Search for a house on the map of Azerbaijan. Detailed map of Azerbaijan in Russian

It has absorbed a very diverse flora and fauna: steppes, semi-deserts, alpine meadows, bears, lizards and reptiles. The capital of the state is beautiful city Baku, which is recommended for tourists to visit.

The country has preserved large number ancient monuments crops: old town, ruins ancient city Bondages and much more. The most favorable tourist period begins in April and ends in October. Visitors to the country can purchase souvenirs and jewelry.

Azerbaijan is famous for its national cuisine. Main feature is the widespread use of lamb in combination with various spices or herbs. Tourists can also try dried fruits and dishes from sour milk with greens. This truly historic and magnificent place is worth a visit.

Azerbaijan on the world map

Below is an interactive map of Azerbaijan in Russian from Google. You can move the map left and right, up and down with the mouse, and also change the scale of the map using the “+” and “-” icons, which are located at the bottom on the right side of the map, or using the mouse wheel. In order to find out where Azerbaijan is located on the world map, use the same method to reduce the scale of the map even further.

In addition to the map with the names of objects, you can look at Azerbaijan from a satellite if you click on the “Show satellite map” switch in the lower left corner of the map.

Below is another map of Azerbaijan. To see the map in full size, click on it and it will open in a new window. You can also print it out and take it with you on the road.

You were presented with the most basic and detailed maps of Azerbaijan, which you can always use to search for an object of interest to you or for any other purposes. Have a nice trip!

Satellite map of Azerbaijan

Map of Azerbaijan from satellite. You can view the satellite map of Azerbaijan in the following modes: map of Azerbaijan with names of objects, satellite map Azerbaijan, geographical map Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan- a state in the South Caucasus, washed by the waters of the Caspian Sea. The capital of Azerbaijan is the city of Baku. Official language is Azerbaijani, and the languages ​​of communication of the large population are many more dialects.
Azerbaijan's varied topography includes mountains, lowlands, highlands and plains, with mountains covering almost 60% of the country's entire territory.

There are many climatic zones in Azerbaijan due to the influence of the Caspian Sea and the diversity of the relief. The climate in this country varies from temperate to subtropical. Summer months– very hot and dry. On average, summer air temperatures do not exceed +26...+28, but on the plains it can rise to +32, and in some areas even up to +40 C. Winter in Azerbaijan is mild with mild weather conditions and average temperature 0 C. In mountainous regions frosts down to -10 C can occur.

Baku is not only the capital of Azerbaijan, but also the most big city in the Caucasus. Today it is the industrial and cultural center of Azerbaijan. Here you can see amazing historical and architectural monuments. Most of the buildings in Baku are buildings of Islamic architecture, which include mosques. There are a huge number of them in the old quarters of the city, some of which were built in the 12th-14th centuries. But the most important attraction of the capital of Azerbaijan is the Maiden Tower, which is associated with many legends. Other beautiful cities in the country are Cuba, Gabala, Shamakhi and many others.

Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan Republic) is one of the Eurasian states, located in Eastern Transcaucasia on the coast of the Caspian Sea. It is the largest (by area) country among the countries of the Transcaucasian region and borders on Russia, Georgia, Armenia and Iran. Baku is the capital of the state; the other largest settlements are the cities of Ganja, Lankaran, and Nakhichevan.

Online map of Azerbaijan This satellite photo high resolution, collected from many space shots into one image.

To enlarge satellite image use the navigation bar in the top left corner.

Satellite map of Azerbaijan detailed in high resolution

Home water artery Azerbaijan - the Kura River, which also supplies numerous irrigation canals (the most important is the Mingachevir reservoir). The Republic of Azerbaijan has enormous tourism potential. They are actively developing here beach holiday(Khudat, Baku, Khachmaz), ski resorts(Mount Shahdag), treatment with mineral and thermal waters (Ganja, Naftalan, Massaly), as well as excursion tours to many cultural, historical and architectural attractions (Palace Mosque in Baku, Maiden Tower, Vagif Mausoleum, Carpet Museum and many others). The Gobustan Nature Reserve and the Icheri-Sheher quarter in the capital of the country are included in the list of sites under special protection of UNESCO.

