Why do you dream about the Dead? Why do you dream about a dead person?

To understand why dead people dream, the dream book advises taking into account the accompanying circumstances.

What does it symbolize

Each interpreter interprets dreams involving the dead in his own way, taking into account the dreamer’s attitude towards them, whether the dreamed person is alive and many other aspects. The range of interpretations about what dead people mean in dreams is so wide in dream books that it is extremely difficult to find an unambiguous prediction.

  • Dreaming of a dead person being alive is a sign that the dreamer has not yet come to terms with the loss. A dream is only an echo of memories;
  • Calling the deceased in a dream - the meaning of the words heard should be taken literally. Try to remember the dialogue you dreamed in detail and take note of the instructions you heard;
  • To see a living person dead - for the one who dreamed, everything will go more smoothly and successfully than ever. His well-being will one way or another affect the dreamer himself;
  • There are many dead people in a dream - problems and hostility of others will appear unexpectedly;
  • Watching the body of a dead man being taken away - troubles will recede, and problems will suddenly be solved by themselves;
  • I dreamed about it dead man, who during his lifetime was a very revered person - a harbinger of great success and incredible luck in everything;
  • Seeing a dead person in a coffin is an indication that you should take care of your own safety. Take precautions to protect yourself and your loved ones from possible danger;
  • Accepting an offer from a dead man or following him in a dream is a threat of some danger in reality. It can be avoided by being more careful and cautious.

Often in our dreams we see long-dead loved ones and relatives. For any person, such a vision can cause fear and horror. Every source on this subject suggests different interpretations. A dead person may mean that the dreamer will have to make a deal that will not be successful. That is why, in the near future, dream books do not recommend signing contracts and concluding agreements in business or carefully studying their contents before signing.

Dead people in dreams, women and men

Representatives of both male and female genders can have the same dreams, but the meanings of the images seen in most cases vary greatly. A similar situation exists with what dead people mean in dreams. Dream books claim that such a dream for a man, for example, means the emergence of strong support in business. This is a sign that it is time to start actively conducting business negotiations, since the likelihood of their successful completion is unimaginably high. For an adult woman, a dead man whom she associates with herself in a dream can predict a strong surprise that she will experience in the near future. Moreover, this will be associated with financial costs.

Most likely, material problems will arise directly because of the woman, or rather, because of her thoughtless spending. In general, interpreters emphasize that the dead in women's dreams act, rather, as the personification of the state of mind of the fair sex. What you see in a dream should be taken as an indication that it is time to put your thoughts on the shelves and put your current affairs in order. For a pregnant girl, seeing a loved one dead in a dream is, oddly enough, a good sign: childbirth will be easy, and strength will quickly be restored after the birth of the baby.

Miller's interpretation of the dead

Miller considered dreams in which someone close to him was dead a warning that perhaps in the near future the dreamer would have to face some difficulties and even experience a heavy loss. A conversation with a deceased mother in a dream is a sign that you should pay attention to your health and control your inclinations. If you dreamed of a conversation with a deceased brother, then in reality someone from your circle, apparently, needs your support and help.

  • Hearing the voice of a deceased friend in a dream is bad news;
  • Conducting a dialogue with the deceased father is a warning that you need to think carefully about the business you have started in order for it to be crowned with success;
  • Dead man in good mood- sign serious mistakes that you do in your real life. Try to quickly mobilize and change it in better side.

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Nobody likes waking up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night after a terrible nightmare. Even those who enjoy watching horror films are genuinely frightened by what they experience in their dreams.

A dream, like fingerprints, is individual, in it we experience those events that are relevant to us and our life. Therefore, every person dreams of his personal nightmare. But scientists have found that there are common themes in scary dreams for all of us.

So, for example, people often dream of dead people: these could be long-dead friends or, or, conversely, those who are now alive and well suddenly turn out to be dead in a dream. There can be many options and nuances, and each of them requires detailed analysis.

