Dream Interpretation about being dead, why you dream about being dead, being dead in a dream. Why do you dream about a dead person?

    I had this dream. Easter. For some reason I’m going with my friends to the cemetery. In her hands is a huge bouquet of flowers. I meet my classmate, I’m talking to her and suddenly a girl all pale comes towards me, this classmate screams at me (the classmate is alive). Rip the piece of paper out of her head and read it. I quickly pulled it out, read some words and the dead man disappeared. After some time, another one too. Everything went according to plan. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a handsome boy appears (in the dream I recognize his face - it’s a boy I know.) He comes up to me and says now you’re mine and kisses me. I don't have time to do anything. Then I see nothing happens. The girls appeared nearby and I understand that I need to take flowers to my father’s grave (he died). I go up to her and then some guy comes down and says where you will sleep with your father next to him or in the next grave, but with all the amenities. Breakfast, lunch, dinner only says the toilet outside the grave will have to get up and go out. And only now I am beginning to understand that I am a dead man. And I remember that I have two children left at home, but I can’t do anything. I WOKE UP, I thought, well, this is all a warning that it’s going to end soon. And it’s not scary, after all.


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    For me personally, a prophetic dream goes like this: one of my relatives dies or is going to the next world! I usually dream about the dead saying goodbye, but those who are getting ready are generally a scary topic and have always really scared me! One of these cases is my maternal grandfather: I come to the village to visit my grandfather and one day I have a dream! Grandfather sits in his favorite chair, and behind him stands big mantis, my relatives are sitting at the table, talking, discussing something heatedly, having fun, they don’t ignore me (I only saw half of my relatives sitting at the table in a dream) and I woke up in a dream, I’m in the place where I sleep! I shout to everyone, both my grandfather and my relatives, that there is a monster there that will eat my grandfather, no one cares, even no one was distracted from them... and this is the very moment when you realize that you are in a dream! You want to wake up, but you can’t, and then panic sets in! You wake up abruptly in a cold sweat and realize that it was not easy! Grandfather was still alive at that time, I went home to Moscow, and a month later he was gone! Stroke, my son was not looked after, he died of hunger! If only I could have understood then this then perhaps death could have been prevented!

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    I had an ordinary dream, even a little comedic and chaotic, about my adventures with a classmate at new job, which turned out to be a scam, we were deceived and now we had to do the same)) Then this dream ends. I’m in an apartment, I’m not sure exactly which one. I hear the voices of my mother and grandfather in the calidor (the grandfather died), the mother has an alarming, trembling voice, the grandfather mutters something like a zombie, she tells him to go through, and she leads him as if by the arm, but I don’t really see, I’m sitting on the sofa in the living room, and then I see my grandfather, dressed like a homeless person, or rather the part of the clothes that is on he had a wound in his side, his right eye was knocked out, there was no hand, only a stump, and part of his foot was sticking out of it. She took him into the far room with tears, I began to sob harder than her, and when my grandfather passed by me, I made out a muttering that it was similar to “holy spirits save us, holy spirits save us.” I only had time to say hello to him. He walked towards me. And I woke up. I also couldn’t find an interpretation, just around the bush.

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    Hello. I dreamed about my dead husband. I somehow ended up at his house and washed pots and cleaned his house. And I thought of him as dead. But, suddenly, unexpectedly, he drives into the yard in his favorite red car and gets out of the car joyful, very good mood. I tell him, hey, you died, and he laughs and jokes and says that he didn’t die at all, it was a mistake, and he crawled out of the grave and is alive and well, a lot of people come to visit. He says I’ll tell you everything later, kisses me, hugs me, says that he misses me. And I think about mine. After all, I already live with another man, what will I tell my man with whom I already live together... And there are a lot of people here, everyone is talking about the miracle that happened, about the resurrection of my husband. I'm looking for my husband and can't find him. Everything looks like a funeral. But I'm still looking for a husband. After all, he was alive. and I can't find it.

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    What is this??

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    I dreamed that the dead were lying, as if at the top, on something, on the street, there were few of them, a man of pre-retirement age (unknown), women..., one, I recognized, but she was alive, from our village, our children studied in one class...

    I go up to them, to the dead, and, with folded hands, I lower them, what is called “at the seams,” but the hands are not like those of soldiers, but, as if in the middle of the legs,... something like that.., and the one that is alive now with someone near the wall of my house, between the first and second entrance, they sat down and were eating something..., I looked at them..., I talked a little with the neighbors..., at home I ate boiled grated beet with such reluctance?? and, in my mind: I take it with a fork, and... it’s not tasty..., and, under the bottom of a different color beet, as if it had been stale and changed color, I, again: there are dead people or dead things..., something like that...

    What is this??

