Interactive map of kyrgyzstan. Interactive map of Kyrgyzstan Detailed map of Kyrgyzstan by villages

Kyrgyzstan is located in Central Asia and borders with, and. In a country with an area of ​​about 199,000 sq. km there are more than 6 million people living there. The country's territory is limited by the Tan Shan and Pamir mountain ranges, the highest point being Pobeda Peak (7,439 m). Almost all of Kyrgyzstan is located at an altitude of over 1,500 m above sea level, the mountain ranges are cut by valleys and basins, and the peaks high in the mountains are covered with glaciers. The country has large rivers and more than 3,000 lakes, the most famous of which is Issyk-Kul.

The weather in the continental climate is characterized by hot summers and cool winters, in the highlands the temperature fluctuates from +5 °C to −27 °C, in the valleys - +8 °C in winter and +28 °C in summer. Near Lake Issyk-Kul the fluctuations are less pronounced.

The complex terrain of the country determines the diversity of vegetation - dry steppes of the foothills with open forests, coniferous forests at an altitude of 1,200 m and above, and alpine meadows high in the mountains. Bears, snow leopards, lynxes, wolves and other animals live in the reserves; in areas not covered by forests, rodents and reptiles live.


Kyrgyzstan is a state that does not have its own access to the sea, located in the eastern part of Central Asia, mainly within the borders of the central, western parts of the Tien Shan, as well as the northern part of the Pamir mountain system.

The interactive map of Kyrgyzstan reflects the borders of the state: in the north it borders with Kazakhstan; shares western borders with Uzbekistan; in the east and southeast it neighbors China, and in the southwestern part it neighbors Tajikistan. The area of ​​Kyrgyzstan is 198.5 thousand km², and the population is 5.5 million people.

A detailed map of Kyrgyzstan contains information about the administrative-territorial division of the country. The republic includes 7 regions (Chui, Issyk-Kul, Naryn, Talas, Jalal-Abad, Batken, Osh), 40 administrative districts and 22 cities.

The map of Kyrgyzstan shows the capital of the republic - the city of Bishkek, which is located in the north of the country, within the Chui Valley, 25 kilometers from the border with Kazakhstan. Today the city is home to 874 thousand people. The list of large ones includes such Kyrgyz cities as Osh, Jalal-Abad and Tokmak, which can also be seen on the interactive map of Kyrgyzstan.

Where is Kyrgyzstan located on the world map. Detailed map of Kyrgyzstan in Russian online. Satellite map of Kyrgyzstan with cities and resorts. Kyrgyzstan on the world map (Kyrgyzstan) is a state located in the very center of Asia. The capital of Kyrgyzstan is Bishkek, the official languages ​​are Kyrgyz and Russian.

Detailed map of Kyrgyzstan in Russian with cities:

Kyrgyzstan - Wikipedia:

Population of Kyrgyzstan- 6,256,700 people (January 1, 2018)
Capital of Kyrgyzstan- Bishkek
Largest cities in Kyrgyzstan- Bishkek, Osh, Karakol, Jalal-Abad
Kyrgyzstan telephone code - 996
Languages ​​used in Kyrgyzstan- Kyrgyz language, Russian language

The majority of the population speaks both languages ​​equally. Almost the entire territory of Kyrgyzstan is occupied by mountain ranges. The two largest mountain systems in Kyrgyzstan are Pamir-Alai And Tien Shan. The country also has one of the largest systems of mountain glaciers, which in total occupy just over 4% of the total area of ​​the state.

Climate of Kyrgyzstan continental, in some regions – subtropical. In the central regions, summer is hot, the air warms up to +32...+34 C. Winter is not cold, quite mild, with temperatures - -4...-8 C. In the mountains, weather conditions are colder. In summer - +16...+18 C. In winter - frosts down to -20 C.

Majority attractions and interesting places in the country - natural ones. There are many gorges, canyons, mountain lakes and waterfalls in the valleys and mountainous regions, which makes the nature of Kyrgyzstan one of the most beautiful in Asia. The pearl of the Asian region and the largest lake in Kyrgyzstan - Issyk-Kul. The lake is located high in the mountains and has very clean, crystal clear water.

Tourists coming to Kyrgyzstan, give preference to relaxation on lakes, beach holidays in numerous small villages with hotels and boarding houses, active recreation in the mountains and ecotourism, as well as health and therapeutic holidays at mineral and hot springs, which are known for their beneficial properties. The most famous medicinal resorts of Kyrgyzstan– Issyk-Ata and Jalal-Abat.

What to see in Kyrgyzstan:

Lake Issyk-Kul, Cholpon-Ata. Rukh-Ordo Cultural Center named after Chingiz Aitmatov, Monument to N. M. Przhevalsky, Museum of N. M. Przhevalsky, Burana Tower, Sanatorium "Tamga", Altyn-Arashan, "Aalam-Ordo", Przhevalsky Peak, Jety-Oguz, Grigorievskoye Gorge , Ala Archa Gorge, Barskoon Waterfall, “Kyz Kuumai”.