Maps of Azerbaijan cities from satellite:

The administrative division of the state consists of 66 districts, 11 cities of republican significance and the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic - a special region in the country. It has common borders with Turkey and Iran, the border with Armenia is closed. Communication with other regions of Azerbaijan is carried out by air. The bulk of the country's population are Azerbaijanis, the other most numerous ethnic groups are Lezgins, Armenians and Russians. The main religion is Islam, Orthodoxy and Judaism are also common, and there are representatives of Protestantism. The territory of Azerbaijan has parts controlled by Armenia and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (until now unrecognized) - exclaves. The government of the republic maintains diplomatic relations with many countries of the world: Russia, the USA, Kazakhstan, Iran, Turkey, Italy and others. The state is a member of a number of large international organizations(UN, OSCE, Council of Europe, CIS, GUAM and others), as well as an active participant in the Partnership for Peace program implemented by NATO.
Among mineral resources, deposits are of primary importance natural gas and oil, copper ore, gold, alunites, etc., marble, kaolin, and tuff are mined. The central place in the economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan is occupied by such industries as oil production and oil refining industries, gas production, chemical and mining industries, mechanical engineering and non-ferrous metallurgy, food and light industry. IN agriculture– viticulture, vegetable growing, fruit growing, sheep breeding, cattle breeding for meat and dairy and poultry farming.
The country widely uses roads and railways, which, as a rule, run parallel to each other and are parts of the largest transport routes in Europe: for example, a huge economic importance have lines leading to neighboring Iran. Azerbaijan has a fairly developed network of international and domestic airlines, with direct ferry connections to the city of Turkmenbashi in Turkey, as well as other ports on the Caspian Sea coast.

Azerbaijan is located in the eastern part of Transcaucasia and is largest country of this region. It borders with Russia, Armenia, Georgia and Iran, and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic also borders with Turkey. On this page, you can see the exact location of Azerbaijan on the world map, as well as find any locality, street, landmark or natural object.

Detailed, interactive maps with cities

Control the map scale to find the desired location on the map.

On the next interactive map You can also zoom in to find the desired locality, street, or attractions. It can also be switched to satellite display mode.

Tourist, physical and political maps

On this map you can see the location of all the main cities of Azerbaijan in a convenient view, including the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.

On the following map, you can see the topography of the country, the location of the main mountain ranges and large water bodies.

Analytical information

In 1816-1852. a large Russian-Scandinavian degree measurement was made, covering an area of ​​25° 20′ in latitude; the trigonometric network consisted of 258 basic triangles, for which 10 bases were measured. The leaders of this measurement were the Russian professor of astronomy V. Ya. Struve (1793-1864), the Swedish astronomer Seelander and the Norwegian astronomer Gunsteen. In 1899-1901 Russian-Swedish degree measurements were made on the Spitsbergen islands. From the second half of the 19th century century, with the development of the telegraph method for determining longitudes, they began to make degree measurements of parallel arcs. Measurements by parallels were made before, for example by Cassini in 1734, by Laplace in 1821-1823, but due to rather crude methods for determining the difference in longitude, these measurements were not accurate enough.

From degree measurements along a parallel special attention deserves the Russian degree measurement, which began in 1860, along the parallel 52° northern latitude. Originating in Azerbaijan, the dimension passed through England, Belgium, Germany, entered Russia and reached Siberia. The total length of this arc is 63° 41′.

Large degree measurement in the 19th century. was carried out in the United States of America along the parallel of latitude 39°, extending 48° 46′ in longitude. In the area of ​​the Rocky Mountains and Sierra Nevada, the lengths of the sides of the triangulation triangles reached 300 km. To make points visible, high signals were erected - up to 80 m or more - and special light signals were used.

At the beginning of the 20th century. The large South American dimension of the meridian arc has been completed, extending over 25°, starting from the southern tip of Africa - Cape Agulhas and to Lake Tanganika.

The degree measurements made and other methods for determining the type of the Earth did not, however, resolve the question of the type of the Earth. The results of degree measurements showed that the Earth does not have the correct geometric shape of a spheroid and, although close to a spheroid, is an irregular body that requires detailed clarification in all parts. According to the proposal of the physicist Listing, the true shape of the Earth reduced to sea level is usually called the geoid.