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    my daughter died when she was 2 years old, she was three and a half months old, and today I see her alive in a dream, as if half of the cemetery was demolished, including my daughter’s mummy, I was crying looking for her, fighting with a woman in some kind of stalemate, they showed me where she was lying, I went into some building and I see a child’s crib and my baby is lying in it, alive, I took her in my arms, but for some reason she is a little vampire, she had vampire jaws inserted,oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooothe the front was left in the front. I put my daughter to bed. Please help me decipher this dream.

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    Julia, there is no need to worry - this dream simply means that you are afraid that the birth of a third child will force you to pay less attention to your other two children, and you are worried about this in advance. Children on the cross are a symbol of martyrs, that is, you believe in advance that they will be forced to suffer because you will pay attention to your other child. The fact that the child is crying means he requires attention, and the fact that you don’t take him in your arms is your fear of giving him more attention than you give to older children. That's all, actually :)

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    I dreamed of the Moscow metro, rush hour, a crowd of people... everything is as usual, bustle... tension... and suddenly people start screaming in pain and I see that the escalator is not working and people are falling alive into this giant meat grinder and then one of the dead grabs the mench from behind and presses down towards me... I dragged her on me for some time, then she unclenched her hands and turned into a mass of blood and meat... woke up in a cold sweat... at that moment when the policeman vomited on the corpse of this very woman who was clinging to me...

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    Dead man's dream - I dreamed of a cemetery, a closed black coffin was being carried through it, it was a funeral, about 30 people, I know many of them, I myself stand on the side looking at all this, the weather is cloudy and there is light rain, then I see an open grave, as if it had been washed away by water , in it I see the dismembered body of my father (my father died two years ago), in my head I have thoughts that I killed him and brought him here in parts and buried him, but I couldn’t go deep, I’m afraid that it will all be revealed, my mother is standing next to me ( mom is alive).

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    I dreamed that my grandmother, who had been dead for a long time, was alive and was calling me along with my sister to go somewhere (the place was not specified), (my sister has hydrocephalus) and called us with her. I immediately grabbed my sister in my arms and said that we weren’t going anywhere. I read what such a dream means (The dead are calling you with them if; if you don’t go, be careful, you are in danger deadly danger, but it can be avoided, take measures). I’m not worried about myself, but I’m very worried about my sister!

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    My brother died this year... I had a dream... it was as if they came and said that he had died... I was very worried... I tried to find him... and I found him in the mirrors... no matter what mirror I looked in, he was there and something was always telling me whispered... I was scared... when he disappeared, the roses on the mirror withered and crumbled... like dust... he was exhausted... when in Once again appeared, I wanted to follow him... but someone stopped... I don’t remember who it was... I will never forget this dream

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    I saw myself leaving for the next world and at the same time bleeding from my leg, a toe or heel, apparently pierced by something sharp while running after the scum. In a second, after 5 seconds, a very beautiful girl to me and then I fall to her, then everything is in her arms and I died, I see from the side my photograph of a tombstone and a cross... I had the feeling that I was not breathing while I was awake in my sleep, damn how strange this is all!


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    For Katyusha from Murmansk, don’t be afraid, maybe grandpa wants to ask for something. We should be afraid of the living.

    I'm generally quite good at understanding dreams, but this dream had me stumped. I dreamed about it today. It’s like I’m coming out of the entrance, and on the right there’s a man’s corpse lying, like he fell. I don't know who it is. Red-haired and bearded. This is the first time I see him. And then I look - he was picked up on a stretcher and was being carried after me.


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    Hello, my name is Nastya. I dreamed that four dead men (completely unknown to me) disappeared one by one from their graves. Me and mine best friend went in search of them. And when those who were digging them found out that we suspected something evil, they began to hunt for us. At the end of the dream I was killed. What does the disappearance of 4 dead men, my friend and my death, have to do with it? Who will explain?

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    Hello, the other day my mother-in-law had a dream that her husband (he died) was lying dead and dismembered, today is his anniversary (9 years since he’s been gone), the other day she went to church and after that she had this dream. What does this mean, if anyone knows, please write, and in general, she has strange dreams, constantly dead relatives? Thank you in advance.

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    I’m in a hurry to get on the subway, there is a certain route, and since I don’t have a lot of time, I’m trying to get into the car, but there are a lot of people. Then I see a dead man lying on a bench in the carriage and everyone around him was drinking and a ring of people formed, which is why it was so difficult to enter. This is where the dream ends. I haven’t taken the subway for 11 years in my life.