So, why do you dream of a dead person? Let's try to understand all the intricacies of interpretation. If we look at the dream book, a dead man is a symbol of renewal. Many people do not understand why such a dream should not be considered prophetic, and all because usually a dream is just a metaphor. You need to understand and unravel it, and not take it literally.

So, below are the main plots that can be in a dream:

  • Dreaming of a long-dead relative or friend.
  • The dead dream of someone who is alive and well.
  • Unfamiliar dead.
  • Dead child.
  • Meeting at the cemetery or morgue.
  • The dead man appeared in the coffin.
  • You were the dead man.
  • A revived dead man.
  • I dream about the living dead.
  • Conversation with the dead man.
  • Dead Man's Kisses.
  • Dead animals.

What's in a dream and what's in reality?

In order to deal with what the dead man is dreaming of, you need to remember whether you are familiar with real life with the person from the dream. If you dreamed of a long-dead relative or friend, then this can say a lot. For example, if you recently remembered him alive or looked through old photos, then such a dream cannot be analyzed.

If, on the contrary, you did not remember the person, and he suddenly appears in a dream, then serious changes in life await you. Perhaps what was familiar to you will change forever, and now the new world and a new path.

To dream that your relative has died or close person, who is still alive and well, means that this person is destined long life. And such a dream promises you a quick rest in pleasant company.

If you dreamed of a dead man whom you were never familiar with and had never met, it means that new acquaintances await you. These newly made friends will be the complete opposite of the deceased: they will be cheerful, cheerful and extremely active. Another option for why dead people dream is offered by Eastern dream book- such a dream promises you good luck in all your endeavors.

Many mothers worry after nightmares and try to find an answer to the question of why they dream of a dead person. Don’t be scared or worry: this dream means that your child is absolutely healthy and happy, but you are overly worried about him; Give your baby a little freedom - then it will become much easier for both him and you. Also, understanding what you dream about dead child, remember that the appearance of this dream may be influenced by your experiences and recent events.

If in a dream you were walking around and met a dead person, it means expect good news.If the dead man did not notice you and passed by, this is especially good sign: everything bad will pass you by.

But if you are “lucky” to travel through the morgue in your night dreams and wander among many cold bodies, then this speaks of your many fears. You try by any means possible to avoid encounters with what scares you, but the longer you hide from yourself and your fears, the weaker you will become. You need to face your worries - and then you will gain strength and self-confidence.

Seeing a dead person lying in a dream means that all your affairs will be frozen for some time. This is not a bad prediction, you just spend too much time on work, chasing money and completely forget about yourself. You need to take advantage of the circumstances and devote time to yourself.

If you died in a vision and you saw your lifeless body from the side, then be prepared for a sharp jump upward . In your development, you will overcome the ceiling that you have been resting against for many years. You are about to have an important, in many ways significant, meeting that will turn your world upside down.

Seeing a dead person in a coffin who suddenly shook and came to life means that long-standing, forgotten and dust-covered problems can make themselves felt. You will be able to resolve these difficulties without difficulty, but for the future you should remember that putting things off for a long time usually ends badly.

If you are interested in what the dead people dream about, then it is worth studying the predictions from different dream books. For example, according to Noble dream book, the walking dead are a symbol of good luck and wealth, and according to Modern, they are a harbinger of stress.

Speak in vision to dead man who has come to life means receiving secret knowledge. Often dead people in dreams, albeit not literally, but metaphorically, warn us against possible difficulties in life. Therefore, be attentive to everything that is said to you.

If in your night dreams unknown living dead people tried to find you, then expect the appearance of an obsessive admirer. And if you kiss a lifeless body, then this means that you, without knowing why, are trying to resurrect a relationship that has long outlived its usefulness.

Especially often, many are interested in why dead birds and animals dream.

  • Deceased pets mean temporary difficulties.
  • Dead cattle means a cold.
  • Dead - you do not give yourself the opportunity to be free and easy.
  • The bodies of wild animals mean getting rid of problems.