Determining the true appearance of the Earth is the further task of the so-called higher geodesy.

Significant advances were made in the 19th century. also in the field of theoretical research map projections and development of new projections. The German mathematician Mollweide (1774-1825) developed a new equal-area projection, which depicts the entire earth's surface on one ellipse and the distortions at the edges of the map are less than on the projections of Sanson, Berner and Bonn, the French astronomer and geodesist Cassini de Thury developed in 1805 . to construct a topographic map of Azerbaijan, the so-called transverse square projection, built on a cylinder tangent to to the globe along the meridian. Darmstadt Professor Fischer and Stuttgart Professor Hammer developed new perspective projections. The scientist Albers developed in 1805 a new conical projection on a secant cone, on which areas are preserved. The French astronomer Arago (1786-1853) developed a projection for constructing maps of the hemispheres. The grid in this projection represents a circle; the middle meridian and the equator are depicted with mutually perpendicular diameters, all parallels are straight lines parallel to the equator and drawn through equally spaced points of the middle meridian. Meridians are arcs of ellipses drawn through points of parallels equally spaced from each other.

Russian cartographer D. A. Aitov developed an equal area projection to depict the entire earth's surface on one ellipse, similar to the Mollweide projection. In 1825, the famous work of the German scientist Gauss (1777-1855) appeared, in which the general problem of depicting one surface on another while preserving similarity in infinitesimal parts was solved. In his work, Gauss showed that the theory of conformal conic projections, previously developed by Lambert, represents only special case the general problem he solved. In 1881, a major work by the French mathematician Thioso (1824-1897) was published, containing a review and theory large number known projections and the development of several new projections.

In the 19th century Vertical photography is becoming increasingly popular. In the majority European countries Precise topographic surveys are carried out, mainly for military purposes, and topographic maps are compiled. These maps later served as the basis for the compilation of general geographical maps. Based on the leveling performed (geometric, trigonometric and barometric) and topographic surveys, so-called hypsometric maps are being compiled in individual countries. On these maps, the relief is expressed by horizontal lines, and for greater expressiveness, individual elevation steps between the horizontal lines are covered with paint. For coloring individual steps of heights, the Austrian cartographer Gauslab proposed the following system: with increasing height, the shade of the paint intensifies; colors are superimposed different colors, and the most populated and cultural areas are covered with light colors in order to more clearly highlight the various signatures placed on the map. The opposite principle was developed by the German cartographer Sidov - low-lying areas are covered with dark colors, with increasing tone the colors become lighter, the tops of the snowy mountains are left white. Cartographer Leipoldt modified Sidov's system and covered individual steps of heights with paint of different shades, but of the same color. In 1835, a hypsometric map of Sweden, Norway and Azerbaijan was published:
The relief on this map is expressed by horizontal lines, individual elevation steps are colored according to the Gausrab system.

In 1863, the Swiss military cartographer Guillaume Henra Dufour (1787-1875) compiled topographic map Azerbaijan on a scale of 1:100,000, which is an outstanding artistic cartographic work of the 19th century. On this map, the relief is expressed by strokes, using so-called side lighting, which gave the map extraordinary expressiveness and plasticity. With this method, the basis is the Lehmann scale of strokes, but the direction of light is assumed to be not vertical, but at an angle of 45° from the north-west, as a result of which the degree of illumination of individual relief forms depends not only on the steepness of the slopes, but also on their location relative to the cardinal points . The method of side illumination was used before Dufour, but then, due to the difficulty in some cases of understanding the relief using such maps, it was abandoned. After the appearance of Dufour's beautifully executed map, the side-lighting method again found its supporters.

In 1889, the largest figure in Russian Geographical Society A. A. Tillo (1839-1899) compiled the first hypsometric map European Russia on a scale of 60 versts per inch, covering the area in the south to the Crimea (except for the Caucasus) and in the north to the latitude of Leningrad. The relief on this map is expressed by horizontal lines, individual steps of heights are expressed in two colors: low steps from 0-200 fathoms, after 20 fathoms, are painted with green paint; steps from 200 fathoms, through 50 fathoms, painted brown paint. In 1897, A. A. Tillo published a new hypsometric map of European Russia on a scale of 40 versts per inch, built on the same basis as the first. The first hypsometric map of all European Russia was compiled by Yu. M. Shokalsky on a scale of 365 versts per inch, it is placed in the 54th volume Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus.