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    no, well, people are lucky, since they saw everything) I’ve been dreaming about dead people for three years now, I don’t see anyone except them: they call, ask for help... Relatives, strangers, children... got it! what am I ambulance? and they don’t let you go until I help you in a dream, I just have one dream))) then others come... I’m not asking for advice - just a cry from the heart)

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    I dreamed that my second cousin’s dad (he is no longer alive) and I talked to him, not for long, really. When he died (in reality), I was very sorry that I treated him so badly. And in a dream I asked for forgiveness, talked, and in the morning it became easier =). Like a stone off your shoulders, MUCH lighter.

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    I saw a dead man, a stranger (a former neighbor), I went into his room, he was watching TV lying on the bed, I also lay down with him and covered myself with his blanket, then it seemed that it would be hot and I wanted to open up, but he said that it would be cold It was blowing from the window and I woke up. What is this for?

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    I’m scratching my head: I dreamed about my father, he’s alive, he says, I don’t drink anymore, I have a family, a daughter, he gave her money and hands me 200 hryvnia, I took it (I think, why not take it). This is such a dream.

    And if, according to the interpretation, you can’t take anything from them, but I took it in a dream... what to expect now?

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    I am a mother of two children, now awaiting the birth of my third. and now I dream that I gave birth to 3 children, one of them is crying, I try to calm him down, but I don’t take him in my arms, and two children are crucified on the cross... and I can’t find at least some interpretation of this dream... I’m all on my nerves It's been a day...

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    But I dreamed that the corpse of a girl was buried in my yard, and some man was approaching this place and she was reaching out to him through the ground, wanting him to pull her out, but he pushed away (I watch all this from the window of my house) I can't find what this is for anywhere

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    If you dream that a dead person is asking you for something (pies, jam), then you need to remember the deceased with this product. I dreamed that my grandfather was nearby and he and I were looking for raspberry candies. Then my grandmother told me that my grandfather loves raspberry jam

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    but my friend saw me in a dream with our mutual friend, who shot himself three years ago. It was as if I were in a photo on his grave with him and we were hugging happily... I didn’t find a single suitable interpretation for this dream... unfortunately...

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    I dream of a dark, long and cold crypt. I walk along it, there are a lot of dead soldiers in it, they seem to be sleeping. Then I start running and fall - one of them is looking at me. I don’t even know why something like this could happen in a dream.

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    I saw my mother in a dream (she had been dead for 8 years), but I talked to her as if she were alive, by the way, and I also saw my stepfather in this dream (he was also gone), but in the dream I didn’t even suspect that they were dead.

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    What if I dreamed that I got pregnant and killed my own child... and... I cut him into fillets?

    I get goosebumps when I remember this dream...

    Is this at all?

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    I dreamed of a long-dead neighbor inviting me to visit. We talked for a long time, I asked her forgiveness. She forgave, kissed me on the forehead and died. Why do you dream about this???

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    I'm expecting a child, I'm married for the second time. dreaming that my dead husband is offended at me. a few days later I dreamed of a classmate, also dead, also not speaking, offended. why would that be?

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    Tell me what it means, I dreamed of a dead acquaintance, at the grave where he was buried, at the end of the dream he said, don’t be afraid, it’s good here, if anything, I’ve scored a house next to you. What does this mean?

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    I constantly dream that my grandmother (who has been dead for 5 years), and everything is so similar to reality, as if she is alive and everything is fine, so I won’t find the answer anywhere.

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    I dreamed about my wife's deceased mother. It’s as if we developed photographs of our family, and there she is in each one, although we know that she is no longer alive. A lot of photos.

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    Great! and I see the living dead, well, like zombies... it’s like I’m the hero of all these zombie films... and I see dreams of this kind quite often! horror!

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To understand why you dream dead people, the dream book advises taking into account the accompanying circumstances.

What does it symbolize

Each interpreter interprets dreams involving the dead in his own way, taking into account the dreamer’s attitude towards them, whether the dreamed person is alive and many other aspects. The range of interpretations about what dead people mean in dreams is so wide in dream books that it is extremely difficult to find an unambiguous prediction.

  • Dreaming of a dead person being alive is a sign that the dreamer has not yet come to terms with the loss. A dream is only an echo of memories;
  • Calling the deceased in a dream - the meaning of the words heard should be taken literally. Try to remember the dialogue you dreamed in detail and take note of the instructions you heard;
  • See the living man dead- for the one who dreamed, everything will go as smoothly and successfully as ever. His well-being will one way or another affect the dreamer himself;
  • There are many dead people in a dream - problems and hostility of others will appear unexpectedly;
  • Watching the body of a dead man being taken away - troubles will recede, and problems will suddenly be solved by themselves;
  • I dreamed of a dead man who during his lifetime was a very revered person - a harbinger of great luck and incredible luck in everything;
  • Seeing a dead person in a coffin is an indication that you should take care of your own safety. Take precautions to protect yourself and your loved ones from possible danger;
  • Accepting an offer from a dead man or following him in a dream is a threat of some danger in reality. It can be avoided by being more careful and cautious.