Dreams are a wonderful place, although sometimes we have to have nightmares. But no matter how terrible the dream is - the dead or the living dead come to you - remember that we are afraid of what we do not know. Just try to trust life - and you will understand that everything works out exactly as it should.

To understand why you dream of a relative or acquaintance who has left this world, or an unknown dead person, you should take into account many accompanying circumstances that appear both in a dream and in reality. The dream book interprets such dreams completely differently depending on whether the dreamer is still alive, the attitude towards him and other details. The features for which he was famous also play a role.

The range of interpretations is extremely wide: from a change in the weather or a completely natural regret that this person is no longer around, to a completely unambiguous guide to certain actions. The words spoken by a dead person should be taken literally, even if his request seems strange, for example, to bring some object to the cemetery. Often the meaning of words becomes clear only after the will of a dead person is fulfilled.

Seeing a dead person in a dream happens quite often. One of the most common plots is that a dead person is not dead at all and behaves as if nothing had happened. Often in such dreams, his death, which happened in reality, even begins to seem like a bad dream, and when, after waking up, everything returns to normal, the dreamer has to feel regret.

If a person who is dead dreams of being alive, the dream book admits that these may just be memories, echoes real events that once took place. Everything that happens in a dream is usually very close to reality. The interpretation suggests that the sleeper still has not come to terms with the loss. The key to interpretation can be the most pronounced qualities of the main character of the dream.

Why do you dream that a dead person is alive again?

It should not be regarded as a bad omen if you dreamed of a dead person alive. Usually such impressive dreams contain many signs and symbols.

Often in a dream in which a dead person comes to life, events unfold in a white room. According to the plot, this could be a hospital operating room, a space laboratory, or a suddenly transformed, yet easily recognizable, other familiar room. In this case, the dream book advises not to give special significance details, all of them indicate that you have not yet been able to come to terms with the loss.

If you happen to call a dead person in a dream and a dialogue takes place, try to remember the details of the conversation. The dream book reports that all words spoken by a dead person do not require special interpretation. In most cases, they do not contain allegories; the instructions given should be understood completely literally. Often their meaning becomes clear only after all instructions have been followed.

Explaining why you dream of seeing a living person dead, the dream book says that you should not worry about his fate. What you saw in a dream is a classic example of a “shifter” dream, which should be understood exactly the opposite. For someone who dreams of being dead, things will go extremely well. Moreover, his well-being will directly or indirectly affect the dreamer himself - at least, there will be an opportunity to be happy for your neighbor, who is not indifferent to you.

Why do you dream of a dead person in the interpretations of other dream books?

Interpreting why dead people dream, Loff’s dream book believes that the dreamer is extremely dissatisfied with himself, feels guilty and regrets that nothing in the past can be changed or corrected. In such cases key point are the details of the plot: it is they that contain the cause of concern.

If you dreamed of many dead people surrounding you, the Wanderer’s dream book warns that in reality you will have to deal with numerous problems and the hostility of others. Why do you dream if you watch bodies being taken away or, alternatively, being washed away by a wave and carried away from your shore? What you see in a dream means that troubles will recede or resolve themselves.

According to the Chinese interpretation of dreams, dead people who were highly revered during life appear in dreams as harbingers of great good fortune and fantastic luck. The dream book clarifies that we are not talking about some trifles, but about significant events. What is about to happen in the near future will make the dreamer truly happy. Why you dream about something like this is up to you to decide: for some it is success in business, for others it is success in love.

Interpreting why dead people dream, the Dream Book of the 21st century reminds us of the cyclical nature of life. Death in this case symbolizes not only grief and mourning, but also the completion of a certain stage of life. The subconscious in this way tries to prepare the sleeper for the coming changes. It is quite possible that you will soon receive important news, which will certainly put everything in its place.

