgakov described in “The Master and Margarita” happened. Longo spoke at the socio-political center of the Moscow State Committee of the CPSU on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. According to eyewitnesses (it is difficult to judge the reliability of these stories, but the very rumor about them is a very symptomatic thing), as soon as Longo’s assistants brought two piles of broken glass, when two hundred men and women immediately rushed there, knocking each other down. Having flown onto the stage, they, without waiting for the “maestro,” began to undress. After which the “descendant of the last Russian fakirs” put them on the glass and announced: “Now your osteochondrosis will disappear as if by hand.”

By the way, Longo himself was interested in Bulgakov. His interviews were published on the Internet, in which the magician talks about his intention to create a “practical religion.” “Just as Bulgakov gave a new interpretation of the Testament in “The Master and Margarita,” so I want to give a new interpretation to those truths that have existed for millennia, but do not work. The commandments are not kept - everyone lies, everyone steals, everyone commits adultery. I want to write commandments that will help people. For example, you were robbed or raped. You discover a practical religion, and it says what needs to be done,” he said in an interview with Rodnaya Gazeta. For example, you can sew bay leaf in the lining of the jacket of your husband who is about to leave you. True, Longo stipulates, “if you don’t believe, no laurel will help.”

The peak of Yuri Longo's popularity occurred during the perestroika years. He entered our lives almost simultaneously with such phenomena as Kashpirovsky and Chumak, the Globa spouses and many others. At first, Longo performed in a long white robe and in chains, hypnotizing the audience, ready to believe that a miracle was about to happen.

He was especially famous for his experiments in “reviving the dead”: he forced the dead to stand up, raise their hands and show signs of “life” in other ways. He even promised to revive Lenin. In recent years, he has been on TV with claims that he resurrected the President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko (who allegedly died in 2004) and the former US Presidential Advisor on national security Zbigniew Brzezinski. That is, Yushchenko and Brzezhinski, according to Longo, are zombies.

By presenting all this information, we do not at all pursue the goal of insulting the memory of the deceased. Unfortunately, these are the facts of our own biography.

Longo is part of a fairly ancient and enduring tradition in Russia. The popularity of spiritualism and other extrasensory perceptions in Russia is evidenced, in particular, by Sergei Yulievich Witte, to whom the notorious Blavatsky was cousin. In his “Memoirs”, the Minister of Finance testifies that the famous theophysite and writer was admired by many of those who are usually referred to as the “golden youth”. Witte’s stories about how Blavatsky first married the “Erivan governor”, ​​after which she “had sex” with some Englishman, from whom she ran away to “Bass Mitrovich”, are quite interesting for those who are not indifferent to the fate of clairvoyants in Russia.

It is enough to look at the spirit in which the death of Longo was reported to understand that not much has changed since Witte. The banal “aortic aneurysm” really doesn’t fit well into the myth of the great magician. Here are just a few headlines: “Longo was killed by an energy blow,” “The great healer Longo died,” “The master of white magic died in Moscow.” It's probably not worth continuing.