Often in our dreams we see long-dead loved ones and relatives. For any person, such a vision can cause fear and horror. Every source on this subject suggests different interpretations. A dead person may mean that the dreamer will have to make a deal that will not be successful. That is why in the near future dream books do not recommend signing contracts and entering into business agreements or carefully studying their contents before signing.

Dead people in dreams, women and men

Representatives of both male and female genders can have the same dreams, but the meanings of the images seen in most cases vary greatly. A similar situation exists with what dead people mean in dreams. Dream books claim that such a dream for a man, for example, means the emergence of strong support in business. This is a sign that it is time to start actively conducting business negotiations, since the likelihood of their successful completion is unimaginably high. For an adult woman, a dead man whom she associates with herself in a dream can predict a strong surprise that she will experience in the near future. Moreover, this will be associated with financial costs.

Most likely, material problems will arise directly because of the woman, or rather, because of her thoughtless spending. In general, interpreters emphasize that the dead in women's dreams act, rather, as the personification of the state of mind of the fair sex. What you see in a dream should be taken as an indication that it is time to put your thoughts on the shelves and put your current affairs in order. For a pregnant girl, seeing a loved one dead in a dream is, oddly enough, a good sign: childbirth will be easy, and strength will quickly be restored after the birth of the baby.

Miller's interpretation of the dead

Miller considered dreams in which someone close to him was dead a warning that perhaps in the near future the dreamer would have to face some difficulties and even experience a heavy loss. A conversation with a deceased mother in a dream is a sign that you should pay attention to your health and control your inclinations. If you dreamed of a conversation with a deceased brother, then in reality someone from your circle, apparently, needs your support and help.

  • Hearing the voice of a deceased friend in a dream is bad news;
  • Conducting a dialogue with the deceased father is a warning that you need to think carefully about the business you have started in order for it to be crowned with success;
  • A dead person is in a good mood - a sign serious mistakes that you do in your real life. Try to quickly mobilize and change it for the better.

A dream about a dead man cannot be ignored - it is quite a serious dream and provides a lot of information for the dreamer. It is necessary to remember exactly the emotions that you experienced when you met a dead person. Negative emotions such as hatred, contempt, fear or horror indicate that negative non-human lucifags want to get to you in a dream. Positive emotions: joy, tenderness, goodwill or kind sadness indicate that your family and friends want to reach you through the dead in a dream in order to warn you about something or simply support you in difficult times.
The “Dead Man” dream is at first glance a rather creepy dream, but in most cases it does not prophesy anything bad. Of course, there are also negative interpretations of this dream, especially if the dead man takes you by the hand and leads you along. To find out the interpretation of your particular dream, you should find a suitable interpretation specifically for your dream, in which you had to see a dead person. Everything is collected here famous dream books who gave the interpretation like a dream, and also answers to possible questions that may arise after the dream “Dead Men”.

Actions performed with a dead person

  • with a dead man - Dream Interpretation: lying in bed with a dead man in a dream means the business will be successful, all your plans will come true, and in general a period of luck will begin in your life.
  • Why dream of lying between the dead on the ground - Dream Interpretation: lying between the dead in a dream - you will get a serious illness that can be fatal.
  • Why dream of dressing a dead man - Dream Interpretation: dressing a dead man in a dream - you will get sick, but the cure will be successful.
  • Why dream of kissing a dead man - Dream Interpretation: kissing a dead man in a dream means a long, quiet life.
  • Why do you dream of “a dead man hugging you” - Dream Interpretation: a dead man hugging you in a dream - you will fall ill with a serious but curable disease.
  • Why dream of running away from a dead man - Dream Interpretation: running away from a dead man in a dream - with your nerves, worries and stress you are shortening your own life. Be more calm.
  • Why dream of giving to a dead man - Dream Interpretation: giving to a dead man in a dream means losses, losses.
  • Why dream of taking from a dead man - Dream Interpretation: taking from a dead man in a dream means a solid acquisition, money, material well-being.
  • Why dream of killing a dead man - Dream Interpretation: killing a dead man in a dream - if you killed him with a knife, stake or other sharp object, it means real life you will blame your good friend.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

  • A dream about the dead symbolizes a change in the weather.
  • Talking to a dead person in a dream means your soul will calm down.
  • Seeing a dead person in a coffin in a dream – i.e. to know that he is dead - strange events will happen in reality. (Cm. )
  • The dream of “kissing a dead man” means love with a famous public person.
  • If you dreamed that a naked dead man was lying in the snow - you would receive news of the death of someone close to you, mourning.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