Modern dream book believes that if you dreamed of a dead person in a coffin, the sleeper should take care of his personal safety. It would also be a good idea to take precautions to protect your loved ones from possible troubles. What you see in a dream warns of the onset of a far from favorable period. The dream book recommends postponing important matters until better times: in this moment it is unlikely to achieve successful results.

The esoteric dream book claims that a dead person himself is not capable of appearing in a dream. When interpreting such stories, it is advisable to proceed from the fact that we are dealing with a hologram generated by our own subconscious. However, it is recommended to take such dreams seriously: such strong symbolism does not appear in a dream just like that: dreams carry warnings or instructions.

The esoteric dream book considers it a bad sign if in a dream you manage to accept an offer from a dead person or follow him in an unknown direction. A dream means that in reality there is a serious danger, which, however, can be avoided if you show foresight or take measures.


  • In a dream, I saw a girl who was actually alive and dead. The girl was my childhood friend, whom I had not seen for many years. She was lying in a large cardboard box on her side and looked dead. In her sleep, she raised her head and looked at me. After which I woke up in horror. Tell me what this could mean? I’ll also add: our relationship has always been friendly and warm.

  • In esotericism they say that dreams themselves are different. Sometimes our soul rises to those spheres where both the living and those who have already left can meet. physical layer. Sometimes these are just memories of the brain, as a reflection of internal experiences. There may also be phantasmagoria caused by physical activity(digestion, metabolism, etc.). What type of dreams include encounters with the dead depends on each individual dream individually. Most often these are personal experiences, but there may also be real contacts in Subtle World, when some kind of turmoil occurs - personal or spatial, incl. change in atmospheric conditions. Our soul feels this and is drawn to those areas where it can be helped. That’s why dreams with the dead really often happen before the weather changes.


    Good afternoon Please tell me what I’m dreaming about this dream. I'm on the bus full of people(unfamiliar, living) and there are dead bodies on the floor (and only top part bodies, and they have scars like after an autopsy by a surgeon, the bodies are embalmed). I came up and told the driver (a girl) about this, she told me that she knew. I wanted to go out and then woke up. Thank you in advance!

  • In a dream I saw a dead man, he was my acquaintance, I knew that he was not alive and I was horrified by this, my mother was standing next to her, I began to hug her and cry hysterically and said “go away” (to the deceased) ... and after a while for a while it seemed to me that my mother also died and her spirit came to me (but this is not so) I hugged her very tightly and cried for a long time, and then I woke up.

What to think if you see a dead person in a dream? Dream books advise, first of all, upon awakening, to recall everything in your memory the smallest details visions. After all, many factors matter for its correct decoding. For example, do you really know this person, is he really alive, who is your relationship? Find out why a lifeless character is dreaming, help him too characteristics and demeanor.

General interpretations

Let us immediately note that the dead, according to the dream book, is by no means a terrible, negative symbol. Such an image in a dream can foreshadow a change in the weather, be a call to urgently perform some action or, on the contrary, to abandon planned actions. In addition, the deceased can be a dream for someone who misses a loved one who has passed on to another world.

It is curious that in a dream a dead person can turn to the sleeping person with a request. Sometimes quite unusual. But its meaning becomes clear only if the dreamer fulfills the will of the dreamed person. Often, everything that is done at the request of the dreaming deceased benefits the one who sees the strange dream.

If in a dream a person who is actually dead is alive, healthy, and actively communicating with you, then these may be echoes of memories of him. True, sometimes, having woken up very difficult, they once again come to terms with the fact that he is not alive after all. Therefore, the dreamer may experience sadness and confusion during the day.

Revived dead man

Why do you dream of a now deceased person being alive? Such visions must be treated with special attention, because they carry a lot of invaluable information. As a rule, it can serve the dreamer with valuable advice and warning. The dream book suggests that in this way the souls of the dead, who are not indifferent to the sleeping person, are trying to protect him and prevent the troubles impending on him.