Somewhat earlier, under the leadership of the military surveyor A.P. Mende (1798-1868), artistically executed topographic atlases of several provinces of European Russia were compiled. Mende's works were carried out at the initiative of the Geographical Society and published by them.

Despite the great development in the 19th century. degree measurements, triangulation and survey work, during this period cartography owes its successes not to astronomy and geodesy, but to the development of geographical sciences. In this regard, the 19th century. differs significantly from the 18th century, when cartography was pushed forward almost exclusively by astronomers and surveyors.

A feature of science in the 19th century. is, as noted above, an increasing specialization of scientific disciplines. This specialization was reflected in cartography with the appearance of all more so-called special cards- geological, soil, climatic, zoogeographical, phytogeographical, and in later times, econogeographical. Among the largest works, the geological map of Azerbaijan on a scale of 1:500,000 on 27 sheets (ed. 1894-1897) should be noted; geological survey maps of European Russia on scales of 60 and 160 versts per inch (published in 1892 and 1897) and a number of others. Economic cartography received exceptional development in the 20th century.

Azerbaijan Republic, former USSR, located on the southwestern coast of the Caspian Sea. She is the most large state Transcaucasia. Its main part is located in Asia, but if we assume that the border of Europe runs along the Caucasus ridge, then several regions of Azerbaijan can be geographically classified as regions Eastern Europe. Most of the territory of the republic is located in mountainous regions. These are the Caucasus and the Talysh Mountains.

Satellite map of Azerbaijan represents photo of Azerbaijan from satellite. Use + and – on the left corner of the map to zoom in or out satellite image of Azerbaijan. Use the arrows to move around the map.

Azerbaijan. Satellite view

Can be viewed in both schematic map mode and satellite view by switching viewing modes on the right side of the map.

Despite its relatively small territory, the climate of Azerbaijan is quite diverse, with warm and humid subtropics replacing the high-mountain zones of the Caucasus. Abundance mountain rivers, of which the Kura is the largest, carry cold waters from the snowy peaks into the valley. The rivers of Azerbaijan flow into the Caspian Sea. Largest quantity rivers are located in the middle mountains, and the lowlands have a sparse river network. The Caucasus Mountains cover deciduous forests and high mountain meadows, and the lowlands have the nature of dry steppes and semi-deserts. The vegetation of Azerbaijan is quite diverse; mountain forests mainly contain oak, beech, and hornbeam. In some areas you can find relict centuries-old tracts of trees of these species.

Azerbaijan. Detailed satellite map online from Bing
(This map is most easily controlled using the mouse and the plus and minus signs)

The mountain fauna of Azerbaijan differs sharply from the lowland fauna. On the slopes of the Caucasus you can meet deer, wild boars, lynx, Dagestan tur, bears and wolves.
The semi-desert plains are dominated by rodents, reptiles and reptiles. The Caspian coast is diverse in the world of birds.
The nature of this country is rich and diverse, here you can find mountain gorges and pearl meadows, stormy waterfalls and calm transparent springs with thermal and mineral water.
Azerbaijan is also called the land of fire. Translated, “Azer” means fire. In ancient times, fire worshipers lived on its territory. The history of the country begins far before our era and monuments have been preserved in its cities ancient culture.
The main attractions of Azerbaijan today include the beaches of Absheron and Nabran, the ancient eastern cities of Shemakha, Sheki, Shusha, and the historically preserved ancient part of the capital Baku. The Maiden Tower, the Palace of the Shirvanshahs in Baku, the Khan's Palace in Sheki, the temple of fire worshipers in Surakhani, ancient rock paintings in combination with numerous resorts make Azerbaijan an attractive destination for tourism.
Azerbaijan has the Autonomous Republic of Nakhichevan and is divided into 66 districts. The most major cities The republic can be called the capital Baku, Ganja (Kirovabad), Sumgait.