  • The dream of a “dead man” prepares you for something bad that will happen to your household. Perhaps the child will often come home at night, and an accident may happen to him on the street in the dark. Try to talk to your child and tactfully hint that you would be calmer if he came home a little earlier.
  • The dream “a dead man came to life in a coffin” means you will encounter a problem that you think has been solved. You will experience a kind of shock, a reluctance to return to the past, to solve this problem, you will just want to run away from this disgusting “revived” problem. But you will have to solve it, pull yourself together and calmly start solving it.
  • The dream of “talking to a dead person” foreshadows a sudden change in weather. Otherwise, the dream of “talking to a dead person in a dream” is interpreted as follows: a relative or person close to you will ask you for an answer to a very important question.

Russian dream book

Seeing a dead person in a dream means that in reality you will encounter sadness and sad events that you will receive from people living far away.
To see a dead person alive in a dream means that you will soon be doing something that you considered “dead” and have lost all hope of successfully completing it.

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Fairytale-mythological dream book

Seeing the living dead in a dream means that long-standing affairs, feelings, plans or relationships will “come to life”.

Children's dream book

  • Are you dreaming about a dead person? If you know him in real life, that is. is this your friend or dear person, then you need to remember what the dead man told you. These words are very important to you.
  • Does a dead man give money in a dream? You will have happiness and good health. (cm. )
  • Did you wish a dead man a happy birthday in a dream? You will do a noble deed very soon.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • You dream of a dead person - any dead body in a dream is associated with the withering away of the negative side of the personal “I”. You have rejected a certain part of the energy within yourself, deeply suppressed it, forgotten about it, or replaced it with another energy.
  • The dream “dead man in the house” can also predict the real death of a household member.
  • If a dead husband comes in a dream, deceased wife or deceased relatives, it means you have an unfinished relationship, especially if you have lived with this person for many years. It gnaws at you and gives your soul no peace.
  • If in a dream the husband is dead, the wife or relative is alive and well in real life, then the happy time of living together is coming to an end: quarrels, conflicts, divorce.

Old English dream book Zedkiel

An unmarried dead person in a dream - the interpretation boils down to the following: the marriage will be hasty and reckless, both spouses will be burdened by this relationship. Children from such a marriage will be born sick and vicious. Overall, an unhappy marriage.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

I dreamed of “being dead in a dream” - in reality, serious machinations of enemies.
Dream Interpretation: dead man - you will bring charges against your good friend.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

I dreamed of a dead man in the water - if the drowned person was a woman, then changes in her personal life, the burden of personal problems will fall, liberation from personal problems. (Cm. )
If you dreamed of dead people in the water, you will get rid of many problems that have been weighing you down.

Ivanov’s newest dream book

In a dream, a dead man dreamed of a long life.

Dream book of symbols

Why do dead people dream about dead people? Folk sign, says that the dead dream of a change in the weather. And do you know why? There is an explanation for this. During the drop atmospheric pressure phantoms of the dead or lucifags - non-physical bodies - easily penetrate. They come into our dreams in the form of an easily recognizable person, family, close or well known, in order to influence the dreamer, establish contact with him or simply study him. Lucifags can influence a sleeping person in different ways; the details of a dream about the dead can explain and indicate this.
The energy of the Lucifags is alien and inhuman, and therefore it is quite easy to determine that they came into our dreams. They come under the guise of a loved one or a person dear to you who died in real life, but such a meeting in a dream occurs negatively, you do not experience joy, but on the contrary, you experience fear and excitement. This means that it was not the soul of your loved one who came to you, but a lucifag. However, there is no need to be too afraid, since they cannot directly influence and destroy the dreamer’s energy. The dreamer will wake up sooner or later, and when he is awake, he is inaccessible to the Lucifags. This is explained by the absence of full-fledged daytime unconsciousness, or in other words, unconsciousness, which, together with the high-speed actions of our body, is our spiritual protection from everything inhuman.