Sometimes in night dreams, people who have left us for another world appear to us in bright rooms with white walls, reminiscent of a hospital ward, an operating room, or a chemical laboratory.

However, the sleeper can easily recognize in this “snow-white” room the living room and bedroom, which are familiar from the details of the furnishings. The dream book suggests that such visions are typical for someone who cannot yet come to terms with the loss of a loved one, worries, and suffers.

In your dream, did you talk to the dead person or did he call you on the phone? Why did you dream about such an unusual dialogue? The dream book claims that every word spoken by a non-living interlocutor is filled with a specific meaning. Moreover, there is no need to analyze what was said, to search secret meaning, allusions, allegories. On the contrary, understand everything that the deceased said verbatim and act, strictly following his instructions and orders.

Alive in reality, but dead in a dream

How to understand: why did a living person dream about a dead person? The Dream Interpretation believes that there is no reason to worry about the fate of the dreamed character. Moreover, this is an example of a classic “reversal”, a dream whose meaning is usually interpreted in reverse. That is, if he died, he will live a long time.

If the one who dreamed of being dead is well known to you, then rejoice for this citizen, because the dream book predicts success and luck for him in all his endeavors. Do not envy, because the well-being of this person will directly or indirectly have a positive impact on your well-being.

Company of the Deceased

There is an explanation in Loff’s dream book: why do you dream of many dead people at once? It turns out that this is a sign that the sleeper is dissatisfied with himself, regrets the mistakes he has made, and constantly experiences uncertainty. This condition is extremely harmful, and getting rid of oppressive feeling Only one thing will help you - remember, determine the root cause of your anxiety. And the details of the dreamed plot will help with this.

I imagined that the whole company dead people surround you, coming closer and closer? As the Wanderer’s dream book says, you will have to endure persecution and criticism from colleagues and other acquaintances. And besides, a whole heap of worries will fall on you at the same time.

It’s good if in night vision bodies are carried away from you by a wave, or someone takes them away from you. This picture inspires optimism - troubles will soon disappear from your life, as if by magic.

Versions from various sources

The Chinese dream book says that a phantasmagoria with the presence of buried respectable, respected citizens portends extraordinary luck and luck. Moreover, it especially emphasizes the fact that this will not just be a happy coincidence of circumstances, but a huge event that can change fate for the better. Moreover, the upcoming surprise of Fortune may affect both business and personal life.

If you use a 21st century dream book, you can find an original version of the prediction regarding why a dead person dreams. As explained, death must be perceived as the end of the mortal earthly path, followed by something unknown. In other words, the sleeper enters into new stage his life, and is afraid of innovations associated with this transition. The unknown also frightens him. But be patient, very soon, the dream book promises you will receive important news that will help you navigate the new time and space.

Did you see a dead man in a coffin in a night dream? Then exercise caution, the Modern Dream Book instructs. This image is a warning about possible injuries and accidents.

In addition, both for the sleeper himself and for his loved ones, an unfavorable period begins - a black streak. And it’s better not to start an important project at this moment, but to postpone plans until better, calmer times.

According to esotericists, dead people cannot appear in dreams. This is just a figment of the dreamer's imagination. But no one argues that in this case, too, it is necessary to analyze what you dreamed, draw certain conclusions, and not neglect advice and recommendations.

Why do you dream of a dead person calling, dragging you along? This is a terrible sign, promising danger and trouble. It would be nice, even in a dream, to resist temptation and not succumb to the persuasion of the deceased, not to follow him, Miller’s dream book suggests.

To understand why the dead dream, you need to take into account not only all the nuances of the dream plot, but also analyze the state of affairs in reality. You shouldn’t be scared right away if you dream about the dead, because not all night dreams are dead people portend something bad in life. Sometimes they are warnings, so you can change events in reality and avoid negativity.

According to dreamers, the dead do not often appear in dreams. Therefore, we can say with confidence that when you dream about the dead, it is necessarily connected with some events in real life. But you should understand that if you watched a horror movie the day before, then deciphering the dream is not considered relevant.