If, when you saw a dead person in a dream, you felt the joy of meeting you, you immediately developed a trusting and friendly relationship, then these are not lucifags, but genuine bodies of people who once lived next to you. Then the dream about the dead is interpreted differently. He can give some parting words, inform about future events, give spiritual support or energy recharge and protection. This is especially true for deceased people who were Christians.
Also, real dead people in a dream can represent projections of the dreamer in real life, or can talk about an unfinished relationship with this person (unfinished gestalt). These non-physical relationships that continue after the death of a loved one or dear person in a dream express your need for love, affection or attention, which you were deprived of along with the death of this person. Also, the dead in a dream can help resolve old conflicts, unresolved disputes and therefore such meetings are healing and filled with spiritual cleansing, regret and reconciliation.
Why do you dream about dead relatives? These are messengers, guides and protectors from the kingdom of the dead. It is necessary to analyze in detail the dream of “the dead”, remember what they said and what emotions you had during this conversation. You especially need to be attentive to dreams in which a dead person gives something, takes something, kisses, hugs, or tries to take you into his world of the dead. Such dreams prophesy death, mourning, misfortune or terrible misfortune. If during the conversation you felt bliss and joy, then such a dream may indicate that the dead person is simply saying goodbye to you, his soul has calmed down and he is forever moving into a higher non-physical dimension.
In any case, if you dreamed of dead loved ones, go to church, light candles for the repose of their souls, hold a special church service or read the appropriate prayer. You need to internally let go of the deceased person, learn to live on, forgive him for everything and complete the gestalt, i.e. these complex relationships and problems that existed between you during his lifetime.
Why do you dream of dying yourself in a dream? Dying in a dream means good luck in reality and the end of a difficult matter.
What does it mean if you dream of dead people in the form of parents? If parents in real life also left this world, then such a dream can have several interpretations. (Cm. )

The first interpretation: the parent’s desire to somehow calm your grief, protect you from the misfortune that has befallen you, neutralize the feeling of loss, melancholy and sadness. They are trying to establish harmony in your mental state.

The second interpretation: your parents come from the other world to you in a dream to help you in the most difficult time for you, to give some guidance, advice or warning.

Third interpretation: deceased parents come in a dream to announce your death, this is a prophetic dream.

What does it mean to see a dead person in a dream in the form of a grandmother? Deceased grandmother comes in a dream extremely rarely and during the most difficult period of your life. (Cm. )
Why do you dream of a dead person who is alive in reality? If you dreamed of a dead person, but in reality he is alive and well, it means he is reporting his well-being and good health. Also, the dream “a dead man who is alive in reality” can indicate an imminent separation from him, a break in relations, etc.

Dream Interpreter of 1829

  • The meaning of the dream “dead man” is calm, happiness, long life.
  • In a dream, a dead man kisses you - a long happy life.
  • The dream “dead man in a coffin” promises you illness. (Cm. )
  • In a dream, you dreamed of a dead man to whom you gave a thing - if you gave a dead man a thing in a dream, it means that in reality you will lose something or suffer losses.
  • Why do you dream of the dead alive and well - to boredom, sadness and loss if you have some kind of service going on.
  • Why do you dream about dead people? This is how he can predict death for you if you dream of a dead person more than once.
  • Being dead yourself in a dream means wealth and long life.
  • with a dead person - you will change your behavior and correct your mistakes.
  • Dreaming of dug up graves with dead people means sudden death from an accident.
  • I dreamed of a living dead person - confusion, loss and harm.

Slavic dream book

Dream interpretation: there are a lot of dead people in a dream - a long, quiet life.

Dream book of love

Dream Interpretation: dreamed of a dead man close person in a dream - your loved one will cheat on you in real life.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Miller's dream book: dead people in a dream portend misfortune.
  • I dreamed of a dead man - Miller’s dream book gives another interpretation: you will receive sad news from a person who lives very far away.
  • According to Miller, the dead are interpreted differently, based on who exactly appeared before you in the form of a dead man. For example, a dead mother in a dream foreshadows the illness of a relative, dead father– unprofitable business or enterprise; sister - large material losses; brother - big financial costs.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga's dream book: a dead person in a dream means changes in the dreamer's life. According to Vanga, the dead man is still a dream of the injustice that the dreamer will have to face if he was sick during the dream.

Muslim dream book (Islamic dream book)

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of dreams “dead man” comes down to one thing - unexpected danger.

Ukrainian dream book

Aesop's Dream Book

Why do you dream of the dead in the water coming to life - the sick person will recover, the healthy person will get sick, or you will go to rest if you are tired, or you will be very surprised by something. (Cm. )

Intelligent dream book

  • Interpretation of sleep: a dead person in the house is a nuisance.
  • Dream interpretation: the living dead talk in their sleep - bad weather.
  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of “moving a dead man” in a dream - you will disgrace yourself or get sick.
  • Dream Interpretation: stepping on a dead person in a dream means you will receive news of death.
  • The dream “dead man in bed next to you” predicts success for you.
  • The dream of “bringing the dead to life” wants to please you - to return what was lost.
  • The dream “a dead man asks to drink water” - in the family or at work they do not listen to you, do not carry out your instructions, there is no obedience.
  • The dream of “dressing a dead man in clothes” promises you illness.
  • Why do you dream of “many dead people, lying between them” - you will get a serious illness, the illness will be serious.
  • The dream of “carrying a dead man in your arms” predicts death for you.

Big dream book

The dream “dead people” - there are many of them or a dead person alone does not matter, the dead people dream of peace in the soul and a change in the weather.
The dream “I am with the dead in the water” prophesies serious changes for the better, getting rid of problems.
In a dream, to see a dead drowned friend in the water - unexpected news will change your life for the better. (Cm. )

Generalized dream book

Dream book of the 21st century

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

  • The dream of “dead man in the house” means trouble.
  • A dead man in a dream is a sign of separation for lovers.
  • The dream of “kissing a dead man” symbolizes a long life.
  • The dream of “giving a gift to a dead man” symbolizes losses and losses. (cm. )
  • The dream of a “dead man lying in a coffin” symbolizes illness.
  • Seeing a familiar person dead in a dream means sadness or loss in a court case.
  • The dream “conversation with a dead man” says: you will change your attitude, behavior and completely improve for the better.
  • I dreamed of being dead - a long life, the favor of a rich man.
  • Dreamed of being buried alive - sudden death.
  • I dreamed of a stillborn child - the dream will not come true.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

  • To dream of a dead person is symbolically the death of some period in your life, the end of something, a call for something new.
  • In a dream, being dead means fortunately, a successful new business.
  • The dream “dead man in the grave” is unexpected, timely help.
  • In a dream, a living dead person means the revival of problems, enterprises and affairs you had forgotten.
  • In a dream, an acquaintance was a dead person - to see an acquaintance as a dead person in a dream means in reality to break off all relations with him.

Spring dream book

  • I dreamed of a dead man in a shroud - the weather will change for the worse.
  • If you dreamed of a dead corpse moving, you will be threatened.
  • I dreamed of moving a dead man, touching his arms and legs - a relapse of the disease.

Summer dream book

  • The dream “dead man in a shroud” means death.
  • The dream “stillborn child” means a miscarriage.
  • The dream of “moving the legs and arms of a dead man” means you are in danger.
  • The dream “a dead man is moving” means you will experience horror.

Autumn dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: a dead man in a shroud in a dream - in reality you will soon experience horror.
  • Dream Interpretation: lovers dream of a dead man as a sign of separation, a complete break in relations.


In conclusion, I would like to once again draw your attention to the fact that the dream “Dead Men” is an inverted dream, i.e. if you are dead in a dream, it means that in reality you will live a long time; if in a dream you gave something to a dead person, it means you will lose something and suffer losses, and if you took it from him, then on the contrary, you will receive wealth and happiness in life. But the Islamic dream book says that a dead man reading a prayer shortens the waking life of everyone who listened to him in a dream. So remember the details of this dream, look for a suitable interpretation, since this dream book contains a lot of different interpretations.

Do not be afraid!

If the dead often come to you in a dream, then you should not be scared and fall into a panic state.

On the contrary, the dream book considers it great luck. Since the dead very often warn of troubles, present a picture of the future and give good advice.

So why do you dream about people who are dead? There is a possibility that someone is spreading bad rumors about you. But more often, characters who are dead in real life in a dream symbolize those dreams and desires that cannot be realized for external reasons.

Invisible help

Why else do dead people dream of being alive? Seeing long-deceased relatives means receiving help in a difficult situation and the fulfillment of secret aspirations.

If in a dream the dead come alive, then the dream book believes that a wave of weakness and indecision will soon come. In this version, the dead seem to support you morally.

Had a dream dead alive? Perhaps you are afraid of losing something very significant to you.


Did familiar dead people appear in your dream? Personally, the dream book guarantees you many years and relative well-being.

Did you dream that deceased acquaintances paid a visit? Not the best changes have emerged in business and life in general.

Sometimes deceased loved ones reflect the fear of losing protection in reality.

Did you have a chance to talk to them? It is especially important to remember everything that your relatives say at night. You may be able to learn something important about your future from them.

Do not panic!

Did you dream about completely unfamiliar dead people? The dream book believes that this is just a reflection of the negative sides of your personality.

This could be outdated stereotypes, a specific line of behavior, or a real loss of vitality.

Why do you dream that unknown dead people are leaving? In fact, you will be able to get rid of what weighs you down.

If in a dream unfamiliar corpses scare you, then in the upcoming situation you will fall into real panic and take an extremely undesirable step.

Get ready!

Why else do you dream of other people's dead people? If they come to life, but do not harm you, then truly amazing events will happen, or long-forgotten problems will remind you of themselves.

If the undead scare or even try to kill you in a dream, then the dream book believes that a series of insurmountable difficulties is coming, problems at work and at home.

Seeing how other people's dead are chasing you means that during the next day you will encounter a lot of difficulties and unpleasant moments.

Money or decline?

Why do you dream about a lot of dead people? Seeing them on the battlefield means that a serious confrontation on a global scale with human casualties is coming, for example, a war.

Did you see a lot of corpses? The dream book considers this a bad omen. Businessmen will face a decline in business, lovers will separate, and everyone else will receive tragic news.

In a dream, many decaying bodies with a sickening smell promise bad influences from the past. If you didn’t feel a special aroma, you will certainly get rich.

Take your time!

Did you dream that you found yourself in a place where dead bodies lay in coffins? Get ready to receive a significant profit or a visit from a stranger.

But dead animals, according to the dream book, guarantee deterioration in health and domestic conflicts.

Did you happen to be among the dead in a dream? In reality, you are destined for a hasty and extremely unsuccessful marriage, which will bring nothing but misfortune.

Miller's Prophecy

Miller's dream book considers the vision of the dead in coffins to be extremely negative. It promises farmers a bad year, failure business people and an unsuccessful marriage to all lovers.


Why do you dream that dead people are reaching out to you? This is a very bad sign, in a dream reflecting a mental or witchcraft attack aimed at you with the goal of further subordination to someone else’s will.

Did you dream that the dead literally grab hands? The dream book believes that your own are slowing you down bad habits, emotions or actions.

Sleep can be called a state of a person when he has a reduced reaction to everything that happens around him. And his brain activity is minimally involved. Why do you need to sleep? First of all, in order for the whole body and head to rest and gain new energy, you need to sleep.

What if you dream about a dead person?

If you dreamed of a dead person, according to Vanga’s dream book, such a dream means that in reality you should expect some unexpected events, as well as surprises, and it is completely unknown what kind they will be, positive or negative. This can only be determined by additional details that are present in the dream.

If an adult woman dreams of a dead person, and she associates herself with him in a dream, then such a dream means that, probably, in the very near future she will have a very strong surprise, which is associated with material expenses. Most likely, the problems will be related to the woman herself.

In general, a dead person who was seen in a dream by an adult woman seems to personify the state of her soul. We need to try to put our thoughts and affairs in order in the near future.

If a man dreams of a dead person, then such a dream means that he will soon have very strong support in his business life. After such a dream, it is best to immediately begin business negotiations, because the likelihood of success in such negotiations is very high.

If in a dream a person touches or puts in order a dead person, then this means a road. Although many sources decipher this in such a way that the dreamer will be on bad terms with his wife/husband, and the children will be harmful and not beautiful.

If a pregnant woman sees her loved one dead, then she should expect an easy birth and quick recovery.

The dream book of Michel Nostradamus says that seeing a dead person in a dream is not good sign, if it is brought into the house, then it is even worse. In this case, the dream means that the person will have enemies who will do everything to ruin their reputation and take away their property.

If you dream that a dead person is being buried, it means that troubles will be overcome and good luck will return. Hearing an unpleasant cry during a funeral is a sign that a false friend is doing everything to cause harm.

In general, when a relative who has died long ago comes in a dream, people begin to be afraid of such a dream. And then the search begins on the Internet, as well as on various sources, to find out why a dead person dreams.

This dream can be deciphered in different ways. A dead person means that the one who had such a dream is about to make a deal that will not bring anything good. And also “dream books advise” not to sign and read contracts and agreements carefully. And if possible, do not sign them.

After this dream, you are advised to take care of your reputation. The deceased mother may dream of the need to control her relationships with loved ones.

What does it portend?

No less interesting meaning dream when a dead person scares the dreamer. A frightening dream may mean the appearance of enemies. Due to various criticisms and large quantity comments from the person who has such a dream.

Losing the body of a dead person in a dream is also not very good good omen. This could mean divorce or the loss of a loved one.

Seeing fire in a dream is very good, unless of course a person is burning in it. Such a dream does not bode well. Although seeing a dead person being taken out of the fire may indicate overcoming difficulties.

There are several types of sleep. Slow-wave sleep is characterized by a decrease in impulse frequency and decreased muscle activity. Breathing becomes calm and deep. The temperature drops a couple of degrees. In this state, a person may develop ideas that can be successfully implemented in the future.

NREM sleep can last eighty to ninety minutes. REM sleep lasts about ten to fifteen minutes. The body is in a relaxed state, but the brain is working at sixty percent.

And if you wake a person, he will instantly come to his senses. And he will be able to immediately do what his piglets do, show or tell. REM sleep helps you process and analyze the information received. And free your brain to gain new experiences and knowledge.

Whatever dream a person has is scary or good, cheerful or evil, prophetic or ordinary. It must be complete. So that a person can fulfill all his plans and achieve all his intended goals. After all, it is not in vain that children are recommended to sleep for two to three hours during the day in order to be healthy and fully develop.