Dead man - dream book

First of all, when trying to decipher a dream, you need to remember how you dreamed of a dead person. Most dream books associate a dream with a dead person with the fact that the dreamer experiences an internal breakdown. This leads to the fact that all desires and goals seem to die. But it is important not to give up, because such a dream indicates that you need to start living a full life again, casting aside all doubts.

In what form or place did you see a dead man in a dream?

Dreams with a certain storyline may indicate the following:
    If you dream of a dead person lying in a coffin, then this foreshadows the onset of a difficult period in life. But do not despair, the dream is also a forecast that you will successfully overcome all difficulties. When you dreamed of a living dead man, this is a rather creepy sight and it is unlikely that after such a dream a person can wake up in a good mood. But such a dream is just a harbinger of unexpected news that will pleasantly surprise you. If you dream of the dead in large quantities, then this symbolizes your inner fears, which may turn out to be unreasonable. But the danger is that such a state may prevent you from implementing your projects and continuing to move towards your goals. Therefore, try to get rid of these fears as soon as possible. If you dreamed of a dead person who was your acquaintance during life, then such a dream does not bode well. It is a harbinger of happy life changes. Walking corpses are always terrifying in a dream, but they indicate that life is passing you by. You need to change your own life and reconsider your priorities as quickly as possible. But if you dreamed of one walking dead, then this indicates that you will meet the person you have been looking for for a long time. Dead people in the water promise changes in family life.

If you dreamed of a living person being dead, then this is a very good sign. You will soon have the opportunity to do old things that you have long dreamed of bringing to life. You are entering a period of fruitful work and you will be able to achieve your goals very quickly.

Why do you dream about a dead woman?

Very often a dead woman appears in dreams. Such a dream is scary, and the dreamer always subconsciously associates it with negative events in real life. Therefore, understanding why a dead woman dreams, you can try to minimize the impact of negative events on your own life. When you dream of a dead woman, this indicates that in real life you have a lot of ill-wishers who want to harm you. In addition, such a dream may indicate the following:
    The possibility of an accident in reality; Stupid actions; Depressive state caused by strong emotional experiences.
Dreaming with dead woman indicates that it may portend a serious illness of one of the relatives, which could be fatal. If the dead woman was alive best friend, then this indicates bad changes in life. Most likely, in reality you will face serious trials that can only be survived by mustering all your willpower.

Actions with a dead man

To understand why a dead person dreams, you need to remember what actions were carried out according to the plot of the dream. If you happen to talk to a dead person in a dream, this means that a favorable period is coming in life. You will be in a calm and balanced state, which means you will be able to make the right and informed decisions that will help you become a successful person. Other actions with dead people may include the following:
    If, according to the plot of your dream, you happened to kiss a dead person, then in real life you will start new love relationship. In this case, your chosen one will be a very influential person who occupies a prominent position in society. If you saw a dead person crying in your night dreams, then in reality you should be wary of conflicts with loved ones. Try to show reasonableness and wisdom and extinguish disagreements at the moment they arise. Analyze the situation and think about whether you are the cause of conflicts. Sleeping with the dead for women is an omen of an unhappy marriage. This will be due to the fact that you will make a hasty decision due to the current circumstances. When you dream that you are killing a dead person, this symbolizes that in real life you will soon be able to solve all your problems. If you dream that you are dreaming with a dead person, this indicates that you will have to break up with your partner in real life. When you dream that you are calling a dead person, then in this case you should try to remember the conversation, perhaps it will be prophetic. If in a dream the dead person asked you drink you, this means that in real life you will have a chance to repent of your wrong actions and change your life for the better. Therefore, start rethinking your own actions and adjust your future plans.

Why do you dream of a living dead person?

When, according to the plot of a dream, you have to see a living dead man, this warns of confusion in your affairs. Also, such a dream may indicate that you will have to do things that you previously had